Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DMC-G5 du fabricant Panasonic
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Before connecti ng, oper ating or adjustin g this pr oduct, please read the inst ructions completely . More detailed instructions on the ope ration of th is camera are contained in “Owner ’ s Manual for advanced features (PDF format)” in the supplied CD-RO M.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 2 Dear Customer , Thank y ou for choosing Panasoni c! Y ou have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable products on the market today . Used properly , we’re sure it wi ll bri ng you and your family years of enjoyment. Please take time to f ill in the information below .
3 (ENG) VQT 4G94 ∫ Product identif ication marking THE FOLLO WING APPLIE S ON L Y IN THE U. S.A. Product Location Dig it al Cam era Bo t tom Battery charger Bottom FCC Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 4 ∫ About the battery pack • Do not h eat or expose to fla me. • Do not leave th e bat tery(ies) in a c ar exposed to di rect sunlight for a long per iod of time with doors and wi ndows closed.
5 (ENG) VQT 4G94 ∫ Ca uti ons fo r Us e • Do not use any ot her USB connect ion cables excep t the suppl ied one or a genuine Pa nasonic USB con nection cable ( DMW-USBC1: optional) . • Always use a genuine Pana sonic HDMI mi ni cable (RP-CDHM15, RP-CDHM30: opt ional).
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 6 Contents Inform ation f or Y our Saf ety ........ ....... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ....... ...... ...... ... 2 Care of the came ra ... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ...... .... ....... .
7 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration, shock, or pressure. • The lens, LCD monit or , or ext er nal case may be damag ed if used in the following c onditions . It may also malfunc tion or image may not record if you: – Drop or hit th e camera.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 8 St and ard Accessories Check that all the ac cessories are supplied bef ore using the camera. Product numbers corr ect as of August 2012. These may be subject to change. Digital Camera Body (This is referred to as camera body in this Owner ’ s Manual.
9 (ENG) VQT 4G94 DMW-BLC12PP 6 7 K1HY08YY0025 8 9 VFF1026 10 VFC4765 11 VKF4971 DMC-G5X DMC-G5K DMC-G5 1 2 3 4 5 DE-A79B VYC1009 VYF3201 VFC4315 H-FS014042 VYF3443 H-PS14042 VFC4605 VKF4971 VKF4971 DMC-G5X&G5K&G5PP-VQT4G9 4_eng.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 10 Names and Functions o f Component s ∫ Camera body 1 Self-timer indicator / AF Assist Lamp 2 Sensor 3F l a s h 4 Lens fitting mark 5 Mount 6 Lens lock pin 7 Lens release button 8 .
11 (ENG) VQT 4G94 22 Focus dis t ance reference mark 23 Flash open lever 24 S t ereo microphone • Be careful not to cover the microphone with your fin ger . Doin g so may make sound dif ficul t to r ecord. 25 Hot shoe 26 Mode dial 27 Shutter button 28 Function lever 29 Speaker • Be care fu l not to cov er the s peaker with y our finger .
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 12 ∫ Lens This touch screen is a type that detect s pressure. H-PS14042 H-FS014042 1 Lens surface 2 Zoom lever 3 Focus lever 4 Contact point 5 Lens fitting mark 6 Focus ring 7 Zoom ring T ouch screen T ouch the screen T o touch and release the touch screen.
13 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Changing the Lens • Check that the camera is turn ed off . Align the le ns fitting ma rks A (r ed mark s) an d then rot ate the lens in the d irection of the arrow until it clicks. • Do not press th e lens release but ton B when y ou att ach a lens.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 14 Att aching the Shoulder Strap • We recommend attaching the shoulder strap when using the camera to prevent it from dropping. 1 Pass the s houlder strap throu gh the should er strap ey elet on the c amera body .
15 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Charging th e Battery ∫ About ba tterie s that you can u se wi th this unit The batt ery that can be u sed with this u nit is DMW-BLC12PP. • The battery is no t charged when the came ra is shipped. Charge the battery before use. • Charge the bat tery with the char ger indoor s.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 16 Inserting and Removing the Card (optional)/ the Battery • Check t hat th is u nit is tu rned o ff. • We recomme nd us ing a Panason ic card. 1 Slide the r elease le ver in the dir ection of the arrow and open the card/battery door .
17 (ENG) VQT 4G94 About the Card The following cards which conform to the SD video standard can be used wi th this unit. (These cards are indicated as card in the text.) ¢ SD S peed Class is the spe ed stan dard r egarding con tinuous writing. Chec k via t he label on the card , etc.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 18 Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The clock is n ot set when the cam era is ship p ed. 1 T urn the camera on. • The stat us indicato r 1 lights when you turn this unit on. 2 T ouch [Clock Set]. 3 T ouch the item s you wish to set (Y ear/Month/ Day/Hours/Min utes), an d set using [ ]/[ ].
19 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Selecting the Reco rding Mode ∫ T o select a Recording M ode with the mo de dial Select the mo de by rot ating the mode dial. • Rotate the mode dial slowly to select the desired mode A . ∫ T o select Intelligent Auto Mode Press [ ¦ ].
