Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit W/WOL du fabricant Nortel Networks
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Part No. 2063 79- A September 199 9 4401 Great Ameri ca P arkwa y Santa Cl ara, CA 95 054 Installation a nd Reference f or the Ba ySt ac k 21 PC I 10/100 Adapt er w/W OL.
ii 2063 79-A Cop yr igh t © 1999 Nor tel Netw o rks. All ri ghts rese rved . Sep tem ber 1999. The inf ormati on in thi s do cum en t is sub je ct to cha nge wi th out not ice .
2063 79 -A iii EC Declara tion of C onf ormi t y This pr oduc t co nforms t o th e pro vision s of Co uncil Dire ctiv e 89/3 36/ EEC and 73/2 3/EEC. The De cl arat ion of Confor mity is av aila bl e on th e N o rt el N et works W orld W id e W eb si te at ht tp ://l ibr a2.
iv 2063 79-A Electr omagnetic Inter f er ence (E MI) State ment Wicht i ge Sicherhei t shin wei se 1. Bitt e les en Sie di es e H inwe ise sor gfalt ig du rc h. 2. Hebe n Sie d iese Anlei t ung fu r de n sp ate ren Ge brauch auf . 3. V or jed em Rei nig en ist das G er at v om Str o m net z zu trenne n.
2063 79 -A v 15. W enn fol gende Si tu ati onen au ft re te n ist das Ge ra t vom St rom netz zu trenn en und v on einer quali fizi erten Servi ceste lle zu u berpr ufen: a. N etz kabe l od er N etzs teck er sin d bescha digt. b . Fl us sigk ei t is t i n das Gera t einge drungen.
vi 2063 79-A Nortel Netw orks NA In c. Softw are License Agreement NO TICE: Pleas e careful l y rea d this lic ense agr eement b ef ore cop ying or usi ng the accom pany i n g so f tw ar e or in st alli ng the har dware unit wit h pr e-enab l ed s of tware (each of whic h is r ef er red to as “Softw ar e” in th i s Ag reem ent).
2063 79 -A vii vend or’ s prod uct , r esu lt i ng in the de fect; or (ii i) dama ged by i mp ro per en viron me n t , abu se, mis use , ac cident, or neglig ence.
viii 2063 79-A 9. G enera l. If an y pro vi sion o f th is A gree ment i s he ld to be i n val id or unenf orcea ble b y a cour t of compe ten t jur isd ictio n, the rema inde r o f th e pr ovis ions of this A gr eeme nt s hall rema in in f ull f orc e an d e f fec t.
2063 79 -A ix Contents Prefac e Bef ore Y ou Beg in . .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. . xv ii T ext Con v entions ... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ......
x 2063 79-A Chapter 3 Software Installation Pr einst alla tion . ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... . .. 3-2 Installing the Network Driv er in a Windows 95 Environment .
2063 79 -A xi Appendix B No vell NetW are Reference I nf o rmation No ve ll NetW are Se r ver A UT OEX EC .NCF F iles and P ar ameters . .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ..... B-1 Sam ple A UT O EXEC .N C F Fi les ... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....
xii 20 63 79-A.
2063 79 -A xiii Figures Fi gure 1 -1. Link and Activi ty L EDs ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ......1-3 Fi gure 1 -2. WOL Cab le ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ..... ..... .
xiv 20 63 79-A Fi gure 3 -26. Micro soft TCP/I P Pr operties Dia log Bo x .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ..... . 3-22 Fig ure 4-1 . Magi c P acket Ut ilit y W indow ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....
2063 79 -A xv T able s T a bl e 1-1 . LED I ndicati ons .... ... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. . 1-3 T a bl e 1-2 . Supported O pera ting Syste ms .. ..... ....... ..... ..... .....
xvi 20 6379-A.
2063 79 -A xv ii Preface Congrat ulation s on your purchase of a BayStack ™ PC n et wo rk car d ad apt er , th e BayStac k 21 PCI 10/100 Adapte r w/WOL, which supports wo r kg roups operating at 10 Mb/s and/or 100 Mb/s tra nsmission spee ds. This networ k c ard is intend ed for u se in a deskto p worksta tion.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL xvii i 2063 79-A T e ch ni cal Publ icati ons Y ou can print se lecte d te chnical manuals a nd release notes f ree , directly from th e Inter net. Go to support.baynetw orks.
2063 79 -A 1-1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction This c hapter pro vides an o ve rvie w of the Bay Stack 2 1 PCI 10/100 Ada pter w/ WOL, inc lu ding its hard wa re a nd softw are component s. The B ayStack 21 PCI 10/ 100 Ada pter w/W OL complements the Bay Stack 70 -Series 10/100 Et hernet Switche s a nd BayStack 60-S erie s 10/100 Etherne t H u bs.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 1-2 2063 79-A Infor mation T echnology ( IT) org a nizations someti m es pref er to perform tasks such as inst al ling soft ware, running virus s cans, and backing up di sk dri v es dur ing nonb usiness hours to av oid interru pting use rs during pri me usage tim es.
