Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DV101 du fabricant Samsung
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C l i c k a t o p i c This use r ma nual inc lud es d etai led usag e inst ruct ions for you r c amer a. P leas e re ad this man ual thor ough ly . DV50/DV90/DV100/DV101 Basic troubleshooting Quick re.
1 He al t h an d s af et y i nf o rma ti o n Always comply with the following precautions and usage tips to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak performance of your camera. W arning —situations that could cause injur y to yourself or others Do not disassemble or attempt to repair your camera.
2 Heal th and saf ety inf orm atio n Caution —situations that could cause damage to your camera or other equipment Remove the batteries from your camera when storing it for an extended period of time. Installed batteries may leak or corrode over time and cause serious damage to your camera.
3 Do not force the camera’ s parts or apply pressure to the camera. This may cause your camera to malfunction. Exercise caution when you connect cables or adapters and install batteries and memory cards.
4 Copyright information • Microsoft Windows and the W indows logo are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. • micro SD™, micro SDHC™ are registered trademarks of the SD Association. • Mac is a registered trademark of the Apple Corporation.
5 Indications used in this manual Shooting mode Indication Smart Auto Program Scene Movie Shooting mode icons These icons indicate that a function is available in the corresponding modes.
6 Pressing the shutter • Half-press [ Shutter ]: Press the shutter halfway down. • Press [ Shutter ]: Press the shutter all the way down. Half-press [ Shutter ] Press [ Shutter ] Subject, background, and composition • Subject : The main object of a scene, such as a person, animal, or still life.
7 Ba si c t ro ub l es ho o ti ng Y ou can get answers to common questions. Solve problems easily by setting shooting options. The subject's eyes appear red. This is caused by a reflection from the camera flash. • Set the flash option to Red-eye or Red-eye Fix .
8 Qu ic k r ef e r en ce T aking photos of peop le • mode > Beauty S hot 35 • Self Sh ot 42 • Childre n 43 • Red-eye , Red-eye Fix (to prevent or corr ect red-e ye) .
9 Co nt e nt s Exte nde d f unct ion s ...... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... 31 Usin g th e Sm art Aut o mo de .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... . 32 Usin g th e Sc ene mode ...... .... .... .... .... ...
10 Conten ts Shoo tin g o ptio ns ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 45 Sele ctin g a re solu tion an d qu alit y ...... .... .... .... ... .... .... .. 46 Sele ctin g a reso luti on .... .... .... .... ... ....
11 Play bac k/E diti ng ..... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .. 67 Play ing back .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ... 68 Star ting Pla ybac k mo de ..... .... .... .... .
Un pa ck in g …… …… …… …… …… …… … 13 Ca me ra l a yo ut …… …… …… …… …… … … 14 In se rt in g t he b at t er y an d m em or y ca r d … 16 Ch ar gin g .
Ba sic f un ct io ns 13 Un pa c ki n g Check your product box for the following items. Optional accessories Camera case Memory card/ Memory card adapter A/V cable Battery charger Camera AC adapter/USB cable Rechargeable battery Strap Quick Start Guide • The illustrations may differ from your actual items.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 14 Ca me r a l ay ou t Before you start, familiarize yourself with your camera's parts and their functions. USB and A/V por t Accepts USB cable or A/V cable Battery chamber c.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 15 Came ra layo ut Button Description In Shooting mode Other functions Change the display option Move up Change the macro option Move down Change the flash option Move left Change.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 16 In se r ti ng t h e ba t te ry an d m em ory c ar d Learn to insert the battery and an optional memor y card into the camera. Removing the battery and memory card Push the card gently until the card disengages fr om the camera, and then pull it out of the slot.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 17 Ch ar ging th e b at te ry an d t urn in g y ou r c am e ra on T urning on your camera Press [ POWER ] to turn your camera on or off. • The initial setup screen appears when you turn on the camera for the first time. (p. 18) T urning on your camera in Playback mode Press [ ].
