Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MCC 3100 du fabricant Nortel Networks
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Norte l Mobile Communication 3100 Series Por tfolio Mobile Communication Client 3100 for BlackBerr y User Guide Title page.
Contents 3 Contents New in this release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 4 Installing or upgrading MCC 3100 for BlackBerry us ing the BlackBerry Enterprise Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Uninstalling MCC 3100 for BlackBerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Uninstalling the database .
Contents 5 Accessing Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Advanced functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 6.
New in this release 7 New in this release The following sections detail what is new in Mobile Co mmunication Client 3100 for BlackBerry in MC 3100 Release 2.1. Features Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 (MC 3100) Release 2.1 introduces two new installation and upgrade options: over the ai r an d from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
New in this release 8 October 2007 S t andard 01.02. This document is up-issued to cont ain fixes for configuring Mobile Co mmunication Gateway 31 00 addresses and revised Outgoing Call Se rvice DN requirement s.
How to get help 9 How to get help This chapter explains how to get help for Nortel produ cts and services. Getting help from the Nortel W eb site The best way to get technica l su pport for Nortel products is from the Nortel Technical Su pport Web site: www .
How to get help 10 Getting help from a specialist by using an Express Routing Code To access some Nortel Technica l Solutions Centers, you can use an Express Routing Code (ERC) to quickl y route your call to a specialist in your Nortel product or service.
Introduction 11 Intr oduction This section contains the following topics: • “MCC 3100 for BlackBerry features” on pa ge 11 • “Before you begin” on page 12 • "System and netw or k re.
Introduction 12 • Redirect your incoming calls to alternative contact loca tions (for example, office, hom e, other). • Associate a single number with all of your outbound calls. Use the following call modes: — Direct Outbound—This is the basi c mode.
Introduction 13 System and network requirements The MCC 3100 for Black Ber ry ha s th e follo win g sys te m re qu irem en ts . Import ant Notice: Users are advised to select an d use headsets which are design e d to reduce excessive sound pr essure levels or acousti c shocks.
Introduction 14 trackball does not work. In these model s, wh en a Choice Group is highlighted, the trackball is used to change th e selection; the menu button causes the display of the menu. When a Choice Gr oup is not highlighted, the trackball causes th e display of the menu.
Introduction 15 Related publications The following publications re late to the MCC 3100 for BlackBe rry: • Nortel Mobile Communication Clie nt 3100 for BlackBerry Quick Reference Car d (NN42030-105).
Introduction 16.
Software installation 17 Software installation This section contains the following: • “Installing MCC 3100 for BlackBerr y from a computer” on page 18 • “Installing MCC 3100 for Bla ckBerry .
Software installation 18 Installing MCC 3100 for BlackBerr y from a computer Prior to installation, ob tain the MCC 3100 for Blac kBerry software from your system administrator. 1. Connect the BlackBerry to a PC using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable.
Software installation 19 Figure 1: Applicat ion loader wizar d file selectio n 8. Select any applications that are listed an d click Delete . Each item must be deleted individually. 9. Click Add . 10. Browse to the folder with the extrac te d MCC 3100 files.
Software installation 20 Installing MCC 3100 for BlackBerry over the air 1. On the BlackBerry, select Start > Black Berry Explorer . 2. Use the following address form at to access the software web site: http://<ho st na m e or IP address> :8080/m 3.
Software installation 21 4. Launch t he BlackBerry Desktop Ma nager by sele cting Start > Programs > BlackBerry > Desktop Manager . 5. Click Application Loader .
Software installation 22 Upgrading MCC 3100 for BlackBerr y over the air 1. On the BlackBerry, select Start > Black Berry Explorer . 2. Use the following address form at to access the software web site: http://<ho st na m e or IP address> :8080/m 3.
Software installation 23 1. Start the MCC 3100 application and log off the netwo rk. See “Starting and exiting the MCC 3100 applica tion” on page 35 and “Logging on and loggin g off” on page 36 . 2. Go to the MCC 3100 Main screen. 3. From the menu , select System Set tings .
Software installation 24 6. Click the box to remove the ch eck mark beside the MCC 3100 application. The ac tion column now indicates this application will be removed. 7. Click Delete . 8. Click Next . 9. Click Finish to remove the MCC 3100 applications.
