Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ND-70919 du fabricant NEC
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ND-70919 (E) ISSUE 1 STOCK # 151988 ISDN System Man ual ® FEBRUARY, 2000 NEC Ame rica, Inc..
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER NEC Am erica, Inc. res erves th e right t o cha nge the specifi cations , functions, o r featur es, at any ti me, without notic e. NEC A merica , Inc. has prepared this documen t fo r use by its employe es and cust omers . The informa tion co ntaine d herein is the prope rty o f NEC Am erica, I nc.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISSUE 4 D A TE FEBR U AR Y , 2000 D A TE D A TE D A TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISSUE 8 DA T E DA T E DA T E DA T E NEAX20 00 IVS 2 ISDN S yst em M anual Revisi on Sheet 1/3 ND-70 919 (E) PA G E N o .
ISSU E 1 ISSU E 2 ISSUE 3 ISSU E 4 D A TE FEBR U AR Y , 2000 D A TE D A TE D A TE ISSU E 5 ISSU E 6 ISSUE 7 ISSU E 8 DA T E DA T E DA T E DA T E NEAX20 00 IVS 2 ISDN S yst em M anual Revi sion S heet .
ISSU E 1 ISSU E 2 ISSUE 3 ISSU E 4 D A TE FEBR U AR Y , 2000 D A TE DA TE D A TE ISSU E 5 ISSU E 6 ISSUE 7 ISSU E 8 DA T E DA T E DA T E DA T E NEAX20 00 IVS 2 ISDN S yst em M anual Revi sion S heet 3.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page i NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FI GURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv LIST OF TABLES .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page ii ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page REQUIRED EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ISDN-PRI Required Equipment . .
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page iii EVENT BASED C CIS PROGRA MMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Programming Summary . . . . . . . . . . .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page iv ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page Figure 1-1 System Ou tline of ISDN-P RI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 1-2 System Ou tline of ISDN-B RI .
LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page v Table 1-1 Event Based CCIS Feature List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 1-2 ISDN Card Name and Function .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page vi ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 This pa ge is for yo ur no tes..
INTRODUCTION Purpose NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE This ma nual describes the hardw are i nstallatio n and pr ogr amming procedur e f or t he ISDN ser vice on the NEAX2000 IVS 2 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 2 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 INTRODUCTION Referen ce M anu als REFERENCE MANUALS Ref er to the manual s during inst al lati o n: Command Manual Descr i bes Cust om.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 3 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION This chapter e xplains the I SDN system outline, t he equipment name and function , system specif ication s , capacity , and con ditions .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 4 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ou tli ne SYSTEM OUTLINE This system can be interf aced with an ISDN with the Primar y Rate Interf ace or the Basic Rate Interf ace at th e ref erence poin t S/T and ISDN T erminal.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Outline NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 5 System Outline of ISDN-BRI The system is con figured with a Basic Rate Interf ace T r unk (BR T) f or the digital ne twork interf ace. Since the MP con tains PLO , the sy stem can be synch ronized to the ISDN as a cl ock receiver office .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 6 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ou tli ne System Outline of ISDN-VPN The Vi r tual Priv ate Ne twork (VPN) is a service which p ro vides an interoffice priv ate lin e via a n ISDN netw ork.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Outline NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 7 Figure 1-3 Exa mple of ISDN-VPN ( 2 of 2) • W hen an opp osite office ca nnot interf ace with the ISDN network PBX B Tie Line PBX A Calling P ar ty Dial 1234 Called P ar ty ISDN 0345678910 (Office No.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 8 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ou tli ne System Outline of ISDN T erminal The system is co nfigured with an ISDN Line Circuit (IL C) f or the line int erf ace of an ISDN T er minal and an ISDN Channel Handler (I CH) fo r Layer 2 protocol processing (LAP-D).
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Outline NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 9 Figure 1-5 System Out line of ISDN Te rminal ( for ISDN-BRI) ILC 2D ISDN PBX 2B D ILC ISD.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 10 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ou tli ne DTI The Digi tal T runk Inter f a ce (DTI) interf aces the P BX di rectly to 24/30 -channe l PCM tr ansmissi on line.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Outline NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 11 BR T The Basi c Rate Interf ace T r unk (BR T) pro vides one or two ph ysical in terf ace to t he ISDN -Basic Rate I nterf ace ser vice (14 4 Kbps PC M-2B + D ).
