Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit D80-2 du fabricant Woods Equipment
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L R OTAR Y CUTTER 15914 Rev . 5/1 1/2007 T ested. Prove n. Unbeat able . D80-2 MD80-2.
2 Introduction Gen’l (Rev . 2/5/2 007) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 3 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) T ABLE OF CONTENT S INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICA T IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Introduction 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) SPECIFICATIONS D80- 2 (T owe d) MD80 -2 ( Moun ted ) Cutting Width 80" 80" Cutting Height 2" - 1 4" 2" (Limi ted by tractor li ft) Over.
Safety 5 Saf ety Video Orde r Fo rm (2/23/2005) Free Mower Safety V ideo Fill out and return the o rder form and we will send you a FREE VHS or DVD video outlinin g Industrial and Agricu ltural Mower Safe ty Practices.
6 Sa fety Safe ty Video O rder F orm (2/23/2 005) Free Mower / Cutter Sa fety Video Order Form ✔ (Sel ect one) VHS Forma t - V HS01052 Sa fety V ideo DVD Format - DVD 01052 Safety V id eo Pl.
Safety 7 D80 Sa fety Rules (Rev . 3/23/2007) TRAINING Saf ety i nstru cti ons ar e im port a nt! R ead al l att achment and power unit manuals; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion. (Rep lace- ment manua ls and safety d ecals ar e avai lable f rom your dealer .
8 Safety D80 Safe ty Rules (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) (Safety R ules co ntinued fr om prev ious p age) Air in hyd raulic s ystems can cause erratic oper- ation and allows loads or equipme nt components to drop unexpectedly .
Safety 9 D80 Sa fety Rules (Rev . 3/23/2007) Do not modify or alter or permit anyone else to modify or alter the equipme nt or any of its compo- nent s in any way . Always wear relatively tight and belted clothing to avoid entanglement in moving p art s.
10 SAFETY 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) 13 7 11 7 11 9 8 9 12 11 7 10 5 6 12 6 5 3 2 4 1 CD3 8 17A MOU N TED DRI V E PULL-TYPE O N LY PULL-TYPE O N LY FRAME FOR MOU N TED & PULL-TYPE PULL-TYPE O N LY 1 - SERIAL NUMB ER PLATE 540 RPM W ARNING 18866-D 4 - 188 66 F ALLING OFF CAN RESUL T IN BEING RUN OVER.
SAFETY 11 15914 (R ev . 3/23/ 2007) W ARNING TO A VOID SERIOUS INJUR Y OR DEA TH: Read Operator's Manual (available from dealer) and follow all safety precautions. Keep all shields in place and in good condition. Operate mower from tractor seat only .
12 SAFETY 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) SAFETY & INSTR UCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME A LERT! Y OUR SAFETY IS INV O L VED! Replace Immediatel y If Dama ged! ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running.
Operation 13 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) OPERATION The des igned and tested s afety of this ma chin e depends on i t bei ng ope rated wi thin the lim itations as explain ed in this manual . Be famili ar wit h and follow all safety rul es in the manual , on the cutter a nd on th e tractor .
14 Operation 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) Driveli ne Att achme nt Attach the c utter to the trac tor 3-po int hi tch (or q uick hitch if av aila ble). Do not attach dri veline. Ra ise an d lower c utter to determi ne max imum an d min imum dis- tance between the tr actor PTO shaft and the gearbox input sh aft.
Operation 15 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) 7. Repeat ste p 6 for the other half of the driv e. 8. File an d clean c ut end s of bo th drive halves . Do not use tr actor if p roper dri veline en gagemen t can- not be obtaine d through these m ethods.
16 Operation 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) Connect c utter drive line to tract or PTO shaft, making sure the s pring -activ ated loc king pin s lides freel y and is seated fi rmly i n tractor PTO spli ne groov e. Adjust H- frame bear ing heigh t to en sure fro nt drivel ine is parall el to grou nd.
Operation 17 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) Under certain c onditions , tractor tires m ay roll s ome material do wn and pr event it fr om being cut at th e same height as the surroundi ng area. When this occurs, r educ e tracto r groun d speed bu t main tain 540 rpm PTO speed.
