Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SW Plus 2548 du fabricant Xantrex Technology
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Sine W ave Plus Inverter/Charg er Owner’ s Manual SW Plus 2524 SW Plus 2548 SW Plus 4024 SW Plus 4048 SW Plus 5548.
Sine Wave Pl us Inverter/Charger Owner’s Manual.
Xantre x T echnology Inc. i s a worl d-leading suppl ier of a dvanced power ele ctronics and co ntrols wi th prod ucts from 50 wat t mobile units t o one MW ut ility- s cal e systems for wind, s olar , bat teries , fuel ce lls, mic ro turbi nes, a nd ba ckup power app licatio ns in both grid-co nnected and sta nd-alone sy st em s .
976-0043-01-02 iii About This Manu al Pu rpose The purpose of this Owner’ s Manual is to p r ovide e xplanation s and proce dures for install ing, operating, maintain ing, and troubl eshooting the Sine W ave P lus Inv e rter /C har ger .
About this Guide 976-0043-01-02 iv Organiza ti on This gu ide is orga nized int o nine c hapters a nd nine a ppendices. Chapte r 1, “Intr oduc tion” lists and descri bes the basic feat ures an d parts of the Sine W ave P lus Inv erte r/Char ger .
Ab ou t t h is Gu id e v 976-0043-01-02 Appendi x E, “Ove r-Char ge Pr otection” s upplies informati on about options f or over-cha rge prote c tion. Appendi x F , “Multi-wir e Branch Ci rcuit W iring” suppli es informati on about Multi-wire Branch Circuit W iring Precauti ons whe n using sta nd- alone 120 V ac inve r ters or generat or s.
About this Guide 976-0043-01-02 vi R elated Info rmat ion Y ou can fi nd more inform a tion a bout Xantrex T e chnol ogy , Inc. a s w e ll a s its prod ucts and services at www .xantr ex .c om Y ou may also need to refer en c e the follo wing insta llation guide s to a ssist with this inst allation.
976-0043-01-02 vii Important Safety Instructions 1. Before using the inverte r , read all i nstructions and cauti onary markin gs on the unit, the batte r ies, and all appr opriate s ections o f this manual. 2. Use only atta c hments rec omme nded or sold by the manufa c turer .
Import ant S afety Inst ructi ons viii 976-0043-01-02 9. Do not expose this unit to r a in, snow , or liqu ids of any type. This product is de signed for indoor use only . Damp environments will signif icantly shorte n the lif e of this produc t and corrosi on caused by dampness will not be covered by the produc t wa rra nty .
976-0043-01-02 ix Im portan t Sa fety Ins tru ctions Exp losi ve g a s prec au tion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - viii FCC In form at ion to.
Contents x 976-0043-01-02 Generator start types - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–20 Additiona l/Optional Equi pment Considerati ons - - - - - - - - -.
Con tent s 976-0043-01-02 xi Hardw a re / M at erials R equ ired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3– 3 Optio nal S ys tem Acce s sorie s - - - - - - - - - - .
Contents xi i 976-0043-01-02 5 Naviga t ion Navigati ng the Sine Wave Plus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5– 2 The I n vert er Con trol M od ule (ICM.
Con tent s 976-0043-01-02 xi ii 12E Max Charge Amps AC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6–22 12F Bulk Done Amps AC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Contents xi v 976-0043-01-02 23G RY11 Mode - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7–21 Generator S tarti ng Scenarios - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Con tent s 976-0043-01-02 xv Ch arge St a tus ( Yel low an d G r een) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8– 6 Ope rat io nal Statu s I ndi ca tion (Red and Ye llow ) - -.
Contents xvi 9 76-0043-01-02 05B Transformer Overte m p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8–25 05C Heatsink Overtem p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Con tent s 976-0043-01-02 xvii B Configur at ion Se ttings User Me n u Se tti ngs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B–2 Basic Se tup Me nu.
Contents xvi ii 9 76- 0043-01-02 F Mult i-wi re Bran ch Circ uit Wi ring Multi-wir e Branch Ci r cuit s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F–2 Iden.
976-0043-01-02 xi x Figure 1-1 The Sine Wave Plus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 –3 Figure 1-2 The Fro nt Side of the Sine Wave Plus - - - - - - - - - .
Fi g u r e s xx 976-0043-01-02 Figu re 3-3 Dime n sion al D raw in g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 –9 Figure 3-4 Wall-Mount ing Method using 2 x 4’s - -.
Fi g u r e s 976-0043-01-02 xxi Figure 5-13 Advanc ed Setu p Menu Map Part 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5–12 Figure 5-14 Advanc ed Setu p Menu Map Part 2 - - - - - - - - -.
Fi g u r e s xxi i 976-0043-01-02 Figu re A-1 2 Time ver s us Curr ent for the S ine Wa ve P lus 404 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A– 15 Figu re A-1 3 Time ver s us Curr ent for the S ine Wa ve .
976-0043-01-02 xxiii Table 2 -1 Recommended M inimu m Safety Ground Wir e a nd DC Discon ne ct Size s p er NE C 2 –8 Table 2-2 R ecommendced Battery Cable Size Versus Lengt h - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Ta b l e s xxi v 976-0043-01-02 Table B-3 B a sic S etup Defaul t and Use r Settings for t he Sine Wave Plus 4024 and 4048 Models - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
1 Intr oduction Chapter 1, “Introduction” lists and describes the bas ic features and parts of the Sine W ave Plus Inverter/Charger ..
Introduction 1–2 976-0043-01-02 Ba si c Fea tu res Congrat ulations on your purchase of a Sine W ave Plus Inverte r/Char ge r from Xantrex T echnology , Inc.
Ba si c Featu r es 976-0043-01-02 1–3 Fron t P a nel The front of the Sine W ave Pl us has the following feat ures: • the Inverter C ontrol Mo dule (ICM) Display • the AC Access Cover Figur e 1-.
Introduction 1–4 976-0043-01-02 AC S i d e The AC side of the Sine W ave Plus has the followi ng feat ures: • The Remote Monitor Port for connecti ng a r emote Inve r t er Cont rol Module ( ICM) o.
Ba si c Featu r es 976-0043-01-02 1–5 Emerg ency P ower Off (EPO) Option The Sine W ave Plus of f ers an Emer ge ncy Power Of f (EPO) opti on throu gh the use of the EPO Port. The EPO feature is desi gned to shut down the inver ter from a remote location (or s w itch) .
Introduction 1–6 976-0043-01-02 DC S i de The DC side of the Sine W ave Plus has the followi ng feat ures: • the posi tive (+) bat tery terminal • the negative ( –) bat te ry terminal • the .
Ba si c Featu r es 976-0043-01-02 1–7 Battery T emperatur e Sensor (BTS) A BTS i s provi ded with e ach Sine W ave Plu s Inverte r /Char ger . Th is senso r can easily be inst a lled i n the system t o ensure pr oper cha rging of the batte ries based on temperatur e .
Introduction 1–8 976-0043-01-02 To p The top of the unit has the following fea tures: • Circui t Bre aker - This circuit breaker pr otects the unit’ s interna l wirin g while the unit is inv erter or char ging. It is not used for the pass-th rough current .
2 System Configuration Chapter 2, “ System Configuration” con t ai n s i nfo rm ati on to help you plan f or a Sine W ave Plus installation in an off-grid, on-grid, or backup power application.
System Configuration 2–2 976-0043-01-02 Pr e-Configur a tion Planning Import a nce Pre-c onfiguration pl anning is e ssent ial to ensure opti mal performanc e for your syst em. This section outl ine s the component s of a system and how you c an plan for them.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–3 ❐ Ren ewab le en ergy system s (e .g. , PV a rra ys, w in d tu rbi nes etc. ) See “System Input Requi rements” on page 2–4 for m ore info rma tio n.
System Configuration 2–4 976-0043-01-02 Gener at o r W il l a gen era tor b e use d: ❐ V oltag e Output Requir e ments (120 V ac only , 120/240 V ac, or 240 V ac only) ❐ Auto-S tart or Manual- Start See “Gener a tor Con siderations” on page 2–19 for additiona l informati on.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–5 Loca tion Conside rations Dry Inver ters conta in sophi sticated e lectronic components and sho uld be locate d in a well-pr otected, dry environment awa y from sources of fluctua ting or extreme temper at ures and moisture.
System Configuration 2–6 976-0043-01-02 Fire Sa fety All Sine W ave Pl us i nver te r/ch argers m eet UL fire s afe ty s tan dard s a s outline d i n UL 1741. As su ch, i n the e vent of a failur e, th e S ine W ave Pl us is desig ne d to fail safe .
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–7 Gr ounding Con sidera tions T ypes Whether you are instal ling a ne w system or integ r ating ne w parts into an exist ing system, the four type s of g.
System Configuration 2–8 976-0043-01-02 Inverter Ground ing Requir e ment The inverter/cha rger should be connecte d to a grounded, permanent wirin g syste m with the AC and DC grounds commonly bonded to each other and should be bonded to the ground ing system at only one point in the syst e m.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–9 Equipment or Chassis Grounding Equipment or chassis groundi ng conn ects the metallic c hassi s of the various e nc losur es toget her to have them at the same volta ge poten tial, thus r educing the possibi lity f or elec tric s hoc k.
System Configuration 2–10 976-0043-01-02 wire m a y be a be tter groundi ng elec trode th a n the ground rods . W ell casings and wate r pipe s can also be u se d as grounding electrodes.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–11 Gener a tor If th e genera tor is t he main source of power , ( that is, no utilit y gri d power) th en the n eutral and groun d connections are bonded at the main AC distri bution panel.
System Configuration 2–12 976-0043-01-02 More infor m ation Consult your batter y vendor for additi onal informat ion on ba tte r y enclosur e requir ements.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–13 Imp orta nt recommenda tion Follow the batte r y cab le recommenda tions li sted in t his guide . It is absol utely imperative that you adhere to the battery cable siz e (wire gauge) and length recommenda tion s provided in this se ction.
System Configuration 2–14 976-0043-01-02 and inver ter amperage per NEC/CEC guideli ne s. It is reco m mended that the cabl e has battery acid r e sista nt insulation a nd is rated for 90 °C (32 °F) or better . Be sur e to c heck with any loc a l re gulatory a gencie s for a ddition a l requir ements.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–15 inverte rs to meet NEC/CEC c ompliance. T wo ampera ge rat ings are availa ble: a DC250 (250 amps ) and a DC175 (175 a m ps) in eit her single - or double- pole configurati ons for single or dual inverte r insta llations.
System Configuration 2–16 976-0043-01-02 Seri es stacked When inv er te rs are “s ta cked ” t hey must o pe rate fro m a com mon b atte ry bank. In othe r words, t he DC ne gative of one invert e r must be common with the sec ond invert er and li kewi se for the DC positive.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–17 disco nne ct switches. A sample of thi s warning la bel is pr ovide d in Fig ure 2-2 . These lab els ar e n ot avai lable or pr ovided by Xantr ex, but may be avail able fr om your loc al electr ical war ehouse.
