Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-HCM270 du fabricant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Please read this manual before using and sa ve this manual for future ref erence. Netw ork Camera Panasonic Netw ork Camera Site: http://www .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 2 Intr oduct ion Thank y ou f or pur chasing a P anasonic N etwork Cam era. Check the f ollo wing items when unpac king. For operation as sistance: •C a l l 1-800-272-7 033 • Ref er to the P anas onic Network Cam era Site http://www .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assistan ce, ple ase call: 1-8 00-272-703 3] 3 T radem arks • Netscape and Netsc ape Na vigator are eithe r registered trad emarks or trad emarks of Nets cape Com municatio ns Corporatio n in the U .S. a nd other countries .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS When using th is unit, basic sa fe ty precaution s should alw ay s be f ollow ed to reduce the risk of fire, ele ctric shock, or pers onal injury . 1. Read and un derstand all ins tructions .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assistan ce, ple ase call: 1-8 00-272-703 3] 5 T ab le of Conte nts 1 Product I ntroduc tion ... .............. .............. .............. ......... 7 1.1 Getting t o Know Networ k Camera .... ............. ..........
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 6 3.5.3 Name /Time .............. ................. ................. ................ ................. ...............62 3.5.4 Security: Administrator .. ................ ................. ................. ...............
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assistan ce, ple ase call: 1-8 00-272-703 3] 7 Section 1 Pr oduct Int r oducti on.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 8 1.1 Getting to Know Networ k Camera 1.1.1 Main Feat ures Wireless Comm unication Network C amera corre sponds t o the wire less sys tem based on IEEE 8 02.11b . Wir ele ss insta llat io n will play an incr easi ng role in f lexible mounti ng.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assistan ce, ple ase call: 1-8 00-272-703 3] 9 Multi-Camera Scre en Using Multi-Camera scree n yo u can simul taneousl y view up to f our Net work Came ras at vari ous loca tio ns. Cli ckin g on e ach C amera Na me switc hes t o th e Sing le Ca mera scr een f rom th e Mult i-C amera sc ree n.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 10 1.1.2 System Requirements The PC (P ersonal Computer) and the netw ork must meet the f ollo wing technic al specific ations f or Netwo rk Ca mera to work properly . * 1 Network Cam era image is not displ ay ed corre ctly in the Nets cape ® v6.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 11 1.1.3 Authentication—System Security Feature A uthenticati on window req uires y ou to enter the adm inistr ator/gener al user ID and pass word f or secu rity .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 12 1.2 Incl uded Accessories The f ollow ing items are pro vided with Netw ork Camera. Add itional piec es can be ordered by c alling 1- 800-332-5368. Not es • If an y items are missing , contact the deale r immediately . • The orde r numbers listed abo v e are subject to cha nge without notic e.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 13 Setup CD-R OM The setu p progr am sim plifies Ne twork Came ra insta llation. Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader 4.0 5 or later enab les you to see the Op erati ng Instructions on the Setup CD-R OM.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 14 1.3 Camera Feature Locations 1.3.1 Front Vie w Indicator Indicator can be co ntrolled on Indica tor Contr ol window on pa ge 88. Color indi cat ion s ar e shown b elow . * 1 Orange indicator will continue blinking in the DHCP setting.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 15 1.3. 2 R ear V iew Grou nding (Earth) T erminal Lightnin g may c ause serious damage to Netw ork Camera. I t is recommended to connec t the Groun d f or the p rotection from the l ightning.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 16 Section 2 N e t w o r kC a m e r aS e t u p.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 17 2.1 Installation Pr ocedure Select the Netwo rk Camera configurati on type. (Pa ge 18—Pa ge 19) Connect Netw ork Camera fo r installation. (P age 20) Pr epar e th e net work p aram ete rs for Net work Ca mer a.