Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4600 du fabricant Avaya
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Copyright 20 03, A vaya Inc. All Rights Reserv ed Notice Every ef f ort was made to ensu re that th e infor mati on in this docu ment was comp lete and a ccurate at the ti me of prin ting. Howev er , info rmation is subj ect to ch ange. Wa r r a n t y A vaya Inc .
Informat io n T echnolo gy Equipm e nt – Im m un ity Charact er ist ics – Limits a nd M ethods o f Measure ment, CISPR 2 4:1997 a nd EN550 24:1998, inclu ding: • Elect rost at ic Discha rge (ESD.
4600 Serie s IP T elephone LA N Admini stra tor ’ s Guide T able of Contents TOC v 1 Introduction About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Intended Audience . . . .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide vi TOC Netwo rk Ass essm ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Suggestions fo r Installa tion and Configurati on . . . . .
T able of Con tents TOC vii TFTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -17 TFTP Generic Se tup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide viii TOC Appendix B: Creati ng Websites fo r the 4630/4630 SW IP Telephone Intr oduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of Con tents TOC ix Cha racte r En titi es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16 Colo rs a nd F onts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide x T O C.
About Thi s Guid e 1-1 1 Introduction 1 P r o g r a m About This Guide 1 This guide pro vides a description o f V oi ce over IP , describes ho w to admini ster the DHCP and TFTP ser vers a nd covers how to t roubleshoo t oper ational pr oblems with the 4600 Ser ies IP T e lephon es an d the ser vers.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Document O rganiz ation 1-2 Document Organization 1 The gui de contain s the fo llowing secti ons: Change History 1 Chapter 1, Introdu ction Prov ides an o vervie w of the 4 600 Seri es IP Tel ephone LAN Administ rator’s do cumen t.
Introduc tion Document Organi zatio n 1-3 T erms Used in This Guide 1 802.1p 802.1Q 802.1Q de fines a layer 2 fra me struc ture that suppo rts VLA N ident ifica tion an d a QoS mechani sm usual ly refe rred to as 802.1p, but the c ontent of 802.1p i s now inc orpora ted in 802.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Online Docume ntation 1-4 Conventions Used in This Guide 1 This g uide uses the fo llowing te xtual , symbol ic, a nd typogr aphic c onvention s to h elp yo u inter pret informat ion.
Introduc tion Related Docum ents 1-5 Related Documents 1 DEFINITY ® Documentation Releas e 8.4 This CD contains doc umentatio n that des cribes , among oth er things , how to admin ister a DEFINITY switch with Re lease 8.4 software. This doc ument is p rovide d with the DE FINITY Release 8.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Related Docum ents 1-6 The following document s are available on the web site listed above under Online Documentation : 4600 Ser ies IP T e lepho nes Sa fety Instr uctions (555- 233-779) This d ocument c ontains imp ortant user sa fety in structi ons for the 460 0 Series IP T elephones .
Introduc tion Related Docum ents 1-7 Broadc asting Int ernet Datagrams in the Pr esence of Sub nets , Octobe r 1984, by J. Mogul (STD 5: RFC 922) User Datagram Pr otocol (UDP ) , Au gust 28, 19 80, by J.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Customer Support 1-8 ITU Documents 1 The follo wing do cuments are availa ble for a fee from t he IT U web site : http://www t . Recommen dation G .71 1 , Pulse C ode Mod ulatio n (PCM) of V oice Frequencie s , N ovember 1988 Recommen dation G .
Introduc tion 2-1 2 Overview of V oice over IP (V oIP) 2 P I n Introduction 2 This cha pter desc ribes the differenc es bet ween data and v oice n etworks, an d the fac tors th at influenc e the p erforman ce of V oIP .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Overvie w of Voic e over IP 2-2 Routing is relate d to addres sing and al lows c onnectio ns to be e stablished b etween endpoints. Though t hese func tions ar e common to data and voic e network s, the imp lemen tations differ .
Overvie w of V oice o ver IP ( V oI P) Overvie w of Voic e over IP 2-3 V oice Coding St andards 2 There ar e a numb er of vo ice codi ng standa rds. Th e Avaya 4600 Series IP T elephones offer the options d escribed below: G .71 1, which describes the 6 4 kbps PC M voice co ding techniq ue.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide SNMP 2-4 NA T 2 A Netwo rk Addres s Tr ans lator is an app licatio n that c an be admi niste red betwee n your n etwork and the Inte rnet. The NA T trans lates ne twork la yer IP a ddresses so your local i ntranet IP address es can duplicat e globa l, Inte rnet addres ses.
