Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit GC32-9172-00 du fabricant Candle
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Candle P r oducts Messages Manual V olume 3 (KL VHS–K ONCT) GC32-9172-00 Febr uar y 20 04 Ca ndle C or po ration 100 N or th S ep ulveda B lvd. El Se gu ndo , C alifor nia 902 45 -9796.
2 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (KL VHS–K ONC T) Reg istered trademarks and service marks of Ca ndle Co rporation: A F/O PERA TOR, AF/REMOTE, Av ailability Comm and Center , C andle, Candle CIRC.
3 Cha pt er 1 . KL V HS001 – KL VSC0 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 2. KL VSD 001 – KLXO P005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Chapter 3.
4 Candle P ro duct s Message s Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT).
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 5 KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 KL VHS001 HANDLE SER VICES MANA GER INITIALIZA TION COMPLETE Explanatio n: Th e Handl e Ser vic es initia lizatio n modu le ha s process ed all inpu t par amet ers and i nit ial ize d the Ha ndl e Services env iro nmen t with out er ro r .
6 Candle P ro duct s Message s Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VHS 011 M AXP OOL S( po ol s ) USIN G( rpool s ), MAXHANDLES( han dles ) USING( rhan dles ) Explanatio n: Th e sp eci fied M AX PO OL S val ue pools was rou nde d to r pools . Th e spec ifie d M AXH AN DL ES v alue han dles was ro unded to r handle s .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 7 KL VHS205 INV ALID RE LEASE HANDLE REQUEST Explanatio n: Th e han dle us e cou nt wa s already z ero du ring t he pro cess ing of a Handl e Se rv ices reque st to r ele ase a ha ndle. System Action: A dum p is prod uce d and th e thread is t erm in ated .
8 Candle P ro duct s Message s Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VHS817 T OT AL E XP ANSIONS = total expans ions Explanatio n: Th e to tal num be r of times the Han dle S er vice s M anag er per for med a handle poo l e xp ansio n. System Action: None. User Response: None.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 9 KL VHS830 INV ALID O WNERID SPECIFIED ON QUER YH SM COMMAND - o w neri d Explanatio n: Th e sp eci fied ow nerid is not a valid log ical resource num ber or was not 8 cha racters lo ng. The ow ner ID mus t includ e al l lea ding ze ros.
10 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VHS843 HANDLES I N POOL = hand les , HANDLES IN USE = inuse Explanatio n: In add iti o n to m ess a ge K L VH S82 2, th is m es sag e is p ri nte d w he n th e QU ERYH SM D ET AIL PO O LID = c om m and is is sue d.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 11 Message T ype: IN F O . KL VHS8 54 M AX IMU M ST ORA GE EVER I N USE = nn nnn Explanatio n: The ma xi mum amou nt o f st ora ge i n the st orag e pool that was ev er i n use. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: IN F O .
12 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) Message T ype: IN F O . KL VIN000 CT/IX I NTERF A CE INITIALIZE D Explanatio n: Th e CT P o six en viro nm en t ha s be en succ ess fu lly esta bl ishe d. System Action: None. User Response: Th is messa ge is info rma tion al.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 13 KL VIN406 ST ARTUP ERR OR: MODULE( modn ame ) R15( r15 ) Explanatio n: Du rin g CT /E ng i ne s ta r t- up, mod ule modname de tect ed a n er r or . r15 s hould ha ve a non zero v alue. System Action: CT/E ngine is ter mina ted after an y subseque nt star t-up modu les ar e invo ked.
14 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VIN412 ST ARTUP MODULE module NO T FO UND Explanatio n: An overrid e stat ement r efer ences a st art-up modul e that is not present in t his CT /E ngine add re ss spac e. System Action: Th e over ride i s ignored an d proce ssing c ontinu es.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 15 User Response: Usi ng th e RC and servi ce na me, det er mi ne the ca use of the e rror , co rr e ct i t , an d r est art CT /E ng i ne. Message T ype: ER ROR. KL VLI001 LOCK MANA GER INTEGRITY ERRO R Explanatio n: An i nte rnal erro r o ccu rred whi le p ro cess ing a l ock .
16 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VLR005 PURGE/CLEANUP EXIT E RROR DETECTED resnum 1 - r esn ame - re snum2 Explanatio n: Th e CT/ Engine log ical resou rce ma nager d ete cted a n er ror d urin g re sou rce p urge or cl eanup proce ssing an d has byp assed a pur ge/cl eanup e xit to a voi d f urthe r p rob le ms .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 17 KL VL W003 LINES WRITTEN: lin es Explanatio n: In r e spon se to th e TL V L OG CT /Eng in e ope ra tor c omm a nd, th is me ssa g e sh ows th e n u mbe r of l ine s th at ha v e bee n w rit te n to the cu r ren tly a c tive RKL VLOG .
18 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: None. User Response: None. Severity: REP L Y . KL VL W022 RKL VLOG IS NO W RECORDING O N ddna me Explanatio n: In resp on se to a TL VL OG SWITCH re q ue s t , C T /E n g in e ha s dyna mica lly allo cate d a SYS OU T field and is no w w riting RK L VLOG me ssage s to it.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 19 KL VL W041 RKL VLOG D A T ASET DISABLED BY PERMANENT ERR OR Explanatio n: A BSAM WRITE is sued ag ainst the c urr entl y act ive RKL VL OG fi le f ail ed be c a use of a p erman ent error . System Action: RKL VLOG reco rdi ng is susp ende d.
20 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNA001 SHO WCB FIELDS=(A CBLEN,RPLLEN) ERROR: R15( r15 ) R0( r0 ) Explanatio n: A VSAM SH OWCB wa s issued to find the ACB and R PL lengths an d faile d. System Action: NAM i nitiali zation ter mina tes wit hout pro cessing a ny other con trol point spec ificat ions.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 21 KL VNA006 D A T ABASE INITIAL LO AD CO MPLETE: DSNAM E( dsn ame ) CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) Explanatio n: Ini tia li za tion has comp le ted su cce ssf ul ly f or th e NA M data bas e dsname i n c ont rol po int cntrlpt . System Action: None.
22 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) Message T ype: WA R N I N G . KL VNA012 GENCB BLK=A CB ERROR: R15( r15 ) R 0( r0 ) Explanatio n: A VS AM GENCB that was i ssue d to cr eate an ACB fai le d. System Action: CT/ Engine init ializa tion ter mina tes.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 23 KL VNA017 D A T ABASE KEY LENGTH NO T n : DSNAME( dsna me ) CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) Explanatio n: Whil e p roc essi ng th e NA M da tab ase ds n ame for cont rol point cntrlpt , an e rror wa s de te cted i n t h e key l eng th. The le ngth mu st be e qual to n .
24 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNA021 D A T ABASE CONTROL R ECORD UPD A TE F AILED: DSNAME( dsn ) CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) Explanatio n: Duri ng NA M initia lization, CT/E ngine atte mpte d to updat e the data base ( dsn ) as socia ted with cont rol point cn trlpt .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 25 KL VNA034 D A T ABASE ALLOCA TION F AILED - RESOURCE ERR OR: DSNAME( dsnam e ) CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) Explanatio n: CT/En gine wa s unable to al lo cate the data set dsname , because of a logic al r eso ur ce manag er err or . Th e control po int cntrlpt a sso ci ated w ith th e data set is a lso dis playe d.
26 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNA101 UNABLE T O A CCESS NAM D A T ABASE: DSNAME( ds nam e ) CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) Explanatio n: Th e ne tw o rk ac ce ss ma na ge r (N AM ) wa s ca lle d to va lida te sec urit y for a user .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 27 System Action: Th is messa ge is inst allat ion spe cific. T he syste m acti on depe nds on th e configu ration o f NAM. If using N AM to do the valida tion, the pa sswo rd def ine d in th e NA M d atab as e wa s di fferen t tha n th e on e en tered a t the te rm in al .
28 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: I f you ar e a user vi ewin g this me ssag e on you r sc r een , su ppl y a valid new pa sswo rd.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 29 KL VNA108 GRO UP A CCESS REV O KED: CNTRLPT( cntrlpt ) USE RI D( user id ) [GROUP ( gro up ] ) [T ER M( ter minal )] [A PPL( ap pl )] Explanatio n: Secur it y vali dati on for the sp eci fie d user fa ile d when t he network ac cess m an age r (N AM) was call ed .
30 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNA110 APPLICA TI ON NOT AUTHORI ZED: CNTRLPT( cntrlp t ) US ERI D( use ri d ) [GROUP ( gro up ] ) [T ER M( ter minal )] [A PPL( ap pl )] Explanatio n: Secur it y vali dati on for the sp eci fie d user fa ile d when t he network acc ess manager (NAM) was cal led to val ida te se curi ty .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 31 KL VNA112 COMMAND NO T A UTHORIZED: CNTRLPT( cntrlp t ) [O PER A T OR ( opera tor )] [COMMAND( command )] [ TE RM ( t e rm inal )] [AP PL( appl )] Explanatio n: Secur it y vali dati on for the sp eci fie d user fa ile d when t he network ac cess m an age r (N AM) w as call ed .
32 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNA114 P ASSTICKET REQUEST NO T A UTHORIZED: CNTRLP T( cn t r lp t ) [OPERA T OR( op erato r )] [ COMMAND( command )] [T ER M( term in al ).
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 33 KL VNA253 RESOURCE LIST B UILD DISABLED , NO T APF A UTHORIZED Explanatio n: An at temp t was m ade (eith er at initial izatio n or throu gh the N AM RACL IST comm and) to build an in -s tora ge prof ile (f or us e by yo ur se curity sy stem) .
34 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VNT002 "NTD dial og " DIALOG INV OCA TION F AILED; DIALO G MANA GER RC( rc ) Explanatio n: Th e no n - ter min al di alo g, dialog , fai led with a retu rn code of rc . System Action: Th e NT D com m an d ter m ina tes .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 35 KL V O P00 5 APPLICA TION NO T A CC EPTING CO MM ANDS [ te xt ] Explanatio n: A comm and was iss ued a nd d ir e cted to a CT/E ngine appl ication that doe s no t have a com mo n int er fac e. Th e opt ion al te xt may be ad de d by CT /En gin e mod u l e s to f urt her des crib e t he erro r .
36 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P012 *** A CTIVE RESOUR CE LIS T *** class .a rg : US E( user ) T OKEN( rsi d ) O WN ER( own er ) class .a rg : US E( user ) T OKEN( rsi d ) n OF m RES OURCE S DIS PLA YED Explanatio n: Th e DI SPL A Y co mm an d wa s is sued and th e reso urce li st s pec ifie d is di splay ed.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 37 KL V O P02 5 numb er SUBT ASK(S) QUIESCED: DQ A( ad dr ) Explanatio n: This message is l og ged t o c re ate an a udit tr ail of each acti ve sub task quies ced durin g CT/Eng ine ter mina tion. System Action: None. User Response: None.
38 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P03 1 REPEA TING COMMAND SCHEDULED EVER Y n Explanatio n: Th e CT/Engine EVERY com mand was issu ed.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 39 KL V O P0 44 SESS ION lu nam e NO T FOUND Explanatio n: The C T/E ngi ne L OGOFF co mmand was issu ed, bu t th e s essi on betw een an ac tive CT/Eng ine a pp lication and the L U l uname coul d not be fou nd. System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s.
40 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P0 61 SYST EM OPER A TORS : ID( operato r ) DEV ( de v ) PEND( pend num ) LIMIT( oplimit ) . . . Explanatio n: The CT /En gin e OPERS c o mmand wa s iss ued. Each ac tive op erato r oper ator at logic al u nit dev i s di splaye d.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 41 KL V O P1 02 SESS ION ST AR TED: L U( luna me ) A PP L( ap pl ) Explanatio n: Th e LOGO N co mm an d su cce ssfu lly star ted a se ssi on be twe e n ap plicat ion appl and L U luna me . System Action: None. User Response: None.
42 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P12 2 INV ALID TRACE I D: ar g Explanatio n: Th e TR ACE co mma nd co ntain s an invalid para m ete r ar g . System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s. User Response: V a l idate and co rrec t t he t race ID ar g , and r eissu e the co mmand.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 43 KL V O P12 9 TRA CE REQ UEST REJECTED. TERM( resn ame ) NO T A PHYSICAL TERMINAL. Explanatio n: Th e tr ace for re s n am e of C L AS S(TERM ) h as be en r eq uest ed, but th e re sn a m e is n ot a ph ysical ter mina l. System Action: Th e tr ace requ es t is rej ecte d.
44 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P1 42 INV A LID ME SSA G E TY PE : ty pe Explanatio n: An invalid message t ype ty pe was spec ifi ed as one of the par amet ers of the MONIT OR co mmand . System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 45 KL V O P16 5 CLOSE COMPLETE: APPLID( applid ) Explanatio n: The CL OSE c omman d wa s i ssue d aga ins t applid an d com plet ed su cce ssfu lly .
46 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P19 1 REPL Y FR OM op er ato r : COMMAND( command ) Explanatio n: Operator op erat or i ssue d command command . This me ssag e is iss ue d to crea te an a udit tra il. System Action: None.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 47 KL V O P19 4 RESOURCE NAME IS REQUIRED Explanatio n: The AUT OP UR G c omma nd r eq ui r es a r eso ur ce name as part of the AU TOPURG E c riteria.
48 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P20 5 INCONSISTENT SPECIFICA TIO N: NETNAME( ne tn ame ) A CBNAME ( ac bname ) THROUGH( thru ) Explanatio n: An inc onsis tenc y was det ecte d betwee n the netn ame and thru , or bet w een th e ac bn ame and thr u sp ecifie d in the VS M comma nd .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 49 KL V O P21 0 NOCAPPL SPECIFIED I N A NON DEDICA TE POOL IGNOR ED Explanatio n: Th e param ete r N OCAP PL can be spec ified on ly on a DED ICA TE pool. System Action: CT/En gine ignor es t he NOCAP PL par amete r . User Response: Co rr ect VSM de finit ion s.
50 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P30 2 VIEWLOG CLUSTER NO T A V AILABLE Explanatio n: Th e VIE WL OG c luster s pecified in t he VI EWLOG com ma nd is not ava ilabl e.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 51 KL V O P40 2 UNABLE T O ALLOCA TE JES SPOOL FILE: REASON( rsn ) Explanatio n: Th e BA T CH co mmand did not com plete beca use CT/ Engine wa s un able to all oc ate the JES sp ool fi le r equi r ed for th e outpu t of the comma nd.
52 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P50 2 CT/Engine J OBS TEP NO T A UTHORIZED , COMMAND REJECTED Explanatio n: CT/E ngi ne is no t run nin g from an APF -au thor i zed lib rary an d is no t abl e to issu e th e req ues ted MV S co mm an d.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 53 KL V O P55 5 FOR W ARD TO ap pld est FROM ap pl1 ST OP PED Explanatio n: The forwar di ng o f appl ic at ion app l 1 wa s su cce ssfu lly sto ppe d by the FORW ARD c ommand. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: IN F O .
54 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P65 5 LOGON DIALOG UNA V AILABLE: DIALOG( di a log ) LANGU A GE ( l a ngua ge ) Explanatio n: A DIALOG co mma nd was issued specifying .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 55 KL V O P80 3 UNABLE T O OPEN D A T ASET : DSNAME( dsn ame ) Explanatio n: Th e P RINT comm and c ompl eted u ns uccessf ully becaus e dsname cou ld not be op en ed. System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s. User Response: None. Message T ype: ER ROR.
56 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P85 3 UNABLE T O OPEN NODE A CB: APPLID( appl ) REASON ( rc ) Explanatio n: Th e NO DE com ma nd faile d b eca use C T /Eng in e was u nab le to op en the a ppl spe cified. System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 57 KL V O P90 1 NAM INA CTIVE Explanatio n: The N AM command fa il ed be c a use the NAM f aci lit y is i nac tiv e. Eithe r n o param eters w ere s pe cified in th e initial ization lib rar y mem ber KL VIN N AM , th e m emb e r cou ld no t be fo un d , or t he NA M fac ili ty w as n ev er cor rectly de fined .
58 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P90 8 DUPLICA TE DECLARA TION: va r na m e Explanatio n: Th e NAM D ECLA RE comma nd comple ted unsu ccessfu lly be cause th e varia ble varname has alr ead y be en d ecl ar ed. System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 59 KL V O P91 5 V ARIABLE nam e LE NGTH len Explanatio n: Th e NAM VL IS T co m man d w as issu ed , a nd t he dec lared var iab les with the co r r espo nding lengt hs a r e displ ayed. System Action: None. User Response: None.
60 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P92 2 V ARIABLE EXPRESSION T OO LONG FOR va r n a m e : ex p r Explanatio n: The N AM SET c omman d wa s i ssue d, b ut the comman d f ail ed becaus e th e length o f varname , defi ned vi a the NAM DECLARE comman d, is not lon g enou gh to ho ld the req uest ed e xpres sion ex pr .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 61 KL V O P93 0 cpname [, SAF( SUB SYS = sysid ,R EQU EST OR= rqi d )] [,RA CF] [,DB] [,EXIT] [,NO TIFY] [,NO NAF] [D A T AB ASE = dsn ame ] Explanatio n: The NAM CPLIS T comma nd list s the curr ent cont rol points and th eir a ttri but e s.
62 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P96 3 COMMAND ERROR, RTM INTERF A CE MA Y BE SET “ ON ” OR “ OFF ” Explanatio n: ON or OFF was not s pecif ied a s the first positi onal par amete r on an RT M command . System Action: Th e RTM com man d i s not p roc esse d a nd th e RTM inte r face stat e is n ot c han ge d.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 63 KL V O P96 8 RTM NPM INTER F A CE E NABLED - US EREXIT : ex i t- n a m e Explanatio n: An RTM ON command f or the NPM r esp ons e t ime moni tor wa s su cce ssfu lly p roce sse d. The in te r face to N PM is n ow act iv e. System Action: None.
64 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL V O P97 5 COMMAND ERROR, INTERNAL: val u e IS INV ALID Explanatio n: A GTF com mand wit h an in valid va lue for th e INTE RNA L op era nd ha s be en en tered. System Action: The comma nd is rejected.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 65 KL VP A004 LIBRAR Y ddnam e UNUSA BLE, RE FRESH F AILED Explanatio n: A ph ys ical er r or occu rr ed wh il e re adi ng t h e li br ary r efer enced by ddn ame. The l ib rary was clos ed a n d r eop ened , and the error per sis ted when t he op erati on was retried .
