Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 160 du fabricant Emerson
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HIPULSE U UPS Single Module And “1+N” (Expandable) 160/200/300/400kVA User Manual Version V1.0 Revision date April 29, 2008 BOM 31011661 Emerson Network P ower provides customers with technical support. Users may contact the nearest Emerson local sales offi ce or service center.
This man ual cont ains i nformation concerning t he inst allati on and ope ration of th e HIPULSE U sing le module (exp andable ) UPS of Emerson Netw ork Pow er Co., Ltd. (Emerson fo r short). All releva nt part s of the man ual should be rea d prior to commenc ing inst allatio n.
The Manual Describes The Following Equipment: Equipmen t Model 160kVA UP S (6-pul se) HIPULS E U/160/S/ 6P 160kVA UPS (12-pulse ) HIPULSE U/160/S /12P 200kVA UP S (6-pul se) HIPULS E U/200/S/ 6P 200kV.
Safety Precautions Conformity and standards This equi pment c ompli es with the foll owing req uiremen ts: Normative ref erences: Uninterruptible P ower System (UPS).
Batteri es Battery manufacturers supply details of the ne cessary preca utions to be observed whe n working on, or in t he vicinity of, a large bank of battery cells.
Contents Chapter 1 General Descr iption .. ......... ......... ............ .......... ........... .......... ......... ............ ......... ..... .. .......... ........... .......... ......... ... 1 1.1 Features ... ......... ............ .........
3.3.2 Batter y Control ........ ........... .......... ........... .......... ............ ......... ............ ......... .......... .... ... ........... .......... ......... . 23 3.4 Connecting Main Cabinet A nd Side Cabinet .......... ............
6.5.1 Temperature Consid erations .............. ............ ......... ......... ............ ......... ............ .......... ........ .......... .......... ... 47 6.5.2 Batter y Population .. ........... .......... ........... .......... .........
9.2 UPS Key Compo nents And Their Lives ..................... ......... ......... ............ ......... .......... ............ ....... ....... ........... ...... 62 9.2.1 Magnetic Components: Transformer, Induc tor ....... ......... ............ ...
Chapte r 1 Gen eral De scripti on 1 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Chapter 1 Gene ral Description This cha pter b riefly intr oduces t he featu res, design concept an d operat ion mode of t he HIPULSE U UPS.
2 Ch apter 1 General Descri ption HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 1.2.2 Bypass Supplies The circuit bl ock annotated “Static switch” in Fi.
Chapte r 1 Gen eral De scripti on 3 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Return of pow e r ma i ns When the m ains return s within th e require d to.
4 Ch apter 1 General Descri ption HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Operating proce dures in ECO mode are the same as those described in Chapter.
Chapte r 1 Gen eral De scripti on 5 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Auto -rest art mod e The batt ery become s exhau sted follow ing a n extended AC mains failure. The inverter shut s dow n when the b attery reaches t he end-of-d ischarge volta ge (EOD).
6 Ch apter 2 M echanica l Installa tion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation This cha pter bri efly introduce s t.
Chapter 2 Mech anical In stall ation 7 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 2.2.2 Battery Location T emperature is a ma jor facto r in dete rmining t he battery life and cap acity . Battery manufa cturers quot e figures for an operating tempe rature of 20° C.
8 Ch apter 2 M echanica l Installa tion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 2.4 Preliminary Checks Before you in sta ll the UPS ha rdware you sh ould ca rry out the fo llowing pr elimina ry checks: 1.
Chapter 2 Mech anical In stall ation 9 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Top view Base view Air outlet 1685 1197 843 40 104 424 155 40 103 104 244 105 46 14 holes for secur ing unit to floor (if required) Grille for air entry from the bottom Surface loading of UPS 4 × 104c m , 2.
10 Chapter 2 Mechanical Inst allation HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Front view Side view Back view Top view 1903 Remo vab le grille for lift.
Chapter 2 Mech anical Install ation 11 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual To p view Air outlet 1685 1626 Base view 155 104 424 155 235 843 104 244.
12 Chapter 2 Mechanical Inst allation HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual >1685 >1655 1641 1910 843 632 108 610 873 610 正 视图 俯 视.
Chapter 2 Mech anical Install ation 13 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual > 1685 2293 1910 并柜固定螺栓( 6 个) 843 2273.
14 Chapter 2 Mechanical Inst allation HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 651 前 门 104 104 20 491 148 156 2275 390 1451 1641 156 530.
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 15 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Chapter 3 Electrical Installation This chapter introduces the el ectrica.
16 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 3.1.3 General Notes The foll owing are gu ideline s only and su perseded by local regulati ons and cod es of pra ctice wh ere applica ble: 1.
