Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 315 du fabricant HP
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www.hp.c om/photosma rt 1 hp photosmart 315 digital cam er a user ’s guide English.
2 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user’s guide Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started ............................................................................. 7 Introduction ................ .................. ....................... ............
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 3 Chapter 3: Reviewing Your Photos ............................................................... 25 Viewing your photos ..................... ................. ........................ ........................ ......... 26 Viewing small versions (thumbnails) of your photos .
4 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Chapter 5: Sharing and Printing Photos ....................................................... 55 Connecting the camera to your Windows PC .................................. ........................ .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 5 Chapter 7: Powering Your Camera .............................................................. 73 Determining if the batteries need to be changed .................. ........................ ............... 73 Replacing batteries .
6 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Appendix A: Reference ................................................................................ 97 Icons ............. ........................ .................. ....................... .....
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 7 Chapter 1: G et ting Star ted Intr oduction Y our simple - to -us e HP PhotoSmart 315 digita l camer a t ak es high-q uality photo s y ou can shar e w ith f amil y and f r ie nds on the Int er net or v i a email . It come s w ith HP so ftwar e f or manipulating , st or ing , and pr inting y o ur phot os .
8 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Camera parts T he fo llo w ing illustr a tions sho w the fr ont , back , and sides of the HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camera . 9 Quick Setup Qui ck s et u p Sett ing up the HP Ph ot oSmart 315 di gita l camer a is q ui ck and eas y — f ollo w these steps and y ou ’ ll be ready to take photos . Step 1: Attach the wrist str ap 1. Open the memory card door .
10 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Quick Setup Step 2: Install t he bat teries Insert f our AA batter ies (suppli ed), making sure that the +/ – electr odes a re f acing the pr oper dire cti on (see the di agram o n the inside of the camer a ’ s battery compartment). 11 Quick Setup 1. Slide the lens co v er open to tur n the camer a on . The image L CD turns on and displa ys y our language ch oi ces. Not e: T he camer a onl y turn s the image L CD on automati call y the f irst time y ou turn on the camer a.
12 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Quick Setup Step 4 : Set th e camera date and tim e After y ou select the camer a language , the ca mer a immediatel y pr ompts y ou to en ter the c ur r ent dat e and time .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 13 T u rning the cam era on and off • T o tur n the camer a on , sli de the lens co ver open . T he s tatus L CD turns on and displa ys the camer a st atus. • T o tur n the camera o f f , slide the lens co ver c losed. T he status L CD goe s blank.
14 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using the 5-wa y contr oller Us e the 5-w a y con tr oller to: • Mak e selecti ons f r om the camera me nu s, w hic h allo w you to adj ust the camer a ’ s sett ings. • S cro l l t h ro u g h p h o t o s yo u h av e t a ke n.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 15 3 . Pr ess the ri ght or le ft side of the 5-w a y contr oller until the desir ed menu is selec ted on the image L CD . E ach menu is r e pr esent ed b y an icon . A select ed icon is enlar g ed and ani mated . 4. P r ess OK to ope n the menu .
16 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 17 Cha pte r 2: T a ki ng P hot os T his chapter des cr ibes the basic pr ocess o f taking photos wi th y our HP PhotoSmart 3 15 digital camer a and gi v es y ou tips f or taking the best photo s.
18 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 3 . Pr ess and ho ld the shut ter b u t to n 1/ 2 way d own to a ll ow t h e c a m e ra t o a d ju s t t h e focu s and e xposur e . 4. When you s ee the stead y gr e en light t o the r ight o f the v iewf inder , p r es s the shut ter button all the wa y dow n to tak e the photo .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 19 Auto F oc us and Auto Exposure T he camer a auto maticall y foc us es and adju sts the e xposur e for the c urr ent lighting conditio ns w hen y ou pres s the shut ter but ton .
20 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Pre vie wing y our photos Instead of looking thr ough the vi e wf inder to pr ev ie w a photo, y ou can use the image L CD to pr ev ie w a ph oto .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 21 4. Pr ess and h old the shutter b u t to n 1 / 2 way d own t o a l low t h e c a m e ra t o a d jus t t h e fo cus and e xposur e . Note: If y ou mov e the camera and f r ame a differ ent sub ject w hile keeping the shutter button pr esse d 1/2 w ay d o w n , the ca mer a does not r e -adju st the fo c us and e xpo sur e.
