Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 9315s du fabricant Powerware
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ii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------.
iii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T able of Cont ents Intro duction i ............................................... Basi c System Conf igu rati ons iii ...............................
iv Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Sec tion I I Op era tion 7 Unde rstandin g P arallel Capacity/Redundant System Operation 7 - - - 1 ................ 7.1 Lo oking Ins ide the Parallel Capacity/R edundant Syst em 7 - - - 1 .
v Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9 U s i n g t h e C o n t r o l P a n e l 9 --- 1 .................................. 9 . 1 D e s c r i p t i o n 9 --- 1 ................................
vi Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Operating Instructions fo r the Paralle l Capacity/Re dundant System ( cont.) 10 .3.7 Usin g th e UPM EM E RGE NCY UPM OFF Push bu tton 10 - - - 12 ....
vii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13 Serial Communications 13 - - - 1 ................................. 1 3 . 1 D e s c r i p t i o n 1 3 --- 1 .........................................
viii Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacit y/R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14 Remote Notification 14 - - - 1 .................................... 1 4 . 1 D e s c r i p t i o n 1 4 --- 1 .......................................
ix Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 List of F igures Figure 1. T ypical Par allel Capaci ty/Redundant System with S SBM ii ............ Figure 1 - - - 1. Cabinet s as Shipped, with Ou ter Packaging and Pallet 1 - - - 3 .
x Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 List of F igures (cont .) F i g u r e 9 --- 8 . U n i t S t a t i s t i c s S c r e e n 9 --- 1 0 ....................................... F i g u r e 9 --- 9 .
xi Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 List of T ables T able 6 - - - 1. Superviso ry Co ntact Mo dule W ire T erminat ions 6 - - - 3 ................. T a b l e 1 3 --- 1 . P i n A s s i g n m e n t s f o r P o r t 1 ( D B --- 9 ) 1 3 --- 2 .
xii Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
i Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Intro duc tion The Powerware 9315 P arallel Capac ity/R edundant o nline power protect ion sys tem is .
ii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 1 3 4 UTILITY POW ER INP UT TO UPM SSBM OUTPUT TO CR ITICAL LOAD UTILIT Y POWER INPUT.
iii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Basic System Conf igura tions The flowing Parall el Capacity/R edundant s ystem configurat ions a re.
iv Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Using This Ma nua l The i nfor mation in this m anu al is d ivi ded into the sec tions an d chap ters l isted . The sy stem y ou are i nstal li ng d ictate s whi ch p arts of this m anua l you sh ould read .
v Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 • Chap ter 13 - - Serial Com m un ica tion s - - describes the serial communications features of the P arall el Capacity/Redundant system.
vi Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Safe ty Considerations The UPS cabinet and S S BM enclosures are des igned for indust rial or computer room applicatio ns, and contain s afety shields behind t he doors .
vii Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 F or More I nform a tion This manual describes how to ins tall and operat e your Parallel Capacity/R edundant system .
viii Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacit y/R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Getting Help If you hav e a que stion ab out any of th e inf orm ation i n this m anua l, or if y o.
Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Section I Installation.
Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
1- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 n Ge tting Sta rted 1.1 I nstalling the UPS The Swi tch board Sys tem Bypas s M odule (S SBM ) and UPMs of the Parallel Capacity/Redund ant system are shipp ed on separate p allets.
1- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1.1.2 P repar ing Your Site For your P arall el Capacity/Redundant system to operate at peak efficiency , your instal lati on site shoul d me et the envi ronm ent al par amete rs outli ned i n the oper ator ’s man ual f or the SSBM and UPMs.
1- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 NOT E: T wo tabl es in Ap pendix A cover the c abl es runni ng fr om th e UPM output te rm ina ls.
1- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1.1.5 Inspecting and Unpacking E ach Cabinet NOT E: R e fe r to the a pp licab le Po we rwa re 9315 Instal l ation manual provi ded wi th the U PMs for U PM unp ack ing ins truct ions .
1- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 4. Remove the protective plastic w rap and c ardboard cover ing from the cabi nets, using a knife blade no longer than 25 mm (1 in.). 5. Dis card or recycle th e wrapping materials i n a respons ible manner .
1- - 6 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
2- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Installing the P arallel Capa city/R edu nda nt Syste m 2.1 Preli mi nary In stallati on I nformati on W ARNING: Insta lla tion shoul d be per formed only by qual ified pe rs onnel.
2- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.2 Insta lling the Switc hboard Sys tem By pas s Module The S SBM is s hipped in separate shipping sect ions. Each shipping sect ion is bolt ed to a woo den palle t.
2- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.3 Instal li ng Opti onal S ystem Mai ntenance Bypass (SM B) The Syst em Maintenance Bypa ss is s hipped as a s eparate s hipping sectio n. The SMB sectio n is bolted t o a woo den pallet.
2- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.4 Insta lling the Powe rwar e Stat ic Switc h Y our Switchboard S ystem Bypass Mo dule (SS BM) includes the Powerware static swi tch show n b el ow .
2- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.5.2 Setting the P ower+ Trip Unit As received, t he long-time delay , long-t ime pickup, and ins tantaneo us trip set tings are at their maximum values.
2- - 6 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.8 Installin g Option al SMB Wirin g NOT E: Refer to secti on 1.
2- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 2.12 I nstallation Checkli st - All packing materia ls and rest raints have been removed fro m each cabinet . - Each cabine t in the Parallel C apacit y/R edunda nt sys tem is pla ced in its inst alled loca tio n.
2- - 8 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Notes ________________________________________________________________________________ __________.
3- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Installing a R emote E PO Cont rol The Remo te EPO contro l arrives as s hown in F igure 3 - - - 1. See Dra wing 164201373 - - - 7 in Appendix A fo r wiring informatio n, enclo sure dimens ions, side vi ew s, and knockout pattern s.
3- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T o install a Remote EPO control: 1. Securely mount the R emote EPO st ation. Reco mmended locations include ope rator ’s con sole s or e xit doors.
4- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Installing a R emote Monitor P anel 4.1 I nstallati on Procedures As an opti on, you c an ins tal.
4- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 WIRES MUST BE TWISTED FLUSH MOUNT SURFACE MO UNT (FOR HA NGING) Figure 4 - - - 1.
4- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 NOT E: Be f or e inst allin g an R MP , be sure y o u hav e pre p ar ed the SS BM acco rd ing t o the i nstruc tions in C hapter 2. 4.2 To i n s t a l l a n R M P : 1.
4- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 4. Connect RMP wiring to the terminal blo ck us ing terminatio ns sho wn in T a b l e 4 --- 2 .
5- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Installing a R elay Interface Module 5.1 I nstallati on Procedures The optio nal Relay Interface Module (RI M) uses relay conta ct closures t o indicate the operating s tatus and alarm condit ion of the Parallel Capacity/R edundant system.
5- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 5.2 To i n s t a l l a R I M : 1. Securely mount t he RIM.
5- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 4. Connect RIM wiring to t he terminal block using the terminatio ns sho wn in T a b l e 5 --- 1 .
5- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
6- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Installing a Supervis ory Cont act Module 6.1 I nstallati on Procedures The optio nal Superviso ry Contact Module (SCM) as sho wn in Figure 6 - - - 1 provides contacts fo r monitoring P aralle l Capacity/Redundant system status.
6- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 6.2 T o in stal l a Superv isory C on ta ct Mo dule: 1.
6- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 4. Connect the SCM wiring to t he terminal block using the terminations shown in T a b l e 6 --- 1 .
6- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 SYSTEM NORMAL NO REDUNDANC Y ON GENERA TOR BY PA S S N O T AVA I LA B L E ON BA TT ERY UPS ALARM ON BY PA S S SHUTDO WN IMMI NENT Note : Supervisory contacts are r ated at 2.
Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Section II Operation.
Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
7- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Understanding P arallel Capa city/R edu ndan t System Op era tion The Switc hboard S ystem Bypas .
7- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 During maintenance, the output of the s ystem can be supplied power through the bypass breakers in t he S S BM or the opt ional S ystem Mainte nance Bypass (S MB).
7- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.2 Standard Modes of P arallel Operation: Normal , Battery , and Bypass Modes W ith the P aral lel Capacity/Redu ndant syste m, the system continue s to function automati cally to supply A C electr ical p ower to the cr itical l oad.
7- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.2.1 Nor mal Mode In No rmal mode, utility AC power is s upplied to t he UP Ms. Power from the out put of the U PMs is then s upplied to the S S BM for parallel operation.
7- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.2.2 Bypass Mode The S SBM auto matically switches to Bypas s mode if it detects a UP M overload, UPMs unavailable, load fault, o r internal fail ure.
7- - 6 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.2.3 Batter y Mode The UPMs transfers to Battery m ode automatical ly i f a utility pow er outage occurs, or if the util ity p ower d oes not conform to spe cifie d par amete rs.
7- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.2.4 Load Bank Mode The SSBM and SSBM with SMB ar e both equ ipp ed w ith Load Ban k T abs for the connection o f a temporary load bank.
