Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 24M608 du fabricant Graco
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Operation LineLazer IV 250 SPS Self-Pr opelled Line Striper 3A2090A ti17520a EN For the application of line striping materials. For pr ofessional use only . For outdoor use only . Not for use in hazar dous locati ons or explosive atmospheres. Maximum Ope rating Speed: 10 mph (16 kph) Maximum Ope rating Pressure: 3300 psi (22 .
2 3A2090A Operation T able of Contents W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Component I dentifi cation (S pray er) . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Component Identifi cation (Controls) . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Grounding Pr ocedure (For Flammable Materials O nly) .
Warnings 3A2090A Operation 3 Wa r n i n g s The f ollowing warnings are f or the setup , use, groundin g , maintenance , and repair of this equipment. The e xclamation point symbol alerts you to a gener al war ning and the hazard sym bols refer to proced ure-specific risks.
Warnings 4 3A2090A Operation ENT ANGLEMENT HAZAR D Rotating par ts can cause ser ious injury . • K eep clear of moving par ts. • Do not operate equipment with protectiv e guards or cove rs removed. • Do not wear loose clothing, je welr y or long hair while operating equipment.
Warnings 3A2090A Operation 5 W ARNING BA TTER Y S AFETY The batter y ma y leak, explode , cause burns, or cause an explosion if mishandled. • Only use the batter y type specified f or use with the equipment.
Component Identification (Sprayer) 6 3A2090A Operation Component Identification (Spra yer) 1 3 . 8 . 11. 3 . 12. 10. OFF ON 2. 6. 9. 4. 16. 1. 14. 7. 5.
Component Identifica tion (Controls) 3A2090A Operation 7 Component Identification (Contr ols) 1 Hydraulic Pump V alve 2 Gun T rigg er Control 3 F orward / Rev erse Lev er 4D i s p l a y 5 Engine Th ro ttl e 6 Engin e Ch o ke 7 Gun 1 Selecto r 8 Gun 2 Selecto r 9 Engine Kill / Main P ower Switch 10 12V Accessory J a ck 11 Pressure C ontrol 2.
Grounding Procedure (For Flamma ble Materia ls Only) 8 3A2090A Operation Gr ounding Pr ocedure (For Flammable Materials Onl y) 1. P osition striper so that th e tires are not on pa ve- ment. 2. Ground spr ay er with grounding clamp . Grounding clamp must attach to grounded ob ject (e.
Setup/Startup 3A2090A Operation 9 Setup/Star tup 1. P erf or m Grounding Pr ocedure (page 8) if using flammab le materials. 2. Fill throat packing nut with Throat Seal Liquid (TSL) to decrease packing wear . 3. Check engine oil le vel. Add SAE 10W -30 (summer) or 5W -30 (winter).
Setup/Startup 10 3A2090A Operation 10. Star t en gin e : a. Move fuel v alve to open. b . Move chok e to closed . c. Set thr ottle to fast. d. Set engine s witch ON. e. Pull star ter cord. f . After engine st ar ts, mov e choke to op en. 11. Set main power s witch ON.
Setup/Startup 3A2090A Operation 11 14. Increase pr essure control enough to star t pump . Allow flui d to circulate f o r 15 seconds . 15. T ur n pressure d own, tur n prim e valv e h orizontal. Disengage gun trigger saf ety . 16. Hold gun agai ns t grounde d me ta l flus h in g pa il.
Gun Placement 12 3A2090A Operation Gun Placement Install Gun 1. Inser t gun into gun holder . Tigh te n cla mp. P osition Gun 2. P osition gu n: up /d own, forward/re verse, left/right. See Gun P ositions Chart , page 17 f or e xamples. 3. Use the Gun Selector Swit ches to deter mine which guns are activ e.
Gun Placement 3A2090A Operation 13 Gun Arm Mounts This unit is equipped with front an d rear gun ar m mounts . Change Gun P osition (Fr ont and Back) 1. Loosen gun a r m knob and remo ve from gun ar m mounting slot. 2. Slide gun arm assembly (including gun and h oses) out from gun arm mounting slot.
Gun Placement 14 3A2090A Operation 3. Loosen gun mountin g wing nut and remo ve gun mount. 4. Slide gun arm assembly out from gun arm mounting slot. Installation 1. Slide gun arm assembly into gun a rm mounting slot. 2. Install gun mount onto gun arm assembly an d tighten gun mount wing nut .
Gun Placement 3A2090A Operation 15 Gun Cable Adjustment Adjusting the gun cable will increase or decreas e the gap between the tr ig g er plat e and the gun tr igger . T o adjust trigger gap , perf or m the steps below . 1. Use wrench to loosen loc king nut on cab le adjuster .
Gun Placement 16 3A2090A Operation Ch an ge T ri g ger P os it ion Re m ova l 1. Remov e both hand grips fro m handle bar (spr aying compressed air int o en d of handle grip works well f o r this ). 2. Use an allen wrench to lo osen bolt on tr igger mo unt- ing clamp .
Gun Placement 3A2090A Operation 17 Gun P ositions Char t 1 O ne line 2 O ne line up to 24 in. (61 cm) wide. 3 T wo lines 4 One gun curb 5 T wo gun curb ti18553a 2 3 4 5 1.
