Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 16324446 du fabricant FujiFilm
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DIGIT AL CAMERA FINEPIX S8000W Series Owner ’ s Manual Thank you for y our pur chase of th is prod- uct. T h is ma nual describes how t o use your FU JIFI LM digita l camera and the s upplied sof t ware.
ii • Read Instruc tio ns: All the s afe t y and operatin g instru ctio ns should be read be fore t he app lian ce is ope r- ated. • Retain Inst ruc tions: The safet y and operatin g instru ctio ns should be retain ed for f uture re ference.
iii For Y our Safet y Power Line s: An out sid e antenn a sy s- tem sho uld n ot b e loc ate d in the vic init y o f over hea d pow er lin es or othe r ele c tr ic lig ht or p ower c ircui ts , or wh ere it c an f all into suc h pow er line s or circ uit s.
iv For Y our Safet y Be sure to r ead t his note s bef ore u sing Safet y Notes • Make sure t hat you us e you r cam era co rre c tly. Read th es e Safe t y Note s and your Owne r’s M anua l carefull y befo re use. • Af ter rea ding t hes e Saf et y No tes, s tore th em in a s afe p lace.
v For Y our Safet y WARNING WAR NI NG Do n ot h ea t, c ha ng e or t ake a p ar t th e b at te r y. Do no t dr o p or s ub je c t th e ba t- ter y t o im p ac t s. Do n ot s to r e th e ba tt er y w it h me t al lic p r od uc t s. D o no t us e ch ar ge r s ot he r th an t he s pe ci f ie d mo de l to c ha r ge t he b at te r y.
vi For Y our Safet y Powe r Sup pl y an d Ba tt er y * Confir m you r bat ter y t y pe b efo re read - ing th e fol low ing de scr ipt ions . Th e foll owin g ex plain s prop er use o f bat ter ies a nd ho w to pro lon g the ir life.
vii For Y our Safet y • Do n ot use b at teri es that a re leak- ing, deformed, disc olored. • D o not s tore b at teri es in w arm o r humi d pla ces. • Keep t he ba t terie s out o f reach o f bab ies a nd sma ll chil dren . • Ma ke sure that t he ba tte r y po lari t y ( C and D ) is correc t .
viii For Y our Safet y • Do not ta ke apa r t the AC p owe r adapter. Doing so could be dan- gerous. • Do n ot use th e AC pow er ada pter in a hot a nd hum id pla ce. • Do no t subje c t the AC p owe r adap ter to s tron g sho ck s . • T he AC p owe r adap ter may e mit a hummi ng.
ix For Y our Safet y IMPORTANT : Read the f oll owi ng not ices b efo re usin g the ca mera ’s buil t-in wireless trans mitter. c This product, which contai ns encryption function developed in the U.
x About This Manual Before u sing the ca mera, re ad this m anua l and the warni ngs on pages ii–ix. For inf ormat ion on specific topics, c onsu lt the sour ces below . Memory Cards Pictures can b e stored in an optional SD , SDHC, and SD XC memory c ards ( P 1 1 ) , r e fe r r e d t o i n th i s ma n u a l a s “memory c ards” .
xi For Y our Sa fet y ................................................................................. ii IMPO RT ANT SAFE T Y INS TRU C TI ONS ...................................... ii Be sure to re ad this note s be fore usin g ....................
xii T able of Conten ts Mor e on Playba ck More on Pla yback Playbac k Optio ns ........................................................................... 53 Playba ck Zoom .............................................................................
xiii T able of Conten ts Men us Menus Using t he Me nus: Sh ooti ng Mo de ......................................... 81 Using the Sho oti ng M enu ......................................................... 81 Shooting M enu Opti ons ....................
xiv T able of Conten ts The S etu p Men u .......................................................................... 104 Using the S etu p Menu............................................................. 104 Setu p Menu O ptio ns ....................
1 Before Y ou Begin Introduc tion Symbols and Con v entio ns Sy mbols and Conv en tions The following symbols are u sed in this m anua l: 3 : This i nforma tion should be r ead before u se to e nsu re c orrect op eration. 1 : P oin ts to not e when u sing the ca mera.
2 Introduction Parts of t he Camera Parts of t he Camera For more i nforma tion, r efer t o the page li sted to the righ t of each item. 12 Flash ..................................................................40 13 Fl ash pop - up but ton..........
3 Before Y ou Begin Introduction 23 Bat ter y- chambe r latch .................. 9 24 EVF / LC D (displ ay select ion) but ton .... 6 25 t ( movie recording ) but ton .............67 26 a (playback) but ton ................ 21 , 53 27 T erminal cover .
4 Introduction Came ra Disp lays Camera Displays The following i ndicat ors may appear d uring shoo ting and pla yback. Th e indica tors d is play ed var y with camera setting s. ■ ■ Sho oting Shooting SETTING APERTURE 10 : 00 AM 19 19 DATE DATE 12/31/2050 12/31/2050 F 3.
5 Before Y ou Begin Introduction Hi din g and V iew in g Ind ic ator s Press DISP /BACK t o c ycle through shooting and playback indicators as fo llows: • Shooting : Indicators displayed /indic ator.
6 Introduction Th e Ele c tr oni c Vie w f ind er (EV F) The ele ctronic view finder provides th e same information as the mo nitor , and can be use d when bright lighting condition s make the display in the monitor dif ficult to see.
