Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L du fabricant Ricoh
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Operatin g Instru ctions Basic Features For saf e and corr ect use o f this ma chine, ple ase be sure to read th e Safety Informa tion befo re you use it.
Introdu ction This man ual descr ibes d etailed i nstruc tions o n the ope ration a nd not es about the use of th is machi ne. To get m aximum vers atility from t his machi ne, all operato rs are req uested to read this manual carefu lly and foll ow the ins tructio ns.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE .. ........ ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ 1 Safety Infor mation ......... ...... .......... .......... ........... .......... .........
ii Scan Sett ings ........... ....... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ...... ... 32 Resolution . .......... .......... .......... .......... ...... ........... .......... .......... .......... ....
iii 4. Troubleshootin g Loadin g Paper i n the Ma in Paper T ray...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ...... ... 6 9 Adjustin g Volume .... ....... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....
iv Stel laF15_EN _Combine _F1_Pre ok Page i v Frida y, Au gust 27, 2004 6:22 PM.
1 NOTICE R CAUT ION: Use of co ntrol s, adjust ment s or perfor mance of proced ures oth er than th ose specified herein may resul t in hazardous radiation exposure. Shie lde d inte rco nnec t cab les must b e empl oye d with thi s equi pmen t to e nsur e complianc e with the per tinent RF em ission limits govern ing this device.
2 - - - - Notice abou t the Telephon e Consumer Prot ection Act (Va lid in USA only) The Telephone Consumer Pr otection Act of 1991 makes it unla wful for any per- son to us e a computer or other elec.
3 Safe ty In forma tion When using th is machine, the follo wing safety precautions should al ways be fol- lowed. Safety During Operation In th is manu al, the f ollowing i mportant symbols a re used .
4 R CAUT ION: • Protect the machine from dampness or wet weather, such as rain and snow. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the machine. While moving the machine, you should take care that the po wer cord will not be damag ed under the machin e.
5 Important S afety Inst ructions Grounding In order to p revent potentially hazard ous electrica l shock, provide m eans of connecti ng to the protective groundi ng conductor in the building, wiring tho se grounding conductors of p ower cable and 3 pins plug.
6 Position of the R R R R CAUTION Label This mac hine has a R CAUTION la bel at the posi tion shown belo w. For safety , please follo w the instructio ns and handle the m achine as indic ated. The ins ide of the machine becomes ver y hot. D o not touch the inside.
7 ENER GY STA R Pr ogram • Low- power Mod e At the fact ory, this fax machine wa s set to enter the low power mo de 5 minut es after the last operation is co mpleted. To exit the low pow er mode, press the { { { { En- ergy Sa ver/Cl ear Modes } } } } key.
8 Energy Saving Modes Energy Saving mode enable s you to avoid using unnecessary power and econo- mize on electr icity. Although we recomme nd you use this mode from the view- point of e nvironmental consciousness, you c an also turn it off. When you install this m achines for the fi rst time, E nergy Saving mo de is turned on by de fault.
9 Note ❒ When you load pap er in Energy Saving mode, an error message will not be displayed even if the cassette is not pushed in correctly. ❒ After loading paper, press the Energy Saver key and check that "READY ” is shown on the displa y.
10 How to Read this Manual Symb ols The f ollowing set of symb ols is u sed in thi s manual. R WARNING: This symbol ind icates a potentially hazardous situation that migh t result in death or serious i njury when you misuse the mac hine without following the i n- struc tions under this s ymbol .
11 Manuals f or This M achine Two Facsimile Reference manuals are provided, the Basic Fe atures manual and the Advanced Featur es manual. Please refer to the manual that suits your needs. Basic Fe atures (t his manual) The Basic Features manual ex plains the most frequently used fax functions and oper ation s.
12 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Chapter 10 Installation Explains about installation consideratio ns, connecting to a telephone line, and connec ting the pow er. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Chapter 11 Appendix You can chec k the specif ications for t his machine. Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ FM.
13 1. Getting Started Guide to Comp onents Front View 1. ADF Cover Cover for the docu ment feeder (ADF). 2. Release B utton Push this butto n to open the docu ment feeder. 3. Document Feed er (ADF) Originals wil l be fed automatical ly. 4. Outp ut T ray Receiv ed fax message s and copies ar e stacke d here.
