Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DEH-P8100R du fabricant Pioneer
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Multi-CD/MD/DAB control High power CD player with RDS tuner Manual DEH-P8100R.
&RQWH QWV Installation .. ................ ............ ............... 4 Installa tion with the Rubber Bush ... ......... ...... .... 4 Removing the Uni t ....... ...... ... ..... ... ...... ... ...... ... .... 5 Installing the Steering Remote Control Unit .
Using the Built -in CD Player .............. 45 • Repeat Play (Pl ay Mo de ) • Random Pla y (Ra ndo mPlay) • Scan Pl ay (S can Play) • Pause (Paus e) • Selec ting T racks b y Tra ck Titl e List (Track List) • Disc Ti t le Input (T it le Input ABC) Using Multi-CD P layers .
1RWH • Befo re finally in sta ll ing the uni t, co nnect the wiri ng tempo r a ril y, making sure it is all co nne cted up properl y, and t he unit and the system wo rk prope rly. • Use only the parts include d with the un it to ensure proper insta llation.
Removi ng t he Unit Pull out to remove th e fra me. (When re attach ing the fra me, poin t the sid e with a groov e downwards an d at tach it.) Frame Insert the sup plied e xtracti on keys i nto th e unit, as shown in t he figu re, until the y cl i ck into place.
,QVWDOOLQJW KH6 WHH ULQJ5H P R WH&RQWU RO8QLW W ARNI NG • Avoid instal li ng this un it in such a l o ca t ion wher e the op era ti on of safe ty device s s u ch as airbags is prev en ted by th is uni t. Other wise, t her e is a dang er of a fatal ac cident .
Instal ling th e Unit o n a Left -Hand- Drive Car 1RWH • When th e unit is instal le d on a right-han d-dr ive car, the hori zontal posit ions are inv er te d .
&RQQH FWLQJWKH 8QLWV 1RWH • This unit is for ve hi cles with a 12-v olt battery and negative grou nding. Be for e installin g it in a recre atio nal ve hicl e, tru ck, or bus , chec k the b att ery vo lta ge.
• When this pro duct’s sou rce is swit ched ON, a control signal i s output through t he blue/ white lead. Connec t to an externa l power am p’s syste m remote cont rol or th e car’s Auto-a nt en na relay control termi nal (max. 30 0 mA 12 V DC).
&RQQH FWLRQ'LDJ UDP IP-BUS ca ble Connect leads of the same colo r to each oth er. Cap (1*) When no t using thi s termin al, do no t remo ve the c ap. Yell ow (3* ) Back-up (or accessory) Yellow (2* ) To terminal always supplied wit h power regardless of ignition switch position.
1RWH When a subwoofer is connected to this unit instead of a rear right speaker, do not con nect the rear left speaker lead to any thing. For details, refer to the In itial Setting in this Manual. Perform t hese con nections whe n using a different amp (sold separate ly).
5) 3$OHUW ,QVWDOODWLRQ Affix the inc luded deterre nt stic kers t o the in side of the fro nt door wind ows. Description White/yellow (DOOR SWITCH) This lead is used to trigge r RFP Alert when any door is opened and may be connected to e ither positive or negati ve (+/–) ty pe door p in switches.
DOOR SW ITCH (W hite/yello w) Grounding T ype Switch: Most European, Japanese, GM and Ch rysler vehicles. 1RWH • Set RFP Alert t o recognize ground trigge r from RFP Alert Se tting Men u. Set Door Syste m to “Door System: Ne gative, Current m ode: Cl ose”.
Positive (Non-grounding) T ype Switch: Jaguar, Mercedes, Ford 1RWH • Set RF P Alert to recogn iz e po sitive tri g g er from R F P Ale rt Sett ing Menu.
.H )LQGH U Head Unit Steering Remote Controller A steering re mote cont roller that enables remote o peration of the hea d unit is supplie d.
%H IRUH8VLQJ7KLV3 URGXFW About This Product The tuner frequ encies on this product are allocate d for use in Western Europe, Asia, the Midd le East, Africa and Ocean ia. Use in other are as may result in improper recept ion. The RDS functi on operates on ly in areas w it h FM stations bro adcasting RDS signals.
