Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SSDV-3328 du fabricant TOA Electronics
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US INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS Millivolt Models Electronic Models MODELS P/N 700,043M REV . A 06/2008 D I R E C T V E N T G A S F I R E P L A C E H E A TE R S DIRECT VENT SSDV -3328 SERIES SSDVT -3328CNM SSDVR-3328CNM A French manual is available upon request.
2 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. T ABLE OF CONTENTS Packaging ......................................... Page 2 Introduction ...................................... Page 2 General Information .......................... Page 2 Requirements for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts .
3 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Th es e ap p li anc es a nd th e ir in d iv id ua l s h ut - of f va lv es mu st be d is co nn e ct ed fr om t he g a s su pp ly pi pi ng sy s te m d ur ing an y pr es su re te st in g of th at s ys te m at p r es s ur es gre at er th an 1 /2 p s ig ( 3.
4 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. NEW YORK CITY , NY AND MASSA- CHUSETTS REQUIREMENTS These appliances are approved for instal- lation in the following USA locations listed in the fo.
5 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. COLD CLIMA TE INSULA TION For cold climate installations, seal all cracks around the appliance with noncombustible material and wherever cold air could enter the room.
6 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 4 - T ypical Locations MANUF ACTURED HOME REQUIREMENTS This appliance may be installed in an after - market permanently located, manufactured home (USA only) or mobile home, where not prohibited by local codes.
7 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. The vent / air intake termination clearances above the high side of an angled roof is as shown in the following chart: 12 X Roof Pitch is X/12 2 FT MIN.
8 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 7 V V V V V F C Fixed Closed Window Operable Window B B A B H M I = Area where Termination is not Permitted = Air Supply Inlet X = Vent T ermination V D V 3 ft.
9 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Combustible materials may project beyond the sides of the fire- place opening as long as they are kept within the shaded areas illustrated here. Hearth Extension - A hearth extension is not required with this appliance.
10 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Al so se e F ig u re 14 . 6 1/2" (152 mm) 3" (76 mm) Figure 13 - ROUTE GAS LINE Ri ght S id e F r on t Co rne r of Fi r e- pl ace F ra m in g Continued on Page 12.
11 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. FIREPLACE SPECIFICA TIONS V en t S iz e Co -a xi al D V V en t Si ze 4- 1/ 2" I nn er 7- 1/ 2" O ut er Vertical V enting Through the Ceiling: Frame ceiling opening - Use a plumb line from the ceiling above the appli- ance to locate center of the vertical run.
12 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 15 Corner Framing with Square T ermination (SV4.5HT -2) Sc hed ul e 40 / B la ck Iro n P ip e In sid e Di a me t er (I nch es) Sc hed ul e 4.
13 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 16 Figure 17 Se lec t V en tin g S ys te m - Ho r iz ont al or Ve rti cal With the appliance secured in framing, de- termine vent routing and identify the exterior termination location. The following sections describe vertical (roof) and horizontal (exterior wall) vent applications.
14 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. SV4.5CG V- 1 T ermination SV4.5F A OR SV4.5FB Flashing AND SV4.5S C STORM COLLA R � SV4.5VF Firestop/Sp a ce r SV 4 .5L6/12/24/36/4 8 V ent Sections 40' Ma x (12.2 M) 1" (25.4 mm ) Minimum Clearance to Combustibles � W h en u si ng Se cu re F le x use Firestop/Spacer SF4.
15 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. To add an othe r ven t co mpon ent to a length of ven t run , al ign the dim ple d end ove r the inc line d cha nnel end of t he p revi ous ly i ns.
16 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. If the vent system extends more than 5 feet (1.5 m) above the roof flashing, stabilizers may be necessary . Additional screws may be used at section joints for added stability . Guide wires may be attached to the joint for additional sup- port on multiple joint configurations.
17 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. V H H V V1 Figure 26 - T op Vent - STRAIGHT Notes: • It is very important that the horizontal/in - clined run be maintained in a straight (no dip.
18 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. H1 V V1 H V H 1 H V 1 u C ei l i ng F i re s t op / Sp a c e r ( S V4 . 5 VF ) u C ei l i ng F i re s t op / Sp a c e r ( S V4 . 5 VF ) v W al l F ir e s to p / S p ac e r ( S V 4 .5 H F ) v W a l l F i r e st o p / S p ac e r ( S V 4 .
19 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. H or i z o n t a l / I n c l i n e d R un S up p o r t B ra c ke t s B ui l d i n g S up p o r t F ra m i n g S V4 . 5 E 9 0 E lb o w C ei l i n g u F i re s to p / S p ac e r S V4 . 5 V F u Wh e n U s i ng Se c u r e F le x , U se F i r e s to p / S p a c e r S F4 .
20 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. S V 4. 5 HT - 2 T e r m in a t i on S V 4. 5 HT - 2 T e r m in a t i on Horizontal terminations have been designed to perform in a wide range of weather conditions. Our terminations meet or exceed industry standards.
