Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Revolution du fabricant Bowflex
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Th e B o w f l e x R e v o l ut i on ® Ow n e r’ s Ma nu a l a n d F it n e ss G u i de S p e c i a l E d i t i o n I n c l u d e s: D r . E l l i n g t o n D a r d e n ’ s S i x W ee k F as t F .
2 Ow ne r’ s M a nu a l an d Fit ne ss G ui de T a b l e of Co nt en ts Safety P recaut io ns 1 Safety Warn ing Labe ls 2 Gettin g to Know Y our Bowflex Revo l uti on ® Home Gym 4 Us ing Y our Bowf.
1 S af ety P re ca uti o ns Indicat es a p ot en t iall y ha zardous si t ua ti on which, i f no t avoided, could r esul t in deat h or ser ious injur y.
2 S af ety W ar n i n g La b e l s H o m e G y m The fol lowin g sa fety warn ings are locat ed o n the Bow flex R evol ution ® ex erc ise machi ne. Pleas e rea d al l saf ety preca utio ns an d wa rning inf ormat ion prior to using you r pro duct .
3 S af ety W ar n i n g La b e l s The fol lowin g sa fety warn ings are locat ed i n sit e sp ecific are as on the unit . Pl ease revi ew an d un derst and the saf ety w arni ng la bels and thei r loc atio ns on the unit pri or to use . If you need to r eplac e a warni ng l abel plea se ca ll 1 -800- 628- 8458 to o btain a n ew la bel.
4 Ben ch Sea t Sea t Ra il Cab le V ari ab le Pul ley Syste m Han d Gr ip Sta ndin g Pla tfor m Spr ing Lock Sea t Pi n Leg Ext ensio n/ Leg Cur l Att achm ent Bowflex Rev olutio n ® P ar ts Refe ren.
5 SpiraFlex ® Resistance The Bowflex Revolution ® home gym features an ingenious patented technology called SpiraFlex ® . The Bowflex Revolution ® muscle-building resistance comes in the form of these cleverly designed resistance packs, each constructed with a heavy-duty elastic strap inside the pack.
6 U s i ng Y ou r Bo wfl e x Re v o l uti o n ® H o m e G ym Step 1: Place resistance plate on shaft, matching rounded top of hole with rounded top of shaft. Push resistance plate all the way onto shaft. Index mar ks Attaching SpiraFlex ® Resistance Packs During assembly , you attached 5-lb (2.
7 The Bowflex Revolution ® home gym has the largest range of exercises ever offered by a Bowflex ® home gym. Preparing your machine for use and maintaining your machine are simple.
8 M a i nt e n a nc e T o store your machine, you can either leave it in the fully assembled, extended position, or you can raise the seat rail system to make a smaller footprint for storing.
9 A d j ust i ng Ca b l e T e ns i o n Pay close attention to maintenance of the cable tension. Over time and with heavy use, the cables are designed to give slightly . Located on the main engine housing is a tension control knob which allows you to increase the tension in the cables.
10 Ca b l e H o o ku p fo r Le g E x e rc i se s The dr awings on this page sh ow pr op er cabl e hoo ku p wh en using the le g ex tensi on attachm en t. Pl ease n ote that the freearms sh ould be in posi t io n 9. The incl ud ed A s se m bly Manual also co ntains i nfo r mati on on ho w to attach bo th cabl es and machin e attachme n t s.
11 Ca b l e H o o ku p fo r Le g Pre ss E x er c is es The dr awings on this page sh ow pr op er cabl e hoo ku p f or le g pr ess ex er cises. Pl ease no te t hat t he free ar ms sh oul d be in posi t io n 9.
12 Sto r in g Le g Pre ss Ca b l es 3TEP 3IDE6IEW 3TEP 3TEP 3TEP 3TEP 3TEP 3TEP 3TEP.
13 Sto r in g Le g E xte ns i o n C ab l e s.
14 A t ta c h in g Ha nd G ri p s a n d Fo ot H a rn es se s Y our Bowflex Revolution ® home gym comes with a pair each of hand grips and foot harnesses.
