Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 115-480 du fabricant Emerson
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AC P ow er For Business-Criti cal C on tinuity™ Li eb er t ® APM ™ Us er Man ual–15-90kV A, 120, 208, 480 and 600V , 50/60Hz.
i T ABLE OF CONTENTS I MPORT ANT S AFETY I NSTRUC TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 G LOSSARY OF S YMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii 3.4 Dry Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.4.1 Input Dry Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii 9.4 Alarm Buzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 9.5 LCD Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv 11 . 0 S PECIFICATI ONS AND T ECHN ICAL D ATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 11.1 Conformity and Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v FIGURES Figure 1 Cabinet arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 2 Liebert Fle xPower assembly indicators and co ntrols . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Figure 49 Single module block diagram—Dual input co nf iguration with three-breaker Liebert BDC . . . . 73 Figure 50 Block diagram—Single input conf ig uration with fo ur-breaker internal bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Figure 51 Overv iew of control panel .
vii TA B L E S Table 1 Component service life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Table 2 Battery voltage, nom inal and float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Table 50 Bypass input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Table 51 Battery voltage reco rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 I MPORT ANT S AFETY I NSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This manual co ntains important instructio ns that should be followed du ring installation of the Liebert ® APM ™ , Liebert Bypass Dist ribution Cabin et ™ and batteries (where applicable).
2 Ground Leakage Current s NOTICE Risk of improper ground connect ion. Can cause equipment damage. Ground connection is essential before connecting the inp ut supp ly. This equipment must be grounded in accordance with local electrical codes. Maximu m load must not exceed that shown on the UPS rating label.
3 Battery Cabinet Precautions The following warning appl ies to all battery ca binets supplied with UPS systems. Addit ional warnings and cautions applicab le to battery cabinets may be found in 4.
4 G LOSSARY OF S YMBOLS Risk of ele ctr ical sho ck Indicates caution followed by important instructions AC input AC output Requests the user to consult the manual Indicates the unit contains a valve-.
Introd uction 5 1.0 I NTRODUCTION The Liebert ® APM ™ UPS is a transformer-free, hardware-s calable, onli ne un interruptible power system with 208/12 0V input and 208/120V output capa bility. The Liebert APM can operate with either a 50 or 60Hz input and provide a matching output.
Introd uction 6 1.2 Battery Maintenance 1.2.1 Battery Safety Precautions Servicing of batteries should be performed or supe rvised by personnel know ledgeable of batte ries and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized person nel away from batteries.
Introd uction 7 NOTICE Risk of equipment damage. Batte ries should be clea ned with a dry cloth or a cloth li ghtly moistened with water. Do not use cleaners on the batteries.
Introd uction 8 Other DC Sources If the UPS system uses a DC source other than a factory-supplied Matching Battery Cabinet, perform maintenance on the DC source as recommended in the DC source manufacturer’s maintenance manual, available on the manufacturer’s Web site.
Installation 9 2.0 I NST ALLATION This section describes the Liebert ® APM ™ ’s environmental requirements and mechani cal considerations that m ust be take n into account when pla nning the positioning and cablin g of the UPS equipment.
Installation 10 2.1 Initial Inspections 1. While the Liebert ® APM ™ and ancillary ca binet s a re stil l on the truck, inspect the equipment and shipping contai ner for any signs of damage or mishan dling. Do not attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.
Installation 11 2.3.2 Environment al Considerations Before installing the Liebert ® APM ™ , verify that the UPS room satisf ies the environmental conditions stipulated in 11.2 - UPS Environmental , paying particular attentio n to the ambient temperature and air exchange system.
Installation 12 2.5 Mechanical Considerations The Liebert ® APM ™ is constructed with a steel frame and removable panels. Top and side panels are secured to the chassis by screws. The doors may be opened for access to power connections bars, auxiliary ter mina ls blocks and power switches.
Installation 13 2.5.4 Special Consid erations for Parallel Systems 1. Consider the groundi ng configuration of th e UPS system before finalizing module pl acement. For optimal ground performance, the Liebert ® APM ™ modules should be close together.
