Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MFC-9130CW du fabricant Brother
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Adva nced U ser’s Guid e MFC-91 30CW MFC-93 30C DW MFC-93 40C DW Not all models are avail able in all countries. Ve r s i on 0 USA/CAN.
i User’s G uides and wh ere d o I fin d the m? Which Guide? Wha t ’s i n it? W her e i s it? Product Saf ety Guide Read th is Gui de fi r st. Read the Safety Instr ucti ons before you s et up yo ur machi ne. See this Gui de for trademar ks and l egal limi tati ons.
ii 1 V isit us a t http ://so lu tions .brot he / . Web Con nect Guide This Guide provi des info rmation a bout ho w to configur e and u se your Br other mach ine to scan , load and view image s and fi le s on cert ain Web sites th at provide the se ser vi ce s .
iii Tab le of Con ten ts 1 Genera l Setup 1 Memory stor age .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... .. 1 Vol ume se tti ngs .. ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..
iv 3 Sendi ng a fa x 1 5 Addit ional s endin g opti ons ... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... 15 Sendi ng faxes using mu ltiple settings ....................................................
v 5 Dialing a nd storing n umbers 42 Telephon e line services ............................................ ............ .............. ................. 42 Tone or Pulse (Canada only) .............................. . . ................. ..............
vi A Rou tine ma inte nance 6 2 Cleaning and c hecking the machine . .............................. ......... ................... ......... 62 Clean ing the outs ide of th e machi ne ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .
1 1 1 NOTE Most of the i llustrations in this User’s Guide show the MFC -9340CDW. Memor y storage 1 Your m enu settings are stored permanent ly, and in the event of a power failure will no t be lost. T emporary s ettings (for exam ple, Contrast an d O verseas M ode) will be lost.
Chapter 1 2 Be eper volu me 1 Wh en the beeper is on, the ma ch ine w ill make a soun d whe n you press the Touchs creen o r Touc hpanel, ma ke a mistake, or after you send or recei ve a fax. You can cho ose from a range of sou nd levels, from High to Off .
General Set up 3 1 Automatic Da ylight Saving Tim e 1 You can set the machin e to change a uto m at ic al l y for Da yl igh t S av in g Tim e . It wil l set i tself forward one hou r in t he sp ring, and back one hour in the fall. a Pr e ss . b Pr es s ( Date & Time ).
Chapter 1 4 Sleep T ime 1 The Sleep Time setting can reduc e power consum ption. W hen the mac hine is in S leep mode (Power S ave mode) it acts as though it is turn ed off. The machine will wak e up an d start printing when it rec ei ves a print job.
General Set up 5 1 Touchscre en 1 Se tti ng t he ba ck lig ht brig htnes s 1 You can adjust the brightness of the Touchs creen LCD backlight. I f you are having difficulty rea ding the Touc hscreen, t ry chan ging the b rightnes s setting. a Pr e ss .
Chapter 1 6 Dial Pr efix 1 T he Dia l P refi x se ttin g w ill a utom at icall y dial a predefined n umb er before ev ery fax n umber you dial. For example: If your telephone syste m require s a 9 to dia l an outs ide number, use this setting to autom atically dial 9 for every fax you send.
7 2 2 Secu re Fu nct io n Loc k 2. 0 2 Secure F unction Lock lets you restrict Public access to the following machine functions : Fax T x (Fax Sending) Fax R x ( F ax Receiving) Copy S.
Chapter 2 8 Be fo re yo u be gi n to us e Se cure F unct i o n Lock 2. 0 2 You can conf igure the Secure F unction Loc k 2.0 settings using a web browser.
Securi t y features 9 2 Se tti ng up re s t ric te d us e r s 2 You can set up users with restrictions and a password. You can set up to 25 restrict e d us er s. You can conf igure these settings using a web bro wser. To set up the web page, see Befo re you beg in to use Secure Function Lock 2.
Chapter 2 10 Turni ng Sec ure Func tion Lo ck on/o ff 2 NOTE Make a careful note o f the ad ministrator password. If you enter t he wrong password, the Touchs creen will show Wrong Password . En ter the corr e c t password. If you forget it, call Brother Custom er Service.
Securi t y features 11 2 Sw itc hing Use rs 2 This setting allows you to switch between registered restricted users or Public mode when S ecure Function Lo ck is t urned on. Changing t o the r estric ted user m ode 2 a Pr e ss or . (Where xxxxx is the user’s n ame.
