Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WD-57833 du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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DLP ® HI GH - DEF INITION TELE VISIO N MODEL S W D-5 7 83 3 W D- 6 5833 W D -7 3 8 3 3 O W NE R ’ S GU I DE • Forquestio ns : - Visi tourwebsiteatww w .mitsub ishi-tv .com. - E-mailusa tMDEA ser vice@md - CallCons umerRelatio nsat 80 0 -3 32-21 1 9.
For Y ou r Recor ds Rec ordthemodelnum ber ,seria lnumber ,and purcha sedateofy ourT V .Themo delandse rial numbe rsareontheba ckoftheT V .Re f ertothis pagewhe nrequestin gassist ancewiththeT V .
Contents Imp orta n t Informati on About Y our T V Gen eralWarningsa ndCautions,Noteson Insta llationandOp eration ................. 4 Impor ta ntSafeguard s ..................... 5 1 T elevision O v er view PackageCon t e nts .
Ope rati ng Notes Internal Fa ns Interna lcoolingfansm aintainprop eropera tingt empe ra - turesins idetheT V .Itisnormaltohea rthefanswhenyou.
Impo r ta nt Saf eguards Plea sereadth efollowingsa feguar dsforyourT Van dretainfo rfuturere ferenc e.Alwaysfollowa llwarning sandins tructi ons mar k edo nthetelevisi on. 1. Rea d, Re tai n and Fo llow A ll In st ruc tio ns.
6 Pa ckage Co ntent s Pleaset ak eamome ntt oreviewthefollowinglistof itemstoensur ethaty ouhavereceivedever y thing.
1 . T elevision Over view 7 T V Fron t Pan el A/V Re set IfyouwishtoresettheA / V(Audio/ V ideo)settin gsback tothefactor ydefaults: • T oresetallset tingsatonc e ,pre ss GUIDE and FORMA T onthefron tpanelatthesa metime.
8 1 . T elevision Over view F ront-Panel In dicator s L AM P Indicator LED Color TV Condition Additional Information No ne Norm alT Vonorstan db yconditi on. Normalop eration. Gr een T Vjustpowere do f fandlampis cooling.
1 . T elevision Over view 9 T V Back Pa nel 1 . ANT 1 / MAIN, ANT 2 / A UX ( Antenna ) Ifyouareconne ctingananten naordirectc ablewithout acableb o x,c onnectth emainantennaorc ablesource to ANT 1/MA IN .
10 1 . T elevision Over view 7 . HDMI ™ Input s TheHD MI1 .3(HighDefini tionMultimediaInter face)sup - por tsunc ompress edstand ardandhigh- definitio ndigital vide oformatsandPCMdi gitalstereoa udioformat.
11 T V Set -Up Get ti ng Star te d 1. Reviewtheimpor tantsafet y ,install ation,andoper - atinginform ationatthebegin ningofthisbook.
12 2 . T V Setup • Pare ntal Locks. Re strictT Vviewingby progr amrating,bychanne l ,orbytimeofday . Y oucanalsodi sablethefront-pane lbuttons ifyouhavesmallchildren.
2 . T V Setup 13 Chan ge the M enu Lan guage Choos et odi splayon-scre enmenusine itherEnglisho r Spanis h(Español ) . Sel ect a men u lang uage in th e Setup me nu. 1 . Withthe S etup m enudisplayed,pres s t ohigh - lighttheL anguageic on.
14 2 . T V Setup 1 . Seech apter3,“T VConne ctions, ”forre commen - dationso nconnectin gy o urdevices. 2. Connectyourd e vice st otheT V ,makingnoteof whichT Vinpu tisusedfore achdevice.
2 . T V Setup 15 Conn ecti ng a Compute r t o t he T V Useoneofthec onnectionm ethodslistedbe lowbased onyourcomp ut er’ svide ooutput.
16 2 . T V Set up Tip: Settheco mputer’ ssc reensavertodisplayapat t ern af t ersevera lminutesofinactivit y .Thisac tsasa reminde rthattheT Vispoweredonan dthelamp isinuse.