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 17 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual The presence of a radio frequ ency interfer ence (RFI) suppr ession filt er inside the UPS determines a residual earth current greater th an 3.
18 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 6. Connect the system outpu t cables bet ween the outp ut busbars ( N3-U3-V3-W3 terminals) and the criti cal load and tighten t he conne ctions to 13 Nm (M8 bolt ), to 26 Nm (M10 bo lt), and t o 50 Nm (M1 2 bolt).
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 19 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual U1 X3 Q1 Q5 W2 V1 W1 V3 U3 N3 W3 V2 U2 Q2 Q3 N2 助端子 辅 接盒 线.
20 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 3.3 Control Cabling 3.
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 21 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 1. Batt ery en vironmen t, batt ery ground fau lt and generat or su pply det ection port (J4) The batter y environment, b attery ground fault and gen erator sup ply detecti on port is desc ribed in T able 3 -3.
22 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Table 3-5 Description of dry contact outp ut port Positi on Name Description J13.2 B FP_O Bypass fee dback protection relay (NO) J13.
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 23 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 2. Intellislot intelli gent communicatio n ports There are three in tell.
24 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Table 3- 8 Des cripti on of auxi liary termin al block X3 X3 terminal r.
Chapter 3 El ectrical Ins tallation 25 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual A am plif i ed v iew A Si de c abinet M ain c abi net Nu t M1 0 Spring w.
26 Chapter 3 Electric al Installat ion HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual W3 0 3 - 2 W 300-3 W300-2 W 98-13 W9 8-12 W41-5 W45-5 W45-4 I1-J 9 W302.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 27 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Chapter 4 Operator Control And Display Panel This cha pter.
28 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual LED Sta t e Description Steady green UPS output ON and normal.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 29 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual HIPULSE U 2006-01-01 12:30: 36 200kVA-3X 3 Unit #1 Normal ? Bypass Main Vphase V Iphase A Freq. Hz Vline V P.
30 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual No. Menu Item Expla nation Sout (kVA) Apparent pow er Pout (k.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 31 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual No. Me nu Item Explanation Communication a ddress This setting applies to RS485 commun ication and the “one-to-multiple points” commun ication mode of parallel system .
32 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Current r ecord w indow Keeps a log of current alarms, ignores transient condition s that have be en resolv ed. Use F1, F2 and F 3 to read the alarm me ssages.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 33 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 4.2.2 Primary Screen After the UPS starts and finishes system test, the primar y screen will appear, as shown in Figure 4-5.
34 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual F2 F4 H EL P F1 F3 ? Q3 Q2 Q1 Q5 Help information Select the previous menu item Select the current record w i nd ow Select the next menu item Figure 4-7 Help screen Operation of the HELP key: 1.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 35 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 4.4 UPS Alar m Message L ist T able 4-8 provides the compl.
36 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Alarm mes sage Description REC FLASH UPDATE Ongoing upd ate o.
Chap ter 4 Operat or Cont rol And Di splay Pa nel 37 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Alarm message Description Inverter overtemp. The temperature of th e inverter heat sink is too high to keep inverter running.
38 Chapter 4 Operator Control An d Display Panel HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Alarm mes sage Description Byp. feedback fault UPS feeds output v oltage back to the mains grill throug h bypass due to shortcircuit of static sw itch on bypass side du ring mains failur e.
Chapter 5 Ope rating Inst ructions 39 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Chapter 5 Operating Instructions This cha pter provi des det ailed ope rating notes and instru ctions of th e HIPULSE U UPS.
40 Chapter 5 Operating Instruc tions HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Q1 Q2 Q5 Q3 X3 修插座 维 : 用 于工 程行 维护 师进 UPS 使.
Chapter 5 Ope rating Inst ructions 41 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 5.2 Start-Up Procedu re (Into Normal Mode) This proc edure must be follow.
42 Chapter 5 Operating Instruc tions HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Follow previous 5.2 St art-UP Procedure (Into Normal Mod e) and observ e .
Chapter 5 Ope rating Inst ructions 43 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 3. Wait until the test com pletes. After fi ve seconds , a pop window will app ear to showing the result of this dia gnosis: re ctifier, inverter, mo nitor OK or fault .
44 Chapter 5 Operating Instruc tions HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 1. Press the EPO butt on on the UPS d oor . This will disable rec tifie r , inverter , static sw itch and ba ttery operation.
Chapter 5 Ope rating Inst ructions 45 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 5.10 Auto Restart When the ma ins power fai ls, the UPS draw s power from th e battery system to supp ly the load unti l the batte ries are depleted.
46 Chapter 6 Ba ttery HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Chapter 6 Battery This cha pter intr oduce s the batt ery , including the battery safety.
