Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Facsimile du fabricant Ricoh
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Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 224 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 8.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 224 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 8.960000 mm Introdu ction This manua l contai ns deta iled ins tructio ns and not es on th e operati on and u se of th is machin e.
i Manuals f or This M achine The following manuals describe the oper ational procedures of this ma chine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual. Note ❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine ty pe. ❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader /Adobe Reader is necessary to view the m anuals as a PDF file.
ii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Scanner Reference (PDF file - CD-ROM1) Describes operations, function s, and troubleshooting for the ma chine ’ s scan- ner function. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manuals for DeskTopBind er Lite DeskTopBinder Lite is a utility incl uded on the CD-ROM labeled “ Scanner Driver and Docu ment Management Utility ” .
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machin e ...... ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ . i How to Read Thi s Manual ...... ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ ..... ..
iv 4. Other Transmissi on Features Handy D ialing Functi ons ........... ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... ... 47 Chain Dial............ ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..
v 5. Reception Features Recepti on....... ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........ ...... ....... ...... ........ ... 83 Immediate Receptio n .......... .......... ....... .......... .......... ....... ......
vi Setting LAN-Fax Driver Properties .......... ........... ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... .. 110 Setting Print Properties..... ....... .......... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... ...... .......... ...... 110 Making Setting s for Option Config uration .
vii 9. Admin istrator Setting Administra tor Tools List ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ....... 155 Using Ad minist rator Set tings ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ ...
viii 10.Solving Operation Problems When an Error Report i s Pr inted ...... ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ....... 197 Turning Off the Main Powe r / When a Power Fai lure Occur s ......... ........ ...... . 198 When an Error Occurs Using In ternet F ax .
1 How to Read This Manual Sym bol s In th is manual, the following sym bols are used: R WARNING: This symbol ind icates a potentially hazardous situation that migh t result in death or serious i njury when you misuse the mac hine without following t he in- structi ons under t his symbo l.
2 Jupter C2_ Fax_E N-F_F ok Page 2 M onda y, Nove mber 29, 20 04 3:48 P M.
3 1. Transmission Mode Sending at a Speci fic Time (Send Later) Usin g this funct ion, yo u can ins truct the m achin e to dela y tran smiss ion of your fax message until a spec ified la t- er time. This allows you to take ad- va ntage of off -peak telep hone charges without having to be by th e machi ne at the time.
Transmissi on Mode 4 1 C C C C Pre ss [ Se nd Later ] . D D D D Enter the time (12 hour format) usin g the numb er key s, and the n select [ AM ] or [ PM ] . Then, pre ss [ OK ] . The spe cifi ed t ime is shown abov e the highl ighted [ Send Later ] .
Sender Set tings 5 1 Send er Se tti ng s This func tion te lls rec eiver s the f ax sender's iden tity. If the sender's e-mail address is regis- tered in the destination list, the send- er ca n r eceive an I mmed iate T X Result Repo rt by e-mail .
Transmissi on Mode 6 1 E E E E Confirm the selec ted sender, and then press [ OK ] . F F F F Sele ct [ On ] or [ Off ] for the Stamp Send er Name . Printing on the Receiver's Sheet If you enable this function, the sender 's name (user name) ap - pear s on the r ecei ver's shee t, li sts , and re port .
Sender Set tings 7 1 H H H H Pre ss [ OK ] . The standby display appears. Note ❒ To check the settings, press [ Tran smissio n Mod e ] . I I I I Specify the destin ation, and then pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ To cancel the S ender Settings, cancel the tr ansmission.
Transmissi on Mode 8 1 Priori ty Transmission Docu ments you se nd with Memory Transmission are sent in the order they are scanned. T herefore, if several messages are queued in memory, the next document will not be sent imme- diately. Howe ver, by using this func- tion you can have your message sent before other queued messages.
Confidenti al Trans mission 9 1 Confidentia l Transmis sion If you want to limit who views your message, use this function . The mes- sage will be stored in memory at the other end and not p rinted un til an ID is entered.
Transmissi on Mode 10 1 D D D D Dependi ng o n the Co nfidenti al Tra ns mis sion typ e, u se on e o f the following proc edures: Default ID A Check that [ Default ID ] has be en selected , and th en press [ OK ] . Note ❒ To cancel Confidential Trans- missio n, press [ Cancel ] .
Poll ing Tran smissio n 11 1 Polling Transm issio n Use Polling Trans mission when y ou want to leave an ori ginal in the ma- chine memory for others to pick up. The message will be sent whe n the other party calls you up. Prep arat ion Before using ID Po lling Transmis- sion, you mus t register a pollin g ID.
Transmissi on Mode 12 1 ❒ Polling Transmissi on Clear Repor t allows you to verify Polling Trans- mission has taken place. See p.13 “ Polling Transmission Clear Re- port ” . If E-mail TX Results is pro- grammed in a Quick Operation key, you can se lect wh ether a re- port e- mail is s ent aft er tran smis- sion.
Poll ing Tran smissio n 13 1 E E E E Pre ss [ Only Onc e ] or [ Save ] to delete or save the file after transmission. Note ❒ To dele te the original i mmedi- ately after tran smission, select [ Only Once ] . ❒ To repea tedly se nd the orig inal, select [ Save ] .
Transmissi on Mode 14 1 Polling Recep tion Use this function to poll a message from another terminal. You can also poll docume nts from m any terminals with on ly one oper ation (use Grou ps and Keystroke Programs to fully ex - ploi t this func tion).
Polling Re ception 15 1 ❒ Polling Result Re port allo ws you to verify Polling Reception has tak- en place. See p.16 “ Pollin g Resul t Rep ort ” . I f E-mail TX Resu lts is programmed in a Quick Operati on key, you can se lect wh ether a re- port e-mail is sent after reception.
Transmissi on Mode 16 1 Poll ing Res erve R eport This report is printed after Poll ing Re- ception has been set up. Note ❒ You can tu rn this fun ction on or off with the User Paramet ers. See p.16 6 “ User Parameters ” (swi tch 03, bit 3). ❒ You can have a destination dis- played with the User Parameters.
17 2. Checking and Canceling Transmission Files After you have pressed the { { { { Start } } } } key (after scanning originals), you can chec k and edit the dest ination or setti ngs of Memory Transmiss ion.
Checking and Canc eling Tran smission Fil es 18 2 Displa ying Confi rmation of Tr ansm ission A A A A Pre ss [ Ch ange / Stop TX File ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Check / Change Settings ] . C C C C Select a file to check. Note ❒ If mult iple dest inati ons were specified, only the destination selected first appear s.
Canceling a Transmission 19 2 Canceling a T ransmission You can cancel transmission of a file when the file is be ing s ent, sto red in memor y, or fails to transm it. All the scanned da ta is deleted fr om memo- ry. You can ca ncel a file for Memor y Transmis sion.
Checking and Canc eling Tran smission Fil es 20 2 Deleti ng a De stinat ion You can delet e dest ination s. Note ❒ If you delete a destinati on that is the only destination for a transm is- sion, the transmission is canceled . A A A A Pre ss [ Ch ange / Stop TX File ] .