7 Before Y ou Begin Introduction The M ode D ial The Mo de Dial T o selec t a shooting mode, al ign the mode icon with the m ark nex t to the mode dial. P , S , A , M : Sel ec t for f ull control over c am- era set tin gs, includin g aper t ure ( M and A ) and/or shut ter spe ed ( M and S ) ( P 31).
Fir st St ep s 8 The S trap an d Lens Ca p Attac hing the St rap Attaching t he Strap Attach the strap to the two strap eyelets as shown belo w. 3 T o avoid dr opping the camera, be sur e the strap is c or- rec t ly s ec ure d. The Lens Cap The Lens Cap Attach the lens ca p as shown.
Fir st St ep s 9 Inserting the Bat teries The camera takes f our AA alkaline , lithium, or r echar geable N i-MH bat te ries. A set of four alkal ine bat - teries i s su pplied with the camera. In sert the bat teries in the ca mera as described below .
10 Inserting the Bat teries 3 Close the batter y- chamber cover . Close the battery- cham- ber cov er and sl ide it in unti l the lat ch cl ick s int o plac e. 3 Do not use force. If the bat - tery - chamber cover does not close, check that the bat teries are in the cor - rec t orientation and try again.
Fir st St ep s 11 Insert ing a Memor y Card The camera can stor e pictures on SD , SDHC, and S DX C memor y cards ( sold separately ). ■ ■ Compa tible M emo ry Ca rds Compa tible M emo ry Card s FU JIFILM a nd SanDis k SD , SDHC, and S DX C memor y cards ha ve been appro ved for u se in the cam- era.
12 Inserting a Memor y Card 1 Op en the bat tery- chamb er cov er . 1 Be su re t he camera is off before opening the b at - ter y- cha mb er cove r. 2 Inser t the memor y card. Holding the memory card in the orien tation shown below , slide it in unti l it clicks into plac e at the back of the s lot.
Fir st St ep s 13 Inserting a Memor y Card 3 • Do no t turn the ca me ra of f or r emove t he me mor y ca rd whi le the m emo ry ca rd is be in g forma t ted or d ata a re be ing re corde d to or del eted f rom the ca rd . F ailure t o obser ve this precaution could damage the card.
14 T urning the Ca mera On and Off Shooti ng Mode Shooting Mode Slide the G switc h in the dir ec tion shown below . The lens will extend aut omatica lly . Slide the G swit ch t o turn the camera off. 2 Swi tch ing t o Play bac k Mod e Press the a but ton t o star t p layback .
Fir st St ep s 15 Basic Setup A langu age-sele ction dialog is di spla yed the first time the camera i s turned on. Set up the camera as described below (for in forma tion on resetting the clock or cha nging la nguages, see page 1 05 ) . 1 Choose a language.
16 Ba sic Ph oto gra phy a nd Pla ybac k T aking Pictures in M (Scene Re cogni tion) Mod e This section describes how to take pictures in M mode. 1 T urn the camera on. Slide the G s wi t c h t o t ur n t he c a m e r a on. 2 Select M mode. Rotat e the mo de dial to M .
17 Ba sic Ph oto gra phy a nd Pla ybac k T aking Pic tures in M (Sc ene Recognition ) Mode 3 Check the batter y level. Check the battery level in the dis play . qw Ind ic ator Indic ator Des cr ip tio n Description NO IC ON Bat teries are par tially discharged.
18 T aking Pic tures in M (Sc ene Recognition ) Mode 1 • When th e side lever is set to H , M or L , the side lever func tions as same as the zoom lever. • Wh en set ting the side lever to H , the side lever can z oo m f a st e r t ha n z oo m le v e r .
19 Ba sic Ph oto gra phy a nd Pla ybac k T aking Pic tures in M (Sc ene Recognition ) Mode Silent Mode I n s i t u a t i o n s i n w h i c h c a m e r a s o u n d s o r l i g h t s m a y be unwelcome, hold the DISP /BACK button down unti l o is displayed ( note that si lent mode is not available during movie or voice memo playba ck).
20 T aking Pic tures in M (Sc ene Recognition ) Mode 6 Shoot . Smoothly pres s the shutter button the rest of the way do wn to tak e the pic ture. 2 The Shu tte r But to n The shut ter but ton has two positions. Pressing the shutter but ton half way ( q ) sets fo cus and exposure; to shoot, press the shutter button the rest of the w ay down ( w ).
21 Ba sic Ph oto gra phy a nd Pla ybac k Viewing Pictures P i c t u r e s c a n b e v i e w e d i n t h e m o n i t o r . W h e n t a k i n g i m p o r t a n t p h o t o g r a p h s , t a k e a t e s t s h o t a n d check the res ults. 1 Press the a button.
22 More on P hotography Shooting Mo de Choose a shooting mode ac c ording t o the scene or t ype of subject. T o choose a shooting mode, ro tat e the mode dial t o the desir ed set ting ( P 7).
23 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de ■ ■ a a ADVA NCED F IL TER ADVANCED FIL TER T ake photos with filt er ef fec ts. Selec t a filter ef fec t and press MENU /OK . 1 Depending on th e subject and c amera set tings, images may i n s om e c a se s b e gr a i n y or v a ry i n br ig h t n e ss a nd hue.
24 Shoo ting Mo de ■ ■ j j PRO L OW-LIGH T PRO L OW-LIGH T Each time the sh utter but ton is pressed, the camera makes four exposur es and com bines them in to a s ingle pho togra ph. Use t o reduce noi se and blur when phot ographi ng poorly lit sub jec ts or static subjects at high zoom ratios.
