Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NEX-5N du fabricant Sony
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4-288-171- 11 (1) GB © 2011 Sony Co rporation NEX-5N Inte rchangeable Lens Digi tal Camera α Handbook Table of cont ents Sample ph oto Menu Index.
2 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Notes on using the camera How to use this handboo k Clic k on a button at up per right on the cover and eac h page to jump to the correspon ding page . This is co nvenien t when searc hing for a functi on you want to use.
3 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Table of cont ents Notes on using the camera How to use this han dbook ········ ········ ········· ········ ···· 2 .
4 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Using functio ns in the menu Shoot Mode ··· ········· ········ ····· ········· ········ ········ ··�.
5 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Inde x Inde x ······ ········ ········· ········ ····· ········· ········ ········ ····.
6 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Sample phot o “Thi s is the scene I want to ca pture in a phot o, but how can I do? ” You may find the an swer by going thr ough the sample photos liste d here.
7 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting people Only the main s ubject is in focus by defocusing the background (34) The same scene with different brightness (49) A happy smile ( 75) I.
8 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting macro photos Defocusing the ba ckground (34) Adjusting the co lor to indoor light ( 88) Flowers (54) Lowering the amount of flash light (92) Fo.
9 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting landscapes The sky in vivid colors (43) Running wat er (63) Vivid green colors (97) Colored leaves (97) Panoramic photos (57) Scenery with a wi.
10 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting sunset/night scenes Holding the camera by hand (54) Trail of light (66) Fireworks (62) Defocusing the background (34) The same scene in differ.
11 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting fast moving subjects Following a moving subject (70) Expressing vigorous action (63) With the subject approaching the ca mera (67) Capturing t.
12 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Identi fying part s See the pa ges in parent heses for det ails of operation. A ON/OFF (Power ) switc h B Shutter but ton (28) C Remote sensor (50) D A.
13 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index A Batter y/memo ry card cover B Tripod r eceptacl e • Use a tripod with a screw length of les s than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch). You will be unable t o firmly se cure the camera t o tripod s having screws longer t han 5.
14 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index E18 – 55 mm F3.5-5.6 OSS (s upplied with NEX-5NK/5ND/5NY) A Hood index B Focusing ring C Zoom ri ng D Focal-len gth scale E Focal-len gth index F Lens conta cts* G Mounting i ndex * Do no t touch this pa rt dir ectly .
15 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index E55 – 210 m m F4.5-6.3 OSS (supplied with NEX-5NY) A Focusing ring B Zoom ring C Focal-length scale D Focal-length index E Lens contacts* F Mounting i ndex * Do n ot touch th is part dire ctly.
16 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index List of icons on the scre en Icons are disp layed on the scr een to indicate the c amera status. You c an chan ge t he sc reen disp lay using DISP (Di splay Cont ents) on t he c ontr ol w heel (page 4 0).
17 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index B C 123Min R ecordab le time o f movies 100% Remainin g battery Flash ch arge in progress AF illum inator Live view Does not rec ord sound during movie.
18 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index D Display Indicatio n z Foc us status 1/125 Shutter spee d F3.5 Aper ture valu e ±0.0 Meter ed manu al ±0.
19 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Basic operations Oper ating the camera When shooting, DISP (Display Cont ents), (Exposu re Comp. ), and (Drive Mode) f uncti ons are ass igned t o the contr ol whee l. Wh en pla ying back, DISP (Di spl ay Conten ts) an d (Imag e Index) functi ons ar e assign ed to the co ntrol wh eel.
20 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index When you turn or pr ess the top/bo ttom/righ t/left par ts of the contr ol wheel foll owing the on-scree n displa y, you can select settin g items. You r select ion is determined when yo u pre ss the cen ter of the co ntrol wh eel.
21 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index You ca n operate th e camera in tuitively by to uching or slidi ng your finge r on the screen. Touch th e item o n the scr een to se lect it. Slid e your fi nger on t he scre en to s croll down to hidd en ite ms.
22 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • You can perf orm most o perat ions w ith b oth th e co ntrol w heel/ soft keys a nd th e touc h pa nel.
23 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Usin g function s in the menu Menu You c an set up t he basic setti ngs for th e camera as a whol e, or ex ecute func tions such a s shoo ting, playb ack, or other operat ions . Allows you to select a shoot ing mode, such as ex posure mod e, panoram ic, Scene Select ion.
24 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Allows you to set shooting funct ions, such as continuous sho oting, self-time r, and flash. Allows you to set the ima ge size and aspect rati o. Program A uto Automatic shooting that a llows y ou to c ustomize se ttings, except for the exposure (s hutter spee d and apertur e).
25 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Allows you to make brightne ss settings such as metering m ode, and color setting s such as whit e ba lance. Allows you to set playback func tions. Pan ora ma Image Size Selects the im age size of panora mic images .
26 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Allows you to make more det ailed shooting settin gs, or change the cam era settings. Setup Shooting Setti ngs AF Illuminato r Sets the AF illumin ator to assist auto-focusing in dim places.
27 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index * App ears whe n an Eye-Fi car d (sold sep arately) is insert ed in the came ra. Custom Key Settings A ssigns func tions to the vario us keys. Touch Opera tion Sets whether or not to operate the camera using the touch panel.
28 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shootin g imag es Shooti ng images with the settings in effe ct when you bo ught the came ra is explaine d here . The camera makes dec isions appr opriate to the si tuatio n, and adj usts the se tting s.
29 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index z If you shoot a sti ll image of a subject that is difficul t to focus on • Focusing may b e difficult in the fo llowing situa tions: – I t is d ark and the s ubj ect is dista nt. – The cont rast be tween the sub ject and th e backgro und is poo r.
