Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DSC-W290 du fabricant Sony
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© 2009 Sony Corporation 4-125-476- 11 (1) Digital Still Came ra Instruction Manual DSC-W270/W 275/W290 Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, a nd retain it for futur e refer ence.
2 GB Owner ’s Re cord The mo del and seri al numbe rs are lo cated on the bot tom. Re cor d the ser ial n umb er in the space prov ided belo w. Refer to these numbers w henever yo u call upo n your So ny dealer reg ardin g this produc t. Model No. DSC- W270/W275/ W290 Serial No.
3 GB • Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by Sony. • Dispose of used battery packs promptly as described in the inst ructions. [ Batter y charger Even if t he CHARGE lamp is not lit, th e batter y charger is not disconnected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet (wall socket).
4 GB [ CAUTION You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could voi d your authority to op erate this equipment. [ Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
5 GB Disposa l of waste ba tteries (applicable in the Europea n Union and other Eur opean count ries with separat e collection systems ) This symbol on the battery or on the packaging indicates that the battery provided with this product shall not be treated as household waste.
6 GB Table of contents Notes on usi ng the c amera .. .... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... 8 Gettin g start ed ............. ........... ........... ........... ............ ......... 10 Checking the accessories supplied .
7 GB Connecting to other devices .............. ........... ........... ............. 3 7 Viewi ng images on a TV ... ..... ...... .... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ...... ..... .... . 37 Printi ng still images .. .... .... .......
8 GB x Notes on using the camera Interna l memory and “Me mory Stic k Duo ” medi a ba ck up Do not turn o ff the cam era, r emove the ba ttery pack, or remove the “Memory S tick Duo” media while the access la mp is lit . Otherw ise, the in tern al memo ry da ta or “Mem ory S tick Duo” media may be dama ged.
9 GB No compen sation for dam aged content or recording failure Sony cannot c ompensa te for failure to rec ord or loss or damag e of recorde d content due to a malfunc tion of t he camera or rec ording me dia, etc. On illustrations Illustr ations use d in this m anual are of the DSC -W2 90 un les s not ed oth erw is e.
10 GB Getting start ed G e tti n g s t ar t e d Checkin g the accesso ries sup plied • Batter y charger BC-CS GD/BC-CS GE (1) • Power cord (mains l ead) (1 ) (not sup plied in t he USA and Cana da.
11 GB Getting start ed Identifyin g parts A Shutter bu tton B (Smile) b utton C Flas h D ON/OFF (Power) bu tton E Spea ker F Microp hone G Self-timer lamp/Smile Shutter l amp/ AF illuminator H Lens I .
12 GB Getting start ed Chargin g the battery pack 1 Insert the battery pack into the battery charger. • You ca n charge the batt ery even when it is partial ly charged.
13 GB Getting start ed x Charging time • The tab le above sh ows the ti me required to char ge a fully depleted battery p ack at a te mperature o f 25°C (77°F). Charging m ay take longer depe nding on condit ions of use and circumst ances. • Connec t the bat tery charg er to the near est wall outle t (wall socke t).
14 GB Getting start ed Inserting the battery p ack/a “Memory Stick Duo” medi a (sold separatel y) 1 Open the cover. 2 Insert the “Memory Stick Duo” media (sold separately). With the t erminal sid e faci ng the lens , insert the “Memory S tick Duo” medi a until it clic ks into pla ce.
Getting start ed 15 GB x “Memory S tick” me dia that you can use “Memory St ick Duo” media You can also us e a “Memor y Stick PR O Duo” med ia or “Mem ory St ic k PRO- HG Du o” media with the cam era. For det ails on the num ber of ima ges/ti me that can be re corded, se e pages 28, 31.
16 GB Getting start ed Set ting the cl ock 1 Press the ON/OFF (Power) button. The camera is turned on . • It may take time for t he power to tu rn on and al lo w oper at ion. 2 Sele ct a se ttin g ite m wi th v / V on the control button, then press z .
17 GB Getting start ed • The camera does not have a feature for superimpos ing dates on ima ges. By using “P MB” in the CD-ROM (supp lied), you can pr int or save image s with the date . x Setting the date and time aga in Press th e MENU button, then s elect (Setti ngs) t (Clock Settin gs) (p age 48).