System Configuration 2–18 976-0043-01-02 See “Inst al ling the Battery T e mperatur e Sensor (BTS)” on page 3–18 fo r instr uctions on instal ling the Battery T e mperatur e Sensor . W iring Consider ations Conduit boxes For maxim um sa fety an d, in s ome c ases, f or code -compli ance, run the AC and DC cables in conduit( s).
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–19 W ire s iz e for AC connec tions A minimum of #6 A WG THHN wir e is recommended f or all AC wiring (inpu t and outpu t). W iring scenarios De termine a ll wi r e rou tes both t o and from the inverter and whic h knockou ts a re best sui ted for connec ting the AC c onduits .
System Configuration 2–20 976-0043-01-02 S table V olt a ge The ge nera tor should provide a stable v oltage a nd freque ncy output for the inver ter to synchronize with.
Pre-Configurati on Planning 976-0043-01-02 2–21 Manual-st art a nd electr ic-start generators typicall y do not have self - protec tion features to shut down the generat or in the event of low oil pressur e, over - heating , overcranking, e tc., a nd, there f ore, ar e not desig ne d for u nattended starti ng and ope r ation.
System Configuration 2–22 976-0043-01-02 See “Gener ato r St arting Scenarios” on page 7–23 o f thi s guide f or specif ic instr uctions on setti ng the ge nerator -start/s top con ditions. Addi tio n al/O pt ion a l Equi pme nt Co n si derat io ns The fo ll owin g com p one nts a re ava ilab le f or use with t he S ine W ave Plus .
Additional/Optional Equipment Considerations 976-0043-01-02 2–23 DC Condu it Box (DCCB) The DC Conduit Box (DCCB) connects to the DC side of the invert er and accepts DC conduit runs.
System Configuration 2–24 976-0043-01-02 Fuse Block The Xantrex f use block (TFBxxx) protects the power syste m’ s DC wiring should an over c urre nt c onditio n occur . The fuse block is pla c ed between the batte ry’ s ungrounde d c onduct or (usually the posit ive cable ) and the DC input termina l of the inver ter .
Additional/Optional Equipment Considerations 976-0043-01-02 2–25 Bat te r y St at us Mete r ( TM5 00A ) The TM500A feature s six data monitor ing functions and three indica tors incl uding: • S ta.
System Configuration 2–26 976-0043-01-02 Remote Mon it ors Three opt ions a re availa ble for remote control and monitor ing. • Use a remote ICM, which is ide ntic al to the inv e rter control m odule displa y on the inverte r, for dist ances of 25 or 50 feet (7.
Additional/Optional Equipment Considerations 976-0043-01-02 2–27 Inverter Cont ro l Module (ICM) The remote ICM allows control, monit oring, and adjustm ent of all inverte r se ttings from a lo cation oth er t han the IC M display o n the front of the i nverter .
System Configuration 2–28 976-0043-01-02 Ge nera to r St ar t Mo du le (G SM) The G S M is an acc ess ory th at e nab les th e inv erter t o s tart a n d s top gener a tors equipped with auto- start featur es.
Additional/Optional Equipment Considerations 976-0043-01-02 2–29 240 V ac Applica tion Requ irement s There are two option s availa ble for creating 240 V ac output using a 120 V ac inverter : • using an autotr ansformer to step-up or step-down the voltage , or • stackin g two ide ntical inverter s.
System Configuration 2–30 976-0043-01-02 Re newable E nerg y DC Input Sourc es Renewable energ y (RE) sources (for example , photovoltaic (PV) arrays, wind tu rbines, DC micro- hydro gener ators) c a n be used wit h the inve rter to provi de power for all applic ations—of f grid and on grid.
Additional/Optional Equipment Considerations 976-0043-01-02 2–31 PVGFP The PV Ground Fault Protection (PVGFP) is designed to minimize the possibil ity of a fi r e r esulting from gr ound f aults i n a PV ar ray (in accorda nce with NEC/CEC for r ooftop-mounte d PV syst ems on dwell ings).
System Configuration 2–32 976-0043-01-02 Off- Gr id A ppl ica ti on s The Sine W ave Plus c an be used as a primary source of AC powe r to suppor t o ff-grid, s tand -alo ne s ys tem s w here n o ut ilit y p ow er i s av a ilabl e.
Off -Grid Ap plicat ions 976-0043-01-02 2–33 Figur e 2-17 Off-Grid Applic ation – Renew able Energy System using a Single Inverter NOTES: 1 . Always refer to yo ur loca l electr ic code s for pro per wi ri ng inst ruct ions. 2 . Fo r pur poses of this illus trat i on, the grou nd fo r th e AC ge nerat or i s run thr ough the inv erter .
System Configuration 2–34 976-0043-01-02 Dual-Inver t er Configurat ions (240 V ac) If 240 V ac power is require d and the wattage requir ed exceeds the wattage output of a single inver ter , it may be neces sa r y to add a second inverte r .
Off -Grid Ap plicat ions 976-0043-01-02 2–35 Figur e 2-18 Off-Grid Applic at ion – R enewable Energ y System using Dual Inverters N OTES: 1 . Al w ays ref er to yo ur loca l elect ric code s for pro per wi ri ng inst ruct ions. 2 . Fo r purpos es o f th is i llustr ation, the grou nd fo r th e AC ge nerat or i s run thr ough the inv erter .
System Configuration 2–36 976-0043-01-02 Gen erato r -O nl y Sy s tems In these ap p lic at ions , an AC gen era tor serve s as the ma in A C s our ce when ba tter ie s are in su fficient to p ow e r th e loa d s. B oth an AC a nd a DC gener ator can provide a power source for the batte ry charge r .
Off -Grid Ap plicat ions 976-0043-01-02 2–37 Figur e 2-19 Off Grid Application - Gener ator -only System using a Sing le Inverter NOTES: 1 . Always refer to yo ur loca l electr ic code s for pro per wi ri ng inst ruct ions. 2 . For purposes of this illus trat ion, t he gr ound for the AC ge nerat or i s run thr ough the inv erter .
System Configuration 2–38 976-0043-01-02 Dual-Inver t er Configurat ions If 240 V ac power is require d and the wattage requir ed exceeds the wattage output of a single inver ter , it may be neces sa r y to add a second inverte r .
Off -Grid Ap plicat ions 976-0043-01-02 2–39 Figur e 2-20 Off Grid Application – Gener ato r -only Sys tem using Du al Inver ters , Series- stacked NOTES: 1.
System Configuration 2–40 976-0043-01-02 O n-Gri d App licat ions The Sine W ave Plus c a n be combined with utili ty power to provide backup power in the eve nt of a primary power sou r ce fa ilure. It can u se utilit y power to backup renewable energy syste m s.
On-Grid Applications 976-0043-01-02 2–41 Figur e 2-21 On-Grid Application – Backup System using a Sing le Inverter NOTES: 1 . Always refer to yo ur loca l electr ic code s for pro per wi ri ng inst ruct ions. 2 . For purposes of this illus trat ion, t he gr ound for the AC ge nerat or i s run thr ough the inv erter .
System Configuration 2–42 976-0043-01-02 Dual-Inver t er Configurat ions (240 V ac) If 240 V ac power is require d and the wattage requir ed exceeds the wattage output of a single inver ter , it may be neces sa r y to add a second inverte r .
On-Grid Applications 976-0043-01-02 2–43 Figur e 2-22 On-Grid A pplica tion – Backup System u sing Dual I nverter s, Se ries-s tack ed NOTES: 1 . Always refer to yo ur loca l electr ic code s for pro per wi ri ng inst ruct ions. 2 . For purposes of this illus trat ion, t he gr ound for the AC ge nerat or i s run thr ough the inv erter .
System Configuration 2–44 976-0043-01-02 Ener gy Ma nageme nt The Sine W ave Plus c an be programmed to contr ol how and when to use utilit y power .
On-Grid Applications 976-0043-01-02 2–45 Time-of-U se (T OU) M etering Utilit ies use T OU meter ing to de termine utility char ge s during peak us age hours and to impose a surchar ge.
System Configuration 2–46 976-0043-01-02 When using the syste m for TOU mete ring, the system should be desi gned with a batte r y capacity lar ge enough to support the loa d during the entir e peak r ate per iod witho ut reachi ng the 1 1C Low Ba tt ery Cut Ou t VD C volta ge .
On-Grid Applications 976-0043-01-02 2–47 See “21 Grid (AC1) Usage Menu” on page 7–16 for instructions on sett ing these parameters. Renewable Ener gy with Grid Backup (BX M ode) T o have the i.
3 Installation Chapte r 3, “Installati on” des cribes how to m ount and install the Sine W ave P lus Inverter/Charger and perform wiring and cabling procedures for various configurations.
Insta llation 3–2 976-0043-01-02 Pr e- Instal lat ion Before installi ng the S ine W ave Plu s , read all instr uctions and cauti ona r y markin gs located in this manual. Although the DC e lectric a l sys tem may be “low vol tage”, si gnifica nt hazards m ay still be present, parti cul arly from short- cir cuits of the battery syste m.
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–3 Hardw are / Mat er ial s R equ ire d The following materia ls may be requir e d for complet ing this installa tion.
Insta llation 3–4 976-0043-01-02 Remo t e mo ni tor s: ❐ ICM/25 (Inv e rter Control Module wit h 25 foot cable connecti on) ❐ ICM/50 (Inv e rter Control Module wit h 50 foot cable connecti on) ❐ ICA ( Inverter C om munica tions Adapte r with 50 foot cable), f or use with your computer .
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–5 3. D eterm i ne t he corr ect si ze of bat tery ca bles to us e. See T abl e 2-2 , “Recom me n dc ed Bat t ery Ca ble Si ze V er sus L eng th ” on page 2–14 for a dditional information and r ecommended battery cable s iz ing.
Insta llation 3–6 976-0043-01-02 ❐ Save the ori ginal shipping cart on a nd packing mate r ial s. If the inverte r ever needs t o be r e turned for ser vice, it should be shipped i n the o riginal ca r ton. T his is a lso a good way to pr otect t he inve r ter i f it ever needs t o be moved.
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–7 Figur e 3-2 Serial Numb er Stick er and Knock out Locations and Siz es Kno ckout P repa ration Remove your choic e of knockouts from the chassis to fac ili tate conduit insta llation for wire ru ns. This is much easier to do pri or to m ounting the inverte r .
Insta llation 3–8 976-0043-01-02 Mo unting The Sine W ave Plus c a n be either she lf-mounted or wall-mo unte d. B e sure to use appr opriate lift ing te chniques and have extra people avail a ble to as sist in lifti ng the inv e rter into posit ion while it is b eing secure d.
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–9 Figur e 3-3 Dimension al Drawing 1" ½" 1½" 1½" 1" Keyhol e sl ots Keyhol e sl ots 21" (5 33 cm ) 16" (4 06 cm ) 6½" (.
Insta llation 3–10 976-0043-01-02 W all-Mounting W a llboar d is not strong e nough to support t he weight of t he inve rter , s o addit ional support must be added. This can be in the form of reinfor cing 2 x 4’ s or a half she et (4 ft x 4 f t) of ¾-inc h plywood.
