Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MFC-J825DW du fabricant Brother
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1 Start Here Quick Se tup Guide USA/CA N Versi on 0 MF C-J825DW MF C-J835DW Thank y ou for choosing Brother, y our supp ort is importa nt to us and we v alue your bus iness. Y our Brother p roduc t is engineered and manufactu red to t he highes t standards to deliver reli able perfo rmance, day-in and day-out.
2 a Remove t he prote ctive tape a nd f ilm c overing the machine, and also from the LCD. b Remove the orange protective part a by lifting the front of the m achi ne a nd then pulling down on the packing part. c Rem ove the plastic bag b containi ng the ink cartridges from on top of the pape r tr a y.
3 2 Load plai n Lett er/ A4 pap er a Pull the paper tray a com p le te l y ou t o f th e machine. b Open the output paper tray cover a . c With both hands, gently press an d slide the paper s ide gu ides a and t hen the paper length guide b to fit the paper size.
4 e Gently p ut the p aper i nto the paper tray print side down and top edg e f irst. Check that t he paper is f lat in t he tray. f Gentl y adjus t the pap er side gu ides to th e paper with both hands. Make sure that the paper s ide gui des t ouch the ed ges of the paper.
5 3 Connect the po wer cord an d te leph on e line a Connect the power cord. b Connect th e telephone li ne cord. Conne ct on e end of the tel e phone line cord to the jack on the machine marked LIN E a nd t he ot her e nd to a mod ula r wa ll jack . IMPORTANT DO N OT connect the USB cable ye t (if you are using a USB cable).
6 4 Inst all th e ink ca rtr idges CAUTION If ink gets in your eyes, wash it out wit h water at onc e and c all a doctor i f y ou are c oncerne d. a Make sure that the power i s turned on. The LCD wil l show No Ink Cartridge . b Open t he ink cartridge cover a .
7 e Take care to m atch t he col or of the lever a wit h the cartridge color b , as sho wn i n the diagram below. Install each i nk cartridge in the direction of the arrow on t he label. f Gently push the back of the in k cartridge marked “PUSH” until i t clicks.
8 5 Check the pri nt qual ity a When the preparation proces s has finished, the LCD shows Set Paper and Press Start . Pre ss Color Start . b Check t he quality of the four col or blocks on th e sheet. (black/yellow/cyan/m agenta) c If all lines are cl ear an d visib le, press Yes to finish the quality check and go to step 6 .
9 7 Choose the corr ect Recei ve Mode The correct Recei ve Mo de is dete rmined by t he ex ternal devices a nd teleph one subsc riber s ervices (Voice M ail, D isti n ctive Ring, etc.) you have (or will be u sing) on the same line as the Brother machine.
10 8 Set the da te and t ime The ma chine displays the date and time, and if you set up the s tation ID, it wi ll add it to ea ch fa x you send. a Pre ss Menu . b Pre ss a or b to displ ay Initial Setup . c Pre ss Initial Setup . d Pre ss Date&Time .
11 10 Fax Transmissi on Report You r Brother machine is equi p ped with a Trans mission Verification Report that can be used as con firmation that you sent a fax.
12 14 Send i n th e Pr od uct Registr ation Sh eet (U SA on ly) You can also register your product on line using the On-Line Reg ist ration link fr om the CD-ROM or vis it /registration/ . a Fill out the Produc t Re gistration Sheet .
13 Windows ® Macintosh Window s ® Macintosh USB Wired Network Wireless Network 15 Choose your connecti on t ype These inst allation instructions are f or W indows ® XP Home/X P Prof essional (x 32/x64 Edition), Windo ws Vista ® , Windo ws ® 7, and Mac OS X (versions 10.
14 Windows ® USB For U SB in terfa ce users (Windows ® XP Home/XP Professio nal/Window s Vista ® /W in do w s ® 7) 16 Before you i nstal l Make s ure that you r computer is ON and you are logged on with Admin istrator ri ghts. 17 Ins tall MF L-Pro Suite a Put the suppl ied installe r CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
15 Windows ® USB Windows ® Macintosh USB 18 Connect the USB cabl e a Using both hands, use the plastic tabs on b oth sides o f the m achine t o lift the scanner cover unt i l i t l ocks securely into t he open p osit i on. b Connect the USB cable to the USB socket mark ed w ith a sy mbo l.
