Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2460 du fabricant Axisoft Tech
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AXIS 2460 Network DVR User’s Manual.
AXIS COMMUNICATIONS <Product Name> Quick User’s Guide AXIS 2460 Use r’s Man ual 2 About This Document This document is intended for both administr ators and users of the AXIS 24 60 Ne t w or k DVR, a nd i s app li cabl e for firmwar e rel ease 3.
AXIS 2460 User’s Man ual 3 Table of Conte nts Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AXIS 2460 U ser’s M anua l 4 The Factor y Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Appendix A - Recording Storag e and Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Appendix B - The LED Indicato rs .
AXIS 246 0 Use r’s Manual Produc t O verview 5 Product Overview The AXIS 24 60 Netw ork DV R (Digi tal Video Record er) reco rds dire ctly f rom up to four analog video camera s via st andard video cablin g. All adminis tration and viewi ng of recorded material is via a standard w eb browse r (Int ernet Expl orer) over a TCP /IP networ k.
Produc t Ove rvie w A XIS 246 0 Use r ’s Ma n ua l 6 Recor din gs - The AXIS 24 60 allow s conti nuous un attended recordi ng to a ha rd disk. L ive image s can be view ed while r ecordin g, adminis tration ca n be perfor med at any ti me, and playbac k can be started wh ile ot her recor dings are i n progr ess.
AXIS 246 0 Use r’s Manual Produc t O verview 7 Live Viewing - Quad or singl e disp lay of live imag es in y our brows er. No ot her soft ware require d. Built-i n suppo rt for PTZ Devices - Connecte d cameras can be con trolled an d positioned with the aid of a Pan/Tilt/Zo om device.
Produc t Ove rvie w A XIS 246 0 Use r ’s Ma n ua l 8 Modem Support - The Point-to-Poi nt Protocol (PPP) s u pport allows you to use your AXIS 2460 re motely over a se rial link , just as if it were locate d on your local n etwork .
AXIS 2460 Use r’s Manual Descrip tion 9 Descriptio n Pleas e read th e follo wing i nformatio n to fam iliariz e your self wi th the A XIS 246 0, maki ng particu lar note of whe re the connecto rs and indicator s are loc ated. This s ection provid es a useful ref erence when instal ling the pro duct.
Description AXIS 246 0 Use r ’s Ma n ual 10 The Rear Panel ❶ ❻ ❼ ❺ ❸ ❹ ❷ ❶ Video Output s (4) - These outpu ts pr ovi de lo op-th r oug h connecti on s, and can be used for direct moni toring of the connected v ideo cameras . ❷ Video Inputs (4 ) - Connect y our st andard PA L or NT SC video camera s to the se input s.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manu a l Check ing The Hardwa re In ventory 11 Mounting the Recorder Importan t! The unit is designed for convent ional rack mounti ng, using th e 2 brackets and sc rews supp lied. T o fit th e bracke ts, remo ve the 2 foremo st scre ws on ea ch side panel an d then screw the bracket on, as shown in the illu stration below.
Insta lling th e AXIS 246 0 Network DVR A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 12 Installing the AXIS 2460 Ne twork DVR Before you be gin th e ins tallati on of your AX IS 2460 Netw ork DVR, please read th e fo.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manu al Install ing th e AXIS 2460 Ne twork DV R 13 Using t he appropr iate met hod for yo ur operati ng system , assign y our prod uct with a uniqu e IP addr ess (do no t use the e.
Insta lling th e AXIS 246 0 Network DVR A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 14 Verifying and Completing the Installa tion From Your Browser 1. Start y our brow ser and en ter the IP address of y our AXI S 2460 in the locati on/ad dress field. Any cameras con nected to the uni t will be shown as disabled .
AXIS 2460 User’s Manu al Install ing th e AXIS 2460 Ne twork DV R 15 Installing via the Nu ll Modem Cable This section describes how to install the AXIS 2460 using the null modem cable. For information on how to configu re the unit for modem ope ration , please se e the configura tion sectio n.
Insta lling th e AXIS 246 0 Network DVR A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 16 Creating a Dial-Up Networking Conn ection Follow the st eps below to create a de dicated Dial-Up connection to your Network DVR: ❶ Click th e Start button, Se ttings , Network and Dial-up Connections , an d fina l l y , Make New Connection .
AXIS 2460 User’s Manu al Install ing th e AXIS 2460 Ne twork DV R 17 Step 3 - Verifying the Connectio n and Completing the Installation Havin g started your D ial-Up co nnectio n, as de scribed above , you can quickl y test the connect ion by access ing the AXIS 2460 from y our browser (Inter net Explorer ).