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 18 2.2 N etwork Camera Configurati on T ype Network Camer a can be conne cted ov er the LAN/In tranet and the In ternet. Select fro m th e four Netw ork C am era co nfig urat ion t ypes. Ne two rk p aram ete rs dif fer depending on t he Network Camer a configur ation type .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 19 [ Ty p e 3 ] —Internet D irect Connection with a Modem Netwo rk Camera can b e installe d alone w ithout PC on t he network. Whe n you set up Network Camer a in [ Ty p e 3 ] , connect Net work Came ra tempo rarily in [ Ty p e 1 ] , [ Ty p e 2 ] or [ Ty p e 4 ] .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 20 2.3 How to turn on Netw ork Camera f or Install ation Network C amera is p ow ered up whe n connectin g A C plug to the po wer ou tlet. 1. Conne ct Category 5 str aight/cro ss cab le to th e Ethernet port of Netwo rk Came ra to the hub or PC.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 21 2.4 Netw ork P aramete rs 2.4.1 Preparing the Ne twork P arameters for Netw ork Camera Bef ore starting to set up th e netwo rk paramete rs of Network C amera, m ake note of correspon ding network para meters .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 22 Networ k Para meter s T able * 1 Many ISP' s intentional ly bloc k port nu mber 80 to guard agains t network viruses .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 23 How to refer th e netw ork parameter s from th e PC If you c annot get the ne twork para meters, y ou can ref er to the network par ameters e xcept f or IP address f rom the PC on the same netw ork in the f ollo wing procedure .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 24 2.4.2 Setti ng IP Addres s of the P C in [ Ty p e 4 ] Configuration T ype Y o ur PC nee ds t o have a stati c pr ivate IP ad dre ss to acce ss N etwor k Cam era in [ Ty p e 4 ] configu ration. 1. F oll ow th e st eps be low , appr op r iate for your op era tin g sys tem t o o pen TCP/IP Pr operties window on the PC.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 25 2. TCP IP Properties window appe ars. Set "192.1 68.0.250" in the IP addre ss data f ield and "25 5.255.255. 0" in the S ubnet Mas k data fi eld. 3. Click [ OK ] .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 26 2.5 Pr o xy Server Setting A pro xy ser ver ma y pre ve nt you from conne cting directly to Network Camera in some corporate en viron ments. T he web brow ser can set up the IP address commu nication with out using a prox y ser ver .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 27 3. Enter the IP address of Netwo r k Camera assi gned from your ISP or netwo r k adminis trato r into the Do not use pro xy server f or address es beginning with data field.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 28 2.6 Simple Installati on using the Setup CD-ROM After finis hing cab ling, turn on Netw ork Camer a and insert the Setup CD -ROM in the CD-R OM drive of the PC . Setup CD-RO M should star t the applica tion automatic ally .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 29 3. Click [ Ne twork Configuration ] . Network Camera List window appe ars. Setup progr am finds all Netw ork Cameras connec ted on your loc al network. It lists all of M AC addre sses and IP add resses of Netw ork Cameras .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 30 4. Selec t your targ et N etwor k Camer a fr om the list as shown i n example (A) on Netw ork Camera Lis t window o np a g e2 9a n dc l i c k [ Se lect ] . Configu ration wind ow appears . Ref er to page 2 1 and page 22 and ent er the corre ct network par ameters .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 31 6. Click [ OK ] . R e f e rt op a g e4 1f o r To p Pa g e . R e f e rt op a g e3 2f o r Setup Pa ge (Network Windo w) to set up wirele ss netwo rk parameters . 7. Click [ To p P a g e ] .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 32 2.7 Wireless Setup T o access Netw ork windo w 1. Enter " http://IP Address (or URL) :P or t N o./ config.html "o nt h e w e bb r o w s e r and pr ess [ Enter ] . Setup P age appe ars. Ref er to page 54 f or the detail of Setu p Page.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 33 Connection a nd Signal Streng th status The inten sity of th e data com municati on and r adio w av e are sh own i n the le v els of 18 asterisk s. Ins tall Netw ork Camera in the h ighest le vel after confirming th e data commun ication and signa l strength status.