Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit EX-S880 du fabricant Casio
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1 E EX-S880 K838PCM1DMX Digital Camera User’ s Guide Thank you f or purchasing this CASIO product. • Before using it, be sure to read the precautions contained in this User’ s Guide. • K eep the User’ s Guide in a safe place f or future reference .
2 UNPACKING UNPACKING As yo u u npack yo u r camer a, check to make s u re that all i tems sho w n b elo w are incl u ded. If anything i s missing, contac t yo u r original retaile r.
3 CONTENTS CONTENTS UNPACKING 2 QUICK START BASICS 9 First, charge the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Configuring Display Lang uage, Date, and Time Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Using a Memory Card .
4 CONTENTS SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 62 Holding the Camera Correctly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Shooting a Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 CONTENTS ADVANCED SETTINGS 121 Changing the Focus Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 ■ Using A u to Foc u s 122 ■ Using Macro Foc u s 123 ■ Using Fixe d Foc u s (Pan Foc u s) 129 ■ Using Infinity Foc u s 129 ■ Using Man u al Foc u s 129 Correcting Image Brightness (EV Shift) .
6 CONTENTS EDITING IMAGES 169 Resizing a Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Cropping a Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Keystone Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Using Color Restoration to Correct the Color of an Old Photograp h .
7 CONTENTS OTHER SETTI NGS 198 Configuring Camera Sound Settings . . . . . . . . . . 198 Turning the Startup Screen On or Off . . . . . . . . . 200 Specifying the File Name Serial Number Generation Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 CONTENTS TRANSFERRING DOCUMENTS TO YOUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) 257 Transferring Documents to t he Camera . . . . . . . 257 ■ Transfer ring doc u ments f rom a comp u ter r u nning W ind o w s 257 ■ Transfer ring doc u ments from a Macintosh 259 Viewing a Transferred Document on the Camera .
9 QUICK START BASICS QUICK START BASICS (page 36) ■ Loading the Battery into th e Camera 1. Open the battery co ver. 2. Load the battery into the camera. 3. Close the battery cover. First, charge the battery W hile pres sing ligh tly on the co v er, slide it in the direction indicate d b y the arro w to open.
10 QUICK START BASICS ■ Using the USB Cradle to Charge 1. Plug the USB cradle into a household power outlet. 2. Place the camera onto the USB cradle. AC adaptor AC power cord [CHARGE] lamp Red: Chargi ng Green: Ch arged (Full) • It takes ab out two hours t o achieve a ful l charge.
11 QUICK START BASICS (pages 202, 20 6) The settings on this page are re q u ired the f irst time yo u t u rn on the camera aft er p u rchasing it. • If yo u make a mistake w hen conf ig u ring the lang u ag e, date, and time sett ings, yo u can change the set tings (page s 202, 206).
12 QUICK START BASICS 6. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the date form at and then press [SET]. Example: Decem b er 19, 2007 7. Set the date and the time. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the setting yo u w ant (year, month, day, ho u r, min u te) and the n u se [ S ] and [ T ] to change the sett ing.
13 QUICK START BASICS (page 46) ■ Loading a Memory Card into the Camera W hen a memory card i s loaded, the camera stores i mages yo u shoot on the ca rd.
14 QUICK START BASICS ■ Formatting a Memor y Card Before yo u can u se a memory card w ith yo u r camera, yo u m u st format it . IMPORT ANT! • Formattin g a memory card tha t already has s napshots or other files on it, w ill del ete its cont ents.
15 QUICK START BASICS (page 62) 1. Press [ ] to turn on the camera. This enters the REC mode an d displays “ ” (A u to icon) on the monito r screen. 2. Point the camera at the subject. 3. While taking care to keep the camera still, half- press the shutter button.
16 QUICK START BASICS Snapshot Image Size and Image Quality Yo u r camera lets y o u select fr om among v ario u s image size and q u ality setting s. Note that image size and q u ality settings af fect ho w many image s can b e stored in memo ry.
17 QUICK START BASICS (page 151) 1. Press [ ] to enter the PLAY mode. If there are m u ltiple images in memory, u se [ W ] and [ X ] t o scroll thro u gh them.
18 QUICK START BASICS (page 94) 1. Press [ ] to enter the REC mode. 2. Press [ ] to start shooting the movie. “” ( m o v ie icon ) remains on the monitor screen w hile mo v ie recordin g is in progres s. • A u dio is also rec orded d u ring mo v ie recording.
19 QUICK START BASICS (page 153) The film-lik e frame tha t appears on the monitor screen indi cates that this is an image fro m a mo v ie. 1. Press [ ] to enter the PLAY mode.
20 QUICK START BASICS (page 196) Yo u can u se the follo w in g proced u re to dele te files yo u ha v e transferr ed to yo u r comp u te r’s hard disk , images yo u ha v e printed, or files yo u simply no longer need. Th is frees u p memory for reco rding more imag es.
21 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION ■ BEST SHOT for beautiful shots simply by selecting a sample image built into the camera Simply select t he scene that is similar to w hat yo u w a nt to shoot (Night Scen e Portrait, Flo w er, etc.), for in stant camera s et u ps.
22 INTRODUCTION ■ Powerful Print Features • DPOF feat u re for easy specification of date stamping an d the n u m b er of cop ies (page 215) • Timestamp fe at u re that stamp s the date into the.
23 INTRODUCTION ■ Copyrights Except fo r yo u r o w n person al enjoyment, u na u thorized u se of snapshots or mo v ies of i mages re corded w ith this camera w itho u t the permission of the appli ca b le right holder is for b idden b y copyrigh t la w s.
24 INTRODUCTION • Photo Load er w ith HOT ALBUM w as de v el oped b ased o n HOT ALBUM, w hich is copyright ed b y HOTALBUMcom, In c., and Photo Lo ader, w hich is copyrigh ted b y CASIO COMPUTER CO., L TD. All copyrigh ts and other rig hts re v ert to origi nal copyr ight hold ers.
25 INTRODUCTION • The content s of this man u al ar e s ub ject to change w itho u t notice. • The content of this man u al has b een checked at eac h step of the pr od u ction pr ocess. Plea se contact u s if yo u notice anything t hat is q u estiona b le, errone o u s, etc.
26 INTRODUCTION ■ Take test shots before shooting the final shot. • Before sh ooting yo u r fi nal image, sho ot a test shot to ens u re that the ca mera is reco rding correc tly. ■ Avoid Use While In Motion • Ne v er u se the camera to record or play b ack images w hile operating an a u tomo b ile or other v ehicle, or w hile w alking.
27 INTRODUCTION ■ Display Panel • Do not appl y strong pres s u re to the LCD pane l s u rface or s ub ject it t o strong imp act. Doing so c an ca u se the disp lay panel glas s to crack. • Sho u ld the display panel e v er b ecome c racked, ne v er to u ch any of the liq u id inside the panel.
28 INTRODUCTION ■ Water and Foreign Matter • W ater, other liq u ids, or foreign matter (especially metal) getting insi de the camera cr eates the risk of fire and electric shock. Immedi ately perform the f ollo w ing steps w hene v er any of the a b o v e symptoms are present.
29 INTRODUCTION ■ Disassembly and Modification • Ne v er try t o take the camer a apart or modify it in any w ay. Doing so creat es the risk of electric shoc k, bu rn i nj u ry, and other pers onal inj u ry.
30 INTRODUCTION ■ Rechargeable Battery • Use only the s pecified ch arger u nit or th e specified de v ice to charge the b attery. Atte mpting to charge the b attery b y an u na u thorized mean s creates the ri sk of b attery o v erheating, fire, and explos ion.
31 INTRODUCTION • If a b attery is to b e u sed b y yo u ng child ren, make s u re that a responsi b le ad u l t makes them a w are of the preca u tions and proper han dling instr u ct ions, and make s u r e that they handle b attery corre ctly.
32 INTRODUCTION • Mis u se of the AC adaptor creates the risk of fire and ele ctric shock. Make s u re yo u o b ser v e the follo w ing preca u tions w hen u sing the AC a daptor. –N e v er locate the po w er cord near a sto v e or other heat ing de v ice.
33 INTRODUCTION ■ Battery Life • Battery con tin u o u s operation times pro v ided in this man u al represent the approxima te amo u nt of time b efore the camera t u rns off d u e to lo w b attery po w er w hen b eing po w ered b y the special b attery u nder normal temperat u re (23°C (73°F)).
34 INTRODUCTION ■ Operating Environment • The operatin g temperat u re range of the camer a is 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F). • Do not plac e the camera in any of the fol lo w ing locations.
35 INTRODUCTION ■ Caring for your camer a • Fingerprin ts, dirt, and oth er foreign matter on the lens s u rface can interfe re w ith pr oper operat ion of the camer a. A v oid to u ching the lens s u rface. To cl ean the lens s u rf ace, u se a b lo w er to b lo w of f d u st or foreign matter and then w ipe w ith a soft, dry cl oth.
36 GETTING RE ADY GETTING READY Yo u r camera is p o w ered b y a recharge a b le lithi u m ion b attery (NP-20). IMPORT ANT! • Use of any type of b attery other than NP-20 is not s u pported. To load the battery 1. Open the battery cover. W hile pressi ng the b attery co v er, s lide it in the dir ection indicated b y the arro w .
37 GETTING RE ADY 3. Close the battery cover. S w ing the b attery co v er closed, and th en slide it s ec u rely into place a s yo u press it agai nst the camera . The b attery is not f u lly charged w hen yo u u se the camera for the firs t time after p u rchasing it.
38 GETTING RE ADY 3. With the camera positi oned so the monitor screen is facing towards you as shown in the illustration, place it onto the USB cradle. The [CHARGE] lamp lights red and ch arging star ts. • It takes a b o u t t w o ho u rs to achie v e a f u ll charge.
