Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SJ-PB(T) du fabricant Hitachi
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL Thank y ou for purchase of “HIT A CHI INVE RTER”. This manual explain s about treatment of “SJ-PB(T) (Profibus-DP Option) ”. By reading t his manual a nd an instru ction manual of inverte r use practi call y for installation , maintenance, and inspection.
- Reque st - Thank you for purchase of “ SJ-PB(T) (Prof ibus-DP Option) ”. This in struction m anual explains abou t treat ment and m ainten ance of “ SJ-PB(T)”. Before using th e product, carefully read this manual with the instruction m anual of inverter , and k eeps it handy for quick reference of operator a nd maintenance inspector .
SAFETY PRECAU TIONS ! SAFTY PRECAUTIONS Carefully read this manual and all o f the warning lab els attached to the inverte r before installing, operating, maintaini ng, inspecting, i t. Safety p recautions are cl assified into “Warn ing” and “Caution” i n this manual.
SAFETY PRECAU TIONS ! ! W ARNING W ir ing: W iring w ork shall be car ried out by elect rical experts. Other wise, there is a da nger of ele ctric shock, fire an d/or damage of pro duct. Imple ment wiring after checking that the pow er supply is off. Otherwise, there is a da nger of electric shock and/or f ire.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 INSPECTION UPON UNP ACKING Make s ure to treat the pr oduct car efull y not to give shock and vi bration while u npack ing. Check that the produc t is the one you ordered, no def ect, and tha t there is n o dam age during tr ansportat ion.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.3 Outl ine of product SJ-PB(T ) is Profibus -DP com munic ation b oard for SJ300/L 300P ser ies in verter . SJ300/L30 0P ser ies inver ter can get to connec t anot her devic es via Pr ofibus- DP when i nstall SJ-PB(T ). SJ-PB(T ) is pos sible to use for all m odels of SJ 300/L 300P seri es.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.5 Profibus-DP Supported V ersion SJ-PB(T ) can us e follo wing Man ufactur ing num ber (MFG No) of SJ 300/L300 P series. After M anufactu ring n umber : XX8K XXXXXXXXXX XX ( SJ300- 0.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.7 Producti on specification Bacica ly, the en vironm ental spec ific ation of the SJ-P B(T) is in acc ordance with SJ30 0/L300P s eries inverter . Please r efer the instruc tion m anual of SJ300/L 300P ser ies. But onl y applicat ion tem perature of SJ- PB(T) is diff erent.
CHAPTER 2 INST ALLA TION 5 2.1 Mounting method of option board Figure 2-1 describes how t o mount the op tion board t o the option po rt 1 or 2. There are four holes on the option boa rd, match the two of them wit h the screw holes on the option port 1 or 2 .
CHAPTER 3 WIRING, CONNECTING 6 3.1 Physical interface Isolation : The bus is galvanic all y separated f rom the other e lectron ics with an on board DC/DC converter. Bus signals (A-line and B-l ine) are isolated via phot o cou plers. Profibus -DP com munic ation ASIC : VPC3 chip f rom Prof iChip.
CHAPTER 3 WIRING, CONNECTING 7 3.3 Wiring note 1.Install ing / rem oving the c able or co nnector m ust be do ne after check ing the power suppl y off. 2.W iring should not have bare ca bles exposed bet ween connec tor contacts . 3.Network cables should b e fixed witho ut tens ion.
CHAPTER 4 SETTING 8 4.1 Profibus Configuration Follo w the proce dure belo w to set Baud r ate in Pr ofib us-DP a nd Node Addres s, reset th e po wer suppl y after changing the s etting ( setting wi ll be reflec ted after resett ing power suppl y). Initial Node Addres s: 0, Init ial Baud rate: Acc ording to m aster’s settin g.
CHAPTER 4 SETTING 9 4.2 Setting of controlling frequency and sta rt/stop commands The SJ 300/L300P in verters c an be c onfigur ed to tak e ref erence s et-points an d com m ands from several diff erent locations .
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 10 This section describ es how to contr ol the inver ter v ia control wor d/status word and how to acc ess the i nverters param eters. 5.1 PPO- descr iption The struc ture of the user d ata is des ignated as parameter process data objec ts (PPO) in the Prof idrive pr ofile.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 11 5.2 PKW-part The param eter part ( PKW ) is fixed to 4 words and c an be used f or rea ding and/or upd ating the param eters in the inverter one b y one.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 12 Request/Res ponse h andling The AK p ortion of the PKE word def ines the re quest/resp onse t hat ma y be issued. Since par ameter length of the SJ30 0/L300P i nverter m a y vary , param eter values ar e alwa ys trans ferr ed so th at the least s ignif icant b yte is placed in oc tet 8.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 13 5.3 PZD-part In this c hapter the process data par t (PZD) of a PPO is dis cussed. The PZD part c onsists of a fixed p art (PZD1-2 , all PPO ’s) and a pa ram eterable par t (PZD 3-10, shaded gr ey above, P PO 2, 4 an d 5).