66 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VPM001 PSM NO T A V A ILABLE: DIALO G( dlg ) LU( lu ) A PPL ( appl ) Explanatio n: A dial o g att empte d to e xec ut e a PSM di alog fun cti on th at oper at es on the pres en ta tio n sp ace s creen-im age bu ff er (for exam p le, P SMA T TR) and t he re w as n o b u ffer .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 67 KL VPM011 TERMINAL luna me LOGGED OFF - ERPCOUNT EXCEEDED Explanatio n: A te rm inal, "lunam e", has caused mo re sim ultane ous er ror r eco very operat ions th an the ERPCO UNT limit s et by the PSM comma nd. "l uname" is lo gge d of f.
68 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) T able 1 . Descripti on of re ason c odes for KL VPM021 Reason Code Description System Action User Respo nse 0601 Internal Except ion Conditi .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 69 System Action: One o f the fol lowi ng: Action 1. Er ror recov ery disp lays th e TER MIN AL I NP UT E RR OR me ssag e on t he termi nal . The i npu t messag e is re jecte d with an app rop ri ate sen s e code and nor ma l pro cessing resum es.
70 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VPM052 pa r a mete rs Explanatio n: As th e par amete rs in mod ule KL VIN PSM ar e r ead , a log au dit tra il is cr eat ed.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 71 KL VRE004 UNABLE T O REFRESH DIALOG dl gnam e LANG U A GE ( lang uage ) Explanatio n: An e rror o ccurr ed w h il e trying to r efr esh th e D IAL O G dl gn ame speci fied in the REF RESH comm and. langu age i s t he l ang ua ge c ode u se d du ri ng th e refres h a ttem p t.
72 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VRE009 SENSE CODE T ABLE RE FRES H FROM " dsna me ( member )" resul tte xt Explanatio n: A REFRESH SENS E co mmand h as co mpleted. dsname is th e da ta s et n ame an d member i s the member na me that conta in the table defi nitions .
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 73 KL VRM004 LOGICAL RESOURCE EXI T ST A CK INTEGRITY ERROR Explanatio n: Th e CT/Eng ine Re source Mana ger dete cted incon siste nt data while p roces sing a log ical r es ource purg e or cleanup reque st, usua lly beca use of a stor ag e ove rlay .
74 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VR T011 NPM MODULE FNMNSI REQ UIRES APF A UTHO RI ZA TION Explanatio n: RT M s uppor t for N PM has be en s elec ted, bu t th e C T/Engine job ste p is not au thori zed . System Action: Th e RTM com man d i s not p roc esse d a nd th e RTM inte r face stat e r e main s ina ct ive.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 75 KL VR T020 RTM NP M SEND REQUEST F AILED: LU= lu -nam e AP PL= appln ame EVEN T= X ’ xx ’ Explanatio n: A no n -z ero r eturn c ode wa s r eturned f rom the IBM-s upplie d in terfac e modu le FN MNSI beca use o f a r equ est err or or an e xcepti on al co ndit io n wh ere: lu- nam e is the p hysic al t erm inal na me.
76 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VRT030 $S TG ER ROR Explanatio n: CT/Engi ne was u nable to allo cate sto rage for t h e ETE or Ne tSpy mapp ing me ssag e. System Action: CT/ Engine c reates a DU MP and con tinues proce ssing.
KL VHS001 – KL VSC009 77 KL VSC004 OPERAND TO O LO NG: env ironm ent al_infor m ation operan d Explanatio n: C T/Eng ine wa s parsi ng a line an d en cou ntered a ke ywo rd or po sition al oper and t hat was too lo ng. T his is on e m ess age in a c las s of sy nt ax e rror mes s ag es.
78 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Th e actio n bein g per for me d ter m inates. User Response: The en viro nmenta l portio n o f th e me ssage i nd ica tes wher e th e s yn ta x erro r w as de tec ted. Use th is info rmat ion to corr e ct t he e rro r .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 79 KL VSD001 – KL XOP005 KL VSD001 PRIMAR Y MAIN ST ORA GE INFORMA TIO N: Explanatio n: Th e STOR AGE com man d was issue d and th is mess age ide ntifies th e star t of inf or m atio n abo ut C T/ Eng in e pr ima r y s tor age use .
80 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: REPL Y . KL VSD005 LIMIT( stolim ) SLOP E( sl ) SIZES ( range ) T OT AL( to t ) Expla.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 81 KL VSD007 pp % IS IN USE; tt % ALLO WED [- THRE SHOLD EXCEEDED] Explanatio n: Th is m ess age d isp lay s the amou nt o f stor ag e in us e for pr imar y or e xtended storage.
82 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSD021 TMS( num ) P REF IX ( pfx ) CUSHION( cshn ) Explanatio n: This me ssage app ear s i n r espons e to the CT/E ngi ne S TORAGE ope rat or c omma nd an d di spl ays i nfo r mati o n abou t CT/ Engi ne t empor ary st ora ge use.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 83 KL VSD033 BUFFERS INUSE ( i nuse ) MAX( ma x ) GET S( get s ) F REE S( fr ees ) Explanatio n: Th is me ssag e prov ides add itio nal inf orm atio n abo ut a bu ffer pool . It follows KL VSD032. System Action: None. User Response: None.
84 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: REPL Y . KL VSD039 END OF BUFFE R POOL INFORMA TION Explanatio n: This mess age ma rks t h e e n d o f th e buffer pool in formatio n. System Action: None.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 85 KL VSD104 NAME(....) SIZE( length ) T O T AL( count ) Explanatio n: This mess a ge di spl ays in format ion a bout the c on tent of c a r ved , al locat ed sto rag e. Stor ag e repor te d in t his me ssag e is sto rag e whi ch has bee n alloca ted as a "typ ed", "self- defining " data st ructure.
86 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSD 107 ST OR A GE M AP FO R area desc ST O RA GE Explanatio n: Th is mes sage dis play s the spe cific area s of storag e to be m apped . Th e ma pp ed area is de te rm ine d f ro m th e o pe ran ds s pec ifie d on th e s tora ge MA P co mmand.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 87 KL VSE054 SYNT AX ERR OR CONFLICTING P ARAMETERS FOR SENSE A CTION SETTING ‘ s t at eme nt ’ , ST A T EM ENT# nnn Explanatio n: Th e sense code statemen t contains an unknow n keywo rd.
88 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSE059 SENSE T ABLE T OO LARGE, I GNO RED Explanatio n: The sense code table ex ceeds 2G bytes and cann ot be built . System Action: If this er ror is en count er ed du ring CT /Eng ine initia lization , onl y th e de faul t s ense ru les wil l be loa ded.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 89 KL VSE0 64 pa r a me ters Explanatio n: As the p ara met ers i n mo dul e KL VI NSNS ar e re ad, a l og au dit trail is cr eat ed.
90 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSI006 KL VINSTG RKANP AR P ARAMETERS: Explanatio n: Mo du le KL VI NSTG lo gs its sta r t-up param eters as they are read from RK AN P AR. This i s the he ader m essa ge an d wil l be follow ed b y me ssag e KL VSI007.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 91 KL VSI022 INV ALID STO RA G E CLASS O N TERMINA TE REQUEST Explanatio n: An int ern al proce ssing er ror occu r r ed durin g storag e isolati on proce ssing. System Action: F or pro blem d eterm inat ion, a du mp is gene rated wi th a user abe nd code .
92 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSI041 ZER O ADDRESS ON FREE REQUEST Explanatio n: A r equ es t to f r e e a stor ag e blo ck a t add ress ze ro was enc oun tere d. System Action: F or pro blem d eterm inat ion, a du mp is gene rated wi th a user abe nd code .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 93 KL VSP001 $SPS I NV OCA TION OR I NTERNAL ERROR Explanatio n: A CT /Eng ine proce ssing rou tin e detect ed an inval id r eq uest. System Action: The r eque st is ter minated with a U0100 abend , s endi ng a dum p to the RKL VSNAP f i l e a nd/ or t he s ystem ’ s dump dat a se ts.
94 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VSS0 02 SUBS YS TE M name INITIALIZED: SS CVT( ad dr ) Explanatio n: Th e CT/E ngine subsy stem inter face name with SSCVT ad dr e ss ad dr was suc cess ful ly i ni tial iz ed. System Action: None.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 95 KL VST001 CANDLE ENGINE INITIALIZA TIO N ERROR(S), ABEND U0012 Explanatio n: One or mo r e errors wer e detect ed dur in g CT/En gin e start-u p. System Action: CT/Eng ine termin ates with a U 0012 abe nd. Other KL VST nn n mes sa ges prec ede th is on e and id ent ify the err or (s) .
96 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VST007 BLDVRP F AILED FOR VSAM LSR B U F FER POOL, RC= rc Explanatio n: A B LDV RP ma cro wa s issue d to allo ca te a VSAM loc al share d resource b uff er po ol and en ded with a n on-zero retur n c od e, rc .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 97 KL VST012 EXTENDED MAIN ST ORA GE UN A V AILABLE Explanatio n: A var ia ble le ng th GE TM AI N co ul d no t be sa ti sf ied . T he MI NIMU M( nnn , X) s tar t-u p p ara meter r egu late s th e minimu m val ue t hat will sa tisf y the GE TM AI N req u est.
98 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VST018 UNABLE T O OPEN RKL VLOG D A T ASET Explanatio n: System Action: CT/E ngine t er mina tes. User Response: Thi s me ss age wi ll be acco mpan ied by MVS messag es in dicat ing the r easo n the datase t cou ld not be op ened.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 99 KL VST024 FREE ST ORA GE LI ST UNA V AILABLE Explanatio n: CT/E ngi ne was unabl e to a llo cate the fr ee sto rag e list b eca use the MINI MUM p aramet er is too sm all. System Action: CT/E ngine t er mina tes. User Response: Ad just the st orag e alloc ati on pa ramet ers and r etry .
100 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VST028 LO AD LIBRAR Y co nc at v ol se r ds nam e Explanatio n: These messa ges ar e logged at start- up time to d ispl ay the da tase t name s and r elat ed info rmat ion a ssoc iat ed wi th th e RKANMOD L DD stat ement .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 101 KL VST035 INST ALLING ADDITIONAL ENTR Y POINT , | TRANSIENT | ALREAD Y RESIDENT | RELOCA TION E RROR | BLDL ERR OR [COMMAND= cmd | RESIDENT] Explanatio n: An a dditi ona l entry poi nt for th e mo dul e li sted in mess age KL VST026, p r eceding t his m essage, has been pro cessed.
102 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VST040 W ARNING : NO ST ORA GE FOR SOME LSR HIPERSP A CE POOLS Explanatio n: A B LDV RP ma cro wa s issue d to allo ca te a VSAM loc al share d re sou rce bu ffer po ol in Hiper space, but t here was not e noug h Hipe rspac e ™ stor ag e (BL DV R P r e tu rn ed X ’ 2C ’ ).
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 103 KL VTB001 T ABLE D A T AB ASE INITIAL LO AD COMPLETE: DSNAME( dsna me ) Explanatio n: During CT/ Engi ne table i nitial iza tion, the tabl es databas e ( dsname ) w as fo und t o be u nfo rmatted. System Action: The dat abase i s formatted f or table s process ing .
104 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTB006 NO LSR POOL ALLOCA T ED Explanatio n: CT/ Eng ine ta bles i nit ializa tion was unable to pr ocess t he t ab les dat a ba se bec aus e no VSAM LS R envir onme nt was es tablis h e d.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 105 KL VTB012 UNABLE T O LO AD T ABLE CLUSTER: DSNAME( dsn ame ) R15 ( va l u e ) RPLERRCD( va lu e ) DCR( he x ) Explanatio n: CT/ Eng ine ta bles init ializa tion cou ld no t for m at the ta bles databa se be ca use the V S AM P UT macro faile d.
106 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: If per m ane nt tab le se r vice s are de sired, all oca te a ta ble s dat abase, cr eate or update th e KL VINTB membe r in RK ANP AR, the n r estart CT/Engi ne. Message T ype: WA R N I N G .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 107 KL VTB021 T ABLE CONVER TED: tabl e Explanatio n: Th e TD B CO N VER T comm a nd has s ucc essf ully con v er te d ta bl e from V e rsion 145 for mat to V e rsion 146 for mat. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: REPL Y .
108 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTB027 INV ALID KE Y LE NGTH IN T ABLE DA T ABASE: SUPPLIED( act ual ) EXPE CT ED ( valid ) Explanatio n: Th e V er sio n 14 5 t ab les dat aba se sp eci fie d on a T DB C ONV ER T comm and doe s no t have t he c orrect key le ngth ( valid ).
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 109 KL VTB032 SORT E RR OR: T ABLE( table ) Explanatio n: Whil e p roces sing a tab les r e quest , the CT / Engin e ta ble s man ager dete cted inv alid sor t infor ma tion in t he tables da taba se for tab le .
110 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTB036 RECO VER Y F AILED: T ABLE( table ) Explanatio n: Whil e p roces sing a tab les r e quest , the CT / Engin e ta ble s man ager det ected an error i n the t ables d ataba se for tab le .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 111 KL VTB039 RO W- END E RR OR: T ABLE( table ) RE AD( mmm ) E XPEC TED( nnn ) Explanatio n: Whil e p roces sing a tab les r e quest , the CT / Engin e ta ble s man ager dete cted inv alid synch roni zation inf orm ation in th e table s databas e for tab le .
112 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTB045 RESIDU AL RE CORD DELETED: T ABLE( ta ble ) SEQUENCE( nnn ) Explanatio n: Th e C T/E ngi ne ta b les ma na ger dete ct ed a n er ro r wh ile w rit ing tab le to the table s database .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 113 KL VTB049 INV ALID RLB CHAIN DETECTED Explanatio n: Th e C T/E ngi ne ta bl es ma na ger dete ct ed a n er ro r wh ile a ttem pti ng to l ock a ro w fr om the tab les da ta ba se .
114 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTI201 INV ALID $STMX REQUEST DETECTED Explanatio n: A CT/E ngine tim ing ser vice h as b een pas sed invalid infor ma tion. System Action: The r eque st is ter minated with a U0200 abend , s endi ng a dum p to the RKL VSNAP f i l e a nd/ or t he s ystem ’ s dump dat as ets.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 115 KL VTR003 INV ALID PR EFIX CHARA C TER: ‘ arg ’ Explanatio n: Th e TRA CE co mma nd co ntain s an in va lid p refix c harac te r ar g as on e of the para met ers. System Action: Th e co mma nd fail s. User Response: Cor r ect the in valid p re fix cha racter (it m ust be (+) o r (-)) a nd r e issue th e comma nd.
116 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VTR022 TRA CE REQUEST REJECTED. INV ALID CLASS( cla ss ) SP ECIF IED Explanatio n: An inv alid C LA SS wa s spec ified. cl ass is the clas s type spe cified. System Action: Th e tr ace requ es t is rej ecte d.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 117 KL VTR029 cla ss : stat Explanatio n: Th is m ess age disp lay s the st atus o f in ter na l trac e cl as s class . stat is its stat us. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: REPL Y . KL VTR031 ty pe ( res ) : stat Explanatio n: This me ssage di spl ays t h e stat us of res our ce re s .
118 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVL001 VSAM SERV ICES NO T A V A ILABLE FOR V IEWLO G Explanatio n: VIEWLOG re quire s VSAM suppor t, but the CT/Engine VSAM ser vice s ro utine did not initial ize. System Action: VIEWLOG init ializa tion ends .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 119 KL VVL007 SHOWCB FI E LDS=RPLLEN ERR OR: R15( r15 ) R0( r0 ) Explanatio n: A SHO WC B mac ro instr uction is sued to obt ain the l ength of a VSAM R PL compl ete d u nsuccessfully . System Action: The VI EWL O G comma nd is unava ilabl e.
120 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVL012 DISP( valu e ) IS INV ALID; DEF A UL TS T O OLD Explanatio n: An invalid valu e was co de d on t he D IS P ke ywor d i n the KL VINVL G member of R K ANP AR. System Action: DISP(OLD ) will be used.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 121 KL VVL017 pa r a mete rs Explanatio n: As th e par amete rs in mod ule KL VIN VLG ar e r ead, a lo g audit tra il is cr eat ed.
122 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP 013 "T A G" MA Y O NL Y BE SPEC IFI ED I N T HE VM V ERS ION O F T HE PR ODUCT Explanatio n: "T AG" i s not a v alid VP RINT ER para me ter for the M VS v ersio n of the pro duct.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 123 KL VVP0 19 VPR INT ER AP PLI CA T ION ap pl ST A R TE D: PHY SP RT ( prin ter ) Explanatio n: App licatio n app l wi th ph ys ic al pr in te r printer wa s su cce ssfu lly st arted by the V PRINTE R command . System Action: None.
124 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP031 ERR OR RECONCILING CURRENT SESSION WITH VPRI NTER REQUEST CHAIN. REQ UEST= re ques t Explanatio n: A n er r or wa s e nco un tered w hil e pro ces sin g t he VP RIN TE R req ue s t li s t .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 125 KL VVP0 36 SYSO UT OPEN F A ILED FOR VP RI NTER AP PLIC A TI ON ap pl Explanatio n: Th e VPRI NTER ap plic ation w as unab le to obt ain a SYS OUT da ta se t bec a use of a dy nam ic all oca tio n or OP EN fa ilu r e. System Action: Th is VPRINT ER applic ation hangs .
126 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP2 01 VPO T ER MIN A TED Explanatio n: The VPO faci lity h as termina ted. System Action: Th e fac ili ty is no lon ger a va ilab le. User Response: None. Message T ype: IN F O . KL VVP2 02 VPO T ER MIN A TING Explanatio n: The VPO faci lity i s in the pro cess o f terminati ng.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 127 KL VVP3 05 PRIN T REQ UES T ST A TU S FLAGS: Explanatio n: A VP RIN TQ c omm a nd was is su ed. Se ssi on sta tu s me ssa ge s fo llo w th is m essa g e. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: REPL Y . KL VVP3 06 SE SS-V PRT_ LOG GED -ON Explanatio n: A VPR INT Q co mm an d wa s is sued .