About the Demo Mode This prod uct featu res two de monstratio n modes. On e is the Re verse Demo m ode, the o ther is the Feat ure Demo mode. Reverse De mo If you do no t perform an o peration with in about 3 0 seconds, screen indications sta rt to reve rse, and th en cont inue rever sing eve ry 10 seco nds.
%H IRUH8VLQJ7KLV3 URGXFW When usi ng t he DAB (Digit al Audi o Broad casti ng) T uner You can use th is product with a sep arately sold hide-away DAB tuner (GEX-P900DAB, GEX- P900DABII). For details concer ning operation, refer to the DAB Tu ner’s Op eration Man uals.
Operatio n With this pr oduct, ope ration o f the foll owing four func tions dif fers. ( Referen ce pages are in the Hide-away DAB Tuner’s Operation M anual.) • Chan ging th e Label (Refer to pa ge 12. ) • Changing Display Indications (Refer to page 13.
%H IRUH8VLQJ7KLV3 URGXFW Service List F unction This pro duct is also e quipped with the Servi ce List Fu nction in the Func tion Me nu. It is possible to se lect the desire d Service among the mem orized Serv ices in the Service List.
Precau tion • A “CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT” label is affixed to the bottom of the player. • The Pioneer CarStereo-Pass is for u se only in Germany. • Keep this man ual handy as a referen ce for o perating pro ced ures and precauti ons. • Always keep the vol ume low enough for outs ide sound s to be au di ble.
5H P RWH &RQWUROO HUDQG &DUH Using t he Stee ring Re mote Cont rolle r 3UHFDXWLRQ • Do no t ope rate th is un it wh ile mani pulati ng the s teerin g whee l as it mig ht resu lt in a traffic accid ent.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ T o Listen t o Mus ic The followin g explains the initial o perations required before you can liste n to music. 1RWH • Loading a disc in this produc t.
Basi c Op eratio n of T uner This p roduct’s AF fu nction can be swit ched ON and OFF. AF s hould be swi tche d OFF f or normal tuning operations.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Basic O peratio n of Built -in CD Pla yer Play T ime Indic ator Switching the Displa y Each pre s s of the DI SPL AY bu tton chan ges the display in the follo wing ord er: P.
Open Press the E JECT but t on for 1 seco nd, and yo u can open the f ront pan el without ejectin g a CD. In ca se of openin g the front panel, you can close i t. 1RWH • When ope ning the fro nt panel, th e 1 to 6 butt on s are not ava ilable.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Basic O peratio n of Mult i-CD Player This product can cont rol a Multi-CD player (sold separate ly). Disc Numb er In dica tor T rack Num ber Indica tor Play T ime Ind icato.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Correspond ing Displ ay Indi ca tions a nd Buttons This prod uct’s displ ay feat ures Key Guidan ce Indicators. Thes e light to indica te which of the button s you can use.
Enterin g the Funct ion Menu The Func tion Me nu lets yo u operate sim ple func tions for ea ch source. 1RWH • After ent ering the Function Me nu, if yo u do not perfor m a n operation wi thi n a bout 30 secon ds, the Fun ct ion Men u is au tomati cally cance led.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Functi on Menu Func tions The foll owing chart shows fun ctions for each sourc e in the Funct ion Menu. The cha rt also sho ws indica tions for ea ch function , operatio ns and buttons us ed to perf orm opera tions.
Multi-CD Pl ayer )XQFWLRQQDPH'LVSOD % XWWRQ2SHUDWLRQ 3DJH Repeat P la y (Pla y Mod e) or : Se le ct (Pla y Ra ng e) 48 Selectin g Discs by Disc Title List (Disc Li st.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Enterin g the Detail ed Setting Me nu In the Det ailed Set ting Menu, y ou can opera te conveni ent, compl ex function s for each so urce.
