Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PDUM160H-B du fabricant APC
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Operation SY160K160H PDUM160H-B SYCF XR9 Symmetra ® PX UPS, Power Distributi on Unit, and XR Battery Enclosure 160 kW 400 V.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration i About this Manual This manual is for the 160 kW Symmetr a ® PX UP S, Powe r D istr ib uti on Un it (PDU -X R), a nd X R Battery enclos ure .
Content s 990-3015 -001 Symmetr a PX 160 kW 400 V Operation iii Safety ........ ......... ......... .......... ............ ......... .......... ......... .... 1 Overview ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ........
iv Symmetr a PX 160 kW 400 V Operation Maintenan ce ..... ......... ......... .......... ......... ............ .......... ... 15 Parts Replac ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 How to dete rmine if you n eed a replac ement part .
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 1 Safety Wa r n i n g : All safety ins tructions in the Safety sheet (990-29 84) should be read , understood, a nd followed prio r to handlin g the system . Failure to do so could r esult in equipment d amage, serious injury , or death.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 3 Overview User Interface Interface a rea N L OAD P OWERED LE D When green, power to the load is on. When flashing yellow , the load is supplied through th e batteries or the unit is in bypass. C HEC K L OG LED When green, a new e vent has b een added to the ev ent log.
Overview: User Interface 4 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Display interface Overvi ew sc reens. When the s ystem is runni ng, the displ ay will scrol l through sc reens showi ng informat ion about the syste m, and any act ive alarms.
Overview: User Interface 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 5 Menu tre e Caution: Do not make cha nges to any scr eens that are not desc ribed in this manual wit hout the assis tance of APC Cust omer Support. For APC W orld-W i de Customer Suppor t telephone numbers, see the back c over of this manual.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 7 Operation Operation Modes In an inst allat ion wit hout a main tenanc e bypass panel, the UPS has f our dif f erent operat ion modes. If the ins tallation includes a PDU-XR o r an external maintenance b ypass panel, wrap-around maintena nce bypass mod e will also b e available .
8 Symmetra PX 16 0 kW 400 V O peration 990-3015-00 1 Operation Procedures Note: If the s ystem does n ot contain a PDU-XR, the Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q5 s witches a re located on an optiona l externa l maintenance byp ass panel. Refer to the documentat ion included wi th the maintenanc e bypass pa nel for a dditional i nformatio n.
Operation: Operation Pr ocedures 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 9 Set the upstream mains p ower to the OFF or LOCKED OUT position.
Operation: Oper ation Procedures 10 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Set th e Q2 sw it ch on the PDU- XR to t he OFF posi tion. T urn the UPS off using the di splay . Set th e Q1 sw it ch on the PDU- XR to t he OFF posi tion.
Operation: Operation Pr ocedures 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 11 How to return to normal op eration Set the DC D ISCONNECT switch on all of the XR Battery enclosures a nd the PDU-XR to the ON positi on. Set th e Q1 sw it ch on the PDU - XR or e xtern a l main t enanc e bypa ss pan el to the ON pos ition .
Operation: Oper ation Procedures 12 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Press E SC t o go back to the UPS Contr ol screen and select UPS int o Bypass . Note: The H2 LED next to the Q2 s witch wil l illumin ate, indi cating th at it is sa fe to operat e the Q2 swit ch.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 13 Configuration System Settings How to chang e the date and time Use the UP and D OWN a rrow keys to na vigate throu gh the menu s creens. T o cha nge a settin g, press E NTER and use the UP and D OWN arrow k eys to change t he selecti on.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 15 Maintenance Part s Replacement How to determin e if you ne ed a replacement part T o determ ine if you ne ed a repla cement part, c ontact APC Customer Support an d follow the procedur e below so that the APC Custo mer Support representativ e can assist you promptl y: 1.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 16 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 Replacement part s W arning: Only trained per sons familiar with the co nstruction and o peration of the equipment, as well as the electrical and me chanical hazards involved, may install and remove system components.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 17 How to remove a po wer modu le T urn the locking l atch down unti l the arrow point s down. Unscrew th e spring-act ivated k nobs on both sides of the module.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 18 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 990-3015-0 01 How t o repl ace a power manageme nt per ipher al Loosen th e two Phill ips screws on both sides of the card a nd carefu lly pull it out of the e nclosure. Note: Revers e the procedu re to ins tall a repl acement card.
Maintenance: Par ts Replacement 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 40 0 V Operation 19 How to replace a b attery module . Holding th e handle, g ently lift t he batter y unit and pull it halfway out. A lock mechani sm prevents i t from bein g pulled all the way out.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 21 T roubleshooting UPS Alarms This sec tion li sts all of the alar m and stat us messages that mi ght be displ ayed on t he disp lay inte rface. A suggest ed correc tive action is listed wi th each messag e to help t o troublesho ot the pr oblem.
Troubl eshoo ting: U PS Al arms 22 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990 -3015-001 External DC Disconnect Switch Open The external DC DIS CONNECT switch tripped. Battery power is not available or the runtime is lower than expected. Close the external DC D IS CONNECT switc h.
Troubl eshootin g: UPS Alarm s 990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 16 0 kW 400 V Ope ration 23 Low Battery The UPS is in battery operation and the battery charge is low . No corrective actio n necessary . Note: Runtime is limited. Shu t down the system and the load equipment or restore incoming voltage.
Troubl eshoo ting: U PS Al arms 24 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990 -3015-001 Redundant Intelligen ce Module Fault The redundant intelligence module has failed and req uires replacement. Replace the redundant intelligence mo dule. See “How to replace an intelligence mo d- ule (MIM/RIM)” on page 18.
990-3015 -001 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 25 Modular Distribution fault list The displ ay interfa ce will ident ify the number of the power d istributi on module tha t has caused a n ala r m or wa r nin g. Display Message Meaning Corr ective Action High Modu le Current The high modul e current threshold has been exceeded.
26 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V O peration 990-301 5-001 PDU fault list Disp l ay Messa ge Mean ing Correc tive Ac t ion Maintenance Bypass Alarm The system is in maintenance bypass: the Q2 swi tch is open and the Q3 switch is closed. No corrective action n ecessary .
04/2007 990-3015-001 *990-3015-001* APC W orldwide Cust omer Support Customer s upport for this or any other APC pro duct is av ailable at no char ge in any of the foll owing ways: • V isit the APC W eb site to a ccess docu ments in the APC Kno wledge Base a nd to submit customer support requests .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté APC PDUM160H-B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du APC PDUM160H-B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation APC PDUM160H-B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le APC PDUM160H-B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le APC PDUM160H-B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du APC PDUM160H-B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le APC PDUM160H-B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei APC PDUM160H-B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.