Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WS-55711 du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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visit ou r webs ite a t w w w . m i t s u b i s h i - t v . c o m AD JU ST Pr ojection T ele vis ion Models WS-B5 5 W S -4 85 1 1 WS- 555 1 1 WS- 557 1 1 WS- 655 1 1 WS- 6 56 1 1 WS- 657 1 1 WS- 657 1.
2 3 The lightning ash with arrowhea d symbol within an equilateral triangle is int ended to aler t the user of the presence of uninsulat ed “dangerous voltage” within the product ’ s enclosure that ma y be suf cient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric sho ck.
2 3 45 Setup Menu: Advanced Convergence , T rans por t Menu and Language 46 Antenna, Memoriz e Channels, Channel , Memor y and Name 4 7 SuperQ uickView ™ (SQV™) 48 Auto o r Manual Clock Set ting 4.
4 5 IMPORT ANT S AF E GU ARDS Please re ad the following safeguards for your TV and re tain for future refere nce. Alwa ys follo w all warnings and instructions marked on the tel ev ision. 1 . R ead, Ret ain and Follo w All Instructions Read all safety a nd operating i nstruc tions b efore operating th e TV .
4 5 IMPORT ANT S AF E GU ARDS , con t’ d. 1 2 . Power Lines An outs ide antenna system shoul d not be located in t he vici nit y of ov erhead power lines or other e lectr ic light or power circui ts, or where it can fal l into such power lines or c ircuits.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . If y ou ha v e questi ons rega rding y our t ele vision , call Consumer Relatio ns at (80 0) 332-2 1 1 9 , or ema il us at T o order rep lacemen t or addition al remo te con trols or o wne r’ s guides call (80 0) 55 3- 72 78 or visit ou r webs ite a t w w w .
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 1 CHA PTER ONE 8 Our Than ks 9 Unpac king Y our New TV 9 Special Featu res.
8 9 Ou r Tha nk s... Thank you f or choosing Mitsubishi as your premier Home Enter tainment provider . This Owner’ s Guide descr ibes the f eatures and functions of y our Mitsubishi widescreen, high denition TV .
8 9 Special Fea tures Y our new High Denition bigscreen television has many special fea tures that mak e i t the perfec t center of y our home ent er tainment sy stem.
In Th i s Secti o n . . ..
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 2 CHA PTER T W O 1 2 F ron t Control P anel 1 3 Back P anel 1 5 Ex ternal De vices & NetCommand ™ 1 6 Supported D e vices 1 7 Anten na or W all Outlet Cable for Dig ita.
1 2 1 3 F ront Co ntro l Pane l The buttons on t he F ront Control Panel highlighted in gra y are duplic at ed on the remote control. The top row of labels show the control functions when there are no TV menus displayed on the screen.
1 2 1 3 Bac k Pa nel � Inputs 1 - 4 These inputs can be used for the connec tion of a V CR, Super VHS (S-VHS) V CR, DVD pla yer , standard satellit e receiver or o ther A / V device to the T V . Please no te that if y ou connec t to the S- VIDE O terminal, the VIDE O terminal is deactivated.
1 4 1 5 8 Ant enna DT V (ANT - DT V ) This input receives digital T V signals from a VHF/ UHF ant enna or unscrambled digi tal cable syst em. If the T V receives scrambled cable signals on this in put, it will not be able t o deco de them. In this case, y our cable com pan y must provide a decoding box.
1 4 1 5 Connecti ng External De vices & NetComm and ™ Setup .
1 6 1 7 NetCommand ™ Suppor ted De vices Follo wing is a list of devices, by s ev eral manufactur ers, tested and shown t o be compatible with the NetCommand™ control syst em. When y ou use these devices you will be able to control them without changing the sett ing of the remo te control from T V to ano ther product.