Adding a Destinat ion 21 2 Adding a Destination Note ❒ A destination cannot be added us- ing a d estination list. A A A A Pre ss [ Ch ange / Stop TX File ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Check / Change Settings ] . C C C C Select the file to which you want to add a destination.
Checking and Canc eling Tran smission Fil es 22 2 Changing the Trans mission Time You ca n change the tr ansmission ti me specified with Send Later. See p.3 “ Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later) ” . You can als o delete the tra nsmission time.
Printi ng a Fi le 23 2 Printing a File If you want to c heck the content s of a file that is s tored in memor y and no t yet sen t, use thi s procedur e to print it out. Note ❒ Confidentia l Transmissio n files ar e displa yed, but cannot b e pri nted.
Checking and Canc eling Tran smission Fil es 24 2 Resending a File Mach ine memor y stores messages that could no t be successf ully trans- mitted usi ng Memory Tr ansmission .
Printi ng a List of File s in Memory (Pri nt TX File List ) 25 2 Printing a Li st of Files in Memo ry (Print TX File List ) Print this list if you want to fi nd out which fi les are st ored in memory and what their file numb ers are. Knowing the file num ber can be useful (for ex- ample when er asing files).
Checking and Canc eling Tran smission Fil es 26 2 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 26 Mo nday, No vember 29, 2004 3: 48 PM.
27 3. Communication Information Printing the Journal The Journal contains information about the last 50 communica tions (maximum) made by your machine. It is print ed auto matica lly after every 50 communicat ions (reception s & trans- miss ion s).
Communicati on Informat ion 28 3 C C C C Sele ct a printi ng mo de. All A Select [ All ] . Print per File No. A Select [ Print pe r File No . ] . B Enter a 4-digit file number. Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key, an d then tr y aga in.
Printi ng the Journa l 29 3 Journal 1. Printing date Shows the d ate and time when the report is printed. 2. Programme d Fax Header Shows the sender name program med for printin g. 3. Date Shows the transmis sion or receptio n dat e. 4. Time Shows the tr ansmis sion or rece ption start time .
Communicati on Informat ion 30 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ For Internet Fax destinations At time of transmis sion, it sho ws the e-ma il a ddre ss o r na me progr ammed in the destination list. At time of re- ception, it shows the e- mail address of the sender.
Checking the Transmissi on Result (TX Fil e Status) 31 3 Checking the Transmission Re sult (TX File Status) Y o u c a n b r o w s e a pa r t o f t h e I m m e d i - ate TX Result Repor t on t he di splay. Note ❒ Only the transmission result of the last 200 commun ications (recep- tions & transmissio ns) are shown.
Communicati on Informat ion 32 3 Check ing the Recepti on Result (RX Fi le Status) You can browse a part of the Recep- tion R esul t Report on the displ ay. Note ❒ Only the re ception result of th e last 200 communic ations (receptio ns & transmissions) are shown.
Disp layi ng t he Me mory Sta tus 33 3 Displayi ng the Memory Status Use thi s function to displa y a summ a- ry of current memory usage. Items shown are t he percen tage of f ree memor y spa ce, the .
Communicati on Informat ion 34 3 Printing/ Deleting Rec eived and Stored Docume nts (Print/Del ete Stored RX File ) You can pri nt documents that are r e- ceived and store d on the hard disk . You can also delete unwanted docu- ments . Prep arat ion Make a setti ng for re ceived and stored documents before using thi s function.
Printing/ Deletin g Received and Store d Documents (Pr int/Delet e Stored RX File) 35 3 D D D D Se lec t the pri nti ng m ode , and the n pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ To cancel print ing, press [ Can- cel ] . T he disp lay re turns to that of step C .
Communicati on Informat ion 36 3 Printing a Confidential Message This function is des igned to prevent unauth orized users fro m rea ding your messages. If someone s ends you a mess age using Confid ential Trans- missio n, it is stor ed in me mory but not auto matical ly printed.
Print ing a Co nfidenti al Mess age 37 3 Note ❒ You must enter the Confi dential ID programmed i n this ma- chine, if the received fil e has no Confidential ID. ❒ You must enter the Confi dential ID programme d by the s ender . Confirm the sen der's Confiden- tial I D in adva nce.
Communicati on Informat ion 38 3 Printing a File Received wit h Memory Lock This i s a secu rity func tion desi gned to preve nt un authori zed u sers from reading your m essages. If Me mory Lock is s witch ed on, all rece ived me s- sag es ar e st ored in mem ory and are not auto matical ly printed.
Printi ng a File Received wi th Memory Lock 39 3 D D D D Enter a 4-digit M emory Lock ID with the number keys , and then pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ If the Me mory Lock ID does not match, the message “ Speci- fied co de does not corre - spond t o prog rammed Memory Lock I D.
Communicati on Informat ion 40 3 Perso nal Boxe s Prep arat ion Before using this function, set the Personal Box in advance. See p.181 “ Programming/cha nging Person- al Boxes ” .
Personal Box es 41 3 Printi ng Personal Box Messages Follow these steps t o print a message that has been received into a Personal Box. Note ❒ If you print a Person al Box mes- sage, it i s delet ed. A A A A Make sure that the Con fidential File indicator is lit.
Communicati on Informat ion 42 3 Information Boxes Prep arat ion Before using this function, set the Infor mation Box in adv ance. S ee p.184 “ Pro gramm ing /cha nging Information Boxes ” . Informat ion Boxes Use the Information Box function to set up the machine as Docu ment Server.
Infor matio n Bo xes 43 3 C C C C Select the bo x in which you want to store the file. Note ❒ When there are pre-programmed files, a fil e mark is disp layed at the end of the Box Name. ❒ A message is displayed, when selecting a box with a file stored in it .
Communicati on Informat ion 44 3 Printing Informat ion Box Messages Follow these steps t o print a message st ored in an Inf orm atio n Box. A A A A Pre ss [ Infor mati on ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Store / Delete / P rint Informat ion Box File ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Print F ile ] .
Infor matio n Bo xes 45 3 Deleting Info rmation Box Messages Follow these steps to delete a file st ored in an Inf orm atio n Box. A A A A Pre ss [ Infor mati on ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Store / Delete / P rint Informat ion Box File ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Dele te File ] .
Communicati on Informat ion 46 3 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 46 Mo nday, No vember 29, 2004 3: 48 PM.
47 4. Other Transmission Features Handy Dialing Functions Chain Dial This allows you to compose a tel e- phone number from various parts, some of which may be store d in Quick Dials and some of which may be entered usin g the number keys. Limitatio n ❒ You ca nnot use thi s function with Internet Fax transmission.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 48 4 A A A A Place the original, and then select the scan settings you require. B B B B Pre ss th e { { { { Pause/ Redial } } } } key. C C C C Select the destin ation you want to redial to. Note ❒ Now that the date and time the original wa s read appears as a key, select by p ressing it.
Advanced Feat ures 49 4 Advanced Features SUB Code Normally you can o nly use Confiden- tial Transmission to send messages to fax machines of the same manu factur- er that have the Confidential Recep- tion function. See p.9 “ Confident ial Transmis sion ” .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 50 4 Note ❒ If you use Immediate Tr ansmis- sion and t he fax machin e at t he destination does not support the SUB Code function, a mes- sage wil l appear on th e dis play to inf orm you of th is. Wh en this happens, press [ OK ] to cancel the transmissi on.
