Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2018 du fabricant Adobe
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2 1 t Prin to g in r a p e r P d te r a St g in tt Ge it. e s u u yo Printer/Scanner Unit e T r fo e ype b " 2 e c n 018 re O fe p y Re p er "Co e at h t ing n i In n o i str at u rm c o t f.
Intr oduc tion This man ual des cribes det ailed instructi ons on the ope rat ion and notes a bout the u se of t his mac hine. To get m aximum versat ility f rom this machine al l oper ato rs are requ ested t o read thi s manual car efully and fol low the ins tructi ons.
i Manuals f or This M achine The follow ing manuals describe t he operational proced ures of this ma chine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual. Note ❒ Manuals provi ded are speci fic to m achine ty pe. ❒ Adobe Acr obat Reader i s necessary to view the m anuals as a PDF file.
ii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manuals for DeskTopBind er V2 Lite Des kTo pBi nde r V2 Lit e is a util ity in clud ed on t he C D-R OM l abe led “ Scanner Driv er & D ocu men t M ana ge ment Ut ilit ies ” .
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine .... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ .... i How to Read Thi s Manual .... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....
iv KirC 2-EN -Pr ef 1-F_ FM. book Page iv Th urs day , Sep tem ber 25 , 20 03 3: 15 PM.
1 How to Read This Manual Symb ols In th is manual, the follow ing sym bols are us ed: R WARNING: This symbo l indicates a potent ially hazardo us situation wh ich, if instructions are no t fo llow ed , cou ld res ult in deat h o r se ri ous i nju ry .
2 Names of Major Options The followi ng software produc ts are referred to using a general name : • DeskTopBinder V2 Lite and DeskTopBinder V2 professional → DeskTop- Binde r V2 Lite /profes sional • Sca nRo ute r V2 L ite an d S can Ro ute r V 2 p rof es sion al ( o ption al ) → Sc anR out er V2 Lite/profession al KirC2- EN-Pref1-F _FM.
3 1. Getting Started Control Panel 1. { { { { Printer } } } } key Press to activate the printer func tion. 2. Indicators Displays errors and ma chine status. h : Error indicator. S ee N etw ork G uid e and General Settings Guide . B : Load Paper indicator.
Getti ng Started 4 1 14. { { { { OK } } } } key Press to set a selected item or entered nu- meri c va lue. 15. Numbe r ke ys Press to enter numeri c values. Reading t he Disp lay an d Using Keys This section explains how to read the display and using the selecti on key for the initia l display .
5 2. Preparin g to Pri nt This section gi ves instructions for conne cting the machin e and computer, config- uring the m achine, and i nstalling software.
Preparing to Pri nt 6 2 Connecting the machi ne to the host using a USB cable You can connect the machi ne to the host computer usin g a USB in terfac e cable. This machine does not com e with a USB interf ace cable. Mak e sure you purc ha se the a ppr opri ate ca ble for the machi ne and yo ur comput er.
Prepari ng the Machine 7 2 A A A A Turn off the main po wer sw itches of the machine and computer . Import ant ❒ Before turning off the main powe r sw itch , see “ Turning Off the Power ” , Copy Referenc e . B B B B Plug the cable into the connector on the machine’s interface.
Preparing to Pri nt 8 2 ❒ Be su re to set th e paper with the side you want to print facing down in the bypass tray. ❒ When loading OHP transparencies or thic k pape r in t he bypas s tray , make the paper sett ing using the control p anel or printer driver.
Prepari ng the Machine 9 2 ❒ Fan the pape r to get air be tween the sheets to avoid a multi-sheet feed. ❒ When setting an OHP transpar- ency, m ake sure t hat its front and back sides are properl y po- sitioned. ❒ Sele ct paper t ype when printi ng onto OHP transp arencies or thick p aper (over 10 5g/m 2 ).
Preparing to Pri nt 10 2 Setting custom size paper Note ❒ Custom sizes can al so be set using the prin ter driver. The following procedur es are not necessar y when setting custom sizes using the p rinte r dr iver. ❒ Custom size settings set using the printer drive r have p riority over those set u sing the machine' s con- trol p anel.
Prepari ng the Machine 11 2 Setting thick paper or OHP transparencies Note ❒ Paper settings ca n also be set using the prin ter driver. The following procedur es are not necessar y when setting paper sizes using th e print er driv er.
Preparing to Pri nt 12 2 C C C C Sel ect [ Tray Paper Setting s ] using { { { {U U U U} } } } or { { { {T T T T} } } } , an d then pr ess th e { { { { OK } } } } key. D D D D Sel ect [ Paper Type :Byp ass T ray ] us- ing { { { {U U U U} } } } or { { { {T T T T} } } } , and then press the { { { { OK } } } } key.
