Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 27829AF du fabricant Toshiba
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1 Digital Video Recorder DVR Software Manual Please carefully read these instruct ions before using this product. Save this manual for future use..
iii Surveillix™ DVR Software Manual Manual Edition 2 7829AF – MAY 200 8 Printed in USA No part of this documentation may be reproduc ed i n any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, except as expressed in the Software License Agreement.
v Table of Contents DVR BASICS .................................................................................................................... ............................................. 1 Turning on the DVR ....................................
vi Alarm Setup ............................................................................................................................... .............................. 26 Configure Sensor Response ................................................
vii Performing a Ba sic Sear ch ..................................................................................................... ................................. 48 Index Search ...................................................................
viii WEB VIEWER ............................................................................................................................... ............................... 79 web viewer overview ....................................................
1 DVR BASICS This chapter inclu des the following information: • Turning the DVR on an d off • Becoming famili ar with the Display s creen • Defining Screen Div isions.
2 TURNING ON THE DVR Once the cables a nd adapters have been properly connected it is time to turn on the power. To t urn on the power fol low these s t eps: 1. Turn on the monitor and any ex ternal peripherals (ex . Printers, External Storage Devices, etc.
3 Importing DVR Settings 1. Exit to Windows by clicking the Exit button on t he Main Display Sc reen and selectin g Restart in Windows Mode. (See the Displ ay Screen section lat er in this chapter). 2. Click Start > Programs > Surveillix > VFormat.
4 Changing Video Format 1. Exit to Windows by clicking the Exit button on t he Main Display Sc reen and selectin g Restart in Windows Mode. (See the Displ ay Screen section lat er in this chapter). 2. Click Start > Programs > Surveillix > VFormat.
5 CAMERA VIEW Recording Status Indicator The camera s tatus for each cam era is displayed in the upper right c orner on the V ideo Display Area. The following are t he diff erent states for each c amera: Recording Displayed when the c amera is currently being recorded to th e DVR.
6 SCREEN DIVISION BUTTONS The Screen Division b uttons allow you t o view cameras in gro ups such as two by two, t hree by three an d four by four. Th e butto n options are shown below. 1st Four Cameras View – Displays cameras 1-4 in the Video Dis play Area.
9 SETUP OPTIONS This chapter inclu des the following information: • Setup Overview • Camera Setup • Motion • Frame Setup • Schedule • Sensor • Network • Information • Administrative.
10 SETUP OVERVIEW The Setup options allow you to optim ize your DVR by adjusti ng things like c amera names, reboot schedules , recording sched ules and more.
11 CAMERA SETUP Enable VMD (Motion Based) Network camera motion detection. (Only available on s elect network video d evices.) Setup a New Camera 1. Attach camera to the rear o f the DVR chassis. 2. Click the Setup button on the M ain Display Screen. 3.
12 HVR Registration (DVR/ EVR Upgrade Option) Use the following i nstructions to regis ter the network rec ordin g functionali ty of an HVR or upgraded DVR/EVR. Contact your sa les representative to p urchase the HVR upgrade for a DVR or EVR. Have the following information availa ble before regis tering the HVR upgr ade.
13 7. Once validat ed , the browser di splays the Un l ock Code. 8. Print the page and save for later r eference..
14 Unlocking a New Netw ork Camera 1. Start the Surveill ix DVR. 2. Enter Setup. 3. Enter Camera Setup. 4. Click the Regis tration button. 5. Enter the Unloc k Code generat ed by the Tosh iba Registration Site i nto the “new serial number” box. 6.
15 MOTION SETUP The DVR allows the user t o adjust several d ifferent Motion Se ttings and cr eate motion detect ion regions. Creating a Motion Area 1. Click the Moti on button in Set up. 2. Select a camera fr om the Select Camera list. 3. Select the Detect Detail Motion Area check box.
16 Removing a Motion Area To remove the mo tion areas, in the Motion Regions area, click Cle ar. Activating an Alarm on a Motion Event 1. In the Motion Setu p window, select a camera to edi t from the list. 2. Create a motion area. 3. Select the A larm Output check box.
17 FRAME SETUP OVERVIEW The Frame Setup Menu allows confi guration of the PP S, resolution, qua lity, and sensitiv ity of camera cha nnels. When confi gurin g the PPS sliders the BLUE slider represe nts th e PPS the DVR will recor d during intensive recordin g and have availab le for transmi tti ng to remotely connected systems.