22 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using Instant Re vie w Y ou can r ev ie w each phot o on the image L CD immediatel y after taking it . While r e vi e w ing a photo , y ou can choo se t o sav e or delete it . T o immediatel y re vi e w y our photos, y ou mu st turn Inst ant R e vi e w on using the Instant Re vie w menu .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 23 T ips f or taking the best photo s • T ry to fi ll the entir e fr ame w ith your su bj ect and e xc lude un w anted detail . • K eep the sun behind y ou or at y our side , not dir ectl y o v er head or in f r ont of y ou .
24 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide • T he camer a tak es a bou t a se cond t o f oc us and ad j us t the e xposur e w hen y ou pr ess the shut ter but ton 1/2 w ay do wn . W ait until y ou see the s teady gr een light t o the ri ght of the v ie wfinder , then pre ss the shutter button all the w ay do wn to t ak e the photo .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 25 Chap ter 3: R e v ie w in g Y ou r P hot os Afte r y ou hav e tak en some pho to s and they ar e stor ed on the Compac tF lash memory card , y ou can vi e w them u sing the image L CD.
26 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Vi e wing y our photo s 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came r a is off) . 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on . T he last photo y ou took a ppears on the image L CD .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 27 T he status o v erla y bar giv es y ou the f ollo wing inf ormatio n about the c urr ent photo: • date /time pho to w as tak en • phot o quali ty setting us ed to tak e .
28 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Vi e wing small v ersions (t humbnails) of y our photos Y ou can v ie w up to nine of y our photos at the same time on the image L CD . T o look at t humbn ails of y our photos: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came r a is off) .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 29 5 . T o ad vance to the ne xt set of th umbnails, u se the 5-w ay contr oller to mo ve the y ello w bor der to the last phot o in the set , and then pr ess the do w n si de of the 5-w ay contr oller .
30 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Ma g n ify in g y ou r p ho t o s While r e vie wing a photo , y ou can magnif y an ar ea of the photo . T o m agnify a photo: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came r a is off) . 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 31 Er asing your phot os Y ou can er ase a single photo or all photos f rom the memory card . Once a photo has been er ased , it cannot be r e co v er ed. Note: L o c k ed photo s mus t be unloc ked bef or e the y can be er ased.
32 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 7 . If y ou c hose t o er ase all photo s, y ou ar e asked to conf irm . T o conf irm , use the r ight or left side o f the 5-w ay con tr oller to selec t Ye s , then pres s OK .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 33 Loc ki ng your p ho tos L oc king pho to s pr ev ents them f r om being acc ident all y er ased fr om t he memor y card . Y ou can lock all photos on the memo ry car d at the same time or yo u can choo se indi vi dual photos to loc k .
34 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 3 . If y ou are loc king or unlocking a single photo , us e the r ight o r left si de of the 5-w a y contr oller to sc ro ll to the phot o y ou w a nt to loc k or unloc k.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 35 R otating y our photos Y ou can r ot ate a ph oto di spla yed on the image L CD in 90 ° inc rements . T o rotate a ph oto: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came r a is off) . 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on .
36 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 8. If you w ant to r otate ano ther phot o , us e the r ight or left side o f the 5-w ay co ntr oller to scr ol l to th e photo, select the direction you w ant to rotate in, and t hen press OK r epeatedly until y ou are happ y with the photo ’ s positi on.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 37 Y ou can se lect the photo s you w ant to include in a DP OF file one at a time , or y ou can choo se to ad d all of t he photos on th e memor y c ard at the same ti me. Selecting a p hoto to add to a DPOF f ile is called “ ma rking ” the photo .
38 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 7. P r e s s OK . 8. If you c hose to mar k or unmar k all photo s , y ou ar e ask ed to conf irm . T o conf irm , us e the r ight or le ft side o f the 5-w a y contr oller to selec t Ye s , then pre ss OK .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 39 Chapter 4 : Adjusting the Cam er a Settings Y ou can modify the HP Phot oSmart 315 di gital came r a ’ s settings to f it the c u rr ent photo - taking conditions and y o ur pr ef er ences.