18 Owner Service 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) OWNERS SERVICE On pull-type unit s, a pin is installed to prevent the height adjustment crank from det aching.
Owner Service 19 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) Figure 8 . Lubric ation Points Blade R emoval Rotate cros sbar u ntil b lade pin a ssemb ly is direc tly below ac cess h ole i n rea r of c utter fra me. Re move bol t (1) an d bla de pin clip (2). S lide keyho le pl ate (3) out o f blade pi n groov e and remov e.
20 Owner Service 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) NOTICE ■ If blade pin is sei zed in c rossbar a nd ext reme force will be required to remove it, support c ross- bar from below to prevent damage to spindle. Y our dealer can supply genuine replacement blades.
Owner Service 21 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) SERVICING TI RES S AFELY Used Aircraft T ires (Figure 10) Do not attemp t to mou nt a tir e unle ss you hav e the proper equ ipment and ex perienc e to pe rform the job. Always maintain the correc t tire pressur e.
22 Dealer Service 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) DEALER SERVICE On pull-type unit s, a pin is installed to prevent the height adjustment crank from det aching.
Dealer Service 23 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Inspect gear sh afts and sl eeves. P ay spe cific a ttentio n to a reas w here seal s seat . Ch eck f or crac ks, groove s, nicks or bumps. If da mage cann ot be repair ed by resur - facing with e mery c loth, rep lace dama ged part.
24 Dealer Service 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Proper bearing adjustme nt is e ssentia l to goo d bear ing life. Do n ot lea ve be aring ad juste d too tigh tly .
Dealer Service 25 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 2. With snap rings re moved, support dr ive in vi se, hold y oke in hand and tap o n yo ke to dri ve cup up out of yok e. Se e Figure 15 . 3. Clamp cup in v ise as s hown i n Figure 1 6 and ta p on yoke to c omplet ely re move c up from yoke.
26 Dealer Service 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) yoke s sharp ly with a hammer to reli eve an y ten- sion. R epeat unt il both yok es mov e in all dir ections without restri ction .
Dealer Service 27 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) TROUBLE SHOOTING * Check bel t for damage by laying it fl at on floor . If belt does not li e flat (has humps or twists) this indicates br oken or stretch ed cords . Repl ace be lt. PROBLEM P OSSIBLE CAU SE SOLUTION Does not cut Dull blade s Sharpe n blades .
28 Assembly 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) ASSEMBLY DEALER SET - UP INSTRUCTIONS The se inst ruct ions are f or t he ass emb ly of t he MD 80 and D80. Ma ny of the proc edures apply to both un its. When an inst ructi on ap plies t o a speci fic u nit, th e sec - tion headi ng wil l indicate which uni t.
Assem bly 29 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Remove th e two rear c arriag e bolts from the left sid e skid. P lace ba ffle (1) under cu tter f rame and attach as shown in Figu re 21. Figure 21 . Distr ibution Baffle Installa tion Gearbox Lubrication NOTICE ■ The gearbox was not filled at the fa ctory .
30 Assembly 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Wheel Y o ke Inst alla tion for D80-2 Pull-T ype Cutter The wheel yoke for use with pneum atic tires is illus - trated. Th e spring-l oaded whe el yoke ins talls the same . Attach wheel y oke (6) to rear of c utter fra me with cl evis pins (15) and cotte r pins (3) at two poi nts.
Assem bly 31 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Fig ure 24 . T ong ue and H-Frame Assem bly T ongue Instal lation fo r D80-2 Pull-T yp e Cutter Attach co mpress ion br acket (7 ) to fr ont of ge arbox stand with lock washers (20) and nu ts (21), see Figu re 24.
32 Assembly 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) chain (32 ) around the compres sion link to prevent driv - eline sh ie ld ro tation. Align d rive line in H-frame and in sert clev is pin (22) through H-fr ame and car rier bear ing (9). At tach by ins ert ing t wo c otte r pi ns (1 7) i n cle vis pin (22) .
Assem bly 33 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Figure 26 . Assem bly of MD80 (Mou nted Mo del) MD80 Assembly Driveline Installation Loosen c lamp bo lt (35) on rear hal f of drive, se e Figu re 26. Install k ey (33 ) in gearb ox keyw ay and sli de driv e onto ge arbox inpu t shaft.