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 12 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ou tli ne PLO The Phase L ock ed Oscillator (PLO) eq uipped on the MP card synchronize s the system to an ISDN clock. The PLO gen erates th e clock sig nals according to the sou rce clocks rece iv ed from network.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Outline NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 13 ICH The IS DN Channe l Handle r (ICH) p rov ides the D channel si gnaling in terf ace an d controls an ILC (La yers 2 and 3). ILC The ISDN Li ne Circui t (ILC) pro vides a ph ysical inte rf ace to t he ISDN T er minal.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 14 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outlin e of Event Bas ed CCIS OUTLINE OF EVENT BASED CCIS Ev ent Based CCIS allo ws a PBX customer w ho.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outline of Event Ba sed CCIS NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 15 Common C hannel and V oi ce Channel Link Control When the call is a regu lar ISD N call or when th ere is no call on the PBX, the common signaling channel and the voice channel for the virt u a l tie lines are dis connected.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 16 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outlin e of Event Bas ed CCIS F or Eve nt Based CCIS , the vir tual trunks are use d as a No . 7 CCIS trunk. Vir tual T r un k: The vi rtual t runk consis ts of a Home-S ide Tru nk and a Mate-Sid e Trunk.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outline of Event Ba sed CCIS NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 17 Event Based CCIS Featur e List T able 1-1 Ev ent Based CCIS Feature List : .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 18 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outlin e of Event Bas ed CCIS Hands- F r ee-Answer Back-CCIS X House -Phone-C CIS X Hot Li ne-CCIS X In.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outline of Event Ba sed CCIS NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 19 NO TE 1: The voice channel an d the common si gnaling channel kee p connecting after the calls finish according t o the rele ase time r data.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 20 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Outlin e of Event Bas ed CCIS Event Based CCIS Service Conditions • Even t Based CCIS connect ion is av ailab le betw ee n NE C NEAX PBXs .
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Card Nam e and Functi on NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 21 CARD NAME A ND FUNCTION T ab le 1-2 sh ows t he circuit card names and functi on for ISDN.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 22 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Capacity SYSTEM CAPACITY System Capacity f or ISDN-PRI T able 1-3 System Capacit y for ISDN-PRI .
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Ca pacity NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 23 System Capacity f or ISDN-BRI T able 1-4 System Capacit y for ISDN-BRI DESCRIPTION CAPA.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 24 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Conditions SYSTEM CONDITIONS Time Slot Assig nmen t Condition As sho w n in Figu re 1-10 , the 30D TI/DCH/ICH/B R T card uses th e time slot on the basic Highw a y 4.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Syste m Cond itio ns NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 25 Time S lot Al location f or DT I/PRT/DCH Card On each DTI/ PR T card, the system re.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 26 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION System Conditions Line Distance Between PBX and NT1/ISDN T erminal Figure 1-1 2 shows the line distance between PBX and NT1 and the line distance between PBX and IS DN T er minal .
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Speci fications NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 27 DTI SPECIFICATIONS T ransmissi on Characteristics T able 1-5 Transmission Characteri.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 28 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Spe cif ic atio ns (2) Input • L ine Rate • Pulse Am plitu de (Base to P eak) • F rame Sync hroniz ation P atter n • Input Jitte r • W ande r • Cab le Le n gth from PBX to NT1 1.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Speci fications NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 29 Frame Configu ration of 24DTI According to the A T&T Specifications f or 24-Channel tr ansmission, there are two types of frame config urat ions: 12-Mul ti F ram e and 24-Mult i F rame .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 30 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Spe cif ic atio ns * The S-bit is th e first bit in each frame . * F rame s a re r epe ated in th e order sho wn abo v e . * F rames 6 and 12 bec om e signa l frames.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Speci fications NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 31 (2) 24-Mul ti F rame This con figuration has 24-M ulti F rames and each Multi frame has a 24-Chan nel PCM sign al (8 bits/chan nel) and an S bit (Superfr ame B it).
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 32 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Spe cif ic atio ns * The S-bit is th e first bit in each frame . * F rame s a re r epe ated in th e order sho wn abo v e . * F rames 6, 1 2, an d 24 become sign al fram es.
