Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit R59770497/0A du fabricant Barco
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XD S So f t war e Ref erenc e G u i d e Ref ere n ce gui d e R59770497/0A 17/11/2009.
Barc o nv Simulation D ivision Noordlaan 5, B-8 520 Kuurne Phone: +32 Fax: +32 E-mail: Visit us at the web: www.
Changes Barco provides this manual ’as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied war- ranties or merchantability and fi tness for a particular purpose.
Tabl e of c ont ent s T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 . I n t r o d u c t i o n . ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ...... .... .... 5 1.1 About this m anual . . ........ ............... .
Tabl e of co nt ent s 3 . 8 . 6 . 3 A d d i n g a p r e s e n t a t i o n ............... ....................... ............... ............... ............... ............... 7 4 Renaming a presentati on .......................... .........
Tabl e of c ont ent s 6 . 4 . 2 U n i n s t a l l i n g t h e c l i e n t s o f t w a r e .................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............. . 132 7 . X D S D e s k t o p S h a r i n g c l i e n t .. ...
Tabl e of co nt ent s 10.7.2 Unable to fi nd display in scanned Displays list . . . ...................... ....................... ............... .............. 1 7 7 10.7.3 Unable to connect to Display listed in Connections dialog .................
1. Introdu ction 1. INTROD UCTION Overview • About this manual • Related products • Symbols and fonts 1.1 About this manual Documentatio n This manual is part of the d ocumentation set describing the XDS software.
1. Introduc tion T ype of project ors Projecto rs Sim5W NH12 Mono projectors NW12 Galaxy NH12 Galax y NW7 Stereo projectors Galax y NW12 The range of relate d hardwar e product s may evolve ov er time , and Barco gi ves no guarant ee tha t futu re ver- sions of the XDS software wi ll s upport all of the above ha rdwar e product s.
2. Overview of the XDS s oftware 2. OVERVIEW OF THE XDS SOFTW ARE Overview • Introducing display software • Introducing client software Introduction Barco’ s XDS software is a fl exible tool f or managing mutli-windowing displays that use Barco XDS mutli-windowing processors.
2. Overview of the XDS s oftware 2.2 Introducing client softwar e About XDS Desktop Shar ing Using the XDS Desktop Sharing client software, y ou can launch a viewer showing your desktop screen on the connected XDS display(s). P rovided you must be connected through network (LAN).
3. XDS Con trol Center 3. XDS CONTROL CENTER Overview • Starting the XDS Control C enter application • Bringing up t he XDS Control Center GUI • XDS Control Center GUI • Hiding the XDS Co ntro.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-2 Start s ession Click on Cl ick to start session ... to open the XDS control center application. For more details, please read the topic below .
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-4 XDS Control Cent er: Open a session When user management is enabled, you will fi nd a ne w icon on t he XDS Contro l Cente r appli cati on on the toolbar .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center • Single-click the XDS C ontrol Center icon in the tool bar. S ee Label 3. Image 3-5 XDS software: differ ent modes to invo ke XDS CC GUI • Double-click the XDS Control Center icon in the System tray . See Labe l 4. Image 3-6 XDS softwar e: invoke XDS CC GUI from tray 3.
3. XDS Con trol Center 3.3.1 XDS Cont rol Cen ter GUI: L evels o f view Introduction The XDS Control Center is the main user interface of t he XDS software suite. When the XDS Control Center application i s started, its window will be similar to any of the following vi ews.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center A drop-down list w ill open. Image 3-10 XDS CC GUI: change the level of view 2. N ow click the view of your c hoice 3.3. 3 XDS Con trol C ent er GUI: Men u bar Menu bar The appl.
3. XDS Con trol Center Click open a source Click open a layout Save a layout Close all displayed sources Set privacy options Switch on the connected display Switch o the connected display This option varies depending on the connected source Image 3-12 XDS Control Cent er: T oolbar 3.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center T o change the icon for a source: 1. Right-click on the source icon t o open t he context menu 2. Click Change icon... Image 3-15 Context menu: Change the icon The Change Ic on dialog box opens. It displays a lis t of available standard icons.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-18 Changed icon The st andar d icons are avai labl e i n .i co and . png for mat. Y ou will fi nd different resolutions of every standard icon, i.e. 16 x 16, 24 x 24, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, and 64 x 64. T o know m ore about adding new icons to the XDS Control Center GUI, refer to XDS Sof ware Refe rence Gui de .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 1. Right-click on the source icon t o open t he context menu 2. Click Rename... Image 3-19 Rename the sour ce icon The Rena me S ourc e dialog box opens. Image 3-20 Enter a new name for source 3. Enter the new nam e for the source icon 4.
3. XDS Con trol Center T o set a source as des ktop background: 1. Right-click on the source icon t o open t he context menu 2. Click Launch as Des ktop Image 3-21 Launch as des ktop The selected source will be displayed as desk top background on the display .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 1. Right-click on the source to open the context menu 2. Click Desktop shortcut Image 3-23 Context menu: Create desktop shortcut Y ou will fi nd a shortcut of the source created on the deskt op.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-26 Sources wid get: D rag the widget out of the GUI Undocking the widget from the XDS Control Center GUI Use the Undock button or double click on the ti tle bar to detach the widget from the XDS Control Center GUI to be an independent widget.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Docking the widget in the XDS Control Center GUI Double click the title bar of the undocked widget to r esume the widget back to its previous positi on inside t he XDS Control Center GUI.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-30 Sources wid get: S et defaul t window arrangem ent Closing or hiding the widget If you do not want the sources widget t o be displayed, you can hide the widget by unchecking Sources option f rom the View menu. Or you can also close the source window using the Clos e button on the title bar .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-32 Layouts wi dget Icon view – List view Right click on the widget to open the Vie w menu. And switch to Ico n Vie w or List View as per your choice. Image 3-33 Sources widge t: Change view Launching a layout Y ou can launch a layout fr om the layout wi dget.