34 Assembly 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Bolt reb ound pad (2 8) to reb ound pad su pport (27). Insert bo lt (9) thro ugh gears tand and br acket (2 6), then place reboun d pad assem bly on top and s ecure wit h lock nu ts (10) . Attach tailwhe el arm b rackets (19) to brack ets on rear of cutter frame with bolts (22) and elastic stop nuts (21) .
Assem bly 35 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) OPTIONAL CHECK CH AIN INST ALLATION Att ach chain (9) t o cutter mast pl ate (2) with bolt (1), washer (3) and nut (4) as shown. Repeat for op posite mast plate . Attach on e check chain brack et (7) to each si de of th e tractor to p link bracke t (6) with bolt ( 5) and nut (8) as shown.
36 Dealer Check Lists 15914 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE- DELIVERY CH ECK LIST (DEA LER’S R ESPO NSIBIL IT Y) Inspect cutte r thorough ly after asse mbly to be certain it is set up properl y before deliver ing it to c ustom er . The following chec k lis t is a remind er of poi nts to in spec t.
Part s 37 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) INDEX TO P A RT S LIST D80-2 (Pull -T ype) Main F rame Assemb ly (Pull- T ype) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38 Mai n F rame A ssem bly - Co m mon Par ts . . . . . .
38 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY (PULL-TYPE) 6 7 10 23 36 37 3 8 35 33 23 39 11 9 25 24 8 26 12 31 32 22 29 32 31 5 2 8 22 30 32 31 27 34 22 4 3 2 1 CD3 8 24A 40 R E F P AR.
Part s 39 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) MD80-2 MAIN FRAME ASS EMBL Y (MOUNTED MODEL) 45 22 32 39 37 42 40 3 8 43 44 41 36 29 36 29 35 35 34 33 31 30 2 8 27 26 25 24 23 22 22 22 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .
40 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 & MD80- 2 MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY - COMMON PARTS 2 3 4 4 0 51 4 8 57 55 41 4 11 1 2 50 6 1 3 4 3 4 6 2 6 50 47 4 7 49 4 16 22 45 2 3 2 1 24 25 52 57 1 4 56 56 .
Part s 41 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 & MD80- 2 MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY - COMMON PARTS R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- 1 Deck (not sold separatel y) 2 28219 1 Rear drive shield 3 15818 1 Right.
42 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 FRONT 2/3 OF 3-JOINT DRIVE (SQUARE SHAFT) 22 23 2 21 21 14 1 - - COMPLET E DRI V E 20 20 12 3 19 1 8 17 16 10 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 3 4 5 CD3 8 73B N OTE: T w os t y l e so fd r i v eshafts ha v e b een u s e do nt h eD 8 0s e r i e sc u tters.
Part s 43 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 FR ONT 2/3 OF 3-JOINT DRIV E (TWO -LOBE SHAFT) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 13 C D 5963 12 12 NOTE: T wo styles of driv eshafts hav e been used on the D80 series cutters . Check your driv eshaft for square or two - - lobe shaft and or der repair par ts from the correct parts lis t.
44 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) MD80-2 FRONT 1/2 OF UNIVERSAL DRIVE D80-2 & MD80 -2 REAR SECTION OF UNIVERSAL DRIVE 5 8 1 1-3/ 8 SPLI N E 7 6 4 3 2 CD3 8 72 Ref Part N o N o N o Used Descriptio.
Part s 45 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 & MD 80-2 GE ARBO X ASSEMBLY Ref Part No No No Used Description A 6222 1 1:1 Gearbox assembly complete 1 213 1 Seal for 1-3/4 shaft 2 20 9 1 1 -1/ 2 x 1 -.
46 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 & MD80- 2 BLADE SPINDLE ASSEMBLY D80-2 & MD80- 2 BLADES 20 10 19 1 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 1 CD3 8 31 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1.
Part s 47 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 & MD80-2 CHAIN SHIELD ING ASSEMBL Y CD3836A 1 2 5 6 6 18 18 17 4 3 19 20 1 R E F P ART Q TY DESCRIPTION 1 29085 2 Chain sh ielding c omplete (does not inc.