25 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de ■ ■ C C Natura l & Natura l & N N T h i s m o d e h e l p s e n s u r e g o o d r e s u l t s w i t h b a c k - lit su bjec ts and in other s ituation s with dif ficult ligh ting. Befor e shooting, rai se the f lash ; pictures can only be take n when the flash is ra ised.
26 Shoo ting Mo de ■ ■ i i I I NDIVID. SH UTTER 3D NDIVID. SHUTTER 3D T ake two shots from dif feren t angles t o crea te a 3D im ag e. 1 T o choose the order i n which the pictures ar e tak - en, pres s the selec tor righ t to di splay the curren t order and then pres s the selec tor lef t or right t o choose from the options below .
27 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de Vi ewi ng an d Pr int ing 3D Ima ges • The camera displays images in 2 D. Press the selec tor down to toggle betwe en the firs t and second shots.
28 Shoo ting Mo de Sce ne Scene Des cr ip tio n Description C PORTRAIT Choose this m od e for sof t-toned po r trait s with nat ural sk in tones . D BABY MODE Choos e for natur al skin tone s when ta king p or tr ait s of infant s. T he f lash t urns of f au tomatically.
29 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de r r MOT ION P ANORAMA 360 MOT ION P ANOR AMA 360 Follow a n on-screen guide t o t a k e p h o t o s t h a t w i l l autom atically be joined to f orm a panoram a. The camera z ooms all the wa y out and rem ains fix ed at the widest angle un til shooting is c omplete.
30 Shoo ting Mo de c • Panor amas are crea ted from multiple fr ames. T he camera may in som e cases record a great er or lesser angle than sele c ted or be unable to stitch the fram es together per fe c tly . T he las t par t of the pano rama m a y n o t b e r e c o r d e d i f s h o o t i n g e n d s b e f o r e t h e panorama is c omplet e.
31 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de P P : PROGRAM AE : PROGRAM AE I n t hi s m ode , t he ca me ra se ts e x po su r e a ut om at i- cally . If desir ed, you can c hoose dif feren t c om- bination s of shutter speed and aper ture that wi ll produc e the same exposure (pr ogram shift) .
32 Shoo ting Mo de S S : SHUTTER PR IORIT Y AE : SHUTTER PR IORIT Y AE Choose the shutter speed usi ng the com mand dial , while the ca mera adju sts aper ture for opti- mal exposur e. 1200 S Shu tter speed c • If the correc t exp osure can not be achieved at the selec ted shut ter spee d, aper ture will be displayed in red.
33 More on P hotography Shoo ting Mo de M M : MANUA L : MANUAL In thi s mode, you choose both shutter s pee d and ap er ture. If desire d, e xp osu re c an b e alte red f rom the value s uggested by the came ra. Pres s the d button to choose between shutter speed and aper ture and ro tat e the com mand dia l to ad just the selected set ting.
34 Shoo ting Mo de C C : CUS TOM MODE : CUS TOM MODE In P , S , A an d M modes, the K CUSTOM SE T option in the shooting menu ( P 83 ) can be used to sav e curre nt came ra and menu setting s. These set tings ar e recalled whenev er the mode dial i s ro tat ed to C (cu s - tom m o de).
35 More on P hotography Intellige nt F ace De tec tion Int elligent F ace Det ec tion allows the ca mera to a utom atically det e c t human fac es and set focus a nd exposure f or a face an y where in the frame for s hots that em phasiz e por trait sub jec ts.
36 Intelligent F ace Detection Intell igent Face Detec tio n Intel ligent F ace Detec tion is recommende d when using the self-timer for group- or self-portraits ( P 42 ).
37 More on P hotography Foc u s Lo ck T o com pose photograph s with of f-cen ter s ubjects: 1 Position the subject in the focus frame. 2 Foc us. Press the s hutter button half way t o set fo- cus and exposure . Focus and exposur e will rema in locked whil e the shutter button is pressed halfway (AF / AE lock).
38 Focus Lo ck Autofoc us Although the camer a boas ts a high -precision autofo - cus system, it may be unable to focus on the subjec t s l i s t e d b e l o w . I f t h e c a m e r a i s u n a b l e t o f o c u s u s i n g autofocus, use focus lock ( P 37) to focus on another subjec t at the same distance and then recompos e the phot o graph.
39 More on P hotography F Macro an d Super Ma cro Modes ( Clo se -ups ) For close-ups, press the selector lef t ( F ) to choose from the macro op tions shown below . Choose f rom F (macr o mode) , G ( super macro mode ) , or OFF ( macro mode off ) When macro mode is i n ef fec t, the camera focuses on su bjec ts near the c ent er of the frame.
40 N Us ing the F lash ( Intelligen t F lash ) When the f lash i s used, the ca mera’ s Intelligen t Fla sh system in stantly an alyzes the scene based on such factors as the brigh tness of the su bject, it s position in the frame, and its di stance from the ca mera.
41 More on P hotography N Using the F lash ( Intelligent F lash ) 3 Foc us. Pres s the shutter button halfway to focus. If the flash will fir e, p wil l be dis play ed when the shutter button is pr essed halfway . A t slow sh ut ter s peeds, k will ap pear in the dis play t o warn that pictures may be blurr ed; use of a tripod is r ecommended.
42 J Using the Self - Timer The camera of fers a te n-second timer th at al lows phot ographers t o appea r in their o wn phot ographs, and a two -second timer th at can be used t o av oid blur ca used by the came ra moving when the s hutter but ton i s pressed.