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 34 4. Set the same En cryption (WEP) setting of t he wireless router or t he wireless LAN car d. Encryption estab lish t he security to pr ev ent unau thorized us ers to acces s the wirele ss data commu nication .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 35 A uthentication [ Shar ed Key ] (Def ault) and [ Open System ] are the encryption sys tem. [ Shar ed Key ] is gen erall y used o n the wir eless ne twork. Som e wirele ss rout ers of ot her ma nufacture rs may employ [ Open System ] as t he encryption syste m.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 36 9. Star t up the web brows er . 10. Enter " http://IP addres s (or UR L) :P or t No ." in t he address fi eld and p ress [ Ent er ] . T op Page ap pears. (Def aul t IP address is 192.168 .0.253) • When po r t num ber is 80 (def ault), y ou do not need to enter port number .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 37 2.8 Netwo rk Camera Access fr om the Internet [ Ty p e 2 ] and [ Ty p e 3 ] of the Ne twor k C ame ra con fig urati on t ype a llow N etwor k Came ra to be acce ssed f rom th e Inter net.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 38 To p P a g e Ref er to page 41 f or T op Pag e. Note When vi ewing i mage s for the f ir st tim e in t he Int er net Explo re r , a pop -up Security W arning windo w may a ppear . The wi ndow reques ts you r permission to do wnloa d Activ eX Controls (OCX file ) used to displa y Motio n JPEG.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 39 Section 3 Network Camera Screen an d Setup Window.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 40 3.1 N etwork Camera Flow Char t T op Page en able s you to acce ss T op Vie w Image screen (Sin gle Camer a/Multi - Camer a screen). A uthentic ation windo w can set pass word f or the link at (A) . Enter " http://IP A ddress (or URL) :Por t No.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 41 3.2 T op P age To p P a g e allow s you to se lect the Singl e/Multi-Ca mera screen i n Motion JPEG or JPEG - Regularly Refresh. Mo tion JPEG enab les you to vi ew the image li ke a motion v ideo , and J PEG - Regula r ly Refres h can be set th e refresh inte r val .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 42 Notes • If a por t number is sp ecif ied in the I P addre ss, " http:// " must prec ede the IP address , otherw ise the port num ber will no t be recogn ized . • When vie wing image s for t he first time in the Internet Explorer , a pop- up Security W arning window m ay a ppear .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 43 Active X Controls When vie wing image s for the f irst time in the Internet Explo rer , a pop-up Security W arning windo w may a ppear . The windo w reques ts your pe r mission to dow nload Activ eX Controls (OCX file) used to displa y Motion JPEG.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 44 3.3 Single Camera Screen Single Cam era can mo v e the lens b y the P an/Tilt operation , Preset P ositio ning and Click to Center . Single Camera scre en can be set eight prese t positions . [ Viewer ] l inks to the Buff ered Image scre en.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 45 Click to Center When y ou clic k the cer tain point on the Single Cam era screen , the point is centered on the im age. 1. Put the curso r on the point which should be ce ntered and clic k it.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 46 3.3. 1 Using Operati on B ar Oper ation bar c ontrols the g eneral u se of Netw ork Camera. The f ollo wing sect ions describe the gen eral w ay of using it . (1) End D is play: When P an/Tilt oper ation has reached t he end of co r ner , Left End , Right End , Up End or Down End appear s.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 47 3.3. 2 Usi ng Pan/Tilt Opera tion P an/ Til t scan butto ns au tom ati cally move the l ens hor izont all y fr om -60 ° t o +60° and v ertically from 0° to -4 5°, and the lens r eturns to the c urrent positi on.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 48 3.3.3 Setting Preset P o sitioning and Home P ositioning Preset positioning and Home P ositioning allo w you to fix the lens on a sp ecific point. This f eature can memorize Brightnes s and White Balanc e settings. The preset bu ttons (1—4) are regist ered in the fa ctor y def ault.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 49 Deleting the preset b uttons 1) Clic k [ Prog ram ] . Red cance l button app ears. • [ Cancel ] links to the Single C amera screen wi thout dele ting. 2) Select t he preset n umber to d elete.