18 Frame Setup (x120R, x240, x480 models) Frame Select Blue Slider : Sets the PPS recorded during i ntensive recording an d available for viewi ng on a remote c lient PC. Red Slider: Sets the PPS recorded by the DVR during normal recording. Video Quality Lower quality vid eo has a smaller file size but appe ars more pixilat ed.
19 Frame Setup (x60, x120 models) Frame Select Blue Slider : Sets the PPS recorded during inte nsive recording and av ailable for viewi ng on a remote clie nt PC. Red Slider: Sets the PPS recorded by the DVR during normal recording. Video Quality Lower quality vid eo has a smaller file size but appe ars more pixilat ed.
20 Maximum PPS Table PPS Breakdown for Each Resolution Resolution CCTV x480 model x240 model 360x240 1CIF 480 PPS 240 PPS 720x240 * 2CIF 240 PPS 120 PPS 720x480 ** 4CIF 120 PPS 60 PPS * Frames recorded in 720x240 are tw ice the size of the standard 3 60x240.
21 SCHEDULE SETUP Recording Schedule The Recording Sched ule window allows the user to create di fferent reco rding schedules b ased on the day , time, and type of r eco rding desired.
22 Sensor Schedule The sensors will s upersede all oth er types of recordin g modes (Motio n, Continuous, No Rec ording). Regar dless of the recordi ng schedule of a p articular camera, if a sensor event oc curs the associat ed cameras will begi n recording as a Sensor Event.
23 Create a Recording Schedule 1. Select a day to begin creati ng the schedule for - or- Select the Day Sel ection Mode butt on, enabling Multi Day Selectio n, to create the s ame schedule for multiple days . 2. Highlight the Time-Blocks within the Record ing Schedule wi ndow f or the camera(s) selected to schedule.
24 Special Day Schedule The user can crea te days that hav e a unique rec ording schedule. If necessary create these on day s that are ‘not ty pical’ such as Holidays, Special Events, etc. Creating/Editing a ‘Sp ecial Day’ Schedule 1. Click the Normal Day Mode button to en able the Speci al Day Mode.
25 System Restart Setup System Restart Setup allows the user to define a sche dule wherein the DVR automatically res tarts according to s pecified parame ters. Create System Restart Schedule 1. Open the Sched ule Setup Display 2. Click the System Restart button 3.
26 ALARM SETUP The Alarm wind ow allows you to enable, disa ble and configure Se nsors and Contr ol Outputs. Configure Sensor Response 1. Click the Setup button on the M ain Display Screen. 2. Click the Alarm S etup button to open the Alar m display. 3.
27 Activate PTZ Preset on Sensor 1. Create PTZ Preset Pos ition. See ins tructions in the PTZ Setu p Chapter. 2. Click the Setup button on the M ain Display Screen. 3. Click the Alarm S etup button to open the Sens or and Output Display. 4. Click the Sens or Preset button.
28 GENERAL SETUP Beep on Login Fail Enables the DVR to beep co ntinuously in res ponse to a failed login attempt. On ly an authoriz ed login will stop the beepin g. Sequence Setting Allows the vid eo out picture to au tomatically cycle th rough channe ls at a set speed.
29 Intensive Recording Overview The Intensive Rec ording Option allows you to increase the Pictures Per Second and the re solution of any c amera recording us ing sensor activation.
30 Audio The Surveillix DVR is capabl e of recording u p to four channels of audio. AUDIO FEATURES: • 8000 Hz playback in Live Mode • Up to 48000 Hz pl ayback in search mode • Mono Sampl ing DAT.
31 94B TV-Out Setup (Analog) The DVR features an o ptional TV-Out functi onality which allows users to output v ideo from any number of cameras , in sequence, to a television o r monitor displa y. 1. Under Setup clic k General, and then click TV Out Setup.
32 Auto Sequencing Setting Auto Sequencing i s used either in the main scree n when Auto Sequenc ing has been enabled or when a S pot-Monitor Out sign al is used to display video on a spot monitor. Auto Sequ encing conve niently display s video chan nels and at specif ied intervals , seque nces through each se lected channe l.
33 NETWORK SETUP Network Setup allows the user to adjust settings such as Po rts, setup emergency PPP informat ion for use with t he Emergency Age nt and enable Remot e Access. Transport Rate A bandwidth throttl e based on percentage of free network .
34 PTZ SETUP The PTZ Setup window allows enabling of PTZ cameras, c reation of Presets, c reation of Tours , and adjustme nt of camera spee d settings. Many opt ions listed here are features only availabl e on selected c ameras. Refer to the P TZ chapter in this manual for f urther information on s etting up PTZ c ameras and setti ng PTZ options.
