Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DS2100 du fabricant Moog
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P RELIMINARY I NSTALLATION & U SER ' S M ANUAL DS2100 Digital Controller Section 3 - Wiring and Installation C7750-001 Rev. A 04/04.
E r r a t a Sh ee t D S 2 10 0 U se r ' s M a nu a l ( P r e l i m i n a r y) P AG E 1 E R RA T A E : P D F c r ea t ed w i t h pd f F a c t o r y P r o t r i a l v e r s i on www.
D S 210 0 U s er ' s M a n u a l ( P re l i m i n a r y) E rr a ta P AG E 2 E . 1 I n t r o du c ti o n T h i s E r r a t a s h ee t d e t a i l s c h a n g e s t o t h e p r e l i m i n a r y r e l ea s e o f t h e D S 2 1 0 0 M a n u a l . T h e c o r r ec t e d i n f o r m a t i o n f o r t h e m a n u a l i s d e t a i l e d b e l o w .
D S 210 0 U s er ' s M a n u a l ( P re l i m i n a r y) E rr a ta P AG E 4 3 . 11 . 5 M o t o r E n c o d e r C o n n ect i on T h e D S 2 1 00 e n c o d e r i n p u t s u ppo r t s a v a r i e t y o f e n c od e r s . T h e s e i n c l u d e A n a l o g u e , S S I , H i p e r f ace a n d E n d a t .
E r r a t a Sh ee t D S 2 10 0 U se r ' s M a nu a l ( P r e l i m i n a r y) P AG E 5 3 . 14 . 5 . 7 E n c o d e r - F i x e d c o n n ec t o r : 15 p i n , f e m a l e S ub - D c o nn e c t o r - M a ti n g c o n n ec t o r , 1 5p i n m a l e S u b - D - W i r i ng : c a b l e .
E r r a t a Sh ee t D S 2 10 0 U se r ' s M a nu a l ( P r e l i m i n a r y) P AG E 7 3 . 1 3 .1 R S 232 S e r i a l C o mm un i c at i o n s I n te r f a ce T h e p i n a s s i g n m e n t e n a b l e s u s e o f a 9 - p i n S u b - D c a b l e w i t h a ll s i g n a l s c o n n ec t e d s t r a i g h t t h r o u g h .
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAG E 3-2 TABLE OF C ONTENTS SECTION 3: WIRING A ND INST ALLATION .............................................................................................. .........
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's M anual (Prelim inary) PAG E 3-3 3.14.3 C Size Power Stage ....................................................................................................... ......................... 3-69 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAG E 3-4 This secti on covers the inst allation, wiring and cabl ing of the Moog D S2100 Servo-driv e series. A pictorial diagram of a singl e -axi s system, with typical component s included, is sh own in Figure 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's M anual (Prelim inary) PAG E 3-5 3.1.2 A . C. Input Line Protection Details of the recommended Lin e fuses are given in Section 2 of th i s manual.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAG E 3-6 Figure 3.1 Typical DS 2100 System Com ponents ( m A Size).
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAG E 3-7 3.1.4 Serial Set-up Terminal (Us er-Supplied) An RS -232 interface sh ould be establish ed for individu al servo-drive communications, using a PC. The PC can run Moog's Win Drive Windows-based us er -interf ace program.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAG E 3-8 3.1.6 Brushless Serv o motors The DS2100 s eries Servo-dri ve is compatible with Moog brushless servom otors. Normal connection to the motor requires two cables - a po we r and a signal cable.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAG E 3-9 3.2 Equipm ent Mounting This section details the mechanical dime nsions of the DS2100 ch assis, as well as requ ired clearances for cabling etc. T he DS2100 is des igned to be pan el or cabinet moun ted.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-10 Figure 3.2 Typical DS2100 C able Bend Radiu s Requirements The DS2100 must be permanent l y and reliably conn ected to Earth and al l conductive parts in the IP54 rated enclos ure or cabinet must be perm a nently co nnected to Earth .
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-11 Figure 3.3 D S2100 m A Mechanical & Mounting Dim e nsions.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-12 Figure 3.4 DS 2100 A Mechani cal & Moun ting Dimensions.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-13 Figure 3.5 DS 2100 B Mechanical & Mo un t ing Dim e nsi ons.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-14 Figure 3.6 DS 2100 C Mechani ca l & Moun t ing D i mensi ons.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-15 Figure 3.7 DS 2100 D Mechanical & Mount i ng D imensi ons.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-16 3.2.1 CE Items for M echanical Install ation Additional electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) measures must be i nstalled on equ ipment associated w ith the DS2100 Serv o-drive.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-17 3.3 Power Dissipation To calculat e cabinet cooling requ irements, Table 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-18 3.4 DS21 00 Connector T erm inals Figure 3.8 to F igure 3.12 below detail the connect ors on the DS2100 (all s izes).