1 6 1 7 Additional connect ion cables ar e not provided with the T V . They are av ailable at most el ectronic store s. I M P O R T A N T Co nne cti n g A nt enna or W al l Ou tle t C abl e f or Di gi tal B ro adc as ts An tenna o r W all Outle t Cable fo r Digital B roadca sts For cab le or ante nna with co axia l lead ( Figure 1 ) 1 .
1 8 1 9 Connecti ng an A nalo g Ant enna, W all Ou tlet Cable, or C able Bo x, cont’ d. Cable Bo x ( F igu r e 3 ) 1 . Co nnect the incoming c able to ANT -A on the T V back panel . Note : Connec t two coa xial cables as follows: 2 . One from L OOP-OUT on the T V back panel to IN on the cable box back panel.
1 8 1 9 Connecti ng an A nalo g V CR V CR to Anal og Anten nas or W all Outlet Cable (Figure 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the incoming c able to ANT -A on the T V back panel . Note : Connec t two coa xial cables as follows: 2 . One from L OOP-OUT on the T V back panel to ANTE NNA IN on the V CR back panel .
20 2 1 .
20 2 1 W ARN ING : Connecti ng a D VD P la yer D VD P la y er with Componen t Video ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the Compo nent Video cables from Y/ Cr/ Cb or Y/ Pr/ Pb VID EO OUT on the back of the D VD pla ye r to COMPONENT - 1 o n the TV back panel, ma tching the correct c onnection : • Y to Y • Cr or Pr to P r • Cb or Pb to Pb 2 .
22 23 Connecti ng an External Di gital T V ( DT V or HDT V ) Receiv e r DT V Connect ors and A daptor s ( F igu r e 1 ) The T V back panel has 5 RC A-t ype connec tors for the Input-D T V . The back panel of y our external D T V receiver m ay use RC A-t ype connec tors or BNC-t ype co nnectors.
22 23 Connecti ng an External Di gital T V ( T V or HT V ) Receiv er , cont. Ex ternal D T V Receiver w ith RGB Video Connectio ns ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the outside antenna, cable, or satellit e to ANT , or SA TELL ITE IN on the D T V receiver (see y our D T V receive r owner’ s g uide for instructions, and cable c ompatibility) .
24 25 Figur e 1 . Conne cting a c omp uter with a VG A monitor o utput. Connecti ng a Com puter w ith a V GA Moni t or Output Connectin g a Computer ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect V GA Monitor Out from the computer to V GA Input on the T V back panel using a V GA compatible monitor cable.
24 25 W ARN ING : When usin g the V GA input, do not leav e stationa r y , tool bar , or par tial ima ges on -scre en for e x tended p eri ods of time. Mix the types of pictures sh own. U nev e n pictu re tube agin g is NOT co v ered by y our warran ty .
26 27 NetCommand ™ S et up - Get ti ng Star ted In order to use y our TV ’ s NetC ommand™ f eatur e, you need t o provide some detailed informa tion during the setup of y our Mitsubishi T V . Y ou must dene the Manufacturer of the de vices that are connec ted t o the television.
26 27 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the TV remote to control your NetCo mmand™ A/ V device s. T o Pr ogram the Remote t o Contr ol the T V and NetCommand ™ A / V Pr oducts : (S ee NetComm and™ Suppor ted D evices, for the list of A / V pro duct s suppor ted by the N etComma nd™ System.
28 29 NetCommand ™ S et up When you rst pow er On your ne w Mitsubishi T V , the initial setup screens will appear . Y ou will need to na vigate through these screens and properly set up the equipment connec ted t o the T V in order to use NetCommand™ .
28 29 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. A / V Rec eiv er Scre en Figur e 1 The A / V Receiver screen allows y ou to select the manufacturer o f the A / V Re ceiv er you a re currently using. When a compatible model is used, NetCommand™ will be able to change inputs and adjust volume on the A / V Receiver .
30 3 1 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. DBS Screen Figur e 1 The DBS ( Digital Broadcast Satellite) screen allo ws you t o select the manufacturer of the satell ite syst em you a re currently using.