43 More on P hotography J Using the Self - Timer The self-timer la mp on the front of the ca mera wil l blink immedia tely bef ore the picture is ta ken. If the two -second timer i s selec ted, the self-ti mer lamp wi ll bli nk as the time r cou nt s do w n.
44 3 Se lec t a f ramed area to enlarge by press- ing e or f , and then press the MENU/ OK button. The fr ame is di spla yed as shown at rig ht. 4 Focus and shoot.
45 More on P hotography Z INST ANT ZOOM ■ ■ INTELLI GENT DIGIT AL ZOOM INTELLIG ENT D IGITAL ZOOM 1 Enable digital zoom. Selec t ON for the R INTELLIG ENT DIG IT AL ZOO M option in the setup men u ( P 11 2 ) . 2 Choose a subjec t. F rame the subject in the cen t er of the dis play usi ng in tel ligen t digita l zoom.
46 Z INST ANT ZOOM 5 Frame the picture. Use the z oom con trol t o choose the are a th at w il l b e in cl u d e d in t he f i na l p h oto g r ap h . 6 Focus and shoot. Th e f rame d area w ill b e e n l a r g e d t o c r e a t e a ful l-s iz ed pi ctur e .
47 More on P hotography The F n Button The role play ed by the Fn but ton can be selec ted us ing the F Fn B U T TO N option in the setup me nu ( P 10 6 ) .
48 I Con tinuous Shooting ( Burst Mode ) Captur e motion or aut omatically vary sele cted set tings ov er a series of pictures. Pres s the I button and choose from the followi ng options : OFF : OFF r.
49 More on P hotography I Continuou s Shooting (Burst Mode) ■ ■ P P BEST F RAME CAPTURE BEST F RAME CAPTURE The camera takes a series of pictures, starting before and endi ng af ter the sh ut ter button i s pressed. T o choose the fr ame rat e and nu mber of shots: 1 Press the selector righ t when the camera i s in shooti ng mode.
50 I Continuou s Shooting (Burst Mode) 5 T a ke ph otogr ap hs. Th e c ame ra be gins record - ing while the s hutter button is pres sed half- way , and c ompletes the bu rst when the shut - ter button i s pressed al l the way down. The ill ustration s hows a burst of eigh t shots, thr ee before the sh ut ter button i s pressed and fou r af ter .
51 More on P hotography d Exp os ur e C omp ens a ti on Use exposu re c ompensation whe n phot ographing v er y bright, v er y dark, or high-contrast su bject s. 1 Press the d button. The exp osur e indi cat or will be di spla yed. F 3.3 P 1200 E xp osu re ind ica tor 2 Choose a value.
52 d Ex posure Compensation Ch oos ing a n Ex pos ure Co mpe ns ati on Valu e • Backlit subjects : choos e values from + 2 / 3 EV t o + 1 2 / 3 EV • Hig hl y re f lec t ive s ubj ec t s or ver y bri gh t sce nes ( e.
53 More on P layback Playb ack O p ti ons T o view the most recen t pic ture i n the monit or , press the a button. 100-0001 100-0001 Pres s the selec tor righ t to view pictures in the orde r recor ded, lef t to view pic - tures i n rev erse order . Keep the selec tor pressed t o scroll ra pidly to the des ired frame .
54 Pla yba ck Op tio ns Intell igent Face Detec tio n Pictures taken with Intelligen t F a ce Detection ( P 35) are indi- cated by a g icon. Pr ess the f but ton t o zoom in on the su bject se lected with In t ell i- g en t F ac e D e t e ct i o n. Y o u c a n then use the zoom control t o zoom in and out.
55 More on P layback Pla yba ck Op tio ns M ult i- Frame Playback Multi- Fr ame Pl ayba ck T o c h a n g e t h e n u m b e r o f i m a g e s d i s - play ed during pl ayback, selec t W .
56 If you pres s the selec tor down whe n a panorama i s di spla yed full frame , the camera wil l play back the picture from lef t to righ t or from bottom to t op.
57 More on P layback Cre at e book s f rom you r favorit e phot os. Crea ti ng a PhotoBook Crea ti ng a PhotoBook k Ph otoBook Assist 1 Selec t k PHOT OBOOK AS SIST i n the play- back men u. 2 Highlight NEW BOOK . 3 Press MENU/OK to di spla y the new book d ia log .
58 k PhotoBook A ssist 8 Press MENU/OK . The new b ook will be added to the li st in the phot obook assist m enu. 3 • Photobook s can contain up to 300 pic tures. • Boo k s that contain no photos are aut omatically deleted. PhotoBook s Phot oboo k s can be copied to a computer u sing the supplied MyFinePix Studio sof t ware.
59 More on P layback b Image Search Sear ch for pictures b y dat e, s ubject, scene , file t ype, and rati ng. 1 Selec t b IMA GE SEARCH in the pla yback menu. 2 High ligh t one of the follo wing op- tions and pres s MENU/OK : Op tio n Option Des c ri pti on Description BY DATE Find all pic ture s taken on a se lec te d date.
60 A Deleting Pi ctures T o delete individ ual pictures, multiple selected pic tures, or all pictures, press the selector up ( b ) , and choose from the options below . Note that deleted pictures c an not be reco vered. C o py important pictures to a comput er or other st orage devic e before proceeding.