3. XDS Con trol Center 1. Right-click on the layout to open the context menu 2. Click Rename Image 3-35 Context menu: Select the option Rename The Rename Layout dial og box opens. Image 3-36 Context menu: Rename the selected layou t 3. Specify a new name for the layout 4.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 1. Right-click to open t he context menu 2. Click Delete Image 3-38 Context menu: Select t he Delete option 3 . Y o uw i l l s e eac o n fi rmation dialog appear .
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-41 Layouts wi dget: Drag the widget out of GUI Undocking the widget from the XDS Control Center GUI Use the Undock button or double click on the ti tle bar to detach the widget from the XDS Control Center GUI to be an independent widget.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Docking the widget in the XDS Control Center GUI Double click the title bar of the undocked widget to r esume the widget back to its previous positi on inside t he XDS Control Center GUI.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-45 Layouts wi dget: Reve rt to default wind ow arrangement Closing or hiding the widget If you do not need the widget to be displayed, in t he View menu, uncheck Layouts option to hide the layout widget. Or you can also close the layout widget usi ng the Close button on the tit le bar .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-47 Accept incomin g client connect ion 2. S elect Pri va cy 3. C lick Auto accept incom ing client connection Now when a remote user tries to get connected to the dis play or tries t o share his/her desktop to the di splay , his/her desktop will be connected to/shared on the display without any noti fi cation.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-51 Disconnect remot e control center cli ent 3.3.8 Con fi guring GUI settings of XDS Control Center Overview •C o n fi guring XDS Control Center settings •C o n .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center - Icon sett ings : Y ou c an choose the appropriate icon size o Icon siz e for toolbar : 16x 16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 o Icon siz e for vi ew windows : 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 .
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-55 Start men u settings The Start Menu Settings view displays the path of the folder where shortcut to layouts, and shortcut t o sources are stored. Refer to "Launching a source from ST ART menu", page 37. 4. S elect the Men u t ype of your choice 5.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Con fi gure the viewer settings To c o n fi gure viewer settings 1. O pen To o l s menu Image 3-57 Viewer s etti ngs 2. C lick Con fi gure... 3. O n the Con fi gu re dialog, select Viewer Settings from the left pane 4.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-58 Hide XDS Control Center applicat ion The XDS Control Center application will be hidden. T o reope n the XDS application, see "Bringing up the XDS Control Center GUI", page 1 1.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 3.6 Launching of a source Source In the XDS Control Center Suite, a sour ce is any image generating device connected to the projector , the WND-264, the T ransform A or the Matrix switcher or any computer running the XDS Desktop Sharing software.
3. XDS Con trol Center How to launch a source from XDS CC GUI (expert view)? 1. F rom the XDS Control Center sour ces dock widget, double-click the source Image 3-62 XDS CC GUI: launchi ng a source fr.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-64 XDS remote sou rce: enablin g user authe nticati on For XDS Desktop Sharing c lient software, you can enable t he user authent ication option during installation or from the GUI. See "Setting security authentication", page 137.
3. XDS Con trol Center 3.7 Settings of a sou rce — right-click option Overview • Lock ing aspect rati o • Maximizing the viewer • Moving a w indow of which the top bar is off-scr een • Movin.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center In the image 3-69 below you will fi nd opti ons lik e Image Contr ols, I mage File Con tr ols, and Aut o Image which are not present i n the image 3-68 above.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-71 Context m enu: Lock the aspe ct rati o From now, when you resize the viewer , the aspect ratio will be preserved. How to speci fy a custom aspe ct ratio? 1.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Note: The viewer will not fi ll t he full area of the screen, since the aspect r atio is l ocked. It will be scaled to t he maximum possible view , wher e the full source content remains visible without being stretched or shrunk.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-76 Context menu: U nl ocking aspect rati o 4. N ow select the option Full Screen from the context menu Or , you can also double-cli ck on the title bar of the viewer win.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Y ou w ill fi nd that the i mage is stretched to its maximum with no regard to aspect rat io. For example, see image below. Compare it with i mage 3-75. Whe n you zoom, the aspect r atio will no longer be preserved in this case of the other .
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-80 Moving the vi ewer wi ndow of which the t op bar is of f- screen 3.7.4 Moving a window without window decoration How to move a window without decoration? 1. P lace your mouse pointer on the viewer window 2. P ress CTRL button on your keyboard and move your m ouse simultaneously to move the window .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center This option displays the source in its nat ive size without scaling. Note: Whenever a source is launched, it will open up in its native resolution and native aspect rat io. If the native aspect ratio is listed in the s tandard ratios, the corresponding ratio will be c hecked in the list.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-84 Context menu: Hide window deco ration 3.7.7 Zooming a window zoom perc ent The zoom percent is the percentage to either enlarge or r educe a source window from its original size. T he standard options are: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% , 125%, 150%, 17 5%, 200%, and 250%.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Or , click on the viewer window and drag the corner of t he viewer window by continuously pressing the lef t mouse button or do the same on the side b orders Image 3-86 Source set tings: Zoom a window Note: If t he aspect ratio is Unlocked, the as pect ratio will not be maintained when zoom ing is d one with side bor ders.
