Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 320 Series du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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user's manual hp photosmart 320 series digital camera.
T rademark and copy right infor ma tion © Copyr ight 2002 H ewlett-P ack ard Company All r igh ts ar e r eserv ed. No pa rt of this doc ument m ay be photocopied, r eproduced, or translate d to a nother language wit hout the p rio r wr itten consent o f Hew lett-P ac kar d Com pan y .
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 3 1-Getting started 1-Getting started 1-Getting started 1-Getting started Camer a parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 hp photo smart 320 us er’s man ual Date & T ime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Welco me Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 USB C onfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Move Images to C ard . . . .
5 Obtaining support in the United States . . . . . . . 51 Free telep hone supp ort for one yea r . . . . . . 51 After the first y ear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Upgrade d warran ty options . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Obtainin g support world wide .
6 hp photo smart 320 us er’s man ual.
1-Getti ng started 7 Getti ng sta rted The HP Photosmart 320 digital camera is a 2 .1 me ga-pixel camera with digita l zoom capabilit y a nd 8 MB of internal mem ory .
8 hp photo smart 320 us er’s man ual Camer a part s # Name Des cr iptio n 1 Shutter Shutter Shutter Shutter butt on T akes a pi ctu re 2 Vid e o Vid e o Vid e o Vid e o but ton Records a video cli p.
1-Getti ng started 9 # Name Des cr iption 5 Op ti ca l view find e r All ows you to fram e th e sub je ct of the pictu re 6V i e w f i n d e r l i g h t z Soli d red in dicate s that the c a m era is .
10 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual 10 Fla s h Fla s h Fla s h Fla s h button Selects the Fl a s h Fla s h Fla s h Fla s h set ti ng 11 W rist strap mount W rist st rap attachment 12 Memory car d doo.
1-Getti ng started 11 Setup Atta c hing t he wrist s trap Atta ch the wr ist stra p as sho wn in the illustr ation . NO TE It is easies t to insta ll the wr ist s trap by ins erting it fr om the bot tom of t he cam era . Inser ting t he bat teri es 1 Open the b attery door on the bottom of the cam era .
12 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Inser tin g t he m emor y c ard (option al) Y our di gital camer a cont ains 8 megab ytes (MB) o f inter nal memory to store images and video clips. Y ou can a lso use a memory c ard (pur chased separately) to stor e more images and vi deo clips.
1-Getti ng started 13 Choos ing the lang uage Th e fir st time y ou tur n the came r a on, the following screen appea rs an d pr o mpts you to choose a la nguage. 1 Scroll to th e la nguag e th at you wan t by us i ng th e Arro w Arr ow Arr ow Arr ow buttons.
14 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Installin g t he sof t w a re Th e so ftwar e all ow s yo u to u nload im ages f r om t he came ra , vi ew them, print them, and e-mail them. It also allows you to con fi gur e th e Share Share Share Share me nu o n the c amer a.
2-T aking pictures 15 Ta k i n g p i c t u r e s T a king sti ll pic tures Y ou can take a pictur e with the i mage di splay on or off . T o take a pictur e : 1 F r ame the subje ct that you wa nt to phot ogra ph in the vie w fi n d e r . 2 Hol d the c amer a st eady and pr es s the Shutter Shutter Shutter Shutter butt on .
16 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual If the r ed v iewf inder li ght is blinking , y ou mu st wait be fo re takin g a picture . Thi s me ans t hat t he ca mera is sta rtin g up, the fl ash is c harg ing, or anot her situa tion m ight e x ist.
2-T aking pictures 17 D u ri n g re c ord i n g, th e red v iew fi n d e r l ig ht b l i n k s a n d t h e re d Vi deo/self- timer light is soli d. Y ou can vi ew the time r emaining for r ec ording on t he i mage display . The ca mera automatically st o ps rec o rd i n g wh e n t he t i me r re a c he s zero.
18 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Using the self-timer T o use the self-ti mer: 1 Secu re the camer a to a tr ipod or s et it on a s table surf ace . 2 Press the but ton to ac tivate Prev iew mode, and then fr ame yo ur s ubj ect in the v ie wfi nder o r ima ge disp lay .
2-T aking pictures 19 Usin g t he fl ash When th e c ame ra is tu rned on, the flash i s autom atic ally set to Auto Fl as h Auto Fl as h Auto Fl as h Auto Fl as h . If you change the flash sett ing, the camera will r emain in that setting until y ou c hange it again o r turn o ff the camer a.