Advanced Feat ures 51 4 E E E E Enter a SEP Code , and th en press [ OK ] . “ SEP C ode ” appears one line above [ Adv. Features ] on the d is- play. Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press [ Cancel ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key before pressing [ OK ] , and then try again.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 52 4 Transfer Request Transfer Requ est allows fax machines that hav e this f unction to autom ati- cally transfer incoming m essages to multiple fax destin ations.
Advanced Feat ures 53 4 ❒ When a Tran sfer Request is sent by e-mail, as soon as the Transf er Sta- tion completes transfe r to all Re- ceiving Sta tions, it sends back a Transfer Result Report by e-mail. See p .89 “ Transfer Result Report (transfer request by e-mail) ” .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 54 4 D D D D Sele ct [ Trans fer Req. ] . E E E E Pre ss [ Receiving Sta tion ] . F F F F Specify a Receiving S tation. Note ❒ You cannot en ter Receiving Sta- tion numbers directly. T h e numbers must be stored in des- tination li sts, Spe ed Dial, or Groups in the Trans fer Sta- tion(s).
Advanced Feat ures 55 4 With transfer requests set in the system settings You can program a Quick Dial key wi th Tra nsfe r Stat ion and/ or R eceiv - ing Station using the Transfer Re- quest f unction in the System Setti ngs. See “ Re gistering the Transfer Re- quest ” , General Settings Guide .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 56 4 On Hook Dial The On Hook Dial functio n allows you to dial w hile hearing tone from the internal speaker. You can send a fax checking the connection. Limitatio n ❒ This function is not available for the opt ional e xtra G3 in terface unit, Inter net Fax and IP-Fax.
On Hook Dial 57 4 - - - - External Telep hone On Hook Dial If you have an external telephon e on the fax machin e, you can speak wit h the other party when you hear a voice.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 58 4 Manual Dial The optiona l handset or a n external tel ephone is requi red. Pick up the opti onal handset or the hands et of the external telep hone and dial. Whe n the line i s connec ted and you hear a hi gh-pi tched t one, pre s s the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key to send your fax mes- sage.
Changing t he Line Port 59 4 Changing the Line Port The optional extra G3 interface unit is required. When the extra G3 inter face unit is in- stalled, yo u can c onnect to a maxi- mum of t hre e port s.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 60 4 B B B B Select the line you want to use. When one opti onal extra G3 un it is instal led. Note ❒ If you select “ G3 Auto ” , th e ma- chin e will use any a vaila ble line. This increases efficiency. C C C C Pre ss [ Exit ] .
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 61 4 Sub Trans mission M ode Book Fax Use to send bo ok originals from the exposure glass. Pages a re scanned in the or der sho wn bel ow. Limitatio n ❒ Place the original on the exposure glass. You cannot use the opti onal ADF.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 62 4 E E E E Sele ct [ From First Page ] or [ From Second Page ] , an d then press [ OK ] . The se lected origin al size is shown above the highlighted [ Book Fax ] . Note ❒ Sele ct [ From First P age ] to se nd a book original from the first page .
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 63 4 See p .79 “ Transmission with Im- age Rota tion ” ❒ This func tion i s on ly av ailab le w ith Memory Transmission. ❒ This func tion i s on ly av ailab le w ith the AD F. ❒ You can co nfirm whether both sides were properly sc anned using the Sta mp func tion.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 64 4 F F F F Specify the transmission mode from [ 2 Sided fr om 1st Page ] or [ 1 Si d- ed for 1 st Page ] , and then pr ess [ OK ] . The selected or iginal position and page opening orientation ar e shown ab ove the hi ghlighted [ 2 Sided Origi nal ] .
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 65 4 D D D D Select the standard message to be stam ped, and the n pres s [ OK ] . The selected standard message is shown above the hi ghlighted [ Std. Mess age ] . Note ❒ To cancel the select ion, press [ Cancel ] . The display returns to that of step C .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 66 4 B B B B Pre ss [ Sub TX Mode ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Au to Document ] . D D D D Select an Auto Do cument file, a nd then press [ OK ] . When yo u fax a n Auto Documen t by itself, press [ TX St ore d Fi le (AD ) Only ] , and then press [ OK ] .
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 67 4 E E E E Pre ss [ Cancel ] . Note ❒ You can also send Auto Docu- ments. See p.65 “ Sending an Auto Doc ument ” . F F F F Pre ss [ OK ] . The standby display appears. Sending a St ored File Use this functi on t o sen d docu men ts stored in the Document Server.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 68 4 ❒ The specified docum ents are sent with th e scan setti ngs made w hen they w ere store d. A A A A Pre ss [ Sub TX Mode ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Se lect Stored Fi le ] . C C C C Select the do cument s to b e sen t. Note ❒ Whe n mult iple doc umen ts are selected, th ey are sent in the or- der of selec tion.
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 69 4 Specifying documents from t he file name A Select [ Search by F ile Name ] . B Enter the name of the docu- ment to be sent, and the n press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Partial ma tching is u sed when searching for a file name. C Select th e file to b e sent.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 70 4 Printing stored documents Use this function to print doc uments stored in the Docum ent Server. Note ❒ Only documents stored using the facsimil e funct ion ca n be pr inted. ❒ You ca n print docume nts s aved from t he copy or th e prin ter func- tion with the Document S erver.
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 71 4 B Press th e user name of the doc- ument to be sent, and then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ T o s e a r c h b y u s e r n a m e , p r e s s [ Non-programmed Name ] , an d then enter t he user name. C Select the file. Specifying a document from the file name A Press [ Search by File Name ] .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 72 4 Sta mp The optional ADF is required. When sending a fax mess age using the ADF, the machine can stamp a cir- cle ma rk at the bot tom of the ori ginal. When sending a two-sided docu- ment, th e document i s marked at the bot tom of th e front pag e and top of the rear page.
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 73 4 Transmission Options This section describes various func- tions that you can switch on and off for any pa rticular transmissio n, fol- lowing the p rocedures given here. In addition, if you frequently use a certain option c onfiguration, you can change the d efault home position (on or off) o f each opti on.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 74 4 Reduced Image Trans mission Using this function, your message is sent at a reduced size (9 3%) with a blank margin on the left . Note ❒ This functi on is un availa ble with Immediate Transmission, or speci- fied transmission of a st ored docu- ment .
Sub Transmiss ion Mode 75 4 Selecting transmission options for a single transmission A A A A Place the original, and then select the scan settings you require. Referen ce p.13 “ Placing Originals ” , Fac- simile Reference <Ba sic Features> p.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 76 4 F F F F Specify the destin ation, and then pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ To canc el the opt ion settings, press [ Cancel ] .
More Tran smission Functio ns 77 4 More Transmission Functions If M emory R uns Out While Storing an Origin al If you run out of mem ory while stor- ing an orig inal (free s pace r eac hes 0%), the message “ Memo ry i s ful l. Cannot sc an more. Transm itting only scanned pages.