61 Wireless Networks Uploading Pic tures Connect via a wireles s network to upload pictures to s martphones or tablets or to remo tely br owse the pictures on the camera and select images for download. Bef ore pr oceeding, download the free F U JIFILM Camera Applica tion app and i nstall it on y our sm ar tphone or tablet.
62 Uploading Pictures 1 • Pictures can also b e upload ed to devices running the FU JIFILM Phot o Receiver app. • B efore uploading pic tures, be sure that the remaining batter y level is enough. Do not turn th e camera of f or open the b atter y- chamb er cover while upload is in progress.
63 Wireless Networks Location Data The U GEOT AGGING SET -UP > LO C A TI O N I N FO SE A RC H option in the setup menu can be used to d own lo ad lo ca tio n dat a f ro m sma r t ph on es ru nnin g th e f re e FU JIFIL M C am er a Ap pl ic atio n ap p.
64 Locati on D ata Record ing Locatio n Data wit h Pictu res Record ing Locat ion Data wit h Picture s T o save location da ta with new pictures: 1 Download data on y our curr ent location fr om a smartphone ( P 63 ) . 2 Selec t ON for U GE OT AGGING SET - UP > GEO T A GGING .
65 Wireless Networks Locati on D ata 1 T o disable geotagging, s elec t OFF for U GEO T A GGING SET -UP > GEOT AGGING . T o choose wh ether the cam - era displays the current location, use U GEOT AGGING SET -UP > LOC ATIO N I N FO .
66 Saving P ic tures to a Computer Follo w the steps below t o save pictures t o a comput er over a wireles s network . Before proc eeding, instal l the free FU JIFILM PC A uto Save applica tion to the desti nation c omputer and adju st set tings a s desir ed.
67 Movies Recording Movies Press z to shoot a movie . During recor ding, the f ollowing i ndica tors wi ll be dis play ed and sound wil l be recor ded via the built -in microphone (be careful no t to c over the micr ophone during r ecor ding ) .
68 Recording Movies c • Th e indicator lamp lights while movies are being recorded. D o not open the b atter y chamb er during shooting or while the indicator lamp is lit. F ailure to obser ve this pr ecaution could prevent the movie from being played back.
69 Movies a Viewing Mo vies During pl ayback ( P 53), movies ar e dis play ed in the monit or as shown a t righ t. The following operation s can be per formed while a movie i s dis play ed: 100-006 10.
70 Con n ec t io n s Viewing Pi ctures on T V Connect ing the Camera to H igh Defi nit ion (HD ) T V s Connect ing the Camera to H igh Definit ion (HD ) T V s When an HDMI cable ( avail able from thi rd-part y suppliers ) is con nec ted, pictures and sound a re pla yed back on the T V .
71 Con n ec t io n s Printing P ictures via USB If the print er suppor ts PictBridge, the camera can be c onnec ted dir ectly to the print er and pictures can be print ed without first being copied to a c omputer . Note that de pending on the print er , not al l the func tions described below may be supported.
72 Printing Pictures via US B 2 Pri nti ng the D ate of Re cor din g T o print the date of recor ding on pict ures, press DISP / BACK in steps 1 – 2 to display the P ic tBridge menu (see “Printing the DPOF Print Order ,” below) .
73 Con n ec t io n s Printing Pictures via US B 4 Press MENU/OK t o star t printing. During Printing The m essage shown at right is di splayed duri ng printing. Press DISP /BACK t o c a n c e l b e - fore all pictures are printed ( depending on the print er , printing may end before the current picture has printed).
74 Printing Pictures via US B The K PRINT ORDER ( DPOF) option i n the play- back menu ca n be used to cr ea te a di gital “ print order” for Pi c tBridge- compa tible prin ters ( P 11 5 ) or devices tha t su ppor t DPOF .
75 Con n ec t io n s Printing Pictures via US B 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to choose the number of c opies ( up to 99) . T o remov e a picture from the order , press the selector down un til the nu m- ber of copies i s 0.
76 Printing Pictures via US B 1 • Print orders can con tain a maximum of 9 99 pic tures. • If a mem or y card is inser ted contai ning a prin t order cre- ated by another camera, th e message show n at right will b e d i s p l a y e d . P r e s s i n g MENU/ OK cancel s the prin t order; a new print order must be created as described ab ove.
77 Con n ec t io n s Viewing P ictures on a Computer The supplied sof t ware can be u sed to cop y pictures to a c omput er , where they can be stored, view ed, organ ized, and pri nt ed. Before pr oceeding, instal l the sof t ware as described below .
78 Viewing Pictures on a Computer 2 Star t the comput er. L og in to a n acc ount with adm in istra t or pr ivi lege s bef or e pr oceedi ng. 3 E xit any appl ication s that ma y be runni ng and insert the installer C D in a CD-ROM drive. Wi ndows 8 / Win dows 7/Win dows V is ta If an AutoPlay dialog is displayed, click SETUP .
79 Con n ec t io n s Viewing Pictures on a Computer Impor ti ng pict ures or movies to Mac Impor ting pict ures or movies to Mac (Macintosh) (Macintosh ) Use a standa rd appl ication in Mac O S such a s Im- age Capture t o i m p o r t p i c t u r e s o r m o v i e s t o M a c .
80 Viewing Pictures on a Computer 3 • If a memor y card containing a lar ge number of images is inserted, th ere may be a delay before the sof t w are s t a rt s a n d y o u m a y b e u n a b l e t o i m p o r t o r s a v e i m - ages. Use a memor y c ard re ader to transfer pic tures.