Connecti ng and Configu rin g Cameras A XIS 2460 User ’s Ma n ua l 18 Connecting a nd Conf iguring Cameras Up to four standard analo g vi deo cameras can b e connecte d to the AXIS 2460. Th e connector s are locate d on the rear panel (s ee als o page 10) and the status for each input is indica ted on the fro nt panel by an LED (see pa ge 9).
AXIS 2460 U ser’s Man ual Connec ting and Configu ring Ca meras 19 Image Header - Check the relevant b ox to include the camera name, date and/or time in image headers. Color S ettings - Choo se to view the camer a images in black & white or in col or.
Setti ng up Ev en ts and Alarms A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 20 Setting up Even ts and Al ar ms The AXI S 2460 Ne twork DVR can be used in a wide vari ety of sur veill ance applic ations and can also use external alarm de vices and output equi pment. Using the Web interface , it is a simple matter to conf igure events, alarms and record ings.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Setting up Eve n ts and Alarms 21 The Re co rd in g Op t io n s Ov er vi ew all o ws you to: • Defi ne th e Recording Mode to use for the entire system. Th is will dete rmi ne ho w quickly the recordings will be reduced, before eventually being deleted.
Setti ng up Ev en ts and Alarms A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 22 Configurin g Alarms Before setting up an alarm-controlled event, one or m ore alarm input s must f irst be con figu red. The AXI S 2460 has f our al arm inp uts and one ou tput rel ay. Thes e are conf igured indivi dually an d can b e enable d or di sabled .
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Setting up Eve n ts and Alarms 23 3. U nder th e hea ding Alarm Inpu ts , select h ow the event will react to each Alarm Input.
Setti ng up Ev en ts and Alarms A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 24 To rem ove an event from t he AX IS 24 60, clic k the Remo ve b utton to the right of the event in the li st. A remo ved event is preser ved on the AX IS 2460 un til the record ings gener a ted by it h ave been remove d, at which point the ev ent is automatically delete d.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Setting up Eve n ts and Alarms 25 Note that this is the desire d frame rate. Th e actual frame rate will depend on the numb er o f enable d camera s and i f t he se camer as ar e sy nchroni zed or not.
Setti ng up Ev en ts and Alarms A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 26 These three options can be selected in any combination, e.g. •A l a r m 1 - A c t i v e • Alarm 2 - Inactive • Alarm 3 - - ---- .
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Setting up Eve n ts and Alarms 27 Send an e mail to [ema il address] when this eve nt occur s Send e mail - Check this box to s end an e-mail to the s pecif ied reci pient whene ver thi s event occurs. Include Image - Checking this b ox will attach to the e- mail an image from each of the cameras us ed by the event.
Setti ng up Ev en ts and Alarms A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 28 Event Examples These examples mainly cov er the alarm input setti ngs and time peri ods. As our starting point we will use th e fo ur alarm input s 1. Main Door Op en - A sensor showing th at the main do or to the bu ilding h as been opened.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Setting up Eve n ts and Alarms 29 Example 3 - Entry to Boiler Room at night. This event s hould be confi gured as follow s: 1. Se t th e ca mera s to 1 and 3 . 2. Set th e ala r m ac ti va ti on to Alarm Trig gere d Du r ing Tim e P er iod .
Working wi th Recordings A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 30 Workin g wit h Reco rding s The Recor dings pag e provides access to all th e r ecordings stored on th e AXIS 2460 Network DVR. Each recor ding is repres ented by one l ine in the l ist. The Play button will automatically start the built- in AXIS Video Play er and play back the record ing.
AXIS 246 0 U se r ’s Manual Work i ng with Rec o r di n gs 31 Each li ne in the recor dings li st shows the fo llowin g informati on: • Rec ID - An e vent will create a recording (or on e recording for e ach camera used by the even t) every time it is triggered.
Working wi th Recordings A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 32 The fo llowi n g diagra m provides a grap hical ov erview. Recordings A, B and C in the diag ram will be returned in the search r esults, a s they were running at th e specified search time. Recor dings, D, E and F wil l not be included in the searc h resul ts.
AXIS 246 0 U se r ’s Manual Work i ng with Rec o r di n gs 33 The AXIS Video Player The AXIS 24 60 inclu des th e AXIS V ideo Pl ayer for viewin g your record ings. The player will start wh enever a re cording is pl ayed back, us ing the Pl ay button in the reco rdings list.
Working wi th Recordings A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 34 It is also po ssible to cli ck anywhere on the Timebar (the g raded bar at th e bottom of the screen) to go direct ly to that posit ion in the reco rding. The d ates and times sh own above the Time bar show th e approxim ate positio n in the recor ding.
AXIS 246 0 U se r ’s Manual Work i ng with Rec o r di n gs 35 Other Functions Magnif y - Click the Magnify ico n to increase the s ize of the image. C lick it again to return to the default size. Snapshot - To save a JPEG sna p shot fro m a recordin g, find th e point in the re cording from whic h you wish to sav e a snapshot.