3. XDS Con trol Center 3. S elect the required frame rate or select Unlimited . Note: Unlimited is the maximum frame rate that can be set. It is equal to the highest possible f rame rate that t he CPU of the XDS Control Center PC (display) can support at that point of time.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-89 Hardware acceler ated 3.7.1 1 Adjusting the image How to use image contro ls? 1. R ight-click inside t he viewer window to open the context menu 2. C lick Image Controls... Image 3-90 Image con trol The image control dialog box opens.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-91 Adjust th e image 4. S elect the signal type fr om the Sign al T ype drop-down list 5. A djust controls such as brightness, color , contrast, tint, and sharpness 6. C lick Show Ad vanced to expand the dialog Image 3-92 Advanced i mage con trols 7.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 2. C lick I m a g eF i l eC o n t r o l s . . . Image 3-93 Image fi le control The image fi le controls dialog box opens. Image 3-94 Image fi le control d ialog 3.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-95 Adv ance d imag e fi le contr ols 6. C lick Hide Advanced Controls to hide the advanced controls 7. C lick OK for changes to take ef fect 3.7.13 Setting Auto im age How to set A uto image ? On setting auto image, the bes t suited image fi le for the selected source is created automatically .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-97 About screen The XDS software version, mod ule version, and the date of the build is displayed. 3.7.15 Using remote keyboard/mouse control key sequence A key sequence, or k ey for short, is a sequence of one or more input e vents t hat is m eaningful as a uni t.
3. XDS Con trol Center Y ou w ill fi nd a remote c ontrol bar attached to the t itle bar of the s ource window . Image 3-99 Rem ote c ontr ol bar 3. C lick the down arrow to open the drop-down list Y.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 3.8 Introduction to layouts Overview • Introduction • Creating a layout • Saving a layout • Using the Save Layout Advanced dialog • Launching a layout • Managing Layouts 3.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-103 Launch the des ired sources 2. F rom the above image 3-103, let us consider that you want to di splay the following sources: - PC: remote participant - L2 Video: vid.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-105 Save Layout i con Or , open the T ools m enu and click Save Lay out .. . Image 3-106 Click Save L ayout opti on The Save Layout dialog opens. Image 3-107 Save layo ut dialog 2. In the Presen tation text fi eld, select/specify a name for the presentation under which you want to save your lay out 3.
3. XDS Con trol Center The layout is saved and added to the layout widget. I t will also be availabl e under My layo ut s in the Sta rt menu. See im - age 3-109. Image 3-108 Saved layout visible in th e layou t widget Image 3-109 Saved layouts v isibl e from the Start menu The saved layout will also be v isible from the toolbar .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 3.8.4 Using the Save Layo ut Advanced d ialog Overview From t he Save Advanced L ayout dialog, you can save applications windows along w ith sources in a layout. While using a multi- channel PC, you can save a lay out with multi -view port source window , i .
3. XDS Con trol Center The shortcut menu opens. Image 3-1 13 System tray ic on 2. S elect Save Layout 3. C lick Save Layou t Advanced... The Save Layout Advanced dialog will ope n. The Save Layout Advanced dialog can be vi ewed in two ways: re al-ti me mode and advanced info.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-1 15 Advanced info view S aving an application to the la yout How to save a n application to the la yout? 1. F rom the Save Layout Advanced dialog, select the application you want to s ave to the layout Image 3-1 16 Add applicat ion to layout 2.
3. XDS Con trol Center Adding an application to the Layout Overview If you want to add an unopened application or a fi le to a layout , use the Add A pplication button to add it t o the layout. How to add an application to the layout? 1. F rom the Save Layout Advanced dialog, click Add Applicati on.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-120 Advanced opt ions 2. C heck Don’t ca re if you do not want t o specify the start up dir ectory 3. U nder Start from Directory , click Browse... to select the path of t he startup directory This is the directory from where the speci fi ed applic ation will t ake the data requir ed for its star tup.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-121 Start up direct ory 4. U nder Window L ayout , - Specify the X, Y position, whic h is the top-left of the applicati on window - Specify the width and height of the application window - Select the state of the window from the drop-down list The options are Normal , Maxim ized , and Minimized .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center The Add Video Insertion dial og opens. Image 3-122 Add Vi deo Inserti on 2. F rom the drop-down list of available video insertions, select the video inserti on you want to add to the layout 3. C lick Finish to con fi rm Using Advanced options 1.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-124 1. Specify the ti tle for vid eo inserti on 2. Provide t he top-l eft pos ition, wi dth and he ight of the video inser tion wi ndow 3. Check to enabl e window dec oration of video inserti on window 4. Check to launch the s ource in fu ll screen mode 5.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Overview A multi-viewport layout comprises of viewers having more than one sources in it. Any action performed on t he viewer window such as move, resize, or zoom will be performed on all the sources in that viewer window . For example, consider a PC with spli tter c ard that divide t he PC output into say t wo parts.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-129 Select the source 2. C lick Add to add the selected source Image 3-130 Add a video source 3. S elect a source f rom Source/Viewport Settings list box.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center The two sources will be added to the single viewer . Using Viewpo rt Insert C alculator How to use the Viewport In sert Calculat or? 1. F rom the Add V ideo I nsertion di alog, click Viewport Insert Calculator ... The Multi-channel Insert Geometry Calculator dialog opens.
