Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WLA-L11 du fabricant Buffalo Technology
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Communications Between Ethernet LAN and Wireless LA N 1 What i s Next ? 2 T roublesh ooting 3 Self-Dia gnosti c Func tion 4 Settin g Scree n T ables 5 Glossa ry 6 Product spec ifica tions 7 This manua.
Using this Manual This secti on explai ns the symbol s u sed i n this manu al. Symbols Caution Items to whic h you m ust pay a ttention when handling the pro duct. Failure to follo w this mark may resul t in p erso nal in ju ry an d/or d ama ge to t he e quipm en t.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 1 Communication between a wir eless LAN and a wired LAN This chapter describ es how to use an A irStation when communicat ing between a wireless LAN and a wired LAN . Network Config uration Illustrati on Current Ne twork Envi ronment : W ired LAN Net work Desired Net work : Networ k comp rising wirel ess and wired LAN PCs.
2 WLAR-L11 R eference Manual T able of Content s 1 Communicati ons Between Ethernet LAN and Wirele ss L AN ...... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... . 4 Configura tion .... ........... ........... ............ ................ .....
WLAR-L11 Referenc e Manual 3 6 Gloss ary ......... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... . 66 7 Product Sp ecificat ions ..... ......... ...... ....... ......... 70 Specifi cations...................... ........... ........... .....
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 4 1 Comm unica tions B etwee n Etherne t LAN an d Wirele ss LAN This sec tion expl ains the pro cedure for e nabling communi catio n between personal com - puters on a n Etherne t LAN an d persona l computer s on a wireless LA N using AirStation.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 5 The AirStation set tings are pre formed usi ng a personal compute r on the Ethe rnet LAN. For t he proper AirS t atio n set ting , make sure that the f oll owing soft ware are in st alled i n the per sonal comp uter (her eaft er called the settings pe rsonal com puter) on the Ether net LA N.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 6 Refer to "Install ing AirStation Manager" (page 14) . 5 Sele ct TCP /IP , and then c lick the Pr operti es button. 6 Click t he IP Address tab, and set th e IP addr ess . When y ou ent er th e IP a ddress , cl ick the OK button.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 7 Addin g TCP/IP P roto cols (Win dows 98/95 ) If the TC P/IP Prot ocol is not in added t o the se ttings pe rsonal c ompute r , add the protoc ol using the fol lowing procedur e. This compl etes the TCP/IP prot ocol instal lation.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 8 Windo ws 20 00 The TCP/IP pro tocol is set on the settings pe rsonal com puter using th e follow ing proce dure. 1 S tart Windo ws 2000 , and l og on u sing you r logon name (e.g., Ad minis trator wi th administra tor access).
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 9 Refer to "Inst alling AirS tat ion Manager" (page 14) . 7 Set th e IP addr ess , and cli ck the OK button. If there is a DHCP server on the network, select "Obtain an IP address automatically". For IP address set tings, refer to "Allocating IP Addresses" (page 52) in Chapter 3 Troubleshooting.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 10 Addin g the TCP/IP Protoc ols (Wi ndows 20 00) If the TC P/IP Prot ocol is not in added t o the se ttings pe rsonal c ompute r , add the protoc ol using the fol lowing procedur e. 1 Click the Sta r t button, and the n selec t Settings and Network and Dia l-up Con- nections .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 11 This compl etes the TCP/IP prot ocol instal lation. Continue to the “TCP/IP Protocol Settings” (Windows 2000) section procedu re St ep 6.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 12 Windo wsNT 4.0 Make the TCP /IP proto col setti ngs on t he settin gs persona l com puter u sing the followi ng proc edure. 1 S tart the perso nal comp uter . 2 Click the Sta r t button, a nd then sele ct Settings a nd Control Pa nel .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 13 Re fer to "Installing AirS tation Manager" (page 14) . Addin g the TCP/IP Proto col (W indo ws NT 4.0 ) If the TCP/ IP Protocol is not in the setti ngs personal comp uter, add the protocol usin g the follo wing proc e- dure.