30 3 1 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. Re view Screen Figur e 1 Once you hav e nis hed the setup screens and selected the manufacturer f or each device, y ou will see the Revie w Screen. It is impor tant to re view the setting s. If necessar y , you can navigat e back through the NetCommand™ Setup screens to mak e changes.
32 33 Ed it NetComman d™ Edi t NetCommand ™ Screen Figur e 1 When you need t o make a change to y our current setup , the E dit NetCommand™ screen makes it easy . Possible choi ces, although not alw ay s av ailable , are Add, Change , Delete , Re view , or Initial.
32 33 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Delete Figur e 1 When you select Delete f rom the Edit NetCommand™ Screen, y ou will see the Delete Screen. Y ou c an choose to delete just a single device by selecting the device you w ould lik e to delete , or you can delet e the entire NetCommand™ conguration.
34 35 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Name Screen Figur e 1 The Name screen allows y ou to change the defau lt name for ea ch device to a custom name of up to eight characters (including a blank s pace), selecting from letters, numbers, and nine different characters.
34 35 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Monit or Out t o A VR Screen Figur e 2 This screen is shown only if an A / V Receiver is the device being added or edited. The Monitor Out to A VR screen allow s you t o select t he input on the A / V Receiver that is connected to the Monitor Output of the T V .
In Th i s Secti o n . . . Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Figur e 1 . A VR to V CR C onnec tion s creen. A VR to V CR Connection Screen Figur e 1 This screen is display ed only when a VC R is the device being added or changed.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 3 CHA PTER TH REE 38 3D Graphical Vie wP oin t ® M enu Sy stem 39 Devi ce Sele ction Menu 40 PIP/ POP Sel ection Menu 4 1 Menu Screens ( Ov er vie w) 43 Setup Menu : Edi t N.
Y ou can change text box es using the ADJUST or buttons. Some text box es hav e prese t labels. Other box es allow y ou to select let te rs, numbers, or characters to customiz e names. When customizing na mes, use the ADJUST or buttons to select let ters, numbers, or characters.
38 39 Dev ice Selection Menu Video Section The T V icon is the destination for the currently selected device. This is shown in the Video Section. A udio Section When a NetCommand™ compatible legacy .
40 4 1 PIP/ POP Selection Menu Device Section Video Section PIP Dev ice Selection Menu Figur e 1 When you pr ess the PIP D EVICE button on the remote control, the P IP Selection menu displays.
40 4 1 Menu Screens ( Ov er v iew) Setup Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Y ou can add, change, re view or delet e NetCommand™ settings and devices. Y ou can also change the order of icons d ispla yed on the De.
42 4 3 Menu Screens ( Ov er v iew) Timer Menu ( F igu r e 3 ) Set y our T V to tune t o a pre-sele cted device and channel and turn on if the T V is Of f. A udio / Video Menu ( F igu r e 4) A / V Memor y Reset allows y ou to ret urn A / V set tings to the original factory set tings for the selected device.
42 4 3 Se t u p Men u : E di t Ne tCo m ma n d ™ Ic on P os it i on Edi t NetCommand ™ Button ( F igu r e 1 ) The Edit Ne tCommand™ but ton display s the Edit NetCommand™ menu (ref er to E dit NetCommand™ section in Part 2 of this b ook.) E dit NetCommand™ provides the follo wing options : • ADD - Additio n of ne w devices.
4 4 4 5 Setup Men u : Con ver gence Con vergence Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Y our Mitsubishi T V has three picture tubes which need to be aligned to properly conv erge the projected light beams on the screen. Each picture tube projects a single co lor of red, blu e or green.
4 4 4 5 Setup Men u : A dv anced Con vergence, T ransport M enu , and Langua ge A dv anced Con v ergence M enu (Figure 1 ) After adj usting the Re d Convergence an d Blue Convergence, you can n e-tune your T V by adjusti ng the Red and B lue convergence at 6 4 indiv idual poi nts.