3. XDS Con trol Center Launching a layout from differe nt levels of v iew How to launch a lay out from minimal/compact view? 1. In minimal/compact vi ew , cl ick the name of the l ayout from the L aunch Lay out drop-down list. Image 3-132 Launching a l ayout f rom minimal view Image 3-133 Launching a layou t from comp act view 2.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Launching two layouts on top of ea ch other How to launch tw o layouts on top of eac h other? After saving a layo ut, you will fi nd the name of the saved layouts appear on t he layout widget; in the drop-down list of Launc h Layout from toolbar; and also in the St ar t menu.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-137 Launch two layou ts at the same time When you select this option the layout that is already launched will remain displayed on the screen, and the selected layout will be launched. Since the two layouts use different sourc es, both the layouts can be launched at the same time.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-138 Opening the layo ut manager The Layout Man ager dialog will open. Y ou will see the list of presentations and layouts that you have created.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-140 Click the Add Pres entati on... o ption 2. C lick Add Presentation... The Add Presentation dialog box opens Image 3-141 Enter a new name for present ation 3. E nter a new name for presentation For example, we have entered the presentati on name as Maintenanc e Plans ’0 9 .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-142 The Layout manager dialog dis playing th e new present ation The new presentation will be created. Renamin g a present ation How to ren ame a p resentation ? 1. R ight-cl ick on the name of the presentati on you want to rename 2.
3. XDS Con trol Center The Rename dialog box opens. Image 3-144 Enter th e new name for presentati on 3. E nter the new name for t he presentation For example, we want to rename Audit Plan ’08 as Audi t Plan Updat e ’08 4.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-146 Select the lay out that you want to move 2. N ow Drag t he layout and Dro p it on the name of another presentation Image 3-147 Drag and Drop the lay out to another p resen tation The layout Audi tor Repor t ’0 8 is now moved to the presentation Audit Pl an 09 .
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-148 Move a l ayout wi thin p resentati on 2. C lick the navigation button M ove Up Layout to move the layout one level u p within a pr esentation 3. C lick the navigation button Move Dow n Lay ou t to move the layout one level down w ithin a presentation 3.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-150 Drop the layou t on the presentati on Yo u w i l l fi nd that the lay out Outs ourci ng Facil ity has been copied to Audit Plan 09 presentati on.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-151 Specify t he descripti on for a layout The next time you cl ick on the layout, the new description will be displayed in t he Description text fi eld.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center If User Management is disabled during installation, t hen a) From XDS Control Center GUI, open Help menu Image 3-153 Enter Administr ator mode b) Click Enter Administrator Mode.
3. XDS Con trol Center Ac o n fi rmation dialog box opens. Image 3-156 Con fi rmati on dial og to d elete a presen tati on 3. C lick Ye s to co n fi rm 3.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-157 The video conference controls will appear . Image 3-158 Video c onference cont rols view 3.9.3 Using t he Dialin g featu re Overview The dialing f eature enables you to dial a contact manually or from a phone book. Dialing a co ntact manu ally 1.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-159 Using t he dialer A keypad appea rs. S ee Label 2 . Use it to enter an ISDN phone number or an IP address to establish a call. The entered digit s appear in the text fi eld below the keypad. 2. Veri fy the phone number/IP address you have entered from the text fi eld.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 3. S elect a name from t he list of contacts that are available. S ee Label 3 . 4. C lick the green button on the bottom of the widget to establish a call . See Label 4 . When a c all is in pr ogress, the red button to end a call is enabled.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-163 Arrange the nam es in ascendin g order The names will be a rranged in alphabeti cal order . 3.9.7 Controlling camer a Overview After con fi guring t he video conferenc e device manager , you wil l be able t o control t he camera through XDS Control Center .
3. XDS Co ntrol Center The available came ras con fi gured with XDS will be listed. 2. S elect the camera for which you want to adjust t he settings Image 3-165 Select the camera Note: The camera can be local or remote.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-169 Microph one control s The microphone controls are displayed. 2. F rom the Se lect Micr ophone drop-down list, select the microphone you want to c ontrol. See Label 1 . 3. C heck Active if you want the selected microphone to be activated.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-171 Unmute mic rophone 3.9.10 T oggling the layout How to toggle the layout of th e video conference device? 1. T o s witch to a different layout, from the Vi deo Conf D.
3. XDS Con trol Center Image 3-173 Wake up the vid eo conference device If the video conference device goes into standby mode, this button will wake up the video conference device. 3.9.12 Hid ing the Video con ference de vice wid get How t o hi de th e v ideo c onf er ence devic e w idget ? 1.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Image 3-175 Select the primar y content The Sharing Conten t tab displays two combo boxes. - First combo box: Lists types of sources that can be displayed as primary video source - Second combo box: Lists types of sources that can be displayed as secondary video source 2.