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–11 Figur e 3-4 W all-Mount ing Method us ing 2 x 4 ’ s W a l l studs 16 inche s on center Wall boar d Fl oo r Ce ilin g 14–3 / 8" c- c Set Inv erter OFF SRC H ON CHG Si ne W av e Plu s In vert er/ Ch ar g er Ap p r o x.
Insta llation 3–12 976-0043-01-02 W a ll Mounti ng using Ply w ood Alterna tively , a half sheet (4 ft x 4 ft) of ¾-inch plywood can also be used as a backing , with the inve rt e r mounted dire c tly to the plywood using ¼-inc h dia meter lag bolts and washers.
Pre-Inst allation 976-0043-01-02 3–13 Figur e 3-5 W all Mount ing using Plywood Wal l st u d s 16 i n ch es on cen t er Wal lboar d Fl oor Ceiling Ply w ood Set In ve r te r OFF SR CH O N CH G Si ne.
Insta llation 3–14 976-0043-01-02 DC Wiring DC wirin g incl udes the following ( describe d in th e f ollowing l oc ations) . ❐ Prepar ing the Batte ry bank - See “Prepar ing the B attery B a nk” on page 3– 14 . ❐ Prepar ing Gr ounding - See “Grounding the DC S ystem” on pa ge 3– 15 .
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–15 Gr ounding t he DC Sy stem The inverter’ s chassi s grou nd lug (se e Figure 3-6 ) i s used to connect the chassis of the inverte r to t he DC gr ounding sys tem.
Insta llation 3–16 976-0043-01-02 Singl e Inverter T o gr ound a si ngle in ve rter: 1. Connect the ground bond in the DC disconnect to the pr imary ground ing e lectr ode, in accorda nce with loc al and national el e ctric al codes. 2. Connect the NEGA TIVE (–) terminal of the battery bank t o the ground bond inside t he DC disc onnect.
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–17 Dual Inv e rters T o groun d a du a l-in v ert er co nf igu ra ti on: 1. Connect the gr ound bond in the DC disconne c t be tween th e inver ters and the batt e ries to the primary groundi ng elec trode, in accord ance with loc al and nat ion al el ectri ca l cod es .
Insta llation 3–18 976-0043-01-02 Con necting D C Input S ources – Renew able En ergy Con figurat ions Ren ew abl e en ergy so ur ces (e. g. , PV arr ay s , wind turbi nes etc .
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–19 Figur e 3-9 BTS (R J11) P ort Loc ation and Ins tallation BTS (RJ11) Port DC E nd of t h e I n v e r te r.
Insta llation 3–20 976-0043-01-02 Con necti ng the B atteries to the In vert er DC terminal connections a re located on the DC end of the inver ter . Figure 3-10 shows the locat ions of the DC connectors. W ARNING : Shock H a zar d Before making any conn ec tions, ve rify that the DC dis co nnect devic e is switc hed OFF .
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–21 Figure 3-1 1 shows the proper method to att a ch the cable s to the inverter . Figure 3-12 shows the batte r y termin a l covers and associat ed hardware. Figur e 3-11 Battery C able Connect ion CA UTION: D amag e to Equipm ent Do not put any thing betwee n the batt ery cable lug a nd the termina l s urface.
Insta llation 3–22 976-0043-01-02 Procedur e for Single Inverter Systems Before starti ng this procedure, please r eview Figur e 3-10, “DC T erminal Connect ions on the Inverter” on page 3–20 .
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–23 Figur e 3-13 DC Connection s to a Single Inver ter.
Insta llation 3–24 976-0043-01-02 Procedur e for Dual-Inverter System s Before starti ng this procedure, please r eview Figur e 3-10, “DC T erminal Connect ions on the Inverter” on page 3–20 a.
DC Wiring 976-0043-01-02 3–25 Figur e 3-14 D C C o nne ct i o ns to Du al I nv e rte rs.
Insta llation 3–26 976-0043-01-02 AC Wi r i n g This s ection de scribes: • “Accessi ng the AC T erminal Bl oc k a nd Ground B a r” on page 3–28 , and • “AC Wi ring for Single Inverte r S yste ms” on page 3–30 .
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–27 T able 3-1 AC Disconnect and Wire Sizing Full Pa s s- T h r o u g h Capability Ma ximu m Fuse/Br eaker Required Ca ble Siz e Required in Condui t 60 Amps 60 Amps #6 .
Insta llation 3–28 976-0043-01-02 Acc essing th e A C T erm inal B lock and G round B ar All AC wiring connec ts to the AC terminal block locate d on the le ft-hand side of the inverter beneath t he AC a c cess cover . T o remove the AC access cover: 1.
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–29 Figur e 3-16 AC Input/Outp ut Wirin g T ermin als AC Terminal Blo ck AC Termin al Block Enlargem ent.
Insta llation 3–30 976-0043-01-02 A C W iring fo r Single Inv erter Sy stems There ar e t hre e m ajo r steps in the p roce d ure f or A C wi rin g of single -inverter systems. They ar e describe d in deta il on the foll owing pages: 1. “Insta ll AC Output Wir ing to the Inverter AC Dist r ibuti on Panel” on page 3– 33 .
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–31 W ARNING : Shock H a zar d Auto-s tart genera to rs can star t aut omaticall y at any time . Af fix the warning label (supplie d with the GSM) regarding auto- start g enerators on or near th e m ain AC dis t ribution pane l and ne ar the genera tor .
Insta llation 3–32 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 3-18 AC Input and O utput Wiring to a Single Inverter with an A uto-Sta rt AC Generat or.
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–33 Install AC Output Wir ing to the Inverter A C Distr ibut ion P anel An inverte r AC distri buti on panel ( r eferr ed to here as the inv erte r panel) and AC c onduit must be in sta lled bef ore AC output wi ring is conne cted to the inverter .
Insta llation 3–34 976-0043-01-02 Make co n ne ctio ns f rom the inv e rter to the inv e rte r pa nel as fo llow s: 1. Connect the GROUND (green or bare) wir e: a) from the inve rter AC G ROUND bar b) to th e inver ter pane l GROUND bar 2.
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–35 Install Gener ator Wiring to t he Inverter Generator Discon nect Switch (If used ) Having a gener a tor dis c onnect switc h between the invert e r and the gener a tor is strongl y rec om m ended. This wi ll provide overcur r ent protec tion for the wiring betwe e n the inver te r and the genera tor .
Insta llation 3–36 976-0043-01-02 W ith S tep-down Autotr ansformer and using a 120/ 240 V ac Generator The foll owing i nstruc tio ns are i llust rated i n Figure 3-20, “Generator Input W iring to a Single Inv e rter ” on page 3–37 . T o in sta ll t he AC w irin g fro m t he gene ra tor to t he i nver ter : 1.
AC W ir in g 976-0043-01-02 3–37 b) from the neut r al in the gener a tor disconnect to the invert e r NEUTRAL 2 terminal. 3. Connect HOT (black) wires: a) fro m th e gen erator G EN HO T OU T t e r.
Insta llation 3–38 976-0043-01-02 Install Utility W iring to the Inverter Input (O n-Grid Applications only) The following instr uctions are illu strated in Figure 3-21, “Util ity W iring to the Inverte r Inpu t” on page 3–39 . Install the wiring from the inver t er to the utilit y p anel as fol lows: 1.
Optional Equipment 976-0043-01-02 3–39 Figur e 3-21 Utility Wiring to the Inverter Input Op tio nal E qu ipm ent Stack ing Dual Inv erter Sy stems T o power 120/240 V a c loads you can link or stack two ide ntical invert e rs toget he r in seri e s by using the ISC-S cable .
Insta llation 3–40 976-0043-01-02 Installi ng t he ISC-S Cable T o in sta ll t he ISC -S c a ble on t he i nver ters : 1. Connect one end of the ISC-S cable to the S tacking Port on one inverte r . 2. Connect the othe r end of the ISC-S cable to t he St acking P or t on the other inve rter .
Optional Equipment 976-0043-01-02 3–41 Remo te Moni t ori ng Optio ns The Sine W ave Plus c an be control led remotely by connecti ng an addit ional I CM or b y usi ng an IC A connecte d to a per sonal computer . The ICM oper ates i dentica lly t o the ICM displ ay on the fr ont of th e Sine W ave Plus .
Insta llation 3–42 976-0043-01-02 Aux iliary L oad Module (ALM) The ALM can be used to s ignal loads to t urn on and of f based on bat tery volta ge. The ALM ha s a DC volta ge controll ed rel a y ( switch) t ha t r equire the S ine W ave Plus in order to operat e .
Optional Equipment 976-0043-01-02 3–43 Emer gency Po wer Off (EPO ) The Sine W ave Plus ha s an EPO communications por t that is designed to allo w a disc onnect swit c h, using an R J1 1-type j a ck, to function as a n emer gency shutof f switc h. M any dif ferent switc he s are available for this purpos e .
4 Fu nct ion al T est Chapter 4, “ Functional T est ” explains how to conduct a functional test of the inverter ..
Functional T e st 4–2 976-0043-01-02 Basic Functional T est The foll owing st eps will co mplete a ba sic func tional test of th e Sine W ave Plus . If a ny t est fa ils, ple ase refe r to Chapte r 9, “T r oubleshooti ng” for assi stance.
Basic Functional T e st 976-0043-01-02 4–3 T urn in g ON the I n ver te r T o t urn o n th e invert er: 1. Ensure that the LCD di splay is a s shown in Figur e 4-1 . 2. Press the red inverte r ON/OFF M ENU switch twice (SRCH, then ON) t o turn on the inverter .
Functional T e st 4–4 976-0043-01-02 A C V oltage Check T o perform an AC voltag e check: 1. W ith the inver ter on ( INVER T (yellow) LED on solid), verif y with a handheld volt meter the AC voltage from INV HOT to NEU OUT termi nals of the inve rter and ensure you get the corr e ct AC voltage for yo ur par ticular uni t.
Basic Functional T e st 976-0043-01-02 4–5 Confirm ing Inver ter Oper at ion T o c onfirm th at th e inv ert er is oper ati ng c o rrectly: ◆ Discon nect the AC input power by turning the input AC power break e r off or unplugging the AC powe r cord.
5 Naviga tion Chapte r 5, “Navigation” explains how to navigate through the Sine W ave Plus Inverter /Charger menus using the Control Module and the menu maps.
Navigation 5–2 976-0043-01-02 Navig ati n g the Sine W ave Plus The Sine W ave Plus is pr ogrammed using the invert e r contr ol m odule (ICM) to acces s “User” and “Setu p” menus.
Inverter Control Module F eatures 976-0043-01-02 5–3 The In v erte r Contro l Mo dule (I CM) The ICM is located on the front pa nel of the Sine W ave Plus . It ’ s u se d to displa y status informat ion reg arding the operation a nd perform ance of the unit.
Navigation 5–4 976-0043-01-02 Displa y contra st T o change the displ a y contra st, use a sm all , f lat -blade screwdrive r in the slot pr ovi ded to ma ke the adj ust m en t. Push- buttons Eight push- buttons enable acc e ss to inte r nal softwa re to program user - specif ic para meters and to monitor the system .