46 4 7 Ant enna Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Select Ant-A, Ant-B, or Ant-D T V for use with the rest of the option on the Antenna Menu. Y ou can memoriz e channels, add or delete channels, and add channels to an SQ V (Super Quic k Vie w ™) list. For Ant -A and Ant -B, you can name channels.
46 4 7 SQ V ( Supe rQuickV iew ™ ) Using The Remote Contr ol Viewi ng and chan ging SQ V banks usi ng the remote contro l : 1 . Press the SQ V button. 2 . T o change memor y banks, press a number button within 5 sec onds of pressing the SQ V button.
48 49 C l oc k Me n u : A ut o or M an ua l Cl oc k S ett i n g Cloc k Set tin g ( M an ual) ( F igu r e 2) For the manu al cloc k setting, select the c urrent time , including AM or PM and the da y . Set Day ( F igu r e 2) When Manual has been selected for the Clock Setting, you need to select the current da y of the week.
48 49 Capti ons Men u : Anal og and Di gital C aptio ns Captio ns Menu Figur e 1 On analog channels (Ant-A or Ant -B ), broadcasters can send either Standard or T ext close d captioning. Standard Closed Captions follow the dialogue of the characters on- screen and display in a smal l section of the s creen.
50 5 1 Capti ons Men u : Digi tal Capti ons Settin gs Back ground T o make the digital close d captions easier to read, y ou can choose the background color . The av ailable back ground colors are as follows: • White • Y ellow • Black • Green • Magenta • C y an • Red • Blue Figur e 1 .
50 5 1 Pa sscode Screen ( F igu r e 2) T o view a V - Chip blocked program or to w atch the program during a scheduled loc k time , you must enter y our 4- digit passcod e or change the channel to an unlocked program .
52 53 IM PORT AN T: V - Chi p is ef fec tive fo r prog ram s viewed o n Ant- A and An t-B, fo r devi ces c onn ec ted to In puts 1- 5 for pro gram s viewe d on An t-DT V and IEEE 1394 d evic es. It i s not ap pli ca ble for d evic es c onne cte d to Co mpo nent 1 a nd 2, an d Inp -DT V .
52 53 Lock By Ti me ( F igu r e 1 ) L OCK B Y TIME will allo w you to lock the entire TV during speci c hours. Use ADJUS T or to select ON or OFF then use ADJUST to mov e to the “Loc k Time” option box. Lock b y Time, L ock Time, a nd Unl ock Time ( F igu r e 1 ) Lock by Time locks the entire TV based up on the Lock Time and Unlock Time.
54 55 Timer Menu : Set ti ng The Ti mer Timer On / O f f ( F igu r e 1 ) The timer can be turned On or Of f. When On, y ou need to select the time to turn On, the day t o turn On, the device and the channel to display .
54 55 Video Mute ( F igu r e 1 ) Video Mute lets yo u display a blue back ground when no signal is being received on Inputs 1 - 5. Blac k Enhancemen t ( F igu r e 1 ) The contrast in dark scenes is enhance d for be t te r picture quality . Brighter scenes will not be a f fected.
56 5 7 A / V Set tin gs Menu : T V Sp eak ers Figur e 1 . Audio / V ide o Setting s menu T V Spe ak ers (Fi gure 1 ) This selection will turn on or of f the T V’ s internal speake rs. Y ou may select Of f when sending the sound through a separat e stereo sy stem or surround sound A / V receiver .
56 5 7 A udio Settings Bass enhances or reduces low- pitch sound. T r eble enhances or reduc es high-pitch sound. Balance adjusts the level of sound be t ween the left and rig ht speak ers. Surround creates sim ulated ste reo and surround effects t hrough the TV s peak ers.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 58 A / V Set tin g Descri ptio ns : Video Video Settings • Contrast provides a slider to adjust the white-to- black lev el. Lo w contrast shows a v ariety of shades in darke r images, while high contrast shows dark er images mor e uniformly black and mak es color s appear more vibran t.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 4 58 CHA PTER F OUR 60 Remote Contr ol F unctio ns : Overview 61 Care and Operation 62 Remote Contr ol F unctio ns : Channel Selection and Sleep Timer 63 Ope ratio n PIP/ POP.
