Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Cybershot DSC-S650 du fabricant Sony
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© 2007 Sony Corporation 2-897-945- 11 (1) Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-S650/S700 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handbook and “Instruction M anual” thoroughl y, and reta in it for fu ture referenc e.
2 Notes on using your came ra T ypes of “M emor y St ick” tha t can be used ( not supp lied ) The IC recor ding m edium used by th is camera is a “ Memory Stick D uo”. T here a re two types o f “Me mory Stic k”. “Memo r y Stick Du o”: you ca n use a “Memo r y Stick Du o” with yo ur cam era.
3 T able of conte nts Notes on usi ng your c amera . ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... ....... .......... ...... 2 Basic techniqu es f or better imag es ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......6 Focus – Foc usin g on a subj ect su ccess fully .
4 T a ble of co ntent s Viewing men u ........ ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... ......... .......... 39 (Fo lder): Se lectin g the fol der for v iewi ng images - (P.
5 T a ble of conte nts Enjo ying your Windows compute r ......... .... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... . 57 Installing the softw are (supplied) ........... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... .... 59 Copy ing images to y our compu ter .
6 Basi c techniq ues for b etter im ages When you pres s the shut ter but ton halfw ay do wn, the cam era adjusts the focus au tomatical ly (Auto Focu s). Remember t o press the shutter button only halfway down. If the imag e looks blurred even after foc using, it may be be cause of ca mera shake.
7 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges Y ou can cre ate various images by ad justing th e exposure and th e ISO sensitivity . Exposure is the am ount of light t hat th e camer a will r ecei ve when y ou relea se the shutter .
8 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages The app arent color of the subjec t is affected by the ligh ting co ndition s. Exam ple: The color of an imag e affecte d by light source s The co lor tones are ad justed au tomati cally in the auto adjustme nt mode.
9 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges A digital ima ge is made up of a c ollection of smal l dots called pixels. If it contains a lar ge numb er of p ixels, the pi cture b ecomes lar ge, it take s up mor e memory , and the ima ge is displaye d in fine detail.
10 Identif ying part s See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. A Shutter button (19) B Mode dial (19) C Sel f-tim er lam p (22) D Lens E POWER button F PO WER lamp G Flash (21) H Bu.
11 Ident ifyin g parts L AC ad aptor c ord c ov er When us ing an A C- LS5K AC A dapt or (not su pplied) • Do not pinch the cord when you close the cove r. • Y o u cannot charge the Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries by the AC-LS5K A C Adaptor . Use th e battery charger to charge the Nick el-Metal Hydride batter ies.
12 Indicat ors on the screen See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. When shooting still i mages When s hootin g movie s A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining z AE/AF lock (19.
13 Indica tors on the sc reen C D E Displ ay Indication Image size (24) FINE STD Image quali ty (36) Recordi ng folder (49) • This does not appear when using internal me mory .
14 Indic ator s on th e scre en When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining Recordin g mode (19) Image size (24) Playback m ode - Protect (40) Print or der (DP OF) mar k (81 ) Chang e fo lder (39 ) • This does not appear when using internal me mory .
15 Indica tors on the sc reen C D E Displ ay Indication PictBridge c onnecting (78) Recordi ng folder (49) • This does not appear when using internal me mory .
16 Changi ng t he scr een d ispla y Each time you press the DISP button, the disp lay change s as f oll ows . • By pressing DISP button longer, you can increase the LCD bac klight.
17 Using the in ternal memo r y The camer a has approximat ely 24 MB of internal memo ry . Th is memory is not remo va ble. Even when t here is no “Me mory Stic k Duo” insert ed in the cam era, y ou can r ecord i mages usi ng this inte rna l me mor y .
18 Basic O perations Using th e mode d ial Set the mod e dial to th e desired fu nction. On Function Guide When yo u press the contro l button, the descripti ons of functions are temporari ly displayed (pag e 47) .
19 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoot ing im ages easily (A uto ad just ment mode) 1 Select a mode with the mode dial. Stil l im age ( aut o adj ustm ent mod e): Select . Movie: Select . 2 Hold the camera steady , keeping your arm at your side. 3 Shoot w ith the shutter button.