48 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 & MD80- 2 IDLER PULLEY ASSEMBLY D80-2 PARKING JACK R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 5586 1 Idler assembly comp lete 2 378 1 5/8 NC x 5 HHCS GR2 3 843 1 1/2 x .
Part s 49 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 H EIGHT ADJUST MENT C RANK D80-2 SPRING-L OADED WHEEL YOKE DB956A R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 15804 1 Height ad justmen t crank 2 1 1880 1 5/16 x 1-3/ 4 S p.
50 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 LAMINA TED TI RE WITH HUB & AXLE D80-2 RIM & AXLE ASSEMBLY 23 19 15 16 17 18 21 22 14 13 11 7 8 10 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 Ref Part No No No Used D escription 1 9373 1 6.
Part s 51 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 AIRCRAFT TIRE & HUB 10 9 19 17 1 8 20 21 10 SO L I D T IRE &R I M 27 10 26 20 21 22 10 1 25 24 23 16 15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 RIM F OR PNEUMAT I C TIRE AIRC.
52 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) MD80 -2 T A ILWHEE L ASSE MBLY 16 15 12 17 1 8 19 11 10 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 20 22 21 14 23 5 13 5 23 4 3 2 1 CD3 8 3 2 24 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1 5783 1 T ailw heel ar m asse mbly (inc lude s items 5 & 13) 2 1 5270 1 T ailw heel cle vis 3 15591 1 Wheel hub with cup s incl udes i tems 9 & 13) 4 4676 1 4.
Part s 53 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 PIV OT LINK KIT (OPTIONAL) D80-2 HYDRAULIC HOSE KIT & FITTINGS (OPTIO NAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 875 1 1 Pivo t li nk ki t 2 12 305 * 1 1/2 x 5-1/.
54 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) D80-2 3-1/2 X 8" HYDRAULIC CYLINDER #10475 (OPTIONAL) DC1 105 R E F P ART Q TY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- - Not availab le 2 26340 1 Seal kit (include s 2A thr u 2G) 2.
Part s 55 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) D80-2 & MD80-2 LEAF MULC HER ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) MD80-2 CHECK CHAIN ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) Ref Part N o N o N o Used Description 1 8 757 1 Leaf m u lcher complete .
56 Part s 15914 (R ev . 3/23/2007) MD80-2 CATEGORY 2 HIT CH PIN OPTIONS MD80-2 CATEGORY 2 B USHING KIT Ref Part No No No Used Description 1 13010 1 Category 2 hitch pin mounting kit 2 12275 2 Category.
Appendix 57 Bolt T orque & Size Ch arts (Rev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT T ORQUE CHART Always tighten har dware to the se values unles s a di ff erent t orque value or tighten ing pro cedure i s list ed for a specifi c applica tio n. F a stene rs must al wa ys be re placed wi th the s ame grade as specifi ed in the manual par ts list.
58 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Charts (R ev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ..... .......... ....... ...... ..
Index 59 15914 (R ev . 3/23/ 2007) INDEX ASSEMBLY 28 Dealer Set-Up Instr uctions 28 Blade Ins talla tion 2 8 Chain Shi elding In stall ation 29 Distributi on Baff le Inst allation 28 Gearbo x Lubri ca.
F-3079 (Rev . 1/16/2007) W oods E quipment Company 260 6 South Illinois Route 2 Post Office Box 1000 Oregon, Il linois 61061 800-319-663 7 tel 800-3 99-6 63 7 fax www .
F-8494 (Rev . 6/23/2005) W oods Eq uipme nt Company 260 6 South Illinois Ro ute 2 Po st Office Box 1000 Oregon, Illinois 61 061 800-319-663 7 tel 800 -399 -66 3 7 fa x www .
W oods Equipment C ompan y 2 606 South Il linoi s Route 2 P ost Office Bo x 1 000 O regon, Illinois 61061 8 15-732-214 1 tel 8 15-732-758 0 f ax w ww .Wo odsEquipm 15914 © 1996 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOODS, the Woods logo, and "T e sted.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Woods Equipment D80-2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Woods Equipment D80-2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Woods Equipment D80-2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Woods Equipment D80-2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Woods Equipment D80-2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Woods Equipment D80-2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Woods Equipment D80-2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Woods Equipment D80-2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.