Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VX-33I du fabricant Runco
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I NSTALLATION /O PERATION M ANUAL VX-33i 1080p, 3-chip Digital Light Processing TM Projector.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manual iii PRE L IMINAR Y RuncoCare™ Standard Two Year Limited Warranty Congratulations o n your purchase of a Runco® product ! With proper installation, se tup and care, you should enjoy many yea rs of unpara lleled video p erformance.
iv Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y In the event o f a product de fect, please fo llow the warra nty claim proc edure provided b elow: 1. The Custome r is required to contact a Runco dealer or Runco Te chnical Suppor t via email at sup port@runco.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al v PRE L IMINAR Y j Failure to follow mainten ance procedu res as outline d in the pro duct’s user g uide where a schedule is spec ified for regular cleani.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al vii PRE L IMINAR Y Thank you for you r purchase of this qu ality Runco video produ ct! It has been designed to provide you with the qua lity of video that is exp ected in a home theat er.
viii Runco VX-33i Instal lation/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 19. Never look directly into t he lens when the lamp is on. Manufacturer’s Name: Runco International, LL C Manufacture r’s Address: .
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al ix PRE L IMINAR Y NOTE: This equipment has b een tested a nd found to comply with th e limits for a C lass B digital device, pursua nt to Part 15 o f the FCC Rules. T hese limits ar e designed to p rovide reasonab le protection ag ainst harmful inter ference in a resid ential installation.
x Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al xi 1 Table of Contents PRE L IMINAR Y RuncoCare™ Standa rd Two Year Limited Warran ty ........ ................... ................. ....... iii Important Safety Ins tructions ...... ................. ....
Table of Contents xii Runco VX-33i Instal lation/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Installing the Optional CineWid e Lens Mount .............. ............. ............ ............. .......... 22 Installing the AutoScope Lens Motor (VX-33i/CineWide with Au toScope) .
Table of Contents Runco VX-33i Installation /Operation Manual xiii PRE L IMINAR Y 5. Maintenance an d Troubleshooting . ................ ................ .................... ................ ... 59 Lamp Repla cement ... ................ .............
Table of Contents xiv Runco VX-33i Instal lation/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al xv 1 List of Figures PRE L IMINAR Y 2-1. VX-33i Fr ont/Bottom/ Side View ........... ................ ............. ................ ................ ............ 5 2-2. VX-33i Rear Panel ............ .....
List of Figures xvi Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al 1 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.1 About This Manual This Owner’s M anual describe s how to install, set up and opera te the Runco VX-33i DLP Projector. Th roughout this m anual, the Run co VX-33i DLP Projecto r is referre d to simply as the “VX-33i.
Introduc tion 2 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Graphic Convention s: These sym bols appear in n umerous plac es throughout the manual, to emp hasize points th at you must k eep in mind to a void problems wit h your equipment o r injury: 1.
Introd uction Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al 3 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.3 Description, Features and Benefits Runco further solidifies its lead ership r ole with the intr oduction of t he Video Xtreme ™ VX-33i Digital Light Pr ocessing (DLP™) Pro jector.
Introduc tion 4 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Parts List Your VX-33i is shipped with the following items. If any it ems are missing or da maged, please contact y our Runco de aler or Runco C ustomer Service at (800) 23RUNC O.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al 5 PRE L IMINAR Y 2.1 VX-33i at a Glance Figure 2-1 shows the key VX-33i components. Figure 2-1. VX-33i Front/ Bottom/Side View 1. INT AKE VENT 2. LENS OPENING 3. RUNCO LOGO The logo can be rotated to match the projector orientation: invert ed (ceiling-mounted) or upright.
6 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 2.2 VX-33i Rear Panel Figure 2-2 sh ows the VX-33i r ear panel. Figure 2-2. VX- 33i Rear Panel 1. LAMP COVER Remove this cover to ac cess the lamp compa rtment. 2. V ACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLA Y (VFD) Can be used in stead of the OSD.
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al 7 PRE L IMINAR Y 5. LEF T BUTTON Used to direct-select inputs or move the menu cursor left in the OSD. When no menu is present on-scree n, the LE F T button toggles throug h the different source s, in this order: HDMI 2 - HDMI 1 - HD3 (VGA/Y-Pb-Pr) - HD 2 (BNC) - HD 1 (RCA) - S-Video - Composite (VID) 6.
8 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 2.3 VX-33i Rear Connector Panel Figure 2-3 show s the rear connec tor panel on th e VX-33i, and the pa ragraphs tha t follow describe them . Figure 2-3. Rear Connector Panel 1. HD2 INPUT Five BNCs for co nnecting either RG B or component high-definition sourc es (up to 1080p).
Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manu al 9 PRE L IMINAR Y 7. HDMI I (1) / HDMI II ( 2) (Digital) Two, HDCP-c ompliant digital vide o inputs fo r connectin g a DVD player , HD tuner o r other digital vid eo source (up to 1080p) w ith a DVI or HDM I output.
10 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 2.4 VX-33i Remote Control Figure 2-4 sho ws the VX-33 i remote con trol, and the pa ragraphs th at follow descr ibe its functionality.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 11 PRE L IMINAR Y 1. LIGHT Press to illumina te the buttons. 2. ON / OFF Use these butt ons to turn t he projector o n or off. 3. Sour ce Selection Buttons: VID Press to select Composite video input as the source.
12 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 6. Memory Preset Bu ttons: CUST1 Press to recall se ttings for t he current in put from the “Custom 1” memory prese t. ISF NIGHT Press to recall setti ngs for the curre nt input from the “ISF Night” memory preset .
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 13 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.1 Remote Control To install batteries in the remote co ntrol, press up on the battery cove r retainer clip and lift off the cove r. Install the two AAA batteries w ith the correc t polarity and then replac e the cover .
14 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 3.2 Quick Setup Table 3-1 gives a quick overview of the VX-3 3i installation process. The se ctions following this one prov ide detail ed instru ctions. Installation sh ould be performed by a qualified custom video installation specialist.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 15 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.3 Installation Considerations Proper installation of you r projector will ensure the quality o f your display. Wheth er you are installing a pr ojector tempor arily or per manently, you should take th e following into account to ensure your p rojector perfo rms optimally.
16 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Throw Distance Throw distance is the dista nce measured fro m the front of the projecto r to the screen.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 17 PRE L IMINAR Y Vertical and Horizontal Position Proper placement of the projector relative to the screen will yield a rectangular , perfectly-centered image that completely fills the screen.
18 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 3-4. Horizontal Lens Shift (EXAMPLE ONLY) 0% Screen Center 100% Width Lens Shift (1.0 x W) 50% Width Lens Shift (0.5 x W) Screen Width (W) Note: This is a general example of lens shift.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 19 PRE L IMINAR Y Table 3-4 lists th e lens shift limi ts for each availab le VX-33i len s, as percentag es and absolute m easurements with a 100 x 5 6 inch (1.
20 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Other Considerations Other consid erations and ti ps that can help i mprove your installati on: • Keep the ambient tem perature cons tant and belo w 35°C (95°F) . Keep the pr ojector away from he ating and/ or air condit ioning vents.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 21 PRE L IMINAR Y 3. Remove the Lens Cavity Front Cover. 4. Remove the Re ar Lens Cap. 5. Hold the lens assembly with the motor facing the upper-right corn er of the Lens Cavity. Carefully insert th e back of the lens assembly into the hol e in the lens flange.
22 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 7. Lock the le ns in place b y turning the Lens Locking N ut (to the left of the lens) 180 degrees co unter-clockwise. (Use a 6.0mm hex wr ench.) 8. Replace the L ens Cavity Front Cover. 9.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 23 PRE L IMINAR Y Installing the AutoScope Lens Motor (VX-33i/CineWide with AutoScope) Figure 3-6 shows the VX- 33i/CineWide with AutoScope motor asse mbly.
24 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Install Ceiling Mount Adap ters/Projector Stands: For ceiling installations, the adapters bring the attachment points for the projector mountin g rails (included with the projecto r ceiling mount kit) from the bottom of the pr ojector up and around the AutoScope lens motor hou sing.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 25 PRE L IMINAR Y Install Lens Motor: Position the AutoScope Lens M otor (item # 1) as shown in Figure 3-8. Line up the mou nting holes on the lens moto r housing with tho se on the undersid e of the projector .
26 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Installing the Fixed CineWide Base Plate (VX-33i/CineWide) To install the fixe d CineWide ba se plate on a VX-33i/CineWide: 1. Place the pro jector upside d own on a bla nket or othe r soft surface .
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 27 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.6 Mounting the VX-33i There are se veral methods fo r mounting t he projector. D epending on your chosen installation, one method may be more suit able than a nother.
28 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 3.7 Connections to the VX-33i Proceed as follow s to connect the VX-33i to yo ur video sources , external co ntroller(s) – if present – and AC power. When connec ting your equipm ent: • Turn off all eq uipment before making any c onnections.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 29 PRE L IMINAR Y Digital (DTV) RGB or Compo nent Video Connections: See Figure 3 -11 and Figur e 3-12. Figure 3-1 1.