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 50 3.3.4 Viewing B uffe red Image Screen Buff ered Image scree n can be view ed by clic king [ Viewer ] on the operation bar . Buff ered Image is sa v ed in the internal memory of Netw ork Camera by cl ickin g [ Start Capture ] .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 51 Notes • The refresh interva l becomes lon ger as more client s access Netwo rk Camera. • The image resol ution, image qu ality and objec t situation aff ect the numbe r of fram es in the B uffered Ima ge.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 52 3.4 Multi-Camera Screen Fou r separa te Netw ork Camera i mages c an be dis play ed in both M otion JPEG and JPEG - Regularly Re fresh. The P an/Ti lt operatio n cannot be oper ated on the Multi-Ca mera s creen. Y ou can jum p to each indiv idual Netw ork Camer a by clic king C amera Na me.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 53 3.5 Setup P age Setup P age controls all f eatur es of Network Came ra. A uthenti cation windo w protects the Netw ork Camera se curity . It enables o nly adminis trat or to access Setup P age by entering ID and P ass word.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 54 Setup P age Note Firmware V ersion num ber indica ted on Setup P age is impor tant f or your future s u p p o r to fN e t w o r kC a m e r a .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 55 Item Description (1) Go to T op P age Links t o T op P age . Y ou can ac cess Sin gle/Multi - Camera scree n in Motion JPEG/JPEG - Regularly Refres h.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 56 (9) Multi-Camera The M ulti-C amera screen nee ds to set up these paramet ers. Ent er the Ca mera Nam es and IP addresse s of each Network Camer a. The Multi- Camer a can displa y up to four im ages in a windo w . Ref er to page 85.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 57 3 . 5 . 1 G ot oT o pP a g e Click [ Go to T op P age ] on S etup Page. Y ou can ac cess th e Sin gle Cam era and Multi-C amera screen in Mo tion JPEG/JPEG-Re gularly Refresh .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 58 3.5. 2 Netw ork Network window c onfigures ne twork para meters . Restar t Network Camer a to mak e the par ameters e ffe ctive . • Y ou can set disable C onfigur ation windo w from the Setup CD-R OM f or the secur ity by clear in g th e che ck.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 59 2. Ent er e ach p aram ete r in th e pr ope r da ta fi eld . Cl ick [ Sa ve ] when finished . • Clic k [ Cancel ] to q uit the cur re nt set tin gs. The wi ndow retur ns to Setu p P age with out sa ving the p aramete rs.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 60 Static •I P A d d r e s s • Subnet Ma sk • Chec k [Static ], when h avin g specified IP addr ess assig ned to Netw ork Camera f rom y our ISP or admini strator . Enter the sp ecified IP add ress and Subn et Mask. • If you us e Network Camera on the LAN , set up in the same cl ass a s your PC is in.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 61 File si z eo ft h ei m a g e The internal memory , image re solution , image q uality an d object s ituation determine the maxim um num ber of frame s. File siz es change dep ending on the image qual ity and object situat ion.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 62 3.5.3 N ame/Time Name/Time wind ow is used to assig n a name to each Netwo rk Camer a. Date and Time entered on N ame/Time wind ow are use d for the Alarm/Time r mode in the Image T ransf er f eature and on the Buff ered Image screen.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 63 Time Z one GMT -10:00 Haw aii GMT -09:00 Alask a, Haw aii Da ylight Tim e GMT -08:00 P acific Tim e, Alaska Da yli ght Tim.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 64 3.5.4 Secur ity: Ad ministr ator Security: Adm inistrator windo w allo ws the admini stra tor to limi t or ex clude access to the sel ected Netw ork Camera. Indi vidual le vels of acce ss can be defined f or multi ple users.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 65 Instructions f or the data fields A uthentication Enable A ut hent icat ion wi ndow can be se t in the thr ee patt er ns.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 66 3.5.5 Sec urity: G enera l Use r Security: Gen eral User windo w allow s the administr ator to create the ge neral user ID a nd pass word f or the sec urity le v el define d as gene ral use r . Up to 30 individu al user names can be def ined.