Install ing the Softwar e 13 2 Installing th e Software This manual assumes you ar e familiar with general Windows procedures and practices. If you a re not, see the operating instruct ions that co me with Windows for details. The proc edure for in stalling the print - er driver depends on th e connection with the co mputer .
Preparing to Pri nt 14 2 The f oll owin g ta ble show s the print er drive rs and softw are that can be in- stalled using Auto Run: *1 Available operating systems are: Win- dows 95/98 /Me, Windows 2000 /XP, Windows Serv er 2003, and Windows NT 4. 0. Auto Run is u navai lable w ith Macint osh.
Install ing the Softwar e 15 2 Important ❒ If your system is Windows NT 4.0, we recommend that you u pgrade the W indows N T 4.0 operat ing s y s t e m t o S e r v i c e P a c k 4 o r l a t e r before installing the PCL 6/5e or RPCS ™ pr inter drivers.
Preparing to Pri nt 16 2 • Windows XP Profe ssiona l and Wi ndows Serv er 2003 On the [ Start ] menu, click [ Printers and Faxe s ] . Th e [ Print- ers and Fa xes ] win dow ap- pears. Ri ght-click the mach ine icon , an d th en c lick [ Rename ] . • Windows XP H ome Edition On the [ Start ] menu, click [ Control Pane l ] .
Install ing the Softwar e 17 2 • Windows NT 4.0 PCL 6 : DRI VER SPCL 6NT 4 (Language)DISK1 PCL 5e: DRI VERSPC L5ENT 4 (Language)DISK1 RPCS ™ : DRIVERSRPCSNT4 (Language)DISK1 A A A A Quit all applications running. B B B B Insert the CD-ROM into the CD- ROM drive.
Preparing to Pri nt 18 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ NetB E UI A Click [ NetBEUI ] , and then clic k [ Se arch ] . A li st of m ach ine s that can be used wi th NetBEU I ap- pears. B Select the mach ine you want to use, and then click [ OK ] . Note ❒ NetBE UI cannot b e used under Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
Install ing the Softwar e 19 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ User Code User codes are ei ght digit cod es that allow you to keep track of printing d one unde r each co de. To use thi s feature, t he netwo rk administrator sh ould assign user codes a nd inform users of them bef ore they ins tall the print er driver .
Preparing to Pri nt 20 2 A Click [ Cancel ] to clo se the [ Port Se ttings ] di alo g box . B Start Smar tDeviceMonitor for Clie nt, and then ri ght- click the SmartDevice- Monitor fo r Client i con on the tas kbar . C Click [ Extended Feature s Settings ] , and then sel ect the [ Set Rec over y/P arallel Printing for each port ] ch eck box.
Install ing the Softwar e 21 2 RPCS ™ prin ter driv er A A A A On the [ Start ] menu, point to [ Set - tings ] , and then cli ck [ Printer s ] . The [ Print ers ] w indow appears. Note ❒ If using Windows XP Profes- sional or Windows Server 2003, click the [ Printers and Faxes ] win - dow on the [ Star t ] menu .
Preparing to Pri nt 22 2 Note ❒ The prin ter driver with the se- lec ted la nguag e will be in - stalled. ❒ The pri nter driver w ill be in- stalled in English if you select the following languages: Cesti- na, Magya r, Polski, Portugue s, Suom i, and Russi an.
Install ing the Softwar e 23 2 ❒ When prom pted for the additional driver (alternate driver) location, select t he followi ng folders on the CD-ROM: • Windows 95/98/Me: DRIVERS PS WI N 9X_ ME (L a ngu ag e) DISK1 • Windows N T 4.0: DRIVERS PSNT4(Language)DISK1 A A A A Quit all applications that are ru n- ning .
Preparing to Pri nt 24 2 Windows 2000/XP and Wi ndows Server 2003 - Setting up options If the machine has options in stall ed, you should make se ttings for them using th e printe r drive r. Limitatio n ❒ Changing th e prin ter sett ings re- quires M anage P rinters permission.
Install ing the Softwar e 25 2 C C C C Select a lan guage for the interface language, an d then click [ OK ] . The followin g languages are avail- able: Cestina ( Czech), Dansk (Dan- ish), Deutsch (Ge.
Preparing to Pri nt 26 2 D D D D Click the [ Device Se tting s ] tab. E E E E Select the options you have in- sta lled un der [ I nstallable Option s ] .
Install ing the Softwar e 27 2 Note ❒ [ SCSI pr int (SBP -2) ] must be set to Active and [ B idirectional SCSI print ] must be set to ON in [ IE EE 1394 ] on the [ I nterface Settings ] tab in the ma chine' s Sy stem Set - tings