Inverter Control Module F eatures 976-0043-01-02 5–5 Menu Heading Buttons The Menu Heading push-buttons are u se d to move e ither forward or backward thr ough the Menu Heading se lections. • Press the Menu Head ing button to move forward. • Press the Menu Heading button to move backward.
Navigation 5–6 976-0043-01-02 Set P oint Buttons The SET P OINT buttons chang e the value of a paramete r or select a mode from the displa yed menu. • Press the SET POINT button (+) to move the cursor to the ri ght or raise an a djus tabl e va lue .
Men u Map 976-0043-01-02 5–7 Menu Map Introduc tion The menu system conta ins three main menu maps. Each M enu Map is made up of: • Menu Hea dings, • M e nu Item s, an d • Set Po ints . A set point is sele c ted when the cur sor highligh ts the first lette r , or number , of the selection .
Navigation 5–8 976-0043-01-02 User Menu (01-07) The USER MENU allows access to the daily operat iona l fu nctioning of the unit . These M enu Heading s do not set conf iguration paramete rs, but do provide syste m perform ance info rmation.
Men u Map 976-0043-01-02 5–9 Figur e 5-10 Use r Me nu Map - P ar t 2.
Navigation 5–10 976-0043-01-02 Basic Setup Menu (10-14) The BASIC SETUP MENU follows the User Menu in the menu arch itec tur e. T his me nu al l ows acc es s to the se tti ng s requ ire d for sys t em configur ation and modes of operat ion. Establis hing these parameter s upon initia l power-up will be requi r ed.
Men u Map 976-0043-01-02 5–11 Figur e 5-12 Basic Setup M enu M ap P art 2.
Navigation 5–12 976-0043-01-02 Advance d Setup Menu (20-27) The ADV ANCED SETUP MENU contains speci alized configur a tion sett ings such as a utomatic generator st arting de ta ils, auxil iary loa d usa ge, and ener gy management (grid usa ge) parameters.
Men u Map 976-0043-01-02 5–13 Figur e 5-14 Advan c ed Setu p M enu M ap P art 2.
Navigation 5–14 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 5-15 Com plet e Us er Me nu Ma p.
Men u Map 976-0043-01-02 5–15 Figur e 5-16 Com plet e Ba sic Setup Men u Ma p.
Navigation 5–16 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 5-17 Comple te Adva nced Setup Menu M ap.
6 Basic Setup Pr ogr amming Chapter 6, “ Basic Setup Program ming” explains how to program the Sine W ave Plus Inverter/Charger to operate under basic conditions.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–2 976-0043-01-02 B asic Se tup Summ ary Check Default s The following tables pr ovides the default se ttings for the Sine W ave Pl us Basic Setup Menu for ea c h mod e l and the cr oss-referenc e pages f or locatin g info r mation on each menu item.
Basic S e tup Summary 976-0043-01-02 6–3 1 1C Low Batt ery Cut Out Vdc 11. 0 to 33.9 22.0 32.0 to 67.8 44.0 page 6–13 1 1D LBCO Delay Minute s 01 to 255 15 01 to 255 15 page 6–13 1 1E Searc h W .
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–4 976-0043-01-02 14C Push GEN for factory defa ults Push GEN for factory defa ul ts page 6–30 End Menu 14 END BASIC SET UP MENU T able 6-2 Basic Set up Menu Defau lt Se.
Basic S e tup Summary 976-0043-01-02 6–5 12E Max Char ge Amps AC 01 to 30 30 01 to 30 30 pa ge 6–22 12F Bul k Done Amps AC 00 to 30 10 00 to 30 10 page 6–23 12G E Q Vdc Do ne T imer 00:00 to 23:.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–6 976-0043-01-02 T able 6-3 Basic Set up Menu Defau lt Settings for the Sine Wave P lus 554 8 Model Basic Setup Menus Sine Wave Plus 554 8 See P ag e Range / Disp lay Default 10 T ime of D ay Set up Menu See “10 T ime of Day Setup Me nu” on page 6–11 f o r detail s.
Basic S e tup Summary 976-0043-01-02 6–7 13 AC Inputs Menu See “13 AC Inputs Menu ” on page 6–26 for de tai ls . 13A Gri d (AC1) A mps AC 00 to 60 60 page 6–27 13B Gen (AC2) Amps AC 00 to 60.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–8 976-0043-01-02 Before Y ou Beg in P rogramming Some items must be pre-de termined or confir med befor e you start progra m ming the inve r ter/c harger for use . These items inc lude the voltage levels t o operate the inverter , char ging par a meters f or the batte ry cha rger , and AC input amperage lim its.
Before Y ou Begin Programming 976-0043-01-02 6–9 Ba sic Setup Proces s The Basic Setup procedure is comp r ised of the f ollowing items: 1. Setting the Ti me of Day – This sets the internal c lock for all the feat ur es requ iring time functions.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–10 976-0043-01-02 Ac cess ing th e Bas ic Se tu p Men u T o acces s the Bas i c Set up M en u: 1. If you have no t alre a dy don e so, tu rn on the inve r ter . 2. Press the button to move forwar d within the Menu Headings unti l the E ND USER MENU is displayed.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–11 Menu It em Descr ipt io ns 10 Time of D ay Setup Men u This m enu allo w s for setting the tim e of day in h ours, mi nutes, a nd seconds. The time is dis pla ye d in a 24-hour forma t (i.e ., 00:00 :00 to 23:59:59 hour s).
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–12 976-0043-01-02 10C Se t Seconds T o se t t he seco n d di spl ay: 1. Press the button to selec t 10C Se t Seco n d . 2. When 10C Se t Secon d is di splayed, pr ess the SET POINT but tons (+) or (–) to change the time displ ayed.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–13 This volta ge level is use d to indicat e that the bat te ries ha ve a suff icient level of char ge for the inverter to star t using p owe r fr om the battery ba nk.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–14 976-0043-01-02 11E Search W atts This m enu item s ets t he inve rter ’ s se a rch s e nsitiv ity . Any loa d that is below this sett ing doe s not ca use the inverter to produc e an A C output volta ge when runni ng from batterie s.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–15 The sensiti vity control shoul d be adjuste d so that the small e st load being run can "wake" the inverte r up and cause it to deli ve r power to the loa d. If l oads cha nge signif icantly , t hen re-tu ning of th e searc h sensitiv ity will be require d.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–16 976-0043-01-02 Multi-St age Charging Pr ocess The c h arging c ycle u ses a m ulti-s tag e charg ing pro cess to mai nt ain th e batt eries.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–17 Absorpt ion Stage Absorption ch a r ge is the secon d stage of batter y c har ging and provides the batte rie s a control led, const ant volta ge for a set period of ti me. During this s tag e, t he cu rre nt s uppl ied to t he b att eries s lo wl y d ecr eases.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–18 976-0043-01-02 Equalize Charg ing the Batteries Many ba ttery man uf actur ers re c ommend period ic equa lize cha rging t o level out the voltage between i ndividual cells resulting in bette r batt e ry perf or mance a nd life.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–19 12 Battery Charg ing Menu Batte ry C har ging parameters are programmed in 12 Battery Charging Menu using the foll owing menu ite ms. Some of the menu items will requir e making calc ulations. Othe r s just requi r e making sele c tions betwee n the set points .
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–20 976-0043-01-02 12B Bulk V olts DC This i s the voltage level at which the char ger swi tches to the ab sorption stage. The c har ge r will use up to t he parameter set in 12E Max Ch arge Amps AC un t il th e p ar a m e te r s e t i n 12B Bulk V olts DC i s reached.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–21 The following sett ings ( Ta b l e 6 - 5 ) are guid el ines only . Refer to your batt e ry ve ndor f or specif ic set tings and battery m aintenanc e guidel ines.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–22 976-0043-01-02 12E Max Char ge Amps AC This is the maximum AC amper age the inver ter will pr ovide to the ba ttery char ger to get the batte r y voltag e up to the le.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–23 12F Bulk Done Amps AC This is the A C cu rr ent th resho ld wh ere the ba tte ry ch a rger wi ll tran sfer from Absorption C hargi ng to Finis h Char ging. It is r ecommended to set this value a t 2 to 4% of the batte r y ba nk’ s to tal amp-hou r c a pacity .
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–24 976-0043-01-02 12G EQ VDC Done Timer Th is is th e ma x i m u m ti me th e ba tt er ie s w i ll be all o w e d to c h a r ge a t th e equaliz e volta ge level set in 12D Equ alize V olts DC . This sett ing is limit ed by 12H Max Bulk/EQ Timer h:m , which s ets th e maximum perio d fo r th e EQ ch arge s tag e .
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–25 12H Max Bulk/EQ Timer h :m This is the maximum time the char ge r is allowe d to keep the batter ies in the Bulk or EQ Charge Sta ge. This timer star ts when either the Equaliz e Char ge sta r ts or when th e Bulk C harge s tarts.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–26 976-0043-01-02 T emp e rat u re com p en sat ion cal cu lat i on s are derive d from the fo l lowi ng tabl e : T emperatur e compensati on is based on bat te ry type: 5 mv/ce ll for Le ad Acid type ba tteri e s a nd 2 mv/c e ll for alkal ine type batterie s (NiCad or NiFe).
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–27 13A Grid (A C1) A mps AC This i s the maximum amount of curr ent tha t can be drawn f r om t he grid (AC1 input) by the loads and batter y charg er combined.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–28 976-0043-01-02 13C In put Upper Limit V AC This menu it em se ts the hi ghest vol tage at whi ch t he invert er is allowed to connec t to eit her AC1 or AC2 i nputs.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 6–29 14 Sav e/R es tore Se tti n gs Menu This m enu provi des the mea ns t o: • save u ser pr ogrammed sett ings, • restor e previous ly saved programmed s ettings , or • restor e fact or y de fault set tings.
Basic Setup Pr o gramming 6–30 976-0043-01-02 14C Push GEN f or F actory Defaults This m enu item pr ovides t he means t o restor e the factory default s ettings. T o restore t he fa ct ory defa u lt s ett ings: 1. Press the button until 14C Push G en For Fa ctory Def au lts is displa yed.
7 Advanced Setup Chapter 7, “ Advanced Setup” explains how to progra m the Sine W ave Plus Inverter /Charger to operate under special, advanced conditions, such as a utomatic generator s tarting, ener gy management and auxiliary load a pplications.
Advanced Setup 7–2 976-0043-01-02 Adv anced Setu p Summ ary Check Default s The following model-s pe cific tables provide the default settings f or the Sine W ave P lus Advanced Setup Menu and cro ss-referenc e page s for locatin g info r mation on each menu item.
Advanced Setup Su mmar y 976-0043-01-02 7–3 21C Grid Usa ge End h:m 00:00 to 23: 50 21:00 00:00 to 23:5 0 21:00 page 7–18 End Menu 21 22 Ba ttery Xfe r (BX) Me nu See “22 Batt e ry Xfe r (BX) Menu” on pa ge 7–18 for de ta il s . 22A High Xfer (HBX) Vdc 16.