18 GB Shooting/viewi ng images Sh oo ti n g/ v i ew i n g i ma g es Shooti ng ima ges 1 Set the camera to (Intellig ent Aut o Adjustm ent), then press ON/OFF (Power) button. To shoot movies, set the mode dial to (Mov ie Mo de) (pa ge 3 0). 2 Hold the camera steady as illustrated .
Shooting/viewi ng images 19 GB Viewing imag es 1 Pre ss th e (Pla ybac k) button. The l ast imag e sh ot i s di spla yed. • When image s on th e “Mem ory Stick Duo ” medi a recor ded w ith other c amera s ca nnot be play ed back on this cam era , view the image s in [Fol der View ] (page 34 ).
20 GB U s i n g s h oo ti n g f unc ti ons Displaying minimum i ndicators (Easy Shooting) This mode red uces the min imum number of settings. The text size inc reases and indi cato rs beco me easi er to see . 1 Set the mo de dial to (Easy Shooti ng) .
21 GB Using shooting functions Detecting smiles and shooting automatically (Smile Shutter) 1 Press (Smile) butt on. 2 Wait de tect ing a smile . When the s mile level exceeds the b point on the i ndicat or, the cam era sho ots im ages automatical ly. When you p ress (Smile) button again , Sm ile S hutter ends.
22 GB Detecting the shooting cond itions automatically (Scene Recognition) 1 Set t he m ode d ial t o (Int ellige nt Auto A djustme nt). 2 Aim the ca mera at the su bject .
23 GB Using shooting functions z Shooting two images with di fferent settings and selecting the one you like Press th e ME NU butt on, t hen sel ect ( Scen e Reco gniti on) t (Advanced) with v / V / b / B on the c ontrol button .
24 GB Focusing on the face of th e subject (Face Detection) The c amera detec ts the face of the subject and fo cuses on it. Yo u can sel ect wh ich subject t akes prio rity whe n focusi ng. 1 Press the ME NU butto n. 2 Select (F ace Dete ction) with v / V / b / B on the co ntro l button t desire d mode t z .
25 GB Using shooting functions Shooting close-ups (Macro) You ca n shoot be autif ul close -up im ages of small subject s suc h as inse cts or fl ower s. • Macro mode is fixed to [A uto] when the camera is in Intell igent Auto Adjustm ent mode or Movie Mode.
26 GB Selecting a flash mode • [Flash On ] and [Slow Syn chro (Fl ash On)] are not availabl e when the camera is in Inte llige nt Auto Adjustme nt mode. • You cannot use the flash during b urst or bracket shoo ting. Ch angin g t he scr een dis play 1 Press (Flash) on the cont rol button , the n select th e desir ed mode with b / B t z .
27 GB Using shooting functions Selecting the image size to match the usage The image siz e determines the si ze of the ima ge file th at is r ecorded when you take a image. The larger t he image s ize, the more detail wil l be re produced when th e image is printed on larg e-fo rmat paper .
28 GB • When you print images shot with 16 :9 aspect rati o, both edges ma y be cut off. x Numbe r of still images th at can be recorded (Units: Images) • The number of still images may vary dependi ng on the shooting conditi ons and the recordi ng media.
29 GB Using shooting functions • The fla sh do es no t oper ate in some modes . 2 Select the desir ed mode wi th v / V / b / B on the cont rol button t z . If you w ant to sw itch to anoth er scene , press the MENU bu tt on. Note (Hig h Sensit iv ity): Shoots image s without a flash even in low l ighti ng.
30 GB Shooting movies x Viewing mov ies 1 Press t he (Play back) bu tton a nd pr ess B (n ext) / b (previ ous) on the c ontr ol but ton to se lect a mo vie to vie w. 2 Press z . x Imag e size The lar ger the image siz e, the high er the im age qua lity.
31 GB Using shooting functions x Maximum recording time The table belo w shows the app roximate maximum r ecording ti mes. These are th e total times for all movie files.