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 78 4 Checking the Tra nsmission Result • Turn the Immediate TX Result Re- port on if you want a report to be print ed after every success ful transmission. S ee p.81 “ Co mmuni- cation Result Re port (M emory Transmission) ” .
More Tran smission Functio ns 79 4 Note ❒ Note that during Im mediate Trans- missi on or when in User Too ls mode , the mac hine canno t scan an origin al. Transmissi on with Image Rotatio n Generally , place A4, 8 1 / 2 " × 11" origi- nals in the lan dscape ori entation ( L ).
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 80 4 Tran smit tin g Jour nal by E- mail Prep arat ion To transmit t he Journal by e-mail, it is necessary to make settings with User P arame ters.
Printed Report 81 4 Printed Report Memory Storage Report Thi s repor t is pr inted a fter an origin al is stored in memo ry. It he lps you re- view the contents and th e destina- tions of stored original s. Limitatio n ❒ If you use Parall el Memory Trans- miss ion , t he Memo ry Stor age R e- port is not printed .
Other Transmi ssion Feat ures 82 4 Communication Failure Rep ort This repo rt is pri nted when a message coul d not be su ccessful ly tran smitted with Memory Transmission. I f t h e m a c h i n e i s s e t u p t o p r i n t a n I m - med iate TX Res ult Re port , this re port is not p rinted.
83 5. Reception Features Recepti on Imme diate Recepti on Each page of a f ax me ssag e is print ed as soon as it is received. This method is used for standard fax messages.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 84 5 Important ❒ When abou t one h our p ass es af ter power of the m achine is tu rned off, all fax messages stored in memory will be lost. If an y message s have been lost for t his r eason , a Pow er Failu re Repor t is automa tically printe d when the op eration switch is turned on.
Recepti on 85 5 Substitu te Recepti on In Su bs ti tu te Re ce pt io n, a r e c e i v e d f ax me ss ag e i s s to re d in me mo ry in st ea d o f being printed.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 86 5 Receiving messages accordi ng to parameter-specified settings If one of the con ditions listed below occu rs, the machi ne receives only thos e mes- sages that match the conditions specified in the U ser Parameters. See p.166 “ Us- er P aram eter s ” (switch 05, bit 2,1).
Reception Fu nctions 87 5 Reception Functions Transfer Station Transfer Stations allow you to expand the stan dard funct ions of y our fax machin e to set u p compl ex networks.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 88 5 ❒ If the Requ esti ng Par ty sp ecif ied a des tinat ion f ax nu mber , Inte rnet Fax destin ation and IP-Fax desti- nation progra mmed in Tran sfer Station as End Receiver, this ma- chine sends the message to the des- tin ation accor ding t o the User Parameter setti ng.
Reception Fu nctions 89 5 Transfer Result Repo rt (transfer request by e-mail) When this mach ine receives a transfer request by e-mai l, the Transfer Resu lt R e p o r t i s s e n t b y e - m a i l t o t h e R e - ques ting Pa rty afte r com pleting all transmissi ons to th e specif ied Trans- fer Stations.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 90 5 Forwar ding Received Docume nts This machin e can forward received docume nts to other destinations pro- grammed in memory based on Own Name, Own Fax Number or sender 's e-mail address. A fax number, In ternet Fax address, IP-Fax add ress, or folder address can be set as a Transfer Box.
Reception Fu nctions 91 5 Routing Received Documents with SUB Code W h en a d o c u m e n t i s r e c e i v e d , i ts S U B C o d e i s co m p a r e d t o u s e r c o d e s p r o - grammed i n Personal Bo xes and, if a ma tch is fo und, th e doc ument is routed to the des tinati on whose us er cod e is specif ied.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 92 5 SMTP Reception Using Inter net Fax You can se t this m achine to SM TP rec eptio n. W i t h S M T P r e c e p t i o n , e - m a i l i s r e c e i v e d a s s o o n a s i t i s s e n t t o t h e e - m a i l a d d r e s s set by the machine.
Reception Fu nctions 93 5 Routing E-mail Received via SMTP E-mail received via SM TP can be routed to other fax machines. It can also be routed to destinat ions progra m med as Quick Dial entrie s or Groups. Prep arat ion Before rout ing e-mai l received via SMTP, you first must set “ SMTP RX F ile Delivery Sett ings ” to “ On ” .
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 94 5 - - - - Specif ying E- mail Tra nsfer The originator can request tr ansfer of e-mail sent to another fax machine by spec- ifying the e-m ail address as follows: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Fax Number fax=destination fax number@ host name of this machine.
Reception Fu nctions 95 5 JBIG Receptio n If you us e JB IG (Joi nt Bi- lev el Ima ge Expe rts G roup) compr essio n, you can send photogra phic originals faster than w ith ot her m ethod s of co mpres- sion. I t allows y ou to receive messag- es sent i n th e JBIG f ormat thr ough JBIG Transmission.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 96 5 Printing Options Print Completi on Beep When this f unction is turned on, the machine be eps to let you k now when a received message has been printed. Note ❒ You can a lter the volume of the beep or turn it off completely (set the v olum e to th e min imum l evel ).
Prin ting O ption s 97 5 Reception Time You can have th e da te and time pri nt- ed at the bottom o f the messa ge when it is re ceived . You c an tur n this f unc- tion on or o ff using Rece ption Set- tings.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 98 5 Note ❒ The machi ne will use Mem ory Re- cept ion for Two- Sided P rintin g. ❒ Printouts may vary depending on how the sender sets the originals. ❒ You can select to have messages only f rom se lecte d send ers pri nted in this way.
Prin ting O ption s 99 5 Image Rota tion If you have set p aper in the standard tray K , inco ming fax messag es will be ro tated auto mat icall y to f it on to the pap er. Note ❒ You can choose to have r eceived messages printed from a specif ied tray.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 100 5 Page Separation and Length Reduction When the size of a received message is longe r than the paper l oaded in t he machine, eac h page of the message can be split and pr inted on seve ral sheets, or reduced and printed on a single sheet.
Prin ting O ption s 101 5 Page Reduction If you recei ve a message that is longer than the paper in the tra y, the ma- chine u sually pr ints it on t wo pages . If you tu rn this fu nction on, the ma- chine redu ces the width and length of the received image so th at it will fit on one pag e.
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 102 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Priori ty Table • KK and LL indic ate that the message is split o ver two pages of paper wi th the orie ntatio n and size shown. Note ❒ Pape r place d in the bypass tray is not usually se lected for pr inting a receiv ed mess age.
Prin ting O ption s 103 5 Just size printing If you enable th is funct ion, receiv ed documents a re pr inted on t he shee t that has highest priority . See p.102 “ Priority Table ” . This functi on is en- abled with User Parameters. Se e p.166 “ User Parameters ” (swi tch 05, bit 5) .
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 104 5 ❒ Messages printed o n pape r smaller than A4 may be shorte ned, or split across sheets. ❒ Paper longer than 600mm may be creased , not sent, or jam . ❒ Print a rea depe nds on opti onal ex- pansion mem ory, resolu tion, and vertical length of originals.
