Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 8510 du fabricant B&K
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1 Mode l Mode l Mode l Mode l 8 5 85 85 85 1 1 1 10 600W 0 60 0W 0 60 0W 0 600W Pr ogr ammabl e Programma ble Programma ble Programma ble DC DC DC DC E E E E lec tronic Load lectronic Lo ad lectronic .
2 Instruc tion Manual for Model 8510 PROGRAMMABLE DC ELECTRONIC LOAD.
3 TA BL E OF CONT ENT S QUICK REFE R ENCE ........... .......... ............... ......... 6 The Fro nt Pa nel ............ ............... .......... ......... 6 The Re ar Pane l ... ............... ............... .............. 7 Front Pane l Displa y .
4 Warranty In formation Certificati o n We certif y that this product met its published specific ations at time of shipment from the factory. Assist ance The above statements ap ply only to the s tan dard product warranty . W arranty opt ions product m a intenance ag ree m ent s and custo mer assistance agreements a re also available.
5 Safety Symbols Direc t curre nt Alt er nati ng cur r ent Both d ir ect and a lte rnat in g cu rr ent Protecti ve earth (ground) terminal Caution (r efer to accompanyi ng documents) WA RNING The WARNIN G sign d enotes a hazar d .
6 Quick Reference The Front Panel 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 16-chara cter display show s voltag e and curren t measuremen ts. 2 Rotar y knob 3 Po w er sw it ch ON /O FF 4 Entr y keys : ( ( ( ( numeri c k eys ) ) ) ) Ente r valu es. Incre as ing or decr easing the setup value s.
7 The Rear Panel 4 1 2 3 1 3 Pin IE C320 ac input conn ector. (P o w er code require s ground co nductor). 2 4 Pin Tr igger and Rem ote sensing co nnector s.
8 Immedi ate Action Keys V-set V-set Choosing CV mode and settin g the input of regulation voltage mode I-s et I-s et Choosing CI mode and settin g the input of regulation cur rent mode P-s et Choosin.
9 △ △ △ △ Scrolling keys let you move throug h t h e com mands in the presently s elected functi on me n up t he ne xt c omm and i n t he l ist. Func ti on m enus ar e cir cul ar ; you c an r etur n t o the s tar ti n posi ti on b y con ti nuo us pr ess ing the k ey.
10 A DC UP DA T E RA T E HIGH LOW<DEFA ULT> TRIGGER SOURCE Choosing the t rigger si gnals source. IMMEDI A T E<DEF> Trigger s igna ls f rom Shi ft + Tr igger key EXTERN A L Trigger s igna ls fr om th e TRIG connector i n the rear panel . BUS Communication com mand trigger mode.
11 ON W hen us er s ch oose t he t ime r st ate O N, and th en t ur n on th e el ect roni c load input, th e LOAD ON TIMER will start w orking , and when the L OAD ON TIMER is rea ch the setup time , the electron ic load input will tu rn off au tomatically ,.
12 IT -E 151 R ack m ou nts kit: fo r installa tio n of one or two 8500 se ries load on the 19 inch rack. IT -E 131 iso la ted com mu nica ti on cab le: This c ab le c onverts the el e ctr onic load’s ser ial port (TTL 5V lev el) to PC RS232 inter face .
13 Remote Programming The electronic load may be remotely program med from the computer via the IT-E 131 isol a t e d commu nication cable . Operating M odes The four modes of op eration are: 1: Constant curr en t (CC). 2: Constant voltage (CV). 3: Constant resistance ( CR ) .
14 LO A D CU RRENT LO A D IN PUT VOLTA GE I V VOLT SETTING CONS TANT VO LTAGE M ODE Constant Power (CW) Mode In this mode, the electronic load’s po wer c o nsumption will b e in accordance with the programmed value, regardless of the input vol tage.
15 10A 5A Conti nuous Transient O peration 2.0ms 3.0ms Pulse Switch to val ue B upon receiving one tr igger signal , aft er taking the pulse ti me( TWD ) of va lue B, the loa d will retu rn to Value A .
16 GROUP To tal = 1000 steps 1 1000 step s 2 5 00 00 00 00 steps 500 steps 4 250 steps 250 step s 250 step s 250 step s 8 120 steps 120 steps 120 steps 120 steps 120 steps 120st eps 120 steps 120 steps W h en receiving one trigge r signal, it will start th e list operation until receiving another tr ig ger signal or finish the List operation.