Chapter 2 12 Setting Loc k 2 Setting Lock lets you set a password to stop other p eople from a ccidenta lly changing your machine set tings . Make a c areful note of you r passw ord. If you for get it, yo u will h a ve to r ese t the p ass wor ds stored in the mac hine.
Securi t y features 13 2 Cha nging th e Sett ing L ock admi nistra to r passw ord 2 a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display General Setup . d Pr e ss General Setup . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Security .
Chapter 2 14 Restricting diali ng 2 This feature is to prevent users f rom sending a fax or c all to a wrong number by mistake. You can set the m achine to restrict dialing when yo u use the dial pad, Address Book and Shortcuts. If you choose Off , the machine does not re str ic t t h e d i al in g met hod .
15 3 3 Additional s ending options 3 Se nd in g fax e s usin g mu lt ipl e sett ing s 3 Before you s end a fax, you can chang e an y combin ation o f these settings: 2-sided Fax 1 Contrast .
Chapter 3 16 Ch angi ng a 2-si ded fa x layo ut (MF C-9 340 CD W) 3 You mu st choose the 2-sided scannin g format before you send a 2-sided fax. The format you choos e will depend on the layout of you r 2-sided document . a Load your docume nt in the ADF.
Se nd i ng a fa x 17 3 Contras t 3 For m ost do cumen ts the def ault setting of Auto will gi ve the best results. Auto aut omatically cho oses the appropriate contrast for your document . If your document is very l ig ht or very dark, chan ging the c ontrast m ay i mprove t he quality of the fax.
Chapter 3 18 Additional send ing opera tions 3 Sendi ng a f ax manua l ly 3 Manual tra nsmissio n 3 Manual transm ission lets you hear the dialing, ringing and f ax-rec eiving tones while sending a fax. a Load your docume nt. b Do one o f the following: When Fax Preview is set t o Off , press ( Fax ).
Se nd i ng a fa x 19 3 Du al ac ce ss 3 You can dial a num ber and start scanning the fax into m emory—even wh en the mach ine is send ing from memory, receiving f axes o r printing c omputer data.
Chapter 3 20 f Pre ss Add Number . NOTE If you downloaded Internet Fax: If you want to bro adcas t using an E-mail ad dre s s , pr es s , e nt e r t he E- mai l address (see Basic User's Guide: Entering Text ), and pres s OK .
Se nd i ng a fa x 21 3 Rea l T i m e Tr an smis sio n 3 W hen you a r e se nding a fax, the m achine will scan the docu men t into the memory before send ing it.
Chapter 3 22 Delay ed Fax 3 You can store up to 50 faxes in t h e memory to b e sent within a t wenty-four hour period . a Load your docume nt. b Do one o f the following: When Fax Preview is set t o Off , press ( Fax ). When Fax Previ ew is set to On , press ( Fax ) a nd Sending Fax(es) .
Se nd i ng a fa x 23 3 Ch ecki ng an d canc eli ng wait in g jobs 3 Chec k which jobs are sti l l waiting in the mem ory to be sent. If there are n o jobs, the Touchs creen will show No Jobs Waiting . You can canc el a fax job that is s tored and waiting in the memory.
Chapter 3 24 Resto rin g a ll fax se tting s to the fa cto ry s et tings 3 You can restore all the f ax settings you have chang ed to the fac tory settings. These set tin gs w ill st ay u ntil y ou c han ge the m a gain. a Do one o f the following: When Fax Preview is set t o Off , press ( Fax ).
Se nd i ng a fa x 25 3 El ec troni c cov e r page 3 This feature will not work unl ess y ou hav e pro grammed your Stat ion ID (see Quick S etup Guide). You can automa ti cally send a cover pa ge with ev ery fax. Y our cover p age includes your Station I D, a com ment , and the nam e stored in t he A ddress Book .
Chapter 3 26 Send a c over page f or the n ext fax 3 If you want to send a c over pag e for the next fax, you ca n add t he c over pag e. a Do one o f the following: When Fax Preview is set t o Off , press ( Fax ). When Fax Previ ew is set to On , press ( Fax ) a nd Sending Fax(es) .
Se nd i ng a fa x 27 3 De stin ati on D ispl ay 3 W hen y ou send a f ax, the m achine displays the in formation from the Address Book or the numb er you dialed. You can set t he machin e to hide the destination info rmation on the Touchs creen. a Pr e ss .