Overvie w of V oice o ver IP ( V oI P) Netwo rk As sess ment 2-5 As of Rel ease 1.1, the 4600 Series IP T elepho nes are fully co mpatible w ith SNM Pv2c (a l ater version o f SNMP ) and with S tructu.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Suggesti ons fo r Installa tion an d Config uration 2-6 Suggestions for Installation and Configuration 2 Reliability and Perfo rmance 2 There is a cost/pe rforman ce trade -off associ ated with V oic e over IP .
Overvie w of V oice o ver IP ( V oI P) 4600 Se ries IP Telepho nes 2-7 Howeve r , th is capab ility also has th e adv antage of ma king station number portabili ty easie r . Assume a situati on where the com pany has mul tiple locatio ns (for example , London and New Y ork), a ll sharin g a co rporate IP netwo rk.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4600 Ser ies IP Tel ephones 2-8 Registration and Authentic ation 2 The Avaya media ser ver sw itch su pports regi stering and au thentic ating 4600 Ser ies IP T e lephon es usin g the ex tension and passwor d.
Overvie w of V oice o ver IP ( V oI P) Init ializ ation Proces s 2-9 The TFTP server provides th e 4600 Series IP T elephone wi th a script file and, if app ropriate, new or update d applic ation softwar e (see Step 3: T el ephone an d TFTP Server , on p age 2-9 under Init ializ ation Proces s , on p age 2-9 ) .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Init ializ ation Proces s 2-10 After the app licat ion file h as been c hecked and lo aded, i f appropria te, the 4 600 Se ries IP T e lephon.
Introduc tion 3-1 3 Requirem ents 3 P r o g r a m Introduction 3 The 4600 Series IP T elephone s use Inte rnet P rotocol ( IP) tech nology wi th Etherne t line interfac es.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Hardware Req uirements 3-2 The re comme nded conf igura tion i s the late st PB X sof tware and t he late st IP Telephone firmwar e.
Requirem ents Hardwar e Requ irem ents 3-3 Hardware Requ irements, cont inued: 3 Be su re the ap propria te circ uit pack(s) are admi nist ered on y our cal l server .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Software Requ irem ents 3-4 Software Require ments 3 The foll owing so ftware is re quired fo r 4600 S eries IP T elepho nes to work prope rly . The DHCP s erver a nd applic ation shou ld be in stalled an d prope rly admini ster ed, as desc ribed in DHCP , on pa ge 4-6 .
Introduc tion 4-1 4 Server Admi nist rat ion 4 P I n Introduction 4 When a 4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one is plug ged in and powe red, it a utomatica lly n egotia tes wit h its associ ated LAN to deter mine the E thern et speed.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Introduc tion 4-2 These parameters c an be ad minis tered i n a variety o f ways , as i ndica ted in T ab le 4-1, below . Note that not all paramet ers can be admini stered on all del ivery mechani sms.
Server A dmini stra tion Introduc tion 4-3 Genera l inform ation a bout adm inister ing DH CP serv ers is cover ed in DH CP and TFTP , on pag e 4-5 , and more spe cifical ly, D HCP , on page 4-6 . Ge neral in formatio n about admini stering T FTP serve rs is covere d in DHCP and TFTP , o n page 4-5 , and m ore spec ifical ly, TFTP , on p age 4-17 .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Adminis tering 4 600 Se ries IP T elephones on A vaya Med ia Server s 4-4 Once yo u are familia r with that mat erial, y ou will be abl e to admini ster o ptions on th e telephone i n accord ance w ith Admin isteri ng Option s for the 4600 S eries I P Telep hones , on page 4-28 .
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP and TFTP 4-5 DHCP and TF TP 4 Dynamic Host Confi guration Protoco l (DHC P) provid es a m eans by which co nfigurati on parameters c an be autom aticall y assigned to clien ts on a TCP/I P network.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-6 The TFTP server file path is the “root” directory used for all transfers by the se rver .
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP 4-7 DHCP Software Alte rnatives 4 T wo DHCP software alternati ves are comm on to W indows operati ng sys tems: Windows NT ® 4.0 DHCP S erver Windows 2000 ® DH CP Server Any o ther D HCP applic ation may wo rk. It is the customer ’s responsibility to install and configure the DHCP server correctly .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-8 — A 4600 Se ries IP T ele phone-spec ific DHCP optio n specif ying info rmation such as TFTP server a n d DEFINITY ® /Mul tiV antage TM CLAN IP add resses . Use the site- specifi c optio n (SSON) at #1 76.