MCC 3100 configuration 25 MCC 3100 configuration This section contains the following topics: • “Initial configuration” on page 25 • "System settings" on page 27 • "Personal pr.
MCC 3100 configuration 26 Figure 2: System Settings Note: If the Main screen appears, then your basic settings are already configure d, and you can st art using the application. 3. In the Username field, enter the user name provided by your system administra tor.
MCC 3100 configuration 27 Figure 3: Preference s 9. In the Mobile Contact field, enter the cell teleph on e number for your BlackBerry. 10. From th e me n u, selec t Save . If you correctly configured the fields, you log on to the system and the Main screen ap pears.
MCC 3100 configuration 28 Figure 4: Outgoing Call Service DN structure Consult your system administrator to obta in yo ur Outgoing Call Service DN and other syste m se ttin gs . Configuring your system settings 1. Go to the Main or Pr eferences s creen.
MCC 3100 configuration 29 4. From the menu , select Save . You are logged on and the Main screen appears. Secondary MCG3100 Address If pres ent, enter the IP address or domain name and port of the secondar y MCG 3 100 in the form <http or https>:<IP address or FQDN>:<port> For example, http: 47.
MCC 3100 configuration 30 Personal preferences Use the Preferences screen to enter pe rson al information, such as your name, contact, and call prefix setting s. As a minimum , you must enter your mobile telephon e numb er on this scree n after you per form the steps in “Initial configuration” on page 25 .
MCC 3100 configuration 31 Mobile Contact Default Prefix Select the mobile telephone default call prefix. Options include: •U s e N o P r e f i x • Local Prefix • Long Distance Pre fix • Intern.
MCC 3100 configuration 32 Only the MCC 3100 uses the informatio n you enter on the Preferences screen. No information is uploade d to any other BlackBerry application. 4. From the menu , select Save . Call settings Use the Call Settings screen to select a call scre ening mode and configure the grou p call notification period.
MCC 3100 configuration 33 route” (voice mail by default). You do not r eceive a missed call indication for forwarded ca lls. Configure your contact locatio ns on the Preferences screen. See “Personal prefer ences” on page 30 . 4. Configure the Group-Call Not ify Period for a time period between 1 and 30 minutes ( default is 5 minu tes).
MCC 3100 configuration 34 7. Select Save As from the File menu. The Save As dialog box appears. 8. Navigate to the folder where yo u want to save the backup file, then click Save. The MCC 3100 databa se is save d. Restoring the database 1. Connect your BlackBerry to your computer with a USB cable.
Basic functions 35 Basic functions This section contains the following topics: • “Starting and e xiting the MCC 3100 application” on pag e 35 • “Logging on and loggin g off” on page 36 •.
Basic functions 36 Logging on and logging off To log on or log off the MCC 3100, perform the following step s: 1. Go to the main MCC 3100 screen. 2. Press the trackwheel or trackball to displa y the menu. 3. To log on the MCC 3100, select Login . The status indica to r ch an ge s to the statu s of the de vice be fo re you last logged off.
Basic functions 37 Figure 6: Main screen Status panel The Status panel indicates your cu rrent status on th e network. For example, if Connected appears, the n you are logged on and available to take calls. The text color visua lly indicates your availability: • Connected (gree n text)—You a re logged on .
Basic functions 38 The status panel also displays th e following information: • (VM) if you have new voice mail messages • an asterisk ( *) if you registered with the se condary Mobile Communicati.
Basic functions 39 Navigating screens Use the trackwheel or trackball to scroll in screens, menus, and to highlight, select, or click items. Use the escape button to exit screens and close menus. Hold the escape button to end a call. Use the keypad to enter numbers an d characters.
Basic functions 40 Figure 8: Preview panels You can scroll throug h the preview pane l, highlight an entry, and then run a menu comman d. To exit the preview panel , pr ess the escape key or select Step out from the menu. Shor tcut Keys In addition to standard navigational aids, MCC 3100 provides shortcu t keys to speed your workflow.
Basic functions 41 Note: Some devices may not offer full rang e of shortcut keys. T able 4: S hortc ut keys Screen Key Action Logs t Go to top of list. b Go to bottom of list. d Go to Corpo rate Directory scr een. a Go to Device Address Book. x Go to Home screen.
