Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit X500 du fabricant GE
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GE Digital Camera X Series : X500 Appendix Camera connectivity Using the Menus Playback Camera function controls Basic operation Getting Started User Manual imagination at work.
i This symbol [crossed-out wheeled bin WEEE Annex IV] indicates separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment in the European countries. Please do not throw the equipment into the domestic refuse. Please use the return and collection systems available in your country for the disposal of this product.
ii ii SAFET Y PRECA UTIONS Camera notes: Do not store or use the camera in the following types of locations: • In the rain, very humid and dusty places. • In a place where the camera can be exposed directly to the sunlight or subject to high temperature, e.
1 BEFORE YOU ST ART Preface Thank you for purchasing this GE digital camera. Please read this manual carefully and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
2 • Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight for extended periods. • Download all pictures and remove the batteries from the camera if you are going to store the camera for long periods of time. • Do not use abrasive cleansers, alcohol-based, or solvent- based cleaners to clean the camera.
3 3 WARNING .......................................................................i SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................ii BEFORE YOU START .................................................... 1 Preface ................
4 Quality .............................................................................. 28 6L]H .................................................................................... 28 Color ............................................................
5 Auto Program Exposure ......................................................... 39 Shutter Priority ....................................................................... 40 Aperture Priority ........................................................
6 6 LCD Brightness ............................................................... 64 Power Saver .................................................................... 65 Zone ............................................................................
7 GET TING RE ADY Your package should contain the camera model you purchased along with the following items. If anything is missing or appears to be damaged, please contact your vendor .
8 Install Shoulder Strap and Lens Cap 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Install Shoulder Strap Install Lens Cap.
9 Camera Views Front View Back View 1 4 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 5 7 9 10 11 12 6 8.
10 Top View Left View Bottom View Right View 18 19 20 21 23 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 l m b.
11 1 AF Assist/Timer Indicator 11 Exposure Compensation Button 21 Speaker 2 Flash Lamp 12 Menu Button 22 Zoom Wheel 3 Microphone 13 Delete Button/Up Button 23 Shutter Button 4 Lens 14 Macro Button/Rig.
12 Insert the Battery and SD/SDHC Card (Not included) 2. Insert the enclosed batteries into the battery slot according to the correct polarity as shown below .
13 13 4. Close the battery compartment . 3. Insert an SD/SDHC card (not included) into the memory card slot as shown. Optional SD/SDHC cards are not included. The use RI0%WR*%PHPRUFDUGVIURPUHFRJQL]HG manufacturers such as SanDisk, Panasonic and Toshiba is recommended for reliable data storage.
14 7XUQLQJ2QDQG2Ȗ 3XVK212))WRWXUQRQRȖFDPHUD After the camera is powered on, set the camera to Auto mode by turning the Mode dial at the top of the top of the camera VHHSDJH:KHQXVLQJWKHFDPHUDIRUWKH½UVWWLPHWKH language setting page will appear .
15 15 8VHWKH/HIW5LJKWEXWWRQWRVHOHFWGDWHRUWLPH½HOGWKHQ press Up/Down buttons to adjust values. 3. Press the EXWWRQWRFRQ½UPWKHVHWWLQJV Set Date/Time 1. Press the button and use the Up/Down button to select the the General Setup menu tab.
16 Using the Mode Dial 7KH*(FDPHUDSURYLGHVDFRQYHQLHQWPRGHGLDOWKDWDOORZVRXWRVZLWFKEHWZHHQGLȖHUHQWPRGHVZLWKHDVH$OOWKHDYDLODEOH modes are listed as follows: Mode Name Icon Description Auto mode Take still pictures in automatic mode.
17 If the LCD monitor is damaged, take particular care with the liquid crystal in the monitor . If any of the following situations arise, take the recommended immediate action indicated below: • If liquid crystal comes in contact with your skin, wipe the area with a cloth and then wash thoroughly with soap and running water .
20 Open Flash 7KH¾DVKLVXVHGWRLOOXPLQDWHDVXEMHFWLQORZOLJKWRUIRU½O O in lighting to achieve better illumination of a subject with pronounced shadows. 7RWXUQRQWKH¾DVKSUHVVWKH¾DVK button.