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP 4-9 The 4600 Series IP T elepho ne sets the i ndicated syst em value s to the v alues of the indi cated fields of the DHCP ACK me ssage as i ndicated in Ta b l e 4 - 3 below . The remainder o f this section de scribes some com mon DHCP s ervers.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-10 V erifyi ng t h e In s tal lati on of the DH CP Se rv er 4 Use the fol lowin g proced ure to v erify whethe r the DH CP serv er is ins talled. 1. Select Start → Sett ings → Control P anel .
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP 4-11 4. Define the range of IP addr esses used b y the IP te lephon es list ed in L ine 7 of T able 4-2, on pag e 4 -6 . The Start Address shou ld be the fi rst IP a ddress to be use d for the IP telep hones. The End Address should be the las t IP a ddress to be used for th e IP teleph ones.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-12 Editing Cust om Options 4 Use the fol lowin g proced ure to edi t custom option s. 1. Highligh t the new ly-crea ted scope . 2. Select D HCP Options → Default s in the m enu. 3. Click t he New butt on.
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP 4-13 Activati ng the Leases 4 Use the fol lowin g proced ure to ac tivate th e leas es. 1. Click Act ivate under the Scope Menu.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-14 W indows 2000 ® DHCP Server 4 This sec tion des cribes the confi guration of the DH CP ser ver in W indows 2000 ® . V erifyi ng t h e In s tal lati on of the DH CP Se rv er 4 Use the fol lowin g proced ure to v erify whethe r the DH CP serv er is ins talled.
Server A dmini stra tion DHCP 4-15 9. Exclud e any IP a ddress es in the range specifi ed in the previou s ste p that you do not wi sh to be assi gned to an IP tele phone. a. In the Start Address fi eld und er Exclu sion R ange, enter the first I P addres s in the range you want to exc lude .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide DHCP 4-16 15. Highlight the newly c reated scope and se lect Action → Properties from the menu. 16. Under Lease duration for DHCP clients , sele ct Unlimited and then cli ck the OK button . W ARNING: IP Addr ess leas es are kept acti ve for v arying periods o f time.
Server A dmini stra tion TFTP 4-17 13. In the Data Entry box, enter th e DHCP IP telep hone optio n strin g as de scrib ed in DHCP Generi c Set up , o n page 4- 7 .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide TFTP 4-18 TF TP Ge neri c Setu p 4 The follow in g phases are involve d in setting up a TFTP server . Install the TFTP server software. The section below describes how to inst all and configure A vaya’ s TFTP appl icati on.
Server A dmini stra tion 4600 Ser ies IP T elephone Scrip ts and Appli cation F iles 4-19 4600 Series IP T elephone Scr ipts and Application Files 4 The files nec essary to oper ate the 460 0 Series IP T eleph ones are ava ilable on the Avaya web site at: http://www.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4600 Ser ies I P Telep hone Scr ipts and Ap plicatio n Files 4-20 Extract al l of th e files. When e xtracting t he 4630 files, b e sure to allow the direc tories to be create d. Copy your 46 xxsett ings .
Server A dmini stra tion 4600 Ser ies IP T elephone Scrip ts and Appli cation F iles 4-21 Y ou can ch ange t he name of the setti ngs file, if des ire d, as long as you also edit the co rrespo nding GET comm and in the upgrade sc ript fil e.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4600 Ser ies I P Telep hone Scr ipts and Ap plicatio n Files 4-22 # DEF46xx IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4602 goto DEF4602 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4606 goto DEF4606.
Server A dmini stra tion QoS 4-23 DNSSRVR=”” DIRSRVR=”123,123,123,123” DIRTOPDN=”yourco” WMLHOME=”” WEBPROXY=”” QoS 4 The 4600 Series IP T elepho nes supp ort both IE EE 80 2.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide QoS 4-24 T o suppo rt IEEE 802.1D/Q, the 4600 Series IP T elepho nes can be admi nistere d either from the network via a ppropriate administration of the DHCP or TFTP servers, o r at the telephone it self via dialpad input .
Server A dmini stra tion QoS 4-25 The Avaya IP T elephone s’ DiffServ v alues wil l be cha nged to the value s admini stered o n the c all server a s soon as the p hone is r egistered . For mo re infor mation , see the d ocume nt titled Adminis trati on for Networ k Conn ectiv ity (55 5-233-5 04).
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide QoS 4-26 For 4620 and 4 630/463 0SW IP T elephones, the followin g parameters are displ ayed in real -tim e to users on the a ppropri ate scr.