40 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o chan ge the fla sh s ett ing : 1. Slide the lens co ver open to tur n the camer a on. 2. P r e s s t h e fla sh button repeatedl y until the flash se tting you w ant displa y s on the s tatu s L CD .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 41 Note: T he flash r echar ges between photo s. This is indi cated by a r ed light ne xt to the v i e wf inder an d a blinking fla sh ico n on the s tatu s L CD . Whe n the r ed light tur ns o ff and the flash i con stop s blinking, y ou can take another f lash photo .
42 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Photo quality Description Resolution Basi c The most memory -efficient photo quality setting. Use this setting for taking photos that you plan to send via e-mail or place on the Internet. 640x480 Fin e Produces high-quality photos and requires les s memory than Super-fine mode.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 43 Her e ar e some important no tes abo ut the photo q uality setting: • Y ou can use differ ent photo quality settings f or diff er ent photos on the same memory car d. • T he camer a r etains the cur r ent pho to quality setting until y ou change it , ev en if y ou turn the camer a off .
44 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using the digital zoom Y ou can u se the camer a ’ s di gital z oom to ma k e a su bj ec t appear t o be c lo ser . Y ou mu st u s e the ima ge L CD to p r e v ie w y our ph ot o to see th e e ffe ct o f the z oom .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 45 T o use Quic k Zoom: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to tur n the camer a on. 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off but ton to turn the image L CD on. 3 . Use the do wn si de of the 5-w ay con tr oller to z oom in on yo ur subj ect .
46 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o use th e Digital Zoom menu: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to tur n the camer a on. 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button to tur n the image L CD on . 6 . If y ou w ant to z oom in c loser , use the do wn si de of the 5-w ay contr oller .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 47 Using the self-timer Us e the s elf-timer to t ak e a pho to of y our self or a po sed gr ou p phot o . After y ou tur n the se lf- timer on and pr es s the shut ter but ton, the camer a waits 10 seconds bef or e taking the photo .
48 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 4. P r ess the shut ter button all the wa y dow n , then r elease it . T he r ed self-timer indicator li ght on the f r ont of the camer a blinks for 10 seconds w ith an inc r easing f r equenc y . After 10 s econds , the camer a tak es the photo and the se lf- timer turns o ff aut omaticall y .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 49 T o turn Instant Re vie w on or of f: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to tur n the camer a on. 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button t o tur n the image L CD on .
50 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Setting the imag e L CD brightness Y ou can adju st the br ightness of the image L CD fo r differ ent lighting conditi ons . F or ex ample, if y ou ar e using the camer a in br ight sunlight , you ma y w a nt to inc reas e the image L CD br ightnes s to impr ov e the v isibility of the display .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 51 Setting the date and tim e T he camera ha s a r e al- time cloc k that can recor d the date and time at whic h yo u tak e ea ch photo . T he camera pr ompts you to en ter the date and time under the follo w ing c ir cumstance s: • When y ou tur n on the camer a f or the f irs t time .
52 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o c han ge t he d ate and tim e: 1. Pr ess the ima ge LCD on/off b utton to tur n the image L CD on . 4. Use the up or do w n side of the 5-w ay co ntr oller to s elec t the dat e and time f ormat y ou w ant to us e , then pr ess OK .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 53 Changing the camer a languag e Y ou can c hange the language us ed f or the camer a menus . To c h a n g e t h e c a m e r a l a n g u a g e : 1. Pr ess the ima ge LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on . 2. P r e s s t h e menu bu tton .
54 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Setting the beep T he camer a beeps to le t y ou know that it is ha s f inished captur ing an image , or to w arn y ou that the bat ter ies ar e empty or the memory c ar d is full or inoper able .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 55 Chapter 5: Sharing and Pr inting Photos Once y ou hav e tak en some photo s w ith y our HP PhotoSmart 315 di gital camer a , y ou can us e them in man y fun and c r e ati v e w a y s.
56 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide S ystem r equirements for a W indo ws P C T o w ork w ith your came r a , y our computer m ust mee t or e xceed the f ollo wing r equir ements: * If y ou ar e using Wi ndow s NT 4.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 57 Installing t he soft ware on a W indo ws P C 1. Insert the HP Phot oSmart 315 CD into y our compu ter ’ s CD-RO M dr i v e.