Chapte r 6 Battery 47 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual adequ ate ventila tion and heatin g of the cells. Boo st chargin g must not be applie d to valve regulat ed cells as thi s will cause th em to overcha rge and sub sequent ly vent.
48 Chapter 6 Ba ttery HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 6.6 Battery Protection The batter y is connected to the UPS throu gh a BCB whic h is manuall y closed and electronica lly tripped through the UPS control ci rcuitry .
Chapte r 6 Battery 49 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual [ BCB: A BCB is general ly installed in an enclosure on the wal l close to the batter y installation. The connection of BCB bo x availa ble for the HI PULSE U UPS is des cribed in th e followin g sectio n.
50 Chapter 6 Ba ttery HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 660 167 4- Ф 13 Knockout Figure 6-4 Inst allation hole d imensions for floor mounting of BCB box of 30 0/400kV A UPS (unit: mm) The batter y circuit break er (BCB) box con tains a BCB and a BCB control board (ULK366SC1).
Chapter 7 “1+N” System 51 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Chapter 7 “1+N” System This chapt er introdu ces the inst allati on procedure s, operati ng instruct ions of the “1+N” sy stem, and the inst allati on of the du al bus sys tem, of the HIPUL SE U UP S.
52 Chapter 7 “1+N” S ystem HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 7.2.2 Cabinet Inst allation Place the UPS modules side by side and inte rconnect as show n in Figure 7-1.
Chapter 7 “1+N” System 53 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 7.2.5 Control Cab les Parallel Ca ble Shielded and double insulated control ca bles avai lable in length up to 20 meters mu st be must be interconne cted in a ring configur ation bet ween UPS modules as shown in Figure 7-2 .
54 Chapter 7 “1+N” S ystem HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 7.3.1 Start-Up Procedure (In to Normal Mode) This pro cedure mu st be follow ed.
Chapter 7 “1+N” System 55 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 8. Che ck that no w arning messag e is disp layed in the t op right corner of the.
56 Chapter 7 “1+N” S ystem HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 7.4.3 Power Cables The wiri ng of power cables i s similar t o that of single m odule sy stem.
Chapter 7 “1+N” System 57 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Parallel board X2 -1 X2 -2 X1 - 2 X1- 1 X4 04116113 15m D B9-DB25 04116319 20m DB.
58 Chapter 8 Specifications HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Chapter 8 Specifications This chapter pr ovides the s pecifications of the HIPULSE U UPS.
Chapter 8 Specif ications 59 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual Power rating (kV A) Item Unit 160 (6-pulse) 160 (12-pulse) 200 (6-p ulse ) 200 (12.
60 Chapter 8 Specifications HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 8.6 Electrical Characte ris tics (Inverter Output) Table 8- 6 Elect rical c haract.
Chapter 8 Specif ications 61 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 8.8 Electrical Character istics (System Performance) Table 8-8 Electrical characte.
62 Chapter 9 Service & Maintenance HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Chapter 9 Service & M aintenance Regula r service and mainte nance a re require d during t he long t erm ope ration of the UPS sy stem (inc luding th e associ ated battery ).
Chapte r 9 Service & Mai ntenan ce 63 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 9.2.5 Lives And R ecommended Replacem ent Time Of Key C omponents The key component s li sted in T able 9-1 are used in the UPS.
64 Appe ndix 1 T ransportati on Restrai nts Remov ing Pr ocedures HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual Appendix 1 Transportation R estraints Removing Procedures 1.
Appendix 1 Transporta tion Restrain ts Removing Procedures 65 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 5. Rei nstall the inst allat ion hole cover and the lowe r switch b aff le plate w ith the sc rews remo ved in step 1.
66 Appe ndix 1 T ransportati on Restrai nts Remov ing Pr ocedures HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 2. There is a tra nsportation restraint res pectivel y on the right side and left side at the botto m of the output tr ansformer.
Appendix 1 Transporta tion Restrain ts Removing Procedures 67 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 3. 400kVA UPS Trans portation Restraints Re moving Procedures Transform er trans po rtation re strain ts removi ng procedures for UPS with 6-pulse re ctifier 1.
68 Appe ndix 1 T ransportati on Restrai nts Remov ing Pr ocedures HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N” (Expan dable) 160/ 200/300/400k VA User Manual 3. Remove the two transportation res trains in the front of the outpu t transformer , as shown in Figure 9.
Appendix 1 Transporta tion Restrain ts Removing Procedures 69 HIPULSE U UPS Singl e Module And “1+N ” (Expandable) 160/200/300/40 0kVA User Manual 3. Remove the t wo transportation restraints at the back of the phase-shifting transfor mer , as sh own in Figure 1 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson 160 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson 160 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson 160, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson 160 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson 160, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson 160.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson 160. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson 160 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.