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Speci fications NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 33 Frame Configu ration of 30DTI Based on 30-chann el tra nsmission met hod of IT U-T Specific ation, the fram e configur ation consists of 16-m ulti fr a m e , each frame ha ving 32 time slots .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 34 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION DTI Spe cif ic atio ns T able 1-8 Tim e Slot Assignment of 30DTI TIME SLOT No.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 35 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION This ch apter e xplain s the hardware in stall ation procedu re to provide ISDN interf ace to the PBX.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 36 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Prec aut ions PRECAUTIONS Static E lectrici ty Guar d Y ou must wear a grounded wr is t strap to pro tect c ircuit cards f r om stat ic electr ic it y .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Precaution s NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 37 Figure 2-1 Static Electri city Guard (2 of 2) • W HEN MAKING A SWITCH SETTING ON A CIRCUIT CARD • W HEN CARR YING A CIRCUIT C ARD The mark sho wn be low is attached to the sheet f or the wo rk in whi ch circuit cards ar e handled .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 38 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Prec aut ions C A U T I O N Y ou mu st hold the edge of a circui t card w hen plugg ing or unplugg ing the circu it card. If y ou touch a nother ar ea, y ou ma y be e xpose d to hazar dous v oltages .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Req uired Eq ui pmen t NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 39 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT ISDN-PRI Required Equipment Ta b l e 2 - 1 shows the equipme nt required to provide ISDN with Pr imar y Rate Interface to the system.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 40 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Requi red Equi pm ent ISDN T erm inal Required Equip ment Ta b l e 2 - 3 shows the equipmen t required to pro vide ISDN T er minal interf ace to th e system, in addi ti on to the req uired equ ipmen t for ISDN-PRI or ISDN-BR I .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - PRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 41 INSTALLATION PROCEDUR E FOR ISDN-PRI Install t he eq ui pm en t f or ISDN-PRI acco rding to the procedure sh ow n in Figure 2-2 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 42 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-PRI Mounting DTI and DCH Ca rd/P RT Ca rd (1) Bef ore moun ting t he 24DTI (.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - PRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 43 Mounting CONN Ca rd When using the CONN (PZ-M542 /PZ-M557) card to connect a coaxial cab le fo r DTI, do the f ollowing installation: (1) Confi r m the correct switch settings of the CONN card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 44 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-PRI DTI/PR T Cabl e Connection via MDF When you us e a twist ed-pa ir cable, connect the c able to a N T1 eq uipment via th e MDF a s shown in Figure 2-3 .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - PRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 45 Figure 2-4 Location of AP Slots and LTC Connectors for DTI/PRT LTC0.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 46 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-PRI Figure 2-5 Exa mple of MDF Cross Connect ion for DTI/PRT PIM 0 JP M D F .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - PRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 47 Cable Connection vi a CONN Card When you use a coaxia l cable, connec t th e cabl e to a NT 1 equ ipm en t vi a th e CO N N (PZ-M5 4 2/ PZ-M55 7) card as sh own in Figure 2-6 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 48 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-PRI Figure 2-7 Example of Coaxial Cable Connect ion COAXIAL CONNECTOR LTC1 C.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - BRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 49 INSTALLATION PROCEDUR E FOR ISDN-BRI Install t he eq ui pm en t f or ISDN-BRI acco rding to the procedure sh ow n in Figure 2-8 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 50 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-BRI Mounting BR T Card (1) Bef o re mou nting the BR T (PN-BR T A/2BR TC) card, set the MB switch to UP pos ition, a nd set the othe r switches to appro priate po sition.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - BRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 51 BR T Cable Connection via MDF Connect the cable to a NT 1 equipmen t via the MDF as s hown in Figure 2-9 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 52 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-BRI Figure 2-10 L ocation o f AP Slots and LTC Connectors for BRT LTC0 01 02.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst alla ti on Proc edu re for I SDN - BRI NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 53 Figure 2-11 E xample of MDF Cross Conne ction fo r BRT (1 of 2) PIM.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 54 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN-BRI Figure 2-11 E xample of MDF Cross Conne ction fo r BRT (2 of 2) PIM0 JP M D F PN-2BR TC AP05 RA RB TA TB 19 44 20 45 19 44 20 45 RA RB TA TB TO N T1 RA RB TA TB 17 42 18 43 17 42 18 43 RA RB TA TB TO N T1 No.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ati on Proc edu re for ISDN Termina l NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 55 INSTALLATION PROCEDUR E FOR ISDN TERMINAL Install the eq uipment f or th e ISDN T er minal a ccording to the procedure shown in Figure 2- 12 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 56 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN Te rminal Mounting ICH Card (1) Before mounting t he ICH (PN -SC 03) car d, s et the MB s witch to U P position, and se t the oth er s witch es to appropriate p osition.
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ati on Proc edu re for ISDN Termina l NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 57 Mounting ILC Card (1) Conf ir m the correct switch settings of the ILC (PN-2ILCA) card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 58 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN Te rminal ILC Cable Connection via MDF Conne ct the cab le to an ISDN T er minal or a T er minal Adapt er (T A) via the MD F as shown i n Figure 2- 13 .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ati on Proc edu re for ISDN Termina l NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 59 Figure 2-14 Location o f LT Slots and LTC Connectors for ILC NO TE: Be sure t o mount an ILC c ard on t he LTC co nnecto r separ ated f rom an alog line/ trunk cards.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 60 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for ISDN Te rminal Figure 2-15 E xample of MDF Cross C onnection for ILC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin No .