Whe re Inc oming Mess age ar e Del ivere d - Outp ut Tra y 105 5 Where In coming Messag e are Deliver ed - Output Tr ay Specifying Tray for Lines The optional extra G3 interface unit is re- quired. You can speci fy the document feed- ing tray for e ach port (telephone, In- ternet Fax, IP-Fax).
Rec ept ion Feat ure s 106 5 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 106 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
107 6. Fax via Computer Sendin g Fax Document s from Comput ers Using com puters connected to th e machine through para llel ports, IEEE 1394 (IP Over 1394) po rts, LANs, or wireless L ANs you can fax d ocuments, create d using Windows applicatio ns, t o other fax mach ines o ver a teleph one line .
Fax via Computer 108 6 Before Use To use these f eatures, a LAN- Fax Driver m ust be insta lled on your co m- pute r. U se th e LAN -Fax Driver in- cluded on the pr inte r CD-RO M. You must als o make t he requi red compu t- er to fax networ k settings on the ma- chine, acc ording to the type of connec tio n.
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 109 6 LAN-Fa x Driver, Addre ss Book , and LAN-Fax Cov er Sheet Edito r can be install ed by Aut o Run. Installing individ ual applications Prep arat ion Before inst alling the abov e appli- cations, install Sm artDeviceMoni- tor for Client.
Fax via Computer 110 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Operating Environ ment • Computer PC/AT Compatible • Operating Systems Microsoft W indows 95/98/Me Microsoft W indows 2000/XP Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Window s NT 4.
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 111 6 • Reso lution • Gray scal e • Print ing im ages of T rue Ty pe fon ts When using Windows 2000/ XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows NT 4.0 A Click the [ Paper S etting ] b utton. B Set the properties as shown below.
Fax via Computer 112 6 Basic Tr ansmission This section descri bes how to send fax documents created using Windows applicat ions. To send a fax, simply select [ Prin t ] from the Windows application, then select [ LAN-Fax ] as the printer, and the n spec ify a des tina tion in the [ LAN- Fax ] dial og box .
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 113 6 Specifying a destination using Address Book In order to use this method, you need to register dest inations in the address list using A ddress Book. See p.110 “ Address Book ” . A Click the [ Address Book : ] tab .
Fax via Computer 114 6 Note ❒ Specify the destination d e - pendin g on the selected fax type as follow s: • When [ Fax ] i s se lec ted: en- ter the fax number . • When [ E-mail ] is selected: enter the e-mai l address. • When [ IP-Fax ] is selected : enter the I P-Fax destina- tion.
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 115 6 B B B B Specify the options you want to use. To send a fax document at a specific time A Select the [ Sending at spe cific time ] check box, an d then spec- ify a tra nsmission time. B Click [ Send ] . To print a Sender St amp A Select the [ Prin t Fax Head er ] che ck box.
Fax via Computer 116 6 To store the fax document on the Document Server A Select the [ Se n d to D o cu m e nt S e rv - er ] chec k box, and t hen enter a user n ame, fil e nam e, and pass- word.
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 117 6 Note ❒ If there be any insuff icient co nfigu- ration in th e e-mail menu o n thi s mach ine, or i f “ Auto Specif y Send- er Name ” is set to “ Off ” , the LAN- Fax result notifica tion e-m ail will not be transmitted, a nd the LAN- Fax Result Report is printed out.
Fax via Computer 118 6 LAN-Fax Result Report In case of being set at the LAN-Fax resu lt e-mail repo rt, if there be any insuffi- cie nt conf igura tion in the e- mail m enu on th is mach ine, or if .
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 119 6 C C C C Edit an existing destination or pro- gram a new one. Note ❒ You can use fil es created in C SV format, a s Address Book data. For this purpose, create CSV files that conform to a certain format. For mo re information, see Help.
Fax via Computer 120 6 - - - - Usin g the ma chin e's A ddres s Book data in t he des tinat ion lis t of the L AN- Fax You can save info rmation about fax des tinat ions re gist ered to this ma- chine in a personal computer as a CSV file using “ Address Informat ion Managemen t ” in “ SmartDeviceMoni- tor for Admin ” .
Sending Fax Doc uments from Comput ers 121 6 Edit ing Fax Cover Sheets LAN-Fax C o ver Sh eet Ed itor al lows you to edit th e format for fax cove r shee ts. It is necess ary to create a cover sheet file before attaching a cover sheet to fax messages using LAN-Fax Dri ve r.
Fax via Computer 122 6 G G G G Enter the sender information. Note ❒ You c an en ter compa ny, depart - ment, and p erson names, and telephone and fax numbers. ❒ To add a message, select the [ With a Mess age ] check box, and then enter a message. H H H H Click [ OK ] .
Viewing Fax Infor mation Us ing a Web Browser 123 6 Viewing Fax Information Us ing a Web Brow ser You can view received fax messages and their lists or print these messages using a Web Image Moni tor on a net- work c omputer. Note ❒ You need to select “ St ore ” as the “ Recept ion File Sett ing ” in the Fac- simile Features m enu.
Fax via Computer 124 6 F F F F To download the received fax mes- sage, click [ PD F ] or [ Multi-page TIFF ] . Clicking [ PDF ] causes Acro bat Reader to be started and the mes- sage to be displayed. Clicking [ Multi-page TI FF ] causes a downloading confir mation win- dow to appear.
Viewing Fax Infor mation Us ing a Web Browser 125 6 Programming Destination Information from Web Browser If the rece iving machin e is compli ant with T .37 full m ode Internet Fax, you can pro gram the re ceiver's prop erties from Web Image Mo nitor.
Fax via Computer 126 6 Note ❒ If you change the m ode to “ Simple ” , you cannot set m a- chine prop erties. E Click [ OK ] in the upper-right of the screen . The Ad dress Book is di splayed. Note ❒ To ca ncel the s etti ng, cl ick [ Cancel ] in the uppe r-right of the screen.
Deli vering Files Rec eived by Fax 127 6 Deliveri ng Files R eceived by Fax ScanRo uter EX Professio nal (sold separa tely) is also required as a d elivery server. Desk - TopBinder Lite or D eskTopBinder Professional (sold separately) software must be in- stal led on you r comp uter .
Fax via Computer 128 6 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 128 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
129 7. Simplifying th e Operation Programs If you regularly send messag es to a par ticula r dest inati on or trans mit us - ing the same functions, you can save repe titive keypad o peratio ns by re g- isterin g this inform ation in a Key - stroke Program.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 130 7 B Perform the Send Later setting till the proc edure of pressing [ OK ] to return to t he standby mode. Refe rence p.3 “Sendi ng at a Sp ecific Time (Sen d Later)” B B B B Make sure that the machine is in facsimile mode an d the standby display is shown.
Programs 131 7 Changing a pro gram name A A A A Make sure that the machine is in facsimile mode an d the standby display is shown. Note ❒ If the standby display is not shown , press the { { { { Facsimile } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss th e { { { { Program } } } } key.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 132 7 Using a Program Note ❒ Using the program causes the pre- vious settings t o be cleared. ❒ If you have no prog rammed desti- nations or scan sett ings as pro- grams, select the program number, and then e nter the fax num ber of the destin ation and select th e scan sett ings yo u requ ire.