Advanced Setup 7–4 976-0043-01-02 25A R Y7 Mode GS RN 1 RN2 GS GS RN1 RN2 GS page 7–30 25B Ge n W a rm-up Se c ond/Min ute 0 to 127 /0 to 12 7 10 Seconds 0 to 127 /0 to 127 10 Seconds pag e 7–37.
Advanced Setup Su mmar y 976-0043-01-02 7–5 T able 7-2 Adv anced Setup Defau lt Settings f or the Sine W ave Plus 4024 and 404 8 Models Adv anced Se tup Me nus Sine W ave Plus 4024 Sine W ave Plus 4.
Advanced Setup 7–6 976-0043-01-02 24B Gen Run T ime St op h:m 00 :00 to 23: 50 08:00 00:00 to 23:50 08:00 page 7 –27 24C Qu iet T i me Begin h:m 00:00 to 23: 50 08:00 00:00 to 23:50 08:0 0 page 7�.
Advanced Setup Su mmar y 976-0043-01-02 7–7 27A Pus h INV no w to save Se ttings Push INV now to Save Set ti ngs page 7–39 27B Push GEN to restore se ttings Push GEN t o r estore settin gs page 7�.
Advanced Setup 7–8 976-0043-01-02 23 AL M Rela ys Menu See “23 ALM Relays Menu” on page 7–19 fo r details . 23A R Y9 VDC Energi zed 44.2 to 71. 0 52.0 page 7–20 23B R Y9 VD C DeEner gized 40.0 to 71. 0 44.0 page 7–20 23C R Y9 Delay at DeEngz.
Advanced Setup Su mmar y 976-0043-01-02 7–9 26A Load S ta rt Amps AC 00 to 63 45 pa ge 7–38 26B L oad S tart Delay Min 00.0 to 25.5 05.0 pa ge 7–38 26C L oad S top De lay M in 00. 0 to 25.5 05.0 pa ge 7–38 26D 24 hr S tar t V ol ts DC 20. 0 to 71.
Advanced Setup 7–10 976-0043-01-02 Before Y ou Be g in A d vanced Pr ogramming The Sine W ave Plus is de signed to provide advanc e d appli c atio n progra mming. Advanc e d appli cations i nclude: • SILENT S ETUP - S e ts t he param eters fo r the Silent finish s tage of batt ery c har ging.
Acce ssi ng the Advanced Se tup Men u 976-0043-01-02 7–11 Acce ss ing th e Adv an ced Se tu p Me nu T o ac cess t he Adv an ced S etu p M enu f rom the Us er Me nu: 1. Press the button to move forwar d within the Menu Headings unti l the E ND USER MENU is displayed.
Advanced Setup 7–12 976-0043-01-02 5. From here you can, eith er: a) Press the butt on to move forward withi n the Menu Headings until t he END BASIC SETUP ME NU is di splayed. b) Or proceed to Ste ps 6 and 7. 6. Press and hold down the green GEN button.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–13 Menu It em Descr ipt io ns 20 Sile nt Set up Menu Th is m e nu i s u se d on l y wh e n S I L E N T is se le c t e d in m e nu 12A Finish S tage .
Advanced Setup 7–14 976-0043-01-02 Silent Mode will be gin after the char ge routine has finis he d the bulk/ abso rp tion ch arge and if the Sile n t charge ha s been s el ected (from Men u Item 12A Finish S tage ).
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–15 Silent Mode te r minate s ba sed on time 20D M ust Fl oat Ti me Min , th en amp s 20C Float Done Amps . 20A Refloa t H igh V olts DC This m enu item s ets t he uppe r batt e ry volta ge level that triggers the floa t charge.
Advanced Setup 7–16 976-0043-01-02 20D Must Float Time Min This m enu item s ets t he mi nim um amount of ti m e af ter the 2 0A Refloat High V o lt s DC and 20B Refloat Low V olts DC set tings have.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–17 21A Grid Usag e This menu i tem allo ws you to sele c t be tween the se t points SB and BX as descr ibed belo w . SB (Stand by) - U tility Ba ck up This set point is the fi rst set point selec tion in the 21A Grid Usage menu.
Advanced Setup 7–18 976-0043-01-02 The clock is in a 24-hour f or mat (00: 00 to 23:59 hours) . Gu id e li n e s f o r se tt i n g th is m e n u it e m : • Ensure the cur rent ti m e i s set cor rectly in menu 10 T ime Of Day Setup M e nu .
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–19 22A High X f er (HBX ) V DC This m enu is us ed to set the voltage transfer point whe n the in verter t urns back on a nd resumes poweri ng the AC loads from the batteri es . When this sett ing is reached, t he inv e rter t ransfers from the AC1 input (grid) t o the batt e ries to power the loads.
Advanced Setup 7–20 976-0043-01-02 RY 11 R Y1 1 , when ERRO R is se le ct ed , i s use d as an inv erte r er ror detec tion indicator de vice to display or sound an alarm when the inve rt e r AC output is lost . I f COOLDOWN is sel e cted, thi s will al low both inverte rs to have a cooldown period when used in a seri es-st acked configur ation.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–21 23E R Y10 Vdc DeEnergized This m enu item se ts the trip p oint where t he rel ay de-ener gizes. When the volta ge, base d on the 04B Batt ery C omp VDC di splay , dr ops to or below this set ting, the rela y de-e ne r gizes and opens the contac ts be twe en the N.
Advanced Setup 7–22 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 7-3 Relay 11 Wiring Example t o Dual Inverters w ith Cooldown selec ted.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–23 Gen era tor St ar ti n g Sc e nar i o s The Sine W ave Plus can be configure d to s tart and stop a m ajo r ity o f backup ge nerato rs, e ither manua lly or automatic ally . Auto matic ope ration can be trigge red based on time, AC current, batter y voltage, or to exer cisin g t he gen era tor .
Advanced Setup 7–24 976-0043-01-02 The g enerator will conti nue to r un unless one of the following procedure s is pe rformed: 1. Manual Stop – Manually stop t he generator by s e lectin g OFF f r om the 02A G enerator menu ite m. The genera tor will rec e ive the stop command im mediately if manual ly stopped.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–25 If se t poin t RN1 is selected in 25A R Y7 Mode , the gener at or will automat ically shut off once the BULK and ABSORP TION stages of the batt e ry char ging have completed or if the 24 H R N 2/ M a x Ge n R u n h: m ha s el aps ed.
Advanced Setup 7–26 976-0043-01-02 24 Gene rat or T ime rs Men u This m enu heading sets parameters f or sta rting the generat or based o n time. I n this menu, you can set the gener at or to start an d stop at a speci fied ti m e each day . Y ou c an sp ec ify a q uie t tim e, an ex erci se t ime , and a cooldown peri od for the gener a tor .
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–27 24A Gen Run Time Star t h:m This m enu item s ets t he hour and mi nute for the generato r to start. This will occur each day at the same time. The set poin ts for this menu item change in 10-mi nute incre m ents .
Advanced Setup 7–28 976-0043-01-02 24D Quiet Time End h:m This menu item ends the quie t time, after which the gener a tor can be starte d if r equired, if an auto-star t condition exist s. T o compl etely disabl e the quie t-time featur e, set t he star t and stop ti mes to the same value.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–29 24H RN2/Max Gen Run h:m This menu item set s the limit on how long a generator c an run when the R Y7 R elay is programme d for RN2 under menu ite m 25A RY7 Mode . The se t po ints f or this m enu ite m change i n 10-minute incr e ments.
Advanced Setup 7–30 976-0043-01-02 Gu id e li n e s f o r se tt i n g th is m e n u it e m : • When using a DC generator as a char ging source, none of the inverte r's charge c ontr ol f eatur es (bul k, a bsor ption, float) will be availa ble.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–31 RN1 This selec tion pr ovides a run signal by holdin g the R Y7 relay closed be twe en conta c ts N.O. and COM. and requi res the AC generator output to be monitor ed by the inver ter ’ s AC2 input. RN2 This selecti on provide s a run signal by holding the R Y7 rel a y closed be twe en conta c ts N.
Advanced Setup 7–32 976-0043-01-02 R Y8 Relay (GS and RN1 only) The R Y8 is energi zed (COM a nd N.O. conta cts remain closed) only durin g the 25D M ax Cra n ki ng Sec o nds . This is usually wired to the starte r sole noid (rela y) of the gener a tor e ngine.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–33 Figur e 7-7 Wirin g examples of H onda™ and Onan™ Generator s GENERA T OR START M ODULE RY 7 STOP SWITCH CONT A CTS ONAN T Y PE GE NERATOR COM N. O. N.C. RY8 COM N.O. N.C. START SWITCH CONTACTS 5 AMP FUSE 5 AMP FUSE RY 7 RUN/STOP SW ITC H CONT A CTS HONDA TYPE GENERATOR COM N.
Advanced Setup 7–34 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 7-8 RY 7 a n d RY 8 T i m i n g D i a g r a m The generat or auto -stop s equenc e is initiat ed if: 1) T he time set in 24C QUIET TIME BEGI N has been rea che d or passed. This setting will disab l e 2, 3, and 4 start-sc enarios below .
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–35 Figur e 7-9 R Y 7/R Y8 Seq uence of Events for RN1 or R N2 Selection.
Advanced Setup 7–36 976-0043-01-02 Figur e 7-10 R Y7/R Y8 Sequence of Events for GS Se lec tion.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–37 25B Gen W arm-up Seconds/minutes This menu item set s the number of seconds or minute s the gener a tor is allo wed to wa rm up before the load is conne c ted and the batte ry char ger starte d. If the generator is loc a ted in a cold loca tion, a longer set ting may be require d.
Advanced Setup 7–38 976-0043-01-02 26 Ge n Auto Ru n Setup M enu Menu Heading 26 Ge n Auto R un Setu p M enu pr ovide s the menu items for s etting the para m eters f or sta r ting the gene rator ba sed on AC current and/or ba ttery voltage.
Menu Item D escri pt ions 976-0043-01-02 7–39 26F 15 Min Start V olts DC This m enu item s ets t he ba ttery’ s DC volt age level which init iates automat ic gener a tor starting whe never the voltage drops be low this sett ing c ontinuou sly for 15 minutes.
Advanced Setup 7–40 976-0043-01-02 27B Push GEN t o Restor e Sett ings This m enu item pr ovides t he means t o restor e set tings pre viously s e t and saved on the inver ter . T o resto re se tting s p rev iously progr am med i nto the inv e rter : 1.
8 Op erat io n Chapte r 8, “Ope ration” explains how to operate t he Sine W ave Plus Invert er/Charger . I t a lso e xplains how to read t he LE D indicators and Use r Menus to determine system s tatus.
Operat i on 8–2 976-0043-01-02 Op erat ing th e Sine W ave Plus User Me n u Th e Sine W ave Plus use s the User Menu archite ctu re to na vi gat e through the operati onal functions of the inverte r/char ger .
Operational Status Indicators 976-0043-01-02 8–3 Op erat iona l St atus Indi c at ors The Sine W ave Plus use s a combination of LED indic ators and User Menu Headings (2-7) to display system stat us. Use both of these fea tures to a ssess ope r ati onal sta tus.