Getting Sta rted 14 1 13. Original Tray Place originals here fo r sending a fax and copyi ng. 14. Original guide Adjus t the origin al guid e to matc h the size of the orig inals. Sid e Vi ew 1. Output tray guide Pull out and r aise th e end fen ce to su p- port large papers.
Control Panel 15 1 Control Panel 1. User Fu nction keys Each of these can b e program med for rapid ac cess to frequently used f unctions. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Function s Programm ed by Defau lt 2. { { { { Tran s. Op ti on } } } } key Press to chan ge the transmis sion option setting s.
Getting Sta rted 16 1 13. { { { { On Hook Dial } } } } key Use to dial a number fr om the numeric keypad w ithout having to li ft the hand- set. 14. { { { { Energy S aver/Clear Modes } } } } key Energ y Save r: Hol d down 2 se conds to select or deselec t energy saver mode.
Star ting the Mach ine 17 1 Starti ng the Mac hine To st art th e mach ine , turn on the power swi tch. Note ❒ This ma chine a utomat icall y enters Energy Saver mo de if you do not use the m achine for a while. Turning On the Power A A A A Confirm that the power cord is plugged into the outle t firmly.
Getting Sta rted 18 1 Reading t he Displ ay The machine status and instruc tions are shown on the display . Important ❒ Do not apply a str ong shock or force o f about 30N *1 (about 6.8 lbf *2 ) or mor e to the panel display. Otherwise, the display might be damaged.
Reading t he Display 19 1 Standby Display While the machine is in standby dis- play (immedi ately afte r it is turned o n or after the { { { { Cancel } } } } key is presse d), the f ollow ing di spla y is sh own.
Getting Sta rted 20 1 Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 2 0 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
21 2. Faxing Transmiss ion Modes There are two types of transmission. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Memory Transmission When a fax docu ment i s st ored in memory, then tra nsmission starts autom atica lly. This makes it conv enient when you would like to take documents back in a hurr y.
Faxing 22 2 Switching between Memory Transmission and Immediate Transmissi on Pres s the { { { { Memory Tr ans. } } } } key to switch between Memory Transmis- sion and Immediate Transmission. When the indica tor of the { { { { Memo ry Trans. } } } } key is not lit, Immediate Transmission i s selected.
Setti ng Orig inals 23 2 Setting O riginals You can set yo ur originals in the Doc- ument Feed er. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ How to set A4, B5 JIS ( Japanese Industrial Standard ), A5, 5 1 / 2 " × × × .
Faxing 24 2 ❒ If an orig inal jams, press the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key, and then remove the or igin al car efull y. ❒ If y our or iginal is b ent or fold ed, flatten it before you set i t. Referenc e For infor matio n ab out th e size s and nu mber of orig inals that can be placed i n the Docu ment Feede r, see p.
Memory Trans mission 25 2 Memory Tr ansmission Memo ry Transm ission is convenien t because: • Fax documents can be scanned much more quickly. Your scanned docum ent is stored in the memor y, and then sent automatica lly, meaning you do not have to wait for your doc ument to send .
Faxing 26 2 C C C C Select any scan sett ings you re- quir e. See p.32 “ Scan S etti ngs ” . D D D D Dial. If you wish to send the same message to more than one desti- nation, press the { { { { OK } } } } key, and then dial another destination. Re- peat this step for all destinations.
Cancelin g a Memory Transmission 27 2 Canceling a Me mory Transmission Before the S tart Key is Pr essed A A A A Press the { { { { Energy Saver / Clear Modes } } } } key. Note ❒ When you have already set the orig inal, yo u can also cancel the transmission by removing the orig inal from the machi ne.
Faxing 28 2 C C C C Display the file you want to delete. Enter th e file number with th e number keys, or search using 0 or 1 . D D D D Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. E E E E Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to select " Yes " F F F F Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Immediate Tr ansmission 29 2 Immediate Trans mission Immediate Transmission is co nve- nient when: • You wish to send a document im- mediately as it is scanning. • You wish to quickly check w hether you have successfully connected with the o ther party 's fax machine.
Faxing 30 2 Referen ce p.41 “ Own Name/Fax H ead- er/Own Fax Number ” After transmi ssion the machine will retur n to standby display . Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ FM.
Canceling an Imme diate Transmis sion 31 2 Canceling an Imme diate Transmis sion Before t he Start key i s Pressed A A A A Press the { { { { Energy Saver / Clear Modes } } } } key. Note ❒ When you have already set the orig inal, yo u can also cancel the transmission by removing the orig inal from the machi ne.