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Inst all ati on P roc edur e fo r Ev ent Bas ed CC IS NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 61 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR EVENT BASED CCIS Install t he eq ui pm en t f or Ev ent Based CCIS accordi ng to the proced ur e sho wn in Figure 2- 16 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 62 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION Install ation Procedur e for Event Base d CCIS Mounting CCH Ca rd (1) Bef ore mounting the CCH (PN-SC00) card, set the MB sw itch to UP position, and se t the oth er s witch es to appropriate p osition.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 63 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING This chapt er e xplains the p rogr ammin g procedure to pro vide th e ISDN f eat ure to the PBX.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 64 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING How to Read This Chapter HOW TO READ THIS C HAPTER In th e prog ram ming pro cedure , the mean ing.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-PRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 65 ISDN-PRI PROGRAMMING Digital T runk Data Assignment DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an AP n umber to the DTI/PR T card. The AP number m ust match the SENSE s witch setting on the DTI/ PR T card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 66 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-PRI Progr amming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the necessary functions to the DTI / PR T card. CMAA Y Y=00/01/02 assign- ment is required only for 24DTI/P R T.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-PRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 67 DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign Circuit Identification C ode (CIC) number to each I SDN tr unk used f or v oice channel only . NO TE: CI C N o .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 68 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-PRI Progr amming DESCRIPTION D A T A • (1) (2) YY=05 Release Si gnal from dis tant off ice 00-63: B channel/D channel T r unk Route No .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-PRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 69 DESCRIPTION D A T A NO TE 1: This data should be assigned to the B channel trunk route . F or D channel trunk route, no data setti ng is requir ed.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 70 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-PRI Progr amming • For or ig inatin g calls to the IS DN, do t he following programming: DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign ISDN acc ess code to each trunk r o u t e a s si gned by C M 3 0 Y Y = 0 0 .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-PRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 71 • When providing T andem Connection (ODT/DTI to ISDN, IS DN to ODT/DTI), do the f ollo wing prog ramm ing: DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the combi nation of trunk routes allo wing the tandem c onnection.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 72 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-PRI Progr amming • W hen providing T andem Connection (ISDN to C CIS , CCIS to ISDN), do the follo wing prog ramm ing: DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the combi nation of trunk routes allo wing the tandem c onnection.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-PRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 73 D Channel Handler A ssignment DESCRIPTION D A T A When you use the DCH c ard (PN -SC01), assign an AP n umber to the DCH card . The AP number m ust match the SENS s witch settings on the DCH ca rd.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 74 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-PRI Progr amming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the DTI/ PR T trunk number assigned b y CM07 YY=01 to each DCH number f or providing D channel path between DTI/PR T and DCH.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-BRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 75 ISDN-BRI PROGRAMMING BR T Assign ment DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an AP n umber to the BR T card. The AP number m ust match the SENS s witch setting on the BR T card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 76 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-BRI Progr amming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign trunk r oute t o each ISD N t runk used f or V oice channel (B c hannel). NO TE: BR T route must be separat ed from analog trunk routes .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-BRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 77 DESCRIPTION D A T A • (1) (2) YY=05 Releas e signal from di stant office 00-63: B channel/D channel T r unk Route No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 78 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-BRI Progr amming DESCRIPTION D A T A NO TE 1: This data should be assigned to the B channel trunk route . F or D channel trunk route, no data setti ng is requir ed.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-BRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 79 • F o r originati ng calls to the ISD N ne tw ork, do the f ollowi ng pr og r.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 80 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN-BRI Progr amming • W hen providing T a ndem Connectio n (CO T/ODT/LDT/DTI to ISDN, ISDN to .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-BRI Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 81 • W hen providing T andem Connection (ISDN to C CIS , CCIS to ISDN), do the follo wing prog ramm ing: • S pecify whether the Calling P ar ty Numbe r (CPN) sent from ISDN is sent to the CCIS netw or k.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 82 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g ISDN FEATURE PROGRAMMING • Ca lling P ar ty Recognition Service (Direct-In Termination (DIT)) Ref er to “Direct Inward T e r mina tion ( DIT)” in the F eature Pro gramming Manua l.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 83 DID Addressing DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the data for DID to t he trunk numbers assigned by CM07. • • • • (1) (2) YY=02 Da y Mode YY=03 Night Mode YY=40 Mode A YY=41 Mode B 000-255: T r unk No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 84 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g DESCRIPTION D A T A • (1) (2) YY=18 Receiv ed Digit Con version 00-63: T r unk Route No .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 85 MEGA COM ® Access [Nor th America Only] In addi tion to the progr amm in.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 86 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g SID to Netw ork-Present/ CPN to Netw ork-Present F or providing the Ca .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 87 NO TE 1: The IS DN number consists of the following numbers: ISD N number: XXXXXXXXXXXX YYYY ISDN sub scr iber No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 88 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g • W hen Dial-In ser vice i s not p rovided: DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify t he sending out of CPN (Cal ling P ar ty N umber).