128 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP311 TERM REQUEST RE QUIRES A SPECIFIED VPRINTER Explanatio n: A VPRINTQ command was issu ed with the TERM= option but a sp eci fic VP RIN TE R qu eue wa s no t na med . System Action: Th e co mm and is i gnored.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 129 KL VVP4 00 VPR INT ER: vp r t -> CURRENT PHYSICAL PRINTER: ph ys_ pr t Explanatio n: A VPRINTD comm and was i ssued. vpr t is t he V PR IN TER name an d phys_prt is the cu rr entl y as soc iate d phys ic al pr int er . System Action: None.
130 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP4 06 RETRY IN PR OGR ESS: YE S/NO Explanatio n: A V PRIN TD c om m and w as is sue d. T hi s me ssa ge repo r ts w he the r or not the VPRINTER na med in the p r eceeding KL VVP400 m essage is currently tryin g to reacquire the physical p rinter also named in the preceeding KL VVP400.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 131 KL VVP411 SESSION HONORS RELREQ: YE S/NO Explanatio n: A V PRIN TD c om m and w as is sue d. T hi s me ssa ge repo r ts w he the r or not the VPRINTER nam ed i n the preceeding KL VVP400 message will use the RELR EQ proto col whe n attem pting to est ablish a sessio n with the ph ysical print er .
132 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP4 16 PHY SICA L SE SSI ON TI ME OUT : mm:ss Explanatio n: A VP RINT D comma nd w as i ss ued .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 133 KL VVP4 22 LOG MO DE O V ERR IDE SP ECIF IED: xxxxxxxx Explanatio n: A VP RINT D comma nd w as i ss ued . Th is me ssag e re p o rts the L OGMODE for the VPRINTER n amed in the KL VV P 400 messa ge to use when establishing a session with the ph ysical printe r a ls o name d in t h e K L VVP 400 mes sage.
134 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVP4 27 SYSO UT FORM : fo r m Explanatio n: A VP RINT D comma nd w as i ss ued . Th is me ssag e re p o rts the FORM of the VPRINTER named in the pr eceeding KL VVP400 m essage.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 135 KL VVS002 CLUSTER cid : BFRFND( bfrf nd ) BUFRDS( bufrds ) NUIW( nuiw ) STRM A X( strmax ) U IW( ui w ) Explanatio n: This messa ge is logg ed to cr eate an audit trai l be fore a n a ttempt t o close a V SAM ACB. System Action: None.
136 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVS011 VSAM A CB GENE RA TION ERR OR: R15( r 15 ) R0( r0 ), TERMINA TION SCHEDULED Explanatio n: Duri ng CT /Engin e initializa tion , an er ror was det ected w hen a GEN CB ma cro wa s issue d to g enerate an ACB .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 137 KL VVS016 VSAM A CB REQUIRES n BYTES, ONL Y m BYTES WERE RES ER VED , INCREASE &$CCBSP$ Explanatio n: Th e amount of storage r e ser ve d in the CT/ Engine $ CCB cont rol blo ck is not su ffici ent f or the amoun t used by the VSAM AC B generate d.
138 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVS021 VSAM LOGIC ERROR: RPL( addr ) CLUSTER( na me ) RPLFDBWD( rp l fd b w d ) RPLID WD ( rp lidw d ) RPLOPTCD( rp l op t c d ) Explanatio n: A VSA M reques t is sued b y CT /E ngine rece ived RC =8, ind icatin g that a l ogical e rro r o ccur red.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 139 KL VVS041 FREEPCTW ARN V ALUE INV ALID: pct Explanatio n: A FREEPCT W ARN value is larger tha n 100 or less t han 0. System Action: The r em ain der of t he KL VI NV AM member wil l be p roc es sed, th en CT /E n gin e star tu p wi ll b e ter m ina te d.
140 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVS051 SHO WCB RC= rc REASON= rs dd dsn ; SP A CE MES SA G ES DISA BLE D Explanatio n: Sp ace usag e could no t be deter min ed for dat a set dsn , all oc ated to dd , b eca use a SH OWCB ma cro f ailed .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 141 KL VVT 004 VT AM A CCE SS METH OD SUP PORT VE CTOR L IST RELEASE LEVEL le vel COMPONENT ID id FUNCTION LIST list VEC T OR ve c to r Explanatio n: Th e fi rst VT A M AC B is su cc ess fu lly ope ne d, caus in g in fo rm at io n ab out the c ur r ent lev el of VT A M to be lo gged.
142 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) REQ UEST RETR Y The r equ est w as r ejec te d beca use o f a st orag e shor tage. CT/Engine will wait one second and t hen ret r y th e requ e st. INB OU ND -RSP - A negative r esponse was re ceived and DEBUG(Y) ha s be en re quested .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 143 If a d a t a i t e m c a n n o t b e l o c a t e d , i t i s o m i tt e d f r o m t h e m e s s a g e. If D E B U G ( Y ) w a s spe cif ied i n t he CT /Engi ne K L VSYSIN file, the con ten ts of any r eques t units , the RPL , and a C T/Eng ine cont rol bl ock will b e displa yed , if th ey are re l evan t.
144 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVT021 VT AM LERAD EXIT Explanatio n: A VT AM l ogi c err or was detect ed, ca usi ng t he CT /En gin e LE RAD ex i t t o b e s ch ed u le d . System Action: None. User Response: Con sult your site ’ s VT AM s yst em s pr og ra mm er .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 145 KL VVT031 LOGO N REJECTED: L U ( luname ) CID( ci d ) Explanatio n: Eithe r: 1. a r e source ID could no t be ass igned, or 2. sessio n init iali zation faile d fo r the devic e luname and com mu nica tion ID cid . System Action: Th e sess io n te rm ina te s.
146 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVT101 VT AM EXLST GENERA TION ERRO R : R1 5( r15 ) R 0( r0 ) TERMINA TION SCHEDULED Explanatio n: An erro r w as de te ct ed du rin g t he g ene rati on of a V T AM E XL ST . System Action: Af ter a ny s ubs eq uent star tup modu le s are i nv oked, CT /En gin e te r mi na tes .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 147 KL VVT106 VT AM RPL GENERA TION ERROR: R1 5( r15 ) R0( r0 ) TERMINA TION SCHEDULED Explanatio n: An erro r w as de te ct ed du ring t he gene rati on of a V T AM RP L GEN CB macro . System Action: Af ter a ny s ubs eq uent star tup modu le s are i nv oked, CT /En gin e te r mi na tes .
148 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVT111 VT AM RPL REQUIRES n BY TES, ONL Y m BYTES WERE RESER VED, INCREASE &$ARBSP$ Explanatio n: Th e amount of storage reser ve d in the CT/Eng ine cont rol block $ARB i s no t suff i ci ent fo r the amoun t used by the V T AM RPL generat e d .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 149 KL VVT 251 SE SS ION S ETU P ER ROR: PO O L( po ol ) AP PLID ( appl id ) PLU( plu ) REQST A T( rcfb ) Explanatio n: Ther e h as been a fail ur e t o esta bli sh a vi rtual ses sion. pool an d app li d i de nti fy the v ir tu al ter m in al .
150 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVT506 VPO A CB GENERA TION ERRO R: R15( r15 ) R0( r0 ) Explanatio n: An er ro r was de tect ed upon e x ec ution of an MV S GEN CB macro instru ction . System Action: The CT/ Engine progra mmed operat or facility (V PO) is unav ailable .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 151 KL VVT511 VPO INITIALIZA TION COMPLETE: APPLID( app lid ) Explanatio n: V PO i niti aliza tio n ha s com p leted suc ces sfu lly .
152 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KL VVT902 INBOUND MESSAG E LIMIT E XCEEDE D LU( lun ame ) SE SSION CANCELLED Explanatio n: The li mit o f in boun d mes sages r ece ived eithe r fr om ap pl ica tio n or phys ical ter minal luname is e xceed ed.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 153 KL VVT953 pa r a mete rs Explanatio n: As t he pa r a meter s in mod ule KL VINVS M ar e r ead , a l og aud it tr ai l is cr eat ed.
154 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KLXIN001 su bsys CONFIGURA TION: <content of member > Explanatio n: System Action: The pro cess cont inues.
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 155 KLXIN003 TCP/IP INTE RF A CE INITI ALIZED Explanatio n: Ini t ial izat ion of th e HPN S (T CP/ IP) pr oto col st ack has c omp let ed su cce ssfu lly . System Action: The pro cess cont inues. User Response: Th is messa ge is info rma tion al.
156 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Message T ype: IN F O . KLXIN006 TCP/IP INTE RRUPT UNKNO W N: I PTYPE( ipt ype ) IPP A TH ID( ip path id ) Explanatio n: No ne. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: WA R N .
KL VSD001 – KLXOP005 157 KLXO P0 00 < tex t i n er ro r > Explanatio n: Th e IP MV S op erat or co m mand is in err or . Th e sy ntax er ro r is displa yed in this me ssage . System Action: The IPM VS ope rator co mmand is not ex ecut ed. User Response: Corr ect th e co mmand s yntax a nd r ei ssue the comma nd.
158 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KLXO P0 03 TCP/ IP ’ ,SUBCMD , ’ F AILEDD: < failing su bcom m and > Explanatio n: The I PMVS op era tor su bcom mand is vali d, bu t fa iled i n ex e cu ti o n . System Action: None.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 159 KM2EXPFF – KMCRCA0 02I KM 2EXP FF PROF ILE E XPORT F AI LE D Explanatio n: Th e profile expor t was u nable to c ompl ete prope rly due to an e rror . System Action: Pr ofi le i s not e xported to th e r eques ted dat a s et memb er .
160 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KM2HDI99 CANSM 2HD F AILED KM2HDI99 RE A SON ( xxxx ) SESS ION ( xx xxxxxx ) HANDLE ( xxxxxxxx ) Explanatio n: Th e histo rical da ta inter face is ter mina ting aft er detec ting a non -reco verab le conditio n.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 161 KM 2IMP FF PRO FIL E IMPO RT F A ILED Explanatio n: Th e profile im por t was una ble to com plet e prope rly due to a n e rror . System Action: Profile is not imp or ted fr om the re qu es ted data set me mb er . User Response: See th e CANS M2 RKL VL OG for a mor e det ail ed mess age desc ribing the erro r .
162 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0005E Y our request failed. MQS erie s connecti on shutting down. Explanatio n: Th is reason co de occur s onl y on MVS /ES A. It indica tes t hat the con ne cti on bet wee n th e C on fig ur at ion Age nt an d th e Q ue ue M an age r is shu tti ng do wn.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 163 KMC0016E Y our request failed. MQS erie s message too bi g for que ue . Explanatio n: Th e Co nfi gur at ion A gen t at tem pte d to put a m ess ag e to a q ue ue, but the mes sa ge i s la rger than th e maxi mum me ss age l eng th a llo wed b y t h e queu e.
164 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0022E Y our request failed. MQS erie s object da maged. Explanatio n: Th e object acce ssed by the Config uration Ag ent is dam aged and ca nno t be u sed .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 165 KMC0026E Y our request failed. MQS erie s queue i s put inhibit ed. Explanatio n: The Co nfi gurati on A gent atte mpted to get a mess a ge fr om a qu eue, bu t MQGET c all s are curr ently inhib ite d f or the q ueu e.
166 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC 003 5E Y our re ques t fa il ed. N o sp ac e a vai la bl e f or MQSe ri es qu eue. Explanatio n: The Co nfigu rati on A gent a ttempted to put a mes sage to a n MQS eri es queu e, bu t ther e is no sp ace av ail abl e for the queu e on di sk or oth er stor ag e dev ice.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 167 KM C0041 E Y our req ue st fai led. Un exp ected MQ Serie s error . The c all wa s rej ected because a n unexpe cted err or occurr ed. Explanatio n: Th e reque st was reje ct ed b ec au se a n unexp ected e r ro r o ccu r red wit h MQSe ries.
168 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) The qu eue name is r esolved t hro ugh a cell di r ecto r y , a nd t he r emot e Qu eue Mana ger na me obt ain ed from t he cell direct or y is the na me of a l ocal que ue, but it does no t have a Us age attribut e of MQ US_TR ANS MISS ION.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 169 KMC0077E Y our request f ail ed. MQS erie s m axim um message le ng th in valid. Explanatio n: The maxi mum mess age le ngth spec ifi ed fo r the queu e or cha nne l is not valid . User Response: Corr ect the maxi mum mess age le ngth .
170 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0097E Y our request failed. MQS erie s object na me not va lid. Explanatio n: Y ou at tempt ed to cr eat e a new r eso urce with an inval id name . User Response: Ensu r e th at th e n ame i s va lid for the typ e of obj ect.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 171 KMC0100E Y our request f ail ed. MQS erie s channel configuration err or . Explanatio n: A con figura tion er ror w as detec ted in the cha nnel defi nition or comm unica tion su bsy ste m, an d alloca tion of a c onve rsat ion was n ot pos sible.
172 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0108E Y our request failed. Communicati on manager not ava ilabl e for MQSerie s. Explanatio n: Th e MQ Series co mmu nicat ions subs yst em is not ava ila ble. User Response: Ensu r e th at th e MQSe ri es c ommuni catio ns s ubsys tem h as been s tar ted.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 173 KMC0117E Y our request failed. MQS erie s queue i s not a tra nsmission queue. Explanatio n: Th e qu eue s pecif ied in the ch annel defi nition is not a tra nsm ission qu eue.
174 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0123E Y our request failed. MQS erie s channel s end e xit na me in valid. Explanatio n: Th e S end exit n ame spe cified for the chan nel co ntain ed ch aract ers th at ar e not al lowe d for pr ogram nam es on the plat form in qu esti on.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 175 KM C0126 E Y our req ue st fai led. MQ S eries ch an nel re ceiv e exit nam e invalid. Explanatio n: Th e Rece ive e xit nam e specifie d for the ch anne l c ontaine d ch aract ers th at ar e not al lowe d for pr ogram nam es on the plat form in qu esti on.
176 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) Not e: If yo u ar e usin g an y of th e spe cial char act ers in yo ur con necti o n name (f or exa m ple, p arent hes es ) yo u mu st enc los e t h e st ring in s ingl e qu ote s.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 177 KMC0137E Y our request failed. MQS erie s MQSET faile d. Explanatio n: MQ Se ries M QSE T ca ll fa iled. User Response: Ch ec k wh eth er th e Q ueu e M ana ger is a cti ve. KMC0138E Y our request f ail ed. MQS erie s channel not a cti ve.
178 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0148E Y our request failed. MQS erie s cl us ter queue cannot be a transmission queue. Explanatio n: Th e req uest was reject ed by MQS e ries be ca us e it w oul d ha ve re s ulted in a cluster q ueu e also being a tra nsm ission queue .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 179 KMC0155E This Queue Ma nager is not a t the pr oper MQSeries ver s i on to support c luster pa r tic ipation. Explanatio n: Y ou hav e attemp ted to make a Queue Ma nager pa r ticipat e in a man aged c luste r b y drag ging and dropp ing t he Q ueu e Ma nag er to t he c luster .
180 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0163E Y our request to stop the Queue Manager f ailed. Explanatio n: Y ou are atte mpting to stop a Qu eue Mana ger . Ho wever , t he Que ue M anage r cann ot b e s topp ed by the C onf iguratio n A gent.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 181 KMC0169E The Configura tion Agent was unable t o open the MQSeries authorization file . Explanatio n: Th e C on fig ura t ion A gen t w as u nab l e to o pe n the MQS e rie s aut hori zati on fil e for the obj e c t in quest ion.
182 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KM C0175 S An unexp ected error o ccurr ed on a SET MQ A U T comm a nd. Explanatio n: An int ern al MQ Series e rror oc cur r ed du ring the proces sing of th e SET MQAUT c ommand. User Response: Atte m pt to en ter the SET M QAU T c om ma nd ma nua ll y fo r the obj ect .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 183 KMC0181E MQSeries st orage c lasses a re not supported on this platf orm. Explanatio n: Y o u att empted to cr eate a new MQSe r ie s storag e cla ss, howev er , stor ag e class es are not supp or ted on th is plat for m.
184 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0187E Y our request f ail ed. The Conf i guration Ag ent was unable to open the MQSerie s reply -to queue.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 185 KMC0191E Y our request f ail ed. The Conf i guration Ag ent coul d not establi sh communi cation wi th the r em o te MQSeries Queue Mana ger .
186 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0197E Cluster receiver cha nnels not supported on this ver sion of MQSeri es. Explanatio n: Y o u att empte d to cr eate an actual cl ust er re cei ver cha nnel. How ever , the Queue M anag er i n qu es tio n is n o t at the p rop er MQSeri e s ver sio n to sup por t clusteri ng.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 187 KMC0201E The MQ Ser ies object contains an in valid c hannel name @2 . Explanatio n: Th e chann el nam e that yo u specif ied for this object is not a valid MQ Serie s chann el nam e. User Response: Ensu r e that the channe l name is va lid.
188 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0203E The MQ Ser ies object contains an in valid nameli st name @2 . Explanatio n: Th e nameli st name tha t you specif ied for thi s object is not a val id MQ Serie s nam elist name . User Response: Ens ure t ha t the n am el ist n am e is v ali d .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 189 KMC0205E The thr ough Queue Manager fie ld @1 is not de fine d in the configurat ion. Explanatio n: Y ou have select ed the ’ I ndirect conne ction ’ op tio n fo r th e Q ueu e Mana ger; h ow ever , the ’ T hroug h Q ueue Ma nage r ’ name is not de fi ne d a ny whe r e in the con figu ration .
190 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) I f you ar e us ing any of the spe cial char acter s i n you r conne ct ion n ame (for exa m ple, p arent hes es ) yo u mu st enc los e t h e st ring in s ingl e qu ote s.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 191 KMC0208E The modename @2 associated wit h this obje ct has an in valid length. Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid mod enam e for the ch annel . User Response: Sp eci fy a va lid mod e n ame f or th e c ha nne l.
192 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0216E The En vironm ental data @2 associa ted w ith t his obj ect h as an in valid length. Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d invali d envir onment d ata for th e process. User Response: Spe cif y a v alid envi ronme n t data .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 193 KMC0222E The @1 a pplication type is in v alid. Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid applic ation type for th e proce ss. User Response: Spec ify a valid appl icatio n type. V a lid appl ication type s are: CICS: Re pre sent s a CICS trans actio n.
