Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SY160K160H du fabricant APC
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Operation SY160K160H PDUM160H-B SYCF XR9 Symmetra ® PX UPS, Power Distributi on Unit, and XR Battery Enclosure 160 kW 400 V.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration i About this Manual This manual is for the 160 kW Symmetr a ® PX UP S, Powe r D istr ib uti on Un it (PDU -X R), a nd X R Battery enclos ure .
Content s 990-3015 -001 Symmetr a PX 160 kW 400 V Operation iii Safety ........ ......... ......... .......... ............ ......... .......... ......... .... 1 Overview ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ........
iv Symmetr a PX 160 kW 400 V Operation Maintenan ce ..... ......... ......... .......... ......... ............ .......... ... 15 Parts Replac ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 How to dete rmine if you n eed a replac ement part .
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 1 Safety Wa r n i n g : All safety ins tructions in the Safety sheet (990-29 84) should be read , understood, a nd followed prio r to handlin g the system . Failure to do so could r esult in equipment d amage, serious injury , or death.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 3 Overview User Interface Interface a rea N L OAD P OWERED LE D When green, power to the load is on. When flashing yellow , the load is supplied through th e batteries or the unit is in bypass. C HEC K L OG LED When green, a new e vent has b een added to the ev ent log.
Overview: User Interface 4 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Display interface Overvi ew sc reens. When the s ystem is runni ng, the displ ay will scrol l through sc reens showi ng informat ion about the syste m, and any act ive alarms.
Overview: User Interface 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 5 Menu tre e Caution: Do not make cha nges to any scr eens that are not desc ribed in this manual wit hout the assis tance of APC Cust omer Support. For APC W orld-W i de Customer Suppor t telephone numbers, see the back c over of this manual.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 7 Operation Operation Modes In an inst allat ion wit hout a main tenanc e bypass panel, the UPS has f our dif f erent operat ion modes. If the ins tallation includes a PDU-XR o r an external maintenance b ypass panel, wrap-around maintena nce bypass mod e will also b e available .
8 Symmetra PX 16 0 kW 400 V O peration 990-3015-00 1 Operation Procedures Note: If the s ystem does n ot contain a PDU-XR, the Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q5 s witches a re located on an optiona l externa l maintenance byp ass panel. Refer to the documentat ion included wi th the maintenanc e bypass pa nel for a dditional i nformatio n.
Operation: Operation Pr ocedures 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 9 Set the upstream mains p ower to the OFF or LOCKED OUT position.
Operation: Oper ation Procedures 10 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Set th e Q2 sw it ch on the PDU- XR to t he OFF posi tion. T urn the UPS off using the di splay . Set th e Q1 sw it ch on the PDU- XR to t he OFF posi tion.
Operation: Operation Pr ocedures 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 11 How to return to normal op eration Set the DC D ISCONNECT switch on all of the XR Battery enclosures a nd the PDU-XR to the ON positi on. Set th e Q1 sw it ch on the PDU - XR or e xtern a l main t enanc e bypa ss pan el to the ON pos ition .
Operation: Oper ation Procedures 12 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Press E SC t o go back to the UPS Contr ol screen and select UPS int o Bypass . Note: The H2 LED next to the Q2 s witch wil l illumin ate, indi cating th at it is sa fe to operat e the Q2 swit ch.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 13 Configuration System Settings How to chang e the date and time Use the UP and D OWN a rrow keys to na vigate throu gh the menu s creens. T o cha nge a settin g, press E NTER and use the UP and D OWN arrow k eys to change t he selecti on.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 15 Maintenance Part s Replacement How to determin e if you ne ed a replacement part T o determ ine if you ne ed a repla cement part, c ontact APC Customer Support an d follow the procedur e below so that the APC Custo mer Support representativ e can assist you promptl y: 1.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 16 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Replacement part s W arning: Only trained per sons familiar with the co nstruction and o peration of the equipment, as well as the electrical and me chanical hazards involved, may install and remove system components.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 17 How to remove a po wer modu le T urn the locking l atch down unti l the arrow point s down. Unscrew th e spring-act ivated k nobs on both sides of the module.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 18 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 How t o repl ace a power manageme nt per ipher al Loosen th e two Phill ips screws on both sides of the card a nd carefu lly pull it out of the e nclosure. Note: Revers e the procedu re to ins tall a repl acement card.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 19 How to replace a b attery module . Holding th e handle, g ently lift t he batter y unit and pull it halfway out. A lock mechani sm prevents i t from bein g pulled all the way out.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 21 T roubleshooting UPS Alarms This sec tion li sts all of the alar m and stat us messages that mi ght be displ ayed on t he disp lay inte rface. A suggest ed correc tive action is listed wi th each messag e to help t o troublesho ot the pr oblem.
Troubl eshoo ting: U PS Al arms 22 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990 -3015-001 External DC Disconnect Switch Open The external DC DIS CONNECT switch tripped. Battery power is not available or the runtime is lower than expected. Close the external DC D IS CONNECT switc h.
Troubl eshootin g: UPS Alarm s 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 16 0 kW 400 V Ope ration 23 Low Battery The UPS is in battery operation and the battery charge is low . No corrective actio n necessary . Note: Runtime is limited. Shu t down the system and the load equipment or restore incoming voltage.
Troubl eshoo ting: U PS Al arms 24 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990 -3015-001 Redundant Intelligen ce Module Fault The redundant intelligence module has failed and req uires replacement. Replace the redundant intelligence mo dule. See “How to replace an intelligence mo d- ule (MIM/RIM)” on page 18.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 25 Modular Distribution fault list The displ ay interfa ce will ident ify the number of the power d istributi on module tha t has caused a n ala r m or wa r nin g. Display Message Meaning Corr ective Action High Modu le Current The high modul e current threshold has been exceeded.
26 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990-301 5-001 PDU fault list Disp l ay Messa ge Mean ing Correc tive Ac t ion Maintenance Bypass Alarm The system is in maintenance bypass: the Q2 swi tch is open and the Q3 switch is closed. No corrective action n ecessary .
04/2007 990-3015-001 *990-3015-001* APC W orldwide Cust omer Support Customer s upport for this or any other APC pro duct is av ailable at no char ge in any of the foll owing ways: • V isit the APC W eb site to a ccess docu ments in the APC Kno wledge Base a nd to submit customer support requests .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté APC SY160K160H c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du APC SY160K160H - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation APC SY160K160H, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le APC SY160K160H va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le APC SY160K160H, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du APC SY160K160H.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le APC SY160K160H. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei APC SY160K160H ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.