35 ADMINISTRATIVE SETUP Disk Management The Disk Management window is a nativ e Windows func tion. This window displays the part ition scheme and health status of the Ha rd Disk Drives in the DVR. This window is often us ed to troublesho ot a DVR, or verify the am ount of Hard Drive storage installed.
36 User Management The User Management Console allows the administrator to c reate, edit, and delete user acc ounts. Each user account can be as sig ned different pri vileges to limit the usag e of the DVR system.
37 User Rank The User Ranking stru cture allows the option to assign a pri vile ge system (1-10 where one has the most rights) to u se rs of the DVR Software. For exampl e: Since only one us er is allowed to us e the PTZ controls at any one time, an administrat or with a higher rank can kick another u ser out and take c ontrol of the PTZ.
38 Status Check / Email General 1. Click the Setup button on the M ain Display. 2. Click the Administrati ve button. 3. Click Status Chec k/Email. 4. Select the E nable Email Alarm c heck box. 5. Enter a From Nam e and e-mail Addr ess. NOTE: This name and ad dress will appear in the From line of the email alert message.
39 Storage Check 1. Setup the General and Users tabs first. (see above) 2. Select the Use St orage Check check box. 3. Define the number of min utes. 4. Select an Alert Op tion, Beep or Popup Mes sage, if desired. 5. Click Apply. Recording Data Check 1.
40 SMART Information The SMART Information tab display s Hard Drive information. SMART Alert 1. Setup the General and Users tabs first. (see above) 2. Select the Enable SMART Alarm. 3. Define the number hours between SMART checks. 4. Select the ty pe of SMART event to trigger an acti on.
41 INSTANT RECORDING The Instant Recor ding feature allow s users to manu ally initiate rec ording on a specif ic camera, overridi ng the current sc hedule .
42 NOTES:.
43 SEARCH This chapter inclu des the following information: • Setup Overview • Daylight Saving Ti me • Index Search • Preview Search • Graphic Search.
44 SEARCH OVERVIEW The DVR has several options that allow the user to easily search, an d find, a particular s ection of video. From Motion/Sens or indexing to calendar views highlighting day s with recorded video; the DVR is equi pped to help the user quickly fin d a specific vid eo or event.
45 Adjust the Brightness of an Image 1. Select an ima ge to adjust by double-clic king on the des ired image. Multi ple images c annot be adjusted at one time. 2. Move the Br ightness slide bar to the right or left to adjust the brightness. 3. Reset the Brightn ess by moving t he slider bac k to the center of the bar.
46 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME The DVR automatic ally adjusts for D aylight Saving Tim e changes. When the hour “jumps f orward” no video i s lost becaus e an hour is skipped. However when the hour “fal ls back” there is a duplicated h our that under nor mal circums tances would be record ed over.
47 SINGLE CLIP BACKUP Along with the Sav e option, a single camera backup op tion is also inc luded with the Survei llix software. The si ngle Camera or Clip Backup allows the user to backup a single camera wit hout having to backup multipl e cameras at a given time.
48 PERFORMING A BASIC SEARCH There are several different types of searches that can be per formed on the DVR. The m ost basic inv olves selecting the date, th e ti me, the camera, and c licking play. 1. Click the Calen dar button to sel ect a date. 2.
49 PREVIEW SEARCH Preview Search c an be used in a number of circumst ances to quickly find an exact mom ent where an event, such as a theft, occur red. The Preview Sear ch gives a 24 Hou r visual overview of a single camer a by separatin g a 24 hour per iod (1 day) into 24 images, on e image for each ho ur of the day.
50 Performing a Preview Search 1. Select a sing le camera by eit her turning off al l cameras but o ne or double-clic king a displa yed image. 2. Select the Pr eview Search butt on. 24 images display. If there is no recorded vi deo during a porti on of the day, “No Image” wi ll be displayed wher e the image sho uld be.
51 OBJECT SEARCH Object Search is a powerf ul search utility us ed to searc h a region on the video for any moti on changes. Resu lts are neatly di splayed and can be viewe d quickly. Performing an Object Search 1. Perform a Basic Search to determine th e start time of t he object search.
52 SEARCH IN LIVE The Search in Live featur e allows users to rev iew events immediat ely while monit oring live video. Pause, rewind, an d resume l ive video within secon ds of an alarm event or s uspicious ac tivity. 1. Move the mous e cursor over t he desired liv e video display on the Live Dis play Screen.
