Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3000 du fabricant ADT Security Services
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K5309 3/0 1 Model SA SW 3000B 1 6 DIHZDWF K 3 UR 6HFXULW 0DQDJH U 6 HFXU LW 6 VW HPV 8 VHU · V * XLGH.
– 2 – IMPORTANT! PROP ER INT RUSION PROTE CTION For proper intrus ion cover age, sensor s shou ld be located at every pos sible point of entr y to a ho me or c ommerc ial premis es. This would include an y sk ylights that m ay be pres ent, and th e upper win dows in a m ulti-le vel bu ilding.
– 3 – 7DEOHRI&RQWHQW V System Overview ................................................................................................................ .... 5 Introduction .................................................................
– 4 – 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV Macro Key Program ming & Us age .................................................................................. 23 About Macro Keys ............................................................................
– 5 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ ,QWURG XFWLRQ Congratulat ions on your ownership of an ADT Partiti oned Security System. You've made a wis e decision in choosing i t, for i t represents the l atest in security protect i on techno logy tod ay, and millions o f premise s are pro tected by AD T syste ms.
– 6 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ &RQWLQXH G Zones and Partitions • The syst em sensing devices have b een assigned to various “zones,” which are specific a reas of protection (e.g. , front door, kitc hen wi ndow, etc.). • Zone n umbers are disp layed at the touchpad when an al arm or trouble co ndition occurs on a sensor.
– 7 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ &RQWLQXH G Phone Access • If included, a phone modul e permits you to acces s the system via a touch-tone phone, either on-pr emises or by ca ll-in when away. • You can receive s ynthesized voice mes sages over the telephone regardi ng the status o f the security syste m.
– 8 – $ERXW7KH7RXFKSDGV *HQHUDO ,QIRUP DWLRQ Your touchpads all ow you to control all system functi ons. The touchpads feature the follow ing: • A telephone s tyle (digita l) keypad •.
– 9 – $ERXW7KH7RXFKSDGV&RQWLQXHG (QJOLV K 'LVSOD 7RXFKSDG AW AY : All burglary zo nes, inte rior and perimeter, are armed. ST A Y: Perimeter burglary zones, such as protected windows and doors, are armed. INST A NT : Perimeter burglary zones armed and entry del a y is turned off.
– 10 – )XQFWLRQVRIWKH7RXFKSDGV 1. DISPLAY WIND OW. Custom English Disp lay Touchp ads: 2- line, 32-ch aracter Liquid Cr ystal Display (LCD) touchpads that displa y protection point identificat ion, system stat us, and messages .
– 11 – )XQFWLRQVRIWKH7RXFKSDGV&RQWLQXHG ARMED READY 6 BYPASS 7 INSTANT 1 OFF AWAY STAY 23 4 TEST CODE CHIME READY 9 8 5 # 0 A C D B 1 4 3 2 17 5 18 8 11 15 14 16 6 7 9 10 12 .
– 12 – (QWU([LW' HODV Your syst em has preset time del ays, known as exit delay and entry del ay. ([LW 'HOD Exit delay gives you time to leave through t he designated exi t door without setting off an alarm.
– 13 – (QWU([LW'HODV &RQWLQXHG ([LW $ODUPV Whenever you arm t he system, the exit delay begins. If an entr y/exit door or interior zone is fa ul ted when the exit dela y ends (e.g., exit door l eft open), the sys t em sounds an alarm and star ts the e ntry de lay timer.
– 14 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP 6WD0RGH$UPV3HULPH WHU2QO(QWU'HOD2Q • Used when you want t o arm the system wit h pers ons staying insi de (or if you have pets that a re moving throughout the premis es). • The perimeter s ensors are armed, but i nterior sensors are left di sa rmed.
– 15 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP $UPLQJ& RPPD QGV Before arming, close all perimeter doors and windows and make sure the Ready to Arm message is displayed.
– 16 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP 6LQJO H%XWWR Q$UPLQJ The “A”, “B”, “C”, and/or “D ” keys on your tou chpad may have bee n progr ammed fo r single-but t on arming. Note that while it will not be necessary to us e a security code for arming, a security code must always be used to disarm the system.
– 17 – 8VLQJWKH.HVZLWFK 8VLQJWKH .HVZLWFK Your system ma y be equipped with a keyswit ch for use when arming and disarmi ng. Red and green light s on the keyswi tch plate indicate t he stat u s of your s ystem as follow s: Green Light: Lights when the system is dis a rme d and ready to be armed (no open zones).
– 18 – 'LVDUPLQJDQG6LOHQFLQJ$ODUPV 8VLQJW KH>2 ))@NH The OFF key is used to disarm t he syst em, silence alarm and t rouble sounds, and clear alarm memories. IMPORTANT : I f you retu rn and the main burglary s ounder is on , DO NOT ENTER, but CONTACT THE POLICE fr om a nearby s afe location.
– 19 – %SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV 8VLQJ WKH%<3$66.H Use t his key when you want to arm your sys tem with one or more zones intenti onally unprotected.