17 3 T V Connect ions - "6%*0 3 : 1C 1S COMPONENT 1 Y Pb Pr (480i/480p /720p/1080i) COMPONENT 2 RECORD OUTPUT OUTPUT DIGITAL IR EMITTER NetCommand RS-232C ANT 1 / MAIN ANT 2 / AUX AUDIO INPUT 1 I.
18 3 . TV Connections H DMI Device ( Cable Bo x, S a tellite Receiv er , DVD P la y er , or Other De vice ) Requir ed:HDMI-to-HD MIcable. Conne ctanHDMIc ablefromtheT Vbac kpaneltothe HDMIdevic eoutput.HDMIdevic esprovidevide oand audiothrou ghthesinglecab le.
3 . T V Con nections 19 W all Outle t Cable (n o cable box) Itisver yimpor tanttocon necttheinc omingcablefor yourprima ryv iewingsourceto ANT 1/MA IN . 1 . Conne cttheprima ryin comingcoa xialle adcableto ANT 1/MA IN ontheT Vbackpa nel.
20 3 . T V Conn ections D VI Video Device ( Cable Bo x, S a tellite Receiv er , DVD P la y er , or Other De vice ) Conne ctDVIdevices(digitalo nly)t otheT V’ sH DMI inputjac ks. Ana logstereoaudi ocablesa ndaD VI-to- HDMIcableo r DVI/HD MIadapterandHDM Icablearere quired.
3 . T V Con nections 21 Figur e 9. Conne cting a VCR to an Anten na or Wall O utlet Cab le 065 7*%&0 065 7*%&0 */ *ODPNJOH $BCMF "6%*0 065 "6%*0 */ */ "/5&//&.
22 3. T V Connections Figur e 1 0. Conn ecting a VCR to a cab le box 065 7*%&0 065 7*%&0 */ *ODPNJOH $BCMF "6%*0 065 "6%*0 */ */ "/5&//" - - 3 3 3 - $&qu.
3 . T V Con nections 23 Older Cable B ox Requi red:Onecoa xialcab le. Note: Thisconnectionisnotrecommended.The otherconnectionsdescribedinthischapter providebetterqualityaudioandvideototheTV andallowNetCommandtoworkwiththecable box.
24 3 . TV Connections Compos ite Vid eo Connec tion Requir ed:Analogste reoaudioandc ompositevide o cable ssuppliedwi ththecamcor der . 1 . Conne ctacompo sitevideocabl efrom VI DEO OUT ontheca mcorderto INPU T 3/ VID EO or V ID EO/ Y on theT V .
3 . T V Con nections 25 Compa tibl e IEEE 1 3 94 Device s Compatib leA / Vdevicesinc ludesome,butnotall, cableb o xes,D - VHSVCRs,A / Vdi scs,cam corder s,and futurep roducts.So medevicesmayhaveIEEE1 394 conne ctorsbuta renotcompatiblewi ththeT V .
26 3. T V Connections IEEE 139 4 Devices, contin ued Tips fo r Connecting IE EE 1 3 9 4 Devices • Donotloo pthelast deviceinthech ainback totheT V .Whenthe devicecha inisloope d , theT Vmaynotbeable toworkwiththeother devi ces .
27 T V Oper ation and F eatures 4 Choosin g a Viewin g Source Inpu t Select ion men u Choos eaviewingsourcefro mthe Input Sel ection menu.Thec urrentT Vinputa ppear sasafull-c oloricon inthismenu.
28 4. T V Oper at ion and Feat u res 1 . POW ER : T urnsT Vpoweronandof f . 2 . Sl ide S witc h: Sele ctstheA / Vdevic et ob eoper - atedbytheremotecontrol.
4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 29 Note: T ooperateotheraudio/videodevicesusing theTV’ sr emotecontrol: • SeeA ppendixD,“Progr ammingtheRemote C o n t r o l .” • Seec hapter6,“NetCo mmand, ”forNetC ommand IR“Lea rning”ofdevicekeys.
30 4 . T V Operation and Feat ur es Cha nn elView Ch ann el Listings Cha nnel View scr een Channe lView ™showsme morizedchan nelson ANT 1 or ANT 2 .
4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 31 Pressth e IN FO keyt os eethe on-s creenst atusdisplay . Themo stcommondis plays areshownhe re.Seldomor neverdoallthesta tusindi - cator sappearatthes ame time.