15 A t ta c h in g Ac c es so ri es , B e nc h es , a n d S e ats U se the ins tru c t i o ns o n th e f o ll o w in g p ag es t o a ttac h e ac h o f th e ac c ess o r i es / at tac hm e n ts. Leg Press Seatback Use the leg press seatback when per forming leg presses.
16 A t ta c h in g Ac c es so ri es , B e nc h es , a n d S e ats Preacher Curl Pull out the pop-pin and slide the Preacher Curl Assembly into place. When the Preacher Curl is at the desired height, release the pop-pin to lock in place.
17 Co mp a n i on Eq u i pm e nt Bowflex Revolution ® Accessory Rack (ordered separately) The Bowflex Revolution ® home gym comes with many accessories and attachments to provide you with a wide variety of exercises.
18 D ef i n i ng Y ou r G o a ls Muscl e Strengt h is t he max imum f orc e yo u can ex ert aga inst resis t anc e at on e time . Y o u r m u scl e stren g th c om es in to pla y wh en yo u pi ck up a he av y bag of groc erie s or li ft a small child.
19 D ef i n i ng Y ou r G o a ls Reaching Y our Goals T o reac h y our goals yo u mus t f ollo w a co nsis ten t, w e l l de si g ne d pr og ram that pr ovid es balanc ed dev el op men t to all pa rt s of the body and in cl ud es bo th aero bi c and stre ngt h ex er cise.
20 Ex e rc i s i n g P ro pe r ly W orking Out A wo rk ou t beg ins in yo ur mind’ s ey e . With co nc en tr atio n and v isua lizatio n yo u ca n ap pro ach yo ur w or k o u t w i th a posi t iv e, c ons t ructive attitu de .
21 Th e W o rk ou t s 20 Minute Better Body W orkout Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s P er W ee k (M-W-F) Time : Abo ut 20 M inutes Star t by perf orming on e set of eac h ex er cise. W ar m up w ith a ligh t res ist anc e ex ercise t ha t yo u ca n perf orm easily f or 5 - 1 0 re ps w i t h o u t fatigu ing .
22 Th e W o rk ou t s 20 Minute Upper/Lower Body Freq uen cy : 4 Da y s P er W ee k (M- T - TH -F ) Ti me: Abo ut 20 M inu tes This pro gr am pro v id es yo u w i t h a quic k and effec t ive wo rk ou t t hat co mbin es m uscl e con ditio ning w i t h som e cardio v ascular ben ef i t s.
23 Th e W o rk ou t s Body Building Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s On, 1 Day Of f Ti me: Abo ut 45 - 60 Mi nu tes Body building re quires f ocused co nc en tr atio n a n d de dica t io n to tr aining, as we ll a s pr op er eating habi ts. T ra in each m uscle g ro up to failure bef ore mo v ing on to t h e n ex t ex er cise.
24 Th e W o rk ou t s Circuit T raining – Anaerobic/Cardiovascular Freq uen cy : 2- 3 Tim es P er W eek Time : Abo ut 20 - 45 Minutes Circui t tr aining is a g rea t w ay to achi eve t he ben ef its of stre ngt h tr aining and cardio va scular tr aining in on e quic k, chall en g ing ro utin e .
25 Th e W o rk ou t s T rue Aerobic Circuit T raining Freq uen cy : 2- 3 Tim es P er W eek Time : Abo ut 20 - 60 Mi nu tes Circui t tr aining is a g rea t w ay to achi eve t he ben ef its of stre ngt h tr aining and cardio va scular tr aining in on e quic k, chall en g ing ro utin e .
26 Th e W o rk ou t s Strength T raining Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s P er W ee k (M-W-F) Time: Abou t 45 - 60 Minut es This pro gr am is d esi g ne d to em ph a size ov erall stre ngt h de ve l op me nt.