16 Windows ® USB f When the On-Line Reg istration scre en is displayed, make your selection and follow the on-screen i nstructions. g If you do not wa nt to set your mac hine as t he Default pri nter, unchec k Se t a s D e fa ul t P r i n te r and then click Next .
17 Ma ci nt os h USB Windows ® Macintosh USB Fo r USB i nte rfac e us ers (Mac O S X 10 .4.11, 1 0.5.x, 10. 6.x) 16 Before you i nstal l Make s ure your machine is connected to the power and yo ur Macintos h is ON. You m ust be lo gged on w ith Ad m in is t ra to r ri gh ts .
18 Macintosh USB d Using both hands, grasp the plastic tabs on both sides of the mac hine and gent ly close the scanner cover. 18 Ins tall MF L-Pro Suite a Put the suppl ied installe r CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. b Double-click the St art Her e OSX icon to ins ta ll.
19 Ma ci nt os h USB Windows ® Macintosh USB 19 Install NewS oft CD L abeler and Pre st o! Pa geMan ager The Ne wSoft CD Lab eler application is a n easy to us e application for pri nting d irectly on to prin table disc medi a.
20 Windows ® Wired Network For wir ed n etwork i nterfac e us ers (Windows ® XP Home/XP Professio nal/Window s Vista ® /W in do w s ® 7) 16 Before you i nstal l Make s ure that you r computer is ON and you are logged on with Admin istrator ri ghts.
21 Windows ® Wired Network Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network d Using both hands, grasp the plastic tabs on both sides o f the machine an d gent ly close the scanner cover. 18 Insta ll MFL-Pro Suite a Put t he s upplied ins taller CD-R OM in to your CD-ROM drive.
22 Windows ® Wired Network d When th is screen appea rs, cho ose Ch ange the Firewall port settings to enable netwo rk connection and contin ue with the installation. ( Re commen ded) a nd clic k Next . If you are us ing a firewa ll other tha n Windows ® Firewall or the Windows ® Fir ewa ll is off , this screen m ay ap pear.
23 Windows ® Wired Network Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network 19 Fini sh and rest art a Cli ck Fi nish to restart your computer. After restarting the com puter, you must be logged on wi th A dm i nis t r ato r r igh ts. b The following screens will appear.
24 Macintosh Wired Network Fo r wire d net work int erfa ce u ser s (M ac OS X 10.4.11, 10.5.x, 10.6. x) 16 Before you i nstal l Make s ure your machine is connected to the power and you r Macintosh is ON. You must be l og ged on with Administrato r rights.
25 Ma ci nt os h Wired Network Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network c Carefully guide the network cable into the ca ble channel and out the back of the machine. Connect the cable to your network. d Using both hands, grasp the plastic tabs on both sides o f the machine an d gent ly close the scanner cover.
26 Macintosh Wired Network f When th is screen appea rs, cl ick Next . A dialog box will appear and ask if you want to download NewSoft CD Labeler . Fol low the on-screen i nstructions. Y ou c an also i nstall NewSoft CD Labeler f rom t he B rothe r Supp ort screen.
27 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Fo r wire le ss n et wor k in ter fa ce user s 16 Be fore yo u begin First yo u must configure the wireless network settings of your ma chine to com municate with you r net work access point/rou ter.
28 For Wi reless Network Users 17 Choose your wirel ess instal l meth od The fol lowin g instruct ions will of fer three methods for insta llin g your Brothe r mach i ne in a wireless net work env ironment. Choose the method y ou prefer f o r your environment.
29 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network b Ma nua l conf igura tio n from the con t rol pane l (W indo ws ® and Maci ntos h) If your wireless ac cess poi nt/router doe s not s upport WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Set up) or AO SS™, write down the w ireless networ k settings of your wireless access point/ router i n the area below.
30 For Wi reless Network User s 18 Co nfigu ration using t he CD-RO M i nstal ler and a US B c able (W indo ws ® on ly ) a Put th e supplied install er CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If the model nam e screen appears, choos e your machine. If the language screen appears, choose yo ur language.