Introduc t ion 2063 79-A 1-3 RJ-45 Ethe rnet P or t The RJ-45 10B AS E-T/100B ASE-TX Ethernet port connects the network car d to a netw ork de vice, suc h a s a h ub . The port adapts to the cor rect network speed of 10 M b/ s o r 100 Mb/s throu gh a uton egotia tion with the boa rd components of the netw ork card.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 1-4 2063 79-A T able 1-1 descr ibes t he Link and A cti vity LED indicati ons. WOL Cable a nd Connector The WOL cable ( Figur e 1-2 ) i s an inter connect c able wit h standard 3-pin connec tors o n each end.
Introduc t ion 2063 79-A 1-5 One end of the cable conne ct s t o the motherboa r d of your workstati on. The othe r end attaches to the W OL conne ctor ( F igure 1-3 ) on the boa rd of t he BaySta ck 21 netw ork ca rd.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 1-6 2063 79-A Operating En vironments The BayStack 21 net work card suppor ts the op erating syst ems and associate d dri vers list ed in T able 1-2 . T able 1 -2 . Supp or ted Ope ratin g S ys te ms Driver Oper ati ng Syst em s ODI Driv ers • Nov ell Net W are 3.
Introduc t ion 2063 79-A 1-7 Cable Requirements Y ou can use Categor y 5 ( Cat 5) Ethernet c abl es for 10 M b/ s and 100 Mb/s netw ork connections to the BayStack 21 net work card. Use the foll owing guidel ines when using C at 5 cables: • Maximum length between a worksta tion and a hub is 100 meters (m).
2063 79 -A 2-1 Chapter 2 Har d ware Ins tallation This c hapter descr ibes h ow t o i nstall the BayStack 21 P CI 10/10 0 Adapter w/ WOL in an end-use r w orkstatio n such as a d e sktop computer or se rver .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 2-2 2063 79-A Ins t a lli n g th e Ba y Stack 21 PCI 10/1 00 Ada p te r w / WO L T o install the BayStac k 21 ne twork c ard in a work station: 1. Shut d own th e wo rkstation .
Hardware Instal lation 2063 79-A 2-3 Connecting the WOL Cable T o insta ll the WOL cable between the BaySt ack 21 net work card and the chassi s: 1. Make su re tha t the work s tati o n is dis co nn ect ed from th e power source and the chassi s c o ver has been remov ed.
2063 79 -A 3-1 Chapter 3 Sof tware Installa tion This chapte r provide s instr uct ions for insta lling the W indows - and No v e ll NetW are- based B ayStack 21 netw ork dr iv er s of twar e and c onf igurin g the BayStac k 21 PCI 10/100 Adapte r w/WOL on your ne tw ork.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-2 2063 79-A Prei nsta llatio n Perfor m the f ollo wing tasks prior to inst alling the Ba yStack 21 ne twor k dri ver: • Y ou m ust instal l the BayStack 21 networ k card before inst alling the BayStack 21 netw ork driv er.
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-3 A second Ne w Hard ware Foun d windo w opens, identif ying your BaySta ck 21 PCI 10/100 Adapte r w/WOL ( Figure 3- 2 ). Figure 3-2. New Hardware F o und W indow—BayStac k 21 Network Car d The Buil ding Dri v er I nf ormati on Databa se windo w opens.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-4 2063 79-A 2. Insert th e BaySta ck 21 PCI 1 0/100 Adap ter w/W OL Softwar e & Documentat ion CD into the CD driv e .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-5 4. Click F in ish. The Copying Fi les dialog box opens ( Figure 3- 5 ). Figure 3-5. Co pying Files Dialog Box 5. Insert th e BaySta ck 21 PCI 1 0/100 Adap ter w/W OL Softwar e & Documentat ion CD as indicat ed.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-6 2063 79-A Configuring the Windows 95 En vironment Y ou must conf igure t he W indo ws 95 e n vironm ent on your workstat ion afte r you insta ll the BaySt ack 21 ne twor k dri ver.
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-7 4. Enter the f ollo wing inf ormation f or y our workst ation: • Computer Name—The name assigne d t o your workst a t ion by your syste m a dm inistr .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-8 2063 79-A Configur ing the Networ k Prope rties T o conf igure the network pr ope rties of your wor ksta tion, such as TCP/IP proto cols: 1. Fr om t he Wind ows t askbar , c h oose Start > S e ttings > Co ntrol Pane l .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-9 3. Click Ad d. The Select Ne twork Component T ype dialog box opens ( Figure 3-9 ). Figure 3-9. Sel ect Network Component T yp e Dialog Box 4. Select Pr otocol. 5. Click Ad d. The Select Ne twork Protoc ol dialog box opens ( Figure 3-10 ).