Installation 14 2.6.1 Optional Cabinet s If the Liebert APM installation in cludes a Liebert BDC, the UPS mu st be positioned to allow the Liebert BDC to be bolted to ri ght side of the Liebert APM (see Figure 1 ). The Liebert BDC must be cabled and bolted to the Liebert APM before the UPS and bypass cabinet are moved into their final position .
Installation 15 The Fault LED wi ll illuminate red when the Liebert FlexPower assembly has a problem. 2.9 St atic Bypass Assembly Figure 3 S t at ic byp ass assembly conn ections The Static bypass assembly has three Liebert Inte lliSlot interface card ba ys and connections for ancillary cabi nets (Liebert B DC and battery) an d for options.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 16 3.0 E LECTRICAL C ONNECTIONS —UPS The UPS requires both power and co ntrol cabling once it has been me chanically installe d. All control cables must run separate from power cables in metal conduits or metal ducts that are electrically bonded to the metalwork of the cabi nets to which they are connected.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 17 3.2.1 Rectifier and Byp ass Input Su pply of the UPS Overcurrent s Install suitabl e protective devices in the distribution unit of the incoming mains supply, considering the power cable current-carrying capacity and ov erload ca pacity of t he system.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 18 3.2.4 UPS Input Configuration By default, the Liebert ® APM ™ ships with internal l inks installed between th e bypass input and main (rectifier) input (single inp ut con fi gur ati on see Figure 48 ). Figure 4 shows the Liebert APM in a split bypass ( single source dual-input ) configuration.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 19 3.2.5 Cabling Guidelines The following are guidelines only and are superseded by local regulations and codes of pract ice where applicable.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 20 3.2.6 Cable Connection s The rectifier input, bypass output and battery are ea sily accessible from the right side of the unit for installation. All require lug type termina tions. They are connected to busbars on the right side of the Liebert ® APM ™ , as shown in Figures 5 and 6 .
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 21 Figure 6 Input busbars —Lieb ert APM 90kV A frame.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 22 Figure 7 Liebert BDC.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 23 Figure 8 Busbars—Liebert BDC.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 24 Figure 9 Busbars—Extern al 600mm battery cabinet.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 25 Figure 10 Busbars—Ex ternal 900mm b attery cabinet.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 26 3.2.7 Accessory Fuses and Bac kfeed Breaker Wiring Two fuse blocks provide power for the backfeed breaker s (standard) and the BDSi (optional). See Figure 11 for fuse holder location s. The backfeed breaker fuse block provides 120V no minal provid ed from the UPS output (L-N) a nd the fuse is rated for 8 amps.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 27 3.2.8 Safety Ground The safety ground busbar is below the neut ral input an d output busbars as shown in Figure 13 below. The safety ground cable must be connected to the ground busbar and bonded to each cabinet in the system.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 28 Figure 13 Ground and neutral busba r connections—45kV A frame busbars.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 29 Figure 14 Ground and neutral busba r connections—90kV A frame busbars.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 30 3.2.9 Protective Devices For safety, it is necessary to install circuit brea kers in the input AC supp ly external to the UPS system.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 31 Split By p ass Connections 6. If a split bypass config uration is used, connect the AC input su pply cables to the rectifier input terminals (A1-B1-C1-N1) and the AC bypass supply cables to the bypass input terminals (A2-B2-C2-N1 ) and tighten the connections to 24 0lb-in.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 32 Figure 15 St atic byp ass assembly connections to display cabinet and op tions Figure 16 Auxiliary terminal block det ail (st atic switch assembly front pa nel) NOTE Terminal block connectors are on the le ft side of the st atic bypass assembly.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 33 3.4 Dry Cont act s The UPS provides input dry contac ts and output dr y contacts on the Auxi liary Terminal Block (ATB). 3.4.1 Input Dry Cont acts External input dry contacts are connected via the ATB. Dry contacts are availab le for en vironment detection, battery ground fault detection, etc.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 34 3.4.2 Output Dry Cont act s The Auxiliary Terminal Bl ock has three output dry contact relays (see Figure 18 and Table 6 ). Figure 18 Output dry cont act s and EPO wiring 3.4.3 Liebert BDC Interface The Liebert BDC interface is on the Auxi liary Terminal Block at J5.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 35 3.4.4 Battery Cabinet Interface Connect ors The battery cabinet interf ace is on the Au xi liary Termina l Block at J8 and J4 . Ref er to Figure 16 for the location of connectors J4 and J8 and to Figure 17 for circuit details.