Ba sic f un ct io ns 18 Pe rf o rmi ng t h e in i ti al se tu p The initial setup screen appears to allow you to configure the camera's basic settings. 1 Press [ ]. • The initial setup screen appears when you turn on the camera for the first time.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 19 Perf orm ing the ini tia l s etup 8 Press [ ] or [ ] to set the date and time and press [ ]. 9 Press [ ] or [ ] to select Date T ype and press [ ] or [ ]. 1 0 Press [ ] or [ ] to select a date format and press [ ]. 1 1 Press [ ] to switch to the Shooting mode.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 20 Icon Description Auto focus option Face detection Voice muted 3 Icons on the left Icon Description Aperture and shutter speed Long time shutter Exposure value White balan.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 21 Se le c ti ng o p ti on s o r m en us Y ou can select options by pressing [ ], and then using the navigation buttons ([ ], [ ], [ ], [ ]). Press [ ] to confirm. Y ou c a n a ls o a c ce s s s ho o ti n g o pt i on s b y p r es s in g [ ], b u t s om e o p ti o ns ar e n o t a va i la b le .
Ba sic f un ct io ns 22 Sele cti ng opti ons or men us 5 Press [ ] or [ ] to scroll to White Balance, and then press [ ] or [ ]. Photo Siz e Quality EV ISO White Bal ance Smart Fil ter Face Dete ction Exit Back 6 Press [ ] or [ ] to scroll to a White Balance option.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 23 Se tt i ng t he di sp l ay a n d so u nd Learn how to change the basic display and sound settings. Setting t he sound Set whether your camera emits a specified sound when you operate your camera. 1 In Shooting or Playback mode, press [ ].
Ba sic f un ct io ns 24 T aki ng p ho t os Learn basic actions to take photos easily and quickly in the Smart Auto mode. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Press [ ] or [ ] to scroll to , and then press [ ]. 3 Align your subject in the frame. 4 Half-press [ Shutter ] to focus.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 25 T akin g p hoto s T urning on the f ron t display The front display helps you capture self-portraits, or photos of children, or photos of people jumping. If you use the Children mode, you can play a short animation on the front display to attract a child’ s attention.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 26 T akin g p hoto s Digital zoom If the zoom indicator is in the digital range, your camera is using the digital zoom. By using both the optical zoom and digital zoom, you can zoom in up to 25 times.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 27 T akin g p hoto s Intelli zoom If the zoom indicator is in the Intelli range, your camera is using the Intelli zoom. Photo resolution varies according to the zoom rate if you use the Intelli zoom. By using both the optical zoom and Intelli zoom, you can zoom in up to 10 times.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 28 T akin g p hoto s Reducing camera sh ake (DIS) Reduce camera shake digitally in Shooting mode. Before correction After correction 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting → DIS → an option. Options Description Off : DIS is deactivated.
Ba sic f un ct io ns 29 Tips for getting a clearer photo Holding your camera correctly Make sure nothing is blocking the lens. Half-pressing the shutter button Half-press [ Shutter ] and adjust the focus. The camera adjusts the focus and exposure automatically .
Ba sic f un ct io ns 30 Preventing your subject fr om being out of focus It may be difficult to get your subject in focus when: - there is little contrast between the subject and background (for examp.
Us in g th e S ma rt A u to m od e …… …… …… 32 Us in g th e S ce ne m o de … …… …… …… … 34 Usin g th e Ma gic Fram e m ode … ………… 34 Usin g th e Be auty Sho t m o.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 32 Us in g t he S m ar t Au to mo de In Smart Auto mode, your camera automatically chooses the appropriate camera settings based on the type of scene it detects. The Smart Auto mode is helpful if you are not familiar with the camera settings for various scenes.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 33 Usin g t he Smar t Auto m ode 4 Half-press [ Shutter ] to focus. • In several scenes, the camera automatically captures a photo when you half-press [ Shutter ]. 5 Press [ Shutter ] to take the photo. • If the camera does not recognize a proper scene mode, appears and the camera uses default settings.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 34 Us in g t he S c en e m od e In Scene mode, you can capture a photo with options that are preset for a specific scene. 3 Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press [ Shutter ] to focus. 4 Press [ Shutter ] to take the photo.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 35 Usin g t he Scen e m ode 5 Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press [ Shutter ] to focus. 6 Press [ Shutter ] to take the photo. • In Magic Frame mode, the resolution is automatically set to . • When you connect the camera to a TV in Magic Frame mode, you cannot capture photos.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 36 Usin g t he Scen e m ode 6 Press [ ]. 7 Select Shooting → Face Retouch . 8 Select an option. • For example, increase the Face Retouch setting to hide more imperfections. Level 2 Back Move 9 Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press [ Shutter ] to focus.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 37 Usin g t he Scen e m ode 6 Select an option. • If you select AUTO , the camera adjusts the aperture value or shutter speed automatically . 7 Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press [ Shutter ] to focus. 8 Press [ Shutter ] to take the photo.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 38 Us in g t he P r og ra m m od e In the Program mode, you can set various options except the shutter speed and aperture value, which the camera sets automatically . 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select . 3 Set options. (For a list of options, refer to “ Shooting options ” .