30 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Playin g back i mages Plays ba ck the recor ded imag es. 1 Press t he (Playb ack) but ton. 2 Select the imag e with the contro l wheel. Or, slide t he screen le ft or right. 3 To pl ay back panorami c ima ges or movi es, pres s the cente r of t he con trol wheel.
31 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index A por tion of a st ill ima ge can be enlarge d for cl oser exam ination during pl ayback. This is conve nient to chec k the focu s conditio n of a recorde d still image. You can enlarg e playba ck imag es fr om the Menu (p age 104 ).
32 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Deletin g images You ca n delete the im age displa yed. • Yo u cannot de lete prote cted imag es. • On ce you hav e deleted an image, you cannot res tore it. C heck whe ther you de lete the im age or not before hand.
33 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Usin g the Photo Crea tivity fun ction Photo Crea tivity Using Photo Creativit y, you can shoo t a subject with easy operations an d obtain crea tive photos ea sily. • The Photo Cre ativity fu nction is o nly availa ble when an E -mount le ns is mounted .
34 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Backg round Defocu s Photo Cre ativity allo ws you to defoc us the backgroun d easily to make the subject stand out, w hile c heckin g t he defo cusin g effe ct on the L C D mon ito r. You can recor d a mov ie wit h a value ad juste d with th e defocusi ng effec t.
35 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Brightne ss You can a djust the brightne ss easily in Photo Creat ivity. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Intelli gent Auto]. 2 Select (Photo Creativity ). 3 Select [Brightnes s]. 4 Select the desired br ightness .
36 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Col or You can a djust the colo r easily in Photo Cre ativity. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Intelli gent Auto]. 2 Select (Photo Creativity ). 3 Select [Color]. 4 Select the desired co lor. : To mak e the co lor warm : To mak e the co lor cool Select A UTO to restore to the origina l status.
37 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Vividness You can a djust the vivi dness easily in Photo C reativity. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Intelli gent Auto]. 2 Select (Photo Creativity ). 3 Select [Vividness]. 4 Select the desired vi vidness. : To mak e images vivid : To mak e images faint Select A UTO to restore to the origina l status.
38 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Picture Ef fect You ca n set Pic ture Effe ct easil y in Photo Creativ ity. Se lect th e desired ef fect filt er to achieve more impressive and artistic e xpression. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Intelli gent Auto].
39 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • Wh en [Partial Co lor] is sele cted, imag es may not reta in the selec ted color , depending on the sub ject. • The availabl e pictu re effects a re limited with Phot o Creat ivity. A lso, fine adjust ment is no t availabl e.
40 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Using functions with the control wheel DISP (Displ ay Content s) Using the c ontrol wheel : 1 Press D ISP (Display Contents) on the control wh eel repeat edly to select the de sire d mode. Using the Menu: 1 During shooting, MENU t [Cam era] t [LCD Display (DISP)]/[Finder Display (DISP)].
41 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Histogram Displays the luminance distribution graphic ally. For viewfinder Shows only shoo ting informa tion on the screen (no image). Select thi s when you shoot using a vie wfinder (s old separately).
42 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • His togram is not displa yed during fo llowi ng play back m odes. –M o v i e – Panor ama – Slide S how During playback Display Info. Sho ws recor din g in form atio n. Histogram Displays the luminance distribution graphica lly, in addition to recordin g information.
43 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Exposure Comp. You ca n adjust the exposu re in 1/3 EV steps in a range of –3. 0 EV to +3.0 EV . 1 (Exposu re Comp. ) on the cont rol whee l t desi red va lue. Or, MENU t [Brightness/Color] t [Exposure Comp.
44 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Driv e Mode You can se t the drive mo de, such as continu ous, self-tim er, or bracket shoo ting. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t h e contr o l whee l t des ired mode . Or, MENU t [Camer a] t [Drive Mode] t desired m ode.
45 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Cont. S hooting Shoots ima ges continuou sly while you press an d hold down the shutter button. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t h e contr o l whee l t [Cont. Shooting]. Or, MENU t [Camer a] t [Drive Mode] t [Cont.
46 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Spd Priorit y Cont. Shoots ima ges continuou sly while you press an d hold down the shutter button, at a highe r speed than tha t of [Cont. Shooting ]. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t h e contr o l whee l t [Spd Priorit y Cont.
47 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Self-timer 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t h e contr o l whee l t [Self-timer]. Or, MENU t [Camer a] t [Drive Mode] t [Self-time r]. 2 Option t desired mod e. To cancel the timer, pr ess (Dri ve Mode) and sele ct [Sin gle Shootin g].
48 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Self-t imer(Co nt) Continuo usly shoots the numbe r of images you have set af ter ten seconds. You can choose the best shot from several shots taken. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t h e contr o l whee l t [Self-time r(Cont)].
49 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Brac ket: Con t. Shoots thr ee images whi le automat ically shifting th e exposure fro m base, to darke r, then to lighter. Press and hold down the shut ter butto n until the bra cket recordin g is com plete d.
50 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Remote Cdr. You can shoot usi ng the SHUTTE R and 2 SEC (t he shutter i s released after two se conds) buttons on t he RMT-DSLR1 Wir eless Remote C ommander (sold separ ately). Also, r efer to th e opera ting instru ction s sup plied with the Wirele ss Re mote C omman der.
51 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Usin g function s in the menu Imag e Index Displays mul tiple imag es at the same time. 1 Press the (Playback) button to switc h to the p layback mode. 2 Press (Imag e Index) o n the control wheel. Six-imag e index appear s.