Electrical Connectio ns—UPS 36 3.4.5 EPO Input—Optional NOTICE Risk of exceeding internal voltage limits. Can cause equipment damage. Do not apply more than 12 V t o the Emerg ency Power Off (EPO) i npu t. Exceed ing 12V on thi s input can damage the Liebert AP M’s internal circuitry and cont rol boards.
Battery Installation 37 4.0 B ATTERY I NST ALLATION 4.1 Introduction Emerson recommends that the batteries in external cabinets be the same typ e and ma de by the same manufacturer as the internal batteries in the Liebert ® APM ™ .
Battery Installation 38 4.3 UPS Batteries—Liebert ® APM 45kV A Frame Only The Liebert APM’s internal batteries are fully charge d before the unit is shipped. Duri ng storage and transportation, some charge is lost. All batteries sh ould be recharged before use.
Battery Installation 39 4.4.2 Connecting the Batteries If the Liebert ® APM ™ battery cabinets are installed on a raised floor, the battery power cables and circuit breaker control cables ma y be routed to the UPS cabinet through the bottom of the cabinet.
Battery Installation 40 Figure 21 Battery trays for 600mm bat tery cabinet HX330 HX300 HX205 HX150.
Battery Installation 41 Figure 22 Battery cabinet with trays for 900mm battery cabinet 603797 Page 1, Rev . 3.
Battery Installation 42 4.4.3 Inst allation Considerations Position —Liebert battery cabinets come in versions specific to the left side of the UPS. If the system includes a matching Liebert BDC, the cabinet should be mounted to the right of th e UPS ( nearest t he busbars) and the battery cabi net (s) should be installed to the left of the UPS.
Battery Installation 43 Figure 23 Battery cabinet connect ion to Liebert APM T able 10 Control wiring for Liebert ® APM ™ to batt ery cabinet From To Liebert APM UPS Bypass Module (X2 J4 & J8) .
Battery Installation 44 4.5 Battery Ground Fa ult Detection Set In addition to any residua l current device mounted externally and upstream the UPS or when optional isolation transformers are fitted to the UPS, an optional resid ual ba ttery current device can be fitted to detect leakage current so as to ensu re the normal op eration of the system.
Liebert ® BDC ™ 45 5.0 L IEBERT ® BDC ™ The Liebert BDC is designed to operate in UP S mode, bypass mode and maintenance mode. The Liebert BDC off ers either 45kVA or 90kVA capaci ty to match the associated Liebert APM frame offerings.
Liebert ® BDC ™ 46 5.1.1 Byp ass Mode When the Liebert BDC is in B ypass mode, it provid es an alternate path fo r power to the connected equipment.
Liebert ® BDC ™ 47 5.4.2 Power Cable Inst allation Refer to Table 43 when selecting cables. 5.4.3 Input/Output W iring Follow the steps be low to connect the input wiring: 1. Locate the input wiring access (top or bottom a ccess) , remove the conduit land ing plate and punch the appropriate size hole for the size condui t being used.
Liebert ® BDC ™ 48 Figure 27 BDC connection to Liebert ® APM ™ NOTE Install jumper on TB1 pins 4 and 5. For startup procedure, see 10.2 - UPS Startup .
Liebert ® BDC ™ 49 5.5 Bolting Cabinet s T ogether 1. Line up cabinets so that mounting holes are aligned. Figure 28 Bolting Liebert ® APM ™ to a Liebert BDC 2. Using supplied hardware, bolt the cabinet s toge ther. The bolts may be in serted from either the UPS side or from the Liebert BDC side, whichever is more convenient.
Installation Drawings 50 6.0 I NST ALLATION D RAWINGS The diagrams in this section illustrate the key mech anical and ele ctrical characteristic s of the Liebert ® APM ™ UPS System cabinets (UPS, Liebert BDC and battery).