39 GETTING RE ADY If the [CHARGE] lamp flashe s red This indicat es that the ca mera or b attery is fa u lty, or that the b attery is lo aded in the camera incorrectly. Remo v e the b attery from the camera and ch eck if its con tacts are dirty. If they are, w ipe them off w ith a dry clo th and then reload t he b attery into the camera.
40 GETTING RE ADY ■ Battery Life and Number of Images between Charges See page 291 for details. ■ Battery Power Conservation Tips • W hen yo u do not need to u se the flash, se lect “ ” (flash o ff) for the flash setting (pa ge 75).
41 GETTING RE ADY IMPORT ANT! • D u e to differ ences in the po w er req u irements of each mode, the b atter y indicator may sho w a lo w er le v el in the PLAY mode than w hat it sho w s in a REC mode. This is normal, and does not indicate malf u nction.
42 GETTING RE ADY Battery Precautions ■ Precautions during Use • Operation pro v ided b y a b attery u nder cold condi tions is al w ays less than operation u nder normal tempe rat u res. This is d u e to the ch aracteristics of the b attery, no t the camera.
43 GETTING RE ADY Note the follo w ing prec a u tions. • The bu nd led AC adaptor i s designed for operation w ith an y po w er s u pply in the range of 10 0V to 240V AC, 5 0/60Hz. Note, ho w e v er, that the shap e of the po w er cord pl u g depends on each co u ntry or geograph ic area.
44 GETTING RE ADY IMPORT ANT! • Pressing [O N/OFF] or [ ] (REC ) to t u rn on po w er al so ca u ses the lens to extend. Tak e care ther e is nothing pressing ag ainst or hit ting the len s. Holding the lens w ith yo u r hand so it cannot extend creat es the risk of malf u nction.
45 GETTING RE ADY ■ Battery Power Conservation Features This camera is eq u ipped w ith a sleep f u nc tion and a u to p o w er off f u nction to con ser v e b attery po w er. Yo u can config u re thes e settings in the REC mode as desc ri b ed b elo w .
46 GETTING RE ADY NO T E • W hen b oth slee p and A u to Po w er Off ha v e the same time settings, A u to P o w er Off takes pri ority. • Sleep and A u to Po w er Off are dis a b led u nder the fol lo w ing conditions .
47 GETTING RE ADY Supported Memory Cards Yo u r camera s u ppor ts u se of the follo w ing t ypes of memory card s. SD Memory Card SDHC Memory Card MMC (M u ltiMediaCard) MMC plus (M u ltiMediaCardpl u s) • For in formation a b o u t memory card capacity, see page 2 8 7.
48 GETTING RE ADY • Electrosta tic charge, electrica l noise, and other phenomen a can ca u se data to b ecome cor r u pted or e v en lost. Make s u re that yo u al w ays b ack u p importa nt data on other media (CD-R, CD-R W , MO di sk, hard disk , etc.
49 GETTING RE ADY 2. Load a me mory card i nto the camera . Positioning the memory card so its front is facing u p w ards (to w ards the mo nitor screen side of th e camera), slide it into the card slot al l the w ay in u ntil yo u hear it click sec u rely into place.
50 GETTING RE ADY IMPORT ANT! • Ne v er insert an ything b esides a s u pported memory card (page 47) into the memory car d slot. • Sho u ld w ater or any f oreign o b ject e v er get into the ca rd slot, immediat ely t u rn off the camera, remo v e the b attery , and contact yo u r retailer or nearest CASIO a u thorized ser v ice cent er.
51 GETTING RE ADY 1. Load the memory card yo u want to format into the camera . 2. Turn on the camera and press [MENU]. 3. On the “Set Up” tab, se lect “Format” an d then press [ X ]. 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Format” and then press [SET] to start formatting.
52 GETTING RE ADY The follo w ing are men u operations yo u w ill need to u se to config u re ca mera settings. Ta ke a fe w moments to b ecome familiar w ith them. • See “Men u Reference” on page 27 3 for infor mation a b o u t men u contents .
53 GETTING RE ADY 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the setting you want. 5. Apply the setting. • Pressing [SET ] applies th e selected set ting and exi ts the men u screen. • Pressing [ W ] instead of [SET] app lies the selected setting and ret u rns to the me n u screen.
54 GETTING RE ADY The follo w ing is the proced u re for men u operations in th e REC mode. 1. In the REC mode, press [DISP]. This w ill display the d isplay men u scree n. 2. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the setting you want. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the setting you want.
55 GETTING RE ADY Panel (Operation Pa nel) 1 Image Size/Q u al ity * 1 (pages 66, 6 8 ) 2 Flash mode (p age 75) 3 Self-timer (pag e 79) 4 Face Reco gnition (page 8 7) 5 Anti Shake ( page 110) 6 ISO se.
56 GETTING RE ADY * 1I m a g e q u ality ca nnot b e changed u sing Panel (Operat ion Panel). * 2Y o u can select da te or time display . * 3Y o u can u se the “D ate Style” to select eith er month/day or day/month fo r date displa y (page 203) .
57 GETTING RE ADY ■ PLAY Mode Screen Layout The PLAY mode scree n layo u t settings let yo u select ho w display imag es are sho w n on the monitor sc reen. Turning Display Information On and Off (Info.) W ith “Info.” yo u can t u rn display information on an d off.
58 GETTING RE ADY Adjusting Monitor Screen Bri ghtness (Brightness) Yo u can u se the “Brightn ess” setting to a dj u st the b rightness of the monitor screen. This setting is the same in the REC mod e and PLAY mode. Hide T u rns off di splay of all infor mation.
59 GETTING RE ADY Adjusting Monitor Screen Image Quality (Type) Yo u can u se the “Type” s etting to adj u st th e q u ality of the monitor scre en image. This setti ng is the same in t he REC mode and PLAY mode. 0 Normal monitor screen b rightness f or indoor u se, etc.
60 GETTING RE ADY Perform one of the follo w ing operatio ns if yo u find that y o u ha v e gotten lost w hile performing bu tton operatio ns d u ring reco rding or play b ack. REC mode Night This setti ng pro v ides a clearer scr een image w hen shootin g u nder dark conditions, a nd comes in handy w hen recording at nigh t w ith a tripod.
61 GETTING RE ADY PLAY mode Current Scree n To return to the normal pla yback screen Men u screen [MENU] or [ ] Display Men u scre en [DISP] or [ ] REC mode screen Press [ ] Delete screen Press [ ]. Yo u co u ld also select “Cancel” and then pre ss [SET].
62 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Holding the camer a w ith one hand can res u lt in accidental hand mo v ement. Hold the ca mera sec u rely w ith b oth hand s w hen shooting sn apshots.
63 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT NO T E • Good-looki ng images are i mpossi b le if yo u mo v e the camera w hen yo u press the sh u tter bu tton or w hile the A u to Foc u s operati on is b eing performed. Holdin g the camera correc tly, caref u lly press the sh u tter bu tt on and take care that yo u do not mo v e th e camera as the sh u tter releases.
64 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 2. Focus the image. W hile the foc u s frame is aligned w ith the s ub ject, half-pr ess the sh u tter bu tton. A u to Foc u s w ill foc u s the image a u tomatically, and the foc u s frame and oper ation lamp w ill t u rn green.
65 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT NO T E • The apert u re v al u e indicates the size of the opening th at lets light into the camera. A larger apert u re v al u e indic ates a smaller op ening. The camera adj u sts this setting a u tomaticall y. • Sh u tter spe ed indi cates the amo u nt of time that l ight is allo w ed into th e camera.
66 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Fully pressing the shut ter button without waiting for Auto Focus Yo u can shoot snaps hots b y pressing th e sh u tter bu tton all the w ay w itho u t w aiting for A u to Foc u s. W hat the ca mera does in this case depe nds on w hether Q u ick Sh u tter (page 12 8 ) is on or off.
67 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT NO T E • The follo w ing informatio n changes on the display d u ring the image si ze selection op eration. – Image size in pixels (1600 × 12 00, etc.
68 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Specifying Image Quality Yo u r camera le ts yo u select “Fine” ( maxim u m image q u ality), “Normal”, o r “Economy” (maxim u m memory economy) for the image q u ality setting. The in itial setting is “Norma l”.
69 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Turning Off the AF Assist Lamp The AF ass ist lamp emits ligh t that helps the camera foc u s w hen yo u half-pr ess the sh u tter bu tton u nder dark lighting co nditions. The AF assist la mp does not light w hen lighti ng is b right.
70 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Snapshot Shooting Precautions ■ Operation • W hile the op eration lamp is flas hing green, ne v er open the b attery co v er or place the camera onto or remo v e it from the USB cradle .
71 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Auto Focus Restrictions • Proper foc u s may not b e possi b le w hen shooting the follo w in g types of s ub jects. – Solid color w all o r other v ery lo w contrast s ub j.
72 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 2. Press the zoom button to change the zoom factor. – For more info rmation, see “Optical Zoo m and Digital Zoom S w itch Point” on page 73. 3. Press the shutter button to shoot. NO T E • Performing a z oom operation cha nges the lens a pert u re.
73 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Optical Zoom and Digital Zo om Switch Point If yo u hold do w n the [ ] side of th e zoom bu tton in step 2 of the a b o v e proced u re, the zoom operat ion w ill stop w hen the optical zo om factor reac hes its maxi m u m.
74 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT • The image de teriorat ion point dep ends on the i mage size (page 66). The smaller the i mage size, the higher the zoo m factor y o u can u se b efore reac hing the image d eterioration point.