– 20 – %SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV 4XLFN%S DVV If programmed, "Quick Bypass" allows you t o easily bypass all open (faulted) zones without ha ving to enter zone numbers individuall y. This feature is useful if, for example, you rout inely leave certai n windows open when arming at ni ght.
– 21 – 9LHZLQJ&XUUHQW'DWHDQG7LPH 9LHZLQJ WKH&XUUH QW'DWHD QG7LPH The syst em lets you view it s time and date s etting. +[#] + [6] [3] (Security Code) OR, press the function key (A, B, C, or D ) for viewing current date and t ime, if programmed.
– 22 – 3DQLF.HV 8VLQJ3DQL F.HV Your syst em may have been programmed to use s pecial keys to manually a ctivate emergency (pani c ) functions as fol lows: This Function Sends this signal * With This Sounding… Silent Alarm silent alarm no audible alarm or any visual di splay indicating th at a silen t alarm has bee n initiate d.
– 23 – 0DFUR.H3URJUDPPLQJ8VDJH $ERXW 0DFUR.HV The “A” , “B”, “C” o r “D” key s can be u sed to au tomatica lly activ ate a ser ies of commands of up to 1 6 keystrokes, if progra mmed for this function. T hese keystrokes, as a group, a re called “macros” and are st ored in the system's memory.
– 24 – 0DFUR.H3URJUDPPLQJ8VDJH FRQW The touchpad b eep to acknowledge your input and displa ys the command you entered (followe d by “F”). 4. Enter the ne xt command, follo wed by p ress/holding the “D” ke y for at least two seco nds.
– 25 – 8VLQJ'HYLFH&RPPDQGV $ERXW' HYLFH&R PPDQGV Your system may b e set up so tha t it can control certain lights or other devices . • Some devices ma y be automaticall y turned on or off by the sys tem. • You may be able to ov erride automatic ally contro lled device s using the commands described below.
– 26 – 3DJLQJ)HDWXUH $ERXW$ XWRPDW LF3DJ LQJ Your sys tem may be set up to automatical ly send alert mess ages to a pager as cer tain conditions occur in your system. • The followi ng events can be programmed by your i nstaller to send a mess age to up to fo ur pagers: arming , disarming, alarms, and trouble conditio ns.
– 27 – 3DJLQJ)HDWXUH 6LQJO H%XWWR Q3DJLQ J Your system may b e set up so you can manua lly send a message to up to four pagers. • Your insta ller programs the paging functi on key and the pager phone numbers. • Pressi ng the paging keys sends the message 999–9999 to the se lected p ager .
– 28 – 6HFXULW&RGHV$XWKRULW/HYHOV $ERXW6 HFXULW&RG HV Your syst em l ets you assign up to 45 different security codes for use by other users. • Only the Mast er user or Partition Programmer ca n a ssign user codes to users.
– 29 – 6HFXULW&RGHV$XWKRULW/HYHOV &RQW 7RDVVLJ Q8VHU&RGHV DQG$W WULEXWHV The following l ists the various command st rings for adding user codes and att ributes.
– 30 – $FFHVVLQJ2WKHU3DUWLWLRQV *272&RPPDQGDQG 0XOWL3DUWLWLRQ$UPLQJ $ERXW$ FFHVVLQJ 3DUWLWL RQV Each t ouchpad is ass igned a default parti tion for display purposes , and will show only that par tition's inf ormation.
– 31 – $FFHVVLQJ2WKHU3DUWLWLRQV &RQWLQXHG 8VLQ JWKH*R 7R&RPPDQG If the user is aut hori zed, a touchpad in one partition ca n be u sed t o perform system functions i n the other partition by usi ng the GOTO command.
– 32 – $FFHVVLQJ2WKHU3DUWLWLRQV &RQWLQXHG &RPP RQ=RQH 2SHUDW LRQ Ask your ins taller if a "commo n zone" was assigned. If so, check this box Your system ma y ha ve been set up to use a common zone, which is an area sh ared by users of both p artitions, su ch as a fo yer or lo bby.
– 33 – 6FKHGXOLQJ $ERXW6 FKHGXOL QJ The syst em provides up to 16 end-us er schedules (programmable by mas ter/installer only), which can b e used to control various t ypes of events. • Each schedule caus es a defined event to sta rt a nd st op (when a ppropriate) at a specifie d time.
– 34 – 6FKHGXOLQJFRQWLQXHG 5. For event number “02,” enter the access group number. Otherwis e, this prompt is skipped. Press [ ∗ ] to co ntinue to th e “Star t” prompt below. 6. For eve nt numbe rs “03-07,” e nter the partit ion number to be armed or disar med.
– 35 – (YHQW/RJJLQJ3URFH GXUHV $ERXW( YHQW/RJ JLQJ The syst em records various events in a history log, whic h can be viewed by the master user using a Custom Engli s h D is play t ouchpad. • The Event Log hol ds up to 100 events . • Events are displayed in chronological order, from most recent to oldest.