21 Self-timer This setting allows the photographer to set the camera for VHOISRUWUDLWVRUJURXSVKRWV7KHWLPHUFDQEHVHWWR½UHWKH shutter 2 seconds, or 10 seconds after the shutter button is pressed. 1. Press the Down button to enter the Self-timer menu.
22 22 Macro Mode The Macro setting is ideal for shooting small objects or close- up photos. This mode allows you to focus on subjects very close to the camera. 1. Press Right button to enter the Macro menu. 2. Press the Left/Right button to select the following two modes: • Macro: On Select this to focus on subjects 5cm from the lens.
23 23 The face detection mode detects people's faces and focuses on them resulting in clearer images. Face detection is engaged by default in most modes unless it is disabled by the user .
24 24 Smile Detection The Smile Detection feature automatically detects and captures a person's smile. 1. In shooting mode, Press the Face Detection button until the Icon appears on the LCD screen 2. Point the camera at the subject , and press the Shutter button half way to focus .
25 25 While in Shooting mode, press the button to reduce blurred images caused by hand shake. The LCD will display either the &RQWLQXRXVRU6LQJOHVWDELOL]DWLRQLFRQ 6WDELOL]DWLRQ.
26 Advanced Functions Menu The Advanced Functions Menu of the camera include Image 6L]H,PDJH4XDOLW:KLWH%DODQFH,PDJH&RORUDQG,627KHVH functions allow advanced users better control for shooting XQGHUGLȗFXOWOLJKWLQJFRQGLWLRQV To set the Advanced Functions: 1.
27 27 WB (White Balance) The White Balance allows you to adjust the color temperature IRUGLȖHUHQWOLJKWLQJVRXUFHVWRHQVXUHIDLWKIXOFRORU reproduction.
28 Quality The camera's quality setting adjusts the compression ratio of the images. Higher quality settings produce better quality photos, but will take up more memory space.
30 LCD Screen Display USING THE MODES Still Picture Mode Display Mode: ġ PSA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 17 19 18 6 24 23 22 21 20 6 1 Shooting Mode Icons ġ Auto mode ġ Manual mode ġ AS.
31 31 6 Remaining number of pictures 7 Memory card/built-in memory 8 Battery Status :75DWLR'LVSODHGRQOZKHQ]RRPLVDFWLYDWHG 10 Zoom 11 ISO Value (Adjustable only i.
32 Video Shooting Mode Display Mode : 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 1 Video Mode icon 2 Continuous AF 3 Metering Spot Center AiAE 4 Video Quality 5 Focus Frame 6 Self-timer 10-sec 7 Remaining Time for.
33 Playback mode display Mode: 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 1 Play Mode icon '32)½OH 3 File protection 4 Picture Number 5 Memory Card/Built-in Memory 6 Battery Status 7 Image Zoom .
34 34 In the " ASCN PRGHGLȖHUHQWUHFRUGLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUH detected intelligently and the most suitable settings will be automatically selected. Icon Mode name Icon Mode name Landscape Mode Night Landscape Mode Portrait Mode Macro Mode Night Portrait Auto Mode Backlit Portrait To use "ASCN": 1.
35 35 Night Portrait When you taken portraits at night , or in low light conditions, ASCN will automatically adjust the exposure for people and night scenes. Backlit Portrait When the sun or any other light source is behind you, ASCN will automatically adjust the foreground exposure to pr oduce good pictures.
36 Flash Mode, Self-timer , Macro Mode, and Exposure Compensation are disabled in Panorama Mode. 3LFWXUHVFDQQRWEHGHOHWHGDQGWKH]RRPZLOOEH GLVDEOHGXQWLOWKHVHULHVLV½QDOL]HG Panorama Mode can stitch 2 or 3 pictures maximum.
37 37 Select a scene using the Up/Down/Left/Right button and press the button. Icon Mode Name Icon Mode Name Sport Indoor Snow Fireworks Museum Night Landscape Children Leaf Sunset Glass Landscape Night Portrait Beach Text Gathering ID Fish eye Travel shooting Photo frame Sketch Sport For fast-moving subjects.