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-19 Figure 3.9 D S2100 Size m A Power Connector Term inals Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-20 J9 J8 J6 J7 Figure 3.11 D S2100 Size C Pow er Connector Term inals.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-21 Figure 3.12 D S2100 Size D Pow er Connector Term inals.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-22 3.5 General S ystem W iring Guide lines The foll o w i ng i s a g e neral rem inder of the cable requi re men ts for the DS2100 Series Se rvo-drives and rel ated equipment.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-23 3.5.1 Drive Cont actor (User Supplied) A contactor (sui tably rated f or the parti cular DS2100 sh ould be install ed just before th e AC in p ut lin e filter of th e DS2100.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-24 3.5.2 Wiring notes for J6, J7, J 9 connectors (Size C) The connectors used on the DS2100 Si ze C are are formed using crim p terminals. The appropriate cri mps (Molex ty pe 42815-0031) are supplied tog ether the floati ng connectors for J6, J 7, and J9.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-25 3.6 Sequence of Com ponent W iring Recomm endations The follow i ng s equence for w iring is a recommendation. Indivi dual wiring steps are denoted by a box character, which can be used as an in stallation check off list.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-26 3.7 Thr ee-Phase A.C. Mains Po wer Source Config ura tion The DS2100 may be su pplied from a three- p hase a.c. m a ins in p ut. In this case the following us er supplied option s are required:- 1.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-27 Line Fuses Contactor Line Filt er System Contr oller AC Mains Supply 3-Phas e Supply & Protecti ve Earth M.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-28 3.7.1 A C Mains Power Sourc e Connection Size m A EMC Filter, Fuses e tc . See Section 2 Install ation 4 5 6 L1 L2 L3 Connect or J6 m A 4 5 6 L1 L2 L 3 Connect or J6 m A PE Stud PE Stud a.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-29 Size A & B EMC Filter, Fu ses et c. See Section 2 Instal lation 4 5 6 L1 L2 L3 Connector J 6 A & B PE Stud a.c. Mains L1 L2 L3 Protective Earth Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-30 Size C EMC Filter, Fu ses et c. See Section 2 Instal lation 3 2 1 L1 L2 L3 Connector J 6 C PE Stud a.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-31 Size D EMC Filt er, Fu ses et c. See Section 2 Inst allation 4 5 6 L1 L 2 L 3 Connect or J9 D 3 PE a.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-32 3.8 24V Back up Connection The DS2100 is equ ipped wit h a 24V logi c supply backup. This backup supply provides logic power t o the drive when AC mains po wer is rem o ved.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-33 3.8.2 Size A ,B,C & D 24V Input Connection 1 2 Connector J8 A,B,C & D 24V Auxili ary Suppl y +24V GND (0 V) Schaffner FN2070-3-06 Filter Fuse Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-34 3.9 Paralleling DS21 00 Units through the D.C. Bus DS2100 un its can be paralleled v ia the D.C. Bus, in order to share regen eration power. 3.9.1 m A Size DC Bus Inter-connection Tie screen to chassis via EMC bracket.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-35 Pos. Name Function J6.1 DC- DC Bus ( -) J6.2 DC+ DC Bu s (+) Table 3.9 J6 , DC Bus con nector, m A Size 3.9.2 A & B Size DC Bus Inter-connection Tie screen to chassis via EMC bracket.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-36 3.9.3 C Size DC Bus Int er-connection Tie screen to chassis via EMC bracket. See Section 2 L1 L2 L3 PE (J6.3 )(J6.2)(J 6.1) Stu d Connect or J6 , J9 DC+ DC- (J9.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-37 3.9.4 D Size DC Bus Int er-connection Tie screen to chassis via EMC bracket. See Section 2 L1 L2 L 3 PE (J9.4 )(J9.5)(J 9.6) ( J 9.3 ) Connector J 9 DC+ DC- (J9.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-38 3.10 Interna l/Externa l Regenerat ion (Regen) Resi stors – C onfiguration s Regeneration resistors can be fitted to all DS2100 servo-driv es.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-39 3.10.1 m A Size Regener ation Resistor Connection Tie screen to panel on wh ich r esi stor is mounted. Tie Screen t o chas sis via EMC brack et. See Section 2 Installation J6 .