Working wi th Recordings A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 36 About Codecs The word codec (as u sed in this manual) is short for co mpressor/ decompress or. Codec s are various t ypes of compute r algorith ms tha t are appl ied to aud io, video , and imag e files , to compre ss the size of th e files.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 37 System Options This sectio n lists and des cribes those ad mini strati on tool s used for th e gen eral configu ration of the AXIS 24 60 Networ k DVR - the Syste m Options . The top ics covered are, for example, network se ttings, date and ti me se ttings, use rs, etc.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 38 3. The Syste m Overview is now displ ayed. Lin ks to all o f th e product’ s functi ons are presente d as; a) links in the left hand margin, b) as a cl ickabl e schema tic diagr am of the unit. Cl ick th e relev ant link f or the paramete rs or fu nction s you wi sh to c onfigure .
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 39 Network Settings From the Network Settings, configure the TCP/IP network se ttings as follows: Automatic Confi guration Enabl e BOOT P - Check this box to use BOOTP to automa tica lly assign an IP ad dress.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 40 Media t ype - This ca n be used to change the net work spe ed for yo ur AXIS 24 60. N ormally, there is no need to use anything other than A uto-neg otia te , which will automatically selec t the cor rect me dia type.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 41 Sys tem Lo g M essag e Se tting s The AXIS 2460 can s end system log mes sages (e. g. errors) to no tify the recipi ent that a system eve nt has occ urred. After selecting the requir ed level , each time the re is an occure nce of this ty pe, a me ssage wi ll be g enera ted.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 42 Using a Pan/TIlt/Zoom device To use a PTZ de vice, se lect the port whic h will connect th e device and se lect the int erface to us e. Th en cl ick Save . Now click on the menu link fo r Pan/Ti lt/Zoom.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 43 If yo u enter you r o wn str i ng her e and i t p rov es inco mpatib le with you r co nnecte d mo de m, click the Defaul t button to rese t the string to the default value. Importan t! ISP Settings Provide the co ntact informat ion used for connecting to yo ur ISP.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 44 Synchronize with NTP Server - This option will c ause the AXIS 2460 to obtain the correct ti me from an NTP se rver. Speci fy the NTP serv er's IP add ress or DNS name and set the appropr iate time zone for the Re corder's lo cation.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 45 Users To preve n t any unauth o riz e d use of th e produ ct, th e AX IS 24 60 supp orts mul ti-u ser password p rotec tion, wher e access is re stric ted to d efined u sers onl y, of which there can be a maximum of 20.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 46 Del e t i ng Use r s To dele te a u ser, hig hligh t the name in the U ser lis t and cl ick th e Delet e butt on.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual System Opt ion s 47 Deleting and Modifying the Proper ties for Allowe d IP Addresses To dele te an IP addres s, select it in the list a nd click the Delete button. To mod ify an IP address , select it from th e list of allowed address es, make the necess ary changes and then click the Save bu tton.
System Opti ons A XIS 2460 User’s Ma n ual 48 Imp ortant! Support This se ction of the Sy stem O ptions prov ides va rious inf ormat ion an d repor ts, whic h may be usef ul when tr oublesho oting.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual The Factory Default Settings 49 The Factory Default Settings In certain cir cumstances, it may be necessary to reinstate the Factor y Default settings fo r your AX IS 24 60. This is per formed i n one o f two w ays: • By pressing the Factory De fault Butto n , locat e d on the rear panel.
Recording Storage and Redu ction AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 50 Appendix A - Re cording S torage and Re duction The AXIS 2 460 records and manages the sto red images on t he connected di sks so th at the storag e capacity is always used to its maximum ext ent.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Recording St orage and Re du ction 51 The record ing mod e will ap ply to the wh ole sy stem an d is sel ected on the Recording Options Overv iew page in the administra tion tools.
Recording Storage and Redu ction AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 52 Approximate Storage Times The tabl e below s hows ap proximat ions of : a) the t otal re cording storag e time in days and, b) the number of days until the fi rst fr ame rate re ducti on.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Recording St orage and Re du ction 53 The availab le priorities are as foll ows: Note: None of the availa ble Priority levels will aff ect the Normal Reco rding Mod e.
The LED Indicato rs AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 54 Append ix B - The LED I nd icators The fron t pane l LED ind icator s use diff erent c olors to i ndicate the unit ’s status.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Troubl es hootin g 55 Appendix C - Troubleshooting This ap pendi x prov ides use ful in formatio n to hel p you to resolv e diff iculti es with y our AXIS 24 60. Sym ptoms, po ssible c auses and remed ial action s are pro vided in a quick referenc e table.