Basic functions 42 Accessing Help The MCC 3100 i ncludes embedded, context-sensitive help for the following topics: • Log—describes the log icons • Abbreviations—explain s terms that a ppear in the Ca ll screens • About—provides th e MCC 3100 software version number 1.
Basic functions 43 Figure 9: Help screen.
Basic functions 44.
Advanced functions 45 Advanced functions This section contains the following topics: • “Friends” on page 45 • “Searching the corpor ate directory” on page 52 • “Placing Calls” on pag.
Advanced functions 46 The New Friend screen appears. See “New frien d scr een” on page 46 . Figure 10: New frie nd screen 3. Complete the fields on the Edit Conta ct screen u sing the info rmation in “Adding a friend” on page 46 as a guide. T able 5: Adding a friend Field Settings Display Name Enter a display name for your friend.
Advanced functions 47 Mobile contact Enter the mobile telephone nu mber of your friend. When you call this friend, you can choose this nu mber from a list. Home contact Enter the home telepho ne nu mber of your friend. When you call this friend, you can choose this nu mber from a list.
Advanced functions 48 Note: Provide at least one conta ct location: Extension, Of fice number , Mobile number , Home number , or Other number . 4. After you ente r th e info r matio n, sele ct Save or Save to Device AddressBook . Your friend is added to the MCC 3100 local address book or BlackBerry device address book.
Advanced functions 49 2. Highlight a call record. 3. From the menu , select Ad d to Frie nds . 4. Make changes if needed, and then select Save from the menu. Your new friend is added to the MCC 3100 local address book. Note: After you add a friend from the logs screen, check that the contact in fo rmation is complete.
Advanced functions 50 The Confirmation di alog appears and the friend is ad ded to the M CC 3100 local address book. 4. Select Back to retu rn to the Bla ckBerry devic e addres s book; or, View/Edit to access the MCC 3100 Edit Friend screen. Note: After you add a friend from the logs screen, check that the contact in fo rmation is complete.
Advanced functions 51 Figure 11: Edit frie nd screen 4. Edit the friend information as requir ed. 5. After you edit a friend, select Save or Sa ve to Devi ce AddressB ook from the m enu.
Advanced functions 52 T o delete a friend from the BlackBerry device address book 1. Go to the Main screen. 2. From the menu , select De vice AddressBook . The Device Address Book appears. 3. Highlight the friend you want to delete. 4. From the menu , select De lete .
Advanced functions 53 4. From the menu , select Sear ch Now . Your search results appear on the Search Results s creen. If yo u se arch in both t he local and corporate directories, your sea rch re sults appear in two panels: local and corporate. See “Sear ch results screen” on page 53 .
Advanced functions 54 MCC 3100 to initiate calls from your desktop telephone, mobile telephone, or home te lephone, but the people you call alwa ys see the same number. Import ant Notice: Users are advised to select an d use headsets which are design e d to reduce excessive sound pr essure levels or acousti c shocks.
Advanced functions 55 When the MCC 3100 is configured for Dire ct Outbound mode, yo u can switch from Direct Outbound mode to Call-me-First mode for advanced calls. See “Advanced calls” on pa ge 5 7 . Call-me-First mode In Call-me-First mode, yo ur calls are completed in two steps.
Advanced functions 56 1. Go to the Main, Logs, Frie nds or Search Results screen. 2. Scroll to a log entry, or click a shortcut key to select a friend. 3. From the menu , select Call from Extension . The enterprise telephony system calls your desktop extension.
Advanced functions 57 Advanced calls You can use Advanced call to : • Use Call-me-First mode to use one device to start the call and another to hold the conver sation. For example, you can initiate the call on your BlackBerry, and have the conversation on your desktop telephone.
Advanced functions 58 Figure 16: Place call prefix 6. In the Using list, select your contact location, or enter a number. 7. If required , sele ct yo ur call prefix in the Using Prefix list. 8. From the menu , select Ca ll . The enterpris e telephony sy stem calls you at the contact loc ation you specified.
Advanced functions 59 the MCC 3100 has screening disabled , the call can only be acce pted from your BlackBerry. If the MCC 3100 has Mobile Do- Not-Disturb enabled, the call is forwarded to voice mail. Before you receive calls, configure your contact locations and your call settings.