– 36 – 7HVWLQJWKH6VWHP 7R%H&RQGXFWHG :HHNO $ERXW7 HVWLQJ WKH6VW HP The TEST key puts your s ystem into th e Test mode, whic h allows each protecti on point to be check ed for proper operation. • The t ouchpad sounds a single beep every 40 seconds as a reminder tha t the system is in th e Test m ode.
– 37 – 7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQV "Check" and "Batte ry" D isplay s * Not all sy stems use wire less sensors. T he word CHECK on th e touchpad 's display, accompanied by a "beepin g" at the touchpad , indicate s a trouble condit ion in the system .
– 38 – 7URXEOH& RQGLWLRQV&RQWLQXHG Words or l ett ers in parentheses ( ) are th os e that are displaye d on Eng lish Disp lay touch pads.
– 39 – 7URXEOH& RQGLWLRQV&RQW LQXHG Other Trouble Displays (Continued ) AC LOSS The syst em is operating on ba tt ery power (or NO AC ) only due to an AC power failure. If only some li ghts are out on the premis es, check circuit breakers and fuses and reset o r replace as ne cessary.
– 40 – 0DLQWDLQLQJ<RXU6VWHP Taking Care of Your System The components of your s ecurity system are des igned to be as maintenance-fr ee as possible . Howe ver, to make sure tha t your syste m is in reliable working co ndition, d o the follo wing: 1.
– 41 – )LUH$ODUP6VWHP,I,QVWDOOHG THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Genera l Your fire alar m syst em (if installed) is on 24 hours a day, for continuous prot ection.
– 42 – )LUH$ODUP 6VWHP&RQWLQXHG THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Manually Initia ting a Fire A larm 1. Should you become awar e o f a fire emergency befor e your.
– 45 – 4XLFN*XLGHWR%DVLF6VWHP)XQFWLRQV FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zone s Press READY key. View fa ulted z ones when system not ready. Arm System Enter c ode. Press arming key desired: (AWAY, ST AY, NIGHT -STAY, INSTANT) Arms system in mode selected .
– 46 – 6XPPDURI$XGLEOH9LVXDO1RWLILFDWLRQV (QJOLVK'LVSOD 7RXFKSDGV SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED * Touchpad & Ext. FIRE ALARM FIRE is displayed; zone number of zone in alarm is displayed. If a fire alarm is manually activated, zone number 95 will be displayed.
– 47 – 6X PPDU R I$ XGLE OH 9LV XDO 1R WLIL FDW LRQ V &XVWRP(QJOLVK'LVSOD 7RXFKSDGV SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Touchpad & Ext. FIRE ALARM. FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. If a fire alarm is m anually act ivated, zone number 95 wil l be displayed.
– 48 – 5HJXODWRU6WDW HPHQWVDQG:DUQLQJV RADIO FREQUENCY EMIS S IONS Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 15 This device complies wi th part 15 of the FCC rul es.
– 49 – 5HJXODWRU6WDWHPHQWV&RQW LQXHG Industrie Canada AVIS: l’ ét iquette d’Industrie Canada identifie le matérie l h o mologué.
– 50 – &KDUWVRI<RXU6VWHP·V)HDWXUHV Features Comments Exit Delay Part. 1: Part. 2: Entry Del ay 1 Part. 1: Part. 2: Entry Del ay 2 Part.
– 51 – &KDUWVRI<RXU6VWHP·V)HDWXUHV User Se tup The fo llowing chart w ill help ke ep track of system u sers. Co pies should be distributed to the partition 1 and partition 2 programmers for their records. To program a us er attribute: Enter master/part.
– 52 – &KDUWVRI <RXU6VWHP·V)HDWXUHV User Se tup (continue d) (Enter master /part.prog. code + [8] + user no . + “#” command li sted in column heading …) User No. User Name User’s Part(s). (master co de o nl y) [#] [3] + part(s) + [#] Security Code enter new code Au t h.
– 53 – &KDUWVRI<RXU6VWHP·V)HDWXUHV Schedules ( master code + [#] + [6] [4]) No. Ev ent Device No. G roup No. Partition Start Stop Repeat Random (see list belo w) for “01” e.
– 54 – /,0,7$7,2162)7+,66<67(0 WARNING! THE LIMI TATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design security system, it does not o ffer gu ara nteed protect io n against bur glar y or ot her emergency.
– 55 – /,0,7(':$5 5$17< Terms and Conditions Applying to Sale of Equipment Any part of the system, inc luding the wiring, installed und er this Agree ment which proves to be defective i.
LIMITED W A RR ANTY (Continued) This w arranty is in lieu of al l other express w arranties. Any i mplied warranties of merchantabil ity and f itness for a particu lar purpose are lim ited in duration to a peri od of 90 days fr om the date of comp letion of installat ion.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté ADT Security Services 3000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du ADT Security Services 3000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation ADT Security Services 3000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le ADT Security Services 3000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le ADT Security Services 3000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du ADT Security Services 3000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le ADT Security Services 3000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei ADT Security Services 3000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.