Installation Drawings 51 Figure 31 UPS dimensions continued, center of gra vity—side, top and bottom views Refer to T ables 12 and 14 for Dimensions X, Y and Z in each Liebe rt APM model.
Installation Drawings 52 Figure 32 Liebert APM with top fan kit Not es 1. All dimens ions are in inc hes ( m m ). 2. 24" (610) m i nim um c lear anc e abov e unit and 36" ( 914) f ront ac c ess required f or s er v ic e. 3. Keep c abi net within 15 degr ees of ver t ical.
Installation Drawings 53 T able 12 Center of gravity and weight s for Lieber t ® APM ™ 90 kV A frame KVA Rating Center of Gravity Weight, lb (kg) Dimension X in. (mm) Dimension Y in. (mm) Dimension Z in. (mm) Unit Shipping No Internal Options 15 16.
Installation Drawings 54 T able 13 Center of gravity and weight s for Lieber t ® APM 90 kV A frame with top fan option KVA Rating Center of Gravity Weight, lb (kg) Dimension X in.
Installation Drawings 55 T able 14 Center of gravity and weight s for Lieber t APM 45 kV A frame kVA Rating Center of Gravit y Weight, lb (kg) Dimension X in. (mm) Dimension Y in. (mm) Dimension Z in. (mm) Unit Shipping 12HX100 Batteries 15 14.29 (363) 31.
Installation Drawings 56 Figure 33 UPS main component s—typical unit UAM02000 Rev . 2 Liebert APM 90kV A F rame Liebert ® APM ™ 45kV A Frame UAM02000 Rev .
Installation Drawings 57 Figure 34 UPS cable connections—45kV A and 90kV A frames 90kV A frame 45kV A fr ame.
Installation Drawings 58 Figure 35 Battery cabinet connect ion to UPS Refer to T able 1 6 for interconnect wiring.
Installation Drawings 59 Figure 36 Battery cabinet connect ion to UPS (continued) See Figure 23 for additional details. T able 16 Interconnect wiring for Liebert ® APM ™ to battery ca binet Run Fro.
Installation Drawings 60 Figure 37 Battery cabinet outline drawing, we ight s and cent er of gravity , 600mm cabinet.
Installation Drawings 61 Figure 38 Battery cabinet outline drawing, we ight s and center of gravity 900mm ca binet.
Installation Drawings 62 Figure 39 Outline drawing, Liebert BDC for Liebert ® AP M ™ , 15-45kV A Figure 40 Outline drawing, Liebert BDC for Liebert APM , 15-90kV A 6.3" (159) Outsi de Pan el Cable Entry Area 11 . 4 " x 1 3 . 2 " (290 x 335mm) Cable Entr y Are a 1 1.
Installation Drawings 63 Figure 41 Liebert BDC connection to UPS NOTES 1. All Liebert -supplied cable must be repo sitioned prior to an d while the cabinets are being placed in their final installe d location . 2. All interconn ection hardware suppli ed by Liebert.
Installation Drawings 64 See Figure 27 and Table 11 for additional details. Figure 42 Accept able hardware configuration for torque application T able 17 Interconnect wiring for Liebert APM to Liebert.
Installation Drawings 65 Figure 43 Seismic mounting bracket det a ils.
Option Installation 66 7.0 O PTION I NST ALLATION 7.1 Liebert IntelliSlot Communication The Liebert ® APM ™ has three Liebert IntelliSlot ports to allow field -i n stal la tion of opti on al communication cards.
Option Installation 67 7.3 Web Card—Optional An optional Web card is availabl e that prov ides re mote access to the UPS. A wide variety of status and summary in formation is ava ilabl e through an Ethernet connection.
Option Installation 68 7.4 Relay Card The relay card provides voltage-free contact closures for remote monitoring of alarm conditions. Delivering On Battery, On Bypass , Low Battery, Summary Al arm, U.
Option Installation 69 7.5 Liebert ® IntelliSlot ™ MultiPort 4 Card The Liebert IntelliSlot MultiPort 4 ca rd provid es four sets of voltag e-free contact closures for remote monitoring of alarm cond itions UPS operation On Battery and battery low condition.