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-40 - Fix ed connector: 10 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 10 pins, f emale, suppl ied with the dri ve. Phoenix C o ntact (Part # PC4 HV/10- ST-7.62) - A size wi ring: cable 14AWG (2.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-41 3.10.4 D Size Regeneration Re sistor connection Tie screen to panel on wh ich r esi stor is mounted. Tie Screen t o chas sis via EMC brack et. See Section 2 Installation J9.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-42 3.11 Motors - Inst allation Motors should be sized b y qualified personnel. Improper sizing will directly affect performance and reliability. Motor perform ance data for Moog m otors is shown in separate dat a sheets.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-43 3.11.2 Motor Po w er Cable Wire the motor pow er connector in accordance wi t h Figure 3.29 to Fig ure 3.35. Use wire sizes based on the motor’s continuou s stall current (r m s ) a nd w ire le ngth requ irements.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-44 Size m A PE PE (J6.7) Moto r U (J6.10) V (J6.9) gr ou n di ng of s hi e l d via co nnec t or c lamp W ( J6.8 ) V W U ground ing of shield via con nector clamp (or RF co nne ction to ground screw in case of term inal bo ard) J6 DS2100 m A Figure 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-45 Size A, B PE GND (J6.7) Moto r U (J6.10) V (J6.9) gr ou n di ng of s hi e l d via co nnec t or c lamp W ( J6.8 ) V W U ground ing of shield via con nector clamp (or RF co nne ction to ground screw in case of term inal bo ard) J6 DS2100 A, B Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-46 Size C PE PE (J7.4) Moto r U (J7.1) V (J7.2) gr ou n di ng of s hi e l d via co nnec t or c lamp W ( J7.3 ) V W U ground ing of shield via con nector clamp (or RF co nne ction to ground screw in case of term inal bo ard) J7 DS2100 C Figure 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-47 Size D PE PE (J9.4) Moto r U (J9.1) V (J9.2) gr ou n di ng of s hi e l d via co nnec t or c lamp W ( J9.3 ) V W U ground ing of shield via con nector clamp (or RF co nne ction to ground screw in case of term inal bo ard) J9 DS2100 D Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-48 3.11.3 Motor Brake Connection The DS2100 provides a motor break relay at co nnector J2D (on Control Card Interf ace). T he us er supplies a 24Vd.c., Power Supply Unit for the brake connections.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-49 DS2100 J6 (m A, A,B), J7 ( C), J9 ( D) EMC Bracket J2D.2 J2D.3 PT00E16-8-PC2 A H G F E D C B 97B 3100 R S 24- 10P G F E D C B A 97B 3102R 36-5P A D C B 97B 3102R 24-22P A D C B PT0014-5PC A D C B E Figure 3.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-50 DS2100 G4x2/3/ 4 G4x5 G4x 6 PT00E 16- 8-PC 2 97B3100R S 24-10P 97B3102R 36-SP PT00E 14- 5 PC 97B3102R S 24-22P DDDDD U 2 UUAAAAA V 4 V V B BBBB W 1 W W C CCCC Brake+ 5 + + E E - - - Brake- 6 - - F F - - - Table 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-51 3.11.4 Motor Resolv er Connection Wire the DS2100 resolv er cable in accordance with Figu re 3.37 and Table 3.24. For CE com pliance, shield sh ould be attached on both sides of res olver cable.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-52 Reso lver Connector Figure 3.36 Mot or Resolver C onnector Location - Fix ed connector: 9 pin, f emale Sub-D conn ector - Mating connector, 9 pin m ale Sub-D - Wirin g: cable.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-53 DS2100 Cabl e End Moto r Cable End for MOOG m otors FASN & F ASY Connect or IPS02A 1 2-1 2PYC/SH 1 cos 2 c.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-54 3.11.5 Motor Encoder Connection The DS2100 encoder in put supports a variety of encoders. These include Analogu e, SSI, Hiperface and Endat. The connections to th e drive for each of these encoder ty pe s are giv e n in Table 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-55 For CE com pliance, shield sh ould be attached on both sides of en coder cable. Re qu i re d for CE - Com p lia nc e NOTE :- Avoid runn ing the encoder cable near ot her high power w iring, especially the motor power cable, if possible.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-56 3.11.6 Motor Rot ation Direction The positive direction of rotation is clock wise, when the motor is viewed from the shaft end, as sho wn in the diagram below. Figure 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-57 3.12 DS2100 C ontrol Input and Outputs The following section contains a descriptio n of the control related Input/Output (I/O) available to the user. Functionality of this I/O is detailed later in this ma nual.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-58 3.12.1 General Purpose Description of the Digital Inputs The DS2100 prov ides 8 digi tal inputs on con nector J2A. - Fix ed connector: 9 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 9 pins s pring cage, femal e, supplied with the drive.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-59 Note that:- § Input Im pedance > 5k W . § Voltage Range is 12V to 32V from Digital-Input to the I_COMMON line.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-60 3.12.2 General Purpose Desc ript ion of the Digital Outputs The DS2100 prov ides 4 dig ital outputs on connector J2B & J2C . Only t he digital out p uts on J2B are detailed h ere.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-61 Drive Read y Relay The DS2100 prov ides 1 relay ou tputs on connector J2C .