32 GB U s i n g v i ew i n g f unc ti ons Viewing an enl arged image ( Playback zoom) Searching for an image (Image Index) 1 Press the (Play back) button to disp lay an i mage, then p ress (Pla yback zoom) but ton. The image is en larged at twic e the size, wi th the cent er of the image.
33 GB Using viewing functions Viewing still images with music (Sli deshow) 1 Press th e (Pla ybac k) butt on to displa y a still image, then press the MEN U butto n. 2 Select (Slide show) with v / V / b / B on the cont rol b utton, the n press z . 3 Selec t [Start] with v on the cont rol but ton, the n press z .
34 GB Selecting the display f o rmat (View Mode) Allow s you to select the disp lay form at for viewin g mult iple ima ges whe n usi ng “Memor y Stick D uo” medi a. • When you cannot play b ack im ages re corded wi th other cameras, view th e imag es in [F older View].
35 GB Deleting images D e l e ti n g i ma g es Deleting images 1 Press (Playback) button t o displa y an image, then pr ess (Del ete) butt on. 2 Press v / V on the cont rol b utt on to sele ct the desired se tting. All in Date Ra nge: You can dele te all imag es in the disp laye d date ra nge .
36 GB Deleting all images (Format) You c an delete all dat a stored o n “M emory Stick Du o” medi a or the i nterna l memor y. If a “Mem ory Sti ck Du o” me dia is i nser ted, al l dat a store d on t he “Memor y St ick Duo” medi a are delet ed.
37 GB Connecting to other devices C onnec ti n g t o o th er d ev i ces Viewing images on a TV • The [Vid eo Out] set ting is se t to [NTSC] mode at the fac tory to let you enjoy optimu m movie image quali ty. When ima ges do not appear or jit tery on your TV, you may be using a PAL-onl y TV.
38 GB • If it wa s impos sible t o conn ect to t he pri nter, be s ure to set [ USB C onnect] under (Ma in Setting s) t o [P ictBr idge] . 3 Press MENU t (Print) with v / V / b / B on the con trol button t desire d mode t z . (This Imag e): Print the cu rrently displaye d image.
39 GB Connecting to other devices Using the camera with a computer x Using “PMB (Picture Motion Browser)” You ca n enjoy the rec orded images more tha n eve r by ta king advant age of the so ftware , and “ PMB” is included on a C D-ROM (sup plied ).
40 GB x Stage 1 : Installin g the “PMB” (su pplied) You ca n instal l the soft ware (sup plied) using th e follow ing pr ocedure . When yo u instal l “PMB,” “Music Tr ansfer” is al so install ed. • Log on as Adminis trator. 1 Chec k your co mput er env ironme nt.
41 GB Connecting to other devices x Stage 2: I mportin g images t o your comput er using “ PMB” x Stage 3: Viewing “ PMB Gu ide” • Do not disc onnect the cab le for multi -use ter minal from the cam era while th e camera is oper ating or whil e “Acce ssing…” a ppears o n the s creen o f the camera.
42 GB x Using the camera with your Macintosh compute r You ca n copy im ages to y our Maci ntosh comput er. How ever, “P MB” is no t comp atible. When i mages are ex port ed to “ Memory Sti ck Duo ” media , view them i n [Fol der V iew] . You ca n insta ll “Musi c Transf er” on you r Ma cintos h compu ter.
43 GB Changing camera s ettings Ch an gi n g cam era se tti n g s Changing the operation soun ds You ca n set the sound produced whe n you opera te the ca mera. 1 Press the M E NU but ton. 2 Selec t (Settings) with V on the co ntrol butt on, the n pre ss z .
44 GB Using the MENU items Displays a vailable functi ons for e asy settin g when th e camera i s in sh ooting or playback mode . Only the item s that are av ailab le for ea ch mo de are di splayed on the scr een. Sele ct (S etti ngs) t [Main Settings ] t [Init ialize] to initial ize the s ettings to the defaul t setti ng.
45 GB Changing camera s ettings White Balance Adjusts color tones according t o the surrounding light condition s. ( Auto/ Dayli ght/ Cloudy/ Fluorescent Light 1, Fluorescent Light 2, Fluorescent Light 3/ n Incandescent/ Flash) Underwater White Balance Adjusts the colors when shooting underwater.