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 39 Us in g t he M o v ie m o de In Movie mode, you can record high-definition videos in 1280 X 720 HQ resolution. Y ou can record up to 4 GB (approximately 15 minutes) at 1280 X 720 HQ resolution and the camera saves recorded videos as MJPEG files.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 40 Usin g t he Movi e m ode T o pause recording The camera allows you to pause a video temporarily while recording. With this function, you can record several scenes as a single video. Stop Recor d • Press [ ] to pause while recording.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 41 Usin g t he Movi e m ode Icon Description Appears when recording videos of forested areas. Appears when recording videos of sunsets.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 42 Ca pt u ri ng p h ot os wi th th e f ro nt di sp la y The front display helps you capture self-portraits or photos of children.
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 43 Capt uri ng p hot os w ith th e fr ont di spla y Using the Childr en mo de The Children mode attracts children by showing a short animation on the front display . 1 In Shooting mode, press the fr ont LCD button. 2 Select Children .
Ex ten de d fu nc ti on s 44 Capt uri ng p hot os w ith th e fr ont di spla y 4 Jump when the jump icon appears on the front display . • The camera will capture 2 photos in succession. If yo u a r e c ap t ur i ng ph o to s u s in g t h e j um p s h ot ti m er in lo w l i gh t c o nd i ti o ns or in d oo r s, ph o to s m a y a pp e ar da r k.
Se le ct in g a r esol ut i on a nd q u al it y …… …… 46 Sele ctin g a re solu tion …………… ……… 46 Sele ctin g im age qual ity ………… ………… 47 Us in g th e t im er �.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 46 Se le c ti ng a r es ol u ti on an d q ua li ty Learn how to change the image resolution and quality settings. When recor ding a video 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Movie → Movie Size → an option. Option Description 1280 X 720 HQ : For high-quality play back on an HDTV .
Sh oot in g op ti on s 47 Sele cti ng a re sol utio n a nd qual ity Selecting image qu ality The camera compresses and saves the photos you take in JPEG format. Higher quality images result in larger file sizes. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting → Quality → an option.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 48 Us in g t he t i me r Learn how to set the timer to delay shooting. 3 Press [ Shutter ] to start the timer . • The AF-assist light/timer lamp blinks. The camera automatically takes a photo at the specified time. • The front display will start a countdown a few seconds before shooting.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 49 Sh oo t in g in th e d ar k Learn how to take photos at night or in low light conditions. Using the flash Use the flash when taking photos in the dark or when you need more light in your photos. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ].
Sh oot in g op ti on s 50 Shoo tin g i n th e d ark • Flash options are not available if you set Continuous , Motion Capture , AEB options or select Blink Detection . • Make sure that your subjects are within the recommended distance from the flash.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 51 Ch an g in g th e c am e r a’ s fo cu s Learn how to adjust the camera's focus. Using aut o focus T o take sharp photos, select the appropriate focus according to your distance from the subject. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ].