194 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0231E The default per sistence t ype is in v alid. Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d an invalid de faul t persist ence prop er ty for the qu eue. User Response: Spe cif y a v alid defa u lt p ersis tence prop erty .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 195 KMC0237E The default transmit queue @1 i s not define d as USA GE(XMITQ). Explanatio n: Y o u de fin ed a def au lt t ran smi t qu eu e in th e Q ue ue M an age r def initi on . Ho wever , the DLQ name that you spe cifi ed i denti fie s a l oca l qu eue that is defin ed w ith Us age No r mal.
196 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0243E The tra nsm i t queue @1 a ssociated wi th the cha nnel is not defi ned as USAGE( XMIT Q).
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 197 KMC0247E The remote queue @1 is not de fined as USA GE(XMITQ) within the Queue Mana g er . Explanatio n: Y o u defi ned a r emote qu eue, but th e tran smit queue i s empty and th e remo te m ana g er na me i den tif ies a l oca l que ue w hic h is defin ed wit h Usag e= No rm al.
198 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC 025 2E The he artbe at i nte rv a l @1 i s lar ger than di sconnect inte r v a l @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u sp eci fied a hea rtbeat i nterval fo r the cha nnel wh ich is la rger th an t he ch ann el ’ s disco nnect inte r val .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 199 KMC 025 8W A Re cei ver /re qu est er c hann el wi th th e sa me nam e as t his c hann el d oes not e x ist on the re ceiving Queue Manage r @1 . Explanatio n: Y ou d efi ned a va lue for t he Conn ect ed Qu eue Man ager on the T ra ns mi t pag e f or th is c han ne l.
200 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0263W The batch s i z e a ssociated with t he cha nnel is inconsistent w ith the receiv er/request er channel on Queue Mana ger @1 . Explanatio n: Y ou d efi ned a va lue for t he Conn ect ed Qu eue Man ager on the T ra nsm it page for this ch annel.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 201 KMC0271E In vali d data con versi on. Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d an invalid co nver t proper ty for th e channe l. User Response: Spec ify a valid c onver t prope r ty . KMC0272E In vali d channel type. Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d an inva lid chann el type pro per ty f or the channe l.
202 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0279E In vali d MVS v alue . Explanatio n: Y o u sp eci fied an in vali d MV S p roperty for the Qu eue Manag er . User Response: Sp ec ify a va lid M VS p rop er ty . KMC0280E In vali d channel autodefine value.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 203 KMC0288E In v a l id disconnect interv al @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid disco nnect in ter val for the chan nel. User Response: S peci fy a v alid di s con nec t in te r v al. The va lue must be gr eat er than o r equa l to zero , and less tha n or equal to 999,999.
204 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0297E In v a l id long re try value @2 . Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d an invalid lo ng retr y count for the ch annel . User Response: Spe cif y a v alid l ong re try coun t. The va lue must be grea ter than o r equal t o zero , and le ss than or equal to 999, 999,999.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 205 KMC 0306 E In valid tr igg er me ssag e pri ority @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid trigge r messa ge prio rity for the q ueue.
206 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0314E In vali d Queue Manager a utoconnect pr otocol @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid au toconne ct prot ocol fo r the Queu e Mana ger . User Response: Sp ecify a valid p rotoco l type p rop er ty: L U62.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 207 KMC0320E In vali d page set id @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid pag e set id for the stora ge cla ss. User Response: Spe cif y a v ali d page set i d for the st ora ge cla ss. The st r i ng consis ts of two num eric chara cters, in the ran ge 00 throug h 99.
208 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0326E Queue manager Log type in v alid. Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid loggin g type proper ty fo r the Queu e Mana ger . User Response: Sp ecify a valid lo ggin g typ e. KMC 032 7E Num ber o f pri mar y log s in va lid @2 The value should be be twee n 2 and 62.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 209 KMC0334E In vali d v olume @2 for T andem NSK. Explanatio n: Y o u sp eci fied an in vali d vo lume for t he Qu eue Mana ger . User Response: Spe cif y a val id vo lume. Spe cify a val id T andem NSK volu me. KMC0335E In vali d TS/MP P A THMON proces s name @2 f or T ande m NS K.
210 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0341W The receiv ing Queue mana ger @1 is not a repository for the clus ters asso cia ted w ith th e sen der ch annel .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 211 KMC0346E The ref erenced c luster namelist @1 is not found within the Queue Mana g er . Explanatio n: Y ou de fined a val ue for the Clust er namelis t for the queue o r cha nn el .
212 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0350E In v a l id maximum clust er work load data le ngth @2 . Explanatio n: Y o u s pecifi ed i nva lid clu st er wor kl oad manag ement maxi mum mes sa ge da ta f or the Qu eu e Man age r .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 213 KMC0355E In vali d pathname @2 f or MQSecure e xit. Explanatio n: Y ou spe cifie d an inva lid MQS ecure LIB path for the chann el .
214 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0363E The managed c luster does not have at least one full repository Queue Mana g er . Explanatio n: Y o u de fined a ma nage d clu ster , b ut none of t he c luster Q ue ue Man agers asso cia ted with t h e clus ter ar e d efi ned to act as a full rep ository .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 215 KMC0369E Client c onnection cha nnels are not allo wed on this platf orm . Explanatio n: Y o u att empte d to cr eate an actual MQSerie s c li ent connecti on channe l; h oweve r , clie nt co nnect ion c hanne ls are not suppo r ted o n this pla tfor m a nd/ or M QSer ies v er si on .
216 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0374E In vali d channel name: %s . Explanatio n: Th e cha nn el na me @2 tha t you sp ecified for this object is not a valid MQ Se ries c hanne l n ame . User Response: Ensu r e that the channe l name is va lid.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 217 KMC0380E In v a l id retention interva l: %s . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid r ete ntion in ter va l for th e queue . User Response: Spec ify a valid retent ion inter va l. The val ue m ust be g r e ater than o r equal t o zero , and le ss than or equal to 999, 999,999.
218 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC 038 3E In v al id Q ueue Mana ge r a li as name : %s . Explanatio n: Y ou have select ed the ’ I ndirect conne ction ’ op tio n fo r th e Q ueu e Mana ger; how eve r , the ’ Qu eu e ma na ge r a l ia s ’ n ame is not a valid queue name .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 219 KMC0386E In vali d Queue Manager na me : %s . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid Qu eue Ma nager nam e. User Response: Corr ect the Que ue Mana ger name.
220 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0391E In v a l id namelist name: %s . Explanatio n: Th e nameli st name tha t you specif ied for thi s object is not a val id MQ Serie s nam elist name . User Response: Ens ure t ha t the n am el ist n am e is v ali d .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 221 KMC0393E In vali d proc ess name: %s . Explanatio n: Th e proce ss name that yo u specifie d for thi s object is not a vali d MQS eri es p roc es s n ame.
222 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC 0400 E In valid sh or t retr y i nterval : %s . Explanatio n: Th e sh or t int er val sp ec i fied for the cha nne l i s no t val id . User Response: Corr ect th e sh ort int erval. T he va lue mu st be gre ater tha n or equal to zero , and less than or equal to 999,999,999.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 223 KM C0408 E Inv a lid St orag e Cl ass n ame %s . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid nam e for the stora ge cla ss. User Response: S pecif y a v ali d st orag e cl ass name. Sto rage cl ass n a mes a re r estr ic ted to a maxi mum of 8 cha rac ters i n l eng th.
224 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0415E MCA TYPE(THREAD) not allowed on this platform . Explanatio n: Y ou hav e spe cified a Me ssage Cha nnel Ag ent T yp e of T hr ea d for this channe l How ever , the Q ueue Mana ger is runn ing o n a p latfor m o r ve rsion o f MQ Series th at d oes not su ppor t this.
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 225 KMC0422E In v a l id Default I NI file %s . Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d an inva lid def ault ini file for th e Queue Manag er . User Response: Sp ecify a valid T an de m NS K f ile nam e. KM C0423 E Inv a lid num ber of exec ution c on trollers %s .
226 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0429E In vali d c luster name %s . Explanatio n: Th e cluster na me associa ted with this o bject is not a valid MQ Series clu ster nam e. User Response: Ensu r e that the clus ter name i s valid .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 227 KMC0434I Messa g e E ncry pti on requires Connecti on Aut henticat ion, how ever Connection A uthentica tion can be e nabled inde pendentl y of Messa ge Encryption. Do y ou wish t o retain Connection A uthent ication? Explanatio n: Y o u ha ve de-se l e cte d the mess age en cr y pti on opti on for the cha nn el.
228 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0440E Y our request f ail ed. The M QSeries Monitoring agent @1 returned an unkno wn code @2 .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 229 KMC0447E In v a l id applicatio n type: %s . Explanatio n: Y o u entered an inval id ap plicat ion type fo r the p roc ess.
230 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0453E This QSGDISP v alue is not s uppor te d on this v ersion of MQSeries. Explanatio n: Y o u specifie d a que ue shar ing gro up dispo sition o ther than ’ Queue Ma n a ger ’ on a u nsuppo r ted v ersi on of MQ Series .
KM2E XP FF – K MCR CA002 I 231 KMC0459E Y our request f ail ed. Unknown MQS erie s object name. Explanatio n: Th e ac tua l obje ct do es n ot exist . User Response: S peci f y a v ali d obj ec t na me. KMC0461E In v a l id coupling facility structure @1 .
232 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMC0467S The author ization s pecification pr ovided to the SETMQA UT com mand containe d one or more items that could not be interpre ted.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 233 KMQxx 001E – K OCJ00 46 KMQxx001E P ARAME TER E RROR ON DOMAIN CALL. THE GA TE BEING CALLED WA S ca ll . THE P ARAMETER IN ERR OR W AS xx . Explanatio n: This is a ge neric messag e th at c an be i ssu ed f rom any CCC for MQ Serie s com pon ent.
234 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQxx005E COMPONENT TRA CE F AILED T O INITIALI ZE FOR THE c omp onen t COMPONENT Explanatio n: This is a ge neric messag e th at c an be i ssu ed f rom any CCC for MQSer ies compo nent .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 235 KMQCI107E INV ALID MINOR COMMAND Explanatio n: The mi nor verb on the KMQCMD comman d i s i nval id. System Action: Th e c omm a nd is n ot exec uted .
236 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQCI114E UNABLE T O LO AD DOMAIN INITI ALIZA TION MODULE Explanatio n: CCC fo r MQSer ies modu le KMQACIVC co uld n ot be l oaded . System Action: Proc essi ng o f the K M QC MD PERF OR M ST A RTU P com ma nd te r mi na tes .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 237 KMQCI122E SAMPLE INTER V AL TIME MISSING Explanatio n: A KMQCM D PERF ORM ST AR TMON command was enter e d, but th e sam pl e i nter v a l tim e a ssoc i ated wit h th e SA MP I NT k eyw o rd is m is sin g. System Action: Th e c omm a nd is n ot exec uted .
238 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQCI128E NAME OR SUBSYS P ARAMETER REQUIRED Explanatio n: A SET MAN A GER c omm a nd w as e nt ered w ith ou t th e req uire d NAME or SUBSYS p arameter . System Action: Th e c omm a nd is n ot exec uted .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 239 KMQCI134E DUPLICA TE MANA GER FOR ST A TUS(ADD) Explanatio n: A SET MA N AGE R c omm a nd sp ec ifies t he S T A T US(A DD ) par amet er , but a pri or SET MAN AGER comma nd for thi s queue ma nage r name was en ter ed. System Action: Th e c omm a nd is n ot exec uted .
240 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQCI139E DUPLICA TE QUEUE Explanatio n: A SE T QUEU E comma nd w ith the ST A TUS(AD D) par ameter was en tere d, bu t th e N AM E sp eci fi ed w as de fi ned by a pri or SET QUE U E co mm an d .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 241 KMQCI146E TRA CE HEAD NODE INITIALIZA TION F AILED . RC= rc RS N= rs Explanatio n: CCC for MQSeri es faile d to define a tra ce to MVS/ESA co mpon ent t rac e service s.
242 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQCI150E RMANA GER NAME CANNO T BE GENERIC Explanatio n: A KMQCMD S ET RM ANAGER command h as been enter ed with the na me ope ra nd spec ifi ed as a mas k. System Action: Proces sin g of the com ma nd is a bor te d.
244 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQCI303I MQ MANA G ER ( m ana ger_ nam e ) IN SET ( m ana ge r_n ame _ma sk ) IS MONIT ORE D Explanatio n: This mess age is iss ued in r espo nse to t he D ISPLA Y SET T ING S co mmand. System Action: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 245 KMQCI309I REMO TE MQ MANA GER mgr IS MONIT ORED VIA RO UTE LOCAL MANA GER mgr Explanatio n: The K M QCMD DI SPLA Y SET TINGS comman d i s sh owi ng t hat th e sp eci fied rem ot e mana g er is mo ni tored u sin g a con nec tio n wit h th e sp ec ifie d loc al man age r .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 247 User Response: De pendin g on t he reas on , do o ne o f th e fo llo wing : F or r eas ons 1, 6, 7, issue the cor r ected SET RM ANAGER co mmand. F or r easo ns 2 an d 3, no r espon s e is nec essa r y . F or r eas ons 4, 5, 8, and 9, contac t Can dle Cu stomer Suppo rt .
248 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Opt ions sp ecified on this com man d are now in effe ct. User Response: None. T his is an in for mation al mes sag e. KMQCI331E SET QSG COMMAND F AILED RC( rc ) REASON( reas on ) Explanatio n: Th e process ing of the SET QS G state ment has unexpect edly fa ile d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 249 KMQCT129I ALL MESSA GES W I TH GRO U PID= groupID HA VE BEEN DELETED FR O M QUE UE= queu e IN QUEUE MANA G ER= qmgr Explanatio n: All m ess ages wit h th e speci fied g roup ID hav e been de lete d su cce ssfu lly fro m th e s pec ifi ed qu eue in q ueu e m an ager qm gr .
250 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQIT103E INITIALIZA TION FUNCTION fu nction F AILURE RESPONSE = rs REASON = rc Explanatio n: The named CCC for MQSe rie s ini tiali zatio n fu nction encou nter ed an erro r , wher e rs is t h e respon se co de and rc is t he reason co de.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 251 KMQMH102E MQIMONIT O R( cms_ address_spa ce ) UNABLE T O EST ABLISH EST A E, RC= rc Explanatio n: MQ I ho ok fa iled to es tab lis h recov er y en viro nm e nt in t he sp eci fied CMS a ddr ess spac e which in stal l ed t he M QI h ook.
252 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI101E MQ API E RR OR. O PERA TI ON= op CC= cc RC= rc Explanatio n: An er r or occur red on an MQS eries A PI re qu est for the indi cate d type of oper at ion w ith the indi cated co mpl etion and reas on co de s.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 253 KMQM I 107I MONI T ORI NG ST AR TE D FOR qmgr , Repl y T oQ IS reply Explanatio n: The CCC for MQSerie s Remote Monit oring Age nt has been conta cted b y the Candle Man age ment Ser ve r and is n ow m onitori ng t he na med loc al que ue ma na ge r .
254 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI111I TERMINA TE COMMAND PROCESSED . W AITING FOR SER VER INITIA TION MESSA GE . Explanatio n: The CCC fo r MQSeri es Remo te Mo nitori ng Agent h as r ecei ved an indica tion from t he C and le M anagem ent S er ver that m onit oring of the remo te qu eue man ager shou ld b e stop ped.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 255 KMQMI116E MQ MANA GER COMMAND S ER VER NOT RESPONDING. Explanatio n: The CCC for MQSerie s Remote Moni tori ng Agent att empte d to v e r i f y t h a t t h e M Q S e r i e s co m m a n d s e r v er i s r u n n i n g , b ut th e c o m m a nd s e r v e r d i d not respo nd.
256 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: If you e ncount er proble ms w ith the R emo te Monit oring Ag ent, ver ify th at t he CMS queu e mana ger is d efi ned pro per ly t o the loc al que ue mana ger .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 257 KMQM I 130E SET GR OUP SET TIN G opt ion IS NO T SUPPORTED Explanatio n: Th e sp eci fie d SET G R OU P opti on is no t su ppo r ted . System Action: Proces sin g co ntinue s. T he o pti on is ign ored. User Response: Ent er a va lid op tion and retr y .
258 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI138E INV ALID PERFO RM ST ARTMON OPTI ON op tion r easo n Explanatio n: Th e sp ecifie d PERF OR M ST ART MO N opt ion is eit her n ot suppo rt ed o r unkno wn. System Action: Proces sing conti nues.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 259 KMQMI146E QUEUE queu e EXISTS, ST A TUS =ADD I S INV ALID. S ET Q UEUE IGNORED Explanatio n: SET QUEUE with ST A TUS( ADD) re fe rs to a queue t hat alr eady ex i st s. System Action: Processin g co ntinue s. The SET QUEU E comma nd is igno r e d.
260 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Res et the mana ger in the SET QUE UE co mmand and res ta r t CCC for MQSer ies. KMQMI153E SET QUEUE RE FERS T O A GR OUP gro up THA T DO ES NO T EXIST . SET CHANNEL IGNORED Explanatio n: SE T QU EUE com mand ref ers to a g roup that d oes not e x ist.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 261 KMQMI158E NO MGRNAME OR GRO UP DEFINED FOR resour ce . command IS IGNORED Explanatio n: Th er e is no grou p or no m anage r assoc iated with th e Queue or Cha nnel resource. System Action: Pr oce ss ing c ont inu es. The SE T QUE UE or SET CHANNE L co mmand is ig n or ed.
262 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI166I NO SET MANA GER COMMAND IN THE C OMMAND FILE . DEF A UL T MANA GER IS MONIT ORE D Explanatio n: CCC for MQSeri es will monit o r th e def ault que ue manager when t her e is n o SE T MAN AGER c omman d in the co mmand f ile.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 263 KMQMI168W NO QUEUE MANA GER W AS PRO VIDED WITH -N COMMAND . DEF A UL T MANA GER IS MONIT ORE D Explanatio n: Th is mes sage is info r mation al.