53 NOTES:.
54 NOTES:.
55 PAN / TILT / ZOOM This chapter inclu des the following information: • Overview • Setting up the P TZ • Creating and View ing a Preset Position • Creating and View ing a Preset Patter n.
56 PAN / TILT / ZOOM OVERVIEW The PTZ controls within the DVR all ow for powerful control ov er the cameras. Th is can be extreme ly beneficial by i ncreasing th e usefulness of t he recorded vide o. Using the PTZ c ontrols you c an create custom preset configurat ions that can continuously sw ee p across large areas .
57 ADVANCED PTZ SETUP NOTE: Preset and Tour opt ions may v ary depending on the camera Creating and Viewing Preset Positions A Preset Position i s a user-defined location where th e camera can be pointed, zoomed in, and focused . Preset positi ons can be defined and lab eled if the camer a supports this.
58 PTZ Address Settings Some protocols s upport software add ress settings. The RX Addresses and ID settings are compatible with a partic ular line of receivers th at support 2 ID addres ses The PT Driver Address is ass ociated with the PTZ ID addr ess set on the camera.
59 CONTROLLING A PTZ CAMERA The Surveillix DVRs provide c ontrol for a PAN/TILT ca mera in two differe nt ways. • The first method is to use the Graphi cal PTZ Controller that appears when the PTZ button is c licked on the m ain screen. • The second metho d is to use the mouse to control th e camera directly from the liv e video dis play.
60 UNDERSTANDING TOURS Travel Speed The speed betwee n one Preset pos ition to the next Dwell Time The length of time (in seconds) that a PTZ Tour displays a Preset Position. Setting: Start Pos / End Pos Defin e a Mimic Tour. Th e Start Position b utton begins t he ‘recording’ proc ess.
61 PTZ Tour Schedule Create PTZ Tour Schedule 1. Click the Setup button on the M ain Screen. 2. Click the PTZ Set up button. 3. Click the Tour Sc hedule button to open the PTZ To ur Schedule window.
62 Supported Protocols Protocols ar e added frequent ly. The Surveillix Server software may sup port new protocols t hat are not liste d here. The current supported protocols are: ADEMCO RAPID DOME AM.
64 NOTES:.
65 BACKING UP VIDEO DATA This chapter inclu des the following information: • Overview • Saving Video to a DVD-R • Saving Video from a Single Camera • Scheduling Regular Vid eo Backup.
66 BACKUP OVERVIEW The DVR can easily backup important vide o data to an int ernal or external med ia location. The most common ly used forms of th is are CD-R/RWs, External USB or FireWire Hard Drives, an d Network Drives. Every DVR c omes standard equipp ed with a DVD±RW drive, USB port, and Network Adapt er.
67 General Backup Screen The General Bac kup window is used for performing bul k backup of video recorded by all c ameras for a selec ted period or per iods to a specified stora ge location. Hour / Minutes Recording data di splays in hourly (2 4 horizontal col umns) and 10 mi nute (6 vertical ce lls) segments.
68 Clip Backup Screen The Clip Screen is used for backing up video recorde d by individual c ameras for a selec ted period of ti me to a spec ified stora ge location Performing a Clip Backup 1. Click the Back up button on the Main Display Screen. 2. Click the Clip Bac kup Tab at the to p of the Back up Center Screen.
69 Scheduled Backup Screen The Scheduled Screen is used for ba cking up video rec orded by all ca meras at a regular interval. Performing a Scheduled Backup 1. Click the Back up button on the Main Display Screen. 2. Click the Sche dule Tab at the top of the Back up Center Screen.
70 NOTES:.
71 LAN / ISDN / PSTN CONNECTIONS This chapter inclu des the following information: • Overview • Configuring TCP/IP Setti ngs • Connecting to a LAN.
72 LAN OVERVIEW The DVR can easily be c onnected to a Local Area Network (LAN) and uses Microsoft’s® powerful and s ecure Windows® XP Embedded operating system. This a llows for easy and well-documented instructions on setting up LA N connections no matter what type of LAN you want t o use.
73 NOTES:.
74 NOTES:.
75 EVENT SENTRY This chapter inclu des the following information: • Overview • Setup Event Sentry.
76 OVERVIEW Event Se ntry is designed to allow the user to monitor drive status in DVRs utilizing an internal RAID 5 array. T his utility a llows us ers to be notified v ia email in th e event of a driv e failure. SETUP EVENT SENTRY 1. Double-click the Event Sentry Ma nagement icon on the desktop to launch the s oftware.
77 9. Repeat the ste ps above to add two more filters: IAANTmon:4 and IAANTmon:3 NOTE: The properties for eac h filter will remai n the same exc ept the Event ID box, which corresponds to the filter name. 10. After all three fi lters are added s ave the settings.