52 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Intel ligen t Auto The ca mera an alyzes th e subject, a nd allo ws you to shoot with appropri ate setting s. • [Fl ash Mode ] is set to [Autof lash] or [F lash Off]. • Yo u can shoo t even if the c amera has not recogniz ed the scen e.
53 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index z If you shoot a sti ll image of a subject that is difficul t to focus on • Focusing may b e difficult in the fo llowing situa tions: – I t is d ark and the s ubj ect is dista nt. – The cont rast be tween the sub ject and th e backgro und is poo r.
54 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Scene Selec tion Allows y ou to sh oot wi th pr eset se ttings accordi ng to the sc ene. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Scene Selection] t desi red mode. (Por trait) Blurs away backgrounds and sha rpens the subject.
55 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • In th e [Night S cene] and [ Night Por trait] modes , the shut ter speed is slower, so using a tri pod is reco mmen ded to preven t the imag e fro m blurr ing. • In th e [Hand-h eld Twiligh t] mode, the shutter cli cks six tim es and an im age is recorde d.
56 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Anti Motion Blu r This is suita ble for indoor shots without using the flash, to reduc e the subject blur.
57 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Sweep Panorama Allows you to creat e a pan oramic i mage f rom compose d imag es. • If yo u cannot p an the cam era across the entire su bject within the gi ven time, a gray area oc curs in the comp osed image.
58 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index z Tips for shooti ng a panoramic image Pan the cam era in an arc with a con stant velocity and in the sa me direction as the indicatio n on the LCD mon itor. [Sweep Panorama] is better suited for still subjects, rather th an moving ones.
59 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index 3D Sweep Panor ama Allow s you t o crea te a 3D image fr om com posed i mages. 3D ima ges shot in [3D Sw eep Panoram a] mode of this c amera can be pla yed back onl y on a 3 D TV. Th e reco rded ima ges a re pla yed bac k as no rmal s till i mages on the L C D monitor of this camera and a non -3D TV.
60 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index beach, or lawn. – Subje cts with co nstant cha nge such as waves or water falls . – Subje cts with the sun or elec tric lights , etc.
61 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Manual Exp osure You can sho ot with the desired e xposure setting by adjusting b oth the sh utter speed and apertur e. • You ca nnot s ele ct [Fl ash Of f] and [Autoflas h] in [Fla sh Mode]. Sele ct it by push ing the fl ash up o r dow n wit h your fing ers.
62 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index You ca n shoot trails wi th long exposure . BULB is suitab le for shooting t rails of ligh t, such as firew orks . • Sin ce the shut ter speed b ecomes sl ow and the camera shak e tends to oc cur more easily, it is reco mmen ded th at y ou us e a tripo d.
63 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shutte r Priority You can e xpress the moveme nt of a moving subject in various way by a djusting the shutte r speed, for exam ple, at the in stant of the movem ent with hig h speed shutter, or as a trail ing i mage with low s peed s hutter.
64 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Aper ture Pri ority Blurs or sha rpens things in front of and be yond the subjec t. • You ca nnot s ele ct [Fl ash Of f] and [Autoflas h] in [Fla sh Mode]. Sele ct it by push ing the fl ash up o r dow n wit h your fing ers.
65 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Program Auto While exposure is adjuste d by the camera a utomatica lly, you can set shoo ting fu nctions such a s ISO se nsitivity, Creative St yle, D -Range opt imizer. 1 MENU t [Shoot Mo de] t [Program Auto].
66 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Flash Mode 1 Att ach t he f las h and raise it. 2 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Flash Mode] t de sired mode . • The default se tting depe nds on the shooting mode. • Avai lable flash mo de depen ds on the shoo ting mod e.
67 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index AF/MF Sele ct Sel ects au to fo cusing or manual foc using. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [AF/MF Se lect] t desired m ode. • If yo u turn the fo cusing rin g when [DMF] o r [Manual Fo cus] is sele cted, the image is enlar ged autom atically to enable yo u to check focus area e asier.
68 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [AF/MF Se lect] t [DMF]. 2 Press t he shutter button halfwa y down to fo cus automa tically. 3 Keep the shutter button h alfway down, ro tate the fo cusing ring of the lens to achiev e a sharp fo cus.
69 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Autofo cus Are a Selec ts the focusing area . Use this func tion when it is diffi cult to get the pr oper focus in auto fo cus mod e. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Aut ofocus Ar ea] t desired m ode. • Wh en this fun ction is set to othe r than [Mul ti], you c annot use the [Face D etection ] functi on.
70 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Auto focus Mode Selects t he focu s method t o suit t he movemen t of th e subject . 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Aut ofocus Mod e] t desired mode. • [Si ngle-s hot AF] is selected w hen using the follow ing funct ions: – [I ntel lig ent Au to] – [Self-t imer] –[ R e m o t e C d r .
71 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Obje ct Trac king Keeps the focusing on a movin g subject wh ile tracking it . • Tra cking may be difficult in the foll owing situa tions: – The sub ject is mo ving too qu ickly. – The sub ject is too small, or too la rge.
72 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Prec. Di g. Zoom You can sho ot st ill ima ges wh ile zo oming in on the cent er porti on. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Prec. Dig. Zoom]. 2 Decide the zoom r ate. You can zoom in up to ten times. 3 To stop zoom ing, s elect .
73 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Face Dete ction Detects th e faces of your subj ects and ad justs the focus, flash, expo sure, and white balance se ttings autom aticall y. You can select the p riority f ace to be foc used on. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Fa ce Dete ction] t de sired mod e.
74 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Face Reg istra tion Detect s fac es for whic h inf ormati on has been r egis tered in ad vance, when [Fac e Detectio n] is set to [On (Regist . Faces )]. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Face Registration] t desi red mode.