27 Ex e rc i se s A Revolutionary W ay to Exercise The Bow f l ex Rev ol u tio n ® ho me g y m pro v id es an un para lle le d n umbe r of ex ercis es, w i t h mo re than 90 ex ercise s and o ve r 4 00 tota l va riatio ns. Y ou can sw itc h qui ck ly be t we en h undreds of ex er cises w ith less se t u p ti m e than m ost g ym mac hin es.
C h est Ex e rc i se s 28 Benc h P ress — Shoulder Horiz ontal A dduction (and elbow ext ension) Muscles work ed: Pectoralis Major; Deltoids; T riceps Benc h P osition: 45˚ incline Accessor y: Long Hand Grips Adjustable Arm P osition: 7 or 8 Success T ips • Maintain a 90° angle between upper arms and torso throughout motion.
29 C h est Ex e rc i se s Resisted Punc h — Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Ext ension, Scapular Pr otraction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing away from the engine. • Reach behind your body and grasp the Hand Grips with an overhand grip, as shown above.
30 C h est Ex e rc i se s Decline Chest Fly ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit in the 45º position, reach straight behind your body , grasp the Hand Grips, and slightly bend your elbows with your palms facing for ward. • Keeping knees bent and feet flat on the floor , lay your head back against the bench.
31 C h est Ex e rc i se s Standing Chest Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables are in line close to the front of your forearms. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
32 C h est Ex e rc i se s Incline Chest P ress — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables travel above the forearms. • Keep your forearms in line with the cables at all times.
33 C h est Ex e rc i se s Standing Incline Chest Press w/ Alternating Motion — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables are in line close to the front of your forearms. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
34 C h est Ex e rc i se s Standing Decline Chest Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables travel under the forearm. • Keep your forearms in line with the cable at all times.
35 C h est Ex e rc i se s Standing Chest Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilization) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables lie close to the front of your forearms and palms facing forward. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
36 C h est Ex e rc i se s Standing Incline Chest Fl y — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilization) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables lie close to the front of your forearms, and palms face for ward. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
37 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Rear Deltoid Rows — Shoulder Horiz ontal Abduction (and elbow fle xion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing the main engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips. Keep palms down and arms straight. • Sit up straight.
38 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Seated Shoulder P ress — Shoulder Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing away from the engine. • Keep your chest up, abs tight and maintain a slight arch in lower back. • Grasp Hand Grips, palms facing out.
39 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Shoulder Extension — (elbows stabiliz ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing down, arms straight and at approximately a 45° angle from torso. • Tighten your trunk muscles to stabilize your spine while maintaining a slight arch in the lower back.
40 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Scapular P rotraction — (elbo ws stabilized) ST ART FINISH • Reach behind your body , grasp the Hand Grips and straighten your arms in front of you at a 90° angle from torso. • Keep your arms in line with the cables, palms facing down and wrists straight.
41 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s L ying F ront Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Fle xion (elbows stabiliz ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing down, arms straight. • Lie back slowly , supporting your head on the bench.
42 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Seated Lateral Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Abduction (elbows stabiliz ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing engine. • Slide the Hand Grips over your forearms, near the elbow . • Keep your chest lifted, maintaining a slight arch in your lower back.
43 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Standing Shoulder Press — Shoulder Abduction (and elbo w ext ension) ST ART FINISH • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables are in line close to the front of your forearms and palms face for ward. • Stand with feet flat on the platform, knees slightly bent.
44 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Standing Fr ont Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Flexion ST ART FINISH • Stand on the platform facing away from the engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips with the palms facing backward. • Stand with feet flat on the platform, knees slightly bent and arms to your sides.
45 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Standing Cablecross Rear Deltoid Ro w — Shoulder Hor izontal Abduction (and elbow flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grab the opposite side handles so your palms are facing down and arms are straight. • Stand with feet flat on the floor , knees slightly bent facing the engine.