7- - 8 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 UPM1 UPM2 UPM3 UPM4 SS FBP CBP CBS BYP ASS INPUT BA TT UPM INPUT BA TT BA TT BA TT SSBM Path of E lectr ical Power (open) LBB T ABS T O TEM PORAR Y LOAD BANK (BY OTHERS) TEMP .
7- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 UPM1 UPM2 UPM3 UPM4 SS FBP CBP CBS BYP ASS INPUT OUTPUT T O CRITICA L LOAD BA TT UPM INPUT BA TT .
7- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.3 Optional Modes of P arallel Operation: Maintenance Bypass and Redundant C BP There are two op.
7- - 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.3.1 Maintenance Bypass Mode (Optional) The P arall el Capacity/Redundant system can b e manuall y transferred to maintenance bypass if the S ystem Maintenance Bypass (SMB) has been provided.
7- - 12 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 7.3.2 R edundant CBP Mode (Optional ) The P arall el Capacity/Redundant system can be pr otected .
7- - 13 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 MBP MIS UPM1 UPM2 UPM3 UPM4 SS FBP CBP CBS BYP ASS INPUT OUTPUT T O CRITICA L LOAD BA TT UPM INPUT BA TT BA TT BA TT SSBM SMB MAI NTENANCE BYP ASS INPUT Path of E lectr ical Power (open) (open) (open) Figure 7 - - - 7.
7- - 14 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
8- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Operational C ontrols and F eat ures 8.1 General The Par allel Capaci ty/Redundant system sho uld function automatically and r equire very little attentio n during normal operation.
8- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 CONTROL/MONITOR P ANEL FRO NT VIEW 110915520 Figure 8 - - - 1.
8- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 110915520 SM B CON TROL P ANE L (OP TI ONAL ) WILL BE ONE OF THE F OLLOWI NG : SM B ELE CTRI CA L.
8- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 110915520 POWERNODE P ANEL CUS TOM E R INTERF ACE P ANEL (OPT IONAL) Figure 8 - - - 1.
8- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 110915520 SM B ELE CTR ICA L IN TER L OCK P A NEL (A11) WITH RE DU NDANT CBP CONTROLS (OPTIONAL) SM B ELE CTR ICA L IN TER L OCK P A NEL (A1 0) (OPTIONAL) Figure 8 - - - 1.
8- - 6 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 8.2.3 SMB C ircuit B reaker s The Syst em Maintenance Bypass (SMB) contains t wo breakers: the Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP) and the Maintenance Is olation Breaker (MIS).
8- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 8.3 O pti ons and Acces sori es Contact y our sal es rep res entati ve for in for mati on abou t any of these av ail abl e option s: 8.
8- - 8 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 8.4 Safety Co nsidera tion s The Par allel Capaci ty/Redundant system enclosures are designed for industrial or computer roo m applications, and cont ain safety s hields.
8- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 8.5 S ymbols , Controls, and I ndicators These symbo ls ma y appear on your UP S sys tem o r on labels i nside the U PS . They are accepted by mos t internatio nal safety agent s.
8- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
9- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Using t he Cont rol P anel 9.1 Des cription This ch apter describ es the Sw itchb oard Sy stem Bypass M odul e (SSBM) Control Panel, including controls and indicators, and how to monito r Parall el for Capacity/R edundant o peration.
9- - 2 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.2 Using the LCD Screen The LCD screen at the top of th e Control P an el p rovide s an operator interf ace wi th the Par allel Capacity/Redundant system.
9- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 F The time s tamp shows the current date and time. This date and time are recorded i n the Event Lo g when a notice or al arm is activated. G The info rmat ion are a contai ns data about UP S status and operati ons.
9- - 4 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.5 Read ing the St atus Ind icators The si x sym bol s on the l eft sid e of the m oni tor pan el a re st at us in d icat or s .
9- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6 Us ing the Menu Options The UPS menus allow yo u to dis play dat a in the info rmat ion area to he lp you monitor a nd control U PS o peration.
9- - 6 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.2 Load Am p Meters S creen Sel ect Lo ad Amp s from the Meters menu to see a real-time bar graph of the output current of the U PS. The graph shows t he current for each phase.
9- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.3 Softwar e V ersions Scr een Sel ect Ver s i o n s from the Meters menu to see the so ftware versions installed on the UPS. Figure 9 - - - 5 shows t he V ersions screen.