58 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Connec ting th e camera to a Windo ws P C Bef or e connecting the camer a to y our computer , make sur e y ou hav e installed the so ft w ar e . See “ In stal lin g t he sof tware on a Wind ow s PC ” abov e for detail s.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 59 Do wnloading photos t o a Wi ndo ws P C Do wnloadin g is the pr ocess of tr ansfe r r ing pho tos fr om the came r a ’ s memo ry card to y our computer . Tip: T o conserve battery po w er , use an A C adapter (optional) w hen y ou ar e do wnloading phot os to y our co mput er .
60 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 4. If desired , clic k the br o w se ( . ..) button to s elect the f older w her e the photo s w ill be sav ed . If y ou do not se lect a f older , the pho to s w ill be sa v ed to th e f older sho w n in the Sav e m y images to section.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 61 Whe n y ou ar e f inished do wnlo ading y ou can: • Vi ew y ou r ph otos • Pr int y our phot os • Shar e y our ph ot os w ith f amil y and f r iends o n the Int er net See t he H P P hoto I mag in g sof t war e ’ s o nl i n e he lp fo r mo re i n fo r m a t io n.
62 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Connec ting th e camera to a Mac intosh Note: T he camer a uses a US B connecti on , so y ou do not need to turn the computer o f f w hen connecting or dis connecting the camer a. T o connec t th e camera to a M ac intosh: 1.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 63 Do wnloading photos t o a Ma cintosh Tip: T o conserve battery pow er , us e an A C pow er adapter (optional) w hen y ou ar e do wnloading phot os to y our co mput er . F or mor e infor mation , see “ Using a n A C po w er adapter ” on page 77.
64 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide When y ou ar e f inished do w nloading , you can w ork w ith y our phot os u sing the Ar cSoft PhotoIm pr essi on softw ar e that came with y our camer a. S ee the so ftwar e ’ s o nline help f or mor e i nfo rmati on.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 65 JetSend ing y our photos HP Jet Send allow s for con veni ent , w irele ss tr ansfer . Y ou ca n tr ansfer photo s fr om yo ur camera to any Jet Send-r ecei v ing pr inter , such as the HP PhotoSmart 1000 and 1200 Ser ies pr inte rs .
66 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 5 . P lace the camer a and the pr inter 1 5 cent imete rs ( about 6 inc hes) apart and aim the camer a ’ s infr ared sens or at the printer ’ s infrar ed sensor . 6. P re s s t h e shut ter button all the wa y dow n to send the c urr entl y display ed p hoto .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 67 Chapter 6 : Compac tFlash Memor y Th e “ fi l m ” used in the HP Ph otoSmart 315 digit al camer a is a re us able Co mpactF lash memory car d . The car d is mor e economi cal than conv entional f ilm becau se y ou can er ase un w anted photos fr om the card , making space av ailable f or ne w photos.
68 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Installing a memor y card 1. If y ou are r eplac ing an e x isting car d w ith a ne w one , mak e sure the memo ry card acces s li ght is o ff be f or e opening the memo ry car d door .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 69 3 . If y ou ar e re mo v ing an e x isting car d, r otate the blue car d ej ecti on le v er up , then push the lev er in to ej ect the car d fr om the slot. 4. Insert the ne w memory car d so that the f r ont of the car d faces the fr ont of the camer a and the ed ge w ith p inholes is placed into the camer a f irs t .
70 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Ch ec kin g th e me mor y card status If the memory car d is full , damaged , or mis sing , the number s “ 000 ” blink on the st atus L CD to indicate y ou cannot take an y more photos . A red li ght appears to the r ight o f the vi e w finder if y ou pr ess the shut ter button .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 71 • If y ou r ecei v e the car d er r or indi cati ons and the car d is for mat ted and is not f ull , the c a rd m a y b e d a m a g e d. T r y re - fo r m a t t i n g th e c a rd, o r t r y a d i f f e re n t c a rd. For i n s t r u c t i on s on f ormatting a ca r d , se e belo w .