21 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. H H = 28 in. (711 mm) Maximum. 7 in. (178 mm) � When usin g Sec ure F lex, use Firestop/Spacer SF4.5HF � Wall Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5HF) H V Wall Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5HF) When using Secu re Fl ex, use Firestop/Spacer SF4.
22 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. H 1 V H Wall Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5HF) Ceiling Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5VF) Wh en using Secure Flex, use Firestop/Spacer SF4.5HF. When using Secure Flex, use Firestop/Spac er SF4.5VF. V H H 1 Wall Firestop/Spacer (SV4.
23 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. V H 2 H 1 H Wall Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5HF) Ceiling Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5VF) Whe n us ing Secur e Fl ex, use Firestop/S pacer SF4.5VF. When using Secure Flex, use Firestop/Spacer SF4.
24 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. D. I n st a l l F i r es t o p / S p ac e rs a t c e i l in g s a n d w a l l s - Wh en Sec ure Fle x penet rate s a wa ll or ceili ng, a firest op / space r is requi red: use the SF4.5 VF fire stop / spac er for ceil ing s and the SF4.
25 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. CAUTION Ensure that wires are positioned away from hot surfaces and sharp edges. CAUTION Do not connect the optional wall switch for burner operation to a 120 Volt AC power supply . CAUTION La bel al l wi res pr io r to d is c on n ec t io n wh en serv ici ng c on tro ls .
26 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. El e ct ro n ic W iri ng Di ag ram ( Hon e yw el l ) Sh o wi ng Bl ow er Wi rin g for Op ti o na l F BK -1 00, F BK- 20 0 & F BK- 2 50 K i ts Sc h em at i c Re pre se nta ti on On ly Re la y Mo du le C /W F BK -2 50 o nl y .
27 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 49 Ther moco uple Ther mopi le Pilo t Nozz els SIT MILL IVOL T PILO T AS SEMB L Y Igni ter Rod Hood Proper Pilot Flame Appearance 3/ 8 " Mi n . (9 mm ) TEST ALL CONNECTIONS FOR GAS LEAKS (F ACTORY AND FIELD): W ARNING Never use an open flame to check for leaks.
28 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Figure 51 3/8" to 1/2" (9 - 13 m m) Hot Surf ace Igni ter Prop er F lame Adju stme nt Pilo t Nozz els ELE CTRO NIC PIL OT A SSEM BL Y Pro.
29 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. W ARNING T h e si z e an d po s i t i on o f th e lo g se t was engin eere d to give the appl i- ance a safe, reliable and attrac- tive flame pattern.
30 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Step 9. INST ALLING THE GLASS DOOR W ARNING Ai r sh utt er ad ju st me n t sh ou ld on ly b e p e r f or me d by a q u al ifi ed pr of es - si on al se rvi ce t ec hn ici an . W ARNING Ensure front glass panels are in place and sealed during adjust- ment.
31 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Burner Flame Appearance Models - SSDV-3328 Series Figure 55 Ma in B ur n er F act ory A ir Sh utt e r Op eni n g S et ti ng - I nc h es ( mil lim ete r ) Model Natural Gas Propane Gas SS DV T -33 28 SS DV R- 33 28 1/ 32 (0 .
32 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. I te m C a t. No . M o de l D es c r i p t i on 1 H 1 96 8 SV 4 .5 H T -2 Hori zon tal S qua re T er min at ion Wi th Fi res to p/s pa cer (H 224 6) & Ad a pt e r (74 L61 ) 2a H2 15 2 S V 4. 5 CG V- 1 V ert ica l T er mi na t io n C ap 2b H46 87 SV 4.
33 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. INST ALLA TION ACCESSORIES NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. I te m C a t. No . M o d e l D es c ri p ti o n 18 H1 96 9 S F4 . 5H T - 2 Ho ri zon tal Sq uar e T er min ati o n ( wi t ho u t fl ex ) 18 77 L8 7 S F KI T1 2S F l e x S q u a r e T e r m .
34 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. GAS CONVERSION KITS Millivolt SIT Systems Propane to Natural Gas Conversion Kits Models Cat. No. SSDVT/R-3328 H1595 Millivolt HONEYWELL Systems Natural Gas T o Propane Gas Conversion Kits Models Cat.
35 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Not e - Use extra car e no t to eng age the ori fice st rip wi th the 7/16" open en d wren ch (co nta ctin g the orifi ce stri p could ca use str ip dis tort ion ren der ing the pilot ino pera tiv e).
36 NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRA TIONS NOT TO SCALE. Printed in U.S.A. © 2007 by LHP P/N 700,043M REV . A 06/2008 LHP 1110 West T aft A venue • Orange, CA 92865 Lennox Hearth Products reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in design, materials, specifications, prices and also to discontinue colors, styles and products.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté TOA Electronics SSDV-3328 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du TOA Electronics SSDV-3328 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation TOA Electronics SSDV-3328, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le TOA Electronics SSDV-3328 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le TOA Electronics SSDV-3328, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du TOA Electronics SSDV-3328.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le TOA Electronics SSDV-3328. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei TOA Electronics SSDV-3328 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.