Sh oot in g op ti on s 52 Chan gin g th e c amer a’ s foc us • If you do not select a focus area, the focus frame will appear in the center of the screen.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 53 Chan gin g th e c amer a’ s foc us Adjusting the focu s ar ea Y ou can get clearer photos by selecting an appropriate focus area according to your subject’ s location in the scene. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting → Focus Area → an option.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 54 Us in g f ac e d et ec t io n If you use Face Detection options, your camera can automatically detect a human face. When you focus on a human face, the camera adjusts the exposure automatically . T ake photos quickly and easily by using Blink Detection to detect closed eyes or Smile Shot to capture a smiling face.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 55 Usin g f ace det ect ion Detecting eye blin king If your camera detects closed eyes, it automatically takes two photos in succession. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting → Face Detection → Blink Detection . T aking a smile shot The camera automatically releases the shutter when it detects a smiling face.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 56 Usin g f ace det ect ion • The camera may recognize and register faces incorrectly depending on lighting conditions, remarkable changes in the subject's pose or face, and whether or not the subject is wearing glasses.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 57 Usin g f ace det ect ion Registeri ng faces as your f avorites (My Star) Y ou can register your favorite faces to prioritize the focus and exposure on those faces. This feature is available only when you use a memory card. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ].
Sh oot in g op ti on s 58 Ad ju s ti ng b r ig ht n es s a nd c o lo r Learn how to adjust the brightness and color for better image quality . 3 Select a value to adjust the exposure. • The photo will be brighter as exposure increases. • When you adjust the exposure value, the icon will appear as shown below .
Sh oot in g op ti on s 59 Adju sti ng brig htn ess and co lor Changing the meter ing optio n The metering mode refers to the way in which a camera measures the quantity of light. The brightness and lighting of your photos will vary depending on the metering mode you select.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 60 Adju sti ng brig htn ess and co lor 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting or Movie → White Balance → an option. Icon Description Auto WB : Automatically sets the white balance based on the lighting conditions.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 61 Adju sti ng brig htn ess and co lor Defining your own white balance 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting or Movie → White Balance → Measure: Shutter (Custom Set) . 3 Aim the lens at a piece of white paper .
Sh oot in g op ti on s 62 Us in g b ur st mo de s It can be difficult to take photos of fast-moving subjects or capture natural facial expressions and gestures of your subjects in photos. In these cases, select one of the burst modes to take multiple pictures rapidly .
Sh oot in g op ti on s 63 Im pr o vi n g yo u r ph o to s Learn how to improve your photos by applying smart filter effects, or make some adjustments. Available filters in Pr ogram mode Icon Description Normal : No effect. Miniature : Apply a tilt-shift effect to make the subject appear in miniature.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 64 Impr ovi ng your ph otos Available filters in Movie mode Icon Description Normal : No effect. Palette Effect 1 : Create a vivid look with sharp contrast and red color . Palette Effect 2 : Making scenes clean and clear by applying a soft blue tone.
Sh oot in g op ti on s 65 Impr ovi ng your ph otos Defining your own RGB tone 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting or Movie → Smart Filter → Custom RGB . 3 Select a color (R: Red, G: Green, B: Blue). Back Move 4 Adjust the amount of the selected color .
Sh oot in g op ti on s 66 Impr ovi ng your ph otos Adjusting your pho tos Adjust the contrast, sharpness, and saturation of your photos. 1 In Shooting mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Shooting → Image Adjust . 3 Select an adjustment option. • Contrast • Sharpness • Saturation 4 Select a value to adjust the selected item.
Pl ay in g b ac k ……… …… … …… …… …… … 68 Star ting Pla ybac k mo de ……………… … 68 Viewi ng p hot os …………… ………… …… 73 Play ing a vi deo …�.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 68 Pl ay i ng b ac k Learn how to play back photos or videos and how to manage files. Display in Playback mode Information Icon Description Video file Print order has been set .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 69 Play ing bac k Video file information Play Captur e Icon Description Video file Video length Ranking your favorite faces Y ou can rank your favorite faces. This feature is available only when you use a memory card. 1 In Playback mode, press [ ].