20 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) Movi e: Press th e shutte r bu tton full y do wn. T o st op recordi ng, press the shu tter button fully down again. If you shoot a still image of a subject that is difficult to focus on • The shortest shooting distance is approx.
21 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto ad justmen t mod e) Flas h (Sel ecti ng a flas h mode f or s til l imag es) Press v ( ) on th e cont rol button re pe ated ly un til t he des ired mod e is se lect ed.
22 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) Using the s elf-time r Press V ( ) on the control button rep eatedly unt il the desire d mode is sel ected.
23 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto ad justmen t mod e) EV (Adju sting t he exposu re m anuall y) Press b ( ) on the control button, then press v (B righter) / V (Darker) to adj ust. T o turn off the bar displayed, press the b butt on ag ain.
24 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) T o change the still ima ge size Press (Image Size), and t hen press v / V to sele ct the size. For deta ils on the image size, see page 9. The de fault s etting s are mar ked with . 1) I mages are recor ded in 3:2 aspect ratio, sa me as photograph printing paper or pos tcards, etc.
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoot ing still ima ges (S cene sel ectio n) 1 Select the desired mode of Sce ne Selection ( , , , , , , ). • F or details on modes, see the next page. 2 Shoot w ith the shutter button. T o cancel the Scen e Select ion Set the mode dial to other than the m ode of Scene Selection (p age 18) .
26 Shoot ing s til l imag es ( Scene sele ctio n) Scene Se lecti on mode s The foll owing mo des are pred etermin ed to match th e scene con ditions . * The shutter speed becomes slower, s o using a tripod is recommended. High Sensitivity Allows you to shoot images without a flash under low light conditions, reducing blur.
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shooting still images (Sce ne selection) Function s tha t cannot be combi ned wit h Scene Sel ectio n Fo r shooti ng an image ap propri atel y accordin g to the sce ne condit ion, a combinatio n of func tion s is det ermine d by the cam era.
28 Viewi ng/ del eting im ag es 1 Press (Pl aybac k) button. If you press (Playback) button when the camera is po wered of f, the camera is turned on in the playback mode. If you press again, switches to recording mode. 2 Select an image with b / B on the co ntrol button.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g/de letin g image s View ing an ind ex s creen Press (In dex ) and s elect a n imag e with v / V / b / B . T o disp lay t he ne xt (pr evi ous) in dex scre en, pres s b / B . T o ret urn to the sing le -ima ge scre en , pres s z .
30 Using t he me nu Using m enu items 1 Recor ding: T urn on the camera, then set the mode dial. Playback: Press (Playback) button. Different items are av ailable depending on the position of the mo de dial and Recording/Playback mode. 2 Press MENU to displa y the menu.
31 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Using the menu Menu ite ms Menu for shooting (page 3 2) The menu it ems available va ry de pending on the mode di al position a nd setting s. Only the av a ilable it ems are dis playe d on the scr een. * T he operation is limited according to the Scene mode (page 27).
32 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Shootin g menu The de fault s etting s are mar ked with . Y ou can ch ange t he brig htnes s of t he im age, a ccompanie d by ef fects . • Y ou can select only [Normal], [B&W] or [Sepia] when shooting movies.
33 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Selects the met ering mode that set s which part of t he subjec t to me asure to determine the exposure . • For details on the exposure, s ee page 7. (Metering Mode) : Selecting the mete ring mode Spot (Spot metering) () Measures onl y a part of the subje ct.
34 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Adjusts the col or tones ac cording to the lightin g condition in a situation, for exampl e, when the co lors of an ima ge look strang e. WB (White Bal): Adjusti ng the colo r tones Flash ( ) Adjusts fo r the flash condi tions.
35 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 • For details on the white balance, see page 8. • Under fluorescent lights that flicker , the white bala nce function may not work correctly e ven though you select [F luorescent] ( ).
36 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Selects t he stil l image quality . (P .Quality ): Selecting t he still ima ge quality Fine (F INE) Record s with high quali ty (low compressio n). • When the mode dial is (Auto), the qua lity of a still image is [Fine] .