Option Installation 70 Figure 46 Alber BDSi controller and input connection Input 120V AC 50/60Hz Rear Panel.
Option Installation 71 7.7 Battery T emperature Compensation For a UPS with external batteries, an optional battery temp erature in terface optimizes the external battery management by connecting up to f o u r e x t e r n a l t e m p e r a t u r e s e nsors from the battery cabinets to a control unit inside the UPS.
Operation 72 8.0 O PERATION The Liebert APM operates in the modes shown in Table 22 . This section describes various kinds of operating procedures under each op er ating mode, including transfer between operating modes, UPS setting and procedures for turning on/off inverte r.
Operation 73 Figure 49 Single module block diagram—Dual input configuration with three-breake r Liebert BDC NOTES 1. Install in accordance with na tional and loca l ele c trical codes. 2. Input and b ypass must share t he same sing le source. 3. A neutral is required from the system AC input source.
Operation 74 Figure 50 Block diagram—Single inp ut confi gurat ion with four-brea ker internal byp ass 8.1 St atic Bypass Switch The circuit block labe le d “Static Bypass” in Fi gure 48 contain.
Operation 75 8.2 Operating Modes The UPS is designed to operate as an on-l ine, double-co nversion, reverse-trans fer system in the following m odes: •N o r m a l M o d e •B a t t e r y M o d e .
Operation 76 Maintenance Mode For maintenance or repair, the Liebert ® APM ™ may be operated in main tenance mo de. To place the Liebert APM in maintenance mode, follow the instruction s in 10.4 - Switching the UPS from Normal Operation to Maintenance Bypass .
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 77 9.0 O PERATOR C ONTROL AND D ISPLAY P ANEL 9.1 Operator C ontrol Panel The control panel and LCD on the front of the Liebert ® APM ™ lets the operator: • Turn the UPS On or Off. • Transfer into the various operating modes.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 78 9.2 Mimic Display Indicators Figure 52 Mimic display indicators location Mimic indicators show the oper ational status of the Liebert ® APM ™ by their color—green, amber or red—and whether they are ON (solid), flashing o r OFF.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 79 9.3 Control Buttons The Control Buttons on the front panel may be used to s hut down the UPS co mpletely, turn the inverter on or off, restart the UPS after a fault and silence the alarm, as shown in Figure 53 .
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 80 Figure 54 Alarm buzzer location 9.5 LCD Overview The LCD on the front panel has five main sections, as shown in Figure 55 . Press the F1 key below the LCD to scroll through these sections. • UPS system information - view UPS name and model, date and time, overall status.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 81 9.6 Navigation Keys The navigation keys on the front panel—F1 through F4 and Help—are used to access the LCD to view the current status and other information about the Liebert ® APM ™ . Navigation key icons on the LCD appear abov e each key to indicate its operation (see Table 26 ).
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 82 Figure 56 Menu tree Battery Battery voltage (V) Battery current (A) Battery temper at ur e (°C ) Remain Time Min.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 83 9.8 Language Selection The LCD menus and data display are availa ble in 12 languages (Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russi an, Spa n ish and Swe di sh ). To sele ct a di ff eren t language: 1.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 84 Figure 58 Date and time screen 9.10 UPS History Log The Liebert ® APM ™ displays status changes as they occur and stores that data in the history log , as shown in Figure 59 . • Histor y Log: When a record moves to the history log, the time the status changed is recorded.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 85 9.1 1 T ypes of LCD Screens This section provides a qui ck gu id e to the main type s of LCD screen s. 9.1 1.1 Opening Display As the UPS be gins powe ring up, the opening displa y appears, a s shown in Figure 60 .
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 86 9.1 1.3 UPS Help Screen Press the HELP key below the LCD to display the Help window . (Press the HELP key again to exit the Help window.) 9.1 1.4 Screen Saver Window If there has been no interaction with the Liebert ® APM ™ ’s LCD for 2 minutes, the screen saver window appears.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 87 9.12.3 System Self-T est When a system self-test is comple ted, a pop-up window reports the results of the test, as shown at right.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 88 T able 27 UPS menus and data window items Menu Type Item Type Explanation Mains (input) L-N voltage (V) Phase voltage L-N current (A) Phase current Frequency (H.