46 GB x MENU in viewing mode Item Description (Slideshow) Plays back images in succession along with effects and music. (Date List) Selects the playback date list. (Event List) Selects the event group to be played back. (View Mode) Switches the View Modes.
47 GB Changing camera s ettings Using the (Settings) items You c an c hange the defa ult s ettings . (Shooting Settings) are disp layed only when sett ings have been entere d from shoot ing mode . 1 Press the ME NU bu tton to displ ay the Me nu sc reen.
48 GB (Main Setting s) Beep Selects or turns of f the sound pr oduced when you operate the camera. Language S etting Selects the language to be used in menu i tems, warnings and messages . Function Guide Selects whether or n ot to displ ay the function guide when you operate the camera.
49 GB Others Oth ers List of icons displayed on the screen Icons are disp laye d on t he sc reen to i ndicat e the came ra st atus. You ca n chang e the scr een disp lay usi ng DISP (scree n displ ay) on the control button (page 2 6). When shoo ting still images • The icons are lim ited in (Easy Shooting) m ode.
50 GB B C Colo r mode PictBridge connecting View Mode Filter by Faces Favorites Protect Print orde r (DPO F) PMB export Playback zoom Displ ay Indic ation z AE/AF lock ISO40 0 ISO number NR slow shutter 125 Shutter speed F3.5 Aperture value +2.0EV Exposure Value AF range finder frame indicator 1.
51 GB Others D Display Indication Self-timer C:32:00 Se lf-diagnosis display Destination Overheating warning Conversion Lens F ace Detection Burst/Bracket Management file full AF range finder frame Spot metering cr oss hair +2.0EV Exposure value 500 Shutter s peed F3.
52 GB Learning more about the camera (“Cyber- shot Handbook”) “Cyb er-sho t Hand book”, w hich ex plains ho w to use the cam era in det ail, is inc luded on the CD-ROM (sup plied). Refer to it for in-depth inst ructions on the many function s of the cam era.
53 GB Others Troubleshootin g If you e xperience trouble wi th the ca mera, try the foll o wing solu tions. On rep airing ca meras with intern al mem ory or Music files fun ction i nclude d, data in the camera may b e checked on minimum nec essity to verify and improve the malfu nction sympto ms.
54 GB The remaini ng charge indicator is incorr ect. • The battery char ge will quickly ge t used up and the actu al remai ning battery charge will be lower t han t he i ndicato r in the followin g ca ses: – When you use the cam era in an extremel y hot or cold loca tion .
55 GB Others Cannot play back images. • Press the (Playba ck) button (pa ge 19). • The fold er/file name ha s been changed on yo ur comput er. • No guarante es are made for playin g back, on thi s camera, files containi ng im ages whi ch were process ed on a computer or ima ges which were shot using other cam eras.
56 GB Precautions Do not us e/store the cam era in the following places • In an extrem ely hot, cold or humid place In plac es such as in a car parked in t he sun , the camera body m ay become defor med and this may caus e a malfuncti on.
57 GB Others Specificatio ns Camera [Syste m] Image device: 7.79 mm (1/2.3 type) color CCD, Prima ry color filter Total pixel number of camera: Approx. 12.4 Megapixels Effective pixel number of camera: Approx. 12.1 Megapixels Le ns: Car l Zei ss Vari o-Tes sar 5× zo om lens f = 5 mm – 25 mm (28 mm – 140 mm (35 mm fil m equ ivale nt) ) F3.
58 GB BC-CSGD/BC-CSGE battery char ger Power requirements : AC 100 V to 24 0 V, 50/60 Hz, 2 W Output voltage: DC 4.2 V, 0.25 A Operating temperatu re: 0°C to 40 °C (32°F to 104°F) Storage temperature: –20°C to +60°C (–4°F to +140°F) Dimensions: App rox.
59 GB Others.
Pr int ed in Ch ina Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. Additional informa tion on this product and answer s to frequently a sked questions can be found at our Custome r Support Webs ite.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony DSC-W290 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony DSC-W290 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony DSC-W290, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony DSC-W290 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony DSC-W290, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony DSC-W290.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony DSC-W290. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony DSC-W290 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.