264 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI174I EVENT COMMUNICA TION QUEUE ENDED WITH RETURN CODE rc Explanatio n: Th e retur n c ode rc wa s r eceiv ed wh ile r etr ievin g an MQS eries eve nt no ti fic at ion . System Action: The MQS eries event noti fi cati on proc ess i s termin at ed.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 265 KMQMI180E INV ALID SET EVENTQIN/EVENTQOUT opt io n reaso n Explanatio n: Th e S ET EVE NTQ IN or SET EVE NT QOU T opt ion i s inval id for th e reas on g ive n in th e re as o n te x t. System Action: Th e co mm and is i gnored.
266 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KM Q M I1 85 E ER RO R IN W RI T IN G TO fi le n am e . WRITE IS NO T SUCCESSFUL OR DA T A LOST Explanatio n: A n er ro r occ ur red wh en t ry ing to w rite da ta to th e sp eci fied file na me .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 267 KMQMI195E ERR OR IN ISSUING _RROLLBCK COMMAND RC= rc ERRNO= e rrno Explanatio n: Th e co mm and _Rrollbck() ha s fa ile d wi th retu r n cod e rc and e rro r code err no . System Action: The MQ Series Agen t pro cess ing cont inues and the com man d is igno r ed.
268 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMI201W F AILED T O NO TIFY OFFLINE ST A TUS Explanatio n: Th is mes sage ap pears if you ter mina te the ag ent or an error con di tio n te r m inat e s th e age nt a nd th e a ge nt f ail s to s en d th e offl in e sta tu s to the Ca nd le Mana geme nt Serv er .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 269 KMQMI207W SAMPINT IS INCREASED T O secon ds SECONDS BECA US E V ALUE SPECIFIE D IN CONFIGURA TION FIL E (seconds) I S T OO SMALL. Explanatio n: The SAM PINT sp eci fie d in th e MQSe ries Mo n it orin g Age nt con figur ation file wa s not larg e e no ugh t o co llect all MQS erie s da ta s amp les.
270 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) 2019 H obj_Error 2087 Unknown_Re mote_Q_Mgr 2024 S yncpoint_Limit_Reached 2 091 Xmit_Q_T y pe_Error 2026 MD_E rro r 2092 X mit_Q_U sage_Error.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 271 System Action: No row s ar e r eturn ed. User Response: Reso lv e th e r e ason f or th e pro b lem. KMQM Q10 1E ALE SER V F AIL ED. REQ = requ est RC= rc REASON= rs Explanatio n: The name d ALESERV r equest i ssued by CCC f or MQSeries fa ile d.
272 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ106E UNABLE T O W AIT FOR EVENT . RC= rc Explanatio n: CCC fo r MQSer ies wa s unabl e to get events from th e queue mana ge r even t queue becau se of ba d SIGNAL co de rc . System Action: Mo nito ri ng o f the ev en t qu eue end s.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 273 KMQMQ113E COLLECTION TERMINA TED FOR QMGR = sbid , REASON= reaso n Explanatio n: Da ta co llect ion ha s be en t erm inat ed for a q ueue mana ger with subs ystem ID sbid w here re a s o n is the textual r eas on caus ing term inatio n.
274 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ118E UNABLE T O OBT AIN COMMON ST ORA GE FOR SRB DRIVER Explanatio n: The CCC for MQSer ies cro ss-memo ry ser ve r tas k was unable to all oc ate s uffici ent stora ge in the MVS e xtended co mmon s tor ag e ar ea (E CSA) f or t he cr oss- memory SRB d riv er .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 275 KMQMQ124I CICS CHANNEL MONIT ORING ENDED FOR APPLID appl ON qmg r Explanatio n: CCC for MQSe ri es has s topped monito ring CICS ch annels o n th e nam ed a pplid for the n amed queue ma nager . System Action: None. User Response: None.
276 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ143E MESSA GE WITH UNSUPPORTED CCSID= co ded_characte r_set_i d IS RECEIVED FRO M QMGR= qmg r Explanatio n: The mess age is r eceiv ed wit h a co ded cha rac te r s et ID whic h i s n ot cur r ent ly s uppor ted.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 277 KMQM Q20 3E MQI com pon en t PROCESSOR INITIALI ZA TIO N F AILED . QM GR= queu e_ man ager_ nam e , RC= rc Explanatio n: Ini t ial iza tion of on e o f t he M QI m on it ori n g co mponen t s f ai led .
278 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ210E MQI RECORD TYPE IS INV ALID , QMGR= queu e_ man ager_ na me , he x Explanatio n: The MQI d a ta pro ces sor detec ted that the inco ming MQI r e cord is of an inv alid type .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 279 User Response: Cont act Can dle Cu stome r S upport. KMQMQ217E ERR OR RETURNED BY $IPC A CCE SS. RETURN CODE= rc Explanatio n: An unexp ected return co de occu r r ed whil e attemp ting to acce ss th e ev e nt co m mu nic ation q u eue.
280 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ223W MQI MONIT ORING FOR MGRNAME= mgrname LEFT 5K OF ECSA ST ORA GE IN ORDER T O MAINT AIN SYSTEM INTE GRITY Explanatio n: During te rmi.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 281 User Response: None. KMQMQ229E MQSERIES MESSA GE CORRUPTION FOR MESSA GE msgi d . KE YWO RD PR EFIX ES=( msgkwpfx|prstb l k w pfx ) , QM GR= qmg rname Explanatio n: CCC for MQSeri es detec ted the corru ption of MQ S eries messag es du ring d ata co llect ion.
282 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ235W PERFORMANCE EVENTS DISABLED FOR QMGR xxxx . QU EU E ST A TISTI C S INFO RMA TION CANNOT BE COLLECTED. Explanatio n: Que ue s tat istics in for mat ion wa s requeste d b y sp ecifyi ng ST A TI S TIC S( YE S) o n the SET Q UE UE m on ito r ing opt io n.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 283 System Action: Proc es sin g co nti nu es, bu t no d at a wi ll be c ol lec ted for the e xecu ting funct ion. User Response: Ensure that the co mm and ser ver is runnin g on all que ue man agers. Ensure that the cha nnel init iator is runn ing.
284 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: The oth er age nt i s r eques ted to r ele ase t he m oni torin g fu nct ion . W he n th at is co mpl et e, t hi s ag en t wi ll ta ke ove r th e m oni to ri ng f un cti on for the indi cated queu e-sha ring group us ing the indi cated queu e manag er .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 285 System Action: The pa ramete r is ignored. User Response: Ensu r e only v a l id, corr ec tly f ormatt ed par amete rs a r e ente r ed. KMQMQ407E aa aaaaa a KMQAMQCI specifi ed with RELO AD=YES i s not supported Explanatio n: Prog ram KMQ A MQ CI has b een de fined w ith th e optio n RELO AD= YE S.
286 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQMQ413I aa aaaaa a CCC for MQSer ies stop acc epted Explanatio n: A s ucce ssful r equest to terminate dat a collec tion fo r CICS channe ls w as entered. aa aaaa aa is the CICS applid . System Action: Da ta colle ction for CICS cha nnels will sto p.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 287 KMQTR103E B A D RETURN CODE FR OM NAME/T O KEN S ER VICES Explanatio n: CCC for MQSe ries r e ce ived a bad r eturn code whi le attem pting t o us e th e MV S/ ESA n ame o r t oke n ser v ice s. System Action: Proces sing conti nues but com pone nt tracing ma y not fu nct io n .
288 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQTR112I TRA CE ST OPPING FOR COMP= com pon ent SUB= su b Explanatio n: App licatio n com pone nt tr acing is bein g ter mina ted for the nam ed co mponen t and sub- trace co mponent. System Action: Th e sys tem tra ce fl us hes an y exte r nal wr ite b uf fers and te r mi na tes .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 289 KMQVS101E D A T ASP ACE CRE A TION F AILED . RC= rc REASON= rs Explanatio n: An error o ccurr ed w hile atte mpting to cr eate t he CCC for MQS eri es h ist oric al d at aspa ce wher e rc is th e r eturn code fro m the DSPSERV req ue s t a n d rs is th e reason co de .
290 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KM QW 000W rea son co de - expl anat ion t e xt Explanatio n: An MQS eri es e rror has o ccu rr ed w hen pe rfo rmi ng th e r equ es te d op erati on.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 291 KMQW010E NOT ALLO WED BY C OMMAND OPTION Explanatio n: Ag en t does n ot a llo w execu tin g the requ est ed c om ma nd. System Action: Th e co mm and is i gnored. User Response: Corr ect the C OMMAND opt i o n in the a gent c onfi gur ati on fi le and r est ar t t he M QSer ies Ag ent.
292 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMQW018E NOT ALLO WED BY SE CURI TY Explanatio n: Th e req ue sted co mm an d is n ot al lo wed by the se cu ri ty sy ste m . System Action: None. User Response: Cont act your se curi ty admin istra tor .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 293 KMVCCC004E RULE FOR MANA GED OBJ ECT object IS T OO L ON G Explanatio n: Whi le c re at ing or u pda ti ng t he St at us Da ta Ma na ge r ( SDM) r e sour ces fo r th e spe cif ied managed o bje c t , t he SDM r ul e str ing bec ame to o lo ng.
294 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC010E UNABLE T O INITIALIZE KMVCCC SE R VICE QUEUE Explanatio n: An e rr or o ccurred w hile sett i ng up the KMVCCC service queue. System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 295 KMVCCC016E UNABLE T O INITIALIZE S ITU A TION ST A TUS THREAD Explanatio n: An er r or occur red while in itializing the thread th at monit ors the hub for cha nges in nod e status. System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
296 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC024E ERR OR re tur n_c ode TR YI NG T O C REA TE ME SSA GE Q UEUE Explanatio n: Re t u rn _ c o d e was r e c eiv ed whi le cr eatin g a messa ge que ue for in ternal communi catio ns. System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 297 KMVCCC030E UNABLE T O CREA TE DIALOG ENVIRONMENT FOR KMVCCC S ER VICE THREAD Explanatio n: An i nte rnal err or occu rr ed t hat will pr even t the cr eat ion of the OMEGA VIEW panel to r epr esent th e ente rpri se. System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
298 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC037E UNABLE T O CREA TE DIALOG ENVIR ONMENT FOR SDM SER VICE THREAD Explanatio n: An i nte rnal err or occu rr ed t hat p r events t he c r eati on of t h e St atus Data M anager (SDM ) inter face.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 299 KMVCCC044E INV ALID RE QUE ST re ques t_co de RE CEIVED BY SDM SER VICE Explanatio n: Th e Statu s Data M anager (S DM) ser v ice r ece ived an invalid req ue s t , re q u e s t _ c o d e . System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
300 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC051E ERR OR re tur n_c ode FROM SQL FETCH REQUEST Explanatio n: Re t u rn _ c o d e w as r eceiv ed wh en fet chin g ro ws fr om a n SQ L req ue s t . System Action: Th e cur rent requ est is ter mi nat ed .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 301 KMVCCC058E UNABLE T O LOCA TE EVENT FOR SITU A TION si tu ati on_ na me ON NODE node _na me Explanatio n: No even t entry coul d be f ound fo r the spe cif ied sit uati on/n ode combi nat ion whi le fetchin g initial at tribute s.
302 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Chec k th e RKANDA TV DD state ment i n the OMEGA VIEW sta r ted ta sk JCL. V erif y that the p ro per r unt ime data set is all ocate d an d th at sec urit y aut hori zati on f or r ead acc ess is granted to th e OMEGA VIEW st arted tas k.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 303 KMVCCC108I RKAND A TV ( me mber ) ta g = nnn Explanatio n: An at tribut e definit ion value w as succ essfull y parsed from the cu rren t in put r ecor d r ead f rom th e RKANDA TV data set. Me mber is th e me mber nam e from which the va lue w as pa rsed.
304 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC118E ERR OR re tur n_c ode ADDING R O W T O T ABLE tab le Explanatio n: A n er ro r was enco un tered whil e ad din g a ro w to th e ta ble. System Action: Th e cur rent requ est i s ign ored .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 305 KMVCCC125E UNABLE T O ALLOCA TE NODE ST A TUS Explanatio n: An err or occ ur r e d while allocat ing st orag e for a nod e sta tus ob jec t. System Action: Proces sing conti nues. User Response: A low st orage con dition can cause this erro r .
306 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KMVCCC131E ALL TYPE typ e NOT S UPPORTED Explanatio n: An attempt to access a console from CCC/3270 has fa il ed because t he t ype o f obj ect used to de termin e th e l ist of a ssoc iat ed co nsol es co uld n ot be dete rm ined or is not on e of thos e sup por ted .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 307 KMVCCC150E Err or pr oc essing pr e di cate: pd t Explanatio n: An e rror o ccurr ed p roc ess i n g th e si t uati on pr edi cat e. System Action: Th e user is prev en ted f rom ed iti ng t he si tuat ion . User Response: Use the Ca ndle M anag ement W o rkstatio n edit or to deter mine th e na tu re of the er ro r .
308 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: NCP stat istics in for mat ion is n ot av ailable . User Response: Lo g th e in for m ation di splay ed for p rob lem dia gn osis an d con tact Cand le Supp or t Ser vice s. Message T ype: In te rn a l e rr o r .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 309 KN3AF012 [TRA CE DELETE] [ TRACE DISPLA Y] | [TRA CE INST ALL] | [TRA CE REMO V AL] | [TRA CE ST ART] | [TRA CE ST A TUS ] | [ T R A CE ST OP] FA I L E D — MODULE( erro r_mo du le ) RC( retu rn_ cod e ) Explanatio n: Th e sp eci fied fu nc tion fai led .
310 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF041 ETE CONNECTION F AILED — MODULE( e rror_ mod ule ) RC( re tur n_c ode ) SC( sense _co de ) Explanatio n: Duri ng sessio n establis hment for a user , OM EGAMO N II for VT AM dete cted t hat th e end-t o-en d resp ons e time en vir onme nt was not co nnect ed.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 311 Message T ype: In te rn a l e rr o r . KN3AF045 CAPTURE READER CODES — MODULE( e rror_m od ule ) RC( retur n _cod e ) SC( sense _co de ) Explanatio n: Th is m essag e occ.
312 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Clu ster i s l oaded. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n . KN3AF051 CLUSTER INITIAL LO AD F AILED FOR DDNAME( ddnam e ) — MODULE( e rror_m od ule ) SE R V IC E( cccc ) RC( nn ) Explanatio n: An e rror o ccu rre d d uri ng cl ust er ini tia l l oa d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 313 KN3AF056 ALLOCA TING DA T ASET dsnam e Explanatio n: VSAM cluster dsnam e is be ing a llo c ate d fo r O ME G AM O N II f o r VT AM. System Action: VSAM cluster dsname is allo cated . User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n .
314 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF060 VSAM LOGG I NG DISABLED — MODULE( erro r_ mod ule ) RE ASON ( cccccccc ) Explanatio n: VS AM loggin g is di sabled and the reason for it is cccccccc . Th i s mes sage is usua lly acco mpa nied by ot her mes sages in RK L V L O G.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 315 KN3AF110 dialog _fu nction - UNA BLE T O O BT AIN P ASSED P ARAME TER( paramete r_name ) Explanatio n: Th e dialo g funct ion mo dul e ( dialog_function ), was not pa ssed param eter ( para meter _name ) f rom t he di al og pan el.
316 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF115 KN3AFNM 1 - UNABLE T O LOCA TE SITE MONIT OR T ABLE: tab len ame . Explanatio n: The d ial og f uncti on was un able to o btai n th e han dle of t he NC P si te monito r tabl e, ta blen am e .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 317 KN3AF120 NDM FUNCTIONS INITIALIZA TION F AILED REASON( reas on_c ode ) Explanatio n: Th e au to m ati c col lec ti on task (A CT ) in iti aliz a tio n of NCP da ta man ager (NDM) funct ions failed. System Action: NCP stat istics in for mat ion is n ot av ailable .
318 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF125 NCP D A T A UP D A TE ERRORS DETECTED RC( ret ur n_co de ) SC( se ns e code ) Explanatio n: NCP data ma n ager (NDM) was unable to r efr esh the NCP top ology with dat a fr om th e d ata s erver .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 319 KN3AF130 ST ART REQUE ST RESOURCE( res our ce_n ame ) NP ALU( npalu _na me ) GEN D A TE ( ge nerat ion_d ate ) GENT IME( ge ne ration _time ) F A ILED Explanatio n: Th e au to m atic col lec tio n ta sk ( AC T) w as u na ble to st ar t moni toring an NCP resource .
320 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF134 NCP T OPOLOGY NO T CRE A TED . WILL RETR Y NEXT A C T CYCLE INTER V AL Explanatio n: Th e NCP res ourc es hav e n ot be en rece iv ed f rom th e NC P collec tor ta sk.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 321 KN3AF138 KN3AXNP B GET_HASH FUNCTIO N F AILED RC( re tur n_c ode ) MODULE( modul e_n ame ) Explanatio n: A n er r or wa s e nc ou nter ed i n c rea tin g th e NC P p ara m ete r b l ock (N PB) has h tab le. Retu rn c ode and i s sui ng m odu le a re displ a yed in the mess age text .
322 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KNO AF143 NCP VSAM LOGGING MODULE KN3AFNVW LO AD F AILED . NCP ST A TISTICS D A T A NO T A V AILABLE. Explanatio n: Th e au to m atic col lec tio n ta sk ( AC T) w as u na ble to loa d KN 3AF NVW .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 323 KN3AF148 module _n ame LO WER LEVEL MONIT ORE D RESOURCE S EXIS T FOR reso urce _nam e Explanatio n: A requ est to st op m on ito ri ng a n NC P res ou rce h as be en ent ered, but ther e a re l ower level r esou rce s whic h a r e st il l be ing mo nit or ed.
324 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3AF153 A CT NPB CHECK FOR RESOURCE( ncp_ re sour ce_n ame ) NP ALU( n palu_ nam e ) F AILE D RC( ret ur n_ cod e ) Explanatio n: Th e Autom ati c Co llect ion T ask (A CT ) wa s un ab le to a nalyz e t he nam ed NCP resou r ce f or a n exceptio n cond ition.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 325 KN3AF157 T OPOLOGY UP A TE FUNCTIONS MODULE KN3AFNUT LO AD F AILED. NCP ST A TISTICS D A T A NO T A V AILABLE. Explanatio n: Th e Aut oma tic Co llect or T ask (ACT ) loa d of the NCP topo logy updat e f unction s mo dule faile d.