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 20 T aking a Still picture Applicable m odes: 1 Select the R ecording M ode. Just by touching the subject to f ocus, it will focus on the subject and t ake the picture automatically . ∫ T o cancel the T ouch Shutter functio n T ouch [ ] .
21 (ENG) VQT 4G94 T aking Pic tures using the Automatic Function (Intelligent Au to Mode) Recording Mode : In this mode, the camera m akes the optimal settings for the subject and s cene, so we recommend it when you wish to leave the settings to the camer a and record without thinking about them.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 22 Recording using Intellig ent Auto Plus Mode Recording Mode: The brightness and color optimally set by t he cam era can be easily matched to your preferences. This mode is useful if you do not like dealing with det ailed settings but like the settings made automa tically by the cam era to match your preferences.
23 (ENG) VQT 4G94 ∫ Adjusting color 1 T ouch [ ]. 2 T o u ch [ ] to display the setting screen. • The set tings screen can al so be displayed f rom the recordi ng screen by pre ssing cur sor butto n 1 . 3 Drag the slide bar to set. • This wi ll adjus t th e colo r of the ima ge fro m a reddis h color to a bluish color .
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 24 Recording Motion Picture Applicable m odes: 1 St art recording by pr essing the m otion picture button. A Elapsed re cording time B Available rec ording time • Recording of moti on picture ap propriate f or eac h mode is possibl e.
25 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Compensating the E xposure Applicable modes: Use this function when you cannot achieve appr opriate exposure due t o the difference in brightness between the subject and the backg round. Look at the following examples. • Select [0] to retu rn to t he origin al expos ure.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 26 Using the function button Y ou can assign recording functions, etc. to specific buttons and icons. T o u se those functions, press [Fn1], [ Fn2] or [Fn3] or touch [Fn4] or [Fn5]. • T o use [F n 1 ], se t the [A F /A E LOCK / Fn1] of th e [Custom] me nu t o [Fn1].
27 (ENG) VQT 4G94 T aking Pic tures that match the Scen e being recorded (Scene Guide Mode) Recording Mode : If you select a scene to suit the subject a nd recording conditions with reference to the example images , the camera will set optim al exposure, color , and focus, allowing you t o record in a manner appropriate to the scene.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 28 T aking Picture s with different image effec t s (Creative Control Mode) Recording Mode: This mode records with additional image effects. Y ou can set the effects to add by selecting example images and checking them on the screen. 1 Set the mode dial to [ ].
29 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Playing Back Pic tures/Motion Pictures 1 Pr es s [ ( ]. 2 Forward or rewind th e image by dragging the screen ho rizont ally . Forward : drag f rom righ t to l ef t Rewind: dra g f rom lef t to right This unit was designed to play motion pi ctures using the A VCHD, MP4 and QuickTime Motion JPEG formats.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 30 Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictu res cannot be recovered. T o delete a single picture 1 In Playback Mode, select the pictu re to delete and touch [ ]. 2 T ouch [Delete Single]. • Confirmatio n screen is displayed . Pictures are delet ed by s electing [ Y es].
31 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Switching the displ ay of the LCD Monitor Press [DISP .] to change. (In Recor din g Mode) • Screen will switch as follows: (Example of LCD monit or dis pl ay) A With inform ation .
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 32 Setting the Menu 1 Press [MENU/SET]. • The top menu screen is disp lay ed. 2 T ouch the men u icon. 3 T ouch the me nu item. • The pag e can be changed by touching [ ]/[ ]. 4 T ouch the Setti ng to set. • Depending on th e menu item, it s setting may not appear or it ma y be d isplayed in a dif ferent wa y .
33 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Setting the Quick M enu By using the Quick Menu, some of the menu settings can be easily found. • The feature s that can be adj usted us ing Qu ick Menu are deter mined by the mode or a display style the camera is in. 1 Pr es s [Q.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 34 T ypes of menu s ∫ [Rec] Menu This menu lets you set the aspect ratio, number of pixels and other aspects of the pictures you are recording. • [Photo S tyle], [Focus Mode], [Me tering Mode], [i. Dynamic] , [i.Res olution] an d [Digit al Zoom] are common to both t he [Rec] me nu and [Motio n Picture] menu .
35 (ENG) VQT 4G94 ∫ [Moti on Pi ctur e ] Menu This menu lets you set the [Rec Mode], [Rec Quality], and other aspects for motion picture recording. • [Photo S tyle ], [Fo cus Mode] , [Met ering Mode ], [i .Dynamic], [i.Resolu tion] and [Digit al Zoo m] are common to b oth the [Rec ] menu and [ Motion Pict ure] menu.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 36 ∫ [Custom] Menu Operation of the unit , such as displaying of the screen and button operations, can be set up according to your preferences. Also, it is possible to register the m odified settings. [Flkr Decr ease] The shutter spe ed can be fixed to reduce the flicker or striping in the motion pi cture.