37 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Select s whethe r the cam era per forms cont inuous s hooting or not w hen you pre ss th e shutter butt on. On the [Burst] • The recording i nterval is approximately 2 seconds.
38 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Adjusts the am ount of flas h light. • T o change flash mode, see page 21. Adjusts the sharpness of the image. See page 45. (Flas h Level) : Adjusting the amou nt of flash light + ( +) T o ward +: Makes t he flas h level highe r .
39 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Using the menu Viewin g menu The defa ult sett in gs ar e marked w ith . Selec ts the fold er con tainin g the image yo u want to pl ay back whe n using th e camera wi th “Memo ry Stick Duo” . 1 Select the des ired f older with b / B on t he cont rol button.
40 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Prot ects im ages ag ainst acci dental eras ure. T o protect images in single-image mode 1 Display the image you want to prote ct. 2 Press MENU to dis play the me nu. 3 Sel ect [ - ] (Protect ) with b / B on the contr ol button, then press z .
41 Using the menu Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 T o cancel the prote ction In single -image mode Press z in step 3 or 4 of “T o protect images in single-i mage m ode. ” In in dex mode 1 Se lect the im age for which you want to remove protection in step 5 of “T o protect images in index mode.
42 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Pla ys back rec orded ima ges i n ord er (S lid e sho w). 1 Select [In terv al], [Re peat] and [ Image] with v / V / b / B on the contr ol button. 2 Sele ct [Star t] wi th V / B , then press z .
43 Using the menu Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 Y ou ca n chan ge th e image size of a rec orded i mage ( Resize) , and s av e it a s a ne w f ile. The origin al imag e is reta ined e v en after resizin g. 1 Display the im age you want to resize.
44 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Rot ates a stil l ima ge. 1 Display the im age to be rotated . 2 Press MENU to dis play the me nu. 3 Sele ct [ ] (Rotate) with b / B on the control button , then press z . 4 Sel ect [ ] with v , then ro tate the image with b / B .
45 Using t he Setup scre en Using the Setup s creen Using Setu p it em s Y ou can change the default set tings using the Se tup screen . 1 Press MENU to display the menu. 2 After pressing B on the control b utton, go to the (Setup) setting, then press B again.
46 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 45 Camera The de fault s etting s are mar ked with . Select s the di gital z oom mode . The came ra enl arges the im age usi ng opti cal zoom (up to 3×). When t he zoom sca le exceed s 3×, the cam era uses eit her smart or precision di gital z oom.
47 Using t he Setup scre en Camera For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 45 When you operate t he came ra, the descr iption of fun ctions is di splayed.
48 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 45 Intern al Memory T o ol This item do es not appea r when a “Memor y Sti ck Duo” is ins erted in th e camer a. Forma ts the interna l memory . • Note that forma tting irrevocably erases all data in the internal me mory , including even protected images.
49 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 45 Using t he Setup scre en Memor y Stick T o ol This it em app ears on ly when a “Memo ry Stic k Duo” is insert ed in the cam era. Formats the “Mem ory Stick Du o”. A commer cially available “M emory Stick D uo” is already forma tted, and can be used immedi ately .
50 Memory St ick T ool For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 45 Change s the f older curr ently u sed fo r rec ordin g ima ges. 1 Select [OK] with v on the control button, then press z . The folder s election screen appear s. 2 Select the desire d folder w ith b / B , and [OK] with v , then press z .
51 Using t he Setup scre en Memory Stick T ool For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 45 Copies a ll imag es in t he intern al memor y to a “ Memory Stic k Duo”. 1 Ins ert a “Memory S tick Duo” having 32 MB or la rger capacity. 2 Select [OK] wi th v on the control button, the n press z .
52 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 45 Setup 1 1 The de fault s etting s are mar ked with . Selects th e brightness of th e LCD backlight when using the camera wit h batteries. • Y ou can change the setting by pressing DISP button lo nger . • Selecting [Bright] uses up the battery charge f aster .