32 4. T V O peration and F eatures Using Fav Channels Se e th e cur rent Fav bank number Press IN FO . View c hann els i n curre n t Fav bank 1 . Pressthe FAV key .W aitfo rtheT Vt otunetoachanne linthecurrentFavbank.
4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 33 Thisisawi descre enT V ,a lsoknownasa1 6:9TV .T his shap ereflectsth enewtype sofimagesavailablefro m HDT VandmanyDVDs.
34 4. T V Oper at ion and Feat u res 03*(*/"-4*(/"- /POBOBNPSQIJDPS4% 03*(*/"-4*(/"- "OBNPSQIJD%7% 57%JTQMBZ 4UBOEBSE OPUSFDPNNFOEFE.
4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 35 Pres s the FORMA T key rep eated ly while in Sp lit Scre en mod e t o ch ange the d isplay . ‡ HDMI 1 08 0pcana ppearonlya smainpictur einthe markedS plitScree ncombination s.
36 4. T V Oper at ion and Feat u res Viewin g Camera Files JPEG Photos and th e USB Photo P or t 1 . Conne ctyourdigitalc ameraorUS Bdrivet othe USBPhotopor tonthefrontoftheT V .Ifusin ga came ra,poweritonan dsetittoplaybackmode.
4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 37 Med ia Setup Menu Med ia Setup m enu Inthe Med ia Setup menuyoucanad justtheslideshow display ,numbe rofrepetitions,o rdisplayinter v al. • Sele cteither Au to or Manual advance.
38 5 T V Menu Set t ings Remo te Con trol K ey s for t he T V Men u S ys tem 1 2 4 5 6 7 3 Key Function 1 MENU Displ a yorclos ethe Main menuorm o vebacko nemenulevel. 2 E XIT Closea llmenusandretur nt oT Vviewing.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 3 9 A V Menu Anon -scree nsliderdispl a yswhenm akingsomeaudi o andvid eoadjustme nts.Numer icv alue sreprese nt edon theslide rrangefrom0(minimum)to63(max imum ) ,with 3 1a sthemid-point.
40 5. T V Menu Settings A V Menu, con tinued A V > F X Gam ing menu fo r gam e adjustm ents A V Menu Options Global Vi deo N oise High, Medium, Low, Of f Redu ceminornoise(gr aininess)inthepic ture.Use Low with good -qualit ysignals.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 41 Video Menu Options Pic tur e Mod e Brilliant Foruseunde rstronglight SetthePictu reModefir stbefore chang ingothervideos ettings,a s somea rest ore dindepend entlyfor eachPic tureMode.
42 5 . T V Menu Settings Audio M enu T omakeaudioadjustme nts : • From t he Au dio me nu: 1 . Press tohighlighta noption 2. P res s todisplaythesubme nuandadjust. 3. Press MENU toreturntothe AV menu.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 43 Cap tion s Menu Capt ions on A nalog Chan nels TheT Vca ndecodec aptionsfrom ANT 1 / ANT 2 andthe INPU T 1–3 jacks.Bro adcaster scansende ithersta n - dard close dcaptionsortexts er vice.
44 5 . T V Menu Settings Setup Menu Options Langu age English Spanis h Disp la yon-s creenme nusineitherEng lishorSpanis h . Note: T olistentoaudioinotherl.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 45 Setup Menu Options Edit Usethe Edi t menutoeditchann eloptionswhen ANT 1 or ANT 2 isthecur rentsource, T ohighlightachann elnumbertoedit: • Press CH / tojumptothenex tpageofchannelnu mbers .
46 5. T V Menu Settings Set u p Men u, contin ued Clock Useeithe rthemanualo raut ometho dt os ettheclock. Settheclo ckifyouwishto : • UsetheT V’ sTime rfunction. • Mainta inaccurateChan nelViewlisting s.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 47 Set u p Men u, contin ued Timer UsetheTim ertosetatimefortheT Vtoturnonauto - matica lly .Usethismenutosetaday ,time,input,a nd chann elfortheTimer .