9- - 8 Pow erwar e 9315 Parallel C apacity /R edundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.4 System Histor y Scr een Sel ect History from the E ven ts men u to disp la y the E vent H istory Log. The Ev ent Histor y Log li sts up to 400 sy stem e ven ts in chr onolog ical orde r , w ith th e most recent event listed last.
9- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.5 Active System E vents Scr een Sel ect Ac tiv e from the Events menu to display a listing of all s ystem events that are currently active. The mos t recent system event is listed first.
9- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.6 Unit Statistics S creen Sel ect Un it from the Statistics m enu to d ispl ay a l istin g of stati stics abou t UPS oper ati on. Figur e 9 - - - 8 shows the Unit Statistics scre en.
9- - 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.7 Mimic Scr een Sel ect Mimic from t he Graphics menu to display a real-time graphical repres entation of the flo w of current thro ugh the UP S.
9- - 12 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.8 T ime S etup Scr een Sel ect Tim e fro m the Setup menu to dis play the T ime Setup screen. The Tim e Setup scre en all ows you to set the inte rnal time stam p of the UPS.
9- - 13 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 9.6.9 Por t Setup S creen Sel ect Port 1 or Po r t 2 from the S etup menu to display o ne of the Port Set up screens. The Port Setup screens allow you to s pecify settings fo r the two se rial communication po rts on t he UPS .
9- - 14 Powerw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
10- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Ope rating I nstru ctio ns for the P arallel C apacity/R edundant System 10.1 General I nformation - - - Bef ore Y ou S tart The f oll owi ng p roc ed ure s prov id e instr ucti ons for op er atin g the P arall el Capacity /Redundan t System.
10- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.2.2 Manual Start 1. Perform the Initial S etup pro cedures.
10- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.2.3 Auto Start NOT E: Automode mu st be enabled to use th is procedure. 1. Perform the Initial S etup pro cedures. 2. On S S BM, turn the SYSTEM MO DE key sw itc h to BY PA S S mo ment arily .
10- - 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.2.4 Single UP M Shutdown NOT E: If sys tem i s not red undant, U PM c annot be s hut dow n usi ng th is proc edur e. 1. On UPM, turn the MODE swi tch to BY PA S S .
10- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.2.6 Restarting a Single U PM 1. On UPM, cl ose CB 1 . 2. Observe UPM monitor screen becoming active as an indicati on of logic power . 3. V e r i f yU P Mi ss h o w no nt h eS S B Mm i m i cs c r e e n .
10- - 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.2.8 T o Use the LOA D OFF P ushbutton 1. Rais e the clear plas tic shield covering th e red LOA D O F F pushbut ton o n the UPM Mon itor P anel. 2.
10- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 The S S BM (including Bypass) remains locked off until you reset the EMERG ENCY UPM OFF pus hbutto n.
10- - 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.3 Operatio n of S SBM with P owerware 9315 - - - 625 thru 9315 - - - 750 UPMs 10.
10- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.3.2 Manual Start 1. Perform the Initial S etup pro cedures.
10- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.3.3 Auto Start NOT E: Autorestar t mus t be enabl ed to us e thi s proc edure. 1. Perform the Initial S etup pro cedures. 2. On S S BM, turn the SYSTEM MO DE key sw itc h to BY PA S S mo ment arily .
10- - 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.3.5 SSBM S hutdown to Bypass 1. On S S BM, turn the SYSTEM MO DE key sw itc h to BY PA S S mo ment arily . 2. Obser ve CBS opens, CBP c loses.
10- - 12 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10. 3. 7 Usin g t he UPM EM ERGENCY UPM OFF Pu sh bu tt on NOT E: The UPM EMERGEN CY UPM OFF pushbu tt o n will only in te r ru pt the a bilit y fo r tha t m od ule to de live r po we r to the critica l bu s.
10- - 13 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10. 3.10 Usin g th e SSBM EMERGENCY UPM OFF Push bu tt on An S SBM Emergency UPM O ff is init iated by the co vered, red EMERGENCY UP M OFF pus hbutton o n the S S BM Contro l/Monit or Panel.
10- - 14 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.3.12 Resetti ng the Par allel C apacity/Redundant S ystem after EMERGENCY UPM OFF CAUTION: Do not a ttemp t to r esta rt the s ys tem a fte r Emergency UP M Off until the cause of the emergency has been identified and cleared.
10- - 15 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 10.4 O peration of the O ptional S ystem Mai ntenance Bypas s (SMB) The optional System Maintenance B ypass (SMB) i s available w ith electri cal contro ls.