75 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Perform the follo w ing steps to sele ct the flash mode yo u w ant to u se. Approximate Flash Range (ISO Sensitivity: Auto ) • The flash ran ge changes in ac cordance w ith optical zoom. 1. In the REC mode, press [ T ] ( ) once.
76 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT NO T E • W hen operati on panel setti ng is t u rned off (page 54), yo u can cycle th ro u gh the flash modes b y pressing [ T ] () . IMPORT ANT! • W hen u sing flash, take care that th e flash w in do w is not b locked b y yo u r fingers or the camera strap.
77 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Checking the Flash Mode The c u rrent fla sh mode is indicat ed on the monitor screen and b y the oper ation lamp w hen yo u ha lf-press the sh u tter bu tton. • Yo u w ill not b e a b le to take another flash snapsh ot u ntil the operating l amp stops flashin g orange, w hich indicates that charging is complete.
78 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Using Flash Assist The s ub ject i n an image w ill look too dark if flash intens ity is not eno u gh to reac h a s ub ject that is too far a w ay. W he n this happens, yo u can u se flash assist to s u pplemen t the b rightness of the s ub ject so it appears as if flash ill u min ation w as s u fficient.
79 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Flash Precautions • The desired eff ect may not b e o b tained w hen the s ub ject is too far a w ay or too close. • Flash char ging time d epends on ope rating con ditions ( b at tery condition, a m b ient temperat u re, etc.
80 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 1. In the REC mode, press [SET]. 2. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the third option from the top in the operation panel (Self-timer). 3. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the self-timer type and then press [SET]. This ca u ses an in dicator identifying the selected s elf- timer type to appear on the monitor scre en.
81 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT NO T E • The indicat or “1sec” app ears on the mon itor screen b et w een Triple Se lf-timer sh ots. Ho w long it takes for the camera to get r eady to shoot ag ain after .
82 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Selecting the Continuous Sh utter Mode 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “REC” tab, select “Continuous” and then press [ X ].
83 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Recording with Zoom Conti nuous Shutter 1. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to move the selection boundary around the image of the subject on the left side of the monitor screen until it is located at the part you want to enlarge, and then press [SET].
84 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Continuous Shutter Precautions • Starting a conti n u o u s sh u tter op eration ca u ses the expos u re and foc u s settings to b e fixed at the le v els for the first ima ge. The same setting s are applied to all s ub seq u ent images .
85 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Yo u can add an a u dio recording to snap shots, if yo u w ant. Use this feat u re to add a v er b al expl anation or a d escription of the mood to a snaps hot, or to cap t u re the so u nds of the people in the snapshot . • Yo u can record u p to a b o u t 30 second s of a u dio for a single snapshot .
86 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Playing Back Snapshot Audio A u dio snapshots in the PLAY mod e are indicat ed b y the “ ” icon. Press [SET] w hile an a u dio snapshot i s displayed t o play b ack its a u dio. • For in formation a b o u t the pl ay b ack oper ation, see pa ge 152.
87 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT The face recognition feat u re gi v es priority to the h u man fac es in an image for foc u s and b rightness settings. The fo llo w ing descri b es to t w o a v aila b le face recognition modes. Performing a face recognition recording operation (Normal Mode) 1.
88 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 4. Point the camera at the subjects. The camera w ill de tect the faces of any pe ople in th e image. The d etected faces all w ill b e b o u nded b y frames after detecti on is complete. 5. Half-press the shutter button. The foc u s frame of the face that is foc u sed b ecomes green.
89 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 5. When the message “Face r ecognition successful!” appears, use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Save” and then press [SET]. This w ill record the fa ce data and ret u rn to the reco rding screen. • To re-rec ord the face da ta, select “Cance l”.
90 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT 5. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select a name, and then press [ T ]. • Yo u can selec t any one of 12 preset names to face data. 6. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the pr iority level you want and then press [SET]. • Yo u can select any on e of fo u r le v els, fr om “ ” (Lo w est) to “ ” (Highest).
91 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT ■ Shooting a Snapshot using Recorded and Edited Face Data After yo u recor d and edit fa ce data, yo u can u se it to shoot photographs . The camera w ill record images in ac cordance w ith the priori ty le v els yo u config u red for each set of face data.
92 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT Selecting the Face Detection Method (Priority) Use the foll o w ing proced u re to specify w hether yo u w ant to gi v e priority t o faster spee d or a higher n u m b er of faces d u ring face detection. 1. Enter a REC m ode. 2.
93 SHOOTING A SNAPSHOT • Face recognit ion in the Family First mod e may b e slo w er than in the Normal mode b eca u se the camera ne eds time to determine w hether the faces in t he image are the sa me as the recorded fa ces.
94 SHOOTING A MOVIE SHOOTING A MOVIE Before shoo ting a mo v ie, yo u sho u ld sp ecify a mo v ie image q u ality setti ng. Mo v ie image q u ality is a sta ndard that determines the detail, smooth ness, and clarity of a mo v ie d u ring play b ack.
95 SHOOTING A MOVIE Movie File Formats Mo v ies are recor ded u sing H.264/AVC MOV f ormat. Mo v ies yo u shoot w ith yo u r camera can b e played b ack on a comp u ter u sing Q u ickT ime 7. Movie Size The follo w ing sho w s the ap proximate mo v ie file size for a on e- min u te mo v ie.
96 SHOOTING A MOVIE IMPORT ANT! • Spending a long t ime u sing mo v i e recording w ill ca u se the camera to b ecome slig htly w arm to the to u ch.
97 SHOOTING A MOVIE • Yo u can perfor m digital zoom w hile sh ooting a mo v ie b y pressing [ ]. Optical zoom is not a v aila b le w hile shooting a mo v ie. To u se optica l zoom for a mo v ie, u se [ ] t o zoom as req u ired first and t hen press [ ] to st art record ing.
98 SHOOTING A MOVIE ■ Getting Ready to Shoot with Short Movie 1. In the REC mode, press [BS]. 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to select the “Short Movie” scene and then press [SET].
99 SHOOTING A MOVIE 6. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the MOTION PRINT setting you want and then press [SET]. ■ Shooting a Sho rt Movie 1. With the camera pointed at the subject, press [] . This w ill shoot a Sho rt Mo v ie of th e length y o u specified and then stop sh ooting a u tomatically.
100 SHOOTING A MOVIE To return to the R EC mode After Short Mo v ie recording is co mplete, the camer a stands b y for shootin g of another Sh ort Mo v ie. To exit Short Mo v ie recording, press [BS], select something other than “Short Mo v ie” and then press [S ET].
101 SHOOTING A MOVIE ■ Getting Ready to Shoot with Past Movie 1. In the REC mode, press [BS]. 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to select the “Past Movie” scene and then press [SET]. This ca u ses “ ” to appe ar on the monito r screen, w hich indicates tha t Past Mo v ie is ena b led.
102 SHOOTING A MOVIE To return to the R EC mode After Past Mo v ie recor ding is compl ete, the camer a stands b y for shootin g of another Pa st Mo v ie. To exit Past Mo v ie record ing, press [BS] , select somethi ng other than “Past Mo v ie” and t hen press [SET] .
103 SHOOTING A MOVIE IMPORT ANT! • Shooting a sn apshot w hile shooting a mo v ie is not s u pported w hile any one of the follo w ing BEST SHOT scenes is select ed. Short Mo v ie, Past Mo v ie, B u siness cards and doc u ments, W hite b oard, etc .
104 USING BEST SHOT USING BEST SHOT W ith BEST SHOT, yo u simply select the sample scene that is like the on e yo u are trying to s hoot, and the camera sets u p a u tomatically.
105 USING BEST SHOT 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to move the boundary to select the scene you want to select. • Pressing [ S ] or [ T ] w hile the b o u nd ary is at the edge of the screen w ill scroll to th e next screen of BEST SHOT scenes.
106 USING BEST SHOT BEST SHOT Scene Limitations • B u siness ca rds and doc u ment s, W hite b oard, etc., Old Ph oto, Layo u t, and A u to Fram ing. These scen es cannot b e u sed to shoo t a mo v ie. • Short Mo v ie, Past Mo v ie, For Yo u T ub e These scen es cannot b e u sed to sh oot a snapshot .
107 USING BEST SHOT Displaying Detailed In formation about a BEST SHOT Scene To find o u t more a b o u t a scene, select it w ith th e b o u ndary on t he scene se lection sc reen and then press the zoom bu tt on. The follo w ing a re the different operations yo u can perform w hile the scen e descript ion screen is on the displa y.
108 USING BEST SHOT ■ Creating Your Own BEST SHOT Scenes Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to sa v e the set u ps of snapshots o r mo v ies that yo u shot as BEST SHOT scenes . After that, yo u can re call a set u p w hene v er yo u w ant to u se it.
109 USING BEST SHOT • The follo w ing are the setting s that are inc l u ded in a u ser mo v ie scene: Foc u s, EV Shift, W hite Bala nce, Color Fil ter, Sharpness, Sat u ration, Contrast • Yo u can store u p to 99 9 BEST SHOT u ser scenes.
110 USING BEST SHOT Yo u can t u rn on the camera’s Anti Shak e feat u re to red u ce image b l u r d u e to s ub ject mo v ement or hand mo v e ment w hen shooting a mo v ing s ub je ct u sing telephoto, w hen shooting a fast-mo v ing s ub ject, or w hen shooting u nder dim lighting conditions .
111 USING BEST SHOT IMPORT ANT! • Anti Shake w ill not w ork u nless the ISO sensiti v ity setting (page 135) is set to “A u to”. • Tho u gh “ ” (Anti Shake) is displayed on th e monitor s.
112 USING BEST SHOT IMPORT ANT! • High Sensiti v ity is di sa b led follo w ing an a u toma tic flash operation u sing the “A u to Fl ash” or “Red Eye Red u ction” setting, or w h ile the fla sh setting is “Flash On” or “S oft Flash”.