20 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual C han gin g t he im a ge q ua lity The camera has three imag e qualit y set ti ngs: Good Good Good Good , Better Better Better Better , an d Best Best Best Best . Y ou c an view the cur rent qualit y set ti ng, as well as the nu mber of pi cture s that can be tak en, o n the im age disp lay .
2-T aking pictures 21 T o change the ima ge quali ty: Press the Qual ity Quality Quality Quality button until the setting y ou want ap pears on th e image dis pla y . The sett ings c hange inc r emen tall y fr om Good Good Good Good to Better Better Better Better , an d then t o Best Best Best Best .
22 h p p h o to s m a r t 32 0 u s e r’ s m a nu a l.
3-Using P lay back and the Main menu 2 3 Usin g P l ay ba c k and th e M ai n m en u Usin g Playbac k m od e After you have ta ken some pictures and they are stored in the came ra , you c an vi ew them in P la yb ack mo de. Y ou can a lso vie w vid e o c l i p s.
2 4 hp ph otosmart 3 20 user ’s manual Re vie wing imag es T o re vi ew images t hat ar e sto r ed in the came ra ’s memory : 1 Press o r use the bu tton s to act iv ate Playback mod e. 2 Scr oll th r ough your images by using the buttons. Press and hold th e but tons t o scroll automatica lly .
3-Using P lay back and the Main menu 2 5 Usin g th e Main m en u Use t he Main Main Main Main menu in Play back mode to r ota te, delete , or magnify image s.
2 6 hp ph otosmart 3 20 user ’s manual Rotating im ag es Selecting the Ro t a t e Ro t a te Ro t a te Ro t a te option fr om the Main Main Main Main menu rotates th e c urr ent imag e in 90-degree in cr ements cl ockw ise on the image display . The i mage rotation is permanen t .
3-Using P lay back and the Main menu 2 7 z Und elet e Und elet e Und elet e Und elet e - Appear s if yo u hav e delet ed an y image s or vi deo clips. This option restor es the last deletion you made.
28 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual Use th e but tons to s cr ol l the magn ified imag e. Press to vi ew the Ma gnif y menu. T he menu allows you to change the scroll direct ion, chan ge th e mag nific ation, or exit. NO TE This option wor ks only on stil l images, not video clips.
3-Using P lay back and the Main menu 2 9 USB Configuration This setting dete rmines ho w the camer a appear s whe n connect ed to a compu ter . T o change the connectio n setting: 1 Select US B Con figurat ion USB Con figurat ion USB Con figurat ion USB Con figurat ion in the Setup Setup Setup Setup menu.
30 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual If the memory card can store all of the image s fr om in ter nal mem ory , yo u are pr o mpted to move all images. If the memory card is running out of s pace, you can mo ve only the number of images that will fit o n the ca rd .
4-Using hp inst ant share 31 Usin g hp insta nt share This camer a has an e xc iting featur e called HP In stant Share HP Instant Sha re HP Instant Share HP Instant Sha re . This featur e lets y ou se lect imag es in the came ra to be automatically pr oces sed later when the cam er a i s connected to your comput er or to certain HP printer s.
32 h p p h o to s m a r t 32 0 u s e r’ s m a nu a l Aft er you p ress the butto n, y ou can acti vate the Share Share Share Share menu b y pressing . The follow ing table pro vides information about the Share Share Share Share men u . # Icon Description 1 1 1 1P r i n t 1 c o p y Pr int 1 cop y Pr int 1 cop y Pr int 1 cop y of curr ent image.
4-Using hp inst ant share 33 Using hp i ns tant sh are to prin t picture s 1 T u rn on the camera, then pr ess the button. 2 Us e the b utton s to sc ro ll to t he imag e yo u wa nt to p ri nt .
34 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Adding , m odif ying , and remo vin g e-mail add re sses NO TE Y ou will ne ed an inte rnet connecti on to co mplet e this pr oc edure. 1 T u rn on the camera, pr ess the button, then select the Email ... Email ...
4-Using hp inst ant share 35 7 Y our newly added e- mail dest ination should n ow appear in the Modify Shar e Men u Modify Shar e Menu Modify Shar e Menu Modify Shar e Menu scr een (in the Cu rrent S ha re M enu Current S ha re M enu Current Sh are M enu Current S ha re M enu section ).
36 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual Th e wa y in w hic h the images a re e-m ailed w or ks diff er entl y on Win d ows a n d M a ci n to sh c om p ut er s. Win dows Imag es ar e not e-m ailed di rec tly t o an yon e. R ath er , a me ssage is sent to ea ch e-ma il ad dress that you selected in the Share Share Share Share men u .