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 70 Play ing bac k Viewing files by category in Smart Album View and manage files by categories, such as date, file type, or week. 1 In Playback mode, push [ Zoom ] down. 2 Press [ ]. 3 Select a category . T ype Date Color Week Face Back Set Option Description T ype View files by file type.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 71 Play ing bac k Viewing files as thumbnails Scan thumbnails of files. In Playback mode, push [ Zoom ] down to view thumbnails (9 at a time). Push [ Zoom ] down once or twice more to display more thumbnails (20 at a time). Push [ Zoom ] up to return to the previous view .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 72 Play ing bac k Deleting files Delete single files or all files at once. Deleting a single file Y ou can select one file, and then delete it. 1 In Playback mode, select a file, and then press [ ]. 2 When the pop-up message appears, select Y es .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 73 Play ing bac k Vie wing phot os Zoom in on part of a photo or view photos in a slide show . Enlarging a photo In Playback mode, push [ Zoom ] up to enlarge a portion of the photo. Push [ Zoom ] down to zoom out. The enlarged area and zoom ratio are indicated on the top of the screen.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 74 Play ing bac k 3 Select a slide show effect option. • Skip to step 4 to start a slide show with no effects. Option Description Start Set whether or not to repeat the slide show . ( Play , Repeat ) Images Select the photos you want to view as a slide show .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 75 Play ing bac k Playing a video Y ou can play a video, capture an image from a video. 1 In Playback mode, select a video, and then press [ ]. Pause Current playback time 2 Use the following buttons to control playback. T o Description Scan backward Press [ ].
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 76 Play ing bac k Capturing an image during playback 1 Press [ ] at the point wher e you want to save a still image. 2 Press [ ]. A c ap t ur e d i ma g e h as th e s a me re s ol u ti o n a s t he or i gi n al vi d eo fi l e a nd is sa v ed as a n ew fi l e.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 77 Ed it i ng a p h ot o Perform photo editing tasks, such as resizing, rotating, eliminating red-eyes, and adjusting brightness, contrast, or saturation. • The camera saves edited photos as new files. • When you edit photos, the camera will automatically convert them to a lower resolution.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 78 Edit ing a phot o Icon Description Old Film 1 : Apply a vintage film effect 1. Old Film 2 : Apply a vintage film effect 2. Half T one Dot : Apply a halftone effect. Sketch : Apply a pen sketch effect. Fish-eye : Blacken the edges of the frame and distort objects to imitate the visual effect of a fisheye lens.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 79 Edit ing a phot o Defining your own RGB tone 1 In Playback mode, select a photo, and then press [ ]. 2 Select Edit → Smart Filter → Custom RGB . 3 Select a color (R: Red, G: Green, B: Blue). Back Set 4 Adjust the amount of the selected color .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 80 Edit ing a phot o Hiding facial imperfections 1 In Playback mode, select a photo, and then press [ ]. 2 Select Edit → Image Adjust → Face Retouch . 3 Select a level. • As the number increases, the skin tone becomes brighter and smoother .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 81 Edit ing a phot o Cre ating a p rint or der ( DPOF) Select photos to print and save print options in the Digital Print Order Format (DPOF). This information is saved in the MISC folder on your memory card for convenient printing on DPOFcompatible printers.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 82 Vi ew i ng f il e s on a TV Play back photos or videos by connecting your camera to a TV using the A/V cable. 6 T ur n on your TV , and then select the video output mode using the TV remote contr ol. 7 T ur n on your camera.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 83 T ran sf e rr in g f il e s to yo ur Win do ws co mp u te r T ransfer files to your Windows computer , edit them with Intelli-studio, and upload them to the web.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 84 T rans fer ring fi les to you r W indo ws comp ute r T ransferri ng files using Int elli-stud io Y ou can download Intelli-studio from the linked webpage and install it on your computer . When you connect the camera to a computer with Intelli-studio installed, the program will launch automatically .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 85 T rans fer ring fi les to you r W indo ws comp ute r Using Intelli-studio Intelli-studio allows you to play back and edit files.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 86 T rans fer ring fi les to you r W indo ws comp ute r T ransferri ng files by connec ting the camera as a r emovab le disk Connect the camera to your computer as a removable disk. 1 In Shooting or Playback mode, press [ ]. 2 Select Settings → PC Software → Of f .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 87 T rans fer ring fi les to you r W indo ws comp ute r 5 T ur n on the camera. • The computer recognizes the camera automatically . If yo u s e t t he US B o p ti o n t o S el e ct Mo d e , se l ec t C o mp u te r i n t h e po p -u p w i nd o w .