Operator Control an d Disp lay Panel 89 Settings Display contrast Adjust t he LCD di splay contrast Date format set Choose the format for date display: YYYY MM DD, DD MM YYYY and MM DD YYYY Date &.
Operation 90 10.0 O PERATION 10.1 Liebert ® APM ™ Operating Modes The Liebert APM can operate in an y of three modes , as shown in Table 28 . This section provides instructions on sw itching betwee n modes, resetting the U PS, switching the inverter On an d Off and performing other operations.
Operation 91 10.2.1 St artup Procedure To start the UPS f rom a fully powere d-down condition : 1. Open the external power switch. 2. Open the UPS door.
Operation 92 10. Close the battery bre ake r. 10.2.2 Switching Between UPS Operation Modes To switch from Normal Mode to Static Bypass Mode —Press the INVERTER OFF button to switch to Bypass Mode (see Figure 53 ). To switch from bypass mode to normal mode —When the UPS is in Bypass Mode, press the INVERTER ON button.
Operation 93 10.3 UPS Battery S t art The battery start option pe rmits starting the Liebert ® APM ™ with power supplied only by the batteries (at charged condition). 1. Verify that the battery cabine t is properly connected (see Figure 24 ) and that the battery breaker is closed.
Operation 94 10.4 Switching the UPS from Normal Operation to Maintenance Bypass Follow the procedure below to transfer the load from the UPS inverter ou tput to the Maintenance Bypass system.
Operation 95 10.5 Switching the UPS from Mainte nance Bypass to Normal Operation Follow the procedure below to transfer the load from the Maintenance Bypass system to the UPS inverter output.
Operation 96 10.6 De-Energize Liebert APM with Maintenance Byp ass Cabinet. To de-energize th e system: 1. On the UPS control pan el, pr ess an d ho ld the INVERTER OFF button for 2 seconds. 2. Open all battery circuit breakers(s) includ ing internal battery breaker (if ap plicable).
Operation 97 10.7 De-Energize Liebert ® APM ™ Without Maintenance Bypass Cabinet To de-energiz e the APM: 1. On the UPS control pan el, pr ess an d hold the INVERTER OFF button for 2 se conds. 2. Open all battery circuit breakers(s) includ ing internal battery breaker (if ap plicable).
Operation 98 Verify that removal of UP S1 from the system bus wi ll NOT overload UPS2 and cause the load to drop. 1. Turn OFF the inverter o n UPS1 (see Figure 65 ). 2. Verify that UPS1 i s now in Static B ypass Mode. 3. Open Battery Breaker(s) for UPS1.
Operation 99 Figure 65 Liebert APM six-breaker buyout p arallelin g configuration UAM01080 Rev . 1 APM UPS 1 APM UPS 2 UIB1 UIB2 MOB2 MOB1.
Operation 100 10.9 APM Procedure from Parallel In verter Operation to W rap-Around Byp ass Note: MBB is OPEN. 1. Turn OFF the Inverter on UPS1. 2. Turn OFF the Inverter on UPS2. 3. Verify that each UPS is now in Static Bypass Mode. 4. Open Battery Breaker(s) for UPS1.
Operation 101 10.12 Auto Restart When the main and bypass sources fail, the UPS dr aws power from the battery system to supply the load until the batteries are depl eted.
Operation 102 Figure 66 Dust filter replacement.
Specifications and Technical Data 103 11 . 0 S PECIFICATIONS AND T ECHNICAL D AT A 1 1.1 Conformity and St andards The Liebert ® APM ™ has been designed to confor m to the following standards: The Liebert APM has UL and c-UL approval.
Specifications and Technical Data 104 T able 35 45kV A Liebert BDC mechanical characteristic s Rated Power, kVA 15-90 Dimensions, W x D x H, in (mm) 23-5/8 x 39-1 /2 x 78-3/4 (600 x 1000 x 2000) Weigh.