81 Menus Using the Menus : Shooting Mode Using t he Shooti ng Menu Using the Shoot ing Menu 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispl ay the shoot - ing men u. 2 Press the selector up or down t o highl igh t the desir ed menu ite m. 3 Press the selector righ t to di spla y op- tions for the hi ghligh ted item.
82 Using the Menus: Shooting Mode Shooti ng Menu Op tions Shooting M enu Op tions Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fa ult Default A A S CENE P OSITI ON SCENE POSITION Choos e a scene for SP mo de ( P 27 ). C / D / K / M / N / O / H / P / Q / R / S / U / V / W K A A Adv.
83 Menus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fa ult Default F F AF M ODE AF MODE Choos e how the c amer a sele c ts a fo cus area ( P 88). r / s / t / u / x r F F MOVIE AF M ODE MOVIE AF MODE This opti on controls how the c amera s ele c ts the fo cus area for movi es ( P 89).
84 Using the Menus: Shooting Mode N N ISO ISO Con trol the came ra’ s sensitivity to lig ht. Hig her v a l u e s c a n b e u s e d t o r e d u c e b l u r w h e n l i g h t - ing is poor; not e, how ever , that mottling may a p p e a r i n p i c t u r e s t a k e n a t h i g h s e n s i t i v i t i e s .
85 Menus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode Si ze Vers us A sp ec t Ra tio Size Size Opt ion Option Pri nt s at siz es up t o Pri nt s at siz es up t o O 34 × 25 cm ( 1 3.5 × 1 0 in.) P 2 4 × 1 8 cm (9 .5 × 7 in.) Q 1 7 × 1 3 cm (7 × 5 in.) As pec t r ati o Aspect rati o 4 : 3 : P ictures have the same proportions as the cam- era display .
86 Using the Menus: Shooting Mode P P FINEPIX COLOR FINE PIX COLOR Enha nce c ontrast and color satu ration or tak e pic - tures i n black and wh ite . Opt ion Option Des cr ip tio n Description ST AND ARD S tandard contrast and saturation. Recommended in m ost situations.
87 Menus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode ■ ■ h h : Custom White Bal ance : Custom White Ba lance Cho ose h to ad just whit e bala nce f or unu sual ligh ting c onditions.
88 Using the Menus: Shooting Mode F F AF MODE AF MODE This option c ont rols ho w the camera select s the focus ar ea when In tel ligen t F ace Detection is of f ( P 3 5) . Regardless of the option selected, the cam- era will focu s on the subject in the cen te r of the monit or when macro mode i s on ( P 39).
89 Menus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode F F MOVIE AF MODE MOVIE AF MODE This option c ont rols ho w the camera select s the focus ar ea for movies. Opt ion Option Des cr ip tio n Description r CENTER The c amera focuses on th e subjec t in the cent er of the fr ame.
90 Using the Menus : Pla yback Mode U sing t he Playback Menu Usi ng the Playback Me nu 1 Pres s the a b u t t o n t o e n t e r p l a y - back mode . 2 Press MENU/OK to d is play the pla y - back men u. 3 Press the selector up or down t o highl igh t the desir ed menu ite m.
91 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode Playback Menu O ptions Playback Menu O ptions The following option s are a vaila ble: Op tio n Option Des c ri pti on Description r r WIRELE SS TR ANSFER WIRELE.
92 Using the Menus: Playback Mode U U LOCA TIO N INFO COPY LOCA TIO N INFO COPY Location da ta can be copied from o ther pictures to i mages that l ack c orrect lo cation inf ormation.
93 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode i i MOVIE EDIT MOVIE EDIT Edit mov ies . ■ ■ MOVIE TRIMMING MOVIE TRIMMING Remov e opening or end ing footage t o cr eat e an edited c opy of the curre nt movie . 1 Dis play the des ired movie . 2 Selec t i MOVIE EDIT in the pla yback menu , then selec t MOVIE TRIMMING .
94 Using the Menus: Playback Mode ■ ■ Add /Rem ove Items i n the Up load Q ueu e Add /Remo ve Items i n the Uplo ad Que ue 1 Selec t an upload destina tion. 2 Press MENU/OK . 3 Selec t item s to be added to , or re- moved from, the u pload queue .
95 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode ■ ■ Rem oving A ll Item s From the Upl oad Q ueue Rem oving Al l Items From the Upl oad Qu eue Y ou can re move al l ite ms from the upload q ueue. 1 Selec t RE SET ALL . The screen for remo ving al l item s from the upload queue i s di spla yed.
96 Using the Menus: Playback Mode I I SLIDE SH OW SLIDE SHOW View pic tures in a n aut omat ed slide sho w . Choose the ty pe of show and pres s MENU /OK to start.
97 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode B B RED E YE RE MOV AL RED E YE RE MOV AL If the curren t pic ture is mark ed with a g i c o n t o i n d i c a t e t h a t i t w a s t a k e n w i t h I n t e l l i g e n t F a c e D e - tection, this option ca n be used to re move r ed- eye.
98 Using the Menus: Playback Mode D D PROTECT PROTEC T Pr otect pic tures from ac ciden tal deletion. The following op tions ar e avail able. ■ ■ FRAME FRA ME P r ot ect s el ect ed p ict u r e s. 1 Press the selector lef t or right t o dis - play the des ired picture.
99 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode G CROP CROP T o crea te a cr opped copy of a picture, pl ay the picture back and select G CR OP i n t h e p l ay b a c k m en u ( P 90) .