60 6 1 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Ov er vie w 1 . S lide Switch : Select A / V product to be controlled by the remot e control. 2 . Numbers : Individually selec t channels or enter in formation into men us. 3. POWER : T urns p ow er on and off for T V and other A / V product s.
60 6 1 Operation Installing the Bat teries : ( Figure 2) 1 . Remove the remo te control’ s back cov er b y gently pressing the ribbe d tab in the direction of the arrow and sliding off the cove r . 2 . Loa d the batteries, making sure the polarities (+ ) and (-) are correct.
62 63 Re m o te C o n tr ol F un ct io n s : C ha nne l Se l ect io n an d S lee p T i me r Channel Selection For Ant-A or Ant-B Channels : Y ou have three options. .. • Ent er three numbers (for channel 2, press 002) . • Pr ess the channel number and ENT er (for channel 2, press 2, then ENT er).
62 63 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Operation o f PIP and P OP Chan ging P IP / POP Dev ice Pr ess PIP D EVICE to change the P IP or POP picture source device.
6 4 65 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Note : Not all formats ar e a vailable for PIP / POP . • Stand ard : This is the full screen format. HD T V signals will automa tically use this format. This format is also use ful to display Anamorphic D VDs that ha ve 1 .
6 4 65.
66 67 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the TV remote to control your NetCo mmand™ A/ V device s. NetCommand™ CODE t o ENTER T V Control and N etCommand™ 9 35 Devices : P r o g r a m m i n g t h e R e .
66 67 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the remote to co ntr ol your ca ble box. Figur e 3. Pr ogrammi ng the remote to control your VCR. Figur e 2. Pr ogramming t he r emote to c ontrol your satell ite receiver .
68 69 Figur e 4. Pr ogrammi ng the remote to control your D VD / L DP . P r o g r a m m i n g t h e R e m o t e C o n t r o l t o C o n t r o l N o n -N e t C o m m a n d ™ A/ V P r o d u c t s Afte.
68 69 .
7 0 7 1 The normal use of a TV s hould include a mix ture o f T V picture typ es. The most fr equently used pic ture t ypes should ll the screen with constantly moving images rather than stationa r y images or patterns.
7 0 7 1 Appendi x A : Bypas si ng the V - Chip L ock Bypass ing the V - Chip Loc k After you se t the lock , yo u need your passcode to view a V - Chip locked program, vie w the locked T V , c ancel the lock, or enter the V - Chip Lock menus. If you f orget you r passco de , you can view the locked T V without ente ring your passcode.
72 73.
72 73 Appendi x B : Input Con nection Compa tibi li t y These inputs are compatible with comp onent video signals from standard D VD play er s and other equipment sending a standard NTS C component vid eo signal (480i) . These inputs are also compatible with newer D VD play er s sending a progressive NT SC component video signal (48 0p) .
7 4 7 5 Mit sub ish i . .. .. .. . 01 0, 01 1, 0 1 2, 01 3, 01 4, . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 01 5 Adm iral . .. .. .. .. . 220 Aiwa . .. .. .. .. .. . 225, 22 6, 24 1 Den on . .. .. .. .. . 23 4, 23 5, 236 Fis her . .. .. .. .. . 20 4 Ger rard . .. .. .. .
7 4 7 5 I M P O R T A N T F o r f u r t h e r a s s i s t a n c e , c a l l (8 00 ) 3 3 2 - 2 1 1 9 . Appendi x D : Cleani ng an d Ser vice Clean in g Normal ly , light dustin g with a dry , non- scrat ching dust er wi ll k eep y our TV clean.