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 14 This compl etes the TCP/IP prot ocol instal lation. Continue to the “TCP/IP Protocol Settings ” (Windows NT 4.0) section procedure S tep 5. Inst alling Ai rS tat ion Manager Install t he AirStation M anager in the se ttings personal compute r using the following proc edure.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 15 Refer to "AirS tati on Settings ( Settings Personal Comput er)" (page 16) . T o remov e AirS tation Manager , click t he Start button, and select Programs , MELCO AirSt atio n , and Uninst all AirSt ation Ma nager , and the n follow the instruct ion on screen.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 16 Make sure a Web browser is installed bef ore making the AirS tation settings. For the installation procedure, refer to the manual suppl ied with the Web browser . (Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed as standard on Windows 98 and Windows 2000.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 17 7 In th e Networ k adap ter field, enter the name of the L AN car d to be u sed, a nd th en cl ick the Next button. • If "Network Adapter Is Not Installed is displayed", the drivers for the wireless LA N card have not been installed.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 18 This c om plet es th e Air Station sett ing s. Continue to "Connecting T o the A irSt ation" (page 21) . When the settings screen comes up, click the Exit button in the Easy Instal- lation Wizard S creen to c lose the Easy Instal lati on W izar d.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 19 Windows 2000/NT 4.0 The AirStation is set in the settings pe rsonal computer usin g the follo wing proce dure. 1 Click the Sta r t button, and sele ct Progra ms , MELCO AirSt ation , an d then AirSt ation Manager . 2 Select Edi t , a nd Search Ai rStation .
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 20 7 Y o ur W eb bro wser w ill star t auto mat ical ly , and the settings scr een will be disp layed. When the settings screen is not displayed after the Web browser starts, refe r to the "Setting Screen Is Not D is- played" (page 44) section in Chapter 3 T roubleshooting.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 21 After the AirS tation setting is comple ted the followi ng procedu re is nee d to connect the wirel ess LAN to th e AirSta tion . • Create th e AirStation informa tion files. • Set the wi reless L AN per sonal com puter sett ings.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 22 Creat ion o f the applic atio n info rmat ion f ile is compl eted. Continue to "Setting the Wireless LAN P ersonal Computer" (page 22) .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 23 4 Select "Client Manager Inst allation" an d click Next . 5 Quit any other applic atio ns that a re runn ing and th en click OK . 6 Click NEXT . 7 Check th at the des tin atio n di rect ory f or C lien t Mana ge r is c o rre ct an d cl ick NEXT .
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 24 Go to "AirS tation Connection Settings" on p age 25. T o u ninstall the Client Manager , click Star t and select MELCO Wireless LAN and then Uninstall Client Manager and follow the screen prompts. 10 Click OK . Th is co mp letes Clie nt M ana ger installation .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 25 AirS tation Con nection Se ttings Connect the AirStati on using the fol lowing pro cedur e. 1 From the w ireless L AN persona l comp uter , click the Start button, and se lect Programs , MELCO W irele ss LAN , an d then Client Ma nager .
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 26 After connecting to the AirSt at ion, a slow baud rate o f 2 Mbps or similar may be displayed. When communicat ions actually begin, the correct baud rate will be displayed. Continue to "Checking AirSt ation Connection" (page 26) .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 27 Connection T est Result s The con nection te st result displa y the connect ion status an d the radio stat us. The follow ing table shows the test result in detail The over all diag nosis resul ts are displa yed as a com bination of connec tion stat us and rad io status.