75 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Smile Shutter When the cam era dete cts a smile, the shut ter is rele ased auto mati cally. You can se t the sen sitiv ity to d etec t a smil e with O ption .
76 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index z Tips for better capturing of smil es • Th e shutter operate s when any person whose smile is detected. • If a face is registe red, the c amera detects the s mile of that face o nly. • If a smile is n ot detecte d, set the sen sitivity with Option.
77 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Soft Skin Effect Sets the effect used for shoo ting the skin sm oothly in the Face Detection function. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Soft Skin Effect ] t [On]. 2 To set the inte nsity of the Soft Skin Effect, Opt ion t desired se tting.
78 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Shooting Tip Lis t Allow s you to search thr ough all shooti ng tips in the cam era. Use th is item when you want to look at shooting tips you ha ve seen befo re. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [Shoo tin g Tip Li st].
79 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index DISP Button (Monitor) Allows you to sele ct the scr een disp lay mode s that can be sel ected with [Di splay Conte nts] (pag e 40) i n shooting mode. 1 MENU t [Ca mera] t [DISP Bu tton(Monitor)]. 2 Select the desired m ode.
80 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Imag e Size The im age size dete rmines t h e s ize of the imag e file that is reco rded wh en you r ecord an image. The lar ger t he image size, the mor e det ail wi ll be r eprodu ced wh en the im age is printe d on lar ge-f ormat pa per.
81 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index The im age size var ies depend ing on the [Panor ama Dire ction] setting. • When you pr int p anora mic images , both edg es ma y be c ut of f. Sweep Panorama (Stand ard) Shoots ima ges using st andard s ize.
82 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Aspect Ratio Sets the aspec t ratio of still images. 1 MENU t [Image Size] t [Aspect Ratio ] t desire d mode. • Yo u cannot se t this item when using the followin g functio ns: – [Swee p Pano rama] – [3D Sw eep Pano rama] 3:2 Standard a spect ratio.
83 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Qualit y Selects t he compr ession for mat of st ill imag es. 1 MENU t [Image Size] t [Quality] t desired mode.
84 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Panorama Direction Sets t he direct ion to p an the c amera wh en you shoot 3D Sweep Pa norama o r Sweep Pano rama ima ges. 1 MENU t [Image Size] t [Panorama Dir ection] t desired mod e. 3D Sweep Panorama (Right) Pan the camera from the left to the right.
85 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index File Forma t Selects th e movie file forma t. 1 MENU t [Image Size] t [Fi le For mat] t de sired mod e.
86 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Record Se tting Select s the ima ge size, f rame rat e , an d imag e quality for mo vie reco rding. The hi gher th e data rat e (average bit -rate ) per mi nute, th e hig her the image q uality. 1 MENU t [Image Size] t [Re cor d Set ti ng] t desired mode.
87 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index ISO Sets the lumi nous sensiti vity. 1 MENU t [Brightness/Color ] t [ISO] t desi red se tti ng. • [IS O AUTO] is se lected when using the fo llowing .
88 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index White Balance Adju sts th e colo r temp erat ure acc ordin g to the ambi ent lig ht con ditio ns. Use thi s fe ature when th e color temper ature of th e imag e did not co me out as you expec ted, or when you wan t to chan ge the color te mperature on purpose for photogra phic expression.
89 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index 1 MENU t [Brightness/Color ] t [White Bal ance] t desired m ode. 2 As necessary, Op tion t adjust the color temperatur e by pressin g the top/ bottom/ rig ht/l eft part s of the co ntr ol whee l or touch ing th e grap h on the sc reen .
90 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • If the flash is used when the s hutter but ton is press ed, a custo m white b alance is re gistered w ith the flas h ligh t taken int o account. T ake pictu res with th e flash in lat er shootings .
91 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Meteri ng Mod e Select s the meteri ng mode tha t sets which part of the subjec t to measur e to deter mine the expos ure. 1 MENU t [Brightness/Color ] t [Meterin g Mode] t desire d mode. • If yo u set [Mete ring Mode] to other than [Multi], the [Face Detection] fu nction ca nnot be us ed.
92 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Flash Comp. Adjusts th e amount of fla sh light in 1/3 EV step s in a range of –2.0 EV to +2.0 EV. Flash compensa tion cha nges the amount of flas h light o nly. Exp osure comp ensation chang es the amount of flash light al ong with the change of the shu tter speed and apertur e.
93 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index DRO/Auto HDR Correc ts the brigh tness or contrast. 1 MENU t [Brightness/Color ] t [DRO/Auto HDR] t desi red mod e.
94 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Widens th e range (grada tions) so that you can record from brig ht parts to dark parts in correc t brightness (Aut o High Dynam ic Range). O ne image with pro per exposure and one over lai d image are rec orded .
95 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Picture Ef fect You can shoot w ith an ef fect filter to obtain th e variou s textures. 1 MENU t [Brightness/Color ] t [Picture Eff ect] t desired mode.
96 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • Yo u cannot us e [Picture Eff ect] with [ RAW] and [R AW & JPEG] im ages. • The [Toy Camer a] and [Minia ture] effec ts are not av ailable w ith the prec ision dig ital zoom fun ction.
97 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Creati ve Style Allows you to select the de sired ima ge processi ng. You ca n adjus t exposur e (shutter speed an d apertu re) as you lik e with [Creativ e Style], unlike wi th [Sce ne Selecti on] where the ca mera adju sts the exposure.
98 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Del et e Allows you to select unw anted images for deletion. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [Delete] t de sired mod e. • Yo u can selec t up to 10 0 images. • “AVCHD Vi ew mov ies” are movies t hat wer e recorde d in th e [AVCH D 60i/60 p] or [AVC HD 50i/50p] mode of [F ile Forma t].