Driving Instructions 18 3A2090A Operation Driving Instructions Pe r fo r m Startup , page 9. Use the handle bars of the Lin eStr iper to control all motion during oper ation. In addition to stee r ing the LineStriper , the handle bars also control f orwa rd and re verse mo vement b y pulling the f orward/re v erse control le ver .
Driving Instructions 3A2090A Operation 19 Drive Engagement The wheel motor bypass v alve allo ws the operator to disengage the wheel t ension and push the unit around. Rotate one co mplete tur n counter-clockwise to disengage . Straight Line Adjustment The front whe el is set to center the unit and allow the operat or to f orm straight lines.
Driving Instructions 20 3A2090A Operation Platf orm Storage P osition 1. Raise stand and pin self-loc ks. 2. T o lower stand, pull pin and lower stand. Fr ont P ad Adjustment 1. Loosen f our bolts . 2. Slide pad up or down to desired po sitio n. 3. Tighten f our bolts.
Smart Control Overview 3A2090A Operation 21 Smar t Contro l Over view Quic k Guide.
Smart Cont rol Operation 22 3A2090A Operation Smar t Contro l Operation Initial Setup 1. Select appropriate language . ENG = English SP A = Spanish FRE = F rench DEU = German NO TE: Languages can also be changed later . 2. Select appropriate units of measur e.
Smart Cont rol Operation 3A2090A Operation 23 6. Press SETUP twice to m ove t o CALIBRA TION & UNITS display . Se t TRA VEL DIST ANCE to 25 ft. Longer distan ces ensure better accur acy , depend- ing on conditions . 7. Align calibratio n bar rear edge with 1 f oot on steel tape.
Smart Cont rol Operation 24 3A2090A Operation Change Units or Language 1. Press SETUP twice to m ove t o CALIBRA TION & UNITS display . Select C HAN GE UNITS . 2. While in CHANGE UNITS displa y , press CHANGE to change units or N EXT to move to the next unit of measure .
Smart Cont rol Operation 3A2090A Operation 25 Operation in Manual Mode 1. Make sure engine is running and main pow er s witch is on. 2. Use Gun Selector Switches to select gu ns and line type. 3. Press and hold Gun T r igger Control but ton to spra y a line.
Smart Cont rol Operation 26 3A2090A Operation Adv anced: Preset Skip P atterns 1. A Preset Skip P attern can be modified fo r a custom patter n. From AU T O M O D E press SETUP ke y to get preset patt er ns. 2. Use SELECT ar row ke ys to choose wh ich preset patter n you wish to modify .
Smart Cont rol Operation 3A2090A Operation 27 P arking Lay out Mode NO TE: Please use the 286111 tip pro vided with striper f or parking lot la yout work.
Smart Cont rol Operation 28 3A2090A Operation Angle Stalls 1. Angle stalls require th e operator to input stall angle and depth. The A uto-La yout System calculat es the offset dista nce based on this input. 2. F r om P ARKING LA Y OUT MODE pres s SETUP two times for ANGLE CALC .
Smart Cont rol Operation 3A2090A Operation 29 Marker Mode 1. Press th e MODE ke y to select P arking La yout Mode. 2. Press SETUP three tim es to select M arker Lay ou t Mode. 3. Use SELEC T and EDIT k eys to set up reflective marker patter n. A utomatic marker la yout e xample shows typical lane line lay out f or reflective markers.
Smart Cont rol Operation 30 3A2090A Operation Measure Mode 1. Press SETUP once from Manual Mode display . 2. Press Gun T rigger Control and mo v e st riper f orw ard or bac kward (bac k ward is a negativ e distance). 3. Press Gun T rigger Control to end measured len g th.
Cleanup 3A2090A Operation 31 Cleanup 1. P erf or m Pressure Relief Pr ocedure , page 8. 2. Remove guard and SwitchTip. 3. Unscrew cap , remov e filt er . Assemble without filter . 4. Clean filter , guard and SwitchTip in flushing fluid. 5. Place siphon tube set in g rounded metal pail par- tially filled with flushing fluid.
Hydraulic Oil/Filter Change 32 3A2090A Operation Hydraulic Oil/Filter Change Remo val 1. Relieve pressure , page 8. 2. Place drip pan or rags under spr ay er to catch h ydraulic oil that dr ains ou t. 3. Remove drain plug. Allow h ydraulic oil to drain.
Technical Sp ecifications 3A2090A Operation 33 T echnical Specifications W etted P ar ts: PTFE, Nylon, p o lyurethane, V -Max, UHMWPE, fluoroelastomer , acetal, leather , tungsten carbide, stainless steel, chrome plat ing, nick el-plat ed carbon steel, ceram ic LineLazer IV 250 SPS (Models 24F307, 24K960, 24K961, 24K962, 24M608) U.
Notes 34 3A2090A Operation Notes.
Notes 3A2090A Operation 35 Notes.
All written and visual data con tained in th is document reflects the late st product information availabl e at the time of publica tion. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. For patent information, see nts.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 24M608 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 24M608 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 24M608, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 24M608 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 24M608, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 24M608.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 24M608. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 24M608 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.