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-10 2063 79-A 6. In the Manufactur ers list, selec t Micr osof t. 7. In the Networ k Protocol s list, sele ct TCP/IP . 8. Click O K. 9. Retu rn to th e Con figura tio n ta b .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-11 11. Click Prope rti es. The TCP/IP Proper ties dialog box ope ns ( F igure 3-12 ). Figu re 3-12. TCP /IP Proper ties D ialog Box 12.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-12 2063 79-A 14. Use the Gateway or DNS Con f iguration tabs to conf ig ure o ther param eter s, as nee ded. 15. Cli c k OK. The Copying Fi les dialog box opens . 16. In the “Cop y f il es from:” f ield, enter the l ocatio n of th e reques ted f il es or CD.
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-13 A second Ne w Hard ware Foun d windo w opens, identif ying your BaySta ck 21 PCI 10/100 Adapte r w/WOL ( Figure 3- 14 ). Figu re 3-14. New Hardware Fo un d Window The Copying Fi les dialog box opens ( Figur e 3-15 ).
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-14 2063 79-A 4. Click O K. The Copying Fi les dialog box opens ( Figure 3- 16 ). Figure 3-16. Co pying Files Dialog Box 5. Insert the required C D int o the CD dr ive of y o ur works ta t ion .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-15 8. Sele ct o ne of the followin g opt ion s: • Dri ve r from disk pr ovide d b y hardw are man u factu rer (re co m men d e d by Nortel Net works) • Do not instal l a dri ver (W indo ws wil l not pr o mpt you a g ain) • Select f ro m a list of alte rnate dri v e rs 9.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-16 2063 79-A Configuring the Windows 98 En vironment Y ou must conf igure t he W indo ws 98 e n vironm ent on your workstat ion afte r you insta ll the BaySt ack 21 ne twor k dri ver.
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-17 4. Clic k Prope rti es . The TCP/IP Proper ties dialog box ope ns ( F igure 3-20 ). Figu re 3-20. TCP /IP Proper ties D ialog Box 5.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-18 2063 79-A 9. Click Y es. Y our s ystem restarts . In stal ling t h e Net work Dri ve r i n a Windo ws NT En vir on m ent The W indo ws NT inst alla tion of the BaySta ck 21 n et work dri v er i s not a utomatic.
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-19 4. Sele ct A dd . The Select Ne twork Adapter dial og box ope ns ( Fi gure 3-22 ). Figure 3-22. Select Netwo rk Adapter Dialog Bo x 5. Click H av e Disk. 6. Insert th e BaySta ck 21 PCI 1 0/100 Adap ter w/W OL Softwar e & Documentat ion CD into the CD driv e .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-20 2063 79-A 8. Click O K. The Select OEM Option d ialog box o pens ( Figure 3- 23 ). Figu re 3-23. Selec t OEM Opt ion D ialog Box 9. Sele ct N ortel Ba ySt ack 2 1 10/ 100 PCI E t herne t Ad apter .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-21 Configuring the Network Pr oper ties T o conf igure th e networ k pr opertie s for y our w orkstation: 1. Fr om t he Wind ows t askbar , c h oose Start > S e ttings > Co ntrol Pane l . 2. Double-c lick Ne twork.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-22 2063 79-A 4. Clic k Prope rti es . The Microsof t TCP/IP Propertie s dialog box opens ( Figure 3- 26 ).
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-23 8. Click Cl ose. The System Se ttings C hange dia log box opens. Resta rting your s ystem is neces sary to enable your PC to f inis h sett ing up your new ha rdware. 9. Click Y es. Y our s ystem restarts .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-24 2063 79-A 7. Pr ess Enter . 8. From the Driver Optio ns men u, select Con f i gure net work drivers. 9. Pr ess Enter . 10. Fr om t h e Ad d it ional Driv er Actions menu, select Sele ct a driv er .
S o ft w ar e In s t all ati on 2063 79-A 3-25 T o s et spec ific driver p arame t ers: 1. Fr om the Board B21L AN 10_ 1 (Driv er B21LAN10) Ac tions men u, sele ct “Selec t/M odify driver pa ram eters a nd p r oto cols.” 2. Pr ess Enter . The def ault protoc ol is IPX.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 3-26 2063 79-A Installing the Network Card in a No vell NetW are Client T o install the BayStac k 21 ne twork dr i ver i n your Nov ell N etW ar e client: 1.