99 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Slide Show Plays ba ck images au tomatic ally. Plays bac k only 3D image s in Slide Show on the 3D TV connec ted to the cam era. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [Sl ide Show ] t desired mo de t OK. • Yo u cannot pa use the sli de show.
100 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index View Mode Select s the unit for i mages to be p layed back. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [Vie w M ode ] t desired mode. Folder View(S till) Display s still i mages b y folder. Folder View(MP4) Displays movies (MP4) by fo lder.
101 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Imag e Index Selects th e number of im ages to be displayed on the index. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [Image Inde x] t desir ed mode.
102 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Rota te Rotate s a still image counte r-cloc kwise. Use this to displa y a horizon tal orien tation imag e in vert ical orie ntati on. On ce y ou r otate the image , th e ima ge is pla yed b ack in the rotated position, even if yo u turn off the power .
103 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Protect Protect s recorded image s again st acc ident al eras ure. The m ark is displayed for re gistered imag es. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [Pro tect ] t desi red mode. • You c an pro tect up to 100 im ages at a time.
104 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Enlarge Image You ca n check the fo cus by enlar ging a porti on of the playba ck image. 1 MENU t [Playbac k] t [ Enlarge I mage]. 2 Adjust the scaling by turning the co ntrol wh eel. Or, tou ch or on the screen.
105 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Volume Settings Adjusts th e sound volume of movies in eight steps. This item ap pears during mo vie playb ack only.
106 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Specify Printing You can spe cify which still imag es you shot on the memory card that you want to prin t out later. The (Print order) mark is displayed for re gistered images (DPOF: Digital Print Orde r Format).
107 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index AF Illumi nator Th e AF illu mina tor su pplie s fill li ght to focu s more ea sily on a su bject in dark surroundi ngs. The red AF illu minator allows t he camera to foc us easily when the shutt er butt on is pre ssed ha lfw ay, un til the fo cus is locked .
108 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Red Eye Re duction When using the flas h, it is fi red two or mor e times bef ore shooti ng to red uce the re d-eye phenom enon. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Red Eye R eduction] t des ired settin g. • Att ach and rai se the flash to use Red E ye Reductio n.
109 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index FINDER/LCD Setting When an El ectro nic Vie wfin der (sold separa tely) is att ached to the cam era, sensors in the Elec tronic Vi ewfinder c an detect w hether o r not it is being use d. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [FINDER/LCD Setting] t desired set ting.
110 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Live Vi ew Displa y Sets whether or not to show image s altered with effe cts of the exposure co mpensation, white ba lance, etc. on the LCD moni tor. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Live View Disp lay] t desire d setting.
111 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Auto Re view You can chec k the re corded im age on t he LCD monitor ri ght after the sho oting. You can chang e the displayed t ime.
112 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Grid L ine Sets whether the gr id line is displa yed or not. The grid line will help you to adjust th e comp osition of images.
113 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Peaking Leve l Enhan ces the outline o f in-focus r anges w ith a sp ecific col or in ma nual focu s. This function allows you to confi rm the focus easily. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Pea king Lev el] t desired setting.
114 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Peaking Color Sets the color used f or the peaking functi on in ma nual fo cus. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Pea king Co lor] t desired setting. • Thi s item can not be set when [Peaking Level] is set to [Off].
115 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index MF Assist Enlarges th e image on the scree n automati cally to make manual- focusin g easier. This works in the [Ma nual Focus] or [DMF] mode . 1 MENU t [Setup] t [MF Assist] t desired se tting. 2 Turn th e focusing ring to adjust the focus.
116 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index MF Assist Ti me Sets the length o f time t h e im age will b e shown in an exp anded form for the [ MF Assist] function . 1 MENU t [Setup] t [MF Assist Tim e] t desire d setting. • Thi s item can not be set when [MF Assi st] is set to [O ff].
117 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Colo r Spac e The w ay colors are repre sente d with com bin atio ns of numbers or th e range of colo r reprodu ction i s called “ color space .” You can change t he color spa ce, depe nding on your purpo se.
118 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index SteadyShot Sets wh ether or not you use the SteadyShot funct ion of the lens. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [SteadyShot] t de sire d set tin g.
119 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Rele ase w/o Lens Set s whethe r or not the sh utter ca n be relea sed when no lens is attach ed. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Releas e w/o Lens] t desired se tting.
120 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Eye-Start AF Sets whether or not to use autofocu s when you look th rough an Electronic V iewfind er (sold separa tely). 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Eye-S tart AF] t desi red set ting . • Thi s item is ava ilable on ly when the LA -EA2 Mount A daptor (so ld separa tely) is atta ched.
121 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Fron t Curtain Shu tter The el ectronic fr ont curtain shu tter function shor tens the time la g between shut ter rele ases .
122 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Long Expos ure NR When you set the shutter spee d to a secon d or longer (Long e xposure shooting ), noise reductio n is tu rned on fo r the same dura tion tha t the shu tter i s open. Th is is to reduce t he grain y noise t ypical in a long expo sure.
123 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index High ISO NR When shooting wit h the high ISO, the ca mera reduc es the noise tha t becomes more not iceab le whe n the c amera sensit ivit y is hig h. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [High ISO NR] t de sire d sett ing.
124 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Lens Comp.: Shading Compen sates for t he shad ed cor ners of th e scre en, ca used by cert ain lens charac terist ics. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Lens Comp. : Shad ing] t de sired setting . • Thi s item is ava ilable on ly with an E-mou nt lens.
125 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Lens Comp.: Chro. Aber. Reduc es the color dev iation at t he corners of the sc reen, cause d by certain le ns charac teri stics. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Lens Comp.: Chro. Aber.] t desi red sett ing. • Thi s item is ava ilable on ly with an E-mou nt lens.