Faxing 32 2 Scan Settings You may w ish to send many different types of fax messages. Som e of these may be difficu lt to repr oduce at the othe r end. Ho wever , your ma chine has three settings that you can adjust to help you transmit your doc ument with the best p ossible im age qual ity.
Scan Sett ings 33 2 A A A A Press the { { { { Resolut ion } } } } key to switch between re solutions. The indica- tors ab ove the key sh ow the cur- rent selectio n.
Faxing 34 2 Dialing There are four m ain ways to dial a numb er: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Entering Numbers Directly See p.34 “ Entering Num bers Di- rectly ” ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Using Quick Dials: See p.35 “ Using Quick Dials ” ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Using Speed Dials: See p.
Dialing 35 2 Note ❒ If a memory file is awaiting trans- mission and the "Exceeded the Max.Ca nnot Add" message is dis- played when dialing with the number keys, you cannot dial any more numbers . That is becaus e the fax numbers have been dialed with the number ke ys for some of the files awaiting transmission.
Faxing 36 2 B B B B Set your original and select any scan settings you require. C C C C Press the Quick Dial key in which the desti nation's nu mber is pro- grammed. If the destination's name has been stored, the name i s shown on the displa y.
Dialing 37 2 C C C C Pre ss th e { { { { Speed D ial } } } } key. D D D D Enter the two d igit code (00 to 99) for the destination with the n um- ber keys. Note ❒ When a name is stor ed for the destination , the nam e is dis- played, and when no name is stored , the fax num ber is dis- play ed.
Faxing 38 2 When Specifying a Group with a Quick Dial Make su re that the Memory Tra ns- mission indicator is lit, if not, press the { { { { Memor y Tr ans. } } } } key to li ght it. Note ❒ You must register Groups to Quick Dials bef orehand. See p.
Rec ept ion Mo des 39 2 Recepti on Modes The machine can treat incoming fax messages and telephone calls in three ways. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manual Receive Use this mode if your line is sha red by a f ax mac hine an d a te leph one but you wish to answer all calls yourself and decide whether the y are fax do cuments or tel ephone calls .
Faxing 40 2 E E E E Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. F F F F Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until “ 5. Rec eption Mode “ is dis pla yed . G G G G Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. H H H H Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to select the recep- tion mode . I I I I Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
41 3. Registering Own Name/Fax Header/Own Fax Number Make sure t hat all necessary settings are made before connecting yo ur ma- chine to the te lephon e line . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Own Name Th is sh o uld be y ou r n am e o r co m- pany name, in 20 characters or l ess.
Register ing 42 3 Registering The fol lowing p rocedure d escribes how to m ake in itial settin gs. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until "2. Fax Fea- tures" is displayed. C C C C Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Own Name/Fax Heade r/Own Fax Number 43 3 L L L L Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. The programmed Own Name is disp laye d. M M M M Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to move the cursor, and the n enter your fax number after the programmed Own Name.
Register ing 44 3 B B B B Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until " 2. Fax Fea- tures " is displayed. C C C C Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. D D D D Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until " 3. Setup " is disp layed . E E E E Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Own Name/Fax Heade r/Own Fax Number 45 3 F F F F Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until "6. Fax Info r- mation" is displayed. G G G G Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. H H H H Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to select the item that yo u want to delete.
Register ing 46 3 Quick Di al To save time, you can program a fax number that you use often into a Quick Dial key. Then, w henever you are sending a message to that loca- tion, just press that Quick Dial key to dial . Register ing The fol lowing p rocedure d escribes how to r egis ter fax numbe rs i n Qu ick Dial ke ys.
Quick Dial 47 3 F F F F Display the number of the Quick Dial ke y you wa nt to regist er. Press a Quick Dial key, or search using 0 or 1 . Note ❒ If a Quick Dial has already been registered, the c ontents are dis- played. Press 0 or 1 to sel ect a Quic k Dial that is n ot pro - grammed, an d then press the { { { { OK } } } } key.
Register ing 48 3 L L L L Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. If you want to stor e another Quick Dial, go t o step E . M M M M Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key to re- turn to standby display. Edit ing The fol lowing p rocedure d escribes how to edit fax numbers registered in Quick Dial keys.
Quick Dial 49 3 Note ❒ Under rare circu mstances, g ar- bled characters may appear during name registration if yo u use the { { { { Pause/Redia l } } } } key to displa y the fax number of par- ties lo cated in other coun tries.