113 USING BEST SHOT BEST SHOT has t w o B u siness Sho t scenes from w hich to choose. ■ Selecting a Business Shot Scene 1. In the REC mode, press [BS]. 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to select the “Business cards and documents” or the “White board, etc.
114 USING BEST SHOT 2. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the candidate you want to use for correction. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Correct” and then press [SET]. This w ill correct the imag e and store the res u lting (correcte d) image. • To cancel the co rrection op eration, se lect “Cancel ”.
115 USING BEST SHOT W ith Old Photo, yo u can record th e image of an ol d, faded photograph a nd then u se the camera’s bu ilt-in ad v anced digit al camera tech nology to res tore it. ■ Before Recording with Old Photo • Make s u re the entire photog raph yo u are tryi ng to record is enclosed w ithi n the monitor s creen.
116 USING BEST SHOT ■ Recording an Image with Old Photo 1. Press the shutter button to shoot the image. • This display s a photograph conto u r confi rmation screen and the n sa v es the original re corded imag e.
117 USING BEST SHOT IMPORT ANT! • Digital zoom is d isa b led w hile recordin g w ith Old Ph oto. Ho w e v er, yo u can u se opt ical zoom. • W hen recordi ng the image of a ph otograph, t he camera w ill not b e a b le to reco gnize the sh ape of the photograph i n the follo w ing cases.
118 USING BEST SHOT 1. In the REC mode, press [BS]. 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to select “Layout”, and then press [SET]. 3. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select a b ackground color. 4. Press the shutter button to record the first image. The camera w ill record the first snapshot an d then get ready for th e next one.
119 USING BEST SHOT IMPORT ANT! • Only the fina l m u lti-snapshot ima ge is sa v ed in camera memory. The indi v id u al snapshots are not sa v ed. • The size of th e m u lti-snapshot i mage for this ope ration is fixed a u tomat ically at 7M (3072 × 23 04 pixels).
120 USING BEST SHOT 4. Press the shutter button all the way to record the image. • This w ill record the area enclose d w ithin the crop ping b o u ndary. IMPORT ANT! • Only the pa rt of the i mage w ithin the cropping b o u ndary w ill b e recorded.
121 ADVANCED SETTINGS ADVANCED SETTINGS Yo u r camera pr o v ides yo u w ith the fi v e foc u s modes descri b ed b elo w . The initi al factory defa u lt foc u s mode is A u to Foc u s. * “Foc u s Rang e” indicates dis tance from the le ns s u rface.
122 ADVANCED SETTINGS Perform the follo w ing steps to change the foc u s mode. 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 1. On the “REC” tab, select “Focus” and then press [ X ]. 2. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the focus mode setting you wa nt and then press [SET].
123 ADVANCED SETTINGS 2. When the image is focu sed, press the shutter button the rest of the way to shoot. IMPORT ANT! • A u to Foc u s b eco mes fixed foc u s w hile shooting a mo v ie.
124 ADVANCED SETTINGS NO T E • W hen Macro Foc u s cannot foc u s properly b eca u se the s ub ject is too far a w ay, th e camera w ill s w itch to the A u to Foc u s range a u tomatically (A u to Macro).
125 ADVANCED SETTINGS Auto Focus and Macro Focu s Shooting Tips Changing the Auto F ocus Area Use the fo llo w ing proced u re to change the metering a rea u sed for A u to Foc u s (AF). 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “REC” tab, sel ect “AF Area” and then press [ X ].
126 ADVANCED SETTINGS NO T E • W hen yo u select “ M u lti” as the foc u s are a, nine foc u s frames appear on the monitor screen. The cam era w ill a u tomatically de termine the optim u m foc u s frame(s), w hich w ill change to green on th e monitor scre en.
127 ADVANCED SETTINGS Using Focus Lock “Foc u s lock ” is the name of a techni q u e yo u can u se w hen yo u w ant to shoo t an imag e in w hich the s ub ject to b e foc u sed on is not w ithin t he foc u s frame in the c enter of the sc reen. • Use foc u s lock w ith “ Spot” or “ Tracking” foc u s.
128 ADVANCED SETTINGS Quick Shutter If yo u press the sh u tter bu tton all the w ay w itho u t w aiting for A u to Foc u s w hile Q u ick Sh u tter is t u rned on, the ca mera w ill record the image u sing a hi gh-speed foc u s operat ion that i s m u ch faster than nor mal A u to Foc u s.
129 ADVANCED SETTINGS Using Fixed Focus (Pan Focus) Pan Foc u s (PF) fixes foc u s for a relati v ely w ide foc u s range, w hich means yo u can s hoot w itho u t w aiting for the A u to Foc u s operation t o finish. 1. When you are ready to shoot, press the shutter button all the way, without pausing.
130 ADVANCED SETTINGS 2. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to focus the image, as you view the results on the monitor screen. At this time the image that is w ithi n the b o u ndary w ill enlarge and fill th e monitor scre en, w hich aids in f oc u sing.
131 ADVANCED SETTINGS Yo u can man u ally adj u st an image’s expos u re v al u e (EV v al u e) b efore sh ooting it. This f eat u re helps to ac hie v e b etter r es u lts w hen shootin g a b acklit s ub je ct, a strongly li t s ub ject indoors, or a s ub ject that is against a da rk b ackgro u nd .
132 ADVANCED SETTINGS 4. After the EV value is the way you want, press [SET] to apply it. The expos u re co mpensatio n v al u e yo u set remains in ef fect u ntil yo u change it.
133 ADVANCED SETTINGS NO T E • W hen “A u to” is selected for the w hite b alance s etting, the camera a u tomatically determine s the w hite point of the s ub ject.
134 ADVANCED SETTINGS ■ Configuring the White Balance Setting Manually Under compl ex lighting condition s, the preset w hite b alance settings may not b e a b le to prod u ce nat u ral looking co lors. W hen this happens , yo u can config u re the w hite b alance setting man u ally for parti c u lar lighting con ditions.
135 ADVANCED SETTINGS ISO sensiti v ity is a v al u e th at expresses sensiti v ity to light. A larger v al u e indicates h igher sensit i v ity, w hich is b etter for shooting w hen a v aila b le li ghting is di m. If yo u w ant to u se faster sh u tter spee ds, yo u sho u ld u se a higher ISO sen siti v ity v al u e.
136 ADVANCED SETTINGS IMPORT ANT! • Using flash w ith high ISO sensiti v ity can ca u se pro b lems w ith s ub jects that close t o the camera. • “A u to” ISO sens iti v ity al w ays is u se d for mo v ies, regard less of the c u rr ent ISO sensiti v ity setti ng.
137 ADVANCED SETTINGS Center W ei ghted Center w eighted meter ing concentrates on the center of t he foc u s area to meas u r e light. Use this metering method w hen yo u w ant t o exert some control o v e r expos u re, w itho u t lea v ing settings tota lly u p to the camera.
138 ADVANCED SETTINGS Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to expand the dynamic range, w hich makes it pos si b le to capt u re th e b right areas of an image w hile red u cing the chance of o v erexpos u re an d u ndere xpos u re.
139 ADVANCED SETTINGS Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to red u ce digita l noise from h u man skin in the reco rded image and enhance its text u re. 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “Quality” tab, se lect “Portrait Refiner” and then press [ X ].
140 ADVANCED SETTINGS Use the follo w ing pr oced u re to adj u st the sharpness of s ub ject o u tlines i n yo u r images. 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “Quality” tab, select “Sharpne ss” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the setting you want and then press [SET].
141 ADVANCED SETTINGS Use the follo w ing pr oced u re to adj u st the contrast of yo u r images. 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “Quality” tab, select “Contrast” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the setting you want and then press [SET].
142 ADVANCED SETTINGS IMPORT ANT! • E v en if yo u do not stamp the d ate and/or time w ith Timestamp, yo u can do so later u si ng the DPOF f u nc tion and the prin ting soft w are f u nctio n (page 21 8 ). • Once date a nd time informati on is stamped in a print, it cannot b e edited or delete d.
143 ADVANCED SETTINGS NO T E • Yo u can u se key c u stomization to config u re the [ W ] and [ X ] bu ttons so they control the EV shi ft setting. Then yo u can perform EV s hift w hile v ie w ing the res u lts on the on-screen histogram (p age 145).
144 ADVANCED SETTINGS An o v erall w ell- b alanced hi stogram res u lts w hen the o v erall im age is at optimal ligh tness. IMPORT ANT! • A centered histogram does not necessaril y g u arantee optim u m expos u re. If yo u intentionally w ant to o v er expose or u nder e xpose the imag e, yo u may not w ant a centered histogram.
145 ADVANCED SETTINGS Using Key Customize to Assign Functions [ W ] and [ X ] Key C u stomize lets yo u assig n any one of the f i v e f u nctions listed b elo w to the [ W ] an d [ X ] keys. Once yo u do, yo u w ill b e a b le to u se the assigned f u nctions w hile shootin g snapshots or mo v ies, w ith o u t going thr o u gh the men u s.
146 ADVANCED SETTINGS Displaying an On-screen Grid The on-scr een grid can b e displayed on the REC mode monitor screen for eas y alignmen t w hen composi ng images. 1. In the REC mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “REC” tab, select “Grid” and then press [ X ].
147 ADVANCED SETTINGS Using Icon Help Icon help displays g u idance text a b o u t an icon w hen yo u se lect it on the monitor scr een w hile in the REC mode. • Icon help t ext is displaye d for the fol lo w ing f u nctions: Recording mo de, metering , flash mode, w hite b alance, self- timer, EV shift.