326 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CT000 TCP/IP ST A TISTICS COLLECT OR INITIALI ZA TION COMPLETE Explanatio n: Th e T C P/I P colle ctor s uccess fully initial ized. System Action: None. User Response: None Message T ype: Conf irmati on.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 327 KN3CT009 {TCP/IP COLLECT O R | MIB BR O WS ER} MEMOR Y ALLOCA TION F AILED Explanatio n: A me mor y all ocation f ailed in t he specifie d functio n. System Action: The func tio n te rminates . User Response: L og t h e i nf orma ti o n fo r p r obl em d i ag nos is and c ont act Ca nd le S upp ort Servi ces .
328 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CT015 SNMP MANA GER A TT ACH F AILED: RC( r etur n_ code ) Explanatio n: The a ttac h of the SNMP ma nage r task fa ile d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 329 KN3CT102 {TCP/IP SER VICE THREAD | MIB BR O WSER | XMCS} ABENDED, CODE=abend_c ode, PSW=progr am_status_w ord, ROUTI NE=pr ogram_name Explanatio n: The s pec i fied funct io n ab ende d. The ab end code , Pr og ram Sta tus W ord ( P SW), a nd p rog ram name ar e dis pla yed i n t he me ssag e.
330 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CT112 $GME M F AILED FOR COMMAND OUTPUT RE CORD Explanatio n: A me mor y all ocati on failed in t he T CP/ IP s er vice tas k.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 331 KN3CT125 NAME= na me ST A TU S= st atus HO ST= host IP ADDR= Explanatio n: One KN3CT 125 m essage pe r T CP /IP ima ge follows message KN 3CT1 2 4, wh ere: System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n al.
332 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CT202 KN3CT202 m odu le - S T ORA GE ALLOCA TION F AILURE S IZE = byte s Explanatio n: Th e spe cifie d mo dul e was u nabl e to alloca te t he sp ecifie d nu mbe r of b ytes of virtual stor ag e.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 333 KN3CT208 KN3CT208 KN3AITXB - EZASMI G ETHOSTNAME F AILURE Explanatio n: Mo du le K N3AI TX B c ould not p er fo r m a GE THO STBYNA ME f unctio n via the E ZASMI i nterfac e. System Action: The requ es t is termin ated . User Response: Con tact C andl e Su ppor t S er vices.
334 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CT303 KN3CT303 KN3AITDD - I NV ALID ELEMENT P ARAME TER pa r m Explanatio n: Mo du le KN 3AI TD D rece iv ed a reque s t wi th the s pec ifi ed e leme nt param eter wh ich is inva lid. System Action: The requ es t is termin ated .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 335 by an adjace nt plus (+) sign. When the inp ut field is not pro mptab le, you mus t typ e th e req u este d da t a. System Action: None.
336 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV011 USER COMMANDS UPD A TED Explanatio n: The use r add ed, ch ange d or de let ed a us er VT AM co mman d. System Action: The us er com mands up date succ essfully . User Response: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 337 KN3CV018 WRAP DETECTED IN SIO COUNTER; D A T A REINITIALIZ ED Explanatio n: A r ese t conditi on has been dete cted f o r a VT AM S IO co unter . System Action: A new co lle ction inte rv al is init iated , and al l current va lues are rese t to zer o .
338 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV024 DIALOG ERR O R Explanatio n: A us er w ith admi nistr ato r au t hori ty i ssue d th e DI AL O G d lgn ame comm and , but the dialog spe cified d oes not exist or con tains er ror s and co uld not be compi led and e xecut ed s u cc essf u l ly .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 339 KN3CV030 SELECT THE “ AC T I O N S ” PULL-DO WN ME NU Explanatio n: One or mor e / se lecti on cha racte rs have bee n ente r ed, but no actio ns have b een sele cted from the Action s pul ldown me nu. System Action: None.
340 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV037 GLOB AL OP TI ONS UPD A TED Explanatio n: A use r wi th ad mi nis tr ator au tho rit y pres sed En te r w hi le v iewi n g th e G lo bal O p tio ns p ane l. System Action: Th e Glo bal o ptions a r e upda ted.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 341 KN3CV043 ETE I NTERF A CE DISABLED Explanatio n: The ETE re sponse ti me monito r compon ent is cu rr ently di sabl ed. Th is is t he in itial defa ult w hen the produ ct is in stalled . Th e ETE fe ature m ust be speci fically enable d aft er first ve rifying th at syste m incom pat ibilities do not exist.
342 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV047 THE SAS CLIS T W AS NOT E NTERED I N THE CORRECT FORMA T . PLEASE USE T H E FO LLO WING FORMA T : CANDLE.ON.V500. SASCNTL(KN3CLST6) Explanatio n: Th e SAS clist an d mem ber nam e sp ecifie d on the histo rical gra phs op tio ns pan el wa s e nte red i n th e wr ong fo rm at .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 343 KN3CV052 MONIT ORING S T AR TED Explanatio n: Th e us er reque st ed mo nit orin g of a su barea an d/o r VR s whi le wor ki ng wit h the V irtu al Ro ute Mo nit or Li st. System Action: Th e spec ifie d su barea/ VRs are mo nito r e d.
344 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV058 MONIT OR OPTIONS UPD A TE ERR O R Explanatio n: An i nte rn a l erro r wa s dete cted whil e attemp tin g to up date the V ir tu al Rout e Monit or List . System Action: Det ail ed me ssag e writ ten to j ob l og.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 345 KN3CV065 SMF DEFI NITION ADDED Explanatio n: Th e user ad de d a resp onse ti me SM F de finitio n. System Action: Th e SMF defin ition is adde d. User Response: None. Message T ype: Conf irmati on. KN3CV066 SMF DEFI NITION CHANGED Explanatio n: The u se r c hanged a r esp onse t ime SMF defi ni tion .
346 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV072 USER A UTH ORITY CHANGED Explanatio n: An ad minis trator cha nged an existing us er ’ s. s auth ori tie s. System Action: Th e user ’ s a uth orit ie s are upd at ed an d tak e ef fe ct the next tim e the use r log s onto O ME GA M ON II.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 347 KN3CV080 NA V I GA TION NO T ALLO WED Explanatio n: The us er att empt ed t o navig ate to a pane l th at is al re ad y act iv e in t he sta ck. As n aviga tio n tak es p lace from the St atus Disp lay panel , th e d ispla y pane ls ar e stack ed so that as you press F12 , y o u can return up the stack.
348 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV087 TRA CE IS NO T A CTIVE Explanatio n: The u ser atte mpted to st op a t race that was neve r st arted. System Action: None. User Response: T he sto p ac tio n i s onl y val i d for act ive or wr app ed tra ces.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 349 KN3CV094 ALLOCA TE F AILED FOR SYSOUT D A T ASET Explanatio n: An i nte rnal err or was de tect ed wh il e cl osi ng t he s cr een pri nt log. System Action: Det ail ed me ssag e writ ten to j ob l og. User Response: Ret ry the oper ati on.
350 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV101 PRINTER OPTIONS UP D A TED Explanatio n: The u ser pr essed Ente r wh il e vi ewin g th e Pr int er Opti ons panel . System Action: Th e prin te r opt ion s are upd ated . User Response: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 351 KN3CV107 ETE ST ARTED T ASK IS NO T A V AILABLE Explanatio n: O ME GA MO N II h as d et e cte d th at th e ET E R es po nse Tim e f eat ure is cur r e ntly no t av aila ble to col lect r espons e time or VT AM trac e data. System Action: None.
352 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV112 REQUESTED PIU W AS NO T FOUND Explanatio n: A V T A M T r ace b r owse requ est wa s is su ed. Th e requ es ted PIU w as not found . System Action: None. User Response: I n mos t ca ses, ther e is no thing wrong .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 353 KN3CV119 ENTER YES OR NO Explanatio n: Th is inpu t field requ ir es a va lue of Y es or No . System Action: None. User Response: Spe cify Y es to acti vate the opti on or No to dea ctiva te th e op tion. Message T ype: User input er ro r .
354 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV125 THE CA TEGORIES SELECTION IS ONL Y V ALID FOR THE IO00 BUFFER POOL Explanatio n: Wh en a cce ssi ng a b uff e r p ool d isp lay , th e G (Cat e gor ies) act io n was r eques ted. System Action: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 355 KN3CV130 V ALID RANGE IS 128 – 25 5 Explanatio n: The SM F r eco rd number to be generat e d mus t be i n t he r ang e 128 – 255. System Action: None. User Response: Specify a numbe r that is n ot less than 128 an d is no t g reater than 255.
356 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV136 V ALID RANGE IS 10 – 3600 Explanatio n: The a utoma tic sc re en r efr es h in terval must be i n th e r ange of 10 – 3600 seconds . System Action: None. User Response: Spec ify a numb er tha t is not less tha n 10 an d is not greate r than 3600 .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 357 KN3CV142 UNABLE T O FIND THE A CTU AL RPL. THE CRPL IS DISPLA YED INSTEAD . MO ST O F THE D A T A FROM THE ORI GINAL RPL CAN BE FOUND IN THE CRPL Explanatio n: Th e ac tual RP L wa s not avail able . The CR PL is sh ow n inste ad.
358 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV148 TRACE NO T ST ARTED Explanatio n: Th e se lect ed t rac e was not s tar t ed . System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n . KN3CV149 NO T V ALID FOR GROUPS.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 359 KN3CV154 SPECIFY EITHER RESOURCE NAME OR NETWORK ADDRESS Explanatio n: User en ter ed bo th a res our ce name and a networ k addr ess. System Action: None. User Response: S peci fy e ith er a r eso ur ce na me or netw ork a ddr es s, not bo th .
360 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV160 ST ORA GE REQUI RED FOR MODELLING NO T A V AILABLE. ENSURE THA T LIMIT(23,X ) IS CODED FO R THE ST ARTUP P ARAMETER. Explanatio n: Stora ge r equir ed fo r S RT mode ling is not avai labl e fr om th e e xis ting s tor ag e po ol.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 361 KN3CV166 ENTER P OR U Explanatio n: Th e on ly acce pt able c har acte rs to spe cify in t his fiel d are P (PUs) and U (L Us). System Action: None. User Response: Ent er P or U in th e fie ld . Message T ype: User input er ro r .
362 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV172 RESOURCE HAS NO SUBORDINA TE RESOURCES Explanatio n: A L ist act ion wa s sel ecte d for a r esou rce tha t has no s ubor din ate res o u rc e s. System Action: None. User Response: Chec k to be sur e the actio n was en ter ed ne xt to the c orrec t res o u rc e .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 363 KN3CV178 NO EXCEPTIONS ARE GEN ERA TED FOR THIS FI ELD Explanatio n: Exce ptions were request ed for a d ata type that ha s no threshol d setting s a nd ca nnot be m onit or e d. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n .
364 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV184 RESOURCE MUS T BE AN LU OR TERMINAL Explanatio n: Us er ha s requested resource a nalysis for a resource othe r tha n an L U o r ter minal. Re source anal ysis r e tur ns sessio n level data for par tne rs in sess io n.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 365 KN3CV189 GRO UP DESCRIPTION ALREAD Y EXISTS Explanatio n: Gro up des criptio n is alread y assign ed to a g roup b eing mon itored by ETE. System Action: None. User Response: Cho ose a different gro up de scription . Message T ype: User input er ro r .
366 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV198 THE TREND RECO RDING INTE R V AL ( inte rval ) I S LESS THAN THE NCP COLLECTION INTE R V AL ( inte rva l ).
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 367 KN3CV207 INV ALID SCROLL AMOUNT Explanatio n: Whil e at tempt ing to scroll forward , an in va lid sc rol l amo unt was ente r ed in the line input fie ld. System Action: None. User Response: Choose a number of li nes to sc roll th at fa ll s wi thi n the l e ngth of th e table di spl ayed.
368 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV214 UPDA TE ERR OR Explanatio n: An e rror o ccu rr ed d uri ng a n u p dat e ope rat io n. System Action: None. User Response: The cu rsor i s posi tio ned at t he f iel d th at was ent ered incor rectly .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 369 KN3CV221 A T LEAST ONE ENTR Y IS REQUIRED Explanatio n: Us er pres sed En ter is a d at a e nt r y di alo g th at req ui red a n entr y an d no entr y wa s ma de . System Action: None. User Response: En ter a val ue in at lea st one of the data e n t ry fi elds or p r ess F12 to canc el o ut of th e dia log.
370 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3CV227 command CO M MA ND F A I L ED Explanatio n: An a ttempt to e xecute t h e i ndic ated comman d fa iled. System Action: None. User Response: R evi e w a l l T CP /I P co nf ig ur ati on st eps r el at ing t o T CP/ IP co mmand aut ho riz at ion a n d sec ur it y .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 371 KN3FC003 KN3A Y FCV NO T A V AILABLE. INST ALL OPTION REQUIRED . Explanatio n: The KN3 A YFC V r eso ur c e wa s no t f oun d wh i le pr o ce ss i ng o ne o f the follo wing fea ture control co mm and (KN3FCC MD) option s: ST ART ST OP ST A TUS System Action: Th e co mm an d requ est fa ils .
372 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FC012 < s tat us te xt > Explanatio n: Th is is a pre fix for f eature contr ol comma nd (KN3 FCCM D) ST A TU S F PO N ou tp ut. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 373 KN3FC023 < s tat us te xt > Explanatio n: Th is is a pre fix for f eature contr ol comma nd (KN3 FCCM D) ST A TUS SEV T o utput.
374 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FC030 NCPC NP ALU COLLECT OR INST ALLA TION COMPLETE Explanatio n: Th e fea ture contro l comm and (KN3 FCC MD ) i nsta lled the NCP data coll ection f eature (N C PC). System Action: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 375 KN3FC045 < s tat us te xt > Explanatio n: Th is is a pre fix for f eature contr ol comma nd (KN3 FCCM D) ST A TU S N CP C ou tpu t.
376 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FC060 NDMT NCP D A T A MANAG ER T ASK ST OP F AILED ROUTINE=KN3AHNT2 REASON= reas on_co de RETURN= re tur n_c ode Explanatio n: An error w as dete cted whil e the fe atur e contr ol command (K N3FCCMD) was s top ping the NCP d ata ma nage r envi ro nment f eatur es (NCPC) .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 377 KN3FC074 < s tat us te xt > Explanatio n: Th is is a pre fix for f eature contr ol comma nd (KN3 FCCM D) ST A TU S DB UG o u tpu t.
378 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FC084 TCP/IP PRO FILE ALLOCA TION F AILE D . RC( re tur n_c ode ), ERRO R( reason_c ode ), INFO ( in f o r ma tion_ cod e ) Explanatio n: Dynamic alloc ati on o f a T CP/IP pr ofi le datas et fai led duri ng the add iti on of a tar get T CP/IP to t h e addr ess s pac e li st.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 379 KN3FC096 TCPC ST A TUS COMMAND F AILED R OUTINE=KN3A C TC3 REASON= reas on_co de RETURN= re tur n_c ode Explanatio n: An error w as dete cted whil e the fe atur e contr ol command (KN 3 FC CM D ) was ex e cut ing th e st atu s fun c ti on fo r th e T CP /I P co lle ct or fe at ure (T CPC).
380 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FC105 OM EGAMON II for VT AM DI A G NOSTIC fe at ur e ST A TUS F AILED ROUTI NE=KN3AHFT3 RE ASON= reas on RETURN= re tur n Explanatio n: An error w as dete c t ed du ring th e pro cess ing of a KN3F CCMD S T A TUS TR ACE or TR A P comm and.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 381 KN3FT008 CCCCCC O V ERRIDE: nnn Explanatio n: Th e CC CCCC en viron ment var iabl e wi th a val ue of nn n was rea d . System Action: Proces sing conti nues. User Response: None. KN3FT009 V ALUE MORE LESS THAN nn n Explanatio n: F ol lows messa ge K N3FT 008.
382 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: See me ssage KN3F T106. KN3FT106 INCREASE BUFMAX AND/OR REDUCE COLLECT_INTER V AL Explanatio n: Acco mpanies messa ge KN3FT105 . System Action: Proces sing conti nues. User Response: De cide w het he r to in crea se B UF M AX or to red uce COLL E CT _INTERV AL, or both.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 383 KN3FT208 CSVD YNEX ADD FOR ( ssssss )( j obnam e ) ( xxxx ) F AILED RC= yyyy , REASON= zzzz Explanatio n: Er ror a dding SMF e xit ss sss s .
384 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FT216 ADDING SMF EXITS Explanatio n: Sta r ting to ad d SMF e xits durin g initia lization . System Action: Proces sing conti nues. User Response: None. KN3FT217 ADDED SMF EXI TS Explanatio n: Finishe d adding SMF exits.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 385 User Response: None. If p roble m p ersists , co ntact C and le S uppor t Ser vice s. KN3FT225 RESMGR DELETE ERR O R R15= xxxx Explanatio n: Er ror xxx x d ele ting r e so ur c e m an ag er . System Action: Proces sing conti nues.
386 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3FT502 ERR O R: NO EYECA TCHE R I N CSA Explanatio n: Resou r ce mana ger was unable to l oc ate t he CS A fo t h e FTP agen t . Th e CS A may h av e al r eady been fr eed. System Action: The resource mana ger ter mina tes.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 387 KN3IR004 TCP |NCP|VT AM MONIT OR SUBNODE REGISTERED FOR ORIGINNODE orig inn ode Explanatio n: Th e I R A mana ger has registered to monit or the nam ed origin nod e. System Action: None. User Response: In fo r mat io n on ly .
388 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Th e IR A on w hich th e er ro r o ccu rr ed w ill n ot p ar t icipa te i n a ny di st ribu ted q ueri es. User Response: Chec k the TL VL O G fo r addi tiona l messa ges th at may ind icate t he r eas on why I RA Regi str at ion T hr e ad c oul d not be st arted.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 389 KN3IR909 IRA_Subnode_ Deregister error : RC = xx Node= ccccccccccccc Explanatio n: Th e O ME GA MO N XE f or M ain fra m e Ne two r ks IR A Re gis t rat ion Thr ead r eceived a n on -zero r etu rn code from the CT IR A Regi str ati on func tio ns.