Detailed Set ting M enu Func tions The fol lowing cha rt shows functi ons for each sourc e in the De tailed Setti ng Men u. The chart also sh ows i nd ications for each func tion, operation s and buttons used to perfo rm operati ons.
7 XQHU 2SHUDWL RQ Local Seek T uning (LOCAL) When L oca l mode is ON ( “ L OC” indic ator light s), you can only sel ect broadca st statio ns prov iding strong recepti on.
8VLQJ5 '6)XQFWLRQV What is RDS? RDS (Radio Data Sy stem) is a system for transmi tting data alon g with FM programs. T his data, whic h is ina udibl e, provid es a var iety of f eatu.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLRQV AF Functio n (Altern ativeF r e quency) The AF (Altern ative Frequ encies search) fun ction is use d to searc h for other fre quencies in the same network as the curre ntly tuned sta tion.
PI Seek Function The tu ner searches for ano ther frequenc y broadcast ing the same prog ramming. “ PI Seek” appears on the disp lay and the radio volume is muted du ring a PI Se ek. The muting is discontin ued after complet ion of the PI Seek, whether or not the P I seek has succ eeded.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLRQV T raffi c Announ ce ment Stand by Functi on (T raff ic Announc ement) The TA (Traffic Ann ouncement stan dby) function l et s you receive t r affi c announcemen ts automati cally, no matter what so urce you are liste ning to.
Canceling T raffic Announcements 3UHVVWKH7 $EXWWRQZKLOH DW UDIILFDQQRXQFHP HQ WLVEHLQJUHFHLYHGWRFDQFHOWKH DQQRXQFH PHQWDQGUHWXUQWR WKHRULJLQDOVRXUFH The ann ouncement is canceled but the tu ner rema ins in the TA mode until the TA butto n is pres s e d ag ain.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLRQV PTY Functi on With Wide a nd Narrow classification of prog ram type, the P TY function p rovides two way s to select stations by the type of p rogram be ing broadc ast (PTY Search ). It also provid es automatic tuni ng to emerg e nc y broadc asts (PTY Al arm).
News Program Interruption Setting (News) You can swi tch automatic rece ption of PTY cod e new s programs ON/OF F. When a receive d news prog ram ends, rec ep tio n of the pr e vio us pr o gra m res um e s .
PTY List :LGH 1DU URZ 'HWD LOV News&Inf News News. Affa irs Curr en t affairs . Info Genera l infor mation a nd advi ce. Sport Sports p rograms. Weather Weather re ports/Meteo rological informat ion. Financ e Stoc k m ar ket report s, co m m erc e, tr ading etc .
8VLQJW KH%XLOWLQ& '3ODH U Repeat Pl ay (Play Mode) Repeat Pla y plays the same trac k repeatedly . 3U HVVWKH)81&7 ,21EXWWRQDQGVHOHFWWKH.
8VLQJWKH %XLOWLQ&' 3ODH U Scan Play (S can Pl ay) Scan Play plays the first 10 seco nds or so of each tr ack on an CD in successi on.
Selectin g T racks by T rack Title List (T ra ck List) Every 6 tra ck titles on a CD TEXT disc a re displaye d. You ca n scroll the d isplay.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV Repeat Play (Play Mode) There are three repea t play ranges: One- tra ck Repeat, Disc Repea t an d M ulti-CD player Repeat.
Scan Play (Scan Play) In the Disc Repea t, the beginni ng of each track on th e sel ected disc is sca nned for abou t 1 0 seconds. In t he Multi-CD player Repe at, the beg inning of th e first track on each disc is scann ed for abou t 10 seconds.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV Compressi on a nd DBE (Compressi on) Using the Com p. (Com pression) an d DB E (Dynamic Bass Em phasis) functio ns enable s Multi- CD player sound quality adjus tment. Each o f the functions en abl es two-step ad justment.
ITS (In stant T rac k Selection ) The ITS fun ctio n a llo ws y ou to se ar ch for th e trac k yo u wish to pl ay whe n a Mu lti-CD p la yer is installed. You can use ITS to pr ogram autom atic playba ck of up to 2 4 tracks per di sc from up to 100 discs.