46 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Shoulder Internal Rotation w/ Full Shoulder Adduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand off to one side of the machine. • Grasp the handle with the hand closest to the machine and draw your upper arm into your side. • Stand up straight with chest lifted, slight arch in the lower back and shoulderblades retracted.
47 S ho u l d er Ex e rc i se s Shoulder External Rotation w/ Full Shoulder Adduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand off to one side of the machine. • Facing the machine, grasp the handle and position your upper arm at your side. • Stand up straight with chest lifted, slight arch in the lower back and shoulderblades retracted.
48 B a c k Ex er c is e s Narro w Pulldo wns with Hand Grips — Shoulder Extension (with elbow fle xion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Straddle the bench facing the engine, grasp a Hand Grip in each hand, palms facing each other and sit down on the bench.
49 B a c k Ex er c is e s Seated Lat Rows — Shoulder Extension (and elbo w flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench facing the engine, near the back (leg extension) end of the bench. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing each other . • Place your feet on the footrest and bend your knees comfortably .
50 B a c k Ex er c is e s ST ART FINISH • Sit on the Bench facing the engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing each other . • Keeping your arms straight, slowly pinch your shoulder blades together . • When shoulder blades are fully retracted, slowly return to the Start position.
51 B a c k Ex er c is e s Standing Lat Row Low P ulley — Shoulder Ext ension (and elbow flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the floor facing the engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips with your arms hanging for ward toward the pulleys. • Bend over to about 45˚ and keep tension on the cables.
52 B a c k Ex er c is e s Standing Single Arm Lat Row Lo w Pulle y — Shoulder Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on one side of the seat rail, facing the engine, with the foot closest to the seat rail for ward. • Grasp the handle with the hand grip away from the seat rail—arm hanging for ward toward the pulley .
53 B a c k Ex er c is e s S eated Lo w Bac k Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • While sitting on the seat pad, move the handles to one side and slide the strap above your forearms near your elbows. • Cross your arms in front of your chest bringing the handles toward your chest.
L ying Shoulder P ullov er 54 B a c k Ex er c is e s ST ART FINISH • With the bench flat, lie on your back with your head facing the engine. • Position yourself far enough down the bench to allow the arms to extend overhead. • Keep knees bent and feet on or near the floor .
55 B a c k Ex er c is e s Wide P ulldo wns — Shoulder Adduction (with elbo w flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips using the wide grip determined by following the directions in the Success Tips, then sit on the bench, facing the engine.
Arm Ex e rc i se s T riceps Pushdo wn — Elbow Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Straddle the Seat Rail, facing the engine. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing down.
57 Arm Ex e rc i se s Standing Frenc h Press – Elbo w extension f or m a shoulder flexed position ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand facing away from the engine with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
Arm Ex e rc i se s L ying 45° T riceps Extension — Elbow Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Lie flat on the Bench, head toward the engine. Keep your knees bent and your feet on or near the floor . • Reach overhead and grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing up.
59 Arm Ex e rc i se s Rope Pushdo wns – Elbow ext ension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Cross your arms and grasp the Hand Grips (right hand on left handle, left hand on right handle) palms facing slightly down with a hammer style grip. • Bring hands toward each other , in front of you, until they are positioned as if your holding a rope.
60 Arm Ex e rc i se s Standing Biceps Curl – Elbow flexion fr om a shoulder extended position ST ART FINISH ST ART • Reach back and grasp the Hand Grips with your arm extended backward. • Do not let your arm go completely straight, maintain tension on the biceps.
Arm Ex e rc i se s Standing Biceps Curl — Elbow Flexion (in supination) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Straddle the Seat Rail, facing the engine. • Reach down and grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing for ward. • Straighten, with your arms slightly bent, keeping tension on the biceps.