390 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Th e IRA subn od e fo r wh ich th e er r or occ ur red wi ll no t par ticipa te in an y distrib uted qu eries . User Response: Gather RK L VLOG, JES mes sages and L OG for the IRA add r es s s pac e and c onta ct Candl e Supp ort Ser v ice s.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 391 User Response: Chec k the TL VL O G fo r addi tiona l messa ges th at may ind icate th e reas on w hy the r eg ist ra tio n requ es t f aile d.
392 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: Th e IRA subn od e fo r wh ich th e er r or occ ur red wi ll no t par ticipa te in an y distrib uted qu eries . User Response: Chec k the TL VL O G fo r addi tiona l messa ges th at may ind icate th e reas on w hy the co lle ct ion r e que st fai le d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 393 User Response: Log the d iagnost ic infor mati on and con tact Ca ndle Su ppor t Ser v ic es . Message T ype: In te rn a l e rr o r .
394 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Log the d iagnost ic infor mati on and con tact Ca ndle Su ppor t Ser v ic es .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 395 User Response: Log the d iagnost ic infor mati on and con tact Ca ndle Su ppor t Ser v ic es . Message T ype: In te rn a l e rr o r .
396 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Log the d iagnost ic infor mati on and con tact Ca ndle Su ppor t Ser v ic es . Message T ype: In te rn a l e rr o r . KN3LS109 T ABLE REQUEST ERR OR ROUTINE= rou tine_ na me T ABLE = t ab le_ nam e Explanatio n: In va lid NC P reso urce ta ble re que st .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 397 KN3ND000 NCP ST A TISTICS COLLECT O R A V AILABLE FOR REQUE STS Explanatio n: Th e NC P N P A L U col lec tor ta sk c an rece iv e r e ques ts.
398 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND006 SESSION TERMI N A TED WITH NP ALU= npal u _nam e Explanatio n: Th e NC P N P A L U col lec to r t ask lost t he ses sio n wi th NP AL U = npalu_na me . System Action: NCP stati st ic s da ta is not av ailab le fr om t h e NP AL U.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 399 KN3ND012 F AILED T O FIND O W NING RESOURCE o wn ing _res ourc e_na me FO R RESOURCE res ourc e_nam e DURING D YNAMIC DELETE Explanatio n: Th e ownin g r eso ur c e named o.
400 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND017 F AILURE ADDING D Y NAMIC RESOURCE( re so ur ce _nam e ) T O T O POLOGY R O UTINE=KN3AHN12 R0= r egi st er_v alu e R1 = re gister_ value R15= regi ster _v al ue Explanatio n: Stor a ge cou l d not b e acq uir ed to ad d th e spec ifi ed re sour ce to t he to po log y .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 401 KN3ND023 $ P AM( $P A M_n ame ) F AILED ROUTINE=KN3 A GSRC DDNAME= dd nam e MEMBER= member_name R 15= regis te r_value R0= re gis t er_v alu e R1= regis ter _value Explanatio n: Th e speci fied CT/ Engine $P AM (PD S ser vice s) functio n failed acc ess ing th e spec if ied membe r .
402 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND029 NETWO RK T O POLOGY DUPLICA TE RESOURCE( r eso urce _na me ) FOUND IN RRT( RR T_name ) Explanatio n: Th e sp ecifie d r e source wa s foun d in the indi cat ed RRT but alr eady e xi sts i n t he cu rren t NCP top ology .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 403 KN3ND034 KE YWORD( key wo rd ) ON( mac ro_na me ) MACR O WITH LABEL( lab el_na me ) IS NO T SPECIFIED Explanatio n: Th is keyw ord is no t e x plici tly specif ied on the macro w ith the indica ted labe l in the NCP sou rce memb er .
404 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND101 NCP D A T A MANA G ER T ASK IS TERMI N A TING Explanatio n: The N CP da ta man ager task is terminat ing.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 405 User Response: De pendin g on t he reas on c ode , t ake reco mm ende d actio n or con tact C and le as f ollow s: Message T ype: In ter n al o r use r er r or .
406 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND110 API UP DA TE T O POLOGY ERR OR KN3A YNCE SNAP Explanatio n: An in ternal r eques t by t he NCP data mana ger task has fail ed. Mes sage is diagn ostic info r mation . System Action: The NCP data manager task r eque st fa il s.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 407 KN3ND116 KN3A Y NRE RDS SEGMENT ALLOCA TIO N F AILED Explanatio n: An in ternal r eques t by t he NCP data mana ger task has fail ed. System Action: The NCP data manager task r eque st fa il s. User Response: Log the in for m ation f or pro ble m d iagno sis, a nd co ntact Ca ndl e Su ppo r t Se r vic es.
408 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND122 API E XTRA CT RESOURCE LIST REQUEST F AILED FOR r eso urc e_n ame NP ALU= npa lu _nam e RE TURN= retu rn_ cod e SE NSE = se ns e_c ode Explanatio n: A requ est to e x tra ct re so urce da ta ow ne d by res o u rc e _ n a m e fa ile d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 409 KN3ND131 KN3A GNPB SER VICE FUNCTION - F AILED, FUNCTION= fu nction _n ame , RETURN= ret urn _co de Explanatio n: A re quest being processed by t he KN3AGN PB API module has fa ile d. System Action: Th e site def au lt or reso urce sp ec ific mon ito r op tio ns are n ot modi fi ed.
410 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND136 BIND F AILURE FO R NP ALU= npal u_n ame SEN SE= s en se_ co de Explanatio n: The NCP NP AL U co lle ctor task w as unab le to es tab lis h a sess ion wi th th e na me d NP ALU bec au se o f the sp eci fie d se nse b yte s.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 411 Th e conte nts of the RU appe ar s on the lo g in chara cter an d hexadeci mal fo rm at af ter the m es sa ge text . System Action: The TIC 3 data is ign or e d, but pro cessing c ontinu es. User Response: Sav e the logg ed infor m ation and cont act Can dle Sup po rt Ser v ic es .
412 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3ND217 SCANNING OF NCP nc p_nam e ST ARTE D Explanatio n: The NCP to pology bui ld is be ing pr ocessed. System Action: None. User Response: None. Message T ype: In fo r mat io n al. KN3ND218 APPC ENVIR ONMENT NO T INITI A LIZED .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 413 KN3PN003 A CT TERMINA TED WITH ERR OR — RC( retur n _co de ) S C( s ens e_c ode ) Explanatio n: ACT (Auto matic Collector T as k) ter minate d with er ror . OM EGAMON II for VT A M continue s to run with out provid ing trending and e xcep tion analy sis.
414 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3PN008 LOGO N ERROR ENCOUNTERED FOR US ER use r id — FUNCTION funct ion_ nam e ) RC( ret urn_c ode ) SE NSE( s ens e_c ode ) USER WORK( u.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 415 KN3PN014 SAM ERR OR IN DIALOG callin g_dia log — FUNCTIO N(S AM _f unction) RC( retur n _co de ) LU ( lu _n ame ) APP L( applid ) USE RID ( use rid ) te xt string Explana.
416 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3PN020 OMEGAMON II FOR VT AM (V500) INITI ALIZA TION F AILURE - APF A UTHORIZA TION F AILE D Explanatio n: OM EGAMON II f or VT AM is not running with APF -aut ho r iz ation. System Action: OMEGAM ON II f or VT AM fails to initialize a nd shuts down.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 417 KN3PN024 OMEGAMON II FOR VT AM (V500) INITI ALIZA TION F A I LURE - RC( retur n _co de ) SC ( s ens e_c ode ) Explanatio n: OM EGAMON II f or VT AM initi alization failed. ret u r n _ c o d e is the r etu rn c o de from th e init ial iza tion pro cess ; se nse_cod e i s the se nse co de.
418 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KN3PN029 OMEGAMON II for DB2 FOR VT AM INTER NAL FUNCTION LEVEL SECURITY E N ABLED Explanatio n: O ME GA M ON II fo r V T A M is co nf igu red to us e a n int er na l fa c ili ty to con trol ac cess to c ertain produc t functi ons.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 419 KN3SD002 ERR OR PROCESSING AN S DM FUNCTION IN DIALO G c a llin g_dia log — APPL( SDM _app licat ion ) SE SSI ON( SD M_se ss ion _n ame ) FUNCTION( SDM _func tio n_nam e .
420 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 41034 Monitori ng f or situation &1 ended. Explanatio n: A u ser or p rogra m en de d a runn ing s ituat ion. Y ou ca n als o end all running situatio ns with the END CMS com mand . AUTOM A T ED F ACI LITIES policie s may als o end situa tions .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 421 User Response: Th e follo w ing li sts po ss ible e r ror co de s. If a reas on co de appe ars that is not on this list, note it and c ontact your ser vice representat ive. Severity: 20 System Programmer R esponse: Un atte nded K O4 104 1 En ter pris e situa tio n &1 is true.
422 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 41044 Monitori ng f or enterpri se sit uation &1 en d ed. Explanatio n: A use r or progr am ended a runn ing situat ion. All ru nning situati ons end whe n a user issues an END CMS com mand .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 423 K O 46260 Predi cate data cannot contain b lank field. Explanatio n: The f irs t par ameter fo r the PDT fie ld ca nnot c ontai n a bl ank. User Response: Re mo ve the bla nk i n th e pa ram ete r i n th e PD T fie ld . Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 46261 Onl y one sel ection allo wed.
424 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Refe r to the appr opr iate C andle Mana gem ent Se rv er ( CMS) Refe r ence Ma nual t o d eter min e th e type of a p art icular attrib ute . Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 46267 Situation de fini tion v alid ation did not occur .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 425 Ano ther po licy con tains a CH ANGE _POL IC Y o r em bedd ed po licy activit y tha t activa tes th is pol icy . The poli cy no w st arts, r uns , e nds , an d t hen eit h e r r est arts or dea ctiv at es b ase d on it s co mple tion optio n.
426 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 48081 Ranki ng group e ntry &1 in ranking gr oup &2 updated b y &3 . Explanatio n: Th e tankin g g roup e ntr y in rankin g g roup has b ee n upd ated b y th e us er . Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O4 808 2 P ol icy &1 cr eated by &2 .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 427 K O4 809 0 P ol icy &1 has deactiv ated. Rest art limit e xceeded. Explanatio n: Th e po licy was de fined to restar t upon co mple tio n and did so mor e than 5 times in a 1 0-mi nute i nt er val.
428 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O4 809 9 P ol icy &3 , act ivity &4 - Cha nging situa tion &1 to sta tus &2 . Explanatio n: Po l i c y &3 , acti vit y &4 is c han gin g situ ation &1 to s tat us &2 .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 429 K O4 814 3 P ol icy &3 , act ivity &4 - E scalating user choi ce fr om &1 to &2 due t o timeout. Explanatio n: Po l i c y &3 , act i v ity &4 is escalating user cho ice from &1 to &2 du e t o timeou t.
430 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O4 815 5 Exe cute com ma nd: &1 and &2 addit ional commands of the same f orm. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 48156 Not abl e to s tart monitoring for situation &1 .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 431 K O 49021 Situation validat ion faile d. *MIN cannot be used wit h this att ribut e Explanatio n: At tem pt t o us e *M IN wit h a no n-in te ger attr ib ut e. Severity: 40 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 49022 Situation validat ion faile d.
432 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 49030 Situation validat ion did not complete. *SUM cannot b e used with thi s attr ibute . Explanatio n: At tem pt ed to us e *SU M wi th a no n - i nte ger att rib ut e. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 49031 Status list printe d.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 433 K O 49038 Situation validat ion faile d; cannot use *S NGPDT predicate with *SIT pre dic ate. Explanatio n: At tem pt ed to creat e a si tu ati on wi th a si ng le situ ati on p redic ate . A *SIT pr edica te mu st hav e a mi ni mum o f two pr edi cate s.
434 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 49043 Situation &1 is occurring; &2 event s av a ilable for sta tus ; olde st eve nts disc arded. Explanatio n: The even t is occ urring; the data of 10 even ts is kep t and the previous even ts a r e d elet ed.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 435 K O 4SR V005 S tarting Candle Mana gement Server (CMS) ne twork requester s. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O4SR V00 6 Ne tw ork re ques te r s ac t ive. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O4 SRV007 St ar tin g Can dle M anag em ent Ser ver (CMS ) lo cal di rect ory se rv er .
436 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 4SR V018 Stopping Ca ndle Management Server (CMS) situa tion monit or . Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 4SR V019 Situation monitor stopped . Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 4SR V020 Stopping Ca ndle Management Server (CMS) data collection s erver .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 437 K O 4SR V030 Candle Management Serv er ( CMS) shutdo wn c omplete d. Explanatio n: CMS was r equ este d to shu t down by th e END CMS comma nd. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 4SR V031 Candle Management S erver (CMS) st artup job alr eady on job queue .
438 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 4SR V039 Starting Candle Ma nagement Server ( CMS) data colle ction e vent notific ation. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O4 SRV040 D ata co llect ion eve nt n otifi cation acti ve .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 439 K O 4SR V049 Candle Management S erver (CMS) st arted. Severity: 0 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 4SR V050 Startup faile d due to e rror s in en v ir onment def initions.
440 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KO 4 S RV 0 54 J o b &2 / &3 submitted. Explanatio n: Job &2 / &3 su bmitte d to job qu eue &4 in &5 . The jo b t hat st ar ts t he Candl e Mana gemen t Se r ve r (CMS ) prog ram has sub mitt ed t he CMS pr ogr am batc h job.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 441 K O 4SR V061 Candle Management S erver (CMS) st arting Situation &1 . Explanatio n: Th e CM S rec eive d an d ackn ow ledg ed a requ es t to st ar t th e situa tion and is no w doing so . Severity: 0 K O 4SR V062 Command &1 did not complete.
442 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 4SR V068 Input not supplied for require d fie lds. Explanatio n: A required para mete r wa s not specif ied. User Response: Ente r the corr ect va lue f o r h igh li ghted fi elds . Severity: 30 System Programmer R esponse: No K O 4SR V069 Situation defini t i on &1 not f ound.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 443 K O 4SR V074 Not abl e to upd ate recor d in co nfiguration file. Explanatio n: The Ca ndl e Mana geme nt S erver (CMS) en co unt er ed e rror con dition &1 , e r ror ID &2 , w hile u pd ati n g k ey ed rec or d &3 in file &4 .
444 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) KO 4 S RV 0 80 Va l u e &3 not val id f or parameter &2 . Explanatio n: A r equir ed valu e was not ent er ed fo r the parame te r . User Response: Ent er the cor re ct v alu e fo r th e requ ired fie ld .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 445 K O4SR V08 9 Sp eci fy *SNA D i rec to ry S erv er . Explanatio n: A n *SN A di recto r y ser v er mu st be spe cif ie d when no Ca nd le Mana gement Se rv er (CMS) T CP/IP address is present. Mes sage CPF 0002 follows. Severity: 99 KO 4 S RV 0 90 Va l u e &3 not val id f or parameter &2 .
446 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O 4SR V096 Multipl e predicates required wi th PDTREL va lue *AND or *OR. Explanatio n: Y o u ent er ed * AND or * OR i n the PDTR EL fi eld, b ut di d not ente r mor e th an o ne pr edi cate .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 447 User Response: Ente r a corre ct v a l ue f or t his at tri bute. Refer to t he app ropr iate Ca nd le Mana geme nt S erve r ( CMS) Re fer enc e Manu a l fo r at tr ib ut e va lue s. Severity: 20 System Programmer R esponse: No K O4SR V10 3 Una bl e to cr eat e CMS M ess a ge Q ueue.
448 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Programmer R esponse: No K O CJO001 INI TIALIZE COMPLETED NORMALL Y . Explanatio n: Th is facil ity has init ialize d succe ssfully . System Action: Proces sing conti nues nor mall y . User Response: None.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 449 K O CJO008 UNABLE T O DETERMINE ST ART TYPE. Explanatio n: Th e facility w as una ble to deter min e how it was invok ed . This can occ ur if t h e facility wa s invok ed using a m echan ism ot her than tho se doc umen ted.
450 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O CJO014 SUSPEND TRANSA CTI ON INA CTIVE. Explanatio n: An a ttempt to sus pend t he f acil ity wa s made and t he ba ckgr ound tr ans ac tio n wa s not ac ti ve . System Action: Th e pro gr am te r mi na tes w ith o u t tak ing any act io n.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 451 K O CJO020 GETMAIN F AILURE. Explanatio n: An e rror w as de tect ed w hen at tempti ng to o bta in st orage for use as a b uff er .
452 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Us e AU XT RA CE or C EDF to d e ter m ine the cau se o f the un e xpec ted re turn code. If you det ermine the err or is in th is faci li ty , contact Ca ndl e Su ppo r t Se r vic es.
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 453 K O CJO032 UNKNO W N FUNCTION IN PRO CESS. Explanatio n: A r eque st wa s iss ued an d an unk nown fun cti on wa s in pro gr es s. System Action: Th e pro gr am te r mi na tes w ith o u t tak ing any act io n. User Response: Con tact C andl e Su ppor t S er vices.
454 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O CJO038 ERR OR RECEIVED DURING FREEMAIN PR OCESSING. Explanatio n: An e rror w as de tect ed w hen at tempti ng to r ele ase buffe r st o ra ge. System Action: Th e bac k gr oun d ta sk te r mi na tes .
KMQxx001E – K OCJ0046 455 K O CJO044 NETNAME NOT PRESENT IN DICTI ONAR Y . Explanatio n: Th e globa l user exit has deter mine d that the ne twork nam e field is not pr esen t in th e dic tio nary .
456 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT).
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 457 K OGCM0 01 – K O NCT303 K O GCM001 FUNCTION=PSMREAD, RC= rc {L U ( lunam e ) SE SSI D( sessid )} Explanatio n: A prob lem occ ur red while reading a comma nd from the produc t. System Action: Th e co mm and is i gnored.
458 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K OGCM0 05 LU ( luna me ) OG/MVS Command input : co mmand Explanatio n: Th e speci fied com mand in put was receive d from the product . System Action: An atte mpt wi ll be mad e t o e xecu te the co mmand.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 459 Th is appe ars whi le waiting for VT A M to initiall y updat e the sta tus, if er rors are f ound in th e APPST A T r equest , or if t he sta tus r eturned by V T AM can not be oth er w ise c lass ifi ed . System Action: None.