10 0 Using the Menus: Playback Mode O O RESIZ E RESIZE T o c re a t e a s m a l l c op y of a p i ctu r e , pl a y t he p ict ur e b a c k a nd s e le ct O RESI ZE i n t he p la yba ck me n u ( P 90) . 1 Highligh t a size a nd press MENU /OK to dis play a c onfirmation di alog.
101 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode C C IMAGE ROT A TE IMAGE ROT A TE By default, pictures taken i n tall orien tation ar e dis played in wide orien t ation. U se this op tion to dis play pictures in the c orrec t orientation in the moni tor . It has no e f fec t on p ic ture s displaye d o n a com puter or o ther device .
102 Using the Menus: Playback Mode T o add a voic e memo to a sti ll picture, select F VO IC E M E M O af ter di spla ying the picture in playbac k mode. 1 V oice memos can not be adde d to movies or pro tect- ed pic tures. Remove prot ec tion from pictures before recording voic e memos ( P 98).
103 Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode Play in g Voice Mem os Pictures with voice memos are indicated by a q icon during playback . T o play the voice memo back , selec t PL A Y for F VO I CE M EM O in th e playback menu. 1 • The camer a may not play voic e memos recorded with other devices.
10 4 1 Display the setup menu. 1.1 Pres s MENU/OK to di spla y the menu for the cu rren t mode. 1. 2 Press the selector lef t to hig h- ligh t a lef t tab. 1. 3 Pres s the selec tor up or down to s e le c t 4 . The setup menu appears. 1 /5 SET-UP DATE/TIME RESET SILENT MODE FORMAT ENGLISH TIME DIFFERENCE OFF EXIT 2 Adj ust settings.
105 Menus The Setup Me nu Setup Me nu Opt ions Setup Me nu Opt ions Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fa ult Default F F DATE/ TIME DA TE/ TIME Set the c amera clo ck ( P 15 ) . —— N N TIME DIFFERE NCE TIME DIFFERENCE Set the clo ck to loc al time ( P 10 8 ) .
10 6 The Setup Me nu Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fa ult Default G G OPER ATION VOL . OPERATION V OL. Adjust the volume of c amer a controls. b (high) / c (mi d ) / d (low) / e OFF (mu te) c H H SHUT TER VO LUME SHUTTER VOLUME Adjust the vo lume of the shu t ter sound.
107 Menus The Setup Me nu Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fa ult Default R R INTE LLIGEN T DIGITAL INTELLIGE NT DIGITAL ZOOM ZOOM Enabl e or disab le intelligent digital zo om ( P 11 2 ) . ON / OFF OF F l l MOVIE ZOOM T Y PE MOVIE ZOOM T YPE Ch oos e the zoo m t yp e when re cording mov ies ( P 67 ).
10 8 The Setup Me nu N N TIME D IFFERE NCE TIM E D IFFE R EN CE Wh en tr avelling, us e this opti on to s witch th e c amer a clo ck ins tantl y f rom your ho me t ime zo ne to t he local time at y our destinat ion. 1 Sp ecif y the dif ference betwee n local time and your home time zone.
10 9 Menus The Setup Me nu r r WIRE LESS SET TIN GS WIRE LESS SETTINGS A d j u s t s e t t i n g s f o r c o n n e c t i o n t o a w i r e l e s s n e t - work .
11 0 The Setup Me nu A A IMAGE DISP . IMAGE DISP . Choose an option othe r than OF F to dis pl ay pi c- tures i n the monitor after shooting. P ictures can be displ ayed for 1 .5 s ( 1.5 SEC ), 3 s ( 3 SEC ), o r un t i l the MENU/OK button is pr essed ( ZO OM (CONT I N - UOUS ) ).
111 Menus The Setup Me nu B B FRAM E NO. FRAM E NO. New pictures are stor ed in image files na med using a f o u r - d i g i t f i l e n u m b e r a s - signed by addi ng one to the l a s t f i l e n u m b e r u s e d . T h e file number is disp layed dur- ing pla yback as s hown at rig ht.
112 The Setup Me nu M M AUT O POWER O FF AUT O POWER OFF Choose th e length of time b efore the camera turns off automatica lly when no operation s are per formed. Shor ter times i ncre ase battery life; if OFF i s s e l e c t e d , t h e c a m e r a m u s t b e t u r n e d o f f m a n u a l l y .
113 Menus The Setup Me nu P P DISCHARGE (Ni -M H Bat teries O nly) DISCHARGE (Ni -M H Batte ries Onl y) The capacit y of recha rge able Ni-MH batteries ma y be temporarily r educed when new , af ter long pe - riods of dis use , or if they are r epea tedly rech arged before bei ng fully di scha rged.
114 The Setup Me nu S S DA TE ST AMP DA TE ST A MP T o add shooting da te a nd time, c hoose T + U . T o add only shooting d at e, choose T . Wh en OF F is selected, no inform ation wil l be added to the pic tures. 1 • Added sho oting dat e and time can not be deleted from the pictures.
115 T echnical Notes Optional Accessories The camera support s a wide range of acc essories from FU JIFILM a nd other ma nufac ture rs. USB ca ble (s up pl ie d) SD ca rd s lot o r ca rd r ead er Com .
11 6 Optional Accessories Acces sories from FUJIFI LM Acce ssories from FUJIFI LM The following option al ac cessories a re a vailable fr om FU JIFILM. For the l at est informa tion on the ac ces - sories avai lable in y our region, c heck with your local F U JIF ILM re presen tative or vi sit h tt p :/ /www .