Server A dmini stra tion VLAN C onsider ations 4-27 RSVP and R TCP 4 Avaya IP T elephon es impl ement th e Reso urce ReS erV ation Protoc ol (RSVP ) to sup port WAN bandwidth mana gement .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Adminis tering O ption s for the 4600 S eries I P Telep hones 4-28 Another system value you can admini ster as of Releas e 1.
Server A dmini stra tion Admini stering Options for the 4 600 Se ries IP Telepho nes 4-29 Becaus e this pass word is like ly stored on the s erver “in the cl ear” and is cer tainly sen t to the te.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Adminis tering O ption s for the 4600 S eries I P Telep hones 4-30 PHNC C 1 Optiona l Telepho ne co untry co de. The a dmini stered internat ional country code for the lo catio n of the s erving MultiV antage TM server .
Server A dmini stra tion Admini stering Options for the 4 600 Se ries IP Telepho nes 4-31 DNS Addressing 4 As of Rel ease 1.5, the 4600 IP T elephon es su pport DNS address es as we ll as do tted dec imal address es.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Enhan ced Lo cal Dial ing 4-32 Entering Options vi a the T elephone Dialpad 4 Chapter 3 of the 4600 Series IP T el ephone Installation Guide detail s how to use th e local admin istrative option s.
Server A dmini stra tion Customi zi ng the 4630 /46 30S W IP Telep hon e 4-33 PHNLDLENG TH; the ma ximum l ength, in di gits, of the n ational telephon e numbe r for the country in whic h the Multi V antage TM call ser ver is l ocated. PHNOL; th e charac ter(s) d ialed to a ccess public n etwork l ocal tr unks on t he cal l server .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Customiz ing th e 4630/4630 SW IP Telepho ne 4-34 In Ta b l e 4 - 6 , paramet ers show n with a Ma ndatory status mu st be a ccurate and non- null for the applica tion to work (howev er , the Avaya Hel p website will always b e availa ble).
Server A dmini stra tion Customi zi ng the 4630 /46 30S W IP Telep hon e 4-35 Stock Ticker Appli cation P arameters : STKST AT 1 Optio nal Text s tring id entify ing whethe r the phone s are al lowed t o have the Sto ck Ticker Applic ation. "1" is the d efault; "0" di sables t he Stock Ti cker Applic ation.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Customiz ing th e 4630/4630 SW IP Telepho ne 4-36 4630/4630SW Backup/Restore 4 Backup /Restore a utomati cally save s a pho ne’s speed di al bu tton lab els and o ptions/pa rameter settings .
Server A dmini stra tion Customi zi ng the 4630 /46 30S W IP Telep hon e 4-37 adminis tration, h oweve r , the se valu es may a lso be s pecified by the phone’s user , as c overed i n Chapter 8 of the 4630 IP T elephone Use r ’s Guide .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Customiz ing th e 4630/4630 SW IP Telepho ne 4-38 If the Auto matic Backup option is set to "No," sp eed di al data, opti ons and p.
Server A dmini stra tion Customiz ing th e 4620 IP Telep hone 4-39 Customizing the 4620 IP T elephone 4 The 4620 IP T elephon e has some u nique and powe rful capabilitie s that take advantag e of its display and a ccess to L AN faci lities .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Customiz ing th e 4620 I P Telep hone 4-40 Web Access Applic ation Pa ramete rs: WMLHOM E " " (Nul l) Ma ndatory T ext string conta ining the URL of the home page for the Web Acc ess appl icat ion.
Server A dmini stra tion 4620 Bac kup/Rest ore 4-41 4620 Backup /Restor e 4 Backup /Restore a utomati cally save s a pho ne’s speed di al bu tton lab els and o ptions/pa rameter settings (includi ng local Feat ure Butto n labels ).
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4620 Bac kup/Restore 4-42 4620 C ontrast Option Display Lang uage Option Automati c Back up Option FTP Ser ver IP Address Para meter FTP Dire.