72 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 1. Insert the memory car d into the camer a (see “ Installing a memory car d ” on pa ge 6 8) . 2. P r e s s t h e ima ge LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on . 3. P re s s t h e menu button .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 73 Chap te r 7 : P o w er ing Y ou r C ame r a T he HP Phot oSmart 315 di gital camer a can be po w er ed b y batter ie s or an HP -appr o v ed A C po wer adapter . F or con v enience , use the batter ie s whe n y ou ar e taking photos.
74 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Note: Whe n the Empt y battery icon on the st atus L CD begins flashing and the camer a beeps r epeatedly , the po w er is about to sh ut off . Y ou need to r ep lace the batteri es bef or e y ou ca n take another photo .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 75 • Tr y “ ultr a - ” or “ pr emium- ” gr ade alk aline , lithiu m, or r echar geable Ni-Cd or Ni-MH bat teries, av aila ble fr om vari ous ba tt er y m anu facturers.
76 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o insert ne w bat terie s: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came r a is off) . 2 . T o open the battery compar tment , slide the battery compartment co ve r in the dir ection of the arr o w , and then lift it.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 77 Using an A C pow er adapter T o e xtend the life of y our bat ter i es, u se an A C po w er adapter as y our pow er sour ce when connecting y our camer a to a computer or w hen using the image L CD f or an e x tended per iod .
78 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o connec t an A C po w er ad apter : 1. P lug the adapter into a po w er sour ce ( such as a w all outlet or pow er str ip) .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 79 Chapter 8: T r oubl eshooting Pr oblems and solutions If y ou hav e a problem us ing y our HP Ph otoSmart 315 di gital camer a, r e v ie w this sec tion f irst .
80 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide The camera does not respond when I press a button. The camera is off. Slide the lens cover open to turn the camera on (if you want to take a photo) or turn on the image LCD (if you want to revie w your photos) .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 81 The camera needs to be reset. Turn the camera off and then on again (slid e the lens cover closed and then o pen). Remove the ba tteries and reinstall them. If you are using an AC power adapte r, unplug th e adapter fr om the camera, remov e and reins tall the batteries, and then pl ug the adapter in.
82 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide I hav e to repla ce the camera bat teries frequently . Extended use of the image LCD consumes battery power.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 83 When I p ress the sh utte r but ton 1/2 way d own , a blinking green light appear s ne xt to the vie wfinder . — Continued (next page) — The camera cannot find a focus because you are too close to the subject. The camera ’ s Auto Focus range is 30 cm (11.
84 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide There is not en ough light to illuminate your subject. Wait for lighting conditions to improve or turn on the lights in the room. Or, set the camera ’ s Auto Exposure using a differen t subject that is illuminated m ore clearly and is th e same dista nce away.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 85 The me mory c ard is damaged o r is not formatted. Format the me mory ca rd or replace it with a new, formatted c ard. The flash is recharging. Wait until the flash icon on the status LCD stops blinking before taking an other f lash phot o.
86 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide My p h o t o i s blu r ry . Your sub ject was too close to the camera lens. The camera ’ s Auto Focus range is 30cm (11.8 in.) from the front of the lens to inf inity. For a clear, sharp image, make sure your subject is within this range.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 87 My p h o t o i s too dark . There was not enough light. Wait for natural lighting conditions to improve or use the flash to illuminate your subject (see “ Using the flash ” on page 39). The flash was on, but the subject was too fa r away.
88 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Get ting assistance T o help ensu r e trouble -free performance, y our H P Photo Sma rt 315 digital camer a comes w i th aw ard-w inni ng HP C ustomer C ar e . Whether y ou have a question or a request for repair , HP Customer Care makes it f ast and eas y to get the assist ance y ou need .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 89 3 . If pos sible , visit one of our HP C ustomer C ar e W eb sites. Mos t of the ans wer s y ou need ar e as c lose as y our computer sc reen! See “ Us i n g H P C u s t o m e r C a re o n l i n e re s o u rc e s ” belo w fo r spec ifi c infor mation on ho w to conn ect .
90 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Contacting HP Customer Care b y phone Like mos t H P custom e rs, you ’ ll pr obabl y nev er need to call us . But if y ou do , you ’ ll be connected to a serv ice tec h nic ian w ho spec iali z es in y our produc t and can help y ou f ind the ans w ers y ou need .