Operat i on 8–4 976-0043-01-02 Inverter Operat ion Status (Y ellow) There ar e two yellow LEDs to indi c ate the foll owing in verter opera tion al modes. • GRID TIE LED - Thi s feat ur e is not ava ila ble at this time. • INVER T LED GRI D T IE LE D T he G r id Tie feat ure is n ot ena ble d o n t hese m o del s.
Operational Status Indicators 976-0043-01-02 8–5 A C Input Status (Green) S tatus LEDs There are two gree n LEDs to indicat e AC status condit ions. • AC1 LED (grid) • AC 2 L ED (gen er ato r) AC1 (G ri d) LED The AC1 LED indicates power has been applied to the inverter’ s AC1 (grid) input terminals .
Operat i on 8–6 976-0043-01-02 Charg e Status (Y ellow and G reen) Char ging indicat or s There are two LEDs for batte r y char ging indicat ions. • Bulk Char ge LED (yell ow) • Flo at C h arge LE D (g ree n) Bulk Char ge LED (Y e llow ) The B U LK c harge LED indi cates if th e inver te r is i n t he Bu lk o r Absorpt ion charg e stage.
Operational Status Indicators 976-0043-01-02 8–7 Operatio nal Stat us Ind ic ation (Red and Y ellow) There are two LEDs for Error and St a tus Indi c ati ons: • ERROR LED (red) • ST A T U S LED (yellow) ERR OR L ED ( Red) Th e ER RO R L ED in dica tes an op erati ng er ror occu rre d o r an e rror condi tion exists.
Operat i on 8–8 976-0043-01-02 Erro r LE D Re s e t Reset T o reset the inver ter after resol ving a n error conditi on, press the red INV button (INVER TER ON/OFF Menu) and sele ct OFF a nd then ON with the SET POINT buttons. ST A TU S LED (Y e llow ) The ST A TUS LED illumina te s to indicate various c onditions of the inverte r/char ger .
Operational Status Indicators 976-0043-01-02 8–9 LED Summ ary Ta b l e 8 - 1 s um m arize s the LED indi ca tors . T able 8-1 LED Summary T able LED Nam e O FF ON F LASHING GR ID TIE LED (yellow) Not av ailab le INVER T LED (yellow) Inverte r is OFF .
Operat i on 8–10 976-0043-01-02 E R RO R LE D (red) No error has been de te ct ed . A n Invert er e rror c ondit ion has be en de te ct ed . Us e 05 Er ro r Ca us es Menu to det ermine the ca use of t he erro r . This e rror LED will be on i f e ith er an i n ver t er a n d/ or a generator er ror conditi on has be en de te ct ed .
T he User Men u Sum mary 976-0043-01-02 8–11 The Us er Me nu S umma ry The User Menu provide s all the con trols and se tt ings that may be requi red on a daily ba sis such as turning ON the inver ter and/or gene rator , reading the AC and DC meters, check ing the possible cause s of an error , or adjus ting the inverter ’ s rea l-time clock.
Operat i on 8–12 976-0043-01-02 Xant re x T ech I nc 5916 195t h St NE Info. Di s pla y ed Read O nly Info. Di s pla y ed Read On ly p age 8–20 Arlington, W A 98223 U SA Info. Di s pla y ed Read O nly Info. Di s pla y ed Read On ly p age 8–20 Ph 1-800- 446-61 80 www .
T he User Men u Sum mary 976-0043-01-02 8–13 05F Exter nal er r (sta cked) NO Y E S Rea d On ly NO Y ES Re ad On ly pa ge 8–27 05G In put Rela y Failu re NO Y ES Rea d On ly NO Y ES Re ad On ly pa.
Operat i on 8–14 976-0043-01-02 Ac cess ing th e Us er Me nu T o dire c tly access t he 01A Inverte r User Menu: ◆ Press the red INV button to go directly to 01A Inv e rter . T o di r ect ly ac ces s the 02 Gen era tor Us er Men u: ◆ Press the green GEN button to go directly to 02A Generato r .
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–15 User Menu Desc r iption 01 Inv erter ON /OFF Menu The I N VE R TER ON /OF F Me n u Hea d ing a cce s ses t he s tart up a nd shutdown fu nction of the inverte r . 01A Inverter The 01A Inv ert er menu item has four set point s to selec t from for inverte r opera tion: OFF , SRCH, ON, and C HR.
Operat i on 8–16 976-0043-01-02 01B EQ Charg e OFF ON OFF When OFF is selected in the menu, the inve rt e r is not set to equal i ze the batteri es . ON This select ion triggers the battery char ger to initi at e the equaliz ation proces s. If the AC source is present on the AC1 grid or AC2 GEN terminals, the equa liz ation process will begin.
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–17 01D Bypass M ode The Bypass Modeclose s the inte rnal bypass relay s and allows the AC connec ted to th e sele c ted input (AC1 or AC2) t o pass dir ectly through to the loads withou t bein g monito red for AC volt age or freque ncy qual ity .
Operat i on 8–18 976-0043-01-02 02A Generat or The 02A Gene r ator menu i tem provide s three s et poi nts to c hoose f rom for gen era tor co n tro l . OFF This set point disab le s the auto- start system or immediate ly tur ns OFF a genera tor ( without coo ldown) sta rted by the inverte r .
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–19 Menu items 02B through 02F wil l indic at e “NO” unless the gener a tor- start parameter s are m e t as programmed i n the Adva nced Set up Me nu (Menu items 24, 25, an d 26).
Operat i on 8–20 976-0043-01-02 03 Time Of D ay Menu Menu Heading 03 T im e O f D a y displa ys infor m ation suc h as t he curre nt time of day , software revision number , system info rmat ion ( e. g., model type), Xantre x’ s maili ng addre ss and pho ne/fax number s.
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–21 Press R e s et f or Factor y De fa ul t s In addition to provid ing information, this menu inc ludes a reset function that allows a ll syst e m sett ings to be re turned to th eir or iginal de fault values.
Operat i on 8–22 976-0043-01-02 04 Mete rs Men u The Meters Menu provide s information about syst em perf or mance. The menus und er this heading are re a d-onl y .
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–23 04B Batt er y Comp Vdc This m enu item di splay shows the batt e ry voltage a fter i t has been compensate d based on the bat te ry temper a tur e and the input curr e nt.
Operat i on 8–24 976-0043-01-02 04G Grid (A C1) V olt s A C This m enu item di splays the AC i nput volt a ge c onnected to the inverter 's AC1 t erminals. This in put voltage display may dri f t sl ightly bef ore the inverte r has synchronize d to t he grid.
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–25 05 Erro r Caus es Me nu Detect e d inv erter e rrors cau se the re d ERROR LED to illumi nate. The se menu it ems help determine the ca use of e rror c onditions. These menu i tems normall y display “NO” f or all menu i tems in which no error is det ec ted.
Operat i on 8–26 976-0043-01-02 05C Heatsink O ver temp If “ yes” is vis ible in t his displ ay , the power tr ansist ors ha ve e xceeded their desig ne d operat ing temperature and the inve r ter is shut off .
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–27 05E High Bat t ery V oltag e If “Y es” is displ ayed, the DC battery volta ge has increa sed above the va l u e se t in th e 1 1A High B atte r y Cut O ut VDC menu ite m. This can be caused by a solar array or other ch ar ging source not being regula ted.
Operat i on 8–28 976-0043-01-02 05H Gen F ailed to Start If “Y es” is displ ayed, the automati c generator -sta r t system did not succe ssfully start the generat or . The s ys tem co mp let es s ix start c ycl es an d requ ires the g ener at or t o opera te for a minimum of five minute s before the sta r ting at tempts counter is c lear e d.
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–29 06A Bypass M ode Selected If “Y es” is displ ayed, the Bypass Mode is select ed for either the AC1 or AC2 i nput.
Operat i on 8–30 976-0043-01-02 06E EQ Charg e Selected If “Y es” is displ ayed, the char ge r is set to r un in the Equaliz e Char ge Mode. Be sure to monitor menu ite m s 04I Battery T emp and 04K Read B ulk/ EQ Ti me w hen e qua lize c h arging th e ba tter ies .
User Menu D escri pt ion 976-0043-01-02 8–31 07B R Y8 (GSM) Ener gized If “Y e s” is displaye d, the inverter has sent out a command to ener gize t he rela y (between the N.O. to COM conne ctions) in the GSM . This displa y can be used for trouble shooting purpose s by he lping to isola te the cause of a gener a tor pr oblem.
9 T r oubl esho oti ng Chapter 9, “ T roubleshooting” contains information and procedures for s olving possible problems with the Sine W ave Plu s .
T roubleshooting 9–2 976-0043-01-02 Invert er T rouble sho otin g If the red ERROR LED illum inates on the control modu le , see “05 Erro r Causes Menu” on pa ge 8–25 to de termine the cause of the e rror cond ition then refe r to the trouble shooting solu tions below to resolve the situa ti on.
Inverter T roubleshooting 976-0043-01-02 9–3 Low AC power output or Low surge powe r INVER T LED is on. AC inducti ve loads are not running at full spe ed. Insuf fic ie nt DC curr ent being provided to the inverte r to oper a te th e AC loads . Check the bat tery voltage , fuses or breakers and cable connect ions.
T roubleshooting 9–4 976-0043-01-02 Batt er y Charger T roubles ho oti ng If the red ERROR LED illum inates on the ICM display , see “ 0 5 Erro r Causes Menu” on page 8–25 to determine the caus e of the error condition. Then use the solu tions below to resolve the situa ti on.
Battery Charger T r oubleshooting 976-0043-01-02 9–5 Charg er drops off befo re full cha r g ing has finis he d (no ERROR comes on). AC frequen cy a t the AC input te rminal may be out-of-t olera nc e (too high or low) or the AC volta ge may be outs ide t he 13C Input Upper Limit V AC or 13D In put Lowe r Li mit V AC set tings.
T roubleshooting 9–6 976-0043-01-02 Batte ries be ing c harge d abov e the Bulk/ Float sett ing. If BTS i s in st alle d, it may be i n a c old a rea or have falle n of f the batt eries . Another DC ch argi ng sourc e may be on th e batt eries. Monitor the 04B Battery T emp Comp VDC whi l e cha rgi ng.
Er ror Ca use s 976-0043-01-02 9–7 Er ror Ca us es This ta b le refers to 05 Er r or Cau ses Me nu m es sag es. Refe r t o t hes e mes s ages wh en t he ERR OR L ED i s o n or fl ash in g. 05 A Ov er Cur ren t Exces sive l oad on the AC output . Rese t the inverte r by press in g the On/ O f f switch to OFF , then to SRCH or ON.
T roubleshooting 9–8 976-0043-01-02 05G In pu t Re lay Fai lur e The AC tr a nsfe r rela y is bad or an AC source was wired di rectly to the AC output .
A Inverter Spec ificati o ns Appendix A, “ Inverter Specifi cations” pr ovides the elec trical and envi r onmental specifications of this inver ter .