Each press of button 1 changes t he Character typ e in the fo llowing ord er: Alphab et (Upper case), Numbers and Sy mbols 3 Alphabet (L ower case) 3 European letters, such as those wi th accents (e.g. á, à, ä, ç) 1RWH • You can sel ec t to inp ut Num b ers and Symbo ls by pr essi ng button 2.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV Selecting Disc s by Disc Title List (Disc List) Every 6 d iscs are disp la yed. You ca n scroll the d is play. Follow the procedures below to pla y a disc for wh ich you ha ve input the title in a Multi-CD playe r or a CD TEXT disc on a CD TEXT compa tible Multi -CD pl ayer.
$XGLR $GMXVWP HQW Select ing the Equ aliz er Curve You can swi tch between Equ al izer curves. 5RWDWHWKH(4VHOH FWRUXSRUGRZQWRVHOH FWWKHGHVLUHG(TXDOL]HU.
$XGLR $GMXVWPHQW Audio Me nu Func tions The Au dio Me nu fea tures th e follo wing functio ns. Balance Adjustment (F AD/BAL) This fun ction all ows you to sele ct a Fade r/Balance setti ng that provide s ideal liste ning condition s in all occupi ed seats.
Equalizer Curve Adjustment (Equaliz E r) You can adjust the curre nt ly sele cte d equa liz er curve settings as de sired. Adju ste d equa li zer curve setting s are mem orized in “CUSTOM”.
$XGLR $GMXVWPHQW Equalizer Curve Fine Adjust ment (Equaliz E r) You can adju st the center frequency and th e Q fact or (curv e characteristics) of ea ch currently selected curve band (LOW BAND/MID BAND/HIGH BAND). Adjusted equalizer curve settin gs are me morized in “CUS T OM”.
Loudness Adjustment (Loudn E ss) The Loudness func tion co mpensa tes for deficien cies in the low and high sound ranges at low volum e. You can select a de sired Loudne ss level.
$XGLR $GMXVWPHQW Subwoofer Setting Adjustment (Sub W- 2) When the Subwoofer o utput is ON, you can a djust the c ut-off fre quency an d the output l evel of Subw oo f e r .
Non-Fading Output Level Adjustment (Non Fa DE -2) When th e Non-Fa ding ou tput is O N, you can ad just th e level o f Non-Fadi ng out pu t.
$XGLR $GMXVWPHQW Front Image Enhancer Function (FIE) The F.I.E. (Front Image Enhancer) function is a simple method of enhancing front imaging by cutt ing mid- and high-r ange fre quency output f r om the re ar speakers, limiti n g their ou tput t o low-rang e frequ encies.
Source Level Adjustment (SLA) Function The SLA (Source Level Adjustment) fu nction p revents radical le aps in volume level when switching between so urces.
'HWDFKLQJD QG5HSOD FLQJWKH) URQW3DQHO Theft Prot ectio n The front pane l of the head un it is deta cha b le to disco urag e theft. 3UHFDXWLRQ • Never use fo rce or grip th e di spl ay t igh tly when re mo ving or replac ing the fron t pa nel.
,QLWLD O6HWWLQJ Enteri ng the In itial Settin g Menu With this m enu, yo u can pe rform initia l settings for the pro duct. 7 XUQ WKHVRXUFH2)) (QWHUWKH,QLWLD.
,QLWL DO6HWWLQJ Initial Settin g Me nu Funct i ons The Initi al Setting Menu featu res the fo llowing func tions. Changing the FM T uning Step (FM tuning step) Normall y set at 50 kHz dur ing Seek tu ning in the FM mo de, the t uning step changes t o 100 kH z when the AF or TA mode is activated.
Swit ching the A uto PI Seek (Auto PI Se ek) During Preset St ation PI Seek operation, yo u can switch the Au to PI Seek function ON/OFF. (Refer to “PI Seek Functi on” on page 39.
,QLWL DO6HWWLQJ Switching th e Rear Speak er Output (Rear Speaker Out) This product's rear speaker leads can be used for full-range speaker (“Full Range output”) or Subwoo fer (“Sub woo fer output ”) connectio n.