30 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 3-12. Digital (DTV ) RGB or Component Video Connections (HD3 ) HD3 (VGA / Y -Pb-Pr) HD3 (VGA / Y -Pb-Pr) Green/Y Blue/Pb Red/Pr Hor.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 31 PRE L IMINAR Y Analog (Computer) RGB Connec tions: See Figure 3-13 . Figure 3-13. Analog RGB Connections HD2 (BNC) HD2 (BNC) HD3 (VGA / Y -Pb-Pr) HD3 (V.
32 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y S-Video/Composite Video Connections: See Figure 3- 14. Figure 3-14. S-Video and Composite Video Connection s HD3 (VGA / Y -Pb-Pr) HD3 (VGA / Y -Pb-Pr) DVD Player, VCR, Satellite Receiver, Laser Disc etc.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 33 PRE L IMINAR Y RS-232 Controller Connection Use a “null-mo dem” 9-pin RS-232 cable to conne ct a PC or home theater control/automation system (if present) to the RS-232/485 port on the VX-33i; see Figure 3-15.
34 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting 12-volt Trigger Outputs to External Equipment If your VX-33i is eq uipped with a CineWid e with AutoScope sy stem, connect t he AutoScope lens motor to a 12 -volt trigger outp ut on the VX-33i; see Figure 3-16.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 35 PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting an External IR Receiver to the VX-33i If infrare d signals from th e remote cont rol cannot re ach the proj ector due to ex ce.
36 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 3.8 Turning on the Power 1. Turn on your source component s. 2. If this is an AutoScop e-equipped proje ctor, turn on th e main power s witch at the rear of the AutoSco pe lens motor. The lens m otor power switc h is located next to the AC input (see Fig ure 3-16).
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 37 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.10 Primary Lens Adjustments To access th e motorized lens controls, u se the FOC US, ZOOM and LENS buttons on the VX-33i remote control unit (d escribed on pa ge 12). Alternatively, select Display Device from t he Service Menu.
38 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 3.11 Installing and Adjusting the CineWide Anamorphic Lens If you are installing a CineWide-equ ipped projecto r, proceed as follows t o install and adjust the ana morphic lens.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 39 PRE L IMINAR Y 2. Place the Anamo rphic Lens Ho lder on top of the AutoScope Carriage Plate or fixed CineWide Base Plate ( item #7). Positi on the bracket so that the lo ng slot at the bo ttom of the lens ho lder is perp endicular to the correspond ing slots on the p late.
40 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Configure Lens Motor Trigger CineWide with AutoScope maintains const ant image height ind ependent of t he aspect ratio, while using th e full display resolu tion of the projecto r.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 41 PRE L IMINAR Y Adjusting the Height (Y): With the white field still on-sc reen, loosen the Height/Y Adjustme nt T-Screws on either side of the lens.
42 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Adjusting the Yaw: Loosen the Yaw /X-Adjustment Le vers to allow the le ns to pivot freely from side to side.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 43 PRE L IMINAR Y Adjusting the Geometry: 1. Input an anam orphic cross-h atch test pat tern to the projector. 2. Unscrew the An amorphic Lens ju st enough to allo w it to rotate fr eely. 3. Grasp the lens by the cente r ring and ro tate the lens until the imag e is prope rly anamorphic: 4.
44 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 45 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.1 Using the On-Screen Menus To display t he Main Menu , press the MENU button on the remote co ntrol (Figure 2- 4) or projecto r rear panel (Fig ure 2-2). To select a m enu item, use the and buttons o n the remote c ontrol or proje ctor rear panel to highlig ht it.
46 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 4-1. VX-33i OSD Menu Str ucture Service Test Vide o Horizontal R amp Vertical Ramp Color Bars 1 Color Bars 2 Display Device - Confi.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 47 PRE L IMINAR Y Main Menu The Main Me nu is the startin g point for acc essing all projector functions. (The Calibration and Service men us are hidden and not acc essible until yo u enter a passcode.) Input Source From the M ain Menu, selec t Input Sou rce to choose a video signal so urce.
48 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Table 4-1. Aspect Ratio Settings Aspect Ratio Remote Control Key Description 16:9 16:9 Select 1 6:9 to vie w 16:9 DV Ds and HDTV programs in their native aspec t ratio. 4:3 images are stretched horizontally to fit a 16:9 scre en.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 49 PRE L IMINAR Y Picture Use the controls in the Picture Menu to calibra te your VX-33i for optimum pi cture quality. The VX-33i has been designed to incorpo rate setup and calib ration standards es tablished by the Imaging Sc ience Founda tion (ISF).