7 6 77 Appendi x D : Cleani ng an d Ser vice Ser vice If y ou ar e unable t o correct a pr oblem with y our T V , consult y our Mi tsubishi de aler o r a Mitsubishi Auth oriz ed Wa rran t y Service Cent er . • DO NO T adjust an y contro ls othe r than those described in thi s Owner’ s Guide .
7 6 77 Appendix E : Diamond Shield Instr uctions Appendi x E : Diamo nd Shiel d Instr uction s Diamo nd Shield ™ Install atio n The instructio ns below will le ad you through the Diamond Shield installation process. Included in the Diamond S hield package a re the following it ems: For model W S- 6 55 1 1 and WS- 6561 1 only .
78 79 Appendi x E : Diamo nd Shiel d™ In stal latio n Appendix E : Diamond Shield Instr uctions The instructio ns below will le ad you through the Diamond Shield installation process. Included in the Diamond S hield package a re the following it ems: F or models W S- 657 1 1 , WS- 657 1 2 and W S- 737 1 1 only .
78 79 Appendi x F: Cabi net Separati on Appendix F: Cabinet Separation Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 65 5 1 1 .
80 8 1 Appendix F: Cabinet Separation Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 65 6 1 1 , WS - 6571 1 and WS - 7371 1 F or Mits ubi shi Dealers and Ser vice P erson nel Onl y The Mitsubishi T V models WS- 65 6 1 1 , WS- 657 1 1 and WS- 737 1 1 cabinets are assembled in t wo pieces.
80 8 1 Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 6571 2 .
82 83 P roblem P ossi ble Sol utio n • The T V remote contr ol does not work . • Chec k that the bat teries are instal led corre ctly . • Chec k that the sele cted switch i s set to “T V ” .
82 83 P roblem P ossi ble Sol utio n • The T V will not turn o n after being p lugged i n. • If green lig ht on front panel is b linking, pl ease wait for at least one m inute for light to turn of f, then tr y to power on again. • T V funct ions do not res pond to th e remote control • Use t he System Reset but ton as explain ed below .
84 85 D VHS HD Standard English TV -PG DLSV Play 01:20:15 D VHS Monday 11:00 AM Sleep Timer: 30 Special Message Line Ant-DTV 42.01 WBA T -DT HD Standard English TV -PG DLSV SQV2 Monday 11:00 AM Sleep .
Inde x A- R 84 85 A accessories, 9 add channels, 46 add ing an d d ele tin g d ev ices , 3 2, 33 adaptors (BN C to RC A), 2 2 adjust button, 26, 38, 60 - 61 adjusting (conve rgence ), 44 - 45 adjustin.
86 87 Inde x S -W © Copyright 2002 Mitsubishi Digital Electr onics America, Inc ., All rights reserved. S safegua rds, 4 -5 screen information displa y , 84 ser vicing, 2, 5, 7 6 side -by-side, 62 - .
88 89 MIT SUBISHI T V SOF T W ARE END-USER LICENSE A GREEMENT FOR EMBEDDED SOFTW ARE IM PO RT AN T – RE AD CARE FU LL Y: This L ice nse Agr eem ent is a l egal a gree ment b etwe en you ( eit her an in div idu al or an e ntit y) a nd Mit sub ish i Dig ital El ec tron ic s Amer ic a, Inc .
88 89 Notes.
90 9 1 Notes.
90 9 1 Connecti on : H elp fu l Hin ts Q My VCR (or other device) does not have tw o sets of stereo audio outputs; ho w can I connect this device’ s audio to both the TV and the A/V Receiver? A. T here are two solu tions : 1 . Connect the sing le set of st ereo audio outputs to the TV only .
92 If y ou ha v e questi ons rega rding y our t ele vision , call Consum er Rela tions a t (8 00 ) 332- 2 1 1 9, o r email u s at MDEAser T o order rep lacemen t or addition al remo te con trols or o wne r’ s guides call (80 0) 55 3- 72 78 or visit ou r webs ite a t w w w .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.