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 67 Instructions f or the data fields General Us er A uthentication T h eG e n e r a lU s e rc a nb eu pt o 3 0 .E a c ho ft h e mc a n hav e their ow n ID and p ass word. (1) User ID List • User ID Li st dis plays the re gist er ed user n ame.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 68 3. 5 .6 T o p V iew I m ag e T op View Im age Setting windo w can chan ge settings f or T op P age, S ingle Camer a and Mul ti-Camer a screen s uch as t he initial langu .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 69 Instructions f or the data fields To p P a g e • T op P age title can be chang ed. Enter the new t itle. • Ref er to una v ailab le chara cter set 1 on page 108 b ut [spac e] is ava i la bl e.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 70 3.5. 7 Image T ransf er Image T ransfer windo w can set th e Image T ransf er f eature . Network Came ra can buff er images and send the imag es via e-mail or FTP .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 71 Non T ransfer mode Non T ransf er mode enab les [ Star t C ap tu re ] on the operation bar t o buff er the ima ge on the S ing le Cam era sc ree n.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 72 T ransfer in the Alarm Mode T h eA l a r mm o d ec a nt r a n s f e ra ni m a g ev i ae - m a i lo rF T Pw h e nt h ea l a r mt r i g g e r is activ e. T o activat e the alarm trigger, th e External Sensor Inp ut of External I/O must be con nected with th e ex ter nal senso rs/de vices.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 73 Instructions f or the data fields a. External Sensor Input of External I/ O activ ates t he alarm trigger. Ref er to page 106. b. Active Time o f T rigger The act ive tr igger t ime can be se t in the pr ima r y ti me and th e seco ndar y time .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 74 a. Selects T ransfer M ethod . Non T ransfer without Memo ry Over Write : Image b uff ering will stop wh en the internal memory is full. Non T ransfer with Memory Over Writ e : Buffered im age wi ll overwr i te t he ol der i mage dat a whe n th e int er na l memor y is full.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 75 Over write setti ng : Selects [O v er Write...] to o verw rite the tra nsf erred ima ge or [Add time. ..] to sa v e each tr ansf erred i mage. Data transfer meth od : Use [P ass iv e Mode] normally .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 76 Setting Example b. a. c. d. e. f..
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 77 Setting e xplanation a. The activ e time of trigger is set betwe en 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM from Monda y to F r ida y .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 78 T ransfe r in the Timer Mode The t ime r mode can b e act ivate d by enter i ng t he act ive time, the imag e set ting , frequency s etting and the tra nsf er method on Image T ransfer windo w .B u f f e r e d Image can also b e transf erred via e-mail or FTP .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 79 Instructions f or the data fields a. Buff ers or trans fer s by the timer trigger . b. Active Time o f T rigger Always : alw a ys activ ates the timer trigger . The timer trigge r interval can be set in e.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 80 a. Selects T ransfer M ethod . Non T ransfer without Memo ry Over Write : Image b uff ering will stop wh en the internal memory is full. Non T ransfer with Memory Over Writ e : Buffered im age wi ll overwr i te t he ol der i mage dat a whe n th e int er na l memor y is full.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 81 Over write setti ng : Selects [O v er Write...] to o verw rite the tra nsf erred ima ge or [Add time. ..] to sa v e each tr ansf erred i mage. Data transfer meth od : Use [P ass iv e Mode] normally .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 82 3.5.8 Camera Setup Camera Setup windo w sets White Ba lance and P ow er Line F reque ncy . Y ou can lock th e Br ightnes s, P an/Til t/Preset and Preset Progr am f eatures . Y ou can also se lect t he Pan Rang e an d Tilt Ra nge.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 83 Instructions f or the data fields White B al ance Notes • The w rong Wh ite B ala nce set ti ng will ca use Ne twor k Camer a to displa y col ors imprope rly . In most cases Aut o is suggest ed.