148 ADVANCED SETTINGS Using Mode Memory to Configure Power On Default Settings Yo u can config u re the camera so it s a v es certain setting s in “mode memory” w hene v er it is t u rned off, and restores the settings th e next time yo u t u rn the camera b ack on.
149 ADVANCED SETTINGS * 1 “On” rest ores the selected B EST SHOT scen e w hen the camera is t u rn ed b ack on. “Off” exits BEST SHOT w hen the camera is t u rn ed off.
150 ADVANCED SETTINGS Resetting the Camera to Its Initial Factory Defaults Use the follo w ing pr oced u re w hen yo u w ant to ret u rn to the camera to its i nitial fa ctory defa u lt settings, w hich are th e ones that are conf ig u red w hen yo u first p u rchase the camera.
151 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES VIEWING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Use the follo w ing pr oced u re to v ie w snap shots on the camera’s monitor scre en. 1. Press [ ] to enter the PLAY mode. • This w ill disp lay one of the snapshots in memory , along w ith some info rmation a b o u t the se ttings u sed to shoot it (p age 272).
152 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES NO T E • Holding do w n [ W ] or [ X ] scrolls at high speed. • The image that in itially appears w hen scrolling may app ear to b e a b it ro u g h at first, bu t it w ill soon b e replac ed b y an image w ith b etter definition .
153 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Audio Playback Controls Yo u can adj u st v ol u me w hile pl ay b ack is in p rogress or pa u se d only. Use the follo w ing proced u re to v ie w a mo v ie on the camera’ s monitor scr een. 1. Enter the PLAY mode and then use [ W ] and [ X ] to display the mo vie you want to play.
154 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES To switch to the REC mode Press [ ]. Movie Playback Controls IMPORT ANT! • Play b ack may not b e possi b le for mo v ies not recor ded w ith this camer a. To do this: Do this: Fast for w ard or fast re v erse play b ack.
155 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Playing Back a Movie with Anti Shake Use the follo w ing pr oced u re w hen yo u w ant to play b ack a mo v ie w ith Anti Shake. Anti Shake is partic u larly u sef u l w hen yo u ha v e the camera connec ted to a TV for v ie w ing, sinc e the effects of camera mo v ement are more e v ident on a b ig scre en.
156 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES The slidesh o w feat u re lets yo u play t he files stored in memory in seq u ence, a u tomati cally. Yo u can config u re the slides ho w so it play s the files t he w ay yo u w ant. 1. In the PLAY mode, press [MENU].
157 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Start” and then press [SET] to start the slideshow. The slidesh o w is performed in accordanc e w ith the s ettings yo u config u red a b o v e. • Yo u can also s croll thro u gh images d u r ing a slidesho w b y pressing [ X ] (for w ard) and [ W ] ( b ack).
158 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES IMPORT ANT! • All bu tton operation s are disa b led w hile the slides ho w is s w itching fr om one image to ano ther. W ait u ntil an image is stopped on the display b efore p erforming a bu tt on operation. If a bu tton does not w ork, w ait a b it and try again.
159 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Transferring Background Music to the Camera Yo u can select b ackgro u nd m u sic after its file ha s b een sa v ed to the memory card o r the camera’s bu ilt in memory . 1. Connect the camera to your computer (pages 226, 245).
160 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES IMPORT ANT! • The b ackgro u nd m u sic files w ill b e loop played in seq u ence. • If b oth the memory card loaded in the camera and the camera’s bu ilt-in memory contain b ackgro u nd m u sic files, the files on th e memory card are played.
161 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES 2. Press the USB cradle’s [PHOTO] button to start the slidesh ow. The slidesho w is performed in accordance w ith the sett ings yo u config u red w ith the proced u re on page 156. The camera w ill t u rn off a u tomatically after the time yo u s pecified w ith the “Time ” setting elap ses.
162 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Use the proc ed u re b elo w to v ie w snapshots and mo v ies on a TV screen. 1. Connect the USB cradle to a TV. 2. Turn off the camera and place it onto the USB cradle. 3. Turn on the TV and select i ts video input mode.
163 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES IMPORT ANT! • W hen connecti ng to a TV to disp lay images , b e s u re to config u re the camera’s [ ] (REC ) and [ ] (PLAY) bu ttons for “Po w er On” or “Po w er On/Off” (page 20 8 ). • All icons an d indicators that appear on t he monitor scr een also appear on the TV screen.
164 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES ■ Selecting the Screen Aspect Ratio and Video Output System Yo u can u se the proced u re in this section to select either NTSC or PAL as the v id eo o u tp u t system. Yo u can also specif y an aspect rati o of 4:3 or 16:9 .
165 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Perform the follo w ing proced u re to zoom the image c u rrently on the monitor sc reen u p to eight times its normal size. 1. In the PLAY mode, use [ W ] and [ X ] to display the snapshot you want to zoom. 2. Press the zoom button () .
166 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to display a scr een that sho w s 12 images . 1. Press the zoom button () . This displa ys the 12-im age screen w ith a selection b o u ndary ar o u nd the last image that w as on the monitor scre en.
167 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to move the selection boun dary to the date whose image you want to view and then press [SET].
168 VIE W ING SNAPSHOTS AND MOVIES Image Ro u lette scrolls thr o u gh image s on the monit or screen, finally st opping ran domly at a fi nal image. It p u ts some f u n into image v ie w ing that yo u can u se for g ame playing, to a w ar d prices, f or fort u netelling, and j u st a b o u t anythin g else yo u can imagine.
169 EDITING IMAGES EDITING IMAGES Yo u can red u ce the size of a snapsh ot and sa v e the res u lt as a separate sna pshot. The original sna pshot is also retained. Yo u can resize a sna pshot to an y one of the fol lo w ing sizes. * M stands for “Mega”, w hich means “million”.
170 EDITING IMAGES IMPORT ANT! • Yo u cannot re size a VGA (640 × 4 8 0 pixels) size image. • Resizing a snapshot shot w ith an aspect rat io of 16:9 or 3:2 w ill ca u se the le ft and right si des of the ima ge to b e c u t off. The aspect ra tio of the res u lting image w il l b e 4:3.
171 EDITING IMAGES 4. Use the zoom button to zoom, and [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to move around the zoomed image to display the part you want to extract. 5. Press [SET] to extract the displayed part and save it as a separate file. • To exit th e cropping pro ced u re at any time b efore yo u press [SET] , press [M ENU].
172 EDITING IMAGES 4. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the candidate you want to correct. 5. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Correct” and then press [SET].
173 EDITING IMAGES 6. Press the zoom button to zoom the croppi ng boundary. 7. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to move the selection boun dary to the desired location and then press [SET]. The camera w ill correct color a u tomatically and sa v e th e corrected i mage.
174 EDITING IMAGES Use the proc ed u re in thi s section t o change th e date an d time of a pre v io u sly re corded image. 1. In the PLAY mode, use [ W ] and [ X ] to display the image whose date and time you want to edit. 2. Press [MENU]. 3. On the “PLAY” tab, select “Date/Time” and then press [ X ].
175 EDITING IMAGES Perform the follo w ing proce d u re to rotat e the ima ge (snapshot or mo v ie) c u rrently on the monitor screen. This feat u re comes in handy w ith a snapshot that yo u shot u sing portrait ( v ertical) orientati on. After ro tating a sn apshot, yo u c an ret u rn it to its original orientati on, if y o u w ant.
176 EDITING IMAGES Yo u can u se the follo w ing proced u re to insert snapsh ots into the frames of a lay o u t and prod u ce a ne w image that cont ains m u ltiple snaps hots. 1. In the PLAY mode, use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the first snapshot you wa nt to include in the layout.
177 EDITING IMAGES 7. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to select the snapshot for the layout and then press [SET]. 8 . Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all of the othe r frames in the layout. The final layo u t image w ill b e sa v ed after yo u inser t the final snapshot i nto it .
178 EDITING IMAGES • Normally, the in itially selected w hite b alance settin g on the a b o v e men u is the on e that w as u sed w hen yo u originall y recorded the ima ge. If y o u u sed the “A u to” or “Man u al” w hite b alance settin g w hen yo u record ed the image, “C ancel” w ill b e selected (page 132) .
179 EDITING IMAGES 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select the s etting you want, and then press [SET]. • To cancel the b right ness adj u stment operation, pre ss [ W ] or [MENU]. IMPORT ANT! • Adj u sting the b rightness of an image create s a ne w image w ith the ne w b righ tness le v e l.
180 EDITING IMAGES IMPORT ANT! • Performing Dy namic Range c orrection on an image c a u ses the ne w (corre cted) v ersion to b e sto red as a separat e file. • W hen yo u display a co rrected image on the camera’s monitor screen , the date and time indicates w hen the image w as or iginally r ecorded, n ot w hen the imag e w as corrected.
181 EDITING IMAGES 3. Press [ T ]. • Yo u co u ld also p erform the follo w ing steps in plac e of steps 1 thro u gh 3 a b o v e. 1 In the PLAY mode, selec t the mo v ie yo u w ant to ed it and then p ress [MEN U]. 2 On the “PLAY” ta b , select “Mo v ie Editing” and then press [ X ].
182 EDITING IMAGES 6. Press [ T ] to perform the required cut operation(s). 7. In response to the conf irmation message that appears, use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Yes” and then press [SET]. • To cancel mo v ie edi ting, selec t “No” inst ead of “Ye s” and then press [SET].
183 EDITING IMAGES 1. In the PLAY mode, use [ W ] and [ X ] to scroll through images and display the movie that contains the frame you want to use. 2. Press [MENU]. 3. On the “PLAY” tab, select “MO TION PRINT”, and then press [ X ]. 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select either “9 frames” or “1 frame”.