Chapter 3 28 Polling 3 Polling le ts you set up your m achine s o other people can recei ve fax es from you, b ut t hey pay for the call. It a lso lets you call somebo dy else’s f ax mac hine an d recei ve a fax fro m it, so you p ay for the call. T he polling feature needs to be set up on bot h machines f or this to wo rk.
29 4 4 Me mory Re ceive Options 4 Memory Receive le ts you rece ive faxes whi l e you are away from the machine. You can use onl y on e Memory R e c eive opt i on at a t i me : Fax Fo rwa r di ng Pagin g Fax S torage PC-Fax Re ce iv e (See Basic User's Guide: PC-F ax Receive .
Chapter 4 30 Pagi ng 4 When P ag ing is chosen , the machine dials the cell phone or pager number you programm ed. T his activates y our cell pho ne or pager so y ou will kno w there is a fax mess age in the machine’s mem ory. If yo u tur n on P ag ing , a ba ck up cop y will autom atically be printed at the machine.
Rec eiv ing a fax 31 4 Fax St orage 4 The Fax Storage f eature lets you st ore your receiv ed faxe s in th e machine’ s m emory . You can retrieve st ored fa x messa ges from a fax machin e at another locat ion using the remote retrieval comma nds (see Retr i ev ing fax mess ages on page 35).
Chapter 4 32 The T ouchscr een will as k you this question: Send Fax to PC? • If you press Yes , fa xe s in t h e m e m or y will be sen t to your c o mputer before the set ti n g changes. Yo u will be asked if you want to turn on Backup Print. (For more information, see Basic User's Guide: PC-F ax Re cei ve .
Rec eiv ing a fax 33 4 Remote retriev al 4 You can call your m achin e from any to uch- tone telepho ne o r fax m achine and t hen us e the remote acces s code and remote comm ands to retrieve fax messages. Set tin g a Rem ote Ac cess Code 4 The Rem ote Access Code lets you access the remote retrieval features when you are aw ay from your m achine.
Chapter 4 34 Re mote f ax co mma nds 4 Follow the com mands in the ta ble to access features when y ou are away from the mac hine. When you call the ma chine and enter yo ur remote ac cess code (3 di gits followed by l ), the syst e m w ill give two short beeps and you must enter a remote command.
Rec eiv ing a fax 35 4 Ret riev ing fax m essag es 4 You can call your m achin e from any to uch- tone tele phone or fax m achine a nd have your fax m essages sent t o anoth er machine .
Chapter 4 36 Additi onal recei ving opera tions 4 Pr intin g a r edu ced in co min g fax 4 If you choose On , the machine reduc es each page of a n incoming fax to fit on one page of Letter, A4, Legal or Folio sized p aper.
Rec eiv ing a fax 37 4 Se tti ng t he Fa x R ece ive Stamp 4 You can set the mac hine to print t he receiv ed date and tim e at the top cen ter of each receive d fax p age. a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Fax .
Chapter 4 38 Sett ing the Pri nt De nsity 4 You can a djust the Print Density set ting to make your printed pages darker or lighter. a Pre ss . b Pre ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Fax . d Pre ss Fax . e Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Setup Receive .
Rec eiv ing a fax 39 4 Re ceivi ng faxe s in t o me mory wh en the pape r tray is em pty 4 As soon a s the p aper t ray b ecomes em pty during fax reception, the Touchscreen shows No Paper and begi ns receivin g faxes i nto the m achine’s memo ry. Load paper in the paper t ray (see Basic User's G uide: Loading paper a nd p rint m edia ).
Chapter 4 40 Polling 4 Polling le ts you set up your m achine s o other people can recei ve fax es from you, b ut t hey pay for the call. It a lso lets you call somebo dy else’s f ax mac hine an d recei ve a fax fro m it, so you p ay for the call. T he polling feature needs to be set up on bot h machines f or this to wo rk.
Rec eiv ing a fax 41 4 Pre ss Search in Add ress boo k . Enter the name and press OK . Press the name, and then number you want to add. k Repeat steps i an d j for ea ch nu mber you want. Pr e ss OK . l Pr e ss Fax Start . The m achine pol ls ea ch nu mber or Group num ber in turn f or a doc ument.
42 5 Tel ephone lin e serv ices 5 To ne o r Puls e (Can ada on ly) 5 If you have a Pulse dialing service, but must send Tone signals (for exam ple, for telephone bank ing), follow these steps. If you have To uc h Tone servic e, you w ill not need this feature to send tone signals.