Using the Docu ment Server 133 7 Using the Do cument Server The Document Server can store do cu- ments from vari ous ap plic ation s. The documents that are stored using the facsimile function are available to transmit by fac simile.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 134 7 Storing a Document You can store and send a document at the same time. You can also just store a document. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ File na mes Scanned d ocuments are automati- cally assi gned names like “ FAX0001 ” or “ FAX0002 ” .
Using the Docu ment Server 135 7 Note ❒ If you are n ot setting a us er name , file name, or p assword , proceed to step F . ❒ You cannot change multiple documen ts at onc e. Programming a user nam e Note ❒ Set a user nam e from tho se pro- grammed i n the user code.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 136 7 B Enter a pas sword usi ng the number keys, and then press [ # # # # ] . Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key before pres sing [ OK ] , an d then ree nter your p asswo rd.
Using the Docu ment Server 137 7 D D D D If you select a docume nt for which a password is set, enter t he pass- word, and then pre ss [ OK ] . When a selected file do es not have a passwor d, proceed to step E . E E E E Change the desired information of the stored docume nt.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 138 7 C Enter a new pass word using the number keys, and then press [ # # # # ] . D Press low er [ Change ] . E Enter the password again, and then pr ess [ # # # # ] . F Press [ OK ] . F F F F Pre ss [ Exit ] . G G G G Pre ss [ OK ] .
Using the Docu ment Server 139 7 H H H H Pre ss [ OK ] . The standby display appears. Managin g Documents Saved in the Document Server from a Computer Using DeskTopBind er Fax document s saved in the Docu- ment Server can be vi ewed and c on- trolled from a network computer with DeskTopBinder installed.
Simplifyi ng the Operati on 140 7 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 140 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
141 8. Facsimile Features Function List The User Tool s allow you to program you r identification, store freque ntly used number s and settings, an d customize d efault settings to m eet your needs. The User Tools are grouped by functions so that you can quickly and easily fi nd the de sire d User To ol.
Facsimil e Features 142 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Reception Settings ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ E-mail Setting s ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ IP-Fax Settings Desc ript ion R efer ence Allo ws yo u to sw itch the fo llowi ng re cepti on functions on or off: p.147 “ Re cepti on Se tti ngs ” • Switch Reception Mode • Authorized RX p.
Func tio n List 143 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Administ rator Tool s - - - - Displa ys • Each menu appears in each tab. • You can switch the display by pressing [ U U U U Prev. ] or [ T T T T Next ] . • The selected item is highlighted. • When you have made all required settings, press [ OK ] .
Facsimil e Features 144 8 Accessi ng User Tools ( Facsimi le Fea tures) Customize the fac simile settings ac- cording to the operations to be fre- quentl y perfor med. Note ❒ The mac hine a llows you to change the facsimile defaults in a mode that is no t the facsimi le mode.
Accessing User Tools (F acsimile Features) 145 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Text Si ze Pr iority Use this funct ion to s pecify the character size o f your origina ls for scanning. • Standard • Detail • Super Fine (expansion memory requ ired ) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Origin al Type Pri ority Use this funct ion to s pecify the type of or iginal s for scanni ng.
Facsimil e Features 146 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Line Priority Setti ng Use this function to s pecify t he line of usage. Note ❒ The display may d iffer depend- ing on the line type you have. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Program Economy Time Use this function for specifying a time for tr ansmiss ion when call charges are low.
Accessing User Tools (F acsimile Features) 147 8 Note ❒ Functions that appear dimmed have already been set. Reception Settings ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Switch Recepti on Mode Specify the method for receiving fax messages.
Facsimil e Features 148 8 B Selec t the lin e type . C Select a tray to deli ver the re- ceived paper onto, an d then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you want to specify anoth- er lin e t yp e, re pea t f rom st ep B . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Checkered Mark Specify whe ther or not a ch eckered mark is to be printe d on the first page of received fax messages.
Accessing User Tools (F acsimile Features) 149 8 A Press [ On ] . B Enter the maximum e-mail size using the number keys. Note ❒ Maximum e-mail size can be between 64 and 102400 KB. ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Can cel ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key, and then enter again.
Facsimil e Features 150 8 IP-Fax Sett ings Make settings to use IP-Fax. Set H.323 for the gatekeep er, SIP for SIP server, and gateway for G3 fax if necess ary. Check th e setting s of the net work to w hich t his mac hine i s con- nected befo re making settings.
Accessing User Tools (F acsimile Features) 151 8 C Enter the IP addr ess and alias telephone number and press [ OK ] . The screen returns to that of Step B . D Press [ OK ] . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ SIP Setting s Set the SIP server IP address and SIP user name.
Facsimil e Features 152 8 C Press a gateway to register. When registerin g a new gate- way, press [ *No t pro- gra mmed. ] . D Press [ Change ] for [ Prefix ] . E Enter the Prefix usi ng the number keys, and then pr ess [ OK ] . Note ❒ To change the exis ting Pre- fix, press [ Clear ] , a nd then enter a new ID number.
Accessing User Tools (F acsimile Features) 153 8 H Enter the gateway address, and then press [ OK ] . The scre en retu rns to th at of Step G . I Press [ OK ] . • Deleting a gateway A Press [ Program / Change / Delet e Gatewa y ] . B Press [ Del ete ] , and t hen se lect a gateway to de lete.
Facsimil e Features 154 8 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 154 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
155 9. Administra tor Setting Administrat or Tools List You can program, change, or delete standa rd messages and auto d ocuments. You c an also set the l ine type for the m achine conn ection , program va rious IDs (including a Polling ID), fax destinations, and many other items.
Adm inist rator S etting 156 9 Box S etting B y usi ng SUB a nd S EP C ode s with these functions, you can send messages to another par - ty's box, and retrie ve messag- es stored in boxes. p.180 “ Box Settings ” Transfer Report Before using Tran sfer Re- quest, you need this Transfer Report setting.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 157 9 Using Admi nistrator Settings Programming, Changing, and Deleti ng Standard Messages Use thi s fun ctio n to pr ogra m st an- dard m essag es to be pri nted a t the top of the first pa ge of the origina l. It i s useful for personalizing messages such as sending greeti ngs.
Adm inist rator S etting 158 9 Deleting Standard Messages A Press [ Delete ] , and then sele ct the m essage you wa nt to de - lete. B Press [ Delete ] . Note ❒ To delete ano ther message, repea t from step A . ❒ To cancel a deletion, press [ Do not Delete ] .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 159 9 Storing a file A Check [ P rogram / Cha nge ] is se - lected. B Select [ *Not Stored ] . C Ente r a file name, and then pr es s [ OK ] . Refe rence “ Enteri ng Tex t ” , General Set- ting s G uid e Changing a file A Check [ P rogram / Cha nge ] is se - lected.