Introduc tion 5-1 5 T roub leshooting Guidelines 5 P Introduction 5 This cha pter d escrib es problem s that m ay oc cur duri ng 4600 Series IP T elepho ne oper ation and possible w ays o f resolvi ng thes e proble ms.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Condit i ons 5-2 T able 5-1. Some Error Conditions in Operation of 4600 Series IP T elephones Condition Cause/Resolution The tele phone c ontin ually rebo ots, or reboots continuo usly abo ut eve ry 15 minut es.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines Error C onditi ons 5-3 The telep hone had been working , but does not work now , AND no l ights are l it on the phone a nd the displ ay is no t lit. CAUSE: Loss of power . RESOLUTION: Check the connect ions between the teleph one, the power supply, and the po wer ja ck.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Condit i ons 5-4 The tele phone w orks, but the audio qualit y is poor, sp ecifi cally: the user hears e cho when spea king on a handset. CAUSE: Echo fr om digi tal-to-anal og conversi on on your Av aya m edia serv er trunk.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines Error C onditi ons 5-5 The tele phone w orks prop erly ex cept for the speaker . CAUSE: The Speak er was turn ed off on the PBX. RESOLUTION: Adminis ter the P BX to allow tha t stati on’s sp eaker to opera te. If that does not work, do a S elf-test on the telephone .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Condit i ons 5-6 The TFTP script fil e is ignored or not us ed by the teleph one AND the TFTP server i s a LINUX or UNIX syste m. CAUSE: The tel ephone expects l ines o f the scrip t file to termin ate with a <Carriag e Return> <Line F eed>.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines Error C onditi ons 5-7 There are three areas whe re installers can tr oublesh oot probl ems befor e seeking as sistance from the sys tem or LA N adminis trator: 1. Check the wiring (p ower and E thernet) for the fo llowing: Wheth er all co mponents ar e plug ged in corre ctly .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide The Res et Admini strativ e Option 5-8 The Reset Administrative Option 5 As indi cated in some t roubles hootin g proced ures, some times it is app ropria te to r eset the 46 00 Series IP T elephone.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines The Rese t Admin istrati ve Option 5-9 2. If you do no t want to r eset the s ystem va lues, pr ess * (no) and proc eed to S tep 4.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide The View Admini stration Option 5-10 2. Press the # button to reset values t o their de faults, or * to c ontinue.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines The V iew Ad ministr ation Op tion 5-11 2. Press the * button at any tim e during viewing to displa y the nex t name and sy s tem va lue pair from the l ist bel ow , re turning to the fi rst pair after the last pair has been d isplaye d.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Messa ges 5-12 Error Messages 5 The 4600 Series IP T elepho nes i ssue mess ages in E nglish o nly . Th e IP T elepho nes al so disp lay message s from the swit ch, whi ch ou tside the Unite d S tates may issue m essa ges in th e loca l langu age.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines Error Mess ages 5-13 No Ether net CAUSE: When first plug ged in , the IP Telepho ne is una ble to communi cate wi th the Ethe rnet. RESOLUTION: Verify the co nnection to the E thernet j ack, verify the jack is Catego ry 5, etc.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Messa ges 5-14 Failed to se t phone IP addre ss CAUSE: The 460 0 Ser ies Telep hone wa s ori ginally install ed on one switch with Sta tic Addr essing, a nd has s ubsequ ently been instal led on another swi tch with an active DHCP server assig ning dynami c IP address es.
T roub leshooti ng Guide lines Error Mess ages 5-15 T able 5-4 . Pos sible Err or Mess ages Du ring 46 20/4630/46 30SW B ackup/R estore Error Messa ge Cause/Resolution Current op tions and Spee d Dial entries have not ye t been bac ked up .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Error Messa ges 5-16.
Avaya - 4 6xx IP Teleph one MIB A-1 A Appendi x A: A vaya - 46xx IP T e lephone MIB A vaya - 46x x IP T elephon e MIB 5 The custo m Manag ement In formatio n Bas e (MIB) is availa ble in *.txt for mat for fr ee down load at http://www .avaya. com/supp ort .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Avaya - 4 6xx IP T elephone MIB A-2.
Introduc tion B-1 B Append ix B: Creati ng W ebsites for the 4630 / 4630S W IP T el ep hon e Introduction 5 This Appe ndix describes the capabil ities an d limitation s of the web brows er in th e 4630/4630 SW IP T elepho ne and provid es sugg estions for d esignin g website s for v iewin g on th e 4630/463 0SW .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Genera l Backg round B-2 General Background 5 The 4630 IP T elephon e dis play is a quar ter VG A (320 pi xels wi de by 240 pixe ls high, 256 co lors suppo rted) di splay . The data typ es and oth er fea tures suppo rted i n the bro wser include : HTML 4.
Creati ng Websites for the 463 0/4630S W IP T elep hone Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-3 <body> indicat es the start of the b ody o f an HTML docum ent. The rest of th e doc ument will be embedded b etween t he start and e nd <b ody> tags.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-4 Logical Style 5 T a gs tha t control logica l sty le provide a si milar fu nction ality to those that contr ol conten t-based style, b ut they have no i mpli cit visual character istic s or co ntextua l mean ing.