Register ing 50 3 E E E E Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until " 2. Del. Quick Dial " is d isplayed. F F F F Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. G G G G Displ ay the Quick Dial k ey that you want to delete. Press a Quick Dial key or search by pressing 0 or 1 .
Quick Dial 51 3 Label pap er A UG. 21. 2002 11:22AM Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 5 1 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
Register ing 52 3 Speed Dial Register ing If you regi ster numbers in Speed Di- als, y ou can spe cify the fax num ber simply b y pressing the { { { { Speed Dial } } } } key, and e nter ing a two- digi t Spee d Dia l n um ber . The fol lowing proced ure des cribes how t o register fax number s in Speed Dia ls .
Speed Dial 53 3 G G G G Display the number of the Spe ed Dial you want to register (00 to 99). Enter the Speed Di al number with the number key s, or search using 0 or 1 . Note ❒ If you make a m istake, press the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key and tr y again.
Register ing 54 3 Edit ing The fol lowing p rocedure d escribes how to edit register ed Speed Dial numb ers . A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until " 2. Fax Fea- tures " is displayed. C C C C Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Speed Dial 55 3 Note ❒ Label in sertion all ows the de sti- nation name that i s pro- grammed in Quick Dial or Speed Di al to be p rinted on the fax w hen it is rece ived at th e other end. See p.8 “ Label Inser - tion ” , Advance d Features . N N N N Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Register ing 56 3 I I I I Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key to re- turn to standby display. Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 5 6 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
Groups 57 3 Grou ps If you regularly broa dcast document s to the same set of dest inations, you can combine these numbers into a group. Then just select the group and each number will be dialed in se- quence aut omati cally.
Register ing 58 3 ❒ It is recom mende d that you p rint the Group Dial list and keep it when you register or change desti- nations. See p.54 “ Printing Re- ports/List s ” , Advanced Features . ❒ If you register the same destination in different Groups, it is only counted as on e item.
Groups 59 3 ❒ If a gro up is progra mmed, but no name is specified, the gr oup number on ly is display ed on the lowe r line of the displ ay. H H H H Specify the destination using one of the following three methods: Enter the f ax number with the number keys.
Register ing 60 3 Edit ing You can edit th e group na me or add destinat ions for programmed gro ups. To edit a dest ination: • For de stin atio ns progr amme d in Quick Dial or Speed Dial, edit the conten ts of the programmed Q uick Dial or Speed Dial.
Groups 61 3 L L L L Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. The name i s changed. M M M M Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to se lect " Yes" if th e group w as programmed in a Quick Dial, or select "No" if it was not . N N N N Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Register ing 62 3 G G G G Display the number of the group to which you wa nt to add a num- ber (1 to 5). Enter the group nu mber with the number keys, or search using 0 or 1 . H H H H Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. I I I I Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to select "Yes".
Groups 63 3 R R R R Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. S S S S Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 to se lect " Yes" if th e group w as programmed in a Quick Dial, or select "No" if it was not . T T T T Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. If you selected "No", go to step V .
Register ing 64 3 E E E E Pre ss 0 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 1 until " 5. Prog. Grou p Dial " i s displ ayed. F F F F Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. G G G G Display the group number for the destination yo u want to delete (1 to 5) . Enter the group nu mber with the number keys, or search using 0 or 1 .
Groups 65 3 S S S S Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. If you selected "No", go to step U . Note ❒ I f y o u w a n t t o e d i t a p r o g r a m m e d Quick Dial key, press the Quick Dial key and then the { { { { OK } } } } key. T T T T Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key.
Register ing 66 3 - - - - To chan ge and d elete Qu ick Dials prog ramme d as group s: To store an entire group u nder a dif- ferent Quick Dial key, or to delete the group from the Quic k Dial key al to- gether, perform the followin g proce- dure: A Press the { { { { User To ols } } } } key.
Enteri ng Characters 67 3 Ente ring Cha ract ers This section describes how to enter characters. Availabl e Characters • Letters : ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZa bcdefghijk lmnopqrstu vwxyz • Symbol s: – _ (space) . , ( ) / @ & $ ! ' # p % + : ; < = > ? ^ [ ] ` { | } ∼ • Numbe rs : 0123456789 Keys 1.
Register ing 68 3 7. { { { { Cle ar/S top } } } } key Deletes the character at the cursor posi- tion. If the cursor is placed to the right of the last character at the right end of a line, that chara cter will be deleted. How to Enter Charact ers The fol lowing p rocedure d escribes how to enter charact ers.