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 89 Subaddr ess-Present (1) Calling P ar ty Subaddress When a stati o n has dialed an IS DN subscriber number , the station number is automa tica lly sent as a Calling Pa rty Subaddr ess.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 90 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g T runk Pr ovisi oning Service Select ion DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the trunk route to the trunk number assigned b y CM07.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 91 ISDN PRI Ca ll By Cal l Ser vice Selec tion [Nor th America Only] A vail able Se rvices The f ollowing Binar y F acility Co de can be se nt to t he ISDN networ k whe n the c alled p ar ty num ber is fla gged as a Service .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 92 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g The next e xampl e detail s a local 7 digit call a nd will not used a B inar y F acility Code.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 93 Required Ne twork Inf orm ation F our component s are requi red b y the n etwork when sending CI C inf or mati on. This i nf or matio n can be f ound in the SETUP me ssage .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 94 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the kind of the cal led par ty number . • (1) (2) YYYY=5000-5255 LCR/TR P atter n No . 000-255 157: Kind of Called P ar ty No .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 95 DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the Netw ork ID Plan number . • (1) (2) YYYY=5000-5255 LCR/TR P atter n No . 000-255 160: Netw ork ID Plan 00-15 : Network ID Plan No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 96 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the W A TS Band numbe r. • (1) (2) YYYY=5000-5255 LCR/TR P atter n No . 000-255 16 4: W A TS B and N o.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 97 Ad vice of Charge (A OC) [A ustral ia/France Onl y] NO TE: When you re quire Ca ll Recor ding of IS DN call , do the d ata progr amming f or SMDR or CIS.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 98 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PRO GRAMMING ISDN Feat ure Programmin g Centrex SHF Over ISDN [N.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN-VPN Programming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 99 ISDN-VPN PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the access code for LCR Group 0- 3.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 100 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN-VPN Programming DESCRIPTION D A T A • (1) (2) YYYY=9000-9025: Di git Addit ion P at- ter n No . 00-255 0 X-X...X: Digits to be added (Max . 32 digits) T o delete the de signated digit of an area code assi gned by YYYY=4000-4007.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 101 ISDN TERMINAL DATA PROGR AMMING ILC Assignme n t DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an ISDN line stati on number to the required LEN .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 102 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the f acility control of CPN (Calling P ar ty N umber). • (1) (2) YY=25 X-XXXXXXXX: ISDN Line Station N o.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 103 ICH Assignmen t DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an AP n umber to each ICH card (PN-SC03). The AP number must match the SENS s witch sett ing on the ICH card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 104 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming P oint-to-P oint Connection DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the p oint to poin t connecti on as the La yer 2 data link. • (1) (2) YY=01 XX Z XX: 00-15: IC H No.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 105 P oint -to- Mul tipo int Conn ect ion DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the poi nt to mu ltipoint connec tion as the L a yer 2 data link.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 106 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming BRI Pr og r amm i ng Exam p le: The f ollo wing is an e xample of comm on BRI Statio n Prog r amming.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 107 Indivi dual T erminal Call (1) ISDN Indial When receivin g a.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 108 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming (2) Called P ar ty Su baddre ss When the system has rece iv ed a Ca.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 109 (3) Direct In T er mination (DIT) When the ISDN T er minal station number is assigned as the destination of DIT, the system connects the ca ll with the sp ecified ISDN T er minal or TA on the same bus (2B + D).
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 110 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming (4) Station to Station Calling When an ISDN Terminal user dials an ISDN Terminal station number within the system, th e system connects the call with the s pecified ISDN Terminal.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 111 Gr oup Cal l (1) ISDN Indial When r eceiving an ISD N line s.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 112 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming (2) Called P ar ty Su baddre ss When receiving an ISDN line sta tion number as the Called Pa rty Subaddre ss, the system connects the call with all ISDN Terminals or Termin al Adapt ers (TA) on the s ame bus (2B + D).