Setting the Dimmer (Dimmer) To enabl e this prod uct’s displa y from bein g too brigh t at night, whe n the vehicl e’s head light s are tur ne d ON the dis p la y i s dimm e d.
,QLWL DO6HWWLQJ Selecting the Wall Paper (W all Paper) This pro duct is equi pped wit h three type s of wall p aper. 3U HVV WKH )81&7, 21 E XWWRQ DQG V HOHFW.
5)3$ OHUW)XQF WLRQ In addi tion to th e Removable Front Panel , Pioneer ha s incorporat ed a new feat ure “ 5HP RYDEOH )URQW3D QHO$OHU W´ . This feature is design ed to protect yo ur new Pio neer car stereo as well as your vehi cle conten t s.
5) 3$OHUW )XQFWLRQ Activa ting In terna l Speake r ON/OF F This featu re a llo ws yo u to se le ct wh ethe r o r no t t he speak er ou tpu t is so u nded wh en th e “R FP Alert” is trigge red. Init ially from th e factory the speaker outp ut is activa ted.
Select ing Door Swi tc hing Syst ems It is necessary t o select the correc t “Door System Ty pe” (Negative or Po sitive switching ) for that of yo ur ve hic le. In iti all y, the sy stem i s set for ve hicle s with th e gro undi ng ty pe (Negativ e switchi ng).
5) 3$OHUW )XQFWLRQ 1RWH • In ca se that the b attery is disconnec ted or the RE SET butt on is p ressed, it may be necessa ry to reprogra m the RFP Ale rt Menu, otherwis e th is set ting needs to be done onl y once. • When the R FP Alert is armed, you cannot disarm it by pre ssing the RESET but t on.
Entry Detection If the “RFP Alert” was not di sarm ed in accordanc e with “Disarming Alert ”, th e “RFP Alert” will be triggered. The “RFP Ale rt” will sound for 60 seconds and will repeat 5 times if any door is left op en or reopened .
2WKHU) XQFWLRQV Switch ing the En tertainmen t Displa y You can cha nge the disp lay to the movi e screens , etc. while list ening to each sou rce.
Using the PGM Button The PG M butto n oper ates in a dif ferent way dep endin g on th e funct ion p rogramm ed (mem ori zed ). 8VHWKH3*0EXWWRQ T uner Built-in .
2WKHU) XQFWLRQV Using the AUX Source It is possible to use auxiliary (AUX) equipment with this product. To listen to auxilia ry equ ipm e nt, switch the AUX Mode in the Initial Sett ing Menu ON, and then sele ct the desired sou rce.
&'3O DHUDQG&D UH Precau tion • Check all CDs before play ing and di sc ard cracked , scratche d or warped disc s. • Playback by this product of a CD-R disc recorded on.
&'3O DHUD QG&DUH Built- in CD Player’ s Erro r Message When prob lems occur wit h CD playback, an error messag e appears on th e display. Re fer to the table below to iden tify the pro blem, then ta ke the sugg ested correctiv e action.
6SHF LILFDWLRQV General Power so u rc e ... ..... .. .... 14.4 V DC (10.8 – 15.1 V allowable) Grounding s ystem . .......................................... Negative type Max. cu rrent consumpt ion ......... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .
PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORP ORATION 1-4, MEGURO 1-CHOME, MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-8654 , JAP AN PIONEE R ELE CT RO N ICS (USA) INC . P .O. Bo x 1760, Long Beach, California 90801, U .S.A. TEL: (800) 421-1404 PIONEE R ELE CT RO N IC (EU ROPE) N.V . Haven 1087 Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium TEL: (0) 3/570.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Pioneer DEH-P8100R c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Pioneer DEH-P8100R - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Pioneer DEH-P8100R, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Pioneer DEH-P8100R va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Pioneer DEH-P8100R, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Pioneer DEH-P8100R.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Pioneer DEH-P8100R. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Pioneer DEH-P8100R ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.