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 91 F o r s u ppo r t n umbe r s in o ther c o u n t r i e s /regions , c o n t a c t y o ur local HP o f f i c e . Ar cSoft support F or help w ith yo ur Ar cSoft PhotoImpr essio n Softw ar e , visit the Ar cSoft W eb site at ww w .
92 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 93 Chapter 9: Car e and Safety Cari ng f or y o ur camera and acces sor ies Camera • K eeping the lens c lean w ill help you t o tak e sharp , c lear photos w ith the best possible f oc u s.
94 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide A C po wer adapter • Use onl y an A C po w er ad apter that HP has appr ov ed for u se w i th the HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camer a. Use of an y other adapter w ill v oi d y our w arr anty and may damage yo u r c a m e ra.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 95 Safety precautions • T o a v oi d the r isk of elec tr i c shock , do not open the camer a case or attempt t o r epair the camer a y ours elf . Con tact an author i z ed HP Servi ce Cente r for r epairs. See “ Ge tting assistance ” on page 8 8 .
96 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 97 Appendi x A: R ef er ence Icons Icon Meaning Batteries full Batteries partially-ch arged Batteries empty Automatic flash on Flash off Flash on.
98 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Automatic flash with red-eye reduction on Basic photo quality Fine photo qua lity Super-fine pho to quality Photo included in DPOF file Photo locke.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 99 Came r a indicator lights Indicator light State Meaning Viewfinder Green – steady Th e camera has achi eved the best focus and exposure an d is ready to take a pho to. Green – blinking The camera cannot find a focus or there is not enou gh light to take the photo.
100 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Err or messages If an er r or message displa ys on the s tatus L CD , consult the list belo w for co rr ecti v e acti ons to tak e . Memory card access On The camera is accessin g the memory card — do not open the memory card door.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 101 Camer a specifications Sensor 2.1 megapixels, 1/2.7 ” CCD Color depth 30-bi t Resolution 2.1 megapixels (Super-fine and Fine photo quality settings: 1200 x 1 600 pixels; .
102 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Viewfinder Optical viewfinde r Flash Built-in flash with range up to 3 meters (9.8 ft.); mod es: auto, auto with red- eye reduction, on, off LCD 1. 103 Appendix B: R egulator y and W arr anty Infor mation Reg ul ator y n ot ic es U. S . A . This de vi ce complie s w ith P art 15 of the FCC r ules .
104 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Japa n Ko re a. 105 Hew lett-P ack ar d limited w arr anty statement A. Extent of Limited Warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above .
106 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 5. If HP is unable to repair or replace, as applicable, a defective prod uct which is covere d by HP ’ s warranty, HP shall, within a reason able time after b eing notified of the d efect, refund the pur chase price f or the product. 107 D. Local Law 1. This Warranty Stateme nt gives the customer specific legal rights . The customer may a lso have other righ ts which vary from state to state in the United States, from province to province in Canada, and from country to country elsewhere in th e world.
108 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Hew lett-P ack ar d y ear 2000 warr anty for cons umer pr oduc ts distributed thr ou gh au tho r iz ed r es el le rs Subject to all of the terms a.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 109 Ind e x Numerics 5-way controller 14 A AC adapter connecting 78 safety precautions 94 using 77 Assistance 88 Auto Exposure 19 Auto Focus 19 Auto Power Off 13 B Batteries ch.
110 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide D Date 12 , 51 Deleting photos 31 Digital Print Order Format. See DPOF file Digital zoom 44 Downloading photos to a Macintosh 61 , 63 to a PC 55 ,.
www.hp.c om/photosma rt 111 Magnifying photos 30 Marking photos 37 Memory card capacity 70 checking the status 70 formattin g 71 how photo qu ality affects capacity 70 installing 68 removing 68 replac.
112 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Requirements batteries 75 Macintosh 61 memory cards 67 PC 56 Resolution. See Photo quality Reviewing photos us ing Instant Review 22 , 48 Rotating.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP 315 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP 315 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP 315, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP 315 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP 315, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP 315.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP 315. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP 315 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.