53 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 45 Using t he Setup scre en Setup 2 2 The defa ult sett in gs ar e marked w ith . Sele cts the me tho d use d to assig n file nu mb ers to imag es. Selec ts the USB mode to be used when conne cting th e camera to a comp uter or a PictB ridge compli ant pri nter using t he dedi cated U SB cab le.
54 Setup 2 For deta ils on th e oper ation 1 page 45 Sets the vi deo signal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the conne cted video equipme nt.
55 Viewing i mages on a TV screen Viewing imag es on a TV screen Viewin g image s on a TV sc reen Y ou ca n vi ew i mages on a T V screen by connec ting t he came ra to a T V . T urn off both your ca mera an d the TV before co nnec ting the c amera a nd the TV .
56 Viewi ng imag es on a TV screen On TV colo r syst ems If you want to view image s on a TV screen, you need a TV wi th a video i nput jack and the d edic ated A/ V cabl e. Th e colo r syste m of the TV must match tha t of your digit al stil l cam era.
57 Using your comput er Using your compu ter Enjoy ing your Window s compu ter Fo r det ail s on u sing a Ma cintos h comp uter , refer to “Us ing your Maci ntosh comp uter ” (page 74). This sectio n describe s the English version of screen con tents.
58 Enjo ying your Windo ws com puter The follo wing en vironment is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a. Reco mmen ded en viro nme nt for co pyin g images OS (pre-installed): M i.
59 Using your comput er Install ing the soft ware (su pplied) Y ou can install th e software (supplie d) using the fo llowing proced ure. • When using Windows 2000, do not connect the camera to the comput er before installa tion. • In Windo ws 2000/XP , log on as Adm inistrator .
60 Copyin g images to you r compu ter This sect ion de scribes t he proc ess using a W indows computer as an exampl e. Y ou can copy im ages f rom the cam era to your com puter as follows. For a computer w ith a Memory St ick s lot Remove the “ Memo ry Stick Duo” from the camera and inse rt it in the Memor y Stick Du o Ada pto r .
61 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er • W ith Windows XP , the Auto Play wizard appears on the desktop. “USB Mode Mass Storage” appears on the scree n of the ca mer a. When a US B connec tion is establ ished for the f irst ti me, your compu ter automat ically runs a progr am to rec ognize th e came ra.
62 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er 1 After making a USB connection in Stage 2, c lick [Copy pictures to a fo lder on m y compute r using Micr osoft Scanner and Camera Wizar d] t [O K] as the wizard screen appears automatically on the desktop. The “S canner an d Cam era Wizard” scr een appe ars.
63 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er 5 Clic k the radio b utton nex t to [Nothing . I’m finished w orking with these pictures] to select it, then click [Ne x t]. The “C ompl eting th e Scann er and Came ra Wizard” screen appe ars.
64 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er 3 Double-c lick the [My Documents] folder . Then , right-clic k on the “My Documents” window to display the men u and clic k [P aste].
65 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er Perform t he proce dures listed be low beforeha nd wh en: • Disconnecting the dedicated USB cable • Removing a “Memory S tick Duo” .
66 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er • Image files are named as follows. ssss stands for any number within the range fr om 0001 to 9999. The numerical portions of t he name of a movie file recorded in movie mode and its corresponding index image f ile are the sam e.
67 Using your comput er Viewin g image files st ored on a compute r with your c amer a (u sing a “Memo r y Stic k Du o”) This sectio n describe s the process using a W indows co mputer a s an exampl e.
68 Using th e “Picture Mot ion Brow ser” (su pplied) Y ou ca n use stil l images and mo vies from the camer a more than e ver by taking adv antag e of t he softw are. This sec tion summar izes the “ Picture Motion Browser” and gi ves the basic instructions.
69 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 2 Connect the camera to your computer wit h the dedic ated USB cab le. Afte r th e cam era is auto mat ical ly detect ed, the [Im port Ima ges] screen is displayed. • If you use the Memory S tick slot, refer to page 60 first.
70 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” ( suppli e d) Y ear displa y screen Mont h dis play sc reen Hour display screen • T o list images from a particular year or month, click that period on the left of the screen.
71 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) Image s can be sa ved in CD or D VD as a data disc. • CD burner drive or D VD burner driv e requir ed.