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 88 T ran sf e rr in g f il e s to yo ur M a c co m pu te r When you connect the camera to a Macintosh computer , the computer recognizes the camera automatically . Y ou can transfer files directly from the camera to the computer without installing any programs.
Pl ayb ac k/ Ed it in g 89 Pr in t in g ph o to s w it h a P ic t Br id g e ph ot o p ri n te r Print photos with a PictBridge-compatible printer by connecting your camera directly to the printer .
Ca me ra s e tt in gs m e nu … …… … …… …… …… …… … 9 1 Acce ssin g th e se ttin gs menu …………… ………… 91 Soun d …………… ……… ………… ……….
Se tti ng s 91 Ca me r a s et ti n gs m e nu Learn about various options to configure your camera's settings. 3 Select an item. Exit Back V olume Start Sou nd Shutter S ound Beep Soun d AF Sound Medium Off 1 1 On 4 Select an option.
Se tti ng s 92 Came ra set ting s m enu Fro nt Displa y Setting s * Default Item Description Front Smile Shot Set the camera to automatically release the shutter when it detects a smiling face in Self Shot mode. ( Off *, On ) Children Smile Shot Set the camera to automatically release the shutter when it detects a smiling face in Children mode.
Se tti ng s 93 Came ra set ting s m enu Item Description Power Save If you perform no operations for 30 seconds, the camera automatically switches to Power save mode. ( Off *, On ) • In Power save mode, press any button other than [ POWER ] to resume using the camera.
Se tti ng s 94 Came ra set ting s m enu Item Description File No. Specify how to name files. • Reset : Set the file number to start from 0001 when inserting a new memory card, formatting a memory card, or deleting all files.
Se tti ng s 95 Came ra set ting s m enu Item Description AF Lamp T urn on an assistant light to help you focus in dark places. ( Off , On *) USB Select the function to use when you connect the camera to a computer or printer via USB. • Computer* : Connect your camera to a computer for transferring files.
Er r or m e ss ag es ………… …… …… … …… …… …… … 9 7 Ca me ra m a in te na nc e …… …… …… …… …… …… …… 9 8 Clea ning you r ca mera ………… �.
Ap pen di xe s 97 Er ro r m es sa g es When the following error messages appear , tr y these remedies. Error message Suggested r emedies Card Error • T urn off your camera, and then turn it on again. • Remove your memory card, and insert it again.
Ap pen di xe s 98 Ca me r a m ai nt e na nc e Camera body Wipe gently with a soft, dr y cloth. • Never use benzene, thinners, or alcohol to clean the device. These solutions can damage the camera or cause it to malfunction. • Do not press on the lens cover or use a blower brush on the lens cover .
Ap pen di xe s 99 Came ra mai nten anc e Using or storing t he camera Inappropriate places to use or stor e the camera • Avoid exposing the camera to very cold or very hot temperatures. • Avoid using your camera in areas with extremly high humidity , or where the humidity changes drastically .
Ap pen di xe s 10 0 Came ra mai nten anc e • Y our camera consists of delicate parts. Avoid impacts to the camera. • Protect the display from external force by keeping it in the case when not in use. Protect the camera from scratches by keeping it away from sand, sharp implements, or loose change.
Ap pen di xe s 10 1 Came ra mai nten anc e Cautions when using memory cards • Avoid exposing memory cards to very cold or ver y hot temperatures (below 0 °C/32 °F or above 40 °C/104 °F). Extreme temperatures can cause memory cards to malfunction.
Ap pen di xe s 10 2 Came ra mai nten anc e • When you carry a memor y card, use a case to protect the card from electrostatic discharges. • T ransfer important data to other media, such as a hard disk, CD, or DVD. • When you use the camera for an extended period, the memory card may become warm.
Ap pen di xe s 10 3 Came ra mai nten anc e Cautions about using the battery Protect batteries, chargers, and memory car ds from damage Prevent batteries from making contact with metal objects, as this.
Ap pen di xe s 10 4 Came ra mai nten anc e • If you reconnect the power cable when the batter y is fully charged, the status lamp turns on for approximately 30 minutes. • Using the flash or recording videos depletes the batter y quickly . Charge the battery until the red status lamp turns off.