5-Un lo adi ng, print ing, a nd d ispl aying im age s 3 7 Unloading, p rinting, an d dis p l a yin g ima g es Once you hav e ta ken pic tur es , yo u can unl oad the m fr om yo ur camer a to a compu ter , p rint the m dir ectly to a pr inter , or display them on a T V (using the optional HP Camera Dock) .
38 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual 3 T u rn on the cam era . The HP Im age Unlo ad soft war e will launch on y our computer , and the images in the camera will automat ically un load to the computer .
5-Un lo adi ng, print ing, a nd d ispl aying im age s 3 9 1 Y our camer a came with a spec ial USB cable f or connecting the camer a directly to a printer .
40 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual 2 T o chang e an opti on in t he Sli desh ow Sli desh o w Sli desh ow Sli desh o w me nu , hi ghligh t the sel ecti on and p re ss . Eac h time is pr essed , the nex t option is selecte d. All selections except Begin Begin Begin Begin are stored in the ca mera and becom e the defaults unt il change d.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 41 T roub lesh ootin g an d sup por t Problems an d so lutions Prob lem P ossib le cau se Solution The c am era The c am era The c am era The c am era does not t urn does not t urn does not t urn does not t urn on. on.
42 h p p h o to s m a r t 32 0 u s e r’ s m a nu a l The c am era The c am era The c am era The c am era does not does not does not does not res p o nd w h en res p o nd w h en res p o nd w h en res p o nd w h en I press a I press a I press a I press a button.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 43 I replace the I replace the I replace the I replace the camera camera camera camera batteries batteries batteries batteries fre qu en t ly . fre qu en t ly . fre qu en t ly . fre qu en t ly . Extended image display use and ex cessive u se of f las h consume a lot of b a tter y pow er .
44 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual A lon g de lay A lon g de lay A lon g de lay A lon g de lay occurs occurs occurs occurs betw een t he betw een t he betw een t he betw een t he time I press the.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 45 My image is My image is M y ima ge is My image is too dark. too dark. too dark. too dark. The re was not enough light . Use th e Fl a s h O f f Fl a s h O f f Fl a s h O f f Fl a s h O f f setting and hold t he camera st eady .
46 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual When I When I When I When I connect the connect the connect the connect the camera to m y camera to m y camera to m y camera to m y computer , the computer , the c.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 4 7 Error m ess a g e s Y ou might receiv e err or mess ages on the camera ’s i mage display or on your computer sc reen.
48 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual The c a rd is lo cked The c a rd is lo cked The ca rd i s lo cked The c a rd is lo cked The memory card is writ e - pr otected. Press to c a nc el the req u es t. Un l o ck t h e memory c ard o r ins ert a new one .
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 49 NO TE I f yo u s e e a t h ree - d ig i t erro r n u m b er o n t h e im ag e display , turn the c amera off . If an error number r eapp ears wh e n yo u t u rn t h e c a me ra o n, re c o rd th a t e rro r nu m b e r and ca ll customer su pport.
50 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual Err or messages on the compute r Getting ass ista nce Fi nding he lp on t he w eb HP pr od uct su pport Vis i t w ww .hp .com/cposupport/loc/r egional .html ww w support/loc/re gional .html ww w .hp.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 51 Contac tin g hp c us tomer su ppor t In addit ion to the W eb, you can contact HP by telephone or mail f or s uppor t and s ervi ce f or y our camer a . Pri ces , availabilit y , and hours of support are subject to change without noti ce.
5 2 hp photosmart 320 use r’s manual If you think your HP product might need s ervice , ca ll HP Cu stomer Support, which can help determine if ser vice is req u i re d . O r , vi s i t w w w pso -supp ort/ guid e/ps d/ ww w .h p . com/ cpso -s upport /guid e/ps d/ ww w .
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 53 F or more inf ormation call 1-888-999-4 7 4 7 or v isi t ww w .homea ndoffice.hp .co m ww w .homea ndoffice.hp .co m ww w .homea ndoffice.hp .co m ww w .homea ndoffice.hp .co m and sele ct “war ranty upg rades” under “ product s upport.
54 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Fi n l a n d Fi n l a n d Fi n l a n d F inland +358 (0)203 4 7 288 Fra n c e Fra n c e Fra n c e Fra n c e +33 (0)8 92 69 60 22 (Euro 0.34/min) Ger many Ger many German y Ger many +4 9 (0)180 5 2 58 14 3 (E ur o 0.
6-Tr oubl esho oti ng and supp ort 55 Rus s ia n Fed e ra t io n Rus s ia n Fed e ra t io n Rus s ia n Fed e ra t io n Rus s ia n Fed e ra t io n +7 095 79 7 35 20 (M oscow) +7 81 2 346 799 7 (St.