69 4. Troubleshooting Loading Paper in the Main Pape r Tray If there is no paper in the main paper tray, th e B indi cator on the contr ol panel lig hts. Use the fol lowing procedu re to load the pap er. Important ❒ When loading paper, be careful n ot to pinch your fingers inside the mach ine.
Troublesh ooting 70 4 Adjust ing Volume You ca n chan ge th e volume of t he fo l- lowing sou nds the machin e makes. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ On Hook Sounds when you press the { { { { On Hook Dial } } } } key. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Transmission Sounds when th e machine se nd a message.
Adjus ting Vo lume 71 4 I I I I Pre ss th e { { { { OK } } } } key. The volume is adjusted. If you want to adjust anot her item, repeat steps G to I . J J J J Pre ss th e { { { { User To ols } } } } key to re- turn to standby display. Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ FM.
Troublesh ooting 72 4 Clearing Ori ginal Jams If an orig inal is jam med, the h indica - tor on the Control Panel blinks and “ Clear M isfed Original ( S) “ is dis- played. Perform t he followin g proced ure to clear t he jammed o riginal. A A A A Open the ADF cover.
Clearin g a Copy, F ax, or Print Jam 73 4 Clearing a Copy, Fax, or Print Jam If a copy, fax, or printed paper is jamm ed, the h indica tor on the Con- trol Panel blinks and “ Clear Misf ed Paper “ is display ed. Perform t he followin g proced ure to clear t he jammed p aper.
Troublesh ooting 74 4 Error M essages The following messages may app ear while you are operating or programming the ma chine. Messa ge Problem/Solution No Files Exi st No polling r eception ope rations have b een programmed . There are no documents i n memory waiting for tr ansmis- sion.
Erro r Messa ges 75 4 Some Page(s) ar e Blank An almost entirel y blank document was scanne d. Check your doc ument. Reset To ner Correct ly The toner c assette is n ot set corre ctly. Toner is Almost Em pty The toner cassette is n early empty. Copy Mode L ocked Copy mode is di sabled.
Troublesh ooting 76 4 When the Rec eive File Ind icator is Lit If t he Rec eive File indicator is lit, a mess age has been recei ved but could not be printed for some reason. The message w as stored in memory (Substitut e Recep- tion). Wh en you solve t he problem, the message will be automatically prin ted out.
Solving Probl ems 77 4 Solving P roblems This table lists some common problems and their solutions. Pro blem Req uir ed A ctio n Printed or sent image contai ns spots. The Document Fe eder (ADF) or sc anner is dirty . Clean them . Make sure that ink or c orrectio n fluid is dry bef ore set - ting the or iginal.
Troublesh ooting 78 4 You cannot add any destinations to a Group, even though the maximum number of dest inations has not been reac hed . 69 destinations have been programmed with the num- ber keys. Program mor e numbers with Quick Dials or Speed Dials.
79 INDEX A Add Toner in dicator , 15 ADF Cover , 13 Adjusting Volume Alar m , 70 Dialing , 70 Key Tone , 70 On Hook , 70 Reception , 70 Transmissi on , 70 Advan ced Featur es , 11 Auto Receive , 39 Au.
80 L LCD display , 15 Loadin g Paper , 69 Load Paper Indicator , 15 Lower Right Cover , 13 Low-power Mode , 7 M Main Pap er Tray , 69 Manual Receive , 39 Manuals for This M achine , 11 Memory Card Slot , 14 Memory Trans.
81 T Tone , 35 Transm ission M odes , 21 Trans. Option k ey , 15 Troublesh ooting , 69 Erro r Messag es , 74 TTI → Fax H eader , 41 U User Fu nction ke ys , 15 User Tool s key , 16 V Ventil ation hole , 14 Volu me , 70 W Wild Cards , 68 Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ FM.
82 MEMO Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 8 2 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
83 MEMO Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 8 3 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
84 EN USA H555-84 00 MEMO Stell aF15_EN _Combine_ F1_Pre_ Page 8 4 Frida y, Augus t 27, 20 04 6:2 2 PM.
USA ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ FCC Requirements 1. This equ ipment c omplies wi th Part 6 8 of the FCC rules. O n the co ver of t his equi pment is a l abel that contains , among other informati on, the FCC registration number and r inger equivalence number (REN) for this equipment .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.