37 (ENG) VQT 4G94 [Pinpoint AF Time] Sets the time for which the screen is enlarged when the shutter button is pressed halfway with Auto Focus Mode set to [ ]. [AF Assist Lamp] AF assist lamp will illuminate the subject when the shutter button is pressed half-way making it easier for the camera to focus when recording in low light conditions.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 38 ∫ Setu p Menu This menu lets you perform t he clock settings, select the operating beep tone settings and set other set tings which make it easier for you to oper ate the camera. [Clo c k Se t] Sett ing Date/T ime. [Wor l d Tim e ] Sets the times for the region where you live and your holiday destination.
39 (ENG) VQT 4G94 ∫ [Playback] Menu This menu lets you set the Protection, Cropping or Print Settings, etc. of recorded p ictures. [Sensor Clean i ng] Dust reduction to blow off the debris and dust that have affixed to the front of t he imaging device is perform ed.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 40 Reading the Owner ’ s Manual (PDF format) More detailed instructions on the operation of this camera are contained in “Owner’ s Manual for a dvanced feature s (PDF f ormat)” in the supplie d CD-ROM. Inst all it on y our PC to read it.
41 (ENG) VQT 4G94 About the supplied s of tware The supplied CD-ROM includes the following software. Install the software on to your computer before us e.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 42 • Before insert ing the CD-ROM, close all runn ing application s. 1 Check t he environme nt of your PC. • Operat in g environm en t of “PHOTOfun ST UDI O 8.
43 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Specifications S pecif ications are subject to change without notice. Digital Camera Body (DMC-G5): Informa tion for y our sa fety Power S ource: DC 8.4 V Po we r Con s um ptio n: 2.9 W (When recording with LCD Monitor) [When the Interchangeable lens (H-PS14042) is used] 3.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 44 Minimum Illumination Approx . 9 lx (when i-Low light is used, the shutter speed is 1/30th of a second) [When the Interchangeable lens (H-PS14042) is used] Approx. 9 lx (when i-Low light is used, the shutter speed is 1/30th of a second) [When the Interchangeable lens (H-FS014042) is used] Shutter speed B (Bulb) (Max.
45 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Picture size Still pic tu re W hen the aspect ratio setting is [ X ] 4608 k 3456 pixels, 3264 k 2448 pixels , 2336 k 1752 pixels When the aspect ratio setting is [ Y ] 4608 k 3072 pi.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 46 Battery Charger (P anasonic DE-A79B): Information for your safety Battery Pa ck (lithium-ion) (Panaso nic DMW-BLC12PP): Information for your safety Dimensi ons Approx. 1 19.9 mm (W ) k 83.2 mm (H) k 70.8 m m (D) [4.7 2 q (W) k 3.28 q (H) k 2.
47 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Interchangeable Lens (H-PS14 042) “LUMIX G X V ARIO PZ 14 – 42 mm/F3.5 – 5.6 ASPH./ POWER O.I. S.” Focal le ngth f=14 m m to 42 mm (35 mm film camera equivalent: 28 mm t o 84 mm) Aperture type 7 diaphragm blades/ circular apert ure diaphragm Aperture range F3.
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 48 Interchangeable Lens (H-FS014042) “LUMIX G V ARIO 14 – 42 mm/F3.5 – 5.6 ASPH./MEGA O.I. S.” Focal l ength f= 14 mm t o 42 mm (35 m m film cam era equivalent: 28 mm to 84 mm) Aperture type 7 diaphragm blades/circular ap erture diaphragm Aperture range F3.
49 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Digital Camera Accessory System ¢ 1 The AC Adapt or (optiona l) ca n only be used with th e designated Pa nasonic DC Couple r (optiona l).
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 50 Product numbers corr ect as of August 2012. These may be subject to change. • Refer to P1 5 for inf ormation about the batte ry chargin g time. • NOTE: Accessories and /or model nu mb ers may va ry between c ountries. Consult your local dealer .
VQT 4G 94 (E NG) 52 Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO) Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way , S.
53 (ENG) VQT 4G94 Mail-In S er vice For assistance in the U.S.A. and Puerto Rico in obtaining rep airs, please ship the product prepaid to: Panasoni c Exchange Cent er 4900 Geo rge McV ay Dri ve Suit e B McAlle n, TX 7 8503 pa na ca r e @ us.p anasonic.
55 (ENG) VQT 4G94 DMC-G5X&G5K&G5PP-VQT4G9 55 ページ 2012年6月22 日 金曜日 午前8 時2 4分.
• G MICR O SYSTE M is a lens exch ange ty pe digita l camera system of LU M IX based on a Micro Four Thi rds Sy stem st an dard . • Micro Four Th irds ™ and Micro Four Thirds Logo marks are trademark s or registere d tradema r k s of Olympus Imagin g Corporatio n, in Jap an, t he United S ta tes, the European Union and other c oun tries .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic DMC-G5 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic DMC-G5 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic DMC-G5, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic DMC-G5 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic DMC-G5, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic DMC-G5.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic DMC-G5. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic DMC-G5 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.