Specifications and Technical Data 105 1 1.3 Batteries Approved for Use in Liebert ® APM ™ Systems T able 38 900mm battery cabinet mechanica l ch aracteristics Rated Power, kVA 15 - 90 Dimensions, W.
Specifications and Technical Data 106 1 1.4 UPS Electrical Characteristics Refer to additional ci rcuit breaker notes in 3.2.7 - Acces so ry Fuses and Backfeed Breaker Wiring . NOTE The breakers and cables used must be in a ccordance with NEC ANSI/NFPA 70.
Specifications and Technical Data 107 T able 44 UPS current s and termin als—Output 208V Unit Rating Nominal Output Current OCP Device Rating Bolt Size 75°C Wire Current, tot Wire Maximum Recommend.
Specifications and Technical Data 108 T able 47 Rectifier input Parameter 15- 90kVA Rated AC Input Voltage 3 208/120V or 220/127V, 60Hz, 3- Phase, 4-Wire Plus Ground Input Voltage Range, Startup/Opera.
Specifications and Technical Data 109 T able 49 Inverter output to critical load Parameter 15 - 90kVA Rated AC Voltage 1 208/1 20, 220/127VAC, 60Hz, 3-phase, 3- or 4-wire plus ground Frequency 2 60Hz .
Specifications and Technical Data 110 Figure 67 Battery , circuit breaker and UPS wiring with exte rnal batteries with four connecting wires Figure 68 Battery , circuit breaker and UPS wiring with ext.
Maintenance 111 12.0 M AINTENANCE 12.1 Safety Precautions Observe the safety precautions in Important Safety Instructions on page 1 . Only properly trained and qualified personnel should perform maintenance on the UPS system.
Maintenance 112 12.2 Routine Maintenance Become thoroughly familiar with the equipment, but at no time go beyond the specific procedures in this manual while perf ormi ng maintenance or correcting a malfunct ion.
Maintenance 113 12.2.4 Battery Safety Precautions Servicing of batteri es should be performed or su pe rvised by perso nnel experi enced with b atteri es and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized person nel away from batteries. When replacing batteries, use the sa me number and type of batteries.
Maintenance 114 * To be completed by Liebert Global Services customer engineer at time of start-up. 12.2.5 T orque Requirements All electrical connect ions must be tight. Tables 52 through 54 provide the torque values for the connections in the UPS and batteries.
Maintenance 115 12.3 Detecting T rouble It is important that the operator check the inst rument readings if abnormal equipment performance is suspected. Any metered valu e that differs ap preciably from no rmal could mean an impending malfunction, a nd should be inv estigated.
Maintenance 116 A PPENDIX AH AZARDOUS S UBST ANCES OR E LEMENT S A NNOUNCEMENT T able 56 Hazardous subst ances or element s Part Name Hazardous Substances Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Chrome (C.
Maintenance 117 A PPENDIX BU P S S TA T U S M ESSAGES Table 57 shows all event messages as th ey appear in the cu rrent status area of the LCD or the history log, along with a descrip tion and recommended actions, if any . For fu rther information on the current status area an d the history log, see 9.
Maintenance 118 Inverter Asynchronous This alarm is triggered by an invert er so ftwa re routine when the inverter and bypass wa veforms are misaligned by more than 6 degre es in phase. This alarm resets automati cally once the condition is no longer true.
Maintenance 119 DC Bus Abnormal Shu t off inverter d ue to abnormal DC bus voltage. Contact Liebert Services at 800-543 -2378 for assistance. System Transf er The whole paralleled UPS system transferred to bypass at the same time. This message will appear on the UPS which passive tra nsfer to bypass.
Maintenance 120 Byp. Abnormal Shutdown Both bypass and invert er voltages unavailable. Load in terrup tion. Mains Neutral Lost AC Input mains ref erence neutral not detected. Battery Room Alarm Environment in battery room needs att ention. Rec Flash Update Rectifier firmware is bei ng updated.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson 115-480 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson 115-480 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson 115-480, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson 115-480 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson 115-480, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson 115-480.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson 115-480. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson 115-480 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.