10- - 16 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T ran sfer f ro m Main ten ance Byp ass: 1. If system w as shut down, foll ow Manual Start or Auto St art procedure to s tart system . 2. Ensu re SSBM is on by pass.
10- - 17 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Redunda nt CBP Ope ra tion: The Redundant C BP contr ol s protec t the cr it ic al l oad against pow er l oss es caus ed by CBP br eaker c lose fai lur es dur ing m anual or autom atic oper ations .
10- - 18 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
11 - - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Using F eat ures and Opt ions 11 . 1 General The many standard features of your Paral lel Capacity/Redundant system Par allel Capacity/ Redundant syst em provide consistent, eco nomical, and dependable power prot ection.
11 - - 2 Pow erw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 11 . 4 Remote M onitor P anel As an opti on, you c an ins tall Remote M onitor P anel s (RM P s.
11 - - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 The RMP co ntains a local ho rn and the following backlit status indicators: SYSTEM NORMAL The UPS is energized (either with util ity power or battery backup) and is supplying condi tioned power to the critical l oad.
11 - - 4 Pow erw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 11 . 5 Relay Interf ace Module An optional Relay Interface Module (RIM) uses relay contact closures to indicate the operating s tatus and alarm condit ion of the Parallel Capacity/R edundant system .
11 - - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 11 . 6 Sup ervis ory Contact Mod ule An opti onal Supe rvi sory Con tact Mod ule ( SCM) e stabl ish es an in terf ace b etw een the P arallel Capacity/Redundant system manufacturer’s equipm ent and the custome r’s moni tor .
11 - - 6 Pow erw are 9315 Parallel C apac ity/ Redundant Sy s tem with P HP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 11 . 7 Common Battery Racks A Commo n batt ery rack can be used t o supply t he D C input t o the Parallel Capa city/R edundant s yst em UPS modules.
12- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 R esponding to System Events 12.1 General When t he Parall el Capacity/R edundant s ystem is running in Normal mode, it continually monito rs itself and t he incoming utility power .
12- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 12.4 System Event Mes sages When a s ystem event o ccurs, a message is added to the Event History L og. A me ssage m ay a lso ap pea r on the Mon itor P anel of the SSBM or UPM.
12- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 RECTIFIER ALAR MS Rectifier Failu re Rectifier DC Over Voltage Rectifier DC Under V oltage Input.
12- - 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 PNOD E ALAR MS PowerNode Board Failure Bypass Br kr ( CBP ) W ill NOT O pen Bypass Br kr (C BP) W.
12- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 UPM A LA RMS UPM 1 No t Rep or ting UPM 2 No t Rep or ting UPM 3 No t Rep or ting UPM 4 No t Rep.
12- - 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 INVE RTER N OTICE S Inpu t Bre ake r (CB1 ) Open By pass Mode Bypass AC O ver Voltage Bypa ss AC .
12- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 MONITOR N OTICES Out put AC Ove r V ol tag e Output AC Under V oltage Outp ut O ver Freq uency Out put U n der F re qu en c y T h r e eW i r eA C O v e rV o l t a g e T h r e eW i r eA C U n d e r V o l t a g e T h r e eW i r eU n d e rF r e q .
12- - 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 PNOD E NOTICES UPM A C Ov er V olta ge UPM A C Under Voltag e UPM O ver Freq uency UPM Und er Fre.
13- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Serial Communicat ions 13.1 Des cription This chapter describes the serial communications feature of the Powerware 931 5 Switc hboar d System B yp ass Modul e (SSBM) .
13- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 3 2 1 5 4 7 6 9 8 +24V RS232 TX D RS232 RXD NOT USED RETURN NOT USED 485 + 485 - - RETURN PORT 1 (DB - - 9) Fig ure 13 - - - 1. Port 1 Pin Ass ign ments T a b l e 1 3 --- 1 .
13- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7 12 11 10 13 15 14 18 17 16 21 20 19 24 23 22 25 GND RS232 TX D RS232 RXD RS232.
13- - 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.4 Conf iguri ng the S erial Ports Y o u mu st confi gu re the p ort for c omm uni cati ons usin g the LCD scre en and push bu ttons on the SSBM Monitor P anel.
13- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T able 13 - - - 3 shows which optio ns are available for each port. The sections tha t follo w descr ibe th e confi gur ation setti ng s you can chang e.
13- - 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.4.3 Data/Stop The data s ize and sto p bits o f the equipment connected to this po rt. These settings determine the number of bits trans mitted per ASCII character .
13- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.5 Te r m i n a l M o d e In this mode, sys tem events a re continually logged thro ugh the serial port t o the device conn ected to the por t. Port 2 operates by default i n T erm inal m ode.