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 84 Specifying the P an/Tilt range 1. Start up the web bro wser and a ccess the Si ngle Came ra scree n. 2. Start up another web bro wse r and acc ess Camera Set up windo w . 3. Align the Single Camer a screen an d Camer a Setup w indow fro m side to side .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 85 3.5.9 Multi-Ca mera Multi-Camera windo w en ables t he s ettin g of Mul ti-C ame ra scr een . Cam era Name and IP ad dress of each Netw ork Camera m ust be entered to vie w the Multi - Camer a screen.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 86 2. Select/En ter the each param eter . Clic k [ Save ] when fini shed. •C l i c k [ Cancel ] to quit the cur rent settings . The windo w returns to Setup P age witho ut saving t he paramet ers. * 1 R e f e rt oI Pa d d r e s s i n go np a g e1 0 8 .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 87 3.5.10 External Output Contro l External Output Contr ol window enables t he Ext er na l D evice Cont rol Ou tp ut signal to activ ate th e e xternal sensors/d ev ices. (Open o r Short to GND) The netw ork administr ator should set up this setti ng.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 88 3.5.11 Indicator Contr ol Indicator Contr ol window a llows y ou to select Indic ator operati on. Indicator operatio n has thre e patterns.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 89 3.5.12 Status Status wind ow disp la ys general in f ormation about Netw ork Camera.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 90 3.5. 13 Restart Res tart win do w restarts Network Came ra with the par ameters s av ed. Restarting is required whe n the network parame ters are changed . 1. Click [ Restart ] on Setup Pag e. 2. Click [ Restart N ow !] .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 91 3.5.14 Update Firmware Upd ate Fir mwa re w ind ow al lows the u ser to i nst all the l at es t versi on of t he Netwo rk Camera in ternal operatin g system. I n most case s, thi s will ne v er be nece ssary .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 92 4. Click [ Update F irmware ] on Setup P age. 5. Click [ Update F irmware ] . W ait about one minute . Note If yo u c li ck [ Update Firmware ] , operation cannot b e canceled.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 93 6. Click [B r ow se... ] to se lect the f ir m ware from th e file sele ctor. • A d ial og box app ears to ch oos e th e fil e. 7. Select a desire d Fir mware file (in cluding the pat h info rmation) and clic k [ Open ] .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 94 3.5. 15 Reset to F actory De fault Reset to Factory Default window ini tializ es all the para meters incl uding the ID , P ass word , IP address and Subnet Mas k exce pt Date and Time setting to the f actory defau lt. Reconfirm the settings be fore do ing the Reset to F acto r y Def ault operatio n.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 95 Section 4 T ech nical Guides.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 96 4.1 N etwork Camera Installation Outdoor Insta llation Network C amera h as a spl ash resistan t body . The splas h resista nt body a llows Network Camer a to be used indoor s and outd oors. W ater proof cab ling is necessa r y f or outdoor mounti ng.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 97 High perf ormance for wireles s commun ication Radio w av es from the antenna of N etwork Camer a transmit imag es. The perf ormance of wireles s communi cation wil l change under the con dition where you in stall Network Camer a and wireless route r .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 98 4.1.1 Network Camera Cab ling Chec k the location w here Network Came ra should be in stalled. Sel ect the proper c a b l es u i t e dt oN e t w o r kC a m e r al o c a t i o n .C o n s u l ta na u t h o r i z e dw i r i n ge l e c t r i c i a n f or cabling .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033] 99 2. Thread the A C adap tor cord th rough the h ook. Put th e Rubber Cap a nd the Conn ect or Cover by fasteni ng the t hree scr ews in numer ic al ord er. The remainin g screw hol e on the Connec tor Cov er is used f or attachi ng Sunshade .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 100 4. Roll up three pu tties around the cab les and fit them int o the holes to prev ent wa ter from getting inside Netw ork Camera. Use last putty to fix th e spot. Notes • Co nfi rm N etwor k Cam era i s functi oni ng before put tyi ng the ca bles.