Arm Ex e rc i se s Preac her Curl — Elbow Fle xion (in supination) • Sit at the end of the bench facing away from the engine. • Rest your elbows on the platform and grasp the inner handles of the ab/ leg attachment with an under hand grip. • Y our knees should be bent and feet flat on the floor .
T ricep Kic kbac k ST ART FINISH ST ART • Straddle the bench facing the engine, bend for ward at your hips until your torso is parallel to the bench, slightly arching your back. • Support yourself with one arm on the bench and grasp a handle using a hammer style grip with your free hand.
Arm Ex e rc i se s L ying Biceps Curl — Elbo w Flexion (in supination) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the bench, facing the engine. Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the platform. • Grasp the Hand Grips with your palms up and arms slightly bent, keeping tenstion on the muscle.
65 Arm Ex e rc i se s Standing W rist Curls – Wr ist flexion from elbo w flexed position ST ART FINISH ST ART • Reach down and grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing up, then position your upper arms against your sides. • Bend your elbow to approximately 90° and keep it there throughout the exercise.
66 Arm Ex e rc i se s Seated Wrist Curl — Wrist Fle xion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit facing the engine with your knees bent, feet together and flat on the bench. Sit far back enough on the bench to maintain muscle and cable tension throughout exercise.
67 Ab d om i na l Ex er c is es Standing T runk Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand with one side toward the engine, angled about 45° away from the platform. • Grab the handle closest to you with both hands. • Raise your arms up near shoulder height, arms extended toward the leg closest to the engine.
68 Ab d om i na l Ex er c is es Kneeling “W ood Chop” – High to Low T r unk flexion with rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand off to one side of the platform and kneel down on the knee closest to the engine angled about 45° away from the platform.
Rev er se Crunc h — Spinal Fle xion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Lie on the benc h, head tow ard the eng ine, gras p ben ch for sup port. • Bend your hips and knees until your legs are in a “seated” position as shown above—knees and hips at 90° angles.
Ab d om i na l Ex er c is es Seated (Resisted) Abdominal Crunc h — Spinal Fle xion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips in both hands, drawing them over your shoulders. Rest the back of your fists on your chest or shoulders, palms facing up.
71 Le g Ex er c is e s Pr one (L ying face down) Leg Curls ST ART FINISH ST ART • S e t u p t h e l e g c u r l a t t a c h m e n t w i t h t h e b a r u p a s s h o w n , a n d t h e b e n c h f l a t .
72 Le g Ex er c is e s L ying Leg Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • While sitting on the bench facing the engine, attach one cable to the D-ring on the heel of the foot harness. • Lie on the bench with your hip flexed and knee bent to approximately 90°.
Le g Ex er c is e s 73 Standing Hip Extension — (knee flex ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand to one side of the Seat Rail, facing the engine. • Secure the Foot Harness around the foot furthest from the rail.
Le g Ex er c is e s Ankle Eversion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Sit on the Bench, with one side to the engine. • Attach a Foot Harness on the foot farthest from the pulley . Snap on the top ring to the cable. • Straighten the attached leg and sit up straight.
Le g Ex er c is e s Hip Abduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand to one side of the Seat Rail, one side next to engine. • Secure Foot Harness on the foot furthest from the engine. Keep leg slightly bent. • Adjust your position so that there is some tension in the cables at the start of this exercise.
76 Le g Ex er c is e s Standing Hip Flexion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the platform on one side of the seat rail facing away from the engine. • Attach one cable to the D-ring on the heel of the foot harness. • Straighten but do not lock out the support leg.
77 Le g Ex er c is e s Standing Hip Internal Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the platform on one side of the seat rail facing sideways from the engine. • Attach one cable to the D-ring on the outside foot near the front inside edge. • Straighten but do not lock out the support leg.