Creati ng Websites for the 463 0/4630S W IP T elep hone Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-5 Physical Spaci ng and Layout 5 Physic al spacing an d layou t tags define the ba sic struc ture of a docum ent. H eadings, para graphs, tables and l ists all pr ovid e some ba sic physic al and logic al layo ut to a page.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-6 Lists 5 <ol> s tarts an ordered l ist. This provi des a list wi th so me type of number ing: u pper-cas e letters , lower- case letters, digits, u pper-c ase rom an nume rals, l ower-ca se roma n numera ls.
Creati ng Websites for the 463 0/4630S W IP T elep hone Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-7 Images 5 The 4630 I P T elephone Web Brow ser ha ndles bot h GIF and J PEG im age for mats. No other i mage formats, inc luded an imated GIFs, a re supp orted.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-8 Frames 5 Frames a llow mu ltiple wi ndows to b e create d on the browser ’ s bas e wind ow . T he brows er is effectively sp lit up into m ultipl e areas .
Creati ng Websites for the 463 0/4630S W IP T elep hone Browser Featur es and B ehavi or B-9 <option> defin es the va lues availabl e in a <selec t> scrol ling lis t or dr op-down m enu. <select> define s scroll ing lis ts and drop-do wn menus .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Design Gui delin es B-10 Cookies 5 Cookies ca n be a us eful feat ure in ma intaining the state of a user whe n interac ting with a w eb site . HTTP provid es no state in format ion, su ch as whe n or how often a user has visited a s ite.
Creati ng Websites for the 463 0/4630S W IP T elep hone Design G uide lines B-11 Images 5 The use o f imag es in a web page is a lways a concern. For e xample, a page wit h many images can cause down loadi ng to be slow . While this is stil l a concer n in the pho ne, the size of an image ha s a much gr eater effect.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Design Gui delin es B-12 Fonts 5 Font si ze is a major c oncern i n the b rowse r . W ithout designer interv entio n, the brow ser d isplay s text as i f it were running o n a PC in a norm al width an d height d ispla y .
Introduc tion C-1 C Append ix C: Cre ating W ebsite s for the 46 20 IP T ele phone Introduction 5 This Appe ndix des cribes th e capabil ities an d limitation s of the web browser in th e 4620 IP T e lephon e and provid es s uggestio ns fo r desi gning websites for v iewing on t he 4620.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Genera l Backg round C-2 General Background 5 The 4620 T elephone h as a 16 8 pixel -by-132 pi xel f our-gray scale L CD displa y .
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e WML Do cumen t Skeleto n C-3 The card elemen t attribut es suppo rted b y the web b rowse r are as fo llows (unsup ported attri butes are indic ated as s.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide WML Docu ment S keleton C-4 < template > tag - The < template > tag def ines a templa te for all th e cards in a deck. T he “c ode” in the <te mplate > tag is add ed to ea ch ca rd in the deck.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Text El ements C-5 T ext Ele ments 5 < br > tag - The <br> tag te lls the brows er t o add a l ine brea k to the tex t at th e poin t the e lement is writ ten. < p > tag - The <p> tag specif ies a paragrap h of tex t with a lignment and li ne wrappi ng properties .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Anch or Elem ents C-6 Anchor Elemen ts 5 < a > tag - <a> el ements def ine < go> tasks that r equire a URL li nk spec ificati on. Al l <a> tags will be render ed as underl ined.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Image El ements C-7 Image Eleme nts 5 < img > tag - T he <img> tag is use d to pla ce an im age in the text fl ow . The 4620 suppo rts the rendering of black -and-wh ite Wir eless B itmap (WBMP) i mages , up to 152 p ixels wide an d 1536 pix els (96 lines of 16 pix els hig h each ) hig h.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Event El ements C-8 Eve nt El ements 5 < do > tag - The <do > tag is a car d-level us er inter face. It s erves as a gene ral mec hanism fo r the user to activ ate a task, typi call y perfor med by th e user c licking o n a wor d or phr ase in th e display .
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Event El ements C-9 < do > tags are rend ered a s softke y labels on the bottom line o f the 462 0 displ ay . <do> tags are specifi ed per WML page and ther efore are page conte xt-sensi tive.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Event El ements C-10 If no <do> tags have b een sp ecified, no softkeys will be d isplay ed: If one <do > tag is spe cified th e .