13- - 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.5.2 E ntire Log (C trl + P) This key sequence print s the entire Event His tory L og of the S SBM at the time the data is reques ted. The printout begins with t he oldest alarm entry in the queue and ends w ith the m ost recen t.
13- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.5.3 Meter s Pr intout (Ctr l + M) This key s equence prints the current readings of the S SBM system meters.
13- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6 S yste m Config uration The Sy stem Con fig ur ation m ode al low s you to mod if y spe cia l fun ction s in you r S SBM.
13- - 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6.3 E nable/D isable D efault Functions From this menu yo u may eit her enable t he building alarms for general functions or s p e c i a lf u n c t i o n ss u c ha sO nG e n e r a t o r ,G oT oB y p a s s ,a n dG oT oU P S .
13- - 12 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6.4 Custom ize Alar m Messages If C usto mize Alarm Mess ages is selecte d from the Program Building Alarm menu, you can sele ct a custom messag e for a buil ding alarm or di sable a p reviously enabled building alarm custom mess age.
13- - 13 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6.5 P rogr am U nit Name If Program Unit Name is selected from the main menu, t he following.
13- - 14 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6.7 Batter y T est Setup If Batter y T est Setup is selec ted fr om the m ain m enu ( opti on.
13- - 15 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 13.6.8 Modi fy Low Batter y Time This menu a llows you to modify t he low bat tery t ime warning.
13- - 16 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
14- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 R emote Notific ation 14.1 Des cription Remote N otifi cati on pr ovid es the use r wi th the op tion of r ece ivi ng al ar ms and notices at a rem ote location.
14- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.2 Remote N otifi cation Features Remote Notifi cation pr ovide s the S SBM wi th the capab il ity to util ize a stand ard off-the-shelf PC modem as a telephone int erface.
14- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.3.2 Call Out The Call Out funct ion contains programmable alarms (setup by service perso nnel) and status events (refer to Chapter 12, “Respo nding to Sys tem Events”).
14- - 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.3.3 Housekeeping When the mo dem is idle, the S S BM “pings” (tes ts for co nnection) the mo dem by sending an “ A T” to the modem at five-minute int ervals.
14- - 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.5 Conf ig uring the M odem The modem must be programmed with the Call O ut telephone numbers in o rder to oper ate the Rem ote Notifi cation opti on.
14- - 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.5.2 C onfigur ing the Modem to C all a Rem ote Com puter T o configure the mo dem to call a re.
14- - 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.5.3 C onfigur ing the Modem to Cal l a Num eri c Pager T o configure the mo dem to call a numeric pager system, perform the following procedure.
14- - 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.5.4 Fi nal Modem Configur ation The final step in configuring the PC modem for use with t he SS BM is to turn off the echo feature of the mo dem.
14- - 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.6 S S BM S etup Confi guration Connect the modem to the S S BM by connecting one end of the s erial cable to the UPS Port 2 DB - - - 25F connect or and the o ther to t he modem (refer to Chapt er 13, “Serial Co mmunications”).
14- - 10 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 14.6.1 User S elected Events Insert a check at each alarm or notice in the appropriate Group 1 or Group 2 b lock to indi cate the conf igu ration of y our SSBM.
14- - 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 RECTIF IER MES SAG ES - - ALARMS Group 1 Group 2 RECTIF IER MES SAG ES - - NOTICES Group 1 Gro.
14- - 12 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 MONITOR MES SAG ES - - ALARMS Group 1 Group 2 MONITOR MES SAG ES - - NOTICES Group 1 Group 2 Bat.
15- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Maintaining the P arallel Capa city/R edu nda nt Syste m 15.1 General Y ou mus t schedule periodic performance checks o f your Parallel Capacity/R edundant system to k eep it running properly .
15- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Obser ve th ese pr ec auti ons wh en w orkin g on or ar ound batter y ra cks: • Remove watches , rings , or o ther metal obj ects. • Use t ools with insulated handles.
15- - 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 15.3 Performing Pre ventive M aintenance The P aralle l Capacity/Redundant system require s very little p reventive maintenance.
15- - 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 15.4 Short C irc uit s Normally , the overcurrent protective device o n the circuit will prevent any electrical damage except at the actual point of short -circuit.
16- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Product Specifications 16.1 Model Number s The Switchbo ard Syst em Bypass Module (S S BM) is hous ed in a freest anding switchboa rd.