184 USING A UDIO USING AUDIO The d ubb ing feat u re of yo u r camera le ts yo u add a u dio to a snapshot a fter yo u shoot i t. A snapshot tha t incl u des a u dio (regardles s of w hether th e a u dio w as reco rded on the spot or added late r) is indica ted b y the “ ” icon.
185 USING A UDIO ■ Re-recording Snapshot Audio IMPORT ANT! • Note that yo u ca nnot restore the origin al a u dio once yo u delete or re -record the a u dio of a snapsh ot. 1. In the PLAY mode, use [ W ] and [ X ] to scroll through images and display the snapshot whose audio you wa nt to re-record.
186 USING A UDIO Voice Recording let s yo u record a u dio only, w itho u t a snap shot or mo v ie. Using bu ilt-in memory only, yo u get u p to a b o u t 33 min u tes, 43 seconds of Vo ice Recordin g. 1. In the REC mode, press [BS]. 2. Use [ S ], [ T ], [ W ], and [ X ] to select “Voice Recordin g” and then press [SET].
187 USING A UDIO NO T E • Yo u can also play b ack Voice Recor ding data on yo u r comp u ter u sing Q u ickTime. • Yo u r camera s u pports the follo w ing a u dio data format s. –A u dio Data: W AVE/ADPCM ( . W AV extensio n) – Approximat e A u dio File Size: 165 KB (30-s econd recording a t 5.
188 USING A UDIO Voice Recording Playback Controls To do this: Do this: Fast for w ard or fast re v erse play b ack. Hold do w n [ X ] or [ W ]. Pa u se or rest art play b ack Press [SET]. J u mp to a marker in the a u dio data w hile play b ack is pa u sed.
189 MANAGING YOUR FILES MANAGING YOUR FILES Yo u r camera tr eats each snapshot , mo v ie, a nd Voice Re cording, as a sep arate fi le. Yo u can delet e, protect, an d copy files as req u ired. Files are gro u ped in folders that are creat ed a u tomatically b y the camera.
190 MANAGING YOUR FILES NO T E • Yo u can v ie w folder and file names on yo u r comp u ter. For details a b o u t ho w file names are displayed on th e camera’s monitor screen , see page 272.
191 MANAGING YOUR FILES 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “On” and then press [SET]. An image that is protected is indicated b y the “ ” icon. 5. Now you can repeat step s 3 and 4 to protect another image or exit this procedure by pressing [MENU].
192 MANAGING YOUR FILES The FAVORITE folder is located in the camera’s bu ilt-in memory, and yo u ca n u se it to store pe rsonal sna pshots that yo u do not w ant display ed d u ring normal PL AY mode operations . FAVORITE folder snapshots remain in camera memory, e v en if yo u change to a diffe rent memory card.
193 MANAGING YOUR FILES ■ Viewing Snapshots in the FAVORITE Folder 1. In the PLAY mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “PLAY” tab, select “Favorites” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Show” and then press [SET]. 4. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to scroll through the snapshots in the FAVORITE folder.
194 MANAGING YOUR FILES Files can b e cop ied from the ca mera’s bu ilt-in memory to a memory card, or fr om a memory card to bu ilt-in memory. This makes it po ssi b le, for exampl e, to perform the fo llo w ing steps and copy a file from yo u r memory card to anothe r person’s memory card.
195 MANAGING YOUR FILES ■ Copying a Single File f rom a Memory Card to Built-in Memory W ith this pr oced u re, files m u s t b e copied one- b y- one. 1. Load the memory card th at contains the file you want to copy into the camera. 2. Turn on the camera, en ter the PLAY mode and then press [MENU].
196 DELETING FILES DELETING FILES Yo u can delete fil es yo u no longer need, or afte r yo u transfer them to yo u r co mp u ter’s hard disk or print them. This frees u p memory for ne w files. Yo u can delete one sp ecific file, or yo u can dele te all files c u rrently in mem ory.
197 DELETING FILES 1. In the PLAY mode, press [ T ] ( ). 2. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “All Files Delete” and then press [SET]. 3. In response to the conf irmation message that appears, use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Yes”. • To cancel the de lete operat ion, select “No” instead of “Yes”.
198 OTHER SETTINGS OTHER SETTINGS Yo u r camera le ts yo u config u re the follo w ing so u nd settings. • Type of so u nd and v ol u me for sh u tter release and othe r operation s • Vol u me le v el for mo v ie and Voice Recording pl ay b ack ■ Selecting the Operation Sound 1.
199 OTHER SETTINGS ■ Setting the Operation Tone Volume Level 1. Press [MENU]. 2. On the “Set Up” tab, se lect “Sounds” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “ Opera tion”. 4. Use [ W ] and [ X ] to specify the playback volume setting you want and then press [SET].
200 OTHER SETTINGS Yo u can config u re the camera to di splay a start u p screen of an image yo u re corded, w hene v er yo u t u rn it on . • E v en if yo u c onfig u re start u p screen settings in t he PLAY mode, the sta rt u p screen does not appear w hen t u rn on the camera b y pressing [ ] (PLAY).
201 OTHER SETTINGS Use the follo w ing pr oced u re to speci fy the r u le that go v erns generation of the serial n u m b er u sed in file names (p age 1 8 9). 1. Press [MENU]. 2. On the “Set Up” tab, select “Fil e No.” and then press [ X ]. 3.
202 OTHER SETTINGS W hen changing t he date and time setting, b e s u re to do so for yo u r Home City (the l ocation w here yo u normally u se the camera).
203 OTHER SETTINGS ■ Setting the Date and Tim e for Your Home City 1. Press [MENU]. 2. On the “Set Up” tab, sel ect “Adjust” and then press [ X ]. 3. Set the date and the time. 4. After all of the setting s are the way you want, press [SET] to exit the setting screen.
204 OTHER SETTINGS NO T E • This setting also affect s the Operat ion Panel date format as sho w n b elo w (page 55). Yo u can u se the W orld T ime screen to v ie w th e c u rrent time in zone that is dif ferent from yo u r Home City w hen yo u go on a trip, etc.
205 OTHER SETTINGS 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “City” and then press [ X ]. • To config u re the s u mmer time setting, u se [ S ] and [ T ] to select “DST” and then select “On ”. • S u mmer time is u sed in some areas t o ad v ance the c u rrent time sett ing b y one ho u r d u ring the s u mmer months.
206 OTHER SETTINGS Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to select a display t ext lang u age. • The n u m b er and ty pes of lang u ages depend on the geographic area w here the ca mera w as mark eted. 1. Press [MENU]. 2. On the “Set Up” tab, select “Language” and then press [ X ].
207 OTHER SETTINGS Yo u can u se the proc ed u re b elo w to change the USB comm u nication pr otocol that is u sed w hen exchanging data w ith a comp u ter, print er, or oth er external de v ice. Selec t the protocol that s u its the de v ice to w hich yo u are conn ecting.
208 OTHER SETTINGS Yo u config u re the camera so it does not t u rn on w hen yo u press the [ ] (REC) or [ ] (PLAY) bu tton, or to t u rn o ff w hen yo u press the [ ] (REC ) or [ ] (PLAY) bu tton. 1. Press [MENU]. 2. On the “Set Up” tab, select “REC/PLAY” and then press [ X ].
209 OTHER SETTINGS Formatting bu ilt-in memory deletes a ny data stored in it. IMPORT ANT! • Note that da ta deleted b y a format operation cannot b e reco v ered . Check to make s u re yo u do not need any of the data in bu ilt-in memory b efore yo u format it.
210 PRINTING PRINTING There are thr ee different methods yo u can u se for printing imag es. Types of Printing Professional Print Serv ice (page 211) Take the memory card that cont ains the imag es yo u w ant to pr int to a professi onal print ser v ice.
211 PRINTING ■ Printing Precautions • See the doc u men tation that comes w ith yo u r printer for information a b o u t print q u ality and paper se ttings. • Contact t he man u fact u rer of yo u r printer to find o u t if it s u pports PictBrid ge or USB DIRECT-PRINT, for ne w prin ter v ersions, etc.
212 PRINTING If yo u r printer is either of the types descr i b ed b elo w , yo u can u se it to print w itho u t going thro u gh a comp u ter. – Printer eq u ipped w ith a card slot for th e type o.
213 PRINTING 4. Connect the USB cable that comes bundled with the camera to the USB cradle and your printer’s USB port. • Also, conn ect the AC adapt or to th e cradle and pl u g the adaptor int o an electrical o u tlet. • If yo u do not pl an to u se the AC adapto r, make s u re that the camera’s b at tery is f u lly charged.
214 PRINTING 9. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Paper Size” and then press [ X ]. 10. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select a paper size and then press [SET]. • The follo w ing are the a v aila b le pape r sizes. 3.5" × 5", 5" × 7", 4" × 6", A4, 8 .
215 PRINTING 12. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Print” and then press [SET]. Printing w ill start and the messa ge “B u sy... Please w ait. ..” w ill appear on the moni tor screen. The messag e w ill disappear af ter a short w hile, e v en tho u gh printing is still b eing perf ormed.
216 PRINTING ■ Configuring DPOF Settings Individually for Each Image 1. In the PLAY mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “PLAY” tab, select “DPOF Printing” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Select images” and then press [ X ].
217 PRINTING ■ Configuring the Same DPOF Settings for All the Images 1. In the PLAY mode, press [MENU]. 2. On the “PLAY” tab, select “DPOF Printing” and then press [ X ]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “All images” and then press [ X ].
218 PRINTING Date Stamping Yo u can u se any one of the follo w ing three methods to in cl u de the record ing date in th e printo u t of an image. • Configure DPOF settings on the camera to sp ecif.