72 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” ( suppli e d) Prepar ing i mages stor ed o n the comp uter f or view ing T o view them, re gister the folder th at conta ins the image s as one of th e “V i ewed folders” . 1 Clic k on the m ain screen, or choo se [Registe r Folder s to View] from the [File] menu.
73 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 1 Click [Start] t [Control Panel] (in Windo ws 2 000, [Sta rt] t [ Settings] t [Contro l Panel]), then d ouble-cli ck [Add/ Remove Progr ams]. 2 Se lect [Sony Picture Uti lity], then click [Remove] (in W indows 2000, [Change/ Remove]) to execu te the unins talla tion.
74 Using yo ur Macinto sh comp uter Y ou can copy images t o yo ur Ma cintosh comput er . • “Picture Motio n Browser” is not compatible with Macintosh computers. The follo wing en vironment is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a.
75 Using your comput er Usi ng you r Macint osh co mpute r Perform t he proce dures listed be low beforeha nd wh en: • Disconnecting the dedicated USB cable • Removing a “Memory S tick Duo” .
76 Printing s till im ages How to print st ill images When yo u print images shot in [16:9] mode , both edges may be cut off, so be sure to chec k before printing (pa ge 90). Y ou ca n print imag es by conne cting th e camer a dire ctly t o a Pict Bridge co mpli ant pri nter.
77 Print ing sti ll im ages Print ing i mages dir ectly usi ng a PictB rid ge compl iant prin ter Even if you do not have a com puter, you can prin t images shot usi ng your cam era by connec ting th e came ra direct ly to a Pict Bridge co mp liant pri nter.
78 Printi ng imag es direc tly usi ng a Pict Bridge c omplian t pri nter 1 Connect the camera to the printer . 2 T urn on your camera and the prin ter. After t he con nection is made, the i ndicator appears . The camer a is set to play back mode, th en an image an d the pri nt menu appe ar on the screen.
79 Print ing sti ll im ages Prin ting i mages directly using a Pict Brid ge comp liant printer 2 Select print settings with v / V / b / B . [Inde x] Select [On] to print as an ind ex imag e. [Size] Select th e size of the p rinting sheet. [Date] Select [Day&T ime] or [Date] to ins ert the da te and ti me on images .
80 Printi ng imag es direc tly usi ng a Pict Bridge c omplian t pri nter [Select] Sele cts images and print s all the sele cted imag es. Select the imag e you wan t to print wi th v / V / b / B , then press z to display the mark. (Repea t this pr ocedur e to sel ect other imag es.
81 Print ing sti ll im ages Print ing at a s hop Y ou can take a “ Memory Stick Duo” contai ning image s shot wit h your cam era to a photo print ing service shop .
82 Printi ng at a sh op 1 Displa y th e index screen (page 29). 2 Press MENU to displa y the menu. 3 Sele ct DPOF wit h b / B , then press z . 4 Select [Select] with v / V , then press z . • Y ou cannot add a mark in [All In This Folder]. 5 Select the image y ou want to mark with v / V / b / B , then press z .
83 T rouble shooting T r oublesho oting T rou bles hoot ing If you experienc e trouble with your came ra, try the fol lowing solutions. Please u nderstan d that y ou give your conse nt that the c ontents o f the interna l memory may be check ed whe n you send yo ur camera to be repair ed.
84 T r oubles hoot ing The battery remaining indicator is incorrect, or sufficient battery remaining indicat or is displa yed but the power runs out too quic kly . • This phenome non occurs when you use the came ra in an extremely hot or cold loc ation.
85 T rouble shooting T r oubl eshoo ting Y our camera cannot record ima ges. • Check the free capa city of the intern al memory or “M emory Stic k Duo”. If it is ful l, do one of the foll owing: – Dele te unnec essary ima ges (page 2 8). – C hange the “Mem ory Stick Duo” .
86 T r oubles hoot ing The cl ose-up shoot functio n (Macro) does not w ork. • (T wi light mode) or (Lan dscape m ode) i s select ed in t he Scen e mode (page 27) . The date and time are not displayed. • While sho oting, the da te and time are not disp layed.