38 38 Leaf For plants. Capture brilliant shots of greenery and blossoms. Sunset For sunsets. Capture subjects in strong sunlight. Glass For objects behind transparent glass. Landscape For landscapes. Vivid reproduction of green and blue. Night Portrait For portraits against night scenery.
39 When selecting P (Auto Program Exposure) mode, you can adjust the combined value of EV value, shutter speed and aperture. The display on the LCD screen is as shown in the ½JXUHEHORZ 1. Set the mode dial at the top of the camera to P and press the button to enter the Auto Program Exposure settings menu.
40 40 Shutter Priority S When selecting S (Shutter Priority) mode, you can adjust the shutter speed and EV value. Selecting a high shutter speed will capture fast moving objects clearly. Selecting a slow shutter speed will result in motion blur of moving objects.
41 41 Aperture Priority A When selecting A (Aperture Priority) mode, you can adjust WKHDSHUWXUHVL]HDQG(9YDOXH6HOHFWLQJDODUJHDSHUWXUH RSHQLQJZLOOHPSKDVL]HWKHSRLQWRIIRFXVDQGVKRZDEOXUU background and foreground.
42 42 Viewing Photos and Videos PLAYBA CK To view the captured photos and video clips on the L CD screen: 1. After pressing the button, the last photo or video clip taken will display on the LCD screen. 2. Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to scroll through the photos or video clips stored in the internal memory or memory card.
43 43 When playing movie, press Up/Down arrow button mute the volume, press the down arrow until the mute appears. Thumbnail View When in Playback mode, press one end of the Zoom button ( ) to display the thumbnail of photos and videos on the screen. W Zoom out T Zoom in 1.
44 44 Using Zoom Playback (for still pictures only) 7KH]RRPEXWWRQVFDQDOVREHXVHGGXULQJSODEDFN7KLV allows you to magnify photos between 2x to 8x. 1. Press the button to switch to playback mode. 2. Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to select a photo to magnify.
45 45 Using the Delete Button In Playback Mode, you can press the Up/Delete button to delete an unwanted photo or video. To delete pictures or videos: 1. Press the button to switch to playback mode. 2. Select a picture or video clip you want to delete with the Left/Right button.
46 Photo Menu USING THE MENUS Mode: PSA In any of the above Photo Modes, press the button to go to the Photo Menu. To adjust each setting: 1. In the Photo Menu, use the Left/Right button to select the Tab (at the top of the screen) corr esponding to the page containing the function you wish to change.
47 47 AF Mode (Auto-Focus mode) Use this setting to control the auto-focus mechanism while taking pictures. Two options are available: • Single-AF : The focus frame appears in the center of the LCD screen to focus on the subject.
48 Expo Metering (Exposure Metering) 8VHWKLVVHWWLQJWRVHOHFWWKHWDUJHWVL]HRIWKHFDPHUD V½HOG of view to be metered.
49 Continuous Shot Use this setting to perform continuous shooting. After entering this mode, you can shoot multiple images by continuously holding the shutter button down.
50 Quick Review This setting refers to the brief photo review immediately after taking a picture. The picture stays on the LCD scr een for an adjustable period of time. Four options are available: • 2ȹ • 1 sec • 2 sec • 3 sec Date Imprint Include a Date/Time stamp in the photo image.
52 Movie Menu Mode: In the Movie Mode, press the button to go to the corre- sponding Movie menu. 7RFRQ½JXUHHDFKVHWWLQJ 1. In the Movie menu, switch between the Movie Setup or GLȖHUHQW&DPHUD6HWXSSDJHVXVLQJWKH/HIW5LJKWEXWWRQ select the tab with the function you want to adjust and press the Down button.
53 53 Expo Metering (Exposure Metering) Set metering mode for various lighting conditions. Three options are available: • Spot • Center • AiAE $UWL½FLDO,QWHOOLJHQFH$( Continuous AF After Continuous AF is turned on, the camera will adjust focus automatically in response to any camera or subject movement .