3. XDS Con trol Center Launching a layout automatically at incoming/outgoing call Overview Y ou need to con fi gure the settings to launch a layout automaticall y at an incoming call or when triggering a c all.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center Using p reset option How to use the pr eset option? Preset option enables you to store the c urrent state of t he video conference system which may include camera settings, microphone settings, and more. Y ou can save a preset and activate the preset from XDS.
3. XDS Con trol Center 3.10.2 Installing a new l icense after licens e expiry How to install a new license afte r license expiry? 1. L ogin to X DS Display PC with adm inistrator privileges 2. G o to ST AR T menu > All Programs > Barco XDS Control Software and cli ck Stop XDS Sof tware 3.
3. XDS Co ntrol Center 96 R59770497 XDS SOFTWA RE REFERENCE G UIDE 17/11/2009.
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center 4. ADMINISTERING TH E XDS CONTROL CENTER Overview • XD S User M anagement • Getting license Introduction This section of the guide is created for system administrators.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter Image 4-1 Enable User Managemen t 1. T o set the User Management O N, check the option Enable XDS User Manag ement . 2. Click Next > to continue There are two user login modes when User Management is switched ON .
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center Image 4-3 Windows l ogin Using XDS l ogin When you enable the option, Using the XDS Lo gin Dial og , diff erent XDS users can start the XDS session by logging in through XDS authentication dialog without changing the Windows user i.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter Image 4-5 User Management: OF F 1. T o set the User Management OFF , uncheck the option Enable XDS User Manag ement By default, this option is unchecked.
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center 4.1.5 Fixed P ublic Layou ts Overview As you already know , when User Managem ent is OFF , the layouts and presentations created by one XDS user are visible to all XDS users. A ny user of XDS display can view , edit, rename, or delete the layouts and presentations created by other users.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter 6. F rom the drop-down list , select the l ayout t hat you want to make as public 7. C heck Expose layout to all users (read-only m ode) 8. C lick Save When yo u open t he Layout Manager dialog, the exposed layout will be highlighted in blue color .
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center The Layout Manager dialog opens. Image 4-10 Layout Manage r dialo g 3. S elect the layout you want to expose, and right-clic k on it to open the context menu 4. C lick Expose layout (Rea d-only) Image 4-1 1 Expose layout fro m Layout Manager 4.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter 4.1.6 Ma intenance task s Overview • Creating and recalling restore points • Deleting a r estore point • Reinitializing XDS system • Cleaning up cu.
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center Image 4-14 Create restore po int Image 4-15 Con fi rm restore point cr eation 5. C lick OK to con fi rm A new res tore point under restorePoints directory will be c reated with the speci fi ed label.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter Image 4-17 5. C lick Ye s to co n fi rm The XDS system reloads itself to the selec ted state and a new session has to be start ed.
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center Image 4-19 Reinitialize the XDS system All connected clients wi ll be disconnected. The opened XDS session will be c losed, if user management is ON.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter 4. E nter letmein as password Now you will be able to access the tabs in the Barco XDS Main tenance T oo l dialog box. 5. C lick Hardware Diagno stics f rom the left pane Image 4-22 C l e a nu pc u s t o m fi les 6.
4. Ad ministe ring the XDS Con trol Center 4.2.3 Licens e for NW- xx Syst em inst allation How to ge t license fo r NW-xx Syst em installa tion? 1. C lick XDS_x.x.xx.xx_Projector_RC.exe fi le to install the XDS software on the PC you want to set up as XDS display 2.
4. Admi nister ing the X DS Con trol Cen ter 4.2.7 Whom to con tact to get the l icense fi le? Peop le t o co ntac t: Name Email ID Country Trac y T itcombe tracy . titc United States James King United States So fi e Mahieu so fi e.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter 5. XDS REMOTE ADMINISTR A TION CENTER Introduction Using the Remote Administration Center , y ou can administer mul tiple XDS Displays in a network. The various functions that you can perform using the XDS Remote Administrati on Center are discussed in t he topics below .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter During installation, if you have selected the option to create a desktop shortcut, then you will fi nd the shortcut for XDS Remote Administration Center on the des ktop and also an icon will b e visi ble on the tool bar .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter • Menu bar: File, View , and Help m enu enables you to exit the X DS Remo te Administration Center application, hide/unhide feedback window and Display server pane, and view the information about XDS Rem ote Administration Center version number and module version number .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter • Running: entry will be display ed in black color . See Label 1 . • Stopped: entry will be grayed out. See Lab el 2 . • Connected: the LED adjacent to the entry will be displayed in green color . See Label 3 .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-7 Connect to a Display Tip : Right-click on a location name or a workgroup in the l eft pane and cli ck Connect to connect to all the running display s under the selected l ocation or work group.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Remove inac tive XDS Dis play(s) In display servers pane some displays might not be running i. e. inactive, and the admin user can remove these displays. 1. O n the Display Servers pane, right-click on an inactive display 2.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Using External Display button An admin user c an also extend the Display Servers list by adding XDS D isplays installed in a dif ferent subnet. Gener ally , these external displays cannot be detected through the broadcast mec hanism.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Introduction In the middle pane, you will fi nd General t ab, Display Details tab, Hardware Details tab, and Us er M anag eme nt tab. The functions that you can perform using these tabs are described in detail in the foll owing topics.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-14 Switch On Display 2. C lick Switch On Display Ac o n fi rmation message will appear , click Ye s to con fi rm. The projector of the s elected display(s) will be switched on. Rebooting Display Server 1.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-17 Ac o n fi rmation mess age will appear , click Ye s to con fi rm. If XDS session is open on the selected XDS Display(s), a con fi rmation message will appea r on the display asking the consent of the session owner .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-20 Displa y Details tab When you click on this tab, the following data is displayed: • Health status : Shows the current health st atus of the display depending upon the healt h of the hardware at tached to it.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-22 Hardware Details tab On click of this tab, you can view the following information of the selected display .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-24 Change us er privil ege The privilege of the selected user will be changed to the speci fi ed privilege: - if the XDS session is not open for the s.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Delete user(s) 1. F rom the middle pane, select a user or press CTRL and select multiple users 2. C lick Delete Selected User(s) Image 5-27 Delete us ers Ac o n fi rmation message will appear .