87 T rouble shooting T r oubl eshoo ting Dots appear and remain on the screen. • This is not a malf unction. These dot s are not recorded (page 2). Cannot shoot images in succession. • Th e internal me mory or “Me mory Stick Duo” is full. Delete unne cessary image s (page 28).
88 T r oubles hoot ing The re sizing fu nction does no t wo rk. • Y ou cannot res ize movies. Y ou do not know if the OS of y ou r computer is compatible with the camera. • Check “R ecomme nded compu ter en vironm ent” on page 58 for W indows, and page 74 for Macintosh.
89 T rouble shooting T r oubl eshoo ting The ima ge canno t be pla yed bac k on a com puter . • If you a re using “Pictu re Motion Browser , ” refer to the He lp. • Cons ult t he com puter or software manufactur er . The image and sound are i nterrupted by noise when you view a movie on a computer .
90 T r oubles hoot ing Cannot insert a “Memory Sti ck Duo”. • Inser t it in the corr ect directi on . Cannot f ormat a “Me mory Stic k Duo”. • Y ou are usi ng the “Mem ory Stic k Duo” with the writ e-pro tect switc h, and the switch is se t to the LOCK pos ition.
91 T rouble shooting T r oubl eshoo ting Cannot print images with the date inser ted. • Y ou can print image s with the dat e inserte d using “Pictur e Motion B rowser” (page 72). • This camera does n ot hav e a feature for sup erimposin g dates on imag es.
92 T r oubles hoot ing Cannot sele ct the print size. • Consult the printer man ufactu rer as to whether the prin ter can pro vide the desire d size. Cannot pri nt the image at the size selected . • Disconnect th e dedicated US B cable and recon nect it whenever you change the paper size after t he prin ter has been conn ected to t he camera.
93 T rouble shooting W arni ng me ssages If the follo wing messages a ppear , follo w the inst r uctions. E • Th e batt ery level is low . Inst all new ones or char ged Nickel-M etal Hydride batterie s (not supplie d).
94 Warning m essages Cannot recor d • The camera c annot rec ord image s in the sele cted fol de r . Se lect a differ ent fold er (page 50). File err or • An error occurred whil e the image was playing back. File p rotec t • Releas e the protecti on (page 41).
95 Others Others T o us e yo ur came ra a broad — Powe r source s Y ou can use you r camera , the AC-LS5K A C Adapt or (not suppli ed) in any count ry or region where the power supply is within 100 V to 240 V A C, 50/60 Hz . • Do not use an electronic transf o rmer (travel con ver ter), as this ma y cause a malf unction.
96 On the “M emory Stick” A “Memor y St ick” i s a comp act, po rtabl e IC record ing medium . The types of “Memo ry Stick” that can be used with this camera ar e listed in the table belo w . However , pro per ope ratio n canno t be guar ante ed for al l “M emor y Stick ” functions.
97 Others On th e “Memo ry Stic k” • Do not us e or store th e “Memory St ick Duo” under the following conditions: – High temperature locations such as the hot interior of a car parked in .
98 On the ba tteries Batte ries yo u can and canno t use with your c amera A: supplie d B: supported C: rech argeab le * 1 Before using ba tteries, read th e fo llowing precaution for each type of battery .
99 Index Index Index A A C Adaptor........... ........... .....11 Adjust ing EV ... ....... ....... ...... . 23 AE/AF l ock indi cator........... .19 AF lo ck ... . ...... ........... ........... . 19 AF ra nge f inder frame ... ...... .19 Apertur e .
100 Index Menu........ ............ ......... ....... . 30 Items ...... ....... ....... ...... .... 31 Shooting ...................... .. 32 V iewi ng .......... ........... .... 39 Meteri ng Mode ...... ........... .... 33 Mode...... ....... ....... .
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony Cybershot DSC-S650 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony Cybershot DSC-S650 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony Cybershot DSC-S650, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony Cybershot DSC-S650 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony Cybershot DSC-S650, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony Cybershot DSC-S650.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony Cybershot DSC-S650. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony Cybershot DSC-S650 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.