54 Playback Menu Mode : In Playback mode, press the button to enter the Playback menu. The following section provides detailed instructions on the various menu options.
55 55 3. Press the button to select Yes to lock displayed photos or videos, or select De-protection to unlock, then press Up/Down button to select Back to return to the playback menu. After selecting Reset , all previous protection settings will be cancelled.
56 • Delete All : 1. In the Delete option, select All and then press the button. 8VH8S'RZQEXWWRQDQGVHOHFW<HVWRGHOHWHDOO½OHVRU select Back to return to the menu. • Delete Date Folder: 1. In the Delete option, press button after selecting Date Folder.
57 Trim The Trim setting allows you crop photos an save them as new pictures. To trim a picture: 1. With the camera in Playback mode press the menu button to access the Photo Menu. Then use the Left/Right button and select the "playback setup 2" tab.
58 58 Resize 7KLVVHWWLQJDOORZVRXWRUHVL]HDSLFWXUHWRDVSHFL½HG resolution, and saves it as a new picture. 1. Select the Resize setting from the Playback menu as described previously. 2. Use the Left/Right navigation buttons to select a picture WRUHVL]H 3.
59 Red-eye Reduction 8VHWKLVVHWWLQJWRUHPRYHUHGHHHȖHFWLQRXUSKRWRV 1. Select the Red-eye Reduction in the Playback menu as described previously. 2. Use the Left/Right button to select the picture that requires red eye r emoval.
60 Slideshow This setting allows you to view all the stored pictures as a slideshow . 1. Select Slideshow and press the Right button to enter the Slideshow options menu. 2. 3UHVV8S'RZQEXWWRQWRVHOHFWHȖHFW LQWHUYDRUUHSHDW and press or Right button to enter and adjust settings.
61 Menu Wallpaper : From the Display Setup tab use the Up/Down button to select the Wallpaper Settings option, press the button then press Right to enter the wallpaper sub-menu.
62 62 Back To Default: Use Up/Down button to select the Back to Default option, press the or Right button to select whether to take the default settings, press Left Button to return to last page, and press to exit the menu.
63 Setup Menu Mode : PSA The Setup menu for the camera is available in all modes. Each menu page can be selected by pressing the button and switching between tabs with the Left/Right button. To adjust the settings: 1. Select the menu tab that corresponds with the function you want to adjust and press the Down button.
64 Beep Use this setting to adjust the volume of the beep emitted when buttons are pressed and change the tones for the Shutter EXWWRQVHOIWLPHU DQGSRZHURQSRZHURȖ To change this setting: 1. Select the Beep setting from the Setup menu as described previously.
65 Power Saver This setting allows you to save power and get the maximum possible running time for your batteries. Follow the steps EHORZWRWXUQRȖWKH/&'VFUHHQDQGFDPHUDDXWRPDWLFDOO after a period of inactivity. 1.
66 Date/Time See “ Setting the Date and Time “ section on page 15. Language See “ Setting the Language “ section on page 14. Format Memory Please note: formatting enables you to delete all contents in the memory card and built-in memory, including protected SKRWRDQGPRYLH½OHV To use this setting: 1.
67 67 File Numbering After you take a picture or video clip, the camera will save it DV½OHWKDWHQGVZLWKDVHULDOQXPEHU <RXFDQXVHWKLVLWHPWR FKRRVHZKHWKHUWKH½OHLVVHULDOOQXPEHUHGRUEHJLQVZLWK and is saved in another folder on the memory card.
68 68 FW Version (Firmware V ersion) 8VHWKLVVHWWLQJWRYLHZWKHFXUUHQWFDPHUD½UPZDUHYHUVLRQ Select FW Version in the File/Software menu, then press Right . 7RXSGDWHWRWKHODWHVW½UPZDUHYHUVLRQRXFDQJRWR the following website: www .
69 The video output signal can be switched to NTSC or PAL to DFFRPPRGDWHGLȖHUHQWUHJLRQDOVWDQGDUGV7KHDSSU RSULDWH setting will vary between regions. NTSC: USA, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, etc. P AL: Europe, Asia (excluding Taiwan), Oceania, etc.