219 PRINTING Yo u r camera s u pports the prot ocols descri b ed b elo w . ■ PictBridge and USB DIRECT-PRINT • PictBridge Camera and Imag ing Prod u cts Associat ion (CIPA) • USB DIRECT-PRINT Se.
220 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER USING THE CAMERA WITH A COMPUTER Connecti ng the camera to a comp u ter w ith th e bu ndled USB ca b le pro v ides yo u w ith the capa b iliti es descri b ed b el o w .
221 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER The proced u res yo u need to perform w hen u sing th e camera w ith yo u r comp u ter and w he n u sing the bu ndled soft w are are different f or W indo w s and the Macintosh. • W indo w s u sers sho u ld refer to “ Using the Camera w ith a W indo w s Comp u ter” on page 221.
222 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Edit mo v ies Vista/XP/ 2000 Movie Wizard 3.2 SE VCD • Yo u also need to install DirectX, Microsoft W indo w s Media Player, Q u ickTime 7, and Flash Player separately.
223 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Computer System Requirements for Bundled Software Comp u ter system req u irements are differen t for each of the applicati ons. Be s u re to ch eck the req u irements for the partic u lar applicati on yo u are trying to u se.
224 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Movie Wizard 3.2 SE VCD VideoStudio 10 Plus for CASIO (T rial Version) * 30-day trial version IMPORT ANT! • For details a b o u t the minim u m system re q u irements for each soft w are application, see the “Read me” f iles on the CD-ROM that comes bu ndled w ith the camera.
225 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Viewing and Storing Images on a Computer Yo u can v ie w and store images (snapshot and mo v ie files) on yo u r comp u ter b y connecting to th e camera v ia its USB cradle. Yo u can connec t the camera to yo u r comp u ter to v ie w and s tore images (snaps hot and mo v ie files).
226 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Connecting the Camera to Your Computer the First Time IMPORT ANT! • If yo u are not u sing the AC adaptor to po w er th e camera, the b attery may go lo w and ca u se the camera to t u rn off w hile it is in the middle of exc hanging files w ith yo u r comp u ter.
227 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 3. Press the camera’s [ON/OF F] button to turn it on and then press [MENU]. • Do not place the ca mera on the USB cra dle yet. 4. On the “Set Up” tab, select “USB” and then press [ X ]. 5. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Mass Storage” and then press [SET].
228 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Camera-Computer Co nnection Pressing the crad le’s [USB] bu tton p u ts it into the USB mode , w hich is indi cated b y the USB lamp lighting gr een.
229 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Connecting the Camera to Your Computer after the First Time Since yo u need to config u re men u settings only th e first time yo u connect the ca mera to yo u r comp u ter, later co nnection s are m u ch simpler.
230 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 5. Double-cli ck the file th at contains the image you want to view. This displa ys the image . • For informati on a b o u t file names, se e “Memory Fold er Str u ct u re” on page 253 .
231 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 4. On the shortcut menu that appears, click “Copy”. 5. Windows XP users: Click “Start” and then “My Documents”. Windows Vista users: Click “Start” and then “Documents”. Windows 2000/Me/98SE/ 98 users: Double- click “My Documents” to open it.
232 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Removing the Camera from the USB Cradle Windows Vista/XP/98SE/98 Users Press the USB cr adle [USB] bu tton. After makin g s u re that th e cradle’s USB lamp is not lit, remo v e the camera fro m the cradle.
233 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 3. Click “Photo Loader wi th HOT ALBUM 3.1” to select it and then click “Rea d me”. • “Read me” files contain impor tant information a b o u t installatio n, incl u ding installat ion conditio ns and comp u ter system req u ireme nts.
234 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Playing Movies Yo u can play b ack mo v ies o n a comp u ter that has Q u ickTime 7 o r higher inst alled. To play b ack a mo v ie, first copy it to yo u r comp u ter and then do ub le-click the mo v ie file. 1. Start up your computer , and place the bund led CD-ROM into its CD-ROM drive.
235 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER IMPORT ANT! • The a b o v e is the recommende d en v ironment. Config u ring this en v ironment does not g u ar antee proper operation.
236 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 3. Click “YouTube Uploader for CASIO” to sel ect it and then click “Read me.” • “Read me” files contain impor tant information a b o u t installatio n, incl u ding installat ion conditio ns and comp u ter system req u ireme nts.
237 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 4. Press the USB cradle’s [USB] button. • Yo u T ub e Uploader for CASIO w ill start u p a u tomatically. • The first time y o u start u p Yo u T ub e Uplo.
238 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Editing a Movie In order to edi t mo v ies on yo u r PC, yo u need to inst all Mo v ie W izard 3.2 SE VCD f rom the bu ndled CD-ROM. NO T E • The Mo v ie W izard 3.2 SE VCD ap plication th at comes on the bu ndle d CD-ROM can create Video-CDs, bu t it cannot created DVDs .
239 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Transferring Images to the Camera In order to ret u rn images fr om yo u r comp u ter memory b ack to the camera, in stall Photo Transport on yo u r comp u ter from the CD-ROM that comes w ith the camera. ■ Installing Photo Transport 1.
240 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 3. Drop the image data you want to transfer to the camera onto the Photo Transport Transfer button. Mo v e yo u r mo u se pointer to the i mage file yo u w ant to transfer, a nd then hold do w n yo u r mo u se bu tton.
241 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Transferring screen captures to the camera 1. First, connect the camera to your computer. • See page 226 for informatio n a b o u t connecting the camera to yo u r comp u ter. 2. On your computer, click “Start”, “All Programs”, “Casio” and then “Photo Transport”.
242 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 6. Follow the instr uctions that appea r on the display to transfer a ca pture of the selected area to the camera. • The image tra nsfer method and detaile d image settings u sed depen d on the Photo Transport setti ngs.
243 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER IMPORT ANT! • Yo u m u st ha v e Ado b e Reader or Ado b e Ac ro b at Reader installed o n yo u r comp u ter in order to v ie w the contents of a PDF file.
244 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ System Requirements System req u ire ments are di fferent fo r each of the app lications . Be s u re to check the r eq u irements for th e partic u lar applica tion yo u are trying to u se . Note that the v al u es p ro v ided here ar e minim u m req u irements for r u nning e ach applicati on.
245 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Viewing and Storing Images on a Macintosh Yo u can v ie w and store images (snapshot and mo v ie files) on yo u r Macintos h b y connecting to the camera. IMPORT ANT! • Connection is not s u p ported to a Maci ntosh r u nning Mac OS 8 .
246 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 2. Connect the USB cable that comes bundled with the camera to the USB cradle and the USB port of your Macintosh. • Orient the USB pl u g so it correctly matche s the shape of the USB port w hen yo u connect them.
247 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER 7. Press the USB cradle’s [USB] button. Camera-Macintosh Conn ection Pressing th e cradle’s [U SB] bu tton p u ts it into the USB mode, w hich is indic ated b y the USB lamp lig hting green.
248 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Connecting the Camera to You r Macintosh after the First Time Since yo u need to config u re men u settings only th e first time yo u connect the ca mera to yo u r Maci ntosh, later connections ar e m u ch simpler.
249 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Saving an Image on Your Macintosh In order to w ork on an image t o p u t it into an al bu m, yo u m u st first sa v e it to yo u r Macintos h. To sa v e a camera image to yo u r Macintosh, yo u m u st first esta b lish a connection b et w een them v ia the camera’s USB cradle.
250 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Removing the Camera from the USB C radle 1. On your Macintosh screen, drag the camera drive to Tra sh. 2. Press the USB cradle [USB] button. After making sure that the cradle’s USB lamp is not lit, remove the camera from the cradle.
251 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER Playing Movies Yo u can u se Q u ickTime, w hich comes bu ndled w ith yo u r operating syst em, to play b ack mo v ies. To pl ay b ack a mo v ie, first copy the mo v ie to yo u r Macintosh and then do ub le- click the mo v ie file.
252 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER The method y o u sho u ld u se to read file s from a memory card depends on the type of comp u ter yo u ha v e. Some typical examples are sh o w n b elo w . After yo u connect, u se the same proced u res as th ose that yo u u se w hen the camera is connec ted to yo u r comp u ter v ia the USB cra dle.
253 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER The camera stor es images yo u sho ot and other da ta in accordance w ith the De sign R u le for Camera File System (DCF). ■ About DCF DCF is a system tha t defines b oth image file formats and the str u ct u re of the folder s that store dat a.
254 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER (Backgro u nd M u sic Folder) (Backgro u nd M u sic File) (Backgro u nd M u sic File) (Start u p Screen File ) * 1 Other f olders are crea ted w hen the foll o w ing BEST SHOT scenes are u sed fo r recordi ng: “For eBay” or “A u ction” (scene name depe nds on camera mode l), or “For Yo u T ub e”.
255 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER • DPOF File Folder Folder that co ntains DPOF fil es, etc. • Snapshot BEST SHOT Folder Folder that contains snapsho t BEST SHOT u ser set u p files • Snaps.
256 USING TH E CAMERA W ITH A COMPUTER ■ Built-in Memory and Memory Car d Data Handling Precautions • W hen sa v ing camera data to a co mp u ter hard disk, MO disk, or other med i u m, b e s u re to transfer the entire DCIM folder and its cont ents.
257 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) TRANSFERRING DOCUMENTS TO YOUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) Yo u can u se CASIO DATA T RANSPORT to transfe r doc u ments, w e b page images, an d other doc u ments yo u can v ie w on yo u comp u ter screen to the camer a.
258 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) 2. On the menu screen, click the tab for the language you want. • Regardless o f the lang u age yo u se lect, the English v ersion of CASIO DATA TRANSPORT is installed. 3. Click the DATA TRANSPORT “Read me” file and read its contents.