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-62 3.12.3 Power Sequencing on Start up The timing of the digital inputs ENABLE and PWR_RDY must be considered caref ully for proper pow er-on sequen cing. Logic P ower ap pl ied 24Vd .
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-63 3.13 Comm unications Interface W i ring and Configuration The DS2100 provides one serial interface (RS232) f or comm unication between the drive an d the Windrive graphical user interf ace (GUI).
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-64 2 3 5 2 3 5 Rx Tx Gnd Rx Tx PC DS2100 Figu re 3.46 DS2100's J1 RS232 Wire Pi n-out The RS232 Cable s hield should be con nected to the metal body of the D-Type connect or.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-65 - Fix ed connector: 9 pin, ma le & female Sub- D connector - Mating connector, 9 pin m ale & female Sub- D - Wirin g: cable. 28-18A WG (0.14-0.82mm 2 ) Pos (x= A,B) Signal Descript ion J3x.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-66 Notes Controller J3A Controller J3B CAN IN CAN OUT CAN_L CAN_H CAN_GND To Controller m Pro NC CAN_ GND CAN_SHLD NC NC (V_EXT) NC Figure 3.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-67 3.14 W iring Summary 3.14.1 m A Size Po wer Stage - Fix ed connector: 12 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 12 pins, f emale, su pplied with the dri ve. Phoenix C o mbicon (Part # GMSTB 2.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-68 3.14.2 A & B Size Po wer Stage - Fix ed connector: 10 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 10 pins, f emale, suppl ied with the dri ve. Phoenix C o ntact (Part # PC4 HV/10- ST-7.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-69 3.14.3 C Size Po w er Stage J9 J8 J6 J7 - Fix ed connector: 5 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 5 pins, f emale, crimped su pplied with the dri ve. (Molex 42816-0512) - C size w iring: cable 8 AWG (8.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-70 3.14.4 D Size Po w er Stage - Fix ed connector: 4 pole, screw terminal - D size w iring: cable 6 A WG (13 mm .
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-71 3.14.5 Control Card Motor Encoder Connector Mot or Reso lver Connector CAN Field B us Interface Serial Commu n.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-72 RS232 2 3 5 2 3 5 Rx Tx Gnd Rx Tx PC DS2100 - Fix ed connector: 9 pin, f emale Sub-D conn ector - Mating connector, 9 pin m ale Sub-D - Wirin g: cable.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-73 Drive Ready - Fix ed connector: 2 pins , m ale connector - Mating connector, 2 pins s pring cage, femal e, supplied with the drive. Phoen i x C o ntact (Part # F K-MC 0.
DS2100 U ser's M anual (Pre liminary ) SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INSTALLA TION PAGE 3-74 Encoder - Fix ed connector: 15 pin , female Su b -D conn ector - Mating connector, 15pin m ale Sub-D - Wirin g: cable. 28-18A WG (0.14-0.82mm 2 ) Encoder Type Pos Analogue SSI Hiperfa ce Endat J4.
SECTION 3: WIR ING AND INST ALLATION DS2100 U ser's Manu al (Prelim inary) PAGE 3-75 Resolver - Fix ed connector: 9 pin, f emale Sub-D conn ector - Mating connector, 9 pin m ale Sub-D - Wirin g: cable. 28-18A WG (0.14-0.82mm 2 ) MOTOR RESOLVER CONNECTOR Pos Signal Ty pe FA S T/ FA S K FA S N / FA S Y G4xx (FA SG) J5.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Moog DS2100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Moog DS2100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Moog DS2100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Moog DS2100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Moog DS2100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Moog DS2100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Moog DS2100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Moog DS2100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.