17 Input On/Off Electr onic loa d's input can be toggl e d on/off at t he f r o nt panel . Turning the input off (zero curr ent) does not a ff ect the prog rammed se ttings. Th e input w ill retu rn to the previo usly pro grammed values when the input is tu rned on aga in.
18 W h en working in CR , CC and CP mode, input current is ascending continuously, the load current will be limited b y a current limit circu it, Load will wo rk in the over current p rotection state , VFD display the informatio n as CC.
19 TRIG : A TTL-compatibl e in p ut that respon d s to e x ternal edge tr igger signal. A trigger applied to this input ca n be used to change setti ngs (voltage, curr en t, r e si stance, etc.) , toggle between settin g s i n trans ient-toggle mode, or generate a pulse i n transi ent-pulse mode.
20 Battery Test ing A DC load is well suited to verify that a battery is working pro p erly. Only with the corr ect lo ad testing, the battery c an be confirm ed if it was being the expectant lif e curve locati on. The electronic loads can be us ed to test any type of battery.
21 Battery Voltage Min volt age Load Sink Curr ent V t I t Von/Voff Operatio n You can set voltage value Von/Voff to control the input state on/off for elec tronic load. W hen the input volta ge r e aches the Von value, th e load ’s i nput state is on.
22 Installation Inspect ion Damage W hen you receive your electronic load, inspect it for any obvious damage that may have oc curred during shipm en t. If there is damag e , notify th e sh i pp i ng carrier and nearest Agent offic e and Support Office immediat e ly.
23 Outline Diagram Unit (mm) Bench Operat ion A fan cools the electr on ic load by drawing air through the button and si des and exhausting it out the back . Minimum clearances for bench operatio n are 25 mm along t he si de s. CA UTI ON Do not block the fan exh a ust a t th e rear of the Load.
24 Trigger and Remote Sensi ng Connect ions A 4-pin connector and a quick-disconnect mati ng p lug ar e provided on rear panel for acces sing input signals and remote sensi ng, all leads connected to the connect or should be twisted an d shiel ded to mai nta i n the instrument's specifi ed pe rf o r mance.
25 6.P res s △▽ 0.0 00W I : 0. 000A Display the actual power va lue and settin g va lue. In Case of Tro uble Should the power- on self test of the Electronic Load fail, you m ay try the following: W hen turni n g on the power, make sure the power cor d to the unit is plug ged in and the power switch is in the on posit ion.
26 CR The selected input c hannel is in the resi stan ce (CR ) mode . Rmt Ind icates tha t the ele ctron ic loa d is in remote state (RS-232). In th e remote s tate, only the activ e key is the Local ke y. Tran The selected i nput channel is enabled for transi e nt operatio n.
27 STEP 3 Enter the or iginal value whi ch displayed i n the V FD or en ter a new val ue by usi ng nu mber ke ys o r Rot ary kn ob to adju st the vo ltage va lue CURRENT=*. ***A STEP 4 Press Ente r to conf irm 0.000V *.***A Setup the in put cu rrent a t 4.
28 Step 1 Press R-set RESIS TANCE = 0000R Step 2 enter a new value by usi n g num eric keys or Rotary knob to adjust t h e resis tance value RESISTANCE=*****R Step 3 Press Ente r to confir m. 0.000 W R :0000R V-set ( set up a cons tant v oltage f rom 1.
29 Transit ion Param eter Set ting Users c ou ld press Shi ft + S-T ra n to se t th e tran sition p arame ter. Shi ft + S-T ra n LEVEL A = ***** Setup value A Ente r WIDT H A = *** *** Set up ti m e w.
30 For ex ample : When lo ad rece iving one trigger sig na l, it will s witch to 10A c urrent value, and ta king 10 mS to retu rn the cur re nt val u e of 5A . 10A 5A Pulsed Tran sient Operation 10ms TWD 10ms TWD TRIG TRIG Acti on 1. Select the operati on mode ( CC,CV,CR or CP ), a nd set a proper va lue, press On/Off to tu rn off the lo ad input .