126 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Lens Comp.: Distorti on Compensa tes for the distortion of the screen, cause d by certain lens charac teristics. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Lens Comp.: Distortion] t desire d sett ing. • Thi s item is ava ilable on ly with an E-mou nt lens.
127 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Movie Aud io Rec Sets whether or not you record the sou nd during mo vie record ing. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Mov ie A udio Rec] t des ired se tti ng. • The sound of th e lens and th e camera in op eration w ill also be re corded, wh en [On] is sele cted.
128 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Wind Noise Reduct. Sets w hether o r not t o reduc e wind no ise duri ng mov ie record ing. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Wind Noise Reduct.] t desire d setting. • Set ting this it em to [On] where wind is n ot blowing su fficientl y hard may cause nor mal sound to b e rec orded with too low volume .
129 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index AF Micr o Adj. All ows you to ad just and r egister a n autofocu sed posit ion for eac h lens, wh en using an A-moun t lens with the LA -EA2 Mount Ad aptor (sold separ ately). 1 MENU t [Setup] t [AF Micro Adj.
130 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Menu st art Allows you to sel ect whe ther to a lways displa y the first sc reen of the menu or to display the scr een of t he ite m you set the la st time. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Menu sta rt] t desired setting.
131 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Custo m Key Settings Assign ing functions to the vario us keys allows you to speed up operations by pressing the app ropriate key on th e shooting infor mation scre en. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Cus tom Key Sett ings ] t desire d setting.
132 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • [Cu stom Key Se ttings] is av ailable w ith the follo wing shoot ing mode s. A function that has bee n assigne d to the rig ht key, so ft key B, and sof t key C on the control w heel is called o nly in the fo llowing s hooting mode.
133 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Calling a function assigned to [Custom] of soft key C 1 Pre ss soft key C when CU STOM (Cus tom) is displayed. Or, to uch CUST OM (Cu stom) on t he scre en. 2 Select [Custom 1], [Custom 2 ], [Custom 3], [Cus tom 4 ], or [Cust om 5] by pr essing t he right/l eft of the contro l wheel.
134 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index AEL to ggle When it is hard to obtain an appropr iate exposure for t he subject, thi s function allow s you to lock t he exposure by focusing on and m easuring the light of an area tha t has the desired bri ghtness.
135 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Touch O pera tion Sets whether or not to operate th e camer a using the touc h panel. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Tou ch Operat ion] t desired setting. • Eve n if [On] is s elected, you canno t operate the camera via the t ouch pane l when: – The cam era is outp utting imag es to a conn ected TV .
136 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Beep Sel ects the s ound produc ed when you opera te the ca mera. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Bee p] t desi red set ting . On Turns on audibl e signals when you pre ss the control whee l or soft keys, or touc h the screen.
137 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Langua ge Selects the l anguage to be used in the menu items, warnings and messa ges. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [ Langu age] t de sired lang uage.
138 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Date/T ime Setup Sets the d ate and time again . • Yo u cannot se t the date an d time by touc hing the sc reen. • The camera do es not hav e a feature fo r superim posing d ates on image s. By usin g “PMB” on the CD-R OM (suppli ed), you can print or save images with the date.
139 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Area Se tting Set s the area where you are u sin g the came ra. Th is a llow s you to se t the loca l area whe n you u se the c amera a broad. • Yo u cannot se lect an a rea by touc hing the sc reen.
140 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Help Guide Display You ca n select whet her or not the help gu ide is displaye d when you ope rate the camera . 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Hel p Guide Dis play ] t desired se tting. On Displays the help gui de.
141 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Power Save You can set t ime int erval s for the cam era to switch to p ower s ave mode . Pressing the shutter button h alfway down return s the came ra to th e shooting mode. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Power Save] t desired se tting.
142 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index LCD Brightness The brightn ess of the LCD monitor is au tomatical ly adju sted to the ambi ent lighti ng condi tions using the ligh t sensor (page 12). You can set the bri ghtness of the LCD monitor m anually.
143 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Viewfind er Br ight. When an El ectro nic View find er (sol d separatel y) is att ached , the brig htness of the Electro nic View finder is automatical ly adju sted to the ambi ent li ghting conditi ons.
144 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Display Color Sel ects th e colo r of th e LCD m onito r. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Display Color ] t desir ed setting .
145 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Wide Image Selects th e method used for displaying t he wide imag es. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Wide Imag e] t desi red setting. Full Screen Displays t he wide imag es on th e entire screen. Normal Displays t he wide images and the operation informati on on the screen.
146 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Playbac k Display Selec ts the orientat ion when pla ying back still i mages record ed in the por trait position.
147 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index HDMI Reso lution When you connect the camera to a Hig h Definition (H D) TV with HD MI terminal s using an HDMI Cable (sold separately), you ca n select HDM I Resolution to output images to the TV. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [HDMI Resolution ] t desi red set tin g.
148 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index CTRL FOR HDMI Wh en conn ectin g the c amera to a “BRA VIA” S ync com patib le TV w ith an HDM I cable (sold separately), yo u can play bac k images on your c amera by the TV ’s remot e control aiming at the TV.
149 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index USB Connection Sel ects the m ethod us ed for a US B connec tion. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [USB Conn ection] t desired sett ing.
150 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Cleani ng Mode Allows you to cle an the im age sens or. • Cle aning can be perform ed only whe n the batter y level is (thr ee remai ning battery ic ons) or mo re. The u se of an A C-PW2 0 AC Adap tor ( sold s eparatel y) is re comme nded .