50 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Although it may be possible to obtain satisfactor y picture quality using th e naked eye and regular progr am material , Runco reco mmends.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 51 PRE L IMINAR Y Contrast: On your exte rnal test patte rn source, se lect a stepped, gray-bar patte rn like the one shown in F igure 4-3. Figure 4-3. Typical Gray Bar Pattern for Adjusting Contrast Select Contrast and press ENTER or SELECT .
52 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Select Color and press ENTER or SELECT . While lookin g at the colo r bar patte rn through a blue filter, adjust the colo r saturation lev.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 53 PRE L IMINAR Y Sharpness: “Sh arpness” is th e amount of hig h-frequency de tail in the ima ge. To adjust sharpness, select Sharpness from t he Picture menu and press ENTER or SELECT . On your external test pattern source, select a pattern like the one shown in Figu re 4-5.
54 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Oversc an: Image Overscan push es the outside ed ge of the acti ve picture area of the video signal ou t beyond the edg e of the display area.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 55 PRE L IMINAR Y Calibration Use the Calibrat ion menu to per form advanced picture quality ad justments.
56 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y ISF Night - Input Color: The Inpu t Color contro ls are simila r to those in the Display Color menu (see above) , but adjust the col or balance of th e incoming signal. These settings ar e also saved indepe ndently for each input.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 57 PRE L IMINAR Y Service Use the Service m enu to access a dvanced proj ector configur ation settings. This menu should be used by ISF-certified technicians only . Test Video: Select Test Vid eo from the Ser vice Menu to a ccess the internal t est patterns on the VX-33i.
58 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Triggers: Select Triggers from the Service menu to configu re the 12-volt trigger ou tputs. You can assign one or mor e trigger outp uts to each a spect ratio . Those trigg ers are then activated by se lecting that aspe ct ratio.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 59 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.1 Lamp Replacement The lamp should be replac ed when it rea ches the end of its life (typ ically 2000 hou rs), or sooner if a no ticeable degrad ation in br ightness occurs. Wh en you replac e a lamp, yo u should replace t he filters as well.
60 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 6. Install the new la mp module. 7. Replace the lam p cover and r e-tighten all screws. 5.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 61 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.3 Troubleshooting Tips Table 5-1 provide s some general guid elines for trouble shooting problems you may encounter w ith the VX-33i.
62 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 63 PRE L IMINAR Y 6.1 RS-232 Connection and Port Configuration To interface the VX-33i with a home theate r automation/c ontrol system or a PC running terminal emulation software, co nnect it to your co ntrol system or PC as shown in Figure 3-15.
64 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Table 6-1 lists the serial comman ds supported by the V X-33i and the responses it sends back to the cont rol system or PC .
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 65 PRE L IMINAR Y Image Preset Commands SISF 0 Loads “ISF Night” image preset ISF Night SISF 1 Loads “ISF Day” image preset ISF Day SISF 2 Loads �.
66 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Status Commands STATUS 1 Returns power status; for example: ============================== 1.Power : Power ON ============================== (see description) STATUS 2 Returns current source input; for example: ============================== 2.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 67 PRE L IMINAR Y STATUS 10 Returns current input re soluti on; for example: ============================== 10.Resolution: 720P60 ============================== (see description) STATUS Display all system status information; for example: ============================== 1.
68 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 69 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.1 VX-33i Specifications Table 7-1 lists the VX- 33i specifications. 7. Specifications Table 7-1.
70 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Brightness and Contrast: Cinema Stan dards Measurement System (CSMS) Specifications - Brightness: 146.8 foot-Lamberts (fL) - Contrast Ratio: 138:1 These measurements are taken from the projector in a controlled, home theater environment.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 71 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.2 VX-33i Dimensions Figure 7-1 sh ows the VX-33i d imensions (all dimensions are in inches). Figure 7-1. VX-33i/CineWide wit h AutoScope Dimensions 8.39 10.07 4.23 14.18 10.04 6.47 0 7.23 11.
72 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 7.3 Supported Timings Table 7-2 lists the s ignal types supp orted by eac h input on the VX-33i.
Runco VX-33i Installati on/Operation Manu al 73 PRE L IMINAR Y 480/60i 720x487 59.94 15.734 13.500 √√√√ 480/60p 720x483 59.94 31.469 27.000 √√√ – 576/50i 720x576 50.00 15.625 14.750 √√√√ 576/50p 720x576 50.00 31.250 29.000 √√√ – 720/50p 1280x720 50.
74 Runco VX-33i Installa tion/Operation Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes:.
Runco International • (800) 23RUNCO • Fax (503) 748-8161 • 020-1002-00 re v. A September 20 09.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Runco VX-33I c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Runco VX-33I - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Runco VX-33I, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Runco VX-33I va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Runco VX-33I, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Runco VX-33I.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Runco VX-33I. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Runco VX-33I ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.