Ap pen di xe s 10 5 Came ra mai nten anc e • Do not disassemble or puncture the battery with any sharp object. • Avoid exposing the battery to high pressure or crushing forces. • Avoid exposing the battery to major impacts, such as dropping it from high places.
Ap pen di xe s 10 6 Be fo r e c on ta c ti ng a se rvi ce c e nt er If you are having trouble with your camera, try these troubleshooting procedures before contacting a ser vice center . If you have attempted the troubleshooting solution and are still having problems with your device, contact your local dealer or service center .
Ap pen di xe s 10 7 Befo re cont act ing a s ervic e c ente r Situation Suggested remedies The photo is blurry • Make sure that the focus option you set is suitable for close-up shots. (p. 51) • Make sure that the lens is clean. If not, clean the lens.
Ap pen di xe s 10 8 Befo re cont act ing a s ervic e c ente r Situation Suggested remedies Y our computer does not recognize your camera • Make sure that the USB cable is connected correctly . • Make sure that your camera is switched on. • Make sure that you are using a supported operating system.
Ap pen di xe s 10 9 Ca me r a s pe ci f ic at i on s Range Wide (W) T ele (T) Normal 80 cm - infinity 100 cm - infinity Macro 5 cm - 80 cm - Auto Macro 5 cm - infinity 100 cm - infinity Shutter speed • Smart Auto: 1/8 - 1/2,000 sec. • Program: 1 - 1/2,000 sec.
Ap pen di xe s 11 0 Came ra spe cifi cati ons Shooting Photos • Modes: Smart Auto (White, Macro Color , Portrait, Night Portrait, Backlight Portrait, Backlight, Landscape, Action, T ripod, Night,.
Ap pen di xe s 11 1 Came ra spe cifi cati ons Image size For 1GB microSD Super Fine Fine Normal 4608 X 3456 108 212 312 4608 X 3072 123 241 353 4608 X 2592 144 283 417 3648 X 2736 170 332 482 2592 X 1.
Ap pen di xe s 11 2 Came ra spe cifi cati ons Power source Rechargeable battery Lithium-ion battery BP70A (700 mAh) Connector T ype Micro USB (5 pin) The power source may differ depending on your region.
Ap pen di xe s 11 3 Gl os s ary ACB (Auto Contrast Balance) This feature automatically improves the contrast of your images when the subject is backlit or when there is a high contrast between your subject and the background.
Ap pen di xe s 11 4 Glos sary EV Compensation This feature allows you to quickly adjust the exposure value measured by the camera, in limited increments, to improve the exposure of your photos. Set the EV compensation to -1.0 EV to adjust the value one step darker and 1.
Ap pen di xe s 11 5 Glos sary Metering The metering refers to the way in which the camera measures the quantity of light to set the exposure. MJPEG (Motion JPEG) A video format which is compressed as a JPEG image. Noise Misinterpreted pixels in a digital image that may appear as misplaced or random, bright pixels.
Ap pen di xe s 11 6 Correct Disposal of This Pr oduct (W aste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the product and its electronic accessories (e.
Ap pen di xe s 11 7 FC C n ot ic e • NOTE: Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththe limitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15ofthe FCCRules.
Ap pen di xe s 11 8 Err or mes sage s 97 Expo sur e 58 F Face de tect ion Blink Detection 55 Normal 54 Smart Face Recognition 56 Smile Shot 55 Faci al brig htne ss 35 Faci al impe rfec tio ns 36 Flas .
Ap pen di xe s 11 9 My S tar Canceling faces 70 Ranking 69 Registering faces 57 N Navi gat ion butt on 15 Nigh t m ode 36 P Phot o q uali ty 47 Pict bri dge 89 Play bac k bu tton 1 7 Play bac k mo de .
Ap pen di xe s 12 0 Vi ewin g f iles as thumbnails 71 by category 70 on TV 82 Slide show 74 V olume 92 W Whit e B alan ce 60 Z Zoom bu tton 15 Zoom ing 26 Smar t F ilte r in Playback mode 78 in Shooti.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung DV101 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung DV101 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung DV101, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung DV101 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung DV101, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung DV101.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung DV101. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung DV101 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.