56 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual z HP war rants to y ou that HP softwar e will not fail t o execu te its pr ogrammin g instruc tions after the date of purc hase, for th e peri od spec ified a bove , due to def ects in mate ri al and wo rkmanship whe n pr operl y installed and u sed.
58 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual.
Appendi x A: Batter ies and access orie s 5 9 Append ix A : Bat terie s and a cces sories Managing bat terie s When the bat teries ar e remov ed fr om the c amera, the date and time sett ings a re pr eser ved for appro ximately ten m inutes.
60 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Extending b at ter y life z Use an optiona l HP A C a dapter or HP Camera Do ck when unloading pictures to your computer , printing, or connecting to the T V . z T u rn the camera off during a pause in picture taking.
Appendi x A: Batter ies and access orie s 61 Pu rc hasin g a ccess ories Y ou can pur chase a dditional access ori es for y our camer a fr om your loca l retailer or o nlin e at w w w .hpsh opping .com w ww w ww w ww .hpshopping.
6 2 hp photosmart 320 use r’s manual.
Appen dix B: Camer a dock 63 Append ix B: Camera doc k NO TE The Camera Dock do es not wor k without AC po wer . Be sur e to use ONL Y ONL Y ONL Y ONL Y the HP AC adapter and the c ables that came with the Ca mera Dock . 1 F oll ow th e setu p instru cti ons pr o vi ded w ith the HP C amer a Dock .
64 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual Th e Came r a Dock h as a li ght n ear the top front that pro vides b atter y charging stat us. A blin kin g light indi cates t hat batter ies ar e cha rging . Ther e are two buttons on the fron t that l ight up, showing the came ra is connected to the ass ocia ted de vice .
Appen dix B: Camer a dock 65 Unloading images to a comp uter usin g t he doc k NO TE If you ar e using a Macintosh comput er , switc h the camer a to Disk Dri ve Disk Dri ve Disk Dri ve Disk Dri ve in the US B Con figuration USB Configu ration USB Configu ration USB Configu ration menu fou nd in th e Setu p Setu p Set up Setu p men u .
66 hp photosmart 320 user’s manual Printin g im ag es using t h e doc k 1 Check that the HP Camera Dock is conne cted to your pr inter . (The d ock cannot be co nnected dir ectly t o both a computer an d a printer at the same t im e). 2 P lace t he camer a in th e HP Ca mer a Dock .
Appen dix C: R efer ence 6 7 Ap pe nd ix C: Referen ce Ca mera sp ec ifi catio ns Fe a t u re Descr iption Sen sor 2 .1 M P Color depth 30 bits (10 bits x 3 colors) Reso l u ti on Good Good Good Good 0.3 MP (640 x 480) Better Better Be tter Better 2. 0 MP (163 2 x 123 2 ) Best Best Best Best 2.
68 hp phot osmart 3 20 user ’s manual Flash setti ngs Auto Flash , Red -eye Reduction, Fla s h O n, Fl as h O f f Foc us Fi xed focus r ange: 7 5 cm to i nfinit y ISO (Sensitiv ity) 100 Met e ri ng .
Appen dix C: R efer ence 6 9 Standards PT P MSDC NT SC/P AL JPEG DP OF EXIF DCF Case m aterial Plastic Tri p o d m o u n t Ye s Dimensions External Body Dimensions: 113 mm (L) x 43 m m (W) x 6 9 mm (H.
7 0 hp ph otosmart 3 20 user ’s manual.
Ind e x 71 Index A A A A AC power adapter connector 10 purchasing 61 troubleshooting 41 accessories for camera 59 adjusting camera settings 25 Auto Flash setting 19 B B B B batteries access door 8 ext.
72 I n d ex disk drive, camera as 29 Display button 10 dock, c ame ra. See Camera Dock doors batteries 8 memory card 10 E E E E e-mail adding, changing, and deleting addresses 34 sel ec tin g im a ge .
73 Index deleting images 26 formatting 25 , 26 moving images to memory card 29 ISO sensitivity 68 L L L L language setting 13 , 30 LEDs . See ligh ts lens specifications 67 lights Camera Dock 64 self-.
74 I n d e x troubleshooting 41 , 43 , 47 turning on and off 12 Preview mode turning on and off 10 using 17 printers conn ectin g Camera D ock to 63 troubleshooting 48 , 49 printing images 38 images u.
75 Index Preview mode 10 vide o c lips 8 TV conn ectin g Camera D ock to 63 viewing images 39 viewing images using Camera Dock 66 viewing slideshow 39 U U U U Unloading images 37 USB configuring 29 co.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 320 Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.