48 5 . T V Menu Settings Energy TheEne rgyoptionsgiveyouwayst or educeT Vpower consumption. Setup m enu, Ene rgy option s Setup Menu Options Energy Energy Mode Fast Power O n UsetheEne rgyModeoptiontosele ctthelevelofpowerconsump - tionwhiletheT Vistur nedof f .
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 49 Inputs Menu Options Name Cab le Box , Camc order , DVD , DVD 2 , DVR , Game , H D Disc , Satellite , VCR , PC O n /O f f ( ANT 1 and 2 only) O ff (H DMIonly) • Ass ignorchangen amesofinputsa ppeari nginthe Input Sel ection men u.
50 5. T V Menu Settings Set ti ng Up T V Guid e On Scre en SetupoftheT VGuid eOnScree nsystemisoptional. • Y oumustsetupNe tCommandc ontrolofaVCR orA / Vdis cforrecordingi fy ouwishtoena ble reco rdingsthroughT VG uideOnScre en.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 51 T Vlocksavailablefr omthe Lock menuare: Parent Loc k b y Ratings Restr ictacce sstoprogra mming base donV - Chipratingsignalss ent bythebroadca ster . Other Time Loc k b y Time Restr ictT Vusebytimeofday .
52 5 . TV Me n u S ettings Lock Menu, con tinued Parent M enu Opt ions (U.S.-base d rati ng system) Option Name and Description Lock Off, On Dis ablesoren ablespro gramblock ingbasedo nV - Chipsignal sandtheU .S.ratingsystem.
5 . TV M en u Setti n g s 53 Lock Menu, con tinued Time Blocka lluseoftheT Vduringthetimep eriodyouspe cif y .Y oumus tenterapassc odetousetheT Vwhenthetime lockisinef fec t.
54 6 NetC ommand Ab out NetC omman d • NetCo mmandsetupiso ptional. • Y oucanper for mNetComma ndsetupwhentheT V fir strecog niz esadevic eduringAutoInputSe nsing oratanyconvenienttim eafter ward.
6 . NetCommand 55 IR Emitter Pla cement (Ne tComman d) An IR e mit ter ca ble is i nclud ed with th e TV . TheNe tCommandsystemu sesemit tersco nnectedto the IR E MIT TER jacktocontrolothe rdevicessuc has DVDplayers,c ablebox e s,satellitereceiver s,andVCRs.
56 6. NetCommand T oper formthispro cedure,younee d : • There mot econtro lsforboththeT Vandthe deviceyouwanttocontrol.
6 . NetCommand 57 Refertothischar twhe n“learning”devic ek eys.“Le arn” some,all,orno neofthek eysus edforeachdevic e ty pe.Thechar tha sspaceforyoutowriteinfunctio ns youassig nt othe F1 – F4 keys.
58 6 . NetCommand Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Power On Ma nua l Po wer O n/Of f Usefordevic esthathaveonlyone POW ER key . 1 . Press IN PUT todisplaythe Input S election me nu.
6 . NetCommand 59 Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Guide Di spl ayi ng th e Disc M enu ( DVD or hi gh- def ini - t ion di sc for mat) “Lea rn”the DI SC MEN U , TOP ME NU, orotherkeyas name dontheorigina lremoteinthe Guide lear ningposition.
60 6 . NetCommand Per formthissetupto: • Ope ratetheA / Vrecei v e r’ spowerandvolume func tionswiththeT V’ sre motecontrol.
6 . NetCommand 61 Befor e Y ou Begin 1 . Conne ctyourA / Vdevice st otheT Vandco nnect yourA / Vrec eivertotheaudiooutputso ntheT V andtheDVDplayer .Se echapter3,“T VConne c - tions, ”fors uggestio ns.
62 6 . NetComman d • T oerasetheIRc odejust“lea rned, ”pre ss CAN CE L whilethena meishighlighted. 5. Press tohighlig htthename In put1 .Y oucan enteracu st omnam eusingthelet t er s/number son theremotecontr ol .
6 . NetCommand 63 Thisse ctiondes cribesm akingreco rdingsindepe n - dentlyoftheT VG uideOnScre ensystem.Forinstruc - tionsonse ttinguprec ordingsusin gTVG uideOn Scre en,seethesepa rate TV G uide On Sc ree n ® Intera c - tive Progr am Gu ide Use r’ s M anua l .