WLA-L11 User’s Ma nual 28 After chec k the conne ction to the AirStation use the followi ng procedur e to conn ect personal compute rs on the Ethe rnet LAN usi ng the wi rele ss LAN comp uters. Connecting from the wireles s LAN pers onal computer to t he Ethernet LAN network is completed.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 29 2 What is Next? This sec tion explai ns how to cha nge the Ai rStation setting s, and their va rious uses. The A irStation se tting screen c an be displ ayed u sing t he f ollowing proc edure.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 30 While m oving f rom one r oom to anothe r using o ne ro aming functio n, you can switch AirStations w ithout new setti ng automa tically . Set the roami ng func tion can be set using the fol lowing procedure . Be sure to set the roaming function from a personal computer on the Ethernet LAN .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 31 Setting the Wireless LAN Personal Computer 1 From the w ireless L AN persona l comp uter , click the Start button, and se lect Programs , MELCO AIRCONNECT , and then Clien t Manag er .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 32 T o limit co nnect ions to the Ai rSta tion f rom a wir eless L AN person al comp uter , use followi ng pr ocedure . After settin g only wire less LAN person al co mputers t hat have be en registe red can c ommuni cate with E ther- net LAN per sonal c omputer s.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 33 This w ay , only wire les s LA N per sona l com pu ters that are r egist ere d in th e A v ai labl e Wireles s LAN C om - puters field wi ll be able to communic ate with person al compu ters on the E thernet LAN.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 34 Y o u can p reven t th e exte rnal de crypt ion of w ireless packet s by e ncoding the pa ckets u sing t he W EP func - tion.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 35 When mu ltiple AirS tations a re used to commu nic ate wit h th e wire less LAN per sonal comp uters on th e same floor, the baud rate may be reduce d. This is bec ause the A irStations a re using the sam e freq uency to co mmu - nicate sim ultaneousl y .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 36 Set the Air Station’ s LAN board send m ode using th e followin g procedur e. Follow th e scree n instru ctio ns to comp lete the set ting s.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 37 Getting S tart ed The fol lowin g software is req uired when th e Maci ntosh A irPort-co mpatib le person al c omputer is used to share files with W indows personal computers. •Soft ware th at supp orts s hared files (e .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 38 Y o u can ch eck AirStation’s IP address validity usi ng the foll owing pro cedure. Checking AirS tation’s IP Address 1 Refer to the "Inst alling AirS tation Ma nag.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 39 The sta tus of th e wirel ess fre quenc y betwee n the w irele ss LAN persona l comp uter and the AirStatio n can be checke d using th e followin g proce dure. Checking the Wireless Frequency S t atus 1 Click the Sta r t button, and the n selec t Programs , MELCO Wireless LAN , and Client Mana ger .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 40 Connection T est Result The connection test results displaies the connection status and the radio status. The following table s hows t he t est res ult i n deta il. The over all diag nosis resul ts are displa yed as a com bination of connec tion stat us and rad io status.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 41 3 T roubleshooting This sec tion expl ains the possi ble cause s and remed ies of a pro blem tha t may occu r when using this produc t. Cause The network ad apter driv ers are not instal led. Remedy Refer to the networ k adapter ma nual and insta ll the prop er drivers.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 42 Cause • TCP /IP settin g are incor rec t. • Cannot obt ain an IP from th e DHCP server autom atica lly . Remedy Check i f TCP/IP i s correctly installed a nd set.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 43 . Cause (1) The entered MAC address is incorrect when the AirStation is set from the wireless LAN p er- sonal computer. Remedy (1) Check and reenter the AirStation’ s MAC address. For the MAC address , refer to the P arts Nomenclature and Functions section in Install Manual.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 44 Cause (1) • When a pro xy server is set using the W eb brow ser settings, the setting scr een is not displaye d. • Dia l up us ing a mode m i s se t. Remedy (1) • When the AirStation is set on a ne twork e nvironme nt with a pro xy serve r , you must change the W eb browser ’ s pro xy settings.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 45 6 Enter the AirS tation’s I P address in the "Do Not Use Pr oxy Server f or Addresse s Begin- ning With:" field, and click the OK button. If you do not know the AirSt a tion’s IP address, sear ch for the Ai rS tat ion using the AirS tation Manager .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 46 Netscape Navig ator 4.0 o r Later 1 S tart Net sca pe N aviga tor . 2 On the Menu Bar , select Edit , and then select Prefer ences 3 In the Cat egory field, s elect Prox ies. If Proxies is not displayed, click the + s ymbol to the left of the Advanced option.