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–2 976-0043-01-02 Elec t ric al Sp ecifi c at ions AC Input V olta ge (nominal) 120 V ac 120 V ac AC Input V oltage Range 80 to 150 V a c 80 to 150 V ac AC Input Current.
Elec trical Spe cifications 976-0043-01-02 A– 3 AC Input V ol tage (no m inal) 120 V ac 12 0 V ac 120 V ac AC Input V oltage Range 80 to 150 V ac 80 to 15 0 V a c 80 to 150 V ac AC Input Cur r ent 6.
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–4 976-0043-01-02 Me chani ca l Speci fic atio ns Oper ati ng T emper atu re Rang e SPECIFIED (w il l m e et spe cif ie d tol er a n ce s ) 32 °F to 77 °F (0 °C t o 2.
Mecha nic al Spe cificatio ns 976-0043-01-02 A– 5 Operati ng T emperature R ange SPECIFIED (w il l m e et spe cif ie d tol er a nc es ) 32 °F to 77 °F (0 °C t o 2 5 °C) 32 °F to 77 °F (0 °C t.
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–6 976-0043-01-02 Theor y of Op erat ion The Sine W ave Plu s employs a patented in verter de sign. This desi gn use s a com bination of three transform e rs, e ach wit h its o wn low fr e quency switc hes, coupled in serie s and drive n by separat e interc onnected micro- control lers.
Th eo r y o f O p e ra t io n 976-0043-01-02 A– 7 The inver te r runs in two basi c formats: as a stand-al one inverter (conve r ting DC to AC), or as a parall el inverter (with its output synchroni zed to another AC source). In inver te r mode, only 60 Hz waveform s are create d.
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–8 976-0043-01-02 P ower V ersu s E fficiency There are two pr imary loss es tha t com bin e to cre at e the efficiency cu rve of the Sine W ave P lus . The first is the ener gy that is required to ope r ate the inver ter at full output vol ta ge while del ivering no current .
P ower V ersus E ffici ency 976-0043-01-02 A– 9 Figure A-4 Sine W ave Plus E fficiency Cu rve for t he SW Plus 25 24 Figure A-3 Powe r Vers u s E ffi ci en c y C ur ve s f o r A l l Mo de ls SW Plu .
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–10 976-0043-01-02 Figure A-5 Sine W ave Plus E fficiency Curve fo r the SW Plus 25 48 Figure A-6 Sine W ave Plus E fficiency Curve fo r the SW Plus 40 24 S W P l us 254.
P ower V ersus E ffici ency 976-0043-01-02 A– 11 Figure A-7 Sine W ave Plus E fficiency Curve fo r the SW Plus 40 48 Figure A-8 Sine W ave Plus E fficiency Curve fo r the SW Plus 55 48 S W P l u s 4.
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–12 976-0043-01-02 In vert er Cap ac i ty v ersu s T empe rature The output power of the i nvert er dimi nishes as a mbien t tempe rature r is es. However , as ca n be s een below , with t he exceptio n of t he SWP5548, these inverte rs are sized to be able to run a full rat ed out put powe r up to 40C.
T ime ve rsus Cu rrent 976-0043-01-02 A– 13 Tim e versus Current Load s pr esen ted to the i nv erter are sel do m c onst ant. T ypical ly , large lo ads are operated for only short pe riods of time.
Inve rter Sp ecific atio ns A–14 976-0043-01-02 Figur e A-10 T i m e v er su s C u rre n t f or t h e Si ne Wave Pl u s 25 4 8 Figur e A-11 T i m e v er su s C u rre n t f or t h e Si ne Wave Pl u s.
T ime ve rsus Cu rrent 976-0043-01-02 A– 15 Figur e A-12 T i m e v er su s C u rre n t f or t h e Si ne Wave Pl u s 40 4 8 Figur e A-13 T i m e v er su s C u rre n t f or t h e Si ne Wave Pl u s 55 .
B Con figuration Settings Appendix B, “C onf iguration Settings” provides workshee ts for programming your inverter/charger for user-specific parame ters.
Configuration Settings B–2 976- 0043-01-02 Us er Me nu Se ttin gs Ta b l e B - 1 provide s a list of User Menu headings and menu items , with availa ble set points. This tab le also provide s the defa ult settings for eac h menu ite m as progr ammed in the fact ory .
Us er Me nu Se tt ing s 976-0043-01-02 B–3 Ph 1-80 0-446-6 180 www .xant rex. co m Press reset for fa cto ry defa ult s Press to refresh th e LCD display . 04 M ete rs Menu See “04 Mete rs Menu ” o n page 8– 22 for de tails . 04A B at t e r y A ct u a l VD C 1 3 .
Configuration Settings B–4 976- 0043-01-02 06 St atu s Menu See “06 Sta tus Menu ” on page 8–28 for detail s. 06A Bypas s Mode Sel ec ted N O YES Re ad Only N O YES Re ad Only 06B CHR Se le ct.
Basi c Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–5 Ba si c S et u p M e n u Ta b l e B - 2 provide s a list of Basic Setup Menu headin gs and menu items, with availa ble set points. This ta ble also provides the defa ult settings fo r each m enu it em as pro gram me d in t he f act ory .
Configuration Settings B–6 976- 0043-01-02 12I T e mp Comp Lea dA cid Ni Ca d Le adAc id Le adAc id Ni Ca d Le adAc id 13 AC Inputs Menu See “13 AC Inputs Menu ” on page 6–26 for de tai ls .
Basi c Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–7 12 Batte ry Char ging Menu See “12 Batte ry Char ging Menu ” on pag e 6–19 for de tails. 12A Finish Stag e SILENT FL OA T FL OA T SI LE NT FL OA T FL OA T 12B B ulk V olts DC 20.0 t o 32.0 28. 8 40.0 t o 64.
Configuration Settings B–8 976- 0043-01-02 T able B-4 Basic Setup Defau lt and User Settings fo r the Sine W ave Plus 5548 Model Sine W a ve Plus 5548 Use r Set tings Bas ic Se tup Me nus R a nge/D i splay Def ault 10 T ime of D ay Set up Menu See “10 T ime of Day Setup Me nu” on page 6–11 f o r detail s.
Basi c Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–9 14A Pus h INV no w to save se ttings Push INV now to Save Setti ngs 14B P us h GEN to res tore setti ngs Push GEN to restore s ett ings 14C Push GEN for factory .
Configuration Settings B–10 976- 0043-01-02 Adv anc ed Se tup Me nu Ta b l e B - 5 provide s a list of Advanced Setup Menu headi ngs a nd menu items, with a vailable set poi nts. This table a lso provide s the default sett ings for each menu item as programmed in the fact or y .
Advanced Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–11 24 Generator T imers Menu See “24 Generat or Timers Menu ” on page 7–26 for detai ls . 24A Ge n Run T im e St a rt h: m 00:00 t o 23:50 08:00 00:00 to 2.
Configuration Settings B–12 976- 0043-01-02 26 G Read LBCO 30 se c Sta rt L BCO sett ing (1 1C) 22.0 LBCO sett ing (1 1C) 44.0 27 Save/Re store Setup Me nu S ee “27 Save/ Restore Setti ngs Menu” on page 7–39 for detai ls.
Advanced Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–13 23A R Y9 Vdc Ene rgized 22.1 t o 35.5 26.0 44. 2 t o 71.0 52.0 23B R Y9 Vdc DeE nerg iz ed 20.0 t o 35.5 22.0 40.0 t o 71.0 44.0 23C R Y9 Delay at De E ngz. Mi n 00 to 255 10 00 t o 255 10 23D R Y10 VDC Ener gized 10.
Configuration Settings B–14 976- 0043-01-02 26D 24- hr S tart V olts DC 10.0 to 3 5.5 24.6 20.0 t o 71.0 49.2 26E 2-hr S tart V olts DC 10. 0 t o 35.5 23.6 20.0 to 7 1.0 47.2 26F 15-min S tart V ol ts DC 10.0 t o 35.5 22.6 20.0 t o 71.0 45.2 26 G Read LBCO 30 sec S tart L BCO se tti ng (11C ) 22.
Advanced Setup Menu 976-0043-01-02 B–15 22B L o w X f e r ( LB X ) V dc 3 2 . 2 to 67 . 8 46 . 0 23 ALM Relays Menu S ee “23 ALM Relays Menu ” on page 7–19 for de tails. 23A R Y9 Vdc Ene rgized 44.2 t o 71.0 52.0 23B RY9 Vd c De E n e r gi z ed 40 .
Configuration Settings B–16 976- 0043-01-02 26B L o a d St ar t De l a y M in 0 0 . 0 to 25 . 5 05 . 0 26C L o a d St op D e l a y M in 0 0 . 0 to 25 . 5 05. 0 26D 24- hr S tart V olts DC 20.0 t o 71.0 49.2 26E 2-hr S tart V olts DC 20.0 to 71.0 47.
C Battery Information Appendix C, “Battery Inf ormation” supplies general informa tion a bo ut ba tterie s s uch as battery types , battery bank sizing, battery c onfigurations, and battery care. For detailed information, see your battery manuf acturer or your s ystem designer .
Bat tery In formation C–2 976-0043-01-02 Introducti on Batte r ies Batteri es are ava ilable i n diff e rent size s, amp-hour r atings, v oltage, liqui d or gel, ve nted or non-vented, chemistri e s, etc . They a re a lso availa ble for starti ng applicat ions ( such as an automobile sta r ting bat tery) and deep disch arge a pplicati ons.
Batt ery T ype s 976-0043-01-02 C– 3 Seal ed Ba tteries (G el and A GM) Descri ption Gel Cell and absorbe d gla ss m at (AGM) batter ie s are sealed and do not requir e the additio n of dist illed water . Since these batter ies are valve regula ted, over -chargi ng can cause irrevers ible damage.
Bat tery In formation C–4 976-0043-01-02 Other options Another option for 2 4 volt (only) a lkaline battery ba nks is to use only 19 c ells instead of 20. Fewer cells a llow the battery char ger to operat e more close ly to the sett ings used for le a d-aci d batterie s.
Bat tery Ban k Sizi ng 976-0043-01-02 C– 5 Depth of disc ha r ge In gen e ral, the bat tery bank should be d esigned so the batteries do not disch ar ge more than 60% of the ir capaci ty on a regula r basis. Dischar ging up to 80% is acceptabl e on a limited basis, such as a prolonge d util ity outag e .
Bat tery In formation C–6 976-0043-01-02 T ime an d power The le ngth of ti me a load is ope rated wil l af fect the power d r aw . In s ome cases , an a ppliance whi ch draws a lar ge wattage may not consume a s many amp hours as a load drawing fewe r watts but running f or a longer period of time.
Bat tery Ban k Sizi ng 976-0043-01-02 C– 7 Amp Hour Example W orksheet Complet e the following ste ps to c alcul ate the amp-hour requ irements per day for your syste m . Use and Ta b l e C - 2 a s ex amp les to c ompl ete you r own. T o c alc ula te a mp- ho ur requ ireme nt s: 1.
Bat tery In formation C–8 976-0043-01-02 Battery bank size wor ks heet Calcul ation T o cal cul a te the batt e ry bank size, use the average a m p-hou r s pe r da y that you calc ulated usi ng Ta b l e C - 1 , then make the oth er calcul a tion sh own in Ta b l e C - 2 to calcula te the battery b ank size y ou need t o suppor t your loads .