64 6. NetCommand Using t he Recor d > Sched ule Men u The R ecord > S chedu le men u T odisplaythemenu: • Press MENU ,highlighttheR ecordic on,thenhigh - light Schedule .
6 . NetCommand 65 NetCo mman d- Con trolled Recording, cont inu ed Time -Delayed Re cord ing from ChannelV iew Se t Up th e Reco rdi ng 1 . EnsurethatT VEne rgyModeisse tt o Fa st Power On andtheT Vclockiss ett othecor recttimean d day .
66 6 . NetCommand Ope rati on of IEEE 1 3 94 D e v ices wit h the T V’s Remote Contr ol (sl ide sw itch s et to T V pos iti on) Dev ice C A B L E / S AT * A / V DI SC DVCR AM PLIFIE R (som e MPEG2 mod els o nly ) Rem ote Con - tr ol Key POW ER Powerthedevic eon/offw henhigh lightedinth eInputse lecti onmenu.
6 . NetCommand 67 Copying A/ V Disc Rec ordi n gs T racksyoureco rdt odiscmayhavecopyrestri ctions ass ignedtothem.T olearnatr ack’ scopyrestr ictions, highlightthetr ackintheT rackLista ndpress IN FO .
68 Appendices AppendixA : Speci f ications Outputs Description Qty . Output Specifications An al og Au dio (Signal) 1 pair RCAPinPl ug,500mVrm s + 200mV (ful lscal e)forana logso urce s,1 .5 Vrm s + 0.
Appendices 69 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp cartridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury . Only replace lamp cartridge with the same part number 915P061010.
70 A ppen dices AppendixB:L amp-Car t r i dgeRepl acemen tandCl ean ing,con tinued Lam p-Ca rt ridg e Replacem ent Removing the Old L amp Car tridge 1 . T urnof fTVp o weranda llo wthelamptocoo lforat leas tonehourbeforep rocee ding.
Appendices 71 Byp assing t he Paren tal Lock Af t eryousetthel ock,youmustuseyourpa sscode toviewalockedprog ram,viewthelockedT V ,view alockedcha nnel,cance lthelock,oren t e rthe Lock menus.
72 A ppen dices Set Up Ne tComma nd Co nt rol of an A/V Receiv er , cont inu ed This p age in tent ion ally left blank.
Appendices 73 Thisap pendixexplain sprogram mingtheT V’ srem ot e controltoope rateotherA / Vdevice s.Thisisdistin ct fromNe tCommandc ontrol.
74 Appe n d ices I M P O R TA N T Y ou may n eed t o rep rogr am t he rem ote co ntr ol af ter c han ging t he b at teri es. Progra mming t he Remote Cont rol 1 . Movet heslideswitchatthetopoftheremotetothe positi onfortheproduc ty ouwanttocontrol.
Appendices 75 Audio Amplifiers Brand Code Acurus 30 7 65 Adcom 3 1 1 00, 3 0577 Alte cLan sing 3 174 2 Aragon 30 7 65 BelCa nto Design 315 8 3 Bose 3 0 6 74 Ca r ver 30892 Classe 3 14 6 2 , .
76 A ppendices Cable Boxes Brand Code ABC 1 0 01 7 ,1 0 0 1 4,1001 3, 1 0 01 1 , 100 08, 1 000 7 , 1 0003 , 1 0001 Alleg ro 10 3 15, 10 15 3 America st 10 8 9 9 Antronix 10 2 07 , 10 0 2 2 Ar.
Appendices 77 Cable Boxes Brand Code Optimu s 10 0 2 1 Pac e 1 1 877 , 1023 7 , 1000 8 Pan aso nic 1010 7 , 10 0 21, 10 0 0 0 Pan ther 10 6 3 7 Paragon 1 0000 Philips 1 1 305, 103 1 7 , 1 01 53, 1 0 0.
78 Ap pen d ices DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code NEC 2078 5 Nesa 2 0 7 17 Nex tBase 208 26 Nexx T e ch 2 14 0 2 Norcent 21 265, 21 1 07 , 21 00 3, 20872 On kyo 2079 2, 20 627 , 205 03 OptoMedia.