Le g Ex er c is e s 78 V ARIA TION Single Leg - Leg Press – Knee Ext ension w/ hip extension ST ART FINISH • R e mo ve th e b en ch a nd se t u p t he m ac hi ne wi th th e sl id in g s ea t, b ac k su pp or t p ad an d le g p re ss pl at e . (Refer to instructions for hooking up the cables for Leg Press exercises.
Le g Ex er c is e s Dorsi Flexion ST ART FINISH • Sit on the bench facing toward the engine. • Attach the Foot Harness on your right foot, bend your knee, place your heel on the bench, and sit upright so that there is tension on the cable. • Y our left foot should be flat on the platform, hands on your waist.
81 Sternocleidomastoid Pectoralis Major Anterior Deltoid Medial Deltoid Biceps Brachialis External Obliques Brachioradialis Pronator T eres Flexor Carpi Radialis T ensor Fasciae Latae Iliopsoas Pectin.
Please feel free to make copies of this chart to continue your exercise log. EXERCISE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps.
T h e B o w f l e x ® B o d y L e a n n e s s P r o g r a m By E lling to n Dar de n, Ph.D. The f o l l o w i ng pr ogra m was cre ate d by Dr . Elli ngto n Darde n. I t co ntai ns a r ig or ous fitness and di e ta r y pr ogra m. Ple a se co n sult yo ur ph y sici an be f o re begi nni ng any fi tness o r die t ar y pr ogra m.
84 T he B ow f lex ® Bo dy L e a n nes s P rog ra m Th is progr am i s scie nti f i ca lly designed fo r ma xima l fat loss ov er six wee k s. It i s impo r t a n t t hat yo u pract ic e ever y a spect of t he plan to achiev e op t i m u m results. The pr og r a m separ ates i n to t hree t wo - we e k s t ages.
85 Dear Bow f le x ® E n t h usia st, I’ m exci ted, really ex ci ted! I’ m elated becaus e I’ ve dev e lo ped a n ex ercising a nd eat ing progr a m t hat pr od uc es fat loss f a ster t han a ny plan I’ ve eve r t ested. The me n invo lved i n my research , f or exa m pl e, had a n av erage fat loss of 27 .
86 I f yo u wo uld like to me a su re your p ersonal befo re - and- a fter results, t her e a re seve r a l steps you need to t ake . I t i s impo r t a n t t hat yo u accur ately per fo r m each t a sk, t he n at t he end of t h e six-wee k pro gr a m, repe at t he process in t he sa me ma nne r .
87 Sk i nfo ld Mea su r ement s T o accur ate ly t r ack yo u r pr ogres s th ro ugh t his si x-we ek pr og r a m, it is n ecessa r y to t a ke sk in fo ld me asu rem en t s. By measur i ng yo ur self in t hi s way , you w i ll b e abl e to dete r m ine yo ur lean- body ma s s and yo u r body- fat perc en t a ge .
88 Us i ng Ca l ipe r s W hen Mea s u r i ng S k i nf old s The pr ocedure fo r measu r ing skin fo ld t hickness is to g r a sp f ir m ly w i t h t he t hum b and f or ef inge r a fo ld of ski n and su r face fat and pull it away from t h e und er ly ing muscle .
89 T o Use The Nomogram: 1 ) L ocate t he su m of your th ree sk in f ol d s in t he r igh t co lumn a nd ma rk it. 2) Locate yo ur age in year s on t he f ar left co lumn a nd ma rk it.
90 Before Body We ight F at Pe rce nt age Body Fat W eigh t x = Body We ight W eigh t of Bo dy Fat Lea n- B ody W eigh t – = U se the Same Factors to Calculate A ft er Six Weeks.
91 Name Age Height W eight Loss W eight Before Muscle Gain W eight After Fat Loss Please follow the instructions in the “Measurements” section for measuring circumferences.
92 GU I DE L I N E S W eek 1 & 2 A l l ex ercises sh ould b e pract ic ed w ith one set of 8 to 1 2 repe t itions. T he st yle of per fo r ma nc e i s ve r y impo r t a n t . The mo vem en t fo r each repe t ition sh ould be 4 seco nds in t he posi t ive phase a nd 4 seco nds in t he negat iv e.