16- - 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem wit h PHP SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 16.3 SSB M O u t p u t Output V olta ge (UPM De pend ent ) 208 VAC nominal (60 H z onl y) 220 VAC.
A- - -1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Appendix A - - - Customer Information The informatio n in this appendix will help you plan for and inst all your UPS syst em.
A DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 NOTE: Callou t let ter s and map to dra wing #164201373 - - - 3 ,, B C D E A B BC , D E , 1o f6 A B C D E A --- 2 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 2o f6 A- - -3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 Read and underst and the following not es while planning your installatio n: 1.
DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: 3o f6 INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 NOTES: * = These neutral bol t mountings are o nly availabl e on SSBMs or S S B M sw i t hS M B sr a t e da s3 P / 4 W . A --- 4 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy stem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: 4o f6 INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 NOTES: * = These neutral bol t mountings are o nly availabl e on SSBMs or S S B M sw i t hS M B sr a t e da s3 P / 4 W . A- - -5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: 5o f6 INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 A --- 6 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 12. The 100% rated bypass input overcurrent pro tectio n and bypass input disco nnect switch are to be provided by the user .
DESC RIP TIO N : DRA W ING N O: 6o f6 INST AL LA TION NOTES SHEET : 164201373 - - - 1 A- - -7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
A --- 8 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 2 TYPICAL P ARAL LEL C AP ACITY/ REDUNDANT SYSTEM WITH S SBM SEP ARA TE BA T TERY SYS TEM 1o f2 NOTE: 1.
A- - -9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 3 4 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 2 TYPICAL P ARALL EL C AP ACITY/ REDUNDANT SYSTEM WITH S SBM COMM ON BA TT ER Y SYSTE M 2o f2 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 NOTE: 1.
A --- 1 0 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: SHEET : 164201373 - - - 3 ONELINE DRAWING OF TYPI CAL P ARA LLE.
A --- 1 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: SHEET : 164201373 - - - 3 ONELINE DRAWING OF TYPI CAL P ARA LLE.
A --- 1 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 NOTE: 1. Accommodates one to eight UPMs. F our UPM system shown. NOTE: 2. A bypass neutral feed er must be ins tall ed when the outp ut neutral is us ed.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : SSB M CUSTOMER INTERF ACE P ANEL 1o f6 Cus tomer Interf ace Panel 164201373 - - - 4 SSB M To p V i e w A --- 1 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : SSB M CUSTOMER INTERF ACE P ANEL 3o f6 S SB M and U PM PowerNet Interfa ce T ermina l Block 10 1 T erminating R esist or Loc atio n Channel A 120 ohm, 1/4 w att.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : SSB M CUSTOMER INTERF ACE P ANEL 4o f6 164201373 - - - 4 A --- 1 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T a b l e I C o n t r o l W i r i n g T e r m i n a t i o n s T a b l e I .
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: SHEET : SSB M CUSTOMER INTERF ACE P ANEL 5o f6 164201373 - - - 4 A --- 1 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : SSB M CUSTOMER INTERF ACE P ANEL 6o f6 164201373 - - - 4 A --- 1 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : UPM POWERNET I NTERF A CE P ANEL: POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 200 TO - - 500 UPMs 1o f4 164201373 - - - 5 UPM PowerNet Interface P anel A --- 1 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 2o f4 Po wer war e 9315 (200 kV A - - - 300 kV A) P ow erN et Int erface P anel Location 164201373 - - - 5 INTERF ACE P ANEL UPM POWERNET I NTERF A CE P ANEL: POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 200 TO - - 500 UPMs A --- 2 0 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 3o f4 164201373 - - - 5 Po wer war e 9315 (400 kV A - - - 500 kV A) P ow erN et Int erface P anel Location INTERF ACE P ANEL UPM POWERNET I NTERF A CE P ANEL: POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 200 TO - - 500 UPMs A --- 2 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : UPM POWERNET I NTERF A CE P ANEL POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 200 TO - - 500 UPMs 4o f4 164201373 - - - 5 A --- 2 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T a b l e K C o n t r o l W i r i n g T e r m i n a t i o n s T a b l e K .
A --- 2 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1. T wo redundant PowerNet control networks co nnect the UPMs to each other and the UPMs to the S SBM. Each networ k requi res only one sh ield ed tw isted pai r of wir es and one twisted pair of wires for the redundant po wer supplies.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 2o f3 164201373 - - - 6 Po we rwar e 9315 750 CAN A and CAN B Interface Locat ion CUSTO ME R IN TE RFACE CAN A CAN B UPM CAN INTERF ACE: POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 625/750 UPMs A --- 2 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 3o f3 164201373 - - - 6 UPM CAN INTERF ACE: POWE RW ARE 9315 - - 625/750 UPMs A --- 2 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 7 REM OTE EM ERG ENCY P OWER O FF 1o f2 A --- 2 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev.