Appendices 79 VCRs and DVRs Brand Code ABS 219 72 Admiral 20479,20209, 20 048 Ad ventu ra 2 0000 A iko 20 278 Ai wa 20307 ,201 24, 2 003 7 , 2 0000 Akai 2024 2,20 1 75, 201 06 ,2 .
80 Appendices VCRs and DVRs Brand Code PolkAudi o 20 0 81 Por tl and 20 020 Profitronic 2 024 0 Proscan 207 61 , 207 6 0, 2020 2 , 20 06 0 Pro tec 20 072 Puls ar 20 039 Qu ar ter 20 046 Quar tz 20 .
Appendices 81 AppendixE: T r o ubleshoo ting Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Format Whenthep ictures hape se emsinc orre ct,use FORMA T tochan gethe sha peofthepic ture.
82 Appendices Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Fron t-Pan el Lo ck Release T ore- enab lethefro nt - pan elcontr olsaf ter acti v atio noftheFront- Panel.
Appendices 83 AppendixE:T r o ubleshoot ing,cont inu ed T V Cha nne ls Sy mptom Rem arks 1. TheT Vta k e ssev era lsecondstore spondto chann elchange s. • Itisnor malfordigitalc hannelstotakelonge rt otun ein.
84 Appendices Picture Sy mptom Rem arks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh-d efinition picture. Notallsig nalsarehigh- definitions ignals.
Appendices 85 AppendixE:T r o ubleshoot ing,cont inu ed So und (se e also N etComm and tro ubles hooting for A /V rec eiver setu p ) Sy mptom Rem arks 1. The reisnosoundevenwhenthe volumeisturne dup. • Chec kiftheMUTEbut tonison.
86 Appendices AppendixE:T r o ubleshoot ing,cont inu ed Indicators Sy mptom Rem arks 4. ST A T USindicatorlightisastea dy /f lashing re d. • Unplugse tfromACpow e r .P lugbackina ndwaitoneminute forblinkingtostop.
Appendices 87 IE EE 1 3 9 4 Devic es Sy mptom Rem arks 1. Exces sivedigitalar tifac tsappea rwhen viewinganIEEE1 39 4device. • TheIEEE1 39 4cableistoolong;1 5feetb etweendevic esis thema ximum.
88 Appendices IE EE 1 3 9 4 Devic es Sy mptom Rem arks 5. The reisnoaudioandvid eofromtheIEEE 1 394devic e. • Thedevic eisnotturnedon.T urnthed e vicep o wero n. • Notap eisinser tedintheDV CR.
90 T rademark and License Information Mit subi shi T V S of t w a re EN D-U SER LIC ENS E A G REEM ENT FOR EM BEDD ED SOF T W A RE IM PORTANT – RE AD CA REF ULL Y : Thi sLice nseAgr eeme nt.
91 Mit subi shi DLP Project ion T elevision Lim ited W ar rant y MITSUBIS HIDIGIT ALELECTRONICSA MERICA,INC.(“MD EA ”)war rantsasfollowstotheorigin alpurchas er.
92 c.Proofofpurcha sedatefromanauthor iz edMIT SUBISHIdeal erisrequire dwhenreque stingwarra ntyse rvic e. Presen ty o ursalesre ceiptorotherd ocumentwhi chestabli shesproofa nddateo fpurc hase.
Ind ex 93 I n d ex A A / VDis cs 67 A / VMem or yReset 81 A / VRe ceiver AddingNet CommandCo ntrol 60, 61 , 62 andtheT VSp eakers4 2 andT V’s.
94 Index LowPo wer(Energ yMode)4 8 M MediaS etupMenu 37 Memo rizingChannel s 1 3 AddSingleC hanneltoMemor y 44 , 4 5 Mu te MUTEkey 28 Vid.
We b si t e: w ww .mitsub ishi- tv. com E-m ail: MDEA servic For quest ions , call Cons umer Relat ions at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o or der re placem ent or add ition al remote co ntrol s, lamp c ar tri dges, or O wner ’ s Gui des Vis it our websit e ww w .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics WD-57833 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.