Battery C onfigurations 976-0043-01-02 C– 9 Ba tt er y Co nf igur at ions The batte r y bank must be wired to match the inver ter ’ s DC input voltage specif ications (24 or 48 Vdc). In additi on, the bat teries can be wired to provi de additional run time .
Bat tery In formation C–1 0 976-0043-01-02 W iring Batt eries in P arallel Ef fect W ir ing the batte ries in a parall el configur ation increas es the current of the batt e ry string. The volt age of the bat tery bank remains the same as an individu al batte ry .
Battery C onfigurations 976-0043-01-02 C– 11 W iring Batt eries in Series- P a rallel Ef fect W ir ing the batte ries in a serie s-para llel config uration inc reases t he curre nt and voltage of the battery ba nk. “ Ser ies-paralle l” w ir ing is m ore complic a ted and car e should be taken when wiri ng these banks.
Bat tery In formation C–1 2 976-0043-01-02 Connect to in ve rter T o con nec t to th e in vert er: 1. Connect a cable from t he positi ve te rminal of th e fir st ba tter y string to the inverter’ s posit ive DC t erminal ( via a fused devic e). 2.
Battery Maintenance 976-0043-01-02 C– 13 Batt er y Main te nan ce Mainte na nce strate gy T o get the best per formance f rom an inve rter system, th e batt eries m ust be proper ly setup and m aint a ined . This includes setti ng the prope r vol ta ges for Bulk and Float ch a r ging.
Bat tery In formation C–1 4 976-0043-01-02 T emperatur e compensati on is ba sed on b attery type—5 mv/cell for l ead acid type batterie s a nd 2 mv/cell for alkalin e type batte r ies (NiCad or NiFe). The temper a tur e c ompensation ca lcul ations are deriv e d from Ta b l e C - 5 .
Battery Maintenance 976-0043-01-02 C– 15 Equ a li za ti o n C ha rgi ng Purpose An e qua liz e char ge helps to r emove sulf a te buil dup on t he batte ry plat e s and balan c es the char ge of individual c el ls.
Bat tery In formation C–1 6 976-0043-01-02 Gene ral M aintenance W a ter Levels Floode d le ad ac id batt e ries r e quire perio dic water refi lls in eac h battery cell. Only distil led water should be used in a batte ry , a s tap or mineral water may contain contamina nts which will upset the bat te ry che mist ry and may damage the batt e ry .
Battery Maintenance 976-0043-01-02 C– 17 S tate of C harge The ba ttery’ s state - of-char ge s hould be c hecked of ten and only when th e batt ery at a state of rest (when the batte r y is not power ing loads or active ly being c harge d). Firs t thing in the morni ng is usually th e best time to ch ec k t he s tate o f c harge .
C–1 8.
D Gene rators Appendix D, “ Generators” s upplies information about generator starting. This informati on is provided for bas ic refere nce only . B ecause of the wide variety of ge nerator circuits avai lable, Xantrex cannot be held responsible f or the accuracy of the information provided.
Ge ne ra t ors D–2 976-0043-01-02 T w o-Wire Star t Ci rcui ts T wo-wire s tarting generator s are t he easi e st t o control and are highly recommende d for this typ e of applicati on. A cont a ct closur e starts the gener a tor and openi ng the contac ts stops the generator .
T hree -Wire St art Ci rcuit s 976-0043-01-02 D– 3 Ona n™ 3- W i re T y pe G ene rat ors Most Onan 3-wire type generator s use a three- position, momentar y type switc h to cont rol t he ir operation.
E Over -Char ge Pr otec tion Appendix E, “Over-Charge Protection” supplies information about options for over - charge protection. This informati on is provided for bas ic refere nce only . B ecause of the wide variety of over-charge protection available, Xantrex cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information pr ovided.
Over -Charge Protection E–2 976-0043-01-02 O verv o lt ag e Pro tect ion u sing a Ch arg e Cont roll er When usi ng a rene wab le en ergy s our ce to ch arge the b atte ri es, a ch arge control ler prevents the batter ies from excee ding a user -specified volt age level.
Diversion Load Control 976-0043-01-02 E–3 Div ersi on L oad C on trol DC generato r devices , such as wind turbine s a nd hydro-ele ctric gener a tors , m ay be damaged by over- spi nning if the DC loads are sudden ly removed from them.
F Mu lt i - wire Bra n c h Cir cuit W iring Appendix F , “Multi-wire B ranch Circuit Wiring” s upplies information about Multi-wire Branch Cir c uit W i ring Precautions whe n using stand-alone 120 V ac inverters or generators.
Mult i-wire Branch C ircuit Wi ring F–2 976-0043-01-02 Mult i- wi re Bran ch Ci rcui ts Proble m A potenti al safety problem exis ts w hen instal ling stand-alone 120 V ac inverte rs into e xisting 120/240 V ac wired panels whe re multi-wir e branch circ uit wiring methods were used.
Multi- wire B ran ch Circ uits 976-0043-01-02 F– 3 Figure F-2 Multi -wire B ranch Circ uit Wiri ng and Curr ent F low Figure F-3 120 V ac Inv erter Inc orrectly Wired in a Mult i-wire Br anch Cir cu.
Mult i-wire Branch C ircuit Wi ring F–4 976-0043-01-02 Iden t ify ing Mu lt i- wi re Branch Ci rcui ts Identif ying char acteri st ic Multi- wire bra nc h ci r cuit s can be ide nti fied by r e moving the cover o n the load center a nd ins pecting t he wiring .
Corr ectin g Multi- wire B ranch Ci rcui t Wirin g 976-0043-01-02 F– 5 Co rrect in g Mu lt i- wi re Bran ch Circ uit Wiri n g Accept a ble opti ons Cor rec ting mul ti-wire branc h circuit wir ing is not easy .
Mult i-wire Branch C ircuit Wi ring F–6 976-0043-01-02 Figure F-5 Using a St ep-down Aut otransform er in Multi-wi re Branc h Circuit W iring Loa d Ce nte r L1 L2 Neutral Grou nd 120 Vac 1 20 Vac 15.
G Em e r genc y P owe r Off Swi t c hes Appendix G , “ Emergency Pow er O ff S w i t c h e s ” supplies information about the r equirements for installing an Emergency Power Off Switch.
Emerg ency P owe r Off Swi tches G–2 976-0043-01-02 Th e Purpo se of an EP O swit ch In t he e ve nt an emerge ncy situa tion, the first priorit y is t o remove p owe r from the house by removing the power meter . However , systems with batter y backups ca n run in inve rter mode (i.
The Purpose o f an EPO sw itch 976-0043-01-02 G– 3 The intent of this featur e is to provid e three opti ons: • Inver ter shutdown using an externall y mounte d swit ch as de scrib ed in the 2002 .
Emerg ency P owe r Off Swi tches G–4 976-0043-01-02 the buil ding a t a readily a c cessibl e location. The shunt trip switc h, when install ed should be between six (6) feet and six feet sev en inches ( 6'7") above fin ish gr a de.
976-0043-01-02 H– 1 Glossary “Gloss ary” conta ins a glossar y of technic al terms used in this manual. The glossary also defines s ome common electrical terms. “Gloss ary” als o defines abbreviations and acronyms assoc iated with the Sine W ave Plus and this manual.
H–2 976-0043-01-02 A conduct ive medium in whic h the flow of elect ricit y takes plac e; this is the liqui d found inside sto rage bat te ries. The thi rd stag e of th ree - st ag e bat te ry ch ar gin g.
976-0043-01-02 H– 3 A voltag e drop c aus ed by resista nce in wire during tr a nsmiss ion of elect rical powe r over dis tance. An elec tri cal sys te m that is connec ted to a utili ty distribu tion gr id. For exampl e, Xantre x SW line tie inver ters are designe d to c onnect t o and inte ract wit h util ity p ower .
H–4 976-0043-01-02 A group of electr ical de vic es, such as bat teries or PV modul es, wi re d to gether t o incr ease v oltage, while a m pacity remain s c ons tant. T wo 100 amp hour 12 Vdc batte rie s wired in serie s form a 100 amp hour 24 Vdc battery bank.
976-0043-01-02 H– 5 Abbrevi ations and A crony ms AC Alte rnatin g Curren t ACCB AC Condui t Box Ah am p hour ALM Auxil iary Load Mo dule ASC Authorize d Servi ce Cent er AUX Aux iliar y A WG Amer i.
H–6 976-0043-01-02 LCD Liq uid Crys tal Disp lay LED Light Em it ting Diode NEC Nati ona l Electri c Code NE U Ne ut r al OEM Ori ginal E quipment Ma nufactu rer PC Pe rs onal Compute r PV Pho tovol.
976-0043-01-02 I–1 W arr anty and Pr odu ct Information Wa r r a n t y Wha t does t his warr a nty co ver? This Limited W arranty is pr ovide d by Xant rex T echnology , Inc. ("Xantr ex") and covers def ects in wor kmanship and material s in your Sine W ave Plu s Inverte r / Cha rger .
I–2 976-0043-01-02 Direc t returns may be perfor m ed accor ding to the Xantre x Return Materia l Authorization Policy descr ibed in your produc t manual.
I–4 976-0043-01-02 Return Proced ure 1. Package the unit safel y , preferabl y using the origina l box and packing m aterials . Please ensure that your product i s shippe d fully insur ed in the original pa ckaging or equiva lent. This warranty will not app ly where th e produc t is d a maged due to im proper pa c kaging.
Information About Y our S y stem 976-0043-01-02 I–5 Inf ormat ion Ab out Y o ur Sys tem As soon as you open your S ine W ave Plus Invert er/Char ger pa ck age, r eco rd the fol lo wing inform ation and be sure to keep your proof of purcha se. If yo u need t o contac t Customer Service, please r ecord the following details before calling.
Index 976-0043-01-02 IX –1 3- to-2 W ire Convert er s D–3 AC 3–26 AC output requi rements, deter mining 2–4 AC side f ea ture 1– 4 ACCB, purp ose of 2–22 Acce ssi ng the AC T e rmina l Bl .
Index IX–2 976-0043- 01-02 Generato r E xer ci sin g 7–25 Genera tor S ta rt Module s ee GSM gene ra tor st art types 2–20 gene rator , as only sour ce of AC power 2– 36 gene rator , starti ng.
Index 976-0043-01-02 IX –3 saf e ty in s t r uc t io n s i i – v ii– ? ? se ria l number I–5 se rie s stacking, operati on require ments 2–16 stack ing, consi derations for 2–15 syste m in.
Index IX–4 976-0043- 01-02.
Xant rex Tec hno logy Inc . 8999 Nelson Wa y Bur nab y, Br itish Co lum bia Can ada V5 A 4B5 800 670 0707 T e l Toll Free i n North America 360 925 5097 T e l direct 800 994 7828 Fax T oll Fre e in North America 360 925 5143 Fax di rect customerservice@xantrex.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantrex Technology SW Plus 2548 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.