70 Connecting to a PC Use the USB cable and ArcSoft software (CD-ROM) supplied with your camera to copy (transfer) pictures to a computer . Setting the USB mode Since the camera’s USB port can be se.
71 71 Windows operating system (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.) Click the [Safely remove the hardware] icon and remove the USB connector according to the appeared menu. Macintosh Drag the untitled icon to the Trash. ("Untitled") 5.
72 Connecting to a PictBridge Compatible Printer PictBridge allows printing images from a memory card in a digital camera directly to DSULQWHU UHJDUGOHVVRIEUDQG7R½QGRXWL.
73 73 Connecting the camera and printer. 1. Make sure both the camera and printer ar e turned on. 2. Connect one end of the supplied USB cable to the USB port on your camera.
74 After setting the USB mode to Printer, the PictBridge menu will appear. Select a menu item with the Up/Down button and press the Right button or button to enter the item. Refer to the following sections for more detailed information on each setting.
75 75 3. Use the Up/Down navigation buttons to select the number of prints for the current displayed photo. 4. Press the button and the following screen will appear . 5. Select Yes to print or exit, then press button again. Print without date Use this setting to print the photos without dates on them.
76 5. Select Yes to print or exit, then press the button again. Print index You can use this setting to print an index of all the photos cur- rently in your camera's memory. 1. Select Print index from the PictBridge menu. The following screen will appear .
77 Print DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) To use DPOF printing, you must make the selection of photos for printing using the DPOF settings beforehand. See “ DPOF ” section on page 56. 1. Select Print DPOF from the PictBridge menu. The follow- ing screen will appear .
78 (ȖHFWLYH,PDJH6HQVRU3L[HOV 16.0 Megapixels Image Sensor 16.5 Megapixels [1/2.3” (CCD)] Lens Focal Length F = 4.9mm (Wide) ~ 73.5mm (Tele) PP½OPHTXLYDOHQW 27mm (Wide) ~ 405mm (Tele) F number F3.
79 79 Number of Recording Pixels Still Image 16MP, 12MP(16:9), 8MP , 5MP, 3MP, 2MP(16:9), 0.3MP Movie 640x480pixels: 30fps/15fps, 320x240pixels: 30fps/15fps Image Compression Best, Fine, Normal DCF, DPOF (Ver1.1) Support Yes File Format Still Image Exif 2.
80 Pan-Capture Panorama Yes LCD Display 2.7 inch (230,400 pixels) LTPS (low-temperature polycrystalline silicon) TFT color LCD ISO Sensitivity Auto, ISO80/100/200/400/800/1600/3200 AF Method 6LQJOH.
81 Internal Flash (Shooting Range) Auto/Red-Eye Reduction/Forced Flash/No Flash/Slow Synchro/Red-Eye Reduction+Slow Synchro Shooting Range Wide: Approx.
82 Error messages Messages Explanation No card • The memory card is not inserted. Card error • The memory card is not formatted. Card full • The memory card is full and cannot store any new images. Write protect • The memory card is write-protected.
83 83 Messages Explanation Card is not formatted, format? • &RQ½UPZKHWKHURUQRWWKHPHPRUFDUGVKRXOGEHIRUPDWWHG This image cannot be deleted • The picture or video you are trying to delete is protected. Cannot record movie • The write protection switch in the memory card is set to the “LOCK” position.
84 Troubleshooting Problem Possible causes Solution Camera does not turn on. • The battery has run out. • The battery is not inserted cor- rectly. • Replace with a fully charged battery. • Check the positive and negative are correct when installing the battery.
85 85 Problem Possible causes Solution No picture is taken when pressing the Shutter button. • The memory card is full. • No available space to store the ½OHV • The Mode dial is in Playback mode. • Replace the memory card with a new one or erase the current memory card.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté GE X500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du GE X500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation GE X500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le GE X500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le GE X500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du GE X500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le GE X500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei GE X500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.