31 3. Pr e ss Shi ft + Tr igger switch to the current va lue of 10A. 4. Pr e ss Shi ft + Tr igger , switch between 5A and 10A. 5. Pr e ss Shi ft + Tra n again to stop the transi ent operation. List Op eratio n Users can use th e front panel keypad or the includ e d softwar e ( PV 8500) to progr a m the l ist sequence.
32 18) Press Enter to confirm. Quic k R ecall Funct ion This function allows you to r e cal l 10 groups n umbers which were stored previous ly. St ep s: 1) Pr e ss Shi ft + Menu 2) Pr e ss ▼ to CONFIG , press Ente r in to s ubm enu, pr es s ▼ to SHO RTCU RT RECA LL 3) Pr e ss Ente r , sele ct > > > > ON and press Ente r to confirm.
33 4) Pre ss Ente r and begin to edit the automatic t e sting file, , VFD shows MAX CUR R= * * * * . .. . ** ** ** ** A , which means setting the ma x im u m of volta ge. The maximum is bigg er than 3A , which me ans CC mo de i s i n hig h val ue, her e, th e ma x imu m is 3A .
34 15) Repeat 9 ) ~1 4) , and set the other pr o cess step by step as f o llows: A. CONST CURRENT,0A ,SHORT OFF, READ BACK V, 5.9V, 6.4 V,1S B. CONST VOLTAGE, 5V, SHORT OFF,READ BACK A, 0.205A, 0.245A,1S C. CONST VOLTAGE, 3 V, SHORT OFF, READ BACK A, 0.
35 Steps: 1) Pr ess Shi ft + Menu to enter into menu, VFD displays >CONFIG 2) Pr ess Ente r into the submenu, VFD displ a ys >INITIAL CONFIG 3) Pr ess ▼ to make VFD d ispla y RANGE SELECT 4) P.
36 0- 100W ±(1% +0.1% FS) 1mW CW M o de Reg ulation Input curr ent ≥ FS 10 % Input Volt a ge ≥ FS 10% ) 100-600W ±(1%+ 0.1%F S) 100m W 0-12A ±(0.1% + 0.1%FS) 1mA Current M easurement 0-120A ±(0.2%+0.1 5%FS) 10mA 0-18V ± (0 .02% + 0.02 %FS ) 1mV Voltage Measur ement 0-120V ±(0.
37 The DB9 inter face connector on the rear panel of electr on ic load is TTL volt age level; you can use the communicat ion cable (IT- E13 2) to connect the DB9 inter face connector of the electronic load and the USB inter face co nnect or of computer for the c ommunication.
38 25H Reading the max setup input curr en t. 26H Setting max input power . 27H Reading the max setup input power . 28H Selecting CC/CV/CW /CR operation mode of Electronic load.
39 51H Reading timer value of FOR LOAD ON 52H Disable/Enabl e timer o f FOR LOAD ON 53H Reading timer state of FOR LOAD ON 54H Set tin g c omm unic ati on a ddr ess 55H Enable/Dis a ble LOCAL contr o l mode. 56H Enable/Dis a ble remote se n se m ode. 57H Reading the state of rem ote sense mode.
40 2 nd byte Address (0— 0 XFE) 3 rd byt e Command ( 20H ) 4 th .by te Operation mode ( 0 is front panel oper ation mode , 1 is remote operation mode ) From 5 th to 2 5 th byt e Syste m rese rve 26 th byte Sum code NOTE Front panel operat ion state is not in effect if electr onic load is in calibrati o n mode.
41 3 rd byte Command ( 24H /2 5H ) 4 th by te The Lowest b yte o f max cu r ren t value 5 th by te The Lowest b yte o f max cu r ren t value 6 th byte The higher byte of max cur rent v alue 7 th b.
42 7. Setting / Reading CC mode current value ( ( ( ( 2A H /2 BH ) ) ) ) 1 st by te Start b it ( AA H ) 2 nd byte Address (0—0XFE) 3 rd byte Command ( 2AH/2BH ) 4 th byte The lowest byte of current value 5 th byte The lower byte of current value.
43 7 th byte The highest byte of max pow er value 8 th to 25 th byte System res erve 26 th byte Sum code NOTE Represent power by 4 bytes of Hex. L ower bytes ar e in the front location, higher bytes ar e in th e la ter location. For ex ampl e : power i s 200.