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 14 Profidr ive Status W ord (ZSW ): The s tatus word ind icates th e status of the in verter (In verter - > PLC). Status word Bit Va l u e Meaning Remark 1 Ready to sw itch-on Control word b it 0=0 and bits 1, 2, 10 are set t o 1 ( Ready to swit ch-on state).
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 15 START Voltage switched-off, SW=0 OFF3 Active Voltage on CW: bit 0=0 bit 10=1 Not ready for switch-on SW: bit 5=0 SW: bit 0=0 bit 2=0 bit 6=0 CW: bit 0=0 bit 1=1 bit 2=1 bit 10.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 16 5.3.3 PZD w ord 3-10 In PZD word 3-10 t he user can determ ine whic h inverter p aram eters that should be trans ferr ed to/from the inverter ever y bus-c ycle. W ith so m e of the P PO types ( PPO2, 4, 5) it is possib le to rea d and write param eters cyclical ly .
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 17 5.4 Parameter Examples 5.4.1 W ri ting a four byte para meter In this firs t example, PPO 1 is use d to set param eter F002 (1 st Acc elerat ion tim e 1) to 4.00 seconds . Also, a Start comm and and a f requenc y set-point (50%) is given.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 18 In the requ est m essage the f irst two bytes are used f or param eter id entific ation. T he first dig it (7) deno tes th e function “Ch ange par ameter value (arra y word)” (refer to chapter 3. 2). The second digit along with the sec ond byte (3 a nd 93) indic ates par ameter number 916.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 19 5.5 Profidriv e specific parameters The table belo w shows which Pr ofidri ve spec ific par ameter s that are su pported by the SJ- PB(T) . T abl e 5-1 Profidr ive param eters PNU - Parameter Number Descriptio n Range 915 Assignment of PZD write w ord 3-10 Refer to cha pter 5.
CHAPTER5 OPER A TIN G 20 The m alfunction c odes ar e coded as follo ws. T a b l e 5 - 2 M a l f u n c t i o n c o d e s Fault code SJ300/ L300P parameter 947 Fault description 0 No fault 1 Overcurrent inverter . 2 Overcurrent dec eleration. 3 Overcurrent a cceleration.
CHA PT E R 6 COUNTE RMEASURE FOR ABNORMA L Y 21 6.1 T r ip display W hen the i nver ter is in a tr i pped state, the inverter di spla y s an erro r code (See table below). The trip histor y monito r (d081 to d086 ) also displays t he same erro r code as the i nverter .
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 22 Parameter cross-reference list T o be a ble to read/write parameters via Pro fibus it is necessary to use a cross-re ference list to convert fro m Prof ibus par am eters to ac tu al pa ram eter val ues in the inv ert er .
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 23 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e A01 1 36 4 0 ∼ 40 0.00H z *100 O Start freq uenc y set R/W OS A012 37 4 0 ∼ 400. 00Hz *10 0 O End freq uency s et R/W OS A1 1 1 38 4 -400.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 24 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e H033 82 4 0 ∼ 655.35A *10 0 1st N o load c urr ent I o of mot or (A uto ) No R/WOS H233 83 4 0 ∼ 655.35A *10 0 2nd No l oad cu rrent Io of motor (Aut o) No R/W OS H034 84 4 0.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 25 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e b023 126 2 0.10 ∼ 30. 00 *100 Co nsta nt value of Overl oad rest rict ion 1 R/W OS b025 127 2 50.0 ∼ 200. 0 *1 0 Level o f Overload re striction 2 50.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 26 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e C088 164 1 0.0 ∼ 20.0mA *10 Adjustm ent of Offset of AMI o utput R/W C091 16 6 1 00, 01 code Sel ecti on of Debu g mode met hod R/W C041 168 2 0 ∼ 20 0.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 27 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e A045 213 1 20 ∼ 100% *1 Gain of out put volt age R/W A051 214 1 00, 01 code S electi on of DC br aking m ethod R/W OS A053 215 1 0 ∼ 5.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 28 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e b045 252 1 00, 01 c ode Selec tion of LAD stop by t orq ue No R/W OS b035 253 1 00 ∼ 02 .
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 29 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e C021 292 1 00 ∼ 26 code Select ion of func ti on in I ntell ige nt outp ut 1 1 00 ∼ 13.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFERENC E LIST 30 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e P013 329 1 00 ∼ 03 code S electi on of m eth od of P ulse l ines input No R/W OS P016 33.
APPENDIX P ARAMETER CROSS-REFER ENCE LIST 31 Code No. Si ze Ra ng e Magn . Cont ent s L300P Re a d / Wr i t e d084 376 2 0 ∼ 10 00.0V *10 PN v olt age (D C volt age ) of Trip4 RO d084 377 4 0 ∼ 42.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hitachi SJ-PB(T) c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hitachi SJ-PB(T) - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi SJ-PB(T), vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hitachi SJ-PB(T) va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hitachi SJ-PB(T), mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hitachi SJ-PB(T).
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hitachi SJ-PB(T). Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hitachi SJ-PB(T) ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.