31 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network f Choose Temp orarily use a USB cable (Recommen de d) and t hen click Next . g Temporarily connect the USB cable (not included) di rectly to the com puter and the machine. If the confirmation screen appea rs, chec k the box an d click Next , go to h .
32 For Wi reless Network Users j Ent er th e Network Key you wrote down i n st ep 17-a on p age 28 and then enter the key again in Confi rm Netw ork Key , then cli ck Next . k Cli ck Next . The settings wi ll be sent to your machine. l Disconn ect the US B cabl e b etween t he comput er an d the mach ine.
33 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network 18 Manual config urat ion fro m the co ntrol pa nel (Windows ® and Maci nt os h ) a On your machine, press Menu . Pre ss Network . Pre ss WLAN . Pre ss Setup Wizard . When Switch Network interface to wireless? is di splayed, press Yes t o accept.
34 For Wi reless Network Users 18 One-push confi gurati on usi n g WPS or AO SS ™ (Windows ® and Maci nt os h ) a Confirm your wireless access point/router has the WPS or AOSS™ symbo l a s shown below. b Place the Brother m achine within range of y our WPS or AOSS™ access point/ router.
35 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Troub leshooti ng H ow can I fin d the wir ele ss secu ri ty info rma tio n (SS ID a nd N e twor k K ey) * The Netwo rk Key m ay a lso be describe d as the Pas sword, S ecurity Key or E ncryption Key.
36 For Wi reless Network Users TS- 04 The A uthentication/ Encryption met hods used by t he selected wirele ss access point/ router are not supported by your machine. For infrastructure mode, change the authentication and encry ption methods of the wireless access point /router.
37 Windows ® Wirel ess N etwork Windows ® Macintosh Wireless Network I nstall th e dr iver s & softwa re (Windows ® XP Home/X P Pro fes sional/ W ind ows V ista ® /W in do w s ® 7) 19 Before you i nstal l Make s ure that your computer is ON and you are logged on with A dmin istrator ri ghts.
38 Windows ® Wire less Net work d When th is screen appea rs, cho ose Ch ange the Firewall port settings to enable netwo rk connection and contin ue with the installation. ( Re commen ded) a nd clic k Next . If you are us ing a firewa ll other tha n Windows ® Firewall or the Windows ® Fir ewa ll is off , this screen m ay ap pear.
39 Windows ® Wirel ess N etwork Windows ® Macintosh Wireless Network 21 Fini sh and rest art a Cli ck Fi nish to restart your computer. After restarting the com puter, you must be logged on wi th A dm i nis t r ato r r igh ts. b The following screens will appear.
40 Macintosh Wire less Net work I nstall th e dr iver s & softwa re (M ac OS X 10. 4.11, 10. 5 .x, 10.6. x) 19 Before you i nstal l Make s ure your machine is connected to the power and you r Macintosh is ON. You must be l og ged on with Administrato r rights.
41 Ma ci nt os h Wirel ess N etwork Windows ® Macintosh Wireless Network f When this screen appears, click Next . A dialog box will appear and ask if you want to download NewSoft CD Labeler . Fol low the on-screen i nstructions. Y ou c an also i nstall NewSoft CD Lab ele r f rom t he Brother Supp ort screen.
42 Windows ® Instal l Optional Applicati ons 1 Ins tall o ption al appli cations FaceFilt er Stud io/BookScan & Whi te boa rd Su ite sup port ed by Reallusion, In c FaceF ilter Studio is an easy-to-use borderless photo printing appli cation. The BookScan Enhancer sof tware can c orrect your scann ed b ook i mages automat ically.
43 For Network Us ers Rese t the n etw or k sett ing s to fact or y def aul t To restore all network s ettings of th e internal Print/ Scan serv er to factory de fault, please follow the steps below. a Make sure the machine is not operating, then disconn ect all the cables fr o m the machine (except the power co rd ).
Consumables Rep la cem ent c onsu mabl es W hen th e time com es to repla ce ink c artri d ges, an error mes sage will be in dicated o n the LCD. F or more information abou t t he i nk cartridges for your machine, visit or c ontact yo ur local Brother re-seller.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother MFC-J825DW c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother MFC-J825DW - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother MFC-J825DW, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother MFC-J825DW va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother MFC-J825DW, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother MFC-J825DW.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother MFC-J825DW. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother MFC-J825DW ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.