Dial i ng and storing number s 43 5 Converting t elepho ne wall out let s 5 There are three ways to convert to an RJ11 jack. The first two ways may require assistanc e from the telephone compan y. You can chang e the wall outlets f rom one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 j acks.
Chapter 5 44 Additional diali ng opera tions 5 Dia ling ac ces s cod es and cr edit c ard num b er s 5 Som etime s you may want to choose from several long-di stance carriers when y ou send a fax. Rat es may vary de pending on the time and des tination .
Dial i ng and storing number s 45 5 Additional w ays to store numbers 5 St or in g A dd ress Bo ok nu mber s fr om Outg oin g Calls 5 You can store Addres s Book num bers from the Outgoi ng Call history. a Pr e ss ( Fax ). b Pr e ss Call History . c Pr e ss Outgoing Call .
Chapter 5 46 j Do one o f the following: To store another Group for broadcasting, repeat steps c - i . To finish s t oring Groups for broadcasting, press . NOTE You can pri nt a list of all the Address B ook numbers (see Reports on page 49). Changing a Group name 5 a Pre ss ( Fax ).
Dial i ng and storing number s 47 5 Adding or de leting Group members 5 a Pr e ss ( Fax ). b Pr e ss Address Book . c Pr e ss Edit . d Pr e ss Change . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display the Group you want. f Press the Group nam e. g Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Add/Delete .
48 6 Fax reports 6 Press on t he Touc hscreen to s et up the Transmissio n Verification Report and t he Journal P eriod. Tr ansmi ssion Ver ifi cat ion Report 6 You can use the Transm ission Verification Report as proof that you sent a f ax (see Basic User's Guide: Trans mission Verification Report ).
Pr inti n g re p ort s 49 6 l Swipe up or down, or press a or b display Every Monday , Every Tuesday , Every Wednesday , Every Thursday , Every Friday , Every Saturday or Every Sunday , and then press the first day of the 7-day countdown.
Chapter 6 50 How t o prin t a repor t 6 a Pre ss . b Pre ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Print Reports . d Pre ss Print Reports . e Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to display th e report you want. f Press the report n ame.
51 7 7 Copy setting s 7 You can chang e the copy sett ings for the next copy. These se ttings are temporary. The machine returns to i ts default settings one m inute after copyi ng. Press Copy an d then press Options . Swipe up or down, or press a or b to scroll through the cop y settings.
Chapter 7 52 En larg ing o r re duci ng c opies 7 To en large or red uce t he nex t copy follow these steps: a Load your docume nt. b Pre ss ( Copy ). c Enter the number of copi es you want. d Pre ss Options . e Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Enlarge/Reduce .
Making c opies 53 7 2- sid ed C opy ing (MF C -9 33 0C DW an d MFC-9340CDW) 7 You m ust choose a 2-sided cop y l ayout from the following options before you can start 2-sid ed copying. The layout of your docum ent determine s which 2-sided copy layout you shou ld choose.
Chapter 7 54 Lands cape 2–sid ed i 2–sided 1–sid ed i 2– sid ed Lo ng Ed ge Fl ip 2–sid ed i 1– sid ed Lo ng Ed ge Fl ip 1–sid ed i 2 –si ded Shor t E dge Fli p 2–sid ed i 1 –si ded Shor t E dge Fli p a Load your docume nt.
Making c opies 55 7 Adju stin g Den sity a nd Contras t 7 Density 7 Adj ust the c opy density to m ake copies darker or lighter. a Load your docum ent. b Pr e ss ( Copy ). c Enter t he numb er of cop ies. d Pr e ss Options . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Density .
Chapter 7 56 Sor ting copi es 7 You can s ort m ul tiple co pies. P ages w ill be sorted in the order 1 2 3 , 1 2 3, 1 2 3, and s o on. a Load your docume nt. b Pre ss ( Copy ). c Enter the number of copi es. d Pre ss Options . e Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Stack/Sort .
Making c opies 57 7 If you are using the scanner glass, go to step k . k After the ma chine scans the page , press Scan to scan t he next page . l Place the next page on the scanner glass. m Pr e ss OK . Repeat steps k and m for each page of the l ayout.
Chapter 7 58 2 in 1 I D Copy 7 You can cop y both sid es of your ident ification card onto one page, keepin g the original card size. NOTE You can copy an ident if ication card to the extent perm itte.