Troubleshooti ng AXIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 56 Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial Actions Symptom s Possible ca us e s Remedial acti on s The AXIS 2 460 cannot be accessed from a brow ser. The IP address is already being used by another device. 1.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Troubl es hootin g 57 Note: If you still have a problem after reading this in formation, please con tact your reseller or visit the Axis Support Web at /techsup/ Cannot ac cess th e connec ted modem. Fau lty configu ration.
Other IP Set up Me t hod s AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 58 Appendix D - Ot her IP Setup Methods In addi tion to the ARP command (d escrib ed earlier i n the install ation sectio n of this manual ), yo.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Manual Other IP Set up Me t hod s 59 Using the AXIS IP Installer AXIS IP Inst aller is a W indows prog ram that is ideal for setting the IP ad dresses for multip le Axis networking products on your network.
Other IP Set up Me t hod s AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 60 Notes for Ma ci ntosh Users Imp ortant! The AXIS 2460 supports TCP/IP over Ethernet, or PPP Modem dial-u p. You must use TCP/I P on your Maci ntosh netw ork, as ther e is no suppor t for Apple Talk.
AXIS 2460 Use r’s Manual Updati ng the Firmw a r e 61 Appendi x E - Upda tin g the Firm ware The AXIS 24 60 firmwar e is st ored i n Flash m emory. T his mem ory is provid ed by a silico n chip that, ju st like any other ROM dev ice, retains data co ntent even after power is remove d.
Installin g Hard Disk s AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ua l 62 Append ix F - Inst alli ng Hard Di sks The AXI S 24 60 ca n be fi tted wi th va rio u s br ands of c ommerci a ll y ava i lab le ID E ha rd di sk. For mor e informat ion abou t recom mended brands, please visit ww w.
AXIS 2460 Us er’s Ma nual Installin g Hard Disks 63 7. Replace the cov er and scre w it back into pl ace. Set the main po wer switch to I . The AXIS 24 60 will now automati cally de tect an d format the new dis k(s). Note: If the disk you installed has been used previously (a valid par tition table w ill be detected), it will not be formatted.
Unit Co nn ecto rs A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 64 Appe nd ix G - Un it Conn ectors This section prov ides an overvi ew of the prod uct’s connect ors, namel y: •2 x RS -2 32 Se rial C o n nect ors.
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Unit Conne ctors 65 The I/O Ter minal Bloc k Connector Typic ally use d in ass ociation w ith pro grammi ng scrip ts for develo ping app lications for event tri ggering, alarm noti fication vi a e-mail, etc.
Unit Co nn ecto rs A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 66 Controlling and Monitoring By entering http requests in yo ur bro wser’s URL fiel d, you can : • drive the r elay output high or low • monitor .
AXIS 2460 User’s Manual Unit Conne ctors 67 The AXIS 24 60 the n display s the status o f the input s, as fol lows: The BNC Video Inputs 4 BNC compos ite vide o inp uts with 75 Ohm /Hi Z t erminatio n. Aut osensi ng for NT SC and PAL. E ach video input is termina ted usin g a coax/ BNC connect or.
Unit Co nn ecto rs A XIS 2460 Use r’s Manua l 68 Schematic Diagram - With P ossible Applications o o Power Supply volta ges ! o Inte rnal ! ! COM 1, 2 ! ! ! GND PIN 5 VID E O IN/O UT 1-4 o ! Rela y .
AXIS 2460 U se r ’ s Man ual Tec h nical Spec ificati o ns 69 Appendi x H - Technica l Speci fications System Requirements - Micr osoft In ternet E xplorer 5 .0 or higher, r unning on Windo ws 98, ME, XP , NT or 20 00 . Other browser s on othe r operati ng sys tems (e.
Techn ical Sp ec ific a ti ons AXIS 2460 Use r’s Ma n ual 70 Appr ovals EMC • FCC Class A • EN5502 2 Class B, EN5 5024 • C-Tick Appr ovals Saf ety - EN6095 0, C- UL Dimensio ns • Height: 100mm ( 3.9") • Wi dth: 430mm (16. 9") • D epth: 320mm ( 12.
AXIS 2460 Use r’s Manual 71 Index A Alar m in dica tors 9 Alarm input setting s 25 Alarm-controlled even ts 22 Allowed IP addresses 46 AVI -Mo vies 35 AXIS IP Installer 58 B Bandwidth control 40 BNC.
Index AXIS 246 0 User’s Man ual 72 N Network indicator 9 Network installation 12 Net wo r k se tti ngs 39 Null Modem Cable 15 O Other IP setup methods 58 Output relay 26 Output relay sett ings 22 P .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Axisoft Tech 2460 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Axisoft Tech 2460 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Axisoft Tech 2460, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Axisoft Tech 2460 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Axisoft Tech 2460, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Axisoft Tech 2460.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Axisoft Tech 2460. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Axisoft Tech 2460 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.