44 26 th byte Sum code 12. Settin g /Reading CV mode transien t voltage and timer parameter. ( ( ( ( 34H/35H ) ) ) ) 1 st by te Sta rt bit ( AAH ) 2 nd byte Address (0— 0 XFE) 3 rd byt e Command ( 34H /3 5H ) From 4 th to 7 th by te.
45 From 10 th by te to 1 3 th byt e Set tin g v alu e of re si sta nce B (Low er by tes ar e in t he f ront loc ati on, hig her byt es ar e in the later loca tion ) From 14 th by te to 1 5 th byte Time value of timer B (Lower bytes are in the fr o nt locati on, hi g her bytes are i n the lat e r lo cat ion ) ( 1 r epr esent 0.
46 From 10 th to 11 th byt e T im e valu e of c ur rent st ep (L owe r byt es are i n th e fr ont l ocat io n, hi gh er by tes are i n th e late r locatio n) (1 rep r e sent 0.1mS) From 12 th to 25 th by te Syste m rese rve 26 th byte Sum code 19. Settin g / Reading one of the step’ s voltage and ti me values.
47 1 st byte Start bit ( AAH ) 2 nd byte Address (0— 0 XFE) 3 rd byt e Com man d ( 48H/49H ) From 4 th to 1 3 th byte LIST file name (ASSIC code ) From 14 th to 25 th by te Syste m rese rve 26 th byte Sum code 23. Selection / Reading th e memory sp ace mode for storing lis t steps.
48 5 th by te The highest b yte o f time va lue in timer. From 8 th to 2 5 th byte Syst em reserv e 26 th byte Sum code T ime u nit in Ti mer is S, 1S is repr ese nt ed by 1.
49 1 st byte Start bit ( AAH ) 2 nd byte Address (0— 0 XFE) 3 rd byt e Com man d ( 58H/59H ) 4 th byt e Trigger mo de (0:Keypad, 1 External, mand) From 5 th to 2 5 th byte Syst em reserv e 26 th byte Sum code 32. Sending a trigger sig nal to trigging the electro nic load.
50 late r locatio n) From 12 th to 15 th byt e Actual input power va l ue (Lower bytes are i n the front location, higher bytes ar e in th e later location) 16 th byte Operation stat e register From 1.
51 If Load is not in prot e ct ion state, users could do the calibrat ion operation. 37. Getti ng the cali bration mode st ate ( ( ( ( 61H ) ) ) ) 1 st byte Start bit ( AAH ) 2 nd byte.
52 40. Calib rate current value ( ( ( ( 64H ) ) ) ) 1 st by te Sta rt bit ( AAH ) 2 nd byt e Addr ess ( 0— 0XF E) 3 rd byte Co mmand ( 64H ) 4 th byte Curren t calibrat ion po int ( 1~4 ) From 5 th to 25 th byte Sys tem reserve 26 th byte Sum code NOTE Current calibr ation standard points have four: 1,2,3,4 41.
53 3 rd byte Co mmand ( 67H /6 8H ) From 4 th to 23 rd byt e De m a rcat e inform ation ( ASIC code ) 24 th byte Syst em reserv e 25 th byte Syst em reserv e 26 th byte Sum code 44.
54 From 4 th to 2 2 nd byte Informat ion in bar code ( ASICmode ) From 23 rd to 25 th byte Syste m rese rve 26 th byte Sum code Bar c ode ru le : : : : All of bar cod of our products is distinguished by t he for mer three characters . A l 47.
55 Service Inform ation Warran ty Se rvice : Please return the product in the origin a l packagi ng with pr oo f of pur chase to the address below. Clearly st a te in writing the per formance problem and return any le ads, probes, connectors and accessories that you are using with th e devi ce.
Dec laration of CE Conf ormity according to EEC directives and NF EN 45014 norm Responsible P arty Alternate Manufacturing Site Manufacturer’ s Name: B&K Precision Corporation B&K China 1235 Manufacture’ s Address: 22820 Savi Ranch Pkwy .
56 22820 Savi Ranch Parkway • Y orba Linda, CA 92887 481-554-9- 001 Print ed in Chin a.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté B&K 8510 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du B&K 8510 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation B&K 8510, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le B&K 8510 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le B&K 8510, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du B&K 8510.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le B&K 8510. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei B&K 8510 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.