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Event El ements C-11 < onevent > tag - The one vent tag se rves as a containe r for co de that y ou wis h to be execute d automat ically wh en one of the four in trinsi c ev ents occurs . The on event el ement is sai d to bind (associ ate) the tasks ( code) t o the event for the elem ent.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Task Elemen ts C-12 < postfield > tag - Th e postfield tag is used to set a nam e/value pair that can be tra nsmit ted to an origi n server (source of the req uest) du ring a URL reque st.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Input Elements C-13 < noop > tag - The noop tag dic tates that n o operati on should be done . This tag ca n be used o n the ca rd leve l to pr event an event, specifi ed on th e deck l evel by the tem plate e lement , from occurri ng.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Input Ele ments C-14 The six d isplay lines of the 462 0 assoc iated w ith featur e button s are all a vailabl e for inp ut elements. The top line of the di splay c annot b e used for i nput. The inp ut tag causes an automa tic li ne break before a nd after inpu t text.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Input Elements C-15 < optgroup > tag - Sets of <optg roup> brac kets can be put arou nd <op tions> in a <se lect> li st. The re sults in br eaking a list into s ublists. < option > tag - A set of op tion tags i s needed to speci fy each i ndividu al item i n a li st.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Variable E lemen ts C-16 V ariab le Elements 5 < setvar > tag - There ar e no v isual ren derin g implic ation s with thi s tag. < timer > tag - The timer tag s ets a timer that starts countin g.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Colors and Fonts C-17 For conv enience, a few of these key symbo ls are s pecifie d belo w . Col ors an d Font s 5 The brow ser su pports a 4-gr ayscal e displ ay .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-18 The WT AI URI schem e is as f ollows: wtai://<library>/<f unction> (; < p arame ter>) * [! <result >] Scheme Definition: <> Denotes an enumerate d oper ator.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-19 Syntax Implementation 5 Click to D ial Functional ity 5 T o enabl e the cli ck to di al functi onalit y , .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-20 The cod e shows a hyperl ink as Ca ll 5551 212 on the web s creen o f an Avaya 462 0 IP T elephone. A phone icon preced es this hyperl ink, indica ting that it is a “cl ick-to- dial” number .
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-21 The cod e will s how a hype rlink a s Call Us on the web screen of an Avaya 4 620 IP T elep hone.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-22 Clic k-to- dia l usin g < d o> ta g (so f tke y ): 5 <?xml versio n= "1 .0" ?> <!DOCTYPE w ml PUBLIC "-//W APFORUM//D TD WML 1.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Wirele ss Tel ephony Applic ation s (WTA) C-23 Add to Speed Dial Functionality 5 Add to S peed Dial is ref erred to as Add to Phone Book b y WT A.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Summary Of WML Tags And A ttribute s C-24 The code wi ll ad d the en try to the speed di al group with th e name "My C ompany" on th e speed di al screen of an Avaya 4620 IP T e lephon e.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Summar y Of W ML Tags And Attr ibutes C-25 <do> label name optional type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, exce pt x-* <em> No <field set> No <go.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Summary Of WML Tags And A ttribute s C-26 <input> empty ok form at maxle ngth name size tabinde x tit le type value Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes.
Creating Websites fo r the 4620 IP T elephon e Summar y Of W ML Tags And Attr ibutes C-27 <selec t> ivalue multip le name tabindex title value Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes <setvar > name val.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Summary Of WML Tags And A ttribute s C-28.
Introduc tion D-1 D Append ix D: Admi ni stering th e 4620 Thin Clie nt Directory Introduction 5 If you h ave a corpo rate databas e tha t suppor ts the Lig htweigh t Direc tory A ccess P rotocol (LDAP), Avaya’s Thin Client Direc tory ap plicati on can co mmuni cate with t hat databas e.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Introduc tion D-2 Figure D-1. High-Level Thin Client Architecture As show n above, th e Direct ory a pplicati on and its adminis tration are co-r esident wi th an HTT P server.
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Applic ation Pla tform Requ irem ents D-3 Application Platform Requireme nts 5 It is the L AN or Sy stem Ad minis trator ’s res ponsi bility to provi de and co nfigure th e LDAP serve r and the operatin g envi ronment on whic h the Th in Cli ent Direc tory wi ll be ins talled.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Installi ng the Th in Client Direc tory on the Serv er D-4 The down load contains these di rector ies: avayadir admin - Fi les neede d for t he HTML a dmini stration part of the LDA P app lication (includi ng the P HP files needed for admi nistrat ion).