460 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K OGEC 003 L U( lu nam e ) K key na me Explanatio n: A K com mand to tr ans mi t an ai d k ey t o a s ta r t ed ap pl i cati on was r e ceiv ed fr om the sp ecif ie d produ ct L U.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 461 K O GEC008 KABSEV AL INV OKED NAME= nam e VA L U E = va l u e Explanatio n: Th e dialog K ABS EV A L has been ca lled to evalua te a nam ed var iable. System Action: Th e nam ed var iab le ’ s co nte nt s are retur n ed .
462 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GEC013 SET ABORT PSMRE AD RC= rc Explanatio n: The PS MREAD f uncti on u sed to r ead par amete rs pas sed for the SE T c ommand fai led . The " " is the d efau lt POVI e nvi ronmen t comma nd pr efi x chara cter; it ma y b e d ifferent, d epen ding on cust omizat ion.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 463 K OG EC0 18 Ex pec ted E n vi ronme nt Co mma nd pr efi x charac te r is prefix cha r Explanatio n: The ch arac t er g iv en by prefix char has been establis h e d a s t he POV I environ men t comma nd prefix chara cter .
464 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GEV004 VSSENTR Y F AILED WITH RC= nn Explanatio n: Ini t ial iza tion of PO VI ’ s vir tual s ession se rv ices faile d. System Action: Th e user is log ge d off. User Response: I f the K ABNL OG NAM v ari abl e was >400, e xamine t h e POVI log for detailed messa ges.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 465 K OGLM0 03 LU ( luna me ) WILL USE LOGMODE= lo gmode FOR I TS VIR TU AL SE SSI ONS Explanatio n: The spe cif ied L U w ill use the spec ifi e d lo gmode name f or any virtual se ssion s that it st arts. System Action: None.
466 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Ex amin e th e P OVI lo g f or mo r e d etai led me ssag es de sc rib ing th e pro bl em.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 467 K OGOP0 05 VD EFIN E E RR OR FOR SE SSI D sessi d , RC= nn Explanatio n: An int ern al logic err or cau sed the cur r ent AP PLD EF comm and to fa il. System Action: Th e speci fied se ssio n ID will b e omit ted from main menus .
468 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) System Action: F ur the r communi catio n with th e produ ct may not be poss ibl e. User Response: Ex amin e th e P OVI lo g f or mo r e d etai led me ssag es de sc rib ing th e pro bl em. Message T ype: LO G .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 469 System Action: By defa ult, both p hys ical and virtual ses sio ns a r e term inated . If POV I has been con figured using th e "r etur n to main menu " o pt.
470 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) Message T ype: LO G . K OGR U0 18 IL LOGI CAL KEY : xxxx FR OM LU " lunam e " Explanatio n: Some one has logg ed o n t o th e Pl ay back Man ager fro m a p hysi ca l te r mi na l. System Action: Only PF2 and PF12 wil l be acc epte d .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 471 User Response: Ex amin e th e P OVI lo g f or mo r e d etai led me ssag es de sc rib ing th e pro bl em. Message T ype: LO G . K O GTB001 FUNCTION=TBCREA TE RC= rc { des cri pt ion } Explanatio n: A TB CREA TE opera tion f ailed on an intern al tab le.
472 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) User Response: Repo r t the er ror mess age along with a prob lem des criptio n to Candl e Customer Support. Message T ype: LO G . K O GTB007 FUNCTION=TBT OP RC= rc { descr ipt ion } Explanatio n: A TBT OP ope ratio n fa iled o n an inte rna l ta ble.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 473 K O GUT005 Importing|Exporting scriptn ame fr om|to pd snam e . Explanatio n: Th e att empte d impor t or e x por t is being proc essed. System Action: None . The m essag e i s info rmati onal . User Response: None. Message T ype: LO G .
474 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GUT012 Records trunc ated. RECFM not V|VB or LRECL<512. Explanatio n: A wri te of r ecord s hav ing a le ngth lon ger than LR ECL wa s atte mpt ed . System Action: Some tru ncate d da ta ma y hav e been wri tten.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 475 K O GVL05S UNABLE T O DETERMINE SLU APPLID Explanatio n: An a ttemp t to dete rmine t he S L U A PPLID o f the VU Clien t fa il ed. System Action: VU Ser ve r log o n f ail s and th e L U 0 se ssio n wi th th e V U Clie nt is ter min ated .
476 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVL10I INBOUND LU0 P A C KET ( ST A TUS = st atus ): Explanatio n: This me ssage pr eced es me ss age K OGVL15 I and i s used to di agno se V T AM sessi on pr oblems . The stat us val ue indi cate s th e r e turn c ode issued b y the VT AM RECEIV E serv ice rou tine.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 477 K O GVL14I OUTBOUND LU0 P A CKET: Explanatio n: This me ssage pr eced es me ss age K OGVL15 I and i s used to di agno se V T AM sessi on pr oblems . System Action: VU Se r ver pro ceed s to tran s mit th e r espo nse pac ket to the VU Clie nt in r esp onse to a ser vice requ est.
478 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVL21I CLEANUP FOR SESSION/P A TH VUSPLR= ad dre ss Explanatio n: Cle anup and te r minatio n of a session/ path resource has bee n initia ted. T he address id entifi es th e addr e ss of the co ntrol bl ock as socia ted wi th the log ic al r e source.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 479 K O GVL25E INV ALID RE QUE ST= req typ e FROM SLU AP PLID= a ppli d MA TCHNO= prcno Explanatio n: An in vali d r equest type fo r a VU r eques t was spe cif ied by the VU Cli ent. T he re q t y p e identif ies the inv alid reques t t ype specifie d by the VU Client.
480 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVL30E UNABLE T O TERMINA TE lr typ e ST A TU S= status Explanatio n: An a ttemp t to ter mina te an d clea nup a logica l resource ha s failed. Th e lrtype is the va lue type o f t h e logic al r eso ur ce wh ich co uld not be ter min ated .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 481 K OGVL 33I pduty pe REQUEST CONTINUED . LRN= lr n @ add ress SEQN O= seqno Explanatio n: An m ulti-pa cket Protoc ol Data U nit was su ccessfu lly continu ed . Th e pdut ype val ue indi ca tes the ty pe o f ser v ic e requ es t.
482 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVL38E INV ALID NO . SUBSTITUTE V ALUES= no v al s EX PEC TED= enov als Explanatio n: Th e numbe r of va lues receive d in a subst itutio n speci fied by the VU Cli ent. The lr n id entifie s the inval id logic al r e source numb er spe cified by th e VU Cli ent.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 483 K OGVS0 01 LU ( luna me ) ST ARTI NG VIR TU AL SESSION FOR sessid , APPL= ap pl , POOL = pool , L OGM OD E= logmo de Explanatio n: Th e sess io n g ive n b y sess id will be st ar ted us ing the spe cifie d param eters .
484 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVS01E INV ALID V ALUE FOR PLU APPLID= applid Explanatio n: Th e VT A M Primar y Log ical Uni t Applica tion ID s pecified in t he KDS CNFG memb er o f th e TL VP ARM dd name data set is inval id.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 485 K OGVS0 5E VU SER VER I PC QU EUE CRE A TE E RR OR= stat us Explanatio n: An atte mpt to cr eate the i nterp roces s communic ati on queue f or t he VU Server pr oce ss h as fai led .
486 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K OGVS1 3I V UPL= address DISP A TCH ED T O THREAD= thr eadI D Explanatio n: A VU service r eque st has be en su cces sfull y di spat ched to a thr ead proce ss for e xe cutio n. T he add ress i s th e a ddres s of t he VU se r vic e p aram e ter list.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 487 K O GVT10E UNABLE T O LOCA TE P A RAMETERS LRN= lrn Explanatio n: An a ttemp t to loc ate a VU se r vice para mete r li st r esour ce r e qu ir ed t o e xe cut e a servi ce r eques t has f ail ed.
488 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVT17W LO CA TE SER VER F AILED ST A TUS= stat us REASON= r eason Explanatio n: Th e CT Data Se r ver nam e canno t be locate d during lo gon proce ssing. Th e stat us value is t he s tatus r etu rned by the CT/ DS na me lookup rou tine.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 489 K OGVT 22E sql r ou tin e F AILED . ST A TUS= stat us Explanatio n: An int ern al ser vice rou tine (SQ L1 API func tion) w as calle d and r etu rned a non -zer o integ er sta tus cod e indi catin g an err o r . The sqlr outi ne val ue indica tes the na me of the in ter nal ser vice routine c alled .
490 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVT26I COM PILING SQL= sq l Explanatio n: Th is mes sage is is sued pr ior to com pilat ion of a que r y , in ser t, or del et e r equ est. Th e sql val ue di spl ay s the SQL sta te ment to be compil ed.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 491 K O GVT31I SUBSTITUTING novals V ALUES INT O R EQUEST LRN= lrn Explanatio n: Th is me ssage is iss ued p rior to e xec uting a subs titute request . The novals va lue is the nu mb e r o f val ues to be i n ser t ed int o s ubs tit ut ion sy mb ols .
492 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O GVT34I SUBSTITUTING parmna me = val ue TYPE= type LENG TH= leng th Explanatio n: Th is messa ge is issu ed pr ior to subs tituting a valu e into a subs tit uti on symbo l fo und i n a compil ed V U r e qu est.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 493 K O GVT38E FETCH A TTEM PTED BEY OND END OF D A T A REQUEST LRN= lrn Explanatio n: An atte mpt to fetc h rows beyo nd the last ro w of a que ry was made . Normall y , an en d- of- tab le s tatus value is retu rned wh en the la st r ow o f a re su lt table is fetch ed .
494 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF003 B ACKGRO UND ETE COLLECT OR TERMINA TED WITH ERROR — MODULE( e rror_m od ule ) RC( retur n _code ) SC( s ens e_c ode ) Explanatio n: Th e back groun d E TE co llecto r ter mina ted due to an inter na l er ror .
496 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF021 UNABLE T O OBT AIN LOCK — TYPE( lock_nam e ) MODULE( erro r_ module ) Explanatio n: W hi le att em p tin g to u p d ate m on ito r o pt ion s fo r a use r , OMEGA MON II for VT AM d etermi ned th at a noth er user was a lso upd ati ng t he op tions .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 497 K O NAF042 UNABLE T O FREEMAIN USER WORK DURI NG SESSION TERMINA TIO N — MODULE( er ror_m odul e ) RC( ret urn_c ode ) Explanatio n: FREEMAIN o f a user wo rk ar ea fa iled dur ing ses sio n terminati on. ( re t u r n _ c o d e is the FREE MAIN r e turn code) .
498 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF046 ERR OR ENCOUNTERED REMO VING TRA CE F ACILI TY DURI N G SESSION TERMI N A TION — MO DULE( error_ mod ule ) RC( ret urn _co de ) .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 499 K O NAF051 CLUSTER INITIAL LO AD F AILED FOR DDNAME( dd nam e ) — MODULE( e rror_m od ule ) SE R V IC E( cccc ) RC( nn ) Explanatio n: An e rror o ccu rre d d uri ng cl ust er ini tia l l oa d. S ervi ce w it h n ame cccc for fil e dd name r etu rned wi th RC= nn .
500 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF056 ALLOCA TING D A T A SET dsn ame Explanatio n: VSAM cluster dsnam e is be ing a llo c ate d fo r O ME G AM O N II f o r VT AM. System Action: VSAM cluster dsname is allo cated . User Response: None.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 501 K O NAF060 VSAM LOGGING DI SABLE D — MODULE( e rror_ mod ule ) REASON ( cccccccc ) Explanatio n: VS AM loggin g is di sabled and the reason for it is cccccccc . Th i s mes sage is us ually accom pan ied b y o ther messa ges in R KL V L OG.
502 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF110 dialog _fu nct ion - UNABLE TO OBT AIN P AS SED P ARAME TER( paramete r_name ) Explanatio n: Th e dialo g funct ion mo dul e ( dialog_function ), was not pa ssed param eter ( para meter _name ) f rom t he di al og pan el.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 503 K O NAF115 K O NAFNM1 - U NABLE T O LOCA TE SI TE MONIT OR T ABLE: tablenam e. Explanatio n: The d ial og f uncti on was un able to o btai n th e han dle of t he NC P si te monito r tabl e, ta blen am e .
504 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF120 NDM FUNCTIONS INITIALI ZA TION F AILED REASO N( reason _co de ) Explanatio n: Th e au to m ati c col lec ti on task (A CT ) in iti aliz a tio n of NCP da ta man ager (NDM) funct ions failed.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 505 K O NAF125 NCP D A T A UPD A TE E RRORS DETECTED RC( r etur n_c ode ) SC ( se n se code ) Explanatio n: NCP data ma n ager (NDM) was unable to r efr esh the NCP top ology with dat a fr om th e d ata s erver . System Action: NCP stat istics in for m ation is n ot a vail able f or s pecifi c or all res o u rc e s.
506 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF130 ST ART REQUEST RESOURCE( re sour ce _n ame ) NP ALU( np alu _nam e ) GEN D A TE ( ge nerat ion_d ate ) GENT IME( ge ne ration _time ) F A ILED Explanatio n: Th e au to m atic col lec tio n ta sk ( AC T) w as u na ble to st ar t moni toring an NCP resource .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 507 K O NAF134 NCP T OPOLO GY NO T CREA TED . WILL RE TR Y NEXT A C T CYCLE INTER V AL Explanatio n: Th e NCP res ourc es hav e n ot be en rece iv ed f rom th e NC P collec tor ta sk.
508 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF138 K O NAXNPB GET_HASH FUNCTION F AILED RC( retur n _code ) MODULE( modul e_n ame ) Explanatio n: A n er r or wa s e nc ou nter ed i n c rea tin g th e NC P p ara m ete r b l ock (N PB) has h tab le.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 509 KNO AF143 NCP VSAM LOGGING MODULE K ONAFNVW LO AD F A ILED . NCP ST A TISTICS D A T A NO T A V AILABLE. Explanatio n: Th e au to m atic col lec tio n ta sk ( AC T) w as u na ble to loa d KO NAF NVW . System Action: NCP st atis tic s ar e not avai lab le .
510 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF148 mod ule_n ame LO WER LEVEL MONIT ORE D RESOURCE S EXIS T FOR reso urce _nam e Explanatio n: A requ est to st op m on ito ri ng a n NC P res ou rce h as be en ent ered, but ther e a re l ower level r esou rce s whic h a r e st il l be ing mo nit or ed.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 511 K O NAF153 A CT NPB CHECK FOR RESOURCE( nc p_re sour ce_n ame ) NP ALU( n palu_ nam e ) F AILE D RC( ret ur n_ cod e ) Explanatio n: Th e Autom ati c Co llect ion T ask (A CT ) wa s un ab le to a nalyz e t he nam ed NCP resou r ce f or a n exceptio n cond ition.
512 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NAF157 T O POLOGY UP A TE FUNCTIONS MODULE K ONAFNUT LO AD F AILED . NCP ST A TISTICS D A T A NO T A V AILABLE. Explanatio n: Th e Aut oma tic Co llect or T ask (ACT ) loa d of the NCP topo logy updat e f unction s mo dule faile d.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 513 K O NCT000 TCP/IP ST A TISTICS COLLECT OR INITIALI ZA TION COMPLETE Explanatio n: Th e T C P/I P colle ctor s uccess fully initial ized.
514 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NCT009 {TCP/IP COL LECT OR | MIB BR O WSE R} MEMOR Y ALLOCA TION F AILED Explanatio n: A me mor y all ocation f ailed in t he specifie d functio n. System Action: The func tio n te rminates .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 515 K O NCT015 SNMP MANA GER A TT ACH F AILED: RC( ret ur n_c ode ) Explanatio n: The a ttac h of the SNMP ma nage r task fa ile d. System Action: The T CP/IP col lecto r ta sk termi nates. User Response: L og t h e i nf orma ti o n fo r p r obl em d i ag nos is and c ont act Ca nd le S upp ort Servi ces .
516 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NCT102 {TCP/IP S ER VICE THREAD | MIB BRO W SER | XMCS} ABENDED, CODE=abend_c ode, PSW=progr am_status_w ord, ROUTI NE=pr ogram_name Explanatio n: The s pec i fied funct io n ab ende d.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 517 K O NCT112 $GMEM F AILED FOR COMMAND OUTPUT RECORD Explanatio n: A me mor y all ocati on failed in t he T CP/ IP s er vice tas k. System Action: The T CP/IP col lecto r ta sk termi nates. User Response: L og t h e i nf orma ti o n fo r p r obl em d i ag nos is and c ont act Ca nd le S upp ort Servi ces .
518 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NCT125 NAME= na me ST A TU S= st atus HO ST= host IP ADDR= Explanatio n: One KONC T125 me ssage per T CP /IP image follows mess age KONCT1 24, where : System Action: None.
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 519 K O NCT202 K O NCT202 module - ST ORA G E ALLOCA TION F AILURE SIZE = by te s Explanatio n: Th e spe cifie d mo dul e was u nabl e to alloca te t he sp ecifie d nu mbe r of b ytes of virtual stor ag e. System Action: Th e fu ncti on requ ir ing th e p roc ess is n ot su cc ess fu l.
520 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT) K O NCT208 K O NCT208 kONAITXB - EZASMI G ETHOSTNAME F AILURE Explanatio n: Mo dule K ONAITX B coul d not per fo rm a GE THOS TBYNAME f unctio n via the E ZASMI i nterfac e. System Action: The requ es t is termin ated .
KO G C M 0 01 – K O NCT303 521 K O NCT303 K O NCT303 K ONAITDD - INV ALID ELEMENT P ARAME TER par m Explanatio n: Modul e KO NAITD D r e ceiv ed a r equ est with the spec ifi e d el ement param eter wh ich is inva lid. System Action: The requ es t is termin ated .
522 Candle P r oducts Messages Manual (K L VHS – K ONCT).
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Candle GC32-9172-00 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Candle GC32-9172-00 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Candle GC32-9172-00, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Candle GC32-9172-00 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Candle GC32-9172-00, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Candle GC32-9172-00.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Candle GC32-9172-00. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Candle GC32-9172-00 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.