Adm inist rator S etting 160 9 C C C C Pre ss [ Ad ministrator Tools ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Store / Change / Delete Auto Document ] . E E E E Pre ss [ Delete ] , an d the n sel ect the file you want to delete. F F F F Pre ss [ Dele te ] . Note ❒ To cancel del eting, press [ Do n ot Delet e ] .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 161 9 Note ❒ Each ti me you pre ss [ mm ] or [ inc h ] , the un its switch between “ mm ” and “ inc h ” . If yo u enter a length and change t he units by pressi ng [ mm ] or [ inch ] , the lengt h is conv erted a utomati- cally according to the unit (frac- tions are rounded o ff).
Adm inist rator S etting 162 9 Printing Journal The Journal allows you to check a maximum of the las t 50 commu nica- tions (receptions & transm issions) perform ed by the m achine. Y ou can print the Jour nal using the Informa- tion menu. See p.27 “ Printing the Journal ” .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 163 9 ❒ When you wish to change the end receivers de pending on the for- warding dest inations, specify the end re ceivers by th e forwa rding destinat ions, at “ Spe cial Sender s ” .
Adm inist rator S etting 164 9 F F F F Spec ify an En d Rece iv er us ing t he destin ation list, and then pres s [ OK ] . The receiver name is shown to the right of [ Receiver ] . Note ❒ Press the bu tton on the r ight of the disp lay to sw itch the d esti- nation between fax num ber, e- mail address, IP-Fax destina- tion, an d fold er.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 165 9 ❒ This functi on is not avail able when memory forwarding is performed to a folder destinatio n. Memory Lock When you swi tch Memory Lock on, received messages are stored in mem- ory and not print e d automat ically.
Adm inist rator S etting 166 9 Note ❒ If you turn ECM off, you cannot use the fo llowing functions: • JBIG Transmission • Supe r G3 Comm un icatio n A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss [ Facsim ile Fea tu res ] .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 167 9 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ User Parameter List User P arameter Switc hes ar e outlin ed b elow. Switch Bit Item 0 1 02 0 Forwa rding Mark Off On 3T S I P r i n t O f f O n 0.
Adm inist rator S etting 168 9 05 0 Receive S ervice Call ( SC) Conditio n (Substit ute Recep- tion duri ng service ca ll) Possible (Subst itute RX) Not possible (Reception off) 2, 1 Substitute the r .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 169 9 17 2 Whether you need to pr ess [ Add ] after entering a Qu ick Dial/Group Dial when broad casti ng Not nece ssary Necessa ry 7 Receive m essages b y pressing the { { { { St art } } } } key w hen orig inals are n ot set .
Adm inist rator S etting 170 9 Changing the User Parameters Prep arat ion Access to some User Parameter Sett ings re quires in stalla tion of op- tional equ ipment, or that ot her set- tings be mad e beforehand. Important ❒ We recom mend you p rint and kee p a User P arameter l ist wh en you progra m or chang e a User Pa rame - ter.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 171 9 Note ❒ To cancel these sett ings, press [ Cancel ] . The display returns to that of step E . H H H H Repeat steps E E E E and G G G G to change the switch settings. I I I I After all the settings are finished, pre ss [ Exit ] .
Adm inist rator S etting 172 9 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Using Fu ll match ing ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Using Pa rtial match ing Note ❒ You can pr ogram up to 30 wild cards . ❒ Spaces are ignored wh en identi- ficati ons are compared. ❒ You can use wild card s fo r th e following functions: • See p.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 173 9 ❒ You can s elect to rec eive only f rom prog rammed se nders or rec eive only fr om senders other th an those prog rammed i n User Pa rameters .
Adm inist rator S etting 174 9 Memory Lock Use this function to store incoming documents from progra mmed send- ers (Special Senders) in memory with- out pr intin g them. P eople wit hout the Memory Loc k ID cannot print th e document s, and th eref ore thi s func- tion is use ful for receiving con fiden- tial documents.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 175 9 F F F F Select the destinati on to program or change. When programmi ng a new Special Sender, pr e ss [ * Not Pr ogr ame d ] . G G G G Enter a destination name, an d then pre ss [ OK ] . Enter a destin ation name using Own Name or Own Fax Number .
Adm inist rator S etting 176 9 C Press the d estination key of a forward destination, and then press [ OK ] . Limitatio n ❒ One forwa rd destina tion can be registered for a desti na- tion. To register tw o or more forward destinations, use Group De stinatio ns.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 177 9 C Enter the print quan tity using the number keys, and then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key before pres sing [ OK ] , an d then try again. Print 2 Sided A Select [ Pr int 2 Side d ] .
Adm inist rator S etting 178 9 Prog rammin g Initi al Set U p of a Speci al Send er Use th is func tion to pr ogra m “ Initial Set Up ” of a Special Sender. You can also specify the B ypass Tray Paper Size. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } key.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 179 9 Note ❒ If you select [ Auto Detect ] , the machine recognize s the pa- per size auto matically. • The mach ine wi ll detec t the pa per siz e for th e by- pass tray as the short edge of th e paper is inse rted into the mach ine.
Adm inist rator S etting 180 9 Deleting a Special Sende r Use th is func tion to pr ogra m “ Initial Set Up ” of a Special Sender. The By- pass Tray Paper Si ze can also be spec- ified. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss [ Facsim ile Fea tu res ] .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 181 9 Limitatio n ❒ You canno t set the sam e Box code on two different boxes. ❒ Tra nsmi ssi on or prog ra mming may not be allo wed if there is not enough free memory left . The amount of free memo ry left differs depending on the optional equip- men t instal led.
Adm inist rator S etting 182 9 E E E E Check that [ Program / Cha nge ] is se- lected. F F F F Select a b ox to program. When programming a new box , press [ * Not Progr amed ] . Note ❒ To change a box alread y pro- grammed, press it and proceed to step I .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 183 9 Programming an End Receiver A Press [ Re ceiver ] . B Select a d estination using t he Quic k Dial Tabl e, and the n press [ OK ] . Note ❒ Press the button shown on the right side of the screen to switch the des tination among fax number, Intern et Fax address and IP -Fax ad- dress.
Adm inist rator S etting 184 9 Prog ramm ing/ chan ging I nfor matio n Boxes Thi s section d escribe s how to se t up an Informat ion Box. You can st ore the follow ing items: •B o x n a m e ( r e q.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 185 9 I I I I Enter the SEP Code. Note ❒ To change the SEP Code, press [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/St op } } } } key, and then try again. To change the box name, p ress [ Box Name ] , and then repeat the proced ure from step H .
Adm inist rator S etting 186 9 B B B B Pre ss [ Facsim ile Fea tu res ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Ad ministrator Tools ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Bo x Setting ] . E E E E Pre ss [ Delete ] , an d the n sel ect the box you w ant to delet e. With a programmed password A Enter a pas sword usi ng the number keys, and then press [ OK ] .
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 187 9 • Passw ord (o ptiona l) Up to 20 ch aracters long and can b e comp osed o f digit s 0-9, “ # ” , “ * ” , and spaces (the first chara cter can- not be a space). Note ❒ When pro gramming a pas sword, a mark is displayed in front of the Box name.