93 Y o u w il l be fo llo w ing a red uced- ca lorie nu t r ition pro g ra m, whic h i s div i ded into t hree t wo -wee k seg me nts. The pr og r a m is a pro ven me t hod for achievi ng ma x i mal f at los s ov er a six-wee k period.
94 Dr ink i ng ple nty of w ate r is es sen t ial to t he suc cess of t h is pro g ra m. Dr ink ing t he reco m m en ded amo unt of water c an seem li k e a challen ge at f i rst. Stick w i t h it. C a r r y a la rge spo rt b o tt le or simi lar item w i t h yo u t h ro ugh out t he d ay .
95 The me nus i n t he Bow f lex ® eating plan a re desi g ned fo r ma x imum fat-loss ef fe ctiven es s and n utr itional va lue . F or best resul t s, foll o w t h em exact ly . E ve r y attem pt ha s b ee n made to uti li ze cur ren t pop u la r bra n d names and accurate ca lorie coun t s, whic h are li sted i n t h e me nus.
96 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 3/4 oz. light cream cheese (45) 1/2 C. orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
97 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 21 g light cream cheese (45) 120 ml orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
98 Qu antities ne eded f or li sted items w ill depe nd on yo ur speci f ic sel ect io ns. Review yo u r ch oic es and adj u st t he sh opp i ng l ist acc ordingly . It may b e he lp fu l fo r you to ph otoc opy t h is li st each wee k befo re do ing your sh opp i ng .
99 Q . I often g et head ac hes w hen I e at on l y 1 0 0 0 ca lor ie s a d ay . W h at shou ld I do ? A. Y our headaches may be caused by going longer than three hours between meals or snacks. T r y spacing your meals and snacks where there are fewer hours between them.
100 Q . W hy i s it so i mpor t a nt I p er f or m t he Bow f lex ® exerc i se s w it h a 4 - se cond cou nt on t he l if t i n g a nd lower in g ? A. Because a slow , smooth 4-second lifting followed by a 4-second lowering involves more muscle fibers more thoroughly than faster speeds of movement.
101 Continue your Bowflex ® exercise routine at the highest level. Per form the same 10 exercises three times per week. T r y to get as strong as you can in each exercise, while always focusing on the 4-second count in both lifting and lowering. Q . I ’m ple a se d t h at I lo st t he fat I w a nted to los e.
102 6 -W eek S at i sfa ct ion G u a r a ntee W e w ant you to k now t hat t he B ow f lex Revolu t ion ® ho me g y m is a superior prod uct . Y our sat i sfact ion is g u ar a nteed.
©2005. Nautilus, Inc. All rights reserved. Nautilus, Bowflex, the Bowflex logo, Bowflex Rev olution and Power R od are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies. Nautilus, Inc.
Please fold ov er and tape befor e mailing Please fold ov er and tape befor e mailing Place Stamp Her e Bowflex R evolution ® 1640 0 SE Nautilus Dri ve V ancouver , W A 98683 What Is Covered Nautilus, Inc.
OFFICES IN THE UNITED ST A TES: E-m ail: cust om ers er vi ce@ naut ilu m • TECHNICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICE Nautilus, Inc. W orld Headquarters 16400 SE Nautilus Drive V ancouver , W ashington, USA 98683 Phone: 800-NAUTILUS (800-628-8458) Email: customerservice@nautilus.
©2007 Nautilus, Inc. All rights reserved. Nautilus, Bowflex, the Bowflex logo, Bowflex Rev olution and Power R od are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies. Nautilus, Inc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Bowflex Revolution c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Bowflex Revolution - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Bowflex Revolution, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Bowflex Revolution va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Bowflex Revolution, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Bowflex Revolution.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Bowflex Revolution. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Bowflex Revolution ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.