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Installi ng the Th in Cli ent Direc tory on the Serv er D-5 8. Uncommen t the li ne “ ” in php .ini 9. T o finish, re start the web s erver by runnin g “ /sbin/service httpd restart ”.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Installi ng the Th in Client Direc tory on the Serv er D-6 Insta llati on for Windows wi th Apa che: 5 1. Extract th e file avayadir-1 to the docum entRoot folder . 2. Go to www to deter mine how to ins tall and con figure P HP for your s erver .
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry 4620 Web A pplic ation Us er Inter face D-7 4620 W eb A pplication User In terface 5 This sec tion d escribe s the us er inter face sc reens r equired for th e Direc tory appl icat ion.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4620 Web Appli cation Us er Inter face D-8 W eb Application Search Screen 5 The Sea rch scre en displ ays upo n user s election of the D irectory applica tion.
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry 4620 Web A pplic ation Us er Inter face D-9 W eb Application Su ccessful Search Screen 5 The Succ essful S earch sc reen dis plays w hen at leas t one m atch resul ts from a us er-submi tted search . The top displ ay line provid es the message “X found .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4620 Web Appli cation Us er Inter face D-10 W eb Application D etail Screen 5 The Detail sc reen dis plays w hen a user selec ts the Det ail button on the S ucces sful Searc h screen .
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry 4620 Web A pplic ation Us er Inter face D-11 Return - Displa ys the S earch s creen, inc ludin g the Name fi eld e ntered by the user to initi ate the m o st recent search.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide 4620 Web Appli cation Us er Inter face D-12 T able D-1. S earch Failure Causes and Corresponding T rouble Screen Error Mes sages Cause of Search F ailure LDAP Result Code T rouble Screen Message N/A.
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry 4620 Web A pplic ation Us er Inter face D-13 When th e D irectory Appl ication rece ives a reques t for a Sear ch scr een, i t will s end a Search screen in response only if th e minimu m admi nistrati ve infor matio n has been su pplied .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-14 Directory Database Ad ministration Interface 5 The Dire ctory app lica tion fi le yo u download from t he Avaya webs ite c ontains five primar y scr eens on which you admi niste r and custom ize the Thin C lient Directo ry .
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Director y Databas e Administrat ion Inte rface D-15 2. General Directory Application Administration screen - Y ou pr ovide general informa tion about .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-16 Configuring th e General Directory Applic ation Administration Screen 5 1. From the Welcome screen, sel ect the General Administration screen li nk (or select the Right Arrow icon at th e bottom of the Welcom e scree n).
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Director y Databas e Administrat ion Inte rface D-17 3. Press the Sa ve Chan ges butto n as stated at the botto m of the screen to save the values entered. When you compl ete the final adminis tration s creen, y ou will have the o pportu nity to review all valu es on all scr eens .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-18 Configuring the Directory Applicat ion Search Administration Screen 5 The Sea rch scree.
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Director y Databas e Administrat ion Inte rface D-19 2. Enter the se arch fields, corr espondin g LDAP attri bute names , and assoc iated label s by whic h your 46 20 end u sers will search y our cor porate Di rectory .
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-20 Configuring th e Directory Appl ication Detail s Administration Screen 5 The Detail sc .
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Director y Databas e Administrat ion Inte rface D-21 2. Enter the LDAP attr ibute names r epresen ting the detail infor mation y ou want to displa y abou t a perso n found by a searc h.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-22 Figure D -10. Softk ey Administ ration S creen.
Adminis tering th e 4620 Thin Client Dir ecto ry Director y Databas e Administrat ion Inte rface D-23 T able D-4. List of Dr op-Down Attributes available for Search, Query and Details Administration S.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide Directo ry Databa se Admin istrati on Interfa ce D-24.
IN- 1 Index G L Numerics 4600 Seri es IP Telepho ne Restart 5-9 4600 S erie s IP Tel e phon e Cus tom iz ab le S yst em Parameters 4-29 4600 Seri es IP Telepho ne Scripts and Applicat ion Files 4-19 4.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide IN-2 Custo mizing the Site-S pecific Op tion Numbe r (SSON) 4-31 D DEFINI TY Releases 9 , 9.
Index IN- 3 Soft war e Req uir emen ts 3-4 Software , for 4600 Serie s IP Telephone s 2-8 Syntax I mplementation, for WTA Appli cations C-19 System Values, Reset 5-8 System Values, Resett ing 5-8 T Ta.
4600 Ser ies IP T eleph one LA N Adminis trator ’s Guide IN-4.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Avaya 4600 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Avaya 4600 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Avaya 4600, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Avaya 4600 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Avaya 4600, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Avaya 4600.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Avaya 4600. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Avaya 4600 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.