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING ISDN Te rmi nal D at a Pr ogr ammi ng NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 113 (3) Direct In T er mination (DIT) When t he ISDN li ne sta t.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 114 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ISDN Terminal Data Programming (4) Station to Station Calling When an ISDN T er minal user dials a n ISDN line station n umber within the syste m, the system connects the call wit h all ISDN Te rminals.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 115 EVENT BASED CCIS PROGRAMMING Pr ogramming Sum mary Do the system da ta progr amming f or Ev ent Based CCIS according to th e procedure sh own in Figure 3 -2 .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 116 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Figure 3-2 Even t Based CCIS Programming Summary ST ART BRI T runk P rogramming for E-CCIS Home Side T r unk See P age 117 .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 117 Numbering Plan Programming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign station number , LCR and trunk route access c odes.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 118 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing BRI T runk Programming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an AP n umber to the BR T card. The AP number m ust match the SENS s witch setting on the BR T card.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 119 DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the trunk route data to each ISDN incoming trunk used f or V oice channel only . • • • • (1) (2) YY=02 Da y Mode YY=03 Night Mode YY=40 Mode A YY=41 Mode B 000-255: T r unk No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 120 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the number of digi ts to be receiv ed on DID . • (1) (2) YY=09 Incoming Connect ion Signaling 00-63: B channel T r unk Route No.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 121 DESCRIPTION D A T A When the data for CM35 YY=18 is set to “0” (R e c e ived digi ts c on ve r si o n is t o be provi ded), assign the data fo r interpreting the digits recei ved.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 122 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Home-Side T r unk Programming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign a trunk n umber to each channels on the Home-Sid e trunk. NO TE: T he Vir tual cha nnel number on the Home-Side trunk must be an e v en num ber ( 00, 02, 0 4, .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 123 DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign a CCIS channel number to eac h common signaling channel and v oice channel route . • (1) (2) YY=91 00-63: T r unk Route No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 124 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Mate-Side T runk Pr ogramming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign a trunk number t o each channel on the Mate-Side t runk. NO TE: T he Vir tual cha nnel number on the Mate-Side T r unk must be an odd n umber (01, 03, 05, .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 125 DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the v oice channel and common signaling channel route as the E vent Based CCIS route . • (1) (2) YYY=135 00-63: T r unk Route No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 126 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing • T o prov ide V erification of Conn ectio n f or Ev ent Based CC IS , d o t he f ollowin g pro gr a mming . The f ollo wing da ta must b e set o n the oppos ite P BX iden tica lly .
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 127 Figure 3- 3 shows an example of the programmin g for verifica tion of c onnection . Figure 3-3 Verification of Conne ction STATION TRK No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 128 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Programmin g e xampl e f or PBX A sh own in Figure 3-3 . CM35 YY Y= 152 (1) 2 0: Mate-Sid e trunk route n umber f or common si gna l in g chan nel (2) 0: Provi de V er ificati on of Conn ection.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 129 Programmin g e xampl e f or PBX B sh own in Figure 3-3 . CM35 YY Y= 152 (1) 2 0: Mate-Sid e trunk route n umber f or common si gna l in g chan nel (2) 0: Provi de V er ificati on of Conn ection.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 130 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing • T o connect the ISD N line f or the v oice channel a fter the called par ty ans wers , do the f ollowing programming.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 131 Incoming T ermination f or Event Based CCIS Calls DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign the Number Conv ersion Block No . • (1) (2) YY=00 X-XXXX: DID N o.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 132 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Access Code/T erminating Number Assignment f or Outgoing Event B ased Calls DESCRIPTION D A T A Allocate memor y to store t he ter minating numbers to t he opposite off ice.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 133 Release Timer f or Virtual Tie Lines (Home-Side and Mate-Side Trunks ) DESCRIPTION D A T A Specify the r elease ti mer f or v oice channels of vir tual tie line .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 134 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing CCH Data Assignment DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign an AP n umber to the CCH card (PN-SC00). The AP number m ust match the SENSE s witch setting on the CCH card.
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROG RAMMING Event Based CCIS Progr amming NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 135 T andem Connection Pr ogramming • W hen providing T an dem Connect.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 136 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING Event Bas ed CCIS Programm ing Closed Numbering Plan P rogram ming DESCRIPTION D A T A Assign LCR Group number to Area Code De v elopment P attern. • (1) (2) YYYY=A000 0-3: LCR Group No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 137 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION This ch apter e xplain s the mountin g loc ation, the meanin g of la mp indication s, an d the met hod of s witch se ttings of each circuit card f or the ISDN syste m.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 138 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION How to Read This Chapter HOW TO READ THIS C HAPTER This chapter e xplains each circuit card used in this system.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION Mounti ng Loc ati on of Circu it Card NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 139 MOUNTING LOCATION OF CIRCUIT CARD This section e xplains th e conditions f or mounting circuit cards fo r the ISDN system.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 140 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION List of Requ ired Circ uit Cards LIST OF REQUIRED CIRC UIT CARDS T ab le 4-1 sh ows the required circuit cards that are explained in this section.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-CP14 (MP) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 141 PN-CP14 (MP) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns LA.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 142 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-CP14 (MP) Switch Settin gs NO TE 1: Set the g roove o n the switch to the desir ed posit ion. NO TE 2: Only when execut ing MP P rogram Dow nload us ing the S oftwa re Acti vation To ol in MATWorX S tudio, set t he SW3 to 5-8.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-CP14 (MP) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 145 The figure in the SWITCH NAME colu mn and the p osition in i n the SETTIN G POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 146 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-BRTA (BRT) P N - B RT A ( B RT ) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs SENSE RU N .