Advanced functions 60 Groups You can add and mana ge a group that contain multiple fr iends, and then initiate conference calls to the group . Adding a group 1. From the Main screen menu, select Group Mgmt . The Group Manage ment screen appears. 2. From the menu , select Ne w Group .
Advanced functions 61 Figure 19: Add to group scree n 3. Select the group you wish to add the friend to. 4. From the menu , select Ad d Now . The friend is added to the grou p you selected. 5. Repeat step s 1 to 4 fo r all friend s in the gro u p. You can selec t one or mo re friends in one group and add the m to anoth er group.
Advanced functions 62 Figure 20: Group management screen 2. From the Group List , select a group. 3. From the menu , select Gro up Details . The Group Deta ils screen appears. See “Group details screen” on page 62 . Figure 21: Group details screen 4.
Advanced functions 63 — Clear All to remove all selected frie nds in a gr oup. — Delete Selected Users to delete the selected friends from the group. — Save Selections to save the curre nt friend selections. The ne xt time you enter the Group Deta ils screen, the same friends are selected.
Advanced functions 64 Initiating a group call With a group call, you can select a nonmobile contact location for yourself. You can set up the call on your BlackBerry and then engage in the conversation on anothe r de vice, such as your desktop teleph one.
Advanced functions 65 8. From the menu , select Ca ll . The Group-Ca ll Session screen appe ars. 9. The ente rprise telephon y system calls y ou at the contac t location yo u specified. 10. Accept the call, and then follow the promp ts. As the group call initiator, you perform the following steps: a.
Advanced functions 66 •p r e s s *9 to stop the help Joining a group call that is in progress You can join a group call that is in progres s if you selected Join Later when you were initially invited to participate. If you are the group call initiator, you cann ot join a group call that is already in progress.
Advanced functions 67 Notification pr ofiles Notification profiles alert you of incoming calls, messages, and other events. Five preset notification profile s (Default, Quiet, Loud, Vibr ate, and Phone Only), are available that you c an edit. You can also crea te custom notification profiles.
Advanced functions 68 Logging Events The MCC 3100 retain s a record of yo ur recent communicatio n sessions. The following events are logged: • Incoming calls (answered, missed ) • Outgoing calls (successful, unsuccessful, in progress) • System event notifications You can view an abbrev iated list of lo g events on the Main scre en.
Advanced functions 69 The Recent preview panel displays up to 10 frien ds that you recently communicat ed with. 2. Optionally, select an entry and sele ct a menu com mand su ch a s Call .
Advanced functions 70 Figure 25: Call icons For group call ico n expla nations, see "Group call icons" on page 70 . Figure 26: Group call icons For system notification icon explanatio ns, see "System notification icons" on page 70 .
Advanced functions 71 Figure 28: Logs details sc reen Sorting entries on the Logs screen You can sort items in the Log s screen by the name of the individ ual associated w ith the log or by the ti me and date. You can also re-sort the list to only display missed ca lls or voice mail notifications.
Advanced functions 72 1. Go to the Logs screen. 2. From the menu , select De lete All . 3. Select Yes or Cancel in response to the prompt. If you selected Yes, a ll entries are deleted. Managing voice mail In addition to checking whethe r you have an y m essage s, you ca n qu ickly and easily call the voice mail system to access your mailbox.
Advanced functions 73 Note: Y ou must use the BlackBerry te lephone applica tion to generate DTMF tones. You can also call voice mail from the Recent preview panel by selecting the voice mail entry, and choose Call from the menu. The Recent preview panel can contain up to 10 voice mail and call entr ies.
Advanced functions 74.
Acronyms 75 Acr onyms Table 6 lists th e acronyms used in this guide. Ta b l e 6 : A c r o n y m s Acronym Full Name BES BlackBerry Enterprise Server CDMA 1xRTT Code Division Multiple Access Single Ca.
Acronyms 76 URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus VM Voice Mail VPN Virtual Private Network WiFi Wireless Fidelity Ta b l e 6 : A c r o n y m s Acronym Full Name.
Norte l Mobile Communication 3100 Series Por tfolio Mobile Communication Client 3100 for BlackBerr y User Guide Copyright © 2007–2008 Nortel Netwo rks.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks MCC 3100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks MCC 3100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks MCC 3100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks MCC 3100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks MCC 3100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks MCC 3100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks MCC 3100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks MCC 3100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.