2063 79 -A 4-1 Chapter 4 Using the WO L Feature Y ou can use the W ake On LAN ( WOL) featur e to star t up r e mote works tations without e nd-user inter ven tion. A B a yS tack 21 PCI 10/100 Adapter w/WOL must be install ed on each w orkstati on t hat you want to start remotely .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 4-2 2063 79-A Running the W OL Feature Y ou must ha v e a WOL-ca pab le utility on the wor kstati on f r om which you are using the WOL f eature t o tur n on r emote w orkstati ons.
Using the WO L Feature 2063 79-A 4-3 3. Enter the subnet mask of the r emote work station y ou w a n t to tur n on. The util ity maps, or locat es , BayStack 21 n e t work cards in the subn et you specif ied. Make sure the remote worksta ti on is stil l t ur ned on.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 4-4 2063 79-A 6. Retu r n to th e M a gic P acket Ut ility menu . 7. Sele ct M agic P a cket > Po w er on One Hos t. The Send a Magic Pack e t to One Host dialog box open s ( Figur e 4-5 ).
2063 79 -A 5-1 Chapter 5 T r ouble shooting This c hapter pro vide s se ve ral meth ods for t r ou bleshooti ng probl ems rela te d to the BayStac k 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w/WOL. Dia gnostic LEDs Three LEDs on the front of th e BayStack 21 network car d p r o vide diagnos tic inform ation.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL 5-2 2063 79-A Har dw ar e Is su es Perfor m the f ollo wing tasks to c heck f or har dware problems: • V erify that you are using the c or rect cabl es and the c or rect cable len gths, as descr ibed i n “Cable Requir e ments” on page 1- 7 .
Troublesho oting 2063 79-A 5-3 • V erify that the PCI slot in the workst a t ion is an enabled bus -master slot . Do not use a sla ve PCI slot for the BaySt ack 21 ne tw ork ca rd. Some compute rs m a y r equire that you conf igure the PCI slot to enable b us masterin g.
2063 79 -A A-1 Appendix A T echnic al Specifi cations T ables in this appe ndix pr ovide technic al produc t s pecif ications and list the a va ilabl e softw a r e dri vers f or the BaySt ack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w/W OL. Pr oduc t Specificatio ns T able A-1 lists te chnical spec if ications f or the BaySt ack 21 network car d.
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL A- 2 2063 79-A So ftwa re Dr ivers T able A-2 lists the a vail a bl e software d ri v ers f or the BayStack 21 PCI 10/100 Adap ter w/WOL. Refer to C hapt er 3, “Soft ware I nsta llat ion ,” for insta lla tion instr uctions r e gardi ng the W indo ws-based dri ver s.
2063 79 -A B-1 Appendix B No vell NetW are Ref erence Inf ormation This a ppendix pro vides referenc e f iles and i nformation f or your Nov ell NetW are 4.x operat ing syste m. Serve r a nd c lient infor mation is pro vide d in the foll owing se ctions .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL B- 2 2063 79-A One Netw ork Car d Installe d The follo wing f iles a re typi c ally pa rt o f the A UTOEX EC.NCF f ile, with on e netw ork ca rd ins talled i n the wo rkstation: LO AD C:B21LAN10 FRAME =ETHERNE T_802.
Novell NetWare Reference Information 2063 79-A B- 3 Samp le A UT OEXEC . NCF File Pa ra meter s This s e ction de scribe s the A UTOEXEC.NCF fi le p arame t ers S LO T , FR AME, NODE, a nd Medium .
Installation a nd Reference f or the Bay S tack 21 P CI 10/100 Adapter w / WOL B- 4 2063 79-A NODE P arameter Y ou can use the NODE parameter to replac e the def a ul t node address asso ci ated with y our ele ctricall y er asable pr ogrammable r ead-on ly memory ( EEPR OM).
Novell NetWare Reference Information 2063 79-A B- 5 No v ell NetW are Client Com mands and NET .CFG Fi le This s e ction pr ovid e s infor mation a bout c ommands and the NET .C FG file. Client Com ma nds T able B-1 briefly de scribes the commands you ente r when i nstalli ng the BayStac k 21 ne twork dri ver i nto your Nov ell Ne tW are cli ent.
2063 79 -A Index-1 Numbers 10 Mb/ s Et hern e t ca bles, 1-6 100 M b/s Ethe rn et ca bles , 1- 6 10B ASE-T/ 100B ASE-TX por ts, 1- 2 A au tone go tiat ion, 1-2 C cab le s 10 Mb /s E the rnet , 1- 6 10.
Ind ex -2 20 6379- A prod uct com ponent s, 1-2 sp ecif icat ions, A -1 suppo rt, xv iii R requ iremen ts, sy st em, 1-5 S suppo rt, N ort el Netwo rks, xvii i sy st em re quire ments, 1-5 T tec hnica.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks W/WOL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks W/WOL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks W/WOL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks W/WOL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks W/WOL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks W/WOL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks W/WOL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks W/WOL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.