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 101 4.1.2 Network Camera Mounting F our mou nting method s are sho wn in th e f ollow ing figu res. C onfirm the top and bottom of Netw ork Camera when mo unting. Ask the auth orized deale r f or mountin g.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 102 W all Mounting 1) Mou nt the Fle xible St and firmly to a w all or beam using the thre e screws (ac cess ori es) . Set th e Flexible Sta nd 2 40 mm (9. 5 in ches ) awa y from the ceil ing. • Use a ppropriate sc rews s uited f or t he material o f the wal l.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 103 Ceiling Mounting 1) Mount the Fle xib le Stand firmly to the ceili ng or beam using the three screws (ac cessories). • Use approp r iate scre ws suited f or the m aterial of the ceiling.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 104 Note Mak e sure t he Indica tor is alw a ys in th e upper rig ht corner when y ou mount Netwo rk C am era. CA UTION Driv e mounting scre ws into the w all. Be careful to a void tou ching an y metalw ork (metal/wire la ths etc.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 105 Making holes on mortar wall 1. Put F lexible Sta nd on t he wa ll whe re you p lan to in sta ll N etwor k C am era an d mark the poi nts where y ou ar e going to mak e holes .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 106 4.2 Interfacing to the External I/O The Alarm mode i n the Imag e T ransf er f eature require s the e xternal se nsors/ dev ices to be connec ted to the External Sensor Inpu t of the External I/O .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 108 4.3 ASCII and ISO-8859-1 Character T able The cha ract er s of the ASCI I char act er table are available for use in the vari ous se tup w indow s. IP ad dressing (Assi gnment of the IP address) Address c onsists of on e to four numbers (0—25 5).
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 109 Displa y able c haracter se t Network C amera ca n displa y ISO-8859-1 cha racter s et f or W est Europe an language s and the Shift-JIS char acter se t for J apanese .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 110 4.4 Maintenance T o keep Network C amera f unctionin g in good condi tion, mainte nance pl ay s an important par t. Kee p maintenance when us ing Network Camer a. After remov ing the sand o r dust from the Le ns Cov er , wipe the L ens Co ver with a dry cloth.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 111 Section 5 Specifi cations and T r oub leshooting.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 112 5.1 Netw ork Camera Rese t Pr ocedure—Default Settings If the user f orgets set tings or pass words, Netw ork Camera c an be easily reset to the def ault setting s. The CLEAR SETTING b utton initial izes all th e parameters ex cept Da te and Tim e setting .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 113 5.2 Default Settings List No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 1 Network 1. Network Configuration Checked - - 3. Port No. 80 - 1 – 65535 Static : IP Address 192.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 114 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 320 x 240 - 160 x 120, 320 x 240, 640 x 480 Image Quality Standard - Favor Clarity, Standard, Favor Motion Refr.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 115 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 6 1. Alarm 5.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 116 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 1. Timer Always - - Start time 00:00:00 - - Stop time 23:59:59 - - Day-of-the-week setting All checked - - (2) .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 117 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 7 1. White Balance Auto Auto, Fixed (Indoor/Fluorescent_1/ Fluorescent_2/Outdoor), Hold Camera Setup 2. Power Line Frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz, 50 Hz 3.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 118 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note - 10 Indicator Control 1. Turn on the Indicator during Power ON Selected 1.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 119 5.3 Specificati ons Net work Cam era S pe cifi cat ions Other Spec ification Item Descrip tion P an/ Til t Ang le P an: .