Adm inist rator S etting 188 9 H H H H Enter a Box name, an d then press [ OK ] . Referen ce “Entering Te xt”, General Set - tings Guide I I I I Enter a SUB Co de. Note ❒ To change t he SUB Code, p ress [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/St op } } } } key, and then try again.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 189 9 C Re-enter the passwor d, and then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key before pres sing [ OK ] , an d then try again.
Adm inist rator S etting 190 9 Printing the Box L ist Follow t he proced ure below t o print a lis t sho wing t he cu rre ntly pro- grammed Personal Boxes, Inform a- tion Boxes, and Tra nsfer Boxes. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } key.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 191 9 E E E E Specify the fax number. Programming a G3 Fax N umber A Press [ G3 Fax No. (Dir. ) ] . B Enter your facs imile number using the number keys , and then pr ess [ OK ] . Note ❒ If you make a mistake, pr ess [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key.
Adm inist rator S etting 192 9 Programming a Po lling ID Program a Polling ID to use the Transfer Request , Transfer Sta tion, Default ID Pollin g Transmis sion, and Default ID Polling Reception func- tions. When yo u use ID Transmission, program th e same ID as the one pro - grammed on the sender's machine.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 193 9 ❒ If you make a m istake, press [ Clear ] or the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key be- fore pressing [ OK ] , and then try again. ❒ To cancel programm ing an ID, press [ Cancel ] . The display re- turns to that of step D .
Adm inist rator S etting 194 9 ❒ If the fac simile is set to store re- ceived documents, d ocument re- ception ca n be notified to a specifi ed e-mail ad dress. ❒ Documents saved on the hard disk are categorized as received and store d docu ments.
Using Admi nistra tor Se ttings 195 9 Setting a User for Viewing Received and Stor ed Documents The admin istrato r can be specif ied for managing documents stored on the machine after fax messa ges are re- ceiv ed.
Adm inist rator S etting 196 9 Note ❒ When a programm ed user is de- leted fr om the des tination l ist, a message “ Deleted from Ad- dress Boo k ” is displa yed. Re-en- ter the us er. H H H H Pre ss [ OK ] . I I I I Pre ss th e { { { { User Tools/ Counter } } } } key.
197 10. Solving Operatio n Problems When an Error Repo rt is Printed An Error Report is pr inted if a mes- sage cannot be successfully sent o r re- ceived . Possible causes include a probl em with your machine or noise on the tele phon e line. I f an erro r occur s dur- ing transmission, resend the original.
Solving Operat ion Problems 198 10 Turning Off the M ain Power / When a Power Fa ilure Occurs R CAUTIO N: Even if the main pow er switch is turned off, the con tents of the ma - chine memory (for example, pro- grammed numbers) will not be lost.
When an Error Occurs Us ing Int ernet F ax 199 10 When an Error Occ urs Using Internet Fax Erro r Mail Notifi cation The ma chine sends the Error Mail No tification to the sender wh en it is unable to successfully receive a particul ar e-mail message.
Solving Operat ion Problems 200 10 Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 200 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
201 11. Appendix Connecti ng the Machine to a Te lephone Line and Tel ephone Connecting the Telephone Line To connect th e machine to a teleph one line, use a snap-in modular type connec- tor. Important ❒ Make s ure the connector is the co rrect t ype befor e you s tart.
Appendix 202 11 Selecting the Line Type Select the line type to whi ch the machine is c onnected. T here are two ty pes: tone and pulse dial. Note ❒ This func tion is not avai lable in som e ar eas. Select the li ne type using “ Administr ator Sett ings ” .
Connecti ng the Mac hine to a Te lephone L ine a nd Teleph one 203 11 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting the h andset bell volume Adjust the handset ringer volume using the volume switch.
Appendix 204 11 Optional Equipment Expansion Memory (32MB: DIMM) This allows you to send fax m essages at high re solution (Super Fine). This also allows you to r eceive fax messages at high r esolution (Fine or Sup er Fine). If you require this option, consult your service represent ative.
Specificat ions 205 11 Speci fications ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Fax Transmission and Reception ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power Co nsumptio n Standard G3 Resolution G3: 8 × 3.85/mm·200 × 100dpi (Standard c haracter), 8 × 7.7/mm·200 × 200dpi (Detail charac ter), 8 × 15.
Appendix 206 11 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Internet Fax Transmission and Reception *1 Full mode Network LAN : Local Area Network Ethernet/10Base -T, 100Base-TX, IEEE1394 (IP ove r 1394), IEEE802.
Specificat ions 207 11 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ IP-Fax Transmi ssion and Reception Compatible Machines This machi ne is compatib le to machin es having th e followi ng specifi cations. *1 Available in f ull mode, dependin g on the other party's setti ngs.
Appendix 208 11 Acceptabl e Types of Originals Make sure your or iginals are complet ely dry befo re settin g them in the machine. Wet ink or corr ecting fluid from ori ginals will mark the exposure glass and affect the resu ltin g i mage.
Specificat ions 209 11 Limitatio n ❒ There may be a difference i n the size of the image when it is printed at the des- tination. ❒ If you place an original lar ger than A3, 11" × 17" on the exposur e glass, only an A3, 11" × 17" are a is scan ned.
Appendix 210 11 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch Ver sion × - Una ble to auto dete ct *1 Norma lly a length of abo ut 420mm (16. 5") can be scanne d; howev er, it is only possi- ble to specify a scanning size up to 432mm (17").
Specificat ions 211 11 The follow ing paper sizes are au tomatically detec ted in facsimile mo de. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metric Version b - Auto d etect × - Una ble to auto dete ct ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch Ve .
Appendix 212 11 Maximum Values The followi ng list contains the maximum value for each item. Note ❒ The max imum num ber of pages that can be stor ed or transm itt ed may de - crease depending on the contents of docum ents. *1 This indicates the nu mber of transmission rec ords that you ca n check using Sm art- Devic eMonito r for Admi n.
213 INDEX 180-Degree Rotation Printing , 98 2 Sid ed P rinti ng , 97 A Address B ook , 11 8 Administra tor Settings , 155 Adminis trator T ools List , 155 Aut hor ized Re cept ion , 172 Auto Document .
214 I ID Overr ide Polling Re ception , 14 ID O verri de Trans mis sion , 11 Image Rotation , 79 , 99 Immed iate Recept ion , 83 Immediate TX Result Report (Imme diate Tran smission ) , 82 Inform atio.
215 R RDS (Remo te Diagnostic Sy stem) , 198 Receiving St ation , 52 , 87 Reception , 83 Recept ion Fe atur es , 83 Rece ption F ile Pr int Q uanti ty , 173 Recept ion Fu ncti ons , 87 Reception Reve .
216 EN USA B712-8511 MEMO Jupt erC2_Fa x_EN-F_ F k Pag e 216 M onday, November 29, 2004 3 :48 PM.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 224 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 8.960000 mm Introdu ction This manua l contai ns deta iled ins tructio ns and not es on th e operat ion and u se of th is machin e.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 224 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 8.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ricoh Facsimile c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ricoh Facsimile - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ricoh Facsimile, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ricoh Facsimile va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ricoh Facsimile, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ricoh Facsimile.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ricoh Facsimile. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ricoh Facsimile ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.