259 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) 4. Click the [OK] button. This w ill display a dia log b ox for c u stomiz ing doc u ment file propertie s (date, file n ame, icon). 5. Check the current data settings (date, file name, icon) and then click the [OK] button.
260 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) 3. Double-cli ck “TRAN SPORT_Installer”. 4. Follow the in structions in the “readme” fi le to install CASIO DATA TRANSPORT. ■ Transferring documents 1. First, connect the came ra to your Macintosh.
261 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) 1. On the camera, select either the REC mode or the PLAY mode. 2. Press [DATA]. This enter s the data mode and display s a men u of doc u ments c u rrently in camera memory. • The c u rrently se lected doc u ment is th e one w ith the red b o u ndary aro u nd it .
262 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) NO T E • Pressing [S ET] or the zoom bu tton togg les b et w een the doc u ment men u and th e doc u ment page sc reens. • Pressing [D ISP] w hile the doc u me nt page screen is on the display w ill di splay a men u scre en for confi g u ring screen settings.
263 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) Specifying the Ini tial Data Mode Screen Yo u can u se the foll o w ing proced u re to config u re the camera so either th e doc u ment data list or the las t doc u ment page yo u w ere v ie w ing appe ars first w hene v er yo u press [DA TA] to enter the data mode .
264 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) Protecting Document Data Yo u can protect a s pecific doc u ment or all d oc u ments agai nst deletion (me mory prote ct). ■ To protect a specific document 1. Press [DATA]. 2. Press [MENU].
265 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) ■ To protect all documents 1. Press [DATA]. 2. Press [MENU]. 3. On the “DATA” tab, select “Protect”, and then press [ X ]. 4. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “All Files : On” and then press [SET].
266 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) To delete all the pages in a do cument page 1. Display a p age in the document whose pa ges you want to delete and then press [ T ] ( ). 2. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “All pages” and then press [SET].
267 TRANSF ERRING DO CUMENTS TO Y OUR CAMERA (DATA STORAGE) To delete all document s 1. While the document menu is displayed, press [MENU]. 2. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “All docs” and then press [SET]. 3. Use [ S ] and [ T ] to select “Yes”.
268 APPENDIX APPENDIX The n u m b ers in paren theses indi cate the pages w here each par t is explained . ■ Camera Front Back General Guide 1 Sh u tter (pa ge 64) 2 [ON/OFF] (Po w er) (page 43) 3 F.
269 APPENDIX Bottom ■ USB Cradle Front Back ck Battery/Memo ry Card Slots ( pages 36, 4 8 ) cl Cradle C ontact (pag e 3 8 ) cm Tripod Hole Use this hole w hen attachin g to a tripod.
270 APPENDIX The monitor scree n u ses v ario u s indicat ors, icons , and v al u es to keep yo u infor med of the camera’s stat u s. • The sample scre ens in this section are inte nded to sho w yo u the locations of al l the indicators and fig u res that can app ear on the monitor screen in v ario u s modes.
271 APPENDIX ■ Movie Recording Mode Panel : On Panel : Off 2 1 4 3 8 9 6 5 7 16 2 8 7 9 5 3 4 1 Foc u s Mode (page 121) 2 Recording Mod e 3 Remaining Mo v ie Memory Capacity (p age 95) 4 Mo v ie Rec.
272 APPENDIX ■ Snapshot Playback Mode 1 File Type (page 151) 2 Protect Ind icator (page 190) 3 Folder Name/File Name (page 1 8 9) 4 Snapshot Image Q u ality (page 6 8 ) 5 Snapshot Image Size (page 6.
273 APPENDIX The ta b les in this section sho w the items that appears on th e men u s that appear on the monitor scr een w hen yo u press [MENU]. The item s incl u ded on the men u s depend on w hether the camera is in th e REC mode or PLAY mode. • An asteri sk ( * ) indicate s reset defa u lt setti ngs.
274 APPENDIX Quality Tab Menu Size 8 M (3264 × 244 8 ) * / 3:2 (3264 × 2176) / 16:9 (3264 × 1 8 40) / 6M (2 8 16 × 2112) / 4M (2304 × 172 8 ) / 2M ( 1600 × 1200) / VGA (640 × 4 8 0) Quality (Snapshots) Fine / Normal * / Economy Quality (Movie s) UHQ / UHQ W ide / HQ * / HQ W ide / Normal / LP EV Shift –2.
275 APPENDIX Set Up Tab Menu Sounds Start u p * / Half Sh u tter / Sh u tter / Ope ration / Operation / Play Startup On (Selecta b le image) / Off * File No. Contin u e * / Reset Language Changes the screen text lang u age. • The n u m b er and types of lang u ages depend on the geographic area w here the ca mera w as marketed.
276 APPENDIX ■ PLAY Mode PLAY Tab Menu “Set Up” Tab • The conten ts of the “Set Up” ta b are the sa me in the REC mode and PLAY mode. Slideshow Start * / Images / Time / Inter v al / Ef fe.
277 APPENDIX The ta b les in this section sho w the items that appears on th e men u s that appear on the monitor scr een w hen yo u press [DISP]. Most of these items ar e for config u rin g monitor screen settings. Th e items incl u ded on the men u s depend on w hether the camera is in th e REC mode or PLAY mode.
278 APPENDIX ■ REC Mode IMPORT ANT! • Ne v er remo v e the memory card from the camer a w hile t he operation lamp i s flashing g reen. Doing so w ill ca u se t he image yo u sh ot to b e lost. ■ PLAY mode Operation Lamp Meaning Color Status Green Lit Operational (Po w er on, recording ena b led).
279 APPENDIX ■ USB Cradle Indicator Lamps The USB crad le has t w o indicator lamp s: a [CHARGE] lamp and a USB lamp. These lamp s light and flas h to indicate t he c u rrent operationa l stat u s of the c radle and camer a.
280 APPENDIX Finding the Problem and Fixing It Troubleshooting Guide Problem Possible Causes and Action Power Supply Po w er does not t u rn on. 1) The b attery may not b e oriented correctly (page 36). 2) The b attery may b e dea d. Charge the b attery (page 36).
281 APPENDIX The s ub ject is o u t of foc u s in the recorded image. The image may not b e foc u sed properly. W hen composing the image, make s u re the s ub ject is located inside the foc u s frame. The flash does not fire. 1 ) If “ ” (Flash Off) is select ed as the flash mode, change to anoth er mode (page 75).
282 APPENDIX Tho u gh a v aila b le lighting is b right, the fa ces of people in the image are dark. Not eno u gh light is reaching the s ub jects. Change the flash mode setting to “ ” (Flash On) for daylight synchro flash (page 75), or u se adj u st EV sh ift to the + side (page 131).
283 APPENDIX Playback The color of the play b ack image is different fr om w hat appears on the monitor screen w hen shooting. S u nlight or li ght from another so u rce may b e shining directly into the lens w hen yo u are shooting. Position the camera so s u nlight does not shine directly int o the lens.
284 APPENDIX Other The w rong date an d time are displayed. The date and time setting is off. Set the correct date and time (page 202). The messages on the display are in the w rong lang u age. The w rong display lang u ag e is selected. Change the display lang u age setting (pag e 206).
285 APPENDIX Display Messages ALERT The camera’s protection f u nction may ha v e acti v ated b eca u se camera temperat u re is too high. T u rn off the camera and w ait u ntil it cools do w n b efore trying to u se it ag ain. • Any of the follo w ing may occ u r after the “ALERT” message appears.
286 APPENDIX Load paper! The prin ter ran o u t of paper w h ile printing. Memory Fu ll Memory is f u ll w ith images yo u recorded and/ or of files sa v ed b y editing operations. Delete files yo u no longer need (page 196). No Favorites file ! The FAVORITE folder does not contain any files.
287 APPENDIX ■ Main Specifications ■ Camera Functions Specifications Product Type Digital Camera Model EX-S 88 0 Image Fil es Format Snapshots: JPEG (Exif Version 2. 2); DCF (Design R u le for Camera File System) 1.0 st andard; DPOF compliant Mo v ies: H.
288 APPENDIX 2M (1600 × 1200) Fine 1.26 MB 8 images 767 images Normal 790 KB 13 images 1224 images Economy 470 KB 23 images 2057 images VGA (640 × 4 8 0) Fine 330 KB 33 images 2930 images Normal 190.
289 APPENDIX * The n u m b er of image v al u es are appro ximate and are pro v ided for reference only. The act u al n u m b er of images yo u may b e a b le to record may b e less than that indicated on the monitor screen. * Image files sizes are approximate and are pro v ided for reference only.
290 APPENDIX Sensitiv ity Snapshots (Standard): A u to, ISO 64, ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO 400, IS O 8 00 • Snapshots ( W hen “Anti S hake” setting is “A u to”): ISO 8 00 (maxim u m) Snapshots ( .
291 APPENDIX ■ Power Supply Approxima te Battery Life All of the v al u es pro v ided b elo w represent the approximate amo u nt of time u nder normal te mperat u re (2 3°C (73°F)) b efore the camera t u rns off. These v al u es are not g u aranteed.
292 APPENDIX ■ Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery (NP-20) ■ USB Cradle (CA-37) ■ Special AC Adaptor (Inl et Type) (AD- C52G) • Po w er cord preca u tions for u se in Singapo re The po w er cord set is not s u pplied. The po w er cord u sed m u st comply w ith rele v ant national an d/or inter national standards.
293 CASIO COMPUTER CO .,L TD. 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuy a-ku, T oky o 151-8543, Japan MA0710-C M10.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Casio EX-S880 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Casio EX-S880 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Casio EX-S880, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Casio EX-S880 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Casio EX-S880, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Casio EX-S880.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Casio EX-S880. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Casio EX-S880 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.