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 120 Message T ran sf erring Method SM TP Image T ransf erring Condit ion Timer: Da y of the W eek/Hour/M inute/Se cond Alarm: External Sensor Input Image T ransf erring Method SMTP , FTP LAN Interf ace 1 0Base-T Ethernet RJ-45 connector x 1 Wireless LAN In terf ace Protocol : IEEE 802.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 121 5.4 T roubleshooting About Network Camera Setup Problem Cau se and Rem edy When Setup CD-ROM cannot f ind Network Camera. • Reco nnect the A C adap tor if instal lation is not c omplete d within 20 minute s.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 122 When T op P age does not appear . • Enter the corre ct IP address in the web bro wser . • IP address and Subne t Mask of the PC and Network Camer a must b e in the sam e class of the priv ate IP ad dress on the L AN.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 123 When f orgett ing the pass word to access S etup Pa g e . F ollow the st eps belo w . 1. Initi ali ze Net wor k Cam era by pr ess ing t he CL EAR SETT ING bu tton. 2. Reco nfigure Netw ork Camera.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 124 Wireless comm unica tion does not wo r k. • Signal st rength is weak . Change the location of Netw ork Camer a or remov e the obstacle s around Netw ork Camera. • SSID and Encryption setting of Netw ork Camera are diff erent from tho se of the wi reles s ro ute r or t he w irel ess LAN car d of PC .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 125 About T op View Image scree n Pr oblem Cause and Rem edy The T op Vie w Image s creen (Single C amera/ Multi-C amera ) does not appe ar .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 126 Image flic k ers. • If the object is da rk, the im age will flick er . Make the conditio n aroun d Netwo rk Camer a brighter . • Wrong pow er lin e frequenc y make s image s flick er . Ref er t o page 82. Refresh interval is longer than the setup .
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 127 5.5 Confi rma tion of N etwork C amera Operatio n This proce dure chec ks the Netw ork Camera op eration . IP address of th e PC has to be on the same netwo rk to be able to access Netw ork Camera.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 128 4. Record the c urrent TCP/IP pr operties of the PC . They are important in the later proce dure to set the TCP/IP properties of the PC bac k. 5. Enter "19" in the I P address field and "255. 255.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 129 5.6 FCC and Other Inf ormation This equ ipment has been teste d and f ound to c omply wit h the limit s fo r a Class B digital de vice, pursu ant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 130 CA UTIO N • T o comply wit h FCC RF e xposure req uirements in un controlled en vironmen t: • This equip ment mus t be installed and ope rated in acco rdance with pr.
Operati ng Instr uctions [F or assista nce, pl ease call: 1-8 00-272- 7033] 131 5.7 Glossary AdHoc AdHoc mo de is a wi rel ess net wor k syst em in whic h devices co mmuni cate di rect ly with each oth er , without th e use of a wireless router . CSMA/CA Short f or C arr ie r S ense M ultip le A cces s/ C ollisio n A v oidance .
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 132.
Operati ng Instr uctions 133 Inde x.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 134 A AC adaptor 12, 20, 98, 12 0 ActiveX Controls 43 AdHoc mode 33, 131 Administra tor 64 Alarm Mode 72 Alar m tri gger 72, 73 ASCII characte r table 108 Authentic ation 11.
Operati ng Instr uctions 135 J JPEG - Regularly Refresh 42, 51, 69 L LAN/Intran et 18 Limit t ime of Cont inuous M otion JPEG 69 M MAC address 15, 29 Max.
Oper ati ng Instruc tio ns 136 Wireles s Router 37 Wireles s window 32.
Operati ng Instr uctions 137.
Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America Printed in Japan PSQX2704Y A KK0502RM1013 2002 P anasonic Communications Co ., Ltd. All Rights Reser ved. Panasonic Sales Compan y , Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-HCM270 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-HCM270 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-HCM270, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-HCM270 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-HCM270, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-HCM270.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-HCM270. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-HCM270 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.