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-BRTA (BRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 147 Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUN CTION R UN Gree n Fla shes at 120 IPM wh ile.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 148 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-BRTA (BRT) Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENS (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 4-F Set the s witch to match the A P Number (04 -15) to be set b y CM05.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-BRTA (BRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 149 The figure in the SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 150 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-BRTA (BRT) NO TE 3: Set the S W0-2 and SW0-3 as follows: NO TE 4: When the system is a clock source office, set the SW0-2 and SW0-3 on all the BRT cards mounte d in PIM0 to OFF.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2BRTC (BRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 151 PN-2BR TC (BR T) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs SENSE RU N MB B2.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 152 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2BRTC (BRT) Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTIO N R UN Gree n Fla shes at 120 IPM wh ile th is card is o perating no rmal ly B21 Red No .
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2BRTC (BRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 153 Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENS (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 4-F Set the s witch to match the A P Number (04 -31) to be set b y CM05.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 154 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2BRTC (BRT) The figure in the SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2BRTC (BRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 155 NO TE 3: The system can sup ply clock signals from two clock supply routes.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 156 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) PN-24DT A-C (DTI) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs SENSE RU N M.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 157 Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUN CTION R UN Gree n Fla shes at 120 IPM wh .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 158 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENSE (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 0-3 Not use d 4-F Set the swi tch to match the AP N umber (04-31) t o be set by CM05.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 159 SW0 (Piano K e y SW) 1 NO TE 3 NO TE 4 ON Source cloc k signal from network is sent to the PLO0 input on MP card. OFF Source cloc k signal from network is not sent to the PL O0 inpu t on MP card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 160 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) (Continued) The figure in the SWITCH NAME colu mn and the p osition in i n the SETTIN G POSITION colum n indicate the stand ard sett ing of t he s witch.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24DTA-C (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 161 NO TE 1: Set the g roove o n the switch to the desir ed posit ion. NO TE 2: When th e power i s on, fli p the MB sw itch to ON ( UP positio n) before plugging / unplu ggi n g the circ u it car d.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 162 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) PN-30DTC-A (DTI) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs SENSE RU N MB.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 163 Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUN CTION R UN Green Flashes at 120 IPM when .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 164 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENS (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 4-F Set the s witch to match the A P Number (04 -31) to be set b y CM05.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 165 SW (Piano K e y SW) 1 NO TE 3 NO TE 4 ON Source cloc k signal from network is sent to the PLO0 input on MP card.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 166 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) The figure in the SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-30DTC-A (DTI) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 167 NO TE 3: Set the S W-1 an d SW-2 as f ollows: NO TE 4: When the PBX is a clock source office, set the SW-1 and SW-2 on all the DTI cards mounted in PIM0 to OFF.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 168 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) PN-24PR T A (PRT) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs SENSE RU N MB.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 169 Lamp In dic atio ns Switch Settin gs LAMP NAME COLOR FUN CTION R UN Gree n Fla she.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 170 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) MB (T oggle S W) NO TE 2 UP F or ma ke-b usy F or nor mal op er ati on SW0 (Piano K e y SW) 1 NO TE 3 NO TE 4 ON Source cloc k signal from network is sent to the PLO0 input on MP card.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 171 SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SW1 (Piano K e y SW) NO TE 4 1 Not use d 2 Not use d 3 Not use d 4 ON AP No .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 172 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) The figure in the SWITCH NAME colu mn and the p osition in i n the SETTIN G POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-24PRTA (PRT) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 173 NO TE 3: Set SW 0-1 and SW0-2 as fol low s: NO TE 4: When th e PBX is a clock sour ce office, set the S W0-1 and SW0- 2 on all the P RT cards mounted in PIM0 to OFF.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 174 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC00 (CCH) PN-SC00 (CCH) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches an d Connecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns L.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC00 (CCH) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 175 Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENS (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 4-F Set the s witch to match the A P Number (04 -31) to be set b y CM05.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 176 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC00 (CCH) The figure in the SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC01 (DCH) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 177 PN-SC01 (DCH) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 178 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC01 (DCH) Switch Settin gs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSITION FUNCTION CHEC K SENS (Rotar y SW) NO TE 1 4-F Set the s witch to match the A P Number (04 -31) to be set b y CM05.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC01 (DCH) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 179 The figure in the SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 180 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC03 (ICH) PN-SC03 (ICH) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUN CTION R UN Gree n Fla shes at 120 IPM wh ile th is card is o perating no rmal ly DOPE7 Green Remains lit when No.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-SC03 (ICH) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 181 Switch Settin gs The figure in the SWITCH NAME colu mn and the p osition in i n the SETTIN G POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 182 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PZ-M542 (CONN) PZ-M542 (CONN) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns This card has no l amp s.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PZ-M542 ( CONN) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 183 Switch Settin gs The figure in t he SWITCH NAME column and th e position in in the SE TTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 184 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PZ-M557 (CONN) PZ-M557 (CONN) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs Lamp In dic atio ns This card has no l amp s.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PZ-M557 ( CONN) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 185 Switch Settin gs The figure in t he SWITCH NAME column and th e position in in the SE TTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 186 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2ILCA (ILC) PN-2ILCA (ILC) Locati ons of Lamps, Sw itches , and C onnecto rs PA L 1 AC T 1 LPB.
CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2ILCA (ILC) NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 187 Lamp In dic atio ns LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCT ION A CT1 Green No . 1 Circuit ON: Nor ma lly operating OFF: Not oper ating P AL1 Red ON: L ine is sho rt-circuiting.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 188 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION PN-2ILCA (ILC) Switch Settin gs The figure in t he SWITCH NAME column and the position in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate th e standard setting of the s witch.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 189 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST This chapt er e xpl ains the oper atio n test to be perf or med after compl etion of th e ISDN insta llation. F or f ault di agnosis by MA T or C A T , ref er to the Maintenance Manual.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 190 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST Interoffic e Transm ission L ine Test INTEROFFICE TRANSMISSION LINE TEST T o confir m inter - off ice synch.
CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST Interof fice Trans mission Lin e Test NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 191 T able 5-1 Alarm Indications on 24DTI LED LED INDICA TION F A UL T NORMAL F A UL T CA USE A CTIO N RU N F l a s h (120 IPM) On or Off Ab nor mal oper ation of DTI card Confir m the programming data: CM05, CM07 YY=01.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 192 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST Interoffic e Transm ission L ine Test T able 5-2 Alarm Indications on 30DTI LED LED INDICA TION F A UL T NORMAL F A UL T CA USE A CTIO N RU N F l a s h (120 IPM) On or Off Ab nor mal oper ation of DTI card Confir m the programming data: CM05, CM07 YY=01.
CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST Interof fice Trans mission Lin e Test NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 193 T able 5-3 Alarm Indications on 24PRT LED LED INDICA TION F A UL T NOR.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 194 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST Interoffic e Transm ission L ine Test T able 5-4 Alarm In dications on BRT LED LED INDICA TION F A UL T NOR.
CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST PLO Op eration Test NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 195 PLO OPERATION TEST T o conf ir m the PLO operation do the following tests: • Cloc k Signa l Gener ation T est • Cloc k S i gna l Syn c hr on i zati on T est T o be tested when the PBX is a cloc k receiv e r office.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 196 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST PLO Op er at ion Tes t Clock Signal Synchr oniz ation T est This test chec ks to see if the PLO k eeps syn chronizing with the e xter nal cloc k signals , when the e xternal cloc k sig nals from ne twork has inp ut again a fter it has stop ped once .
CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST PLO Op eration Test NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 197 STEP 6: After an ou tgoing conne ction via trunks has bee n estab lished , confirm interoffice synchronization and speech quality with the procedure sh own in STEP 3.
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 198 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST PLO Op er at ion Tes t STEP 6: On the D TI0/1, PR T0/1, B R T0/1 car ds, se t th e swi tches as sh own in ST EP 1 to input cloc k signals from the clo ck supply Route 1.
CHAPTER 5 OPERATION TEST PLO Op eration Test NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System Manual ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 Page 199 STEP 4: Do the a bov e te st a gain in th e opposit e direct ion. NO TE: If noise periodically occurs, replace the MP card after checking the switch se ttings on the MP ca rd , a n d do the above tes t again .
NEAX2000 IVS 2 ISDN System M anual Page 200 ND-70919 (E), Issue 1.0 This page is f or your notes ..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté NEC ND-70919 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du NEC ND-70919 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation NEC ND-70919, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le NEC ND-70919 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le NEC ND-70919, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du NEC ND-70919.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le NEC ND-70919. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei NEC ND-70919 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.