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 47 Cause (1) The fo llowi ng AirS tation func tion ca n be s et thro ugh the wi reless LAN person al com puter . 1. Cha nges to th e roaming functi on settin g. 2. Changes t o the gr oup na me. 3. Changes t o the passwo rd (W EP) sett ing.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 48 4. Ente r the f ollowi ng in the Passwo rd fie ld, and click the OK button. • If you changed t he password (WEP): Enter the p assword (WEP) se t in the AirS tation. • If you did not chan ged the pa ssword: Click the OK button without e ntering anything in the Password fie ld.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 49 When yo u start Client Ma nager usin g the wireless LAN perso nal computer , the error message wir eless L AN ca rd c annot be fo und, is not dis played . Cause (1) The wireless LAN card d rivers are not instal led correctl y .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 50 Cause (3) When yo u search t he net work, t he conn ected co mputers are displ ayed , but t he sea rch pro cess is slow . Remedy (3) Search t he comp uter usin g the fo llo wing pr ocedure . (1) Click the Start button, and then se lect Find, and Comput er .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 51 Windows 2000 If the TCP/IP Protoc ol is insta lled, yo u can ch eck t he IP ad dress using th e fo llowing proce dure . 1.Cl ic k the S tart button , and select Progra ms , Accesso ries , and Comm and Prompt. 2.C: > wi ll b e di splaye d on scree n.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 52 Cause (7) TCP/IP p rotocol is installed, but th e IP add ress setting is inc orrect. Remedy (7) Check i f the IP ad dress setting is correct. Refer to the "Allocating IP Addresses" section (page 52) in Chapter 3, T roubleshooting.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 53 W i ndows 98/95: Read the IP address automa tically . W indows 2000: Re ad the IP address a utomatically . W i ndows NT 4.0: Read t he IP addre ss from the DHCP ser ver .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 54 4 Self-Diagnostic Function AirStation w ill perform se lf-diagn osis when the po wer supply is turned O N, or when the AirSta tio n is restart ed. If an erro r occurs, y ou can i dentify the error b y the DIAG l amp flas h number.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 55 5 Setting Screen T ables This section ex plains details of the setting screen tables. Setting Screen Conf iguration Bridge Mode (Communications Between the Eth ernet LAN an.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 56 Setting Screens Explanat ion • Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be set using the S tandard Setup screen. • For details of t he setting items, refer to the on-screen setting Help.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 57 Machine Diagnostics Item Explanation Information of the Main Unit Model name Display the AirS t ation product name. AirS tation name Display the AirS t ation name. Wireless module firm- ware Display the wireless firmware name and version.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 58 6 Glossary This section explains the glossary of terms used in this manual that are required t o configure the network. Wireless Channel If there is more t han one W ireles.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 59 TCP/IP (T ransmission Contr ol Protoc ol/I nternet Pro tocol) TCP/IP is a protoco l equiva lent to the net work an d tran sport leve ls of th e OSI re ference model, and it is defi ne d usi ng RFC . Co nsequ ent ly , dif fer ent ter minal s c an c omm unic ate with eac h ot her us ing TC P/I P .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 60 Windows 98/95 Ident ification Screen Display ed Scree n Expla natio n of Sc reen F ields The bo xes with in t he s creen are as follow s: Firm w are Firmware is the name given t o the sof tware (program s) buil t into hardwa re such as the r outer, modem , and term inal adapt er.
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 61 Roaming Function If using the ro aming fun ction and moving from one roo m to another roo m, you ca n switch the AirStation auto mat ically . With the r oa ming funct ion, you ca n ea sily m ove fr om th e office to th e confe rence room whi le mainta ining acce ss to the ne twork.
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 62 7 Product Specifications This section explains the AirStation specifications and the LAN port connector specifications. Specifications Wireles s LAN inte rfa ce Confor ming standa rds IEEE802 .
WLA-L11 User’s Manual 63 Use the RJ-45 8-pole c onnector, specifie d by ISO/IEC88 77:199 2. MDI Signal Ass ignment LAN Port Connector Specifications Pin number MDI signal Signal function 1 TD+ Send .
WLA-L11 Us er’s Manual 64 MEMO.
PY00-26037-D M10-02 2-01.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Buffalo Technology WLA-L11 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Buffalo Technology WLA-L11 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Buffalo Technology WLA-L11, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Buffalo Technology WLA-L11 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Buffalo Technology WLA-L11, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Buffalo Technology WLA-L11.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Buffalo Technology WLA-L11. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Buffalo Technology WLA-L11 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.