78 NOTES:.
79 WEB VIEWER This chapter inclu des the following information: • Overview • Configuring the W eb Viewer.
80 WEB VIEWER OVERVIEW The DVR allows you to acc ess video using Microsoft® Internet Ex plorer® 7. Highlights: View Live Video from most computer s Username and Pass word protected Easy to use grap hical interface Basics: 75 users can acc ess the Web DVR simultaneo usly.
81 Configuring the Server for Remote Connection 1. Enter Setup on th e DVR. 2. Click the Network Setup button. 3. Clear the Disable Remote Control o ption. You should now be allowed to adjust port setting s if necessary. NOTE: If you are using a Firewall, it may be necessary to a djust the port s ettings on both th e DVR and the Firewall.
82 NOTES:.
83 INCLUDED SOFTWARE SETUP This chapter inclu des the following information: • Emergency Agent Overv iew • Remote So ftware Overvie w • Digital Verifier • Backup Viewer • SCS Multi Site Soft.
84 EMERGENCY AGENT OVERVIEW The Emergency Agent software is a utility that streams video acro ss a Local Area N etwork to a Client PC whe n an alarm is dete c ted on the DVR. The vide o that streams across can be sto pped, played forw ards and backwards , in slow motion or real speed.
85 Emergency Agent Window Setup Window Network Port Indicates the port whic h the Emergency Agent uses to lis ten for incoming ev ents. This number sho uld be changed to the same number as is set i n the Emergency Port i n Network Settings on t he DVR.
86 Add Items to Alarm Confirm List 1. From the Optio n menu, click Set up. 2. Type the des ired text in the box below the A larm Confirmation List. NOTE: The items in the A larm Confirmati on List will be available on a list under Status Set ting in main Em ergency Agent sc reen.
87 Search Alarm Window Export Quality It may be neces sary to reduce the ov erall size of an .AVI file; for exa mple, to email to someone. .AVI file sizes can be reduced by re ducing the image quality. However, r educing the ima ge quality causes the .
88 REMOTE SOFTWARE OVERVIEW The DVR was specifically designed to be fu lly operated and maintained re motely. It connect s using the sta ndard TCP/IP protocol thorough connecti on types such as DSL, Cab le Mode, T1, ISDN, 56K M odem, LAN, and more.
89 Remote Client Minimum Requirements Intel® Pentium® IV 1.4 Ghz or equiv alent 512MB System Memory DirectX 9 or higher 32 MB Video Card Internet or LAN Conn ection (56K, DS L, Cable Modem, T1, ISDN, etc.
90 Create a New Remote Connection 1. Select Start > Programs > Surv eillix > Remote > Surve illix Remote Center. Th e Surveillix Remot e Software opens and the Local Connection wind ow opens. 2. Click New to open the Site Info window. 3. Select the S ite Type and ent er a Site Name.
91 Configuring the DVR In or der to access the DVR remot ely, the DVR Server must be setup to allow re mote connections. Time Out Value Specifies a value ( in seconds) to wa it for a signal from the Surveillix Remote Client. If a signal is not received by that time, the conn ection is dropped.
92 DIGITAL VERIFIER OVERVIEW .JPG images and . AVI video files that are exported fr om the Digital Vid eo Recorder are auto matically embedd ed with a digit al signature. Digital Signatures are a way to verify th e authenticity of t he images to ens ure that they h ave not been tamp ered wi th or edited in any way .
93 BACKUP VIEWER OVERVIEW The Backup View er allows you to pl ay back the export ed video in its proprietary format. Video saved in th is format is extre me ly difficult to tamp er with and therefor e is the ideal s olution when l aw enforcement and th e legal department are involved.
94 Loading Video from DV D or Hard Drive 1. Open the Back up Viewer program: S tart > Programs > Surveillix > Backup View er > Backup Viewer. 2. Click the Open b utton. The Total B ackup Search windo w will open. 3. For Clip back up files, expand Clip a nd select the des ired drive.
95 SCS OVERVIEW SCS software is Network DVR Mana gement Software; a powerful utility that allows 100 or more DVR units to be contro lled using o ne computer. This s oftware allows you t o view live video, search saved vide o, edit and conf igure setup on eac h DVR, and import ma ps of buildings an d other locations .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba 27829AF c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba 27829AF - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba 27829AF, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba 27829AF va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba 27829AF, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba 27829AF.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba 27829AF. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba 27829AF ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.