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter • Check Auto-accept incoming client connection for this display check box Image 5-29 Auto accept incomin g client connect ion If Don’t Disturb my meeting option is on, then this function will not have an effect.
5. X DS Remot e Adm inistr ation Cen ter Image 5-32 Con fi rmation dia log Click Yes to con fi rm and close the session. Now click Change User man agement to make the necessary changes. How to change User Management settings? 1. In the m iddle pane, click Change User mana gement A dialog will appear now.
6. Insta llation and updati on of client softwa re 6. INST ALLA TION AND UPDA TION OF CLIENT SOFTW ARE Overview • Introduction • Minimum system requiremen ts • Installati on of c lient software • Updating/Uninstalling the client software 6.
6. Inst allation an d updation of clie nt software 2. C lick Next> after every s tep to pr oceed further 3. B y default the installer checks for administrator privileges.
6. Insta llation and updati on of client softwa re Image 6-3 Select X DS Deskto p Sharin g applica tion 2. C lick Next> Image 6-4 Firewa ll exceptio n list 3.
6. Inst allation an d updation of clie nt software Image 6-5 Enable user authe nticati on 5. If you want the user of the XDS display to be authenticated before launching your desktop, then check this op tion 6.
6. Insta llation and updati on of client softwa re Image 6-7 Insta llation in pr ogress Image 6-8 Create shortc ut 8. C heck to create shortcut 9. C lick Finish to c om ple te the in sta llati on During installation, if you have selected the option to cr eate shortcut, then you will fi nd the shortcut vi sible on the desktop and on the tool bar .
6. Inst allation an d updation of clie nt software 6.3.3 Installing XDS Remote Control Center client Procedure to i nstall XDS R emote Control C enter 1. F ollow the procedure in "Selecting the client application", page 127 to start the installation 2.
6. Insta llation and updati on of client softwa re Ac o n fi rmation dialog pops up. Image 6-12 Con fi rmation dia log 4. C lick Ye s 5. B y default the installer checks for administrator privileges.
6. Inst allation an d updation of clie nt software Image 6-14 Create a b ackup 7. C lick Next > to continue The uninstallation procedure starts. Image 6-15 Uninstalla tion start s 8.
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent 7. XDS DESKTOP SHARING CLIENT Overview • Introduction • Starting the XDS Desktop Sharing client • Connecting to XDS display(s) • Setting security authenticatio.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent 7.3 Co nnec ting t o XDS d ispla y(s) How to connect to a single XDS display? 1. F rom the Conne ctions dialog, click Opt ions > > to expand the dialog Image 7-2 View the addi tional butt ons Y ou w ill fi nd additional buttons such as Connect , Refresh l ist , External Displays.
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent If the session owner of the XDS display and the user of desktop sharing system are the same users, then no connection acceptance requ est will be triggered, and the connection will be e stablished straightaway . How to connect to multiple dis plays? 1.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent Image 7-7 Authent icate user of the displ ay Y ou will receive a con fi r mation dialog Image 7-8 3. C lick Ye s to accept If the user of the display enters your exact credentials, then your desktop will be launched on the XDS display automaticall y without an acceptance dialog.
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent 4. C lick Start S hari ng Sharing your desktop using S tart Sharing button 1. D ouble-click on the XDS D esktop Sharing icon The Connec tions dialog opens listi ng the available displays in the local IP subnet. Image 7-10 Connecti ons dialog: star tup 2.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent Image 7-12 Stop shar ing desktop on display Y our desktop will be removed from the display automaticall y . 7.7 Using the workspace Using the workspace after connecting to XDS Display(s) After connecting to XDS Display(s), the XDS Desktop Sharing client workspace will appear .
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent 7.8 Connecting to displays in a different subnet Overview •O v e r v i e w • Scanning for displays in a different subnet • Deleting a display 7.8.1 Ove rview Need fo r display scanner Before connecting to any display system, you need t o know the available dis plays in your net work.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent Image 7-19 XDS Desktop Sharing c lient Image 7-20 XDS Remote Control Center The External Displays dialog opens. Image 7-21 External Di splays dia log 2.
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent a) Enter the IP address in the IP Address text box Image 7-22 Enter the I P address of the XDS Display b) Click Add The corresponding display , if available, wil l be added to the External Displays li st .
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent a) Enter the start r ange and end range in the IP Range text fi eld Image 7-25 Specify the IP ra nge b) Click Star t Image 7-26 Scanning dis plays The external disp lay scanner scans for all the available displays that fall under that particular range.