151 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Version Displays th e version of you r camera and lens . Confirm the ve rsion when a firmwar e upda te is r eleas ed. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Version] . • An update can be p erforme d only w hen the batte ry level is (thre e remai ning bat tery i cons) or more.
152 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Demo Mod e The [De mo Mode] fun ction displays the mo vies recor ded on the memo ry card automat ical ly (demo nstrat ion) , when the cam era ha s not been oper ated for a certa in time . Norma lly select [Off].
153 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Rese t Defaul t Initiali zes the settin g to the default se tting . Even if you acti vate [ Reset Def ault], the ima ges are r etain ed. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Res et Defa ult ] t OK. • Be s ure not to turn o ff the came ra while reset ting.
154 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Format Format s the memory card. When you use a memory card with th is camera for the fi rst time, it is recomme nded to forma t the card us ing the cam era for stable perfo rmance of the memo ry card be fore shoot ing.
155 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index File Number Selects t he method for assig ning file numbers to image s. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [File Number] t de sired setting. Series The camera does not re set number s, and assig ns numbers to f iles in sequenc e until the nu mber reaches “9999.
156 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Folder Name Still images yo u shoot ar e reco rded in a folder that is auto matical ly creat ed unde r the DCIM fo lder on the mem ory card. You can chang e the folder na me form. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Fo lder Nam e] t desire d sett ing.
157 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Select Shoot. Folder When a s tandar d form folde r is se lected and th ere are two or mor e folder s, yo u can select the re cording f older to be use d to re cord s till ima ges. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Select Shoot.
158 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index New Folder Creates a folder in the mem ory card for reco rding images. Images are r ecorde d in t he new ly cr eated fol der unt il you creat e another fold er or s elect anoth er recording fol der. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [New Fol der ] t OK.
159 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Recove r Image DB When inconsistencie s are found in the image data base file, caused by pro cessing files on comput ers, etc., im ages on the memory card w ill no t be p layed back in thi s form . If t his happens, the camera repai rs the file.
160 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Display Card Sp ace Displays the re maining record ing time of movie s on the memory c ard. Numb er of rec ordab le stil l ima ges is also dis play ed.
161 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Upload Settings Sets wh ether or not you use the upload funct ion when using an Eye-Fi card (co mmerc ially av ailabl e). This item appe ars wh en an Ey e-Fi ca rd is inse rted in the camera. 1 MENU t [Setup] t [Upl oad Set tin gs] t desire d setting.
162 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Connecting with other equipment Viewing imag es on a T V To vie w images recor ded on the cam era on a TV, an HD MI cable (sol d separately ) and an HD TV equipped with an HDMI conne ctor a re re quire d.
163 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index By co nnecti ng the cam era to a TV that suppo rts “B RAVIA ” Sync usi ng an HDM I cable (sold separately), yo u can operate the camera with th e TV Remo te Control. 1 Conn ect a TV that suppo rts “BRAV IA” Sync to the ca mera.
164 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index 3D Viewing To view 3D pa norama imag es reco rded on the camera on a 3D TV, set a s follo ws. • When yo u selec t [3D View ing] mode, only 3D im ages are displ ayed. • Do not connec t the camera an d equipm ent to be co nnected u sing output te rminals .
165 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Using wit h your computer Follo wing ap plic ation s are co ntai ned on the CD-ROM ( suppl ied) t o all ow mo re ver satil e use of i mages shot with your came ra.
166 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index The fol lowing c omputer env ironment i s recomme nded when usi ng the suppli ed software and impo rting i mages via a USB connect ion. • Op eration is not assure d in an env ironme nt based on an upgrade of the oper ating sys tems des cribed ab ove or in a multi -boot env ironment.
167 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Usin g the softwa re Log on a s Adminis trator. 1 Turn on y our comput er, and insert the CD-ROM (supplied) into the CD-ROM drive. The installa tion menu screen a ppears. • If i t does not appea r, double-cli ck [Computer] (For Windo ws XP: [My Computer] ) t (SONYPMB) t [I nsta ll.
168 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Log on a s Adminis trator. 1 Turn on your Maci ntosh co mputer, and insert the CD -ROM (s upplied) in to the CD- ROM drive. 2 Double-click t he CD-ROM icon. 3 Copy the [IDS_INST.pkg] file in the [MAC] folder to the hard disk icon.
169 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index time. Also, you ca nnot crea te a disc with the ori ginal image quality. If you want to keep the o riginal image quality, you must s tore your m ovies on a Blu-ray D isc.
170 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Conn ectin g the c amera to th e comp uter “PMB” allo ws you to easily i m port images. For detai ls on “PMB” f unction s, see the “PMB H elp.
171 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Perform the procedures from step 1 to 3 below before: • Disc onnecti ng the U SB ca ble. • Removing the me mory car d.
172 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Crea ting a mo vie disc You ca n create a di sc from AVC HD View m ovies reco rded on the cam era. Select th e meth od that best suits your d isc playe r. See “PMB Help” for details on creating a disc u sing “PMB .
173 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index z Characterist ics of each type of disc A Blu-ray Disc enables you to record high definition image quality (HD) movies of a lo nger durati on than DVD discs.
174 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index You ca n create a high def inition ima ge quality (H D) AVCH D format disc from AV CHD View movies impo rted to a comput er using the sup plied software “PMB.” 1 Turn on y our comput er and place an empty disc on the DVD dr ive.
175 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index You ca n create a stand ard definiti on image qua lity (STD ) disc from AVCHD View movies imported to a co mputer using sup plied software “PMB .” 1 Turn on y our comput er and place an empty disc on the DVD dr ive.
176 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Printing still images You can pr int still image s using the follow ing methods. • Prin ting direct ly using a printer which su pports you r memory card typ e For details, see the ope rating instruc tions supplied with the printer.