Making c opies 59 7 Adju stin g the Colo r Sa tu ra tion 7 You can change the d efault set ti ng for col or satura tion. a Load your docum ent. b Pr e ss ( Copy ). c Enter t he numb er of cop ies. d Pr e ss Options . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Color Adjust .
Chapter 7 60 f Se lec t 2in1(P) , 2in1(L) , 4in1(P) or 4in1(L) in Page Layout (see Making N in 1 copies (page layout) on page 56). g Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay 2-sided Copy Page Layout .
Making c opies 61 7 Sa ving co py o pt ions as a Shortc ut 7 You can st ore the copy option s you use most often by saving them as a Shortcut. a Pr e ss ( Copy ).
62 A Cleaning an d chec king the machine A Clean t he out side and inside of the mac hine regularly with a dry, lint-free cloth. When you replace t he ton er cartridge or the drum un it, make sure you clean the inside of the machine. If p rinted pages are s tained with toner, clea n the inside of the machine with a dry, lint-free cloth.
Routi ne m aintena nce 63 A Cl eanin g the o uts ide o f the machin e A IMPORTANT DO N OT use any type of liquid cleaners (including ethano l). Clean the T ouchscreen as foll ows: a Press a nd hold down to turn of f the machine. b Clean the Touchscreen with a dry , soft li n t- fr ee cloth.
64 f Wipe the inside and the outside of the paper tray with a dry , l int-free cloth to remove dust. g Re-load the paper and put the paper tray firmly back in the machine.
Routi ne m aintena nce 65 A c Wipe the windows of all four L ED heads (1) with a dry , lin t -fr ee c lo th . Be c a re ful not to touch the windows of the LE D heads (1) with your f in gers . d Close th e top cover of the m achine. e Pr es s to tu rn on th e ma ch in e.
66 c Lift t he document cove r (1). Clean the wh ite pl astic surface (2) and scanner glass ( 3) undernea th it with a soft lint- f ree cloth moistened with wate r. d In the A DF un it, clean the whi te bar (1) and the scanner glass strip (2) underneath it with a s o ft lint-free cloth moistened wi th water.
Routi ne m aintena nce 67 A Cl eanin g the c oro na wi res A If you have print quality problems or the Touchs cr een shows Drum ! , cle an the corona wires as follows: a Open the to p cover until it locks in th e open position. b Remove t he t oner cartridge and drum unit assembly.
68 IMPORTANT • We recomm end tha t you p lace the toner cartridge and drum unit assem bly on a clean, flat surface with disposable paper under neath it in c a se y ou accident ally spill or scatter toner. • To preve nt damage to the machi ne from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the illustration.
Routi ne m aintena nce 69 A d Slide the toner cartri dge and drum uni t assem bly int o the mach ine. Make sure you match the toner cartridge color t o the same color label on the machin e. BK = Black, C = C yan, M = M agenta, Y = Y ellow e Repeat steps b - d to clean each of the three remain ing corona wires.
70 Cl eani ng the drum un i t A If your printout has black or whi te dots or other repeating marks at 3.7 in. (94 mm) intervals, the drum may h ave foreign material, s uch as glue from a label stuck on the drum s urface. Follow these st eps to solve the problem.
Routi ne m aintena nce 71 A WARNING HOT SURF A CE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of t he m achine will be extremely hot. Wait f or the mac hine to c ool down bef ore you touch the in ternal parts of th e m a ch ine .
72 m Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge out of t h e dru m unit. IMPORTANT • Handle the toner c a rtridge carefully. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immediately wipe or wash it off wi t h cold water. • To avoid p rint quality problems, DO NOT touch the shaded part s show n in t he illu strat ion s.
Routi ne m aintena nce 73 A n Turn the drum unit as shown in the illustration. Mak e s ure the drum un it gear (1) is on the left sid e. o Read the following in formation from the Drum Dot Check Sheet. Dot location: The shee t has eight numbe red columns.
74 q Turn the ed ge o f th e drum unit toward you by hand while looking at the surface of t h e suspected area. NOTE DO NO T tou ch the drum’s surfac e.
Routi ne m aintena nce 75 A u Slide each toner cartridge and drum assem bly int o the mach ine. Make sure you match the toner cartridge color t o the same color label on the machin e. BK = Black, C = C yan, M = M agenta, Y = Y ellow v Close th e top cover of t he m achine.
76 Cl eani ng the pa per pic k-up rolle rs A Cleaning the p aper pick-up roll er periodically may prevent paper jams by insuring the proper feeding of paper. If y ou have p aper f eed probl ems, clean the pick-up rollers as fol lows: a Press and hold down to turn off the machine.