A --- 2 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 114.3 (4.50) 115.8 (4.56) 11.9 (0.47) 95.3 (3.
A --- 2 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 MAX. WIRE SIZE: NO . 14 AWG MIN. WIRE SIZE: NO . 18 AWG WIRES MUST CONDU IT AND W IRI NG SUPPLIE D B Y CUSTOMER. MAX. D IST ANCE BETWEEN REMOTE MON ITOR AND SBM NO T TO EX CEED 500 FEET .
A --- 2 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 19.0 (.750) 28.6 (1.12) 41.1 (1.62) EXISTIN G INTERNAL FL USH M OUNT SURF ACE MOUN T CON TINUES A T UPS MAX WIRE SIZ E NO . 14 A WG. MIN WIRE SIZ E NO .
A --- 3 0 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 1 5 --- P I N D --- S U B CONN ECTORS 25.4 (1.00) KNO CK OUTS P RO VIDED ON FIV E S UR F A C ES 285.7 (11.25) 273.1 (10.75) 215.9 (8.50) 171.5 (6.
A --- 3 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 MAX. WIRE SIZE: NO . 14 AWG MIN. WIRE SIZE: NO . 18 AWG WIRES MUST CONDU IT AND W IRI NG SUPPLIE D B Y CUSTOMER. MAX. D IST ANCE BETWEEN REMOTE MON ITOR AND SBM NO T TO EX CEED 500 FEET .
A --- 3 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 11 Po w er H a n d l e r Pl us S SB M .
A --- 3 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 11 2o f4 Po w er H a n d l e r Pl us S.
A --- 3 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 11 3o f4 Po w er H a n d l e r Pl us S SB M T4 T5 T6 T6A T5A T4A For 3 Phase, 4 wir e SSBM option O NL Y : Neutr al Bus in Secti ons 2 a nd 3.
A --- 3 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 11 4o f4 Po w er H a n d l e r Pl us S SB M Floor Mounting Details (NOT E: Frame and bottom m ain bus shown only for clar ity .
A --- 3 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 12 PowerHandlerPl us S SBM with SMB 1o.
A --- 3 7 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 12 2o f4 PowerHandlerPl us S SBM with .
A --- 3 8 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 12 3o f4 PowerHandlerPl us S SBM with .
A --- 3 9 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 12 4o f4 PowerHandlerPl us S SBM with SMB Floor Mounting Details (NOT E: Frame and bottom m ain bus shown only for clar ity .
A --- 4 0 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 13 TYPICAL SSB M CONTROL SECTION 1o f4.
A --- 4 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 13 2o f4 TYPICAL SSB M CONTROL SECTION.
A --- 4 2 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 13 3o f4 TYPICAL SSB M CONTROL SECTION.
A --- 4 3 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 DESC RIP TIO N : DR AWING N O: S HEET : 164201373 - - - 13 4o f4 TYPICAL SSB M CONTROL SECTION.
A --- 4 4 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T able O. U PM Outp ut - to-S SBM Ca ble and C onduit C onfigurat ions: Based on UP M Manuals UPM Ou tpu t-to-SSB M Cab le Co nfigu ratio n Mi ni mum Conduct or Si ze , 3 ∅ , ( 1) Ne utra l , (1) Gnd Max No.
A --- 4 5 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 T able P . UPM Out put -to-SSBM C ab le and C onduit C onfigurat ions: F or Max Number of UPMs UPM Ou tpu t-to-SSB M Cab le Co nfigu ratio n Mi ni mum Conduct or Si ze , 3 ∅ , ( 1) Ne utra l , (1) Gnd Max No.
A --- 4 6 Powerw are 9315 Par allel Capac ity /Redundant S ys tem w ith PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
W- - 1 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 LIMI TED F ACTO RY W A RRAN TY FOR THREE- P HA S E POWERW A RE PRO DUC TS This Warranty applies only to units installed in the Fifty (50) U nited State s of America.
W- - 2 Power ware 9315 P arallel Capac ity /R edundant Sy st em with PH P SSBM 164201373 Rev. A 092402 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Powerware 9315s c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Powerware 9315s - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Powerware 9315s, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Powerware 9315s va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Powerware 9315s, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Powerware 9315s.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Powerware 9315s. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Powerware 9315s ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.