177 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshoo ting If you expe rience trouble with th e camera, try the followi ng solutio ns. The batt ery pack cannot be installed. • When you in sert the batte ry pa ck, u se th e tip of th e ba ttery pack to p ush t he loc k leve r.
178 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index bat tery pack. Sl ow flashi ng indi cates that chargi ng is suspe nded bec ause the am bient tem peratur e is outs ide t he sui tabl e range fo r chargin g the ba ttery pack.
179 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index The imag e taken with t he flash is too dark. • If the subjec t is beyond the flash ra nge (th e distance that the f lash can rea ch), the p icture s will be dar k becau se the flash light does not reach th e subject.
180 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index The imag e cannot be deleted. • Can cel the pro tection (p age 103). The imag e was deleted by mistake. • Once yo u have de leted an ima ge, you ca nnot r esto re it . We rec omme nd tha t you prote ct im ages t hat you do not wa nt to delete (page 103).
181 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Cannot insert a memory card. • Ins ertion dire ction of th e memory car d is wrong . Insert it in the correct dir ection. Cannot recor d on a mem ory car d. • The memory card is full. Dele te unneces sary ima ges (pages 32 , 98).
182 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index The messa ge “Set Area/D ate/Time.” app ears when the ca mera is turned on. • The camera ha s been left unused for sometim e with a low bat tery or n o battery p ack. Charg e the batt ery pack a nd set the da te again (p age 138).
183 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Warning mess ages If the fo llowin g messages a ppear, foll ow the instruct ions bel ow. Incompa tible battery. Use correct model. • An incompat ible batte ry pack is be ing used. Set Area/D ate/Time.
184 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • The SteadyS hot functi on doe s not work . You can con tinue t o shoot bu t the Steady Shot fun ction will not wo rk. Turn t he came ra of f and on. If this icon does n ot dis appea r, con sult your Sony deale r or local au thorized Sony serv ice facilit y.
185 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index No ima ges selected. • Yo u attempted to delete wit hout spec ifying imag es. No ima ges changed. • Yo u attempted to execute D POF withou t specifyi ng image s. Cannot create more folder s. • The folder with a name beginni ng with “99 9” exists on the memor y card.
186 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Othe rs Using th e camera abroad You ca n use the battery charger (suppli ed), and the AC-PW20 AC Ad aptor (sold separate ly) in any count ry or region where the power supply is within 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz .
187 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Memory card You can use f ollowing memory cards with this ca mera: “M emory Stick PRO Duo” media, “Memory Stick PR O-HG Duo” m edia, SD memory ca rd, SDHC memor y card, and SDX C memory card. You cannot use a Mul tiMedia Card.
188 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index 2) Suppo rts high-s peed data transfer us ing a paral lel interfa ce. 3) When using “Me mory Stic k PRO Duo” media to record m ovies, on ly tho se marked with Mar k2 can be used.
189 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index “InfoL ITHIUM” b attery pa ck Your c amera ope rates only with an “In foLITHIU M” batter y pack NP- FW50. Y ou cannot use any ot her battery pa cks. “InfoLITHI UM” W ser ies battery pack s have the mark.
190 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index On battery life • Th e battery life i s limited. B attery capac ity decrea ses over time an d through rep eated use. If dec reased usage time be tween charg es beco mes sig nifi cant, i t is p robabl y time to replac e it with a new one.
191 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Batt ery charger • Only NP-FW type ba ttery packs (a nd no others) can be ch arged in the battery cha rger (supplied ). Batteries other than the specifie d kind may leak, overheat, or ex plode if you attem pt to c harge them , posing a risk of i njury fr om electro cution and burns.
192 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Moun t Adaptor Using a Moun t Adaptor (sold sep arately), you can attach an A-mount lens (sol d separate ly) to your camer a. For details, refer to the operating instructions suppli ed with the Mou nt Adap tor.
193 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index • You ma y not be ab le to use the M ount Adapto r with ce rtain lens es. Con sult your S ony deale r or l ocal autho rized Sony ser vice facil ity on com patible lense s.
194 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Electron ic Viewfin der By att aching an El ectronic V iewfind er (sold separ ately) to the Sma rt Accessory Term inal 2 of the ca mera, you c an shoot image s while look ing throug h the Elect ronic Viewfi nder.
195 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index AVCHD format The A VCHD form at is a high defi nition digital vi deo camera form at used to rec ord a high de finition (HD) sig nal of either the 108 0i specification 1) or the 720p spe cification 2) using ef ficient da ta compressi on coding te chnology.
196 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Cle ani ng • Do not touch the inside of the camera, such as le ns contacts. Bl ow away du st from inside the mo unt using a comm ercially av ailable bl ower*. For deta ils on cleaning the image sensor, see page 150.
197 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Index Inde x Numerics 3D Sweep Pano rama .............. ........... ....... .......... 59 3D Viewing ............. ....... ........... ........ ........... .... 164 A AdobeRG B .......... ........... .
198 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Folder N ame .................. ................... ............... 156 Format .. ........... ................... ................... ........... 154 Front Curta in Shutter ......... ........... ......
199 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index R RAW ........... ................... ................... ................. 83 Rear Syn c. .................. ................... ................... .. 6 6 Record S etting . ........... ........ .....
200 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo Menu Index Notes on th e License “C Libra ry”, “ zlib”, an d “libjpeg ” soft ware are pr ovid ed in the camer a. We prov ide this software based on license a greements with t heir owners of copyrig ht.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony NEX-5N c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony NEX-5N - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony NEX-5N, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony NEX-5N va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony NEX-5N, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony NEX-5N.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony NEX-5N. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony NEX-5N ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.