Routi ne m aintena nce 77 A Calib rati on A The out put density for each color m ay vary dependi ng o n the machine’s environm ent, such as temperat ure and hum idity. Calibration helps you to improve the color dens ity. a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss Calibration .
78 Auto Re gistration A If solid areas of col or or images have cyan, magenta or yellow fringes , you can use the auto-registration feature to correct the problem . a Pre ss . b Pre ss Auto Regist. . c Pre ss Yes to confirm. d Touchscreen will show Completed .
Routi ne m aintena nce 79 A Pr intin g th e test p rin t A You can prin t a Test Print page to check you r print quality. a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss Test Print . c The T ouchs c een will show Press [OK] . Pr e ss OK . The m achin e wil l p rint the Te st Prin t page.
80 Chec king the re mainin g life o f tone r cartri dges A You can see the approximat e remain ing life of the toner cart ridges. a Pre ss . b Pre ss Toner Life . The Touchscreen will show the approximate remain ing life of t he toner cartridges in a bar cha rt.
Routi ne m aintena nce 81 A Replacing periodi c maintena nce parts A The periodi c maintenan ce parts will need t o be replaced regularly to maintain the print quality. T he Fuser Unit and P F Kit parts listed in the table must be replaced after printing approx imately 50, 000 pag es 1 .
82 Packing and shipp ing the machine A WARNING This ma chine is h eavy and wei ghs more than 44.1 lb (20.0 kg). To preven t poss ible injuries, at l eas t two people should lift the machine. One pe rson s hould h old the front of the machine, and one pers on should hold the back, as shown in the i l lustration.
Routi ne m aintena nce 83 A d Wrap the machine i n a plastic bag, then place it on the bottom packing material (1). e Place the packing material (2) marked “R” on t he right of the mac hine. Place the pa cki ng material (3) marked “L” on t he l ef t of th e mac hi ne.
84 B This is a compreh ens ive lis t of featur es and te rms th at appear i n Brother manuals. Av ailab ility of these features depend s on the model you purchased. Glos sary B 3.7 in. Touchscree n LCD and Touchpanel The Touchsc reen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) on th e machine shows in teractive mess ages and promp ts for using the machine .
Glossar y 85 B Contrast Sett ing to compensate for dark or light doc ume nts, by making faxes or copies of dark document s lighter an d l ight documents d arker. De laye d Fax Sen ds your fax at a specified later t ime that d ay. Density Changin g the Density m akes the whole ima ge lighter o r darker.
86 OCR (optical character reco gn ition) Nuanc e™ PaperP ort™ 12S E or Presto! PageM anager sof tware ap plication converts an image of text to text you can edit. Out o f Pap er Recep tion Receiv e s faxes into t h e machi ne ’s mem ory when the machine is out of paper.
Glossar y 87 B Tran smission The proces s of sending faxes over the tele phone lines from your machine to the receiving fax ma chine. Tran smis sion Ve rification Report A report for each t r ansmission , t ha t shows its date, time and number. User Settings L ist A printed report that shows the current sett ings of the machine.
88 Numeri cs 2-sided c opy ... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... .... 53 A Address B ook access codes a nd credi t card numbers ...... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... .......44 broadcasting .... ....... ..... .... ..... ....... .
89 C F Fax codes changing ...... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ...... 33 remot e access code .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. 3 3 Fax f orwarding changing rem otely ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 34 , 35 programm ing a number ..
90 P Page layout (N in 1) ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....56 Pagin g .. ..... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... .. ..... ....30 programming y our c ell number .... ..... .... 30 programming you r pager number ..... ....30 PC-F ax See Softwa r e User's Guide.
91 C T TA D (telephone answering device), external .... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... . 43 with two-line j ack ... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... . 43 Telep hone line converting w all out lets .... .... ..... ..... ... Bro t h e r In te rnat io na l Cor p orat ion 200 Cr os si n g Bo ul ev ar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge wa ter, N J 0 880 7-0 911 US A Brot her In te rna tio nal C orp ora tio n (C ana da ) Ltd. 1 r ue Hôtel de Ville, Dol lar d-des -O rmea ux, QC, C anada H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orld W id e Web http: //www.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother MFC-9130CW c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother MFC-9130CW - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother MFC-9130CW, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother MFC-9130CW va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother MFC-9130CW, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother MFC-9130CW.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother MFC-9130CW. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother MFC-9130CW ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.