117 T echnical Notes Cari ng for the Camer a T o ens ure c ont inued enjo yment of the product, obser ve the follo wing precautions. Storage and Use Storage and Use I f t h e c a m e r a w i l l n ot b e u s e d f o r a n e x te n d e d p e - riod, remo ve the battery and memor y card.
11 8 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Power an d Bat te r y Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Power supply The c amer a do es not turn o n. The b at teries are e xhauste d. Inser t f resh or full y- charge d spare bat terie s.
119 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Men us an d Di spl ays Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Menus and disp lays are not in English. English is not se lec ted fo r the L a option in the s etup menu.
12 0 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Intelligent Fa ce Detection F ace detec tio n not a vailable . Intelligent F ace Detec tio n is not available in the current shooting m ode.
121 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Problem images Pictures are blurred. The l ens is dir t y. Clean the lens . 1 1 7 Th e lens is blo cke d.
12 2 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Playbac k Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Pict ures Pictures are grainy . The p ic tures were taken w ith a dif ferent make or model of camera. —— Playb ac k zoo m unavailable.
12 3 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Connec t ions Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Problem connecting or uploa ding pic tures to smartphone. The smar tphon e is too fa r away.
124 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Compu ter The c om- puter do es not recognize th e camera. The c amera is n ot proper ly connec te d. Connec t the cam era corre c tly.
12 5 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Miscellaneous Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Nothing happ ens when the shu t ter but- ton is presse d. T emp orar y c amera malfun ctio n.
12 6 W arning Mes sages and Displa ys The following wa rning s are d is play ed in the monit or: Warn in g War ni n g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution B (red) B at terie s are low. Inser t fresh or f ully- charg ed spare b at teries. A (blink s re d) Bat terie s are exhaus ted.
127 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Warning Messages and Displays Warn in g War ni n g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution CA RD NOT IN ITIA LIZED The m emo r y card is not fo rmat ted o r the memo r y card w as format ted in a comp uter or other dev ice.
12 8 Warning Messages and Displays Warn in g War ni n g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution READ ERROR The f ile is corr upt or was n ot created with th e camera. The fil e can not b e playe d back . The m emo r y card conta ct s require cl eaning.
12 9 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Warning Messages and Displays Warn in g War ni n g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution DPOF FI LE ERROR Th e DPOF pr int order on the cur rent memor y card contains more than 9 99 imag es. The ma ximum numb er of images to which D POF print order c an be t agge d is 99 9 per m emo r y card .
13 0 Memor y Card Capacit y The following table s hows the rec ordi ng time or number of pictures a vaila ble at different i mage siz es. All figur es are a pproxi mat e; file s ize varies with the sc ene recorded, pr oducing wide vari ation s in the number of files tha t can be stored.
131 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Specif icat ions Sys te m Model Digit al Came ra FinePix S 84 0 0W Seri es Effec tive pixels 16 . 2 m i l l i o n Image sensor 1 / 2.
132 Specifications Sys te m Foc us r ang e (dis ta nce f r om fr on t of l ens) Approx. 45 cm (1 .4 f t.) –infini t y ( wide ang le ) ; approx. 3. 5 m (1 1 .4 f t .)–inf init y (t el ep ho to) • Mac ro : approx. 7 cm– 3.0 m/2.7 in.–9.8 f t. ( wide angle ); approx.
133 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Specifications Sys te m Whi te b ala nc e A utomatic scene d etec tion; six manual p reset mo des for dire c t sunlight, shade, dayli ght f luorescent, warm whi te f luo.
13 4 Specifications Power su pp ly/oth er Power s our ce s • AA alk aline bat terie s (× 4) • A A lithium b atteri es (× 4; available from third -p ar t y supplier s) • A A re chargeable nicke.
135 T roubleshooting/ Appendix Specifications Wireless transmitter Sta nd ar ds IEEE 802. 1 1 b/ g /n (standard w ireless p rotocol) Op er ati ng f re qu enc y • U.
13 6 Specifications Colo r T elev isio n Syste ms NTSC ( N ational T elevision S yst em C ommittee) i s a color televi sion telecasting specif ication adopted mainly in the U.S. A., C anada, and Japan. P AL ( P hase A lternation by L ine) is a c olor television system adopted mainly in European countries and China.
137 Memo.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINA TO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAP AN http://www Ple as e co nt ac t you r lo ca l dis tr ib uto r fo r re pai rs a nd te ch ni ca l sup po r t.
Restric tions on Camera Set tings Shooti ng Mode and Camera Sett ings Shooting Mode a nd Camera Sett ings The options avai lable in e ach shooti ng mode are li sted below .
Restrictions on Camera Settings Sho ot in g mo de Shooting mode M M B B Adv. Adv. SP SP Op tio n Option a a j j k k C C D D B B i i C C d d K K M M N N O O H H P P Q Q R R S S U U V V W W N N P P S S .
Restrictions on Camera Settings Sho ot in g mo de Shooting mode M M B B Adv. Adv. SP SP Op tio n Option a a j j k k C C D D B B i i C C d d K K M M N N O O H H P P Q Q R R S S U U V V W W N N P P S S .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté FujiFilm 16324446 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du FujiFilm 16324446 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation FujiFilm 16324446, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le FujiFilm 16324446 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le FujiFilm 16324446, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du FujiFilm 16324446.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le FujiFilm 16324446. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei FujiFilm 16324446 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.