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent T o delete se lected displa y(s) 1. F rom the External Displays list, select an added disp lay or press CTRL to select multiple displays 2.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent 7.9 Using Auto connect and Auto share How to use au to con nect and aut o share ? Image 7-31 Auto connec t and Auto share • Auto Connect: When Auto Connect option i .
7. XDS Des ktop Sha ring cli ent The Options dialog opens. Image 7-33 Options di alog 3. C lick Performa nce tab Image 7-34 Click Performance tab 4. C lick Advanced button The Video Acceleration Settings dialog opens.
7. XDS Des ktop S haring cli ent 6. C lick OK to close this dialog 7. C lick OK to close the Options dialog The video will now be visible on the display .
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center 8. XDS REMOTE CONTROL CENTER Overview • Starting up t he XDS Remote Control Center • XD S Remote Control Center GUI • Immediate versus Preview mode • Using the workspace 8.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center An acceptance dialog will appear on the XDS display . Image 8-3 Accepta nce dialog Connection will be establi shed only when t he session owner of the XDS display accepts your request. Y ou will see the sources connected to the display and layouts created by the session user af ter you get connected.
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center Image 8-5 XDS Remote C ontrol Center: menu bar • XDS : enables you to open a Startup Con fi gurat ion dialog; disconnect the connection to the X DS display; download a.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center 8.2.4 Showing/Hiding tool bars How to show or hide tool b ars? 1. O pen Vie w menu 2. S elect T oolbars Image 8-8 Show/Hide tool bar s 3. C lick the appropriate name of the tool bar to s elect/deselect to show/hi de the toolbar 8.
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center 8.2.6 Con fi guring GUI settings of XDS Remote Control Center Con fi guring startup settings To c o n fi gure startup settings 1. O pen To o l s menu Image 8-12 Select Con fi gure 2. C lick Con fi gure The Co n fi gur e dialog opens.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center Image 8-14 Network settings C on fi guring source vie w settings To c o n fi gure sour ce view se ttings 1. O pen To o l s menu 2.
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center Image 8-16 Imm edi ate mo de Y ou will also notice that the but tons to get/apply window arrangement has been disabled. Image 8-17 Window arrange ment buttons disa bled W.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center 4. C lick Appl y Windo w Ar rangem ent Image 8-20 Apply wind ow arrange ment The current window arrangement will be applied on the display . 8.4 Using the workspace 8.4.1 Manipulating windows How to posi tion a viewe r? Y ou can drag to position a viewer or resize a viewer from XDS Remote Control Center .
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center Image 8-23 XDS Remote Control Cente r: R ight-c lick opti on The option availabl e only through XDS Remote Control Center are described in the f ollowing topics. All th e changes that you m ake to the sour ce win dows immediat ely ta ke effe ct on the displ ay dependi ng on preview or immediate mode.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center Image 8-26 Minimize wi ndow The window will minimize to a t ab on the bottom of t he XDS Remote Control Center workspace.
8. XDS Rem ote Control Center Y ou can al so use t he short cut menu w hen you ri ght -cli ck on t ab and perform va rious operatio ns. Image 8-29 Shor tcut menu Restor e: T o restore t he window to previo us posi tio n Maximize: T o m aximize a window to f ull-scr een.
8. XDS Remo te Contr ol Center 160 R59770497 XDS SOFTWA RE REFERENCE G UIDE 17/11/2009.
9. XDS Rem ote Keyboar d Mouse Control 9. XDS REMOTE KEYBOA RD MOUSE CONTR OL Introduction Y ou need adm inistrat ive privilege on the PC, on w hich you desire to run the remote pointer installer .
9. XD S Remote Ke yboard Mouse Co ntrol a) From the XDS Control Center interface, go to Help menu Image 9-3 Help menu b) Click Show Display Information The Displ ay Infor mation dialog opens . Image 9-4 Display Infor mation dial og The T arget Display ID re fers to th e Display ID in the Displa y Infor mation dialog.
9. XDS Rem ote Keyboar d Mouse Control 7. O n the Enter T arget L ocation Name page, in the text box, type the Location noted from the XDS Control Center 8.
9. XD S Remote Ke yboard Mouse Co ntrol Image 9-8 XDS Con fi guration T ool dialog 4. F rom the left pane, click Advan ced Features Image 9-9 Selecti ng Advanced featu res Note: It is not necessary to load the con fi guration fi les ! 5.
9. XDS Rem ote Keyboar d Mouse Control Image 9-10 Selectin g Device Ser ver V erify if the Remote Pointer Installation has started a Device Server on the Remote PC. On the remote PC, open the Win dows T ask M anager , under Processes tab, look for ICDeviceServer .
9. XD S Remote Ke yboard Mouse Co ntrol Image 9-12 Launching rem ote source 2. F rom the viewer of the launched source, right-click to open the context menu 3. C lick Enable Re mote Keyboard/Mouse Control The remote k eyboard/mouse control will be enabled.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 10. TROUBLESH OOTING 10.1 XDS software inst allat ion issues 10.1.1 Error mess age while installation is in progress Sol uti on st eps 1.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing If the application doe s not work, t ake the fo llowing steps below: 1. S top XDS software 2. G o to the path where the XDS license fi le is stored i.e. C:Docum ents and SettingsAll usersApplication DataBarcoXDS 3. D elete the old lic ense fi le (.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 4. C lick Sta rt XDS So ft war e Note: It t akes 20 seconds for the XDS application to start /stop. Image 10-3 XDS CC appli cation : Startin g the a pplicat ion The XDS Control Center application will start up. Image 10-4 XDS CC applicat ion: Vi ew 10.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing The Ser vi ces vi ewer opens up. Image 10-5 XDS CC applicati on: Checking Barco servic es 5. C heck the status of the following services: - Barco Bootstrap Server - Barco IConnect Serve r - Barco Con trolSystemInterface Server - Barco Device Server The status should be displayed as Running .
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 10.3.3 XDS Cont rol Center i con appear s with red cross in the syste m tray Reason This situation might occur if IConnect Server is not running or has terminated inc orrectly . In such case, the XDS Control Center i con in the syst em tray has a red cr oss mark.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 3. Verify if ICDeviceServer .exe is visible in the list If not, you need to reboot the system to restar t the XDS software 10.4 Source related issues 10.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing -D B 1 5 → 5BNC connected to 5BNC → DVI which does not transmit EDI D signals for analog so urces Image 10-10 DB1 5 → 5BNC connect ed t o 5BNC → DVI -D B 1 5 → 5BNC co.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 10.5 Projector source related issues 10.5.1 Source shows black window on launch Solutio n steps Conduct the following actions/t ests in the order mentioned: 1. Check source and cabling 2. Check the T extboxStatus of the Pr ojector 3.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 10.5.4 Sharing content tab of video co nference GUI is disabled Solutio n steps The type of video conference device must be mentioned while adding from system con fi guration tool. Otherwise the Sharing Con- tent tab will be dis abled.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing Image 10-15 Full Screen (no borde r) 5. C lick OK 6. C lick Apply and OK on the main d ialog 10.6.2 Color difference w hen displaying m any fi ne lines Reason When displaying a.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 3. U ninstall t he XDS software f rom that system 4. R einstall the required installer 5. R eboot PC if required to 10.7.2 Unable to fi nd display in s canned Displays list Sol uti on st eps 1. A fter start ing up the XDS Desk top Sharing client , click External Displays.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing Image 10-16 Add XDS to fi rew all exce ption lis t T o check if your antivirus is blocking the XDS Desktop Sharing client software, t ry to con fi gure your antivirus to allow all the c omm u- nications by the client. If this does not work, then stop your antiv irus software and retry .
10. Tr ouble shoot ing Image 10-17 Shortc ut menu The Displ ay Propert ies dialog opens. Image 10-18 Display Proper ties dialog 3. C lick Setti ngs tab 4. C lick Advanced button The Properties dialog of the graphics hardware opens. Image 10-19 Properti es dial og 5.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 7. C lick OK to close the dialog 8. C lick OK to close the main dialog The 3D gra phics will now be visible on the display . 10.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing The Appearance Settings dialog box opens. Image 10-22 Select Windows Vist a Basic 4. S elect Windows V is ta Basic 5. C lick OK Now y ou will be able to share yo ur desktop.
10. Tr ouble shoot ing 182 R59770497 XDS SOFTWA RE REFERENCE G UIDE 17/11/2009.
Index INDEX Numerics/ Symbols 3D applications 178 A about this manual 5 add 63, 65, 86 application 63 layout 63 contact 86 cal l 86 video 65 insertion 65 adding 74, 86 presentation 74 adjust 48, 50 fr.
Index auto accept 29 client 29 connection 29 remote keyboard 165 remote mouse 165 control 165 error 167 mes sa ge 16 7 installation 167 progress 167 error message 172 launching 172 source 172 F fi ne.
Index middle pane 1 17 minimize 157 window 157 mi ni mum 12 7 system requirements 127 misaligned 172 insert 172 viewer window 172 moving 44–45, 77–78 layout 77–78 down 78 presentation 77 up 78 w.
Index status 169 stop 139, 169 sharing 139 desktop 139 display 139 symbols 6 T tabs 1 17 toggle 90 layout 90 troubleshooting 167 U unable 176–177 connect 177 connections dialog 177 display 177 start.
List of imag es LIST OF IMAGES 2 - 1 X D S C o n t r o l C e n t e r s o f t w a r e o v e r v i e w .................. ...................... ............... ............... ......... 7 2-2 XDS software: Us age model . .................... ..........
List o f ima ges 3-72 Context menu: Set the custom aspect ratio ................................... ............... ............... ........ 4 1 3-73 Context menu: Select full screen option . . .............................. ...................... ...
List of imag es 3 - 1 5 1 S p e c i f y t h e d e s c r i p t i o n f o r a l a y o u t ............................. ............... ............... ....................... 8 1 3-152 Click the option Expo se layout (Read- only) ............. ........
List o f ima ges 6-1 Enable/disable administrator privilege check ........................... ...................... ............... ....... 1 2 8 6 - 2 S e l e c t t h e c l i e n t a p p l i c a t i o n .............................. ...............
List of imag es 8-30 Maxim ize window . . . ........ ............... ............... ............... ...................... ............... ....... 1 5 9 8-31 Restore window .... ............... ............... ............... ............... ........
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Barco R59770497/0A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Barco R59770497/0A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Barco R59770497/0A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Barco R59770497/0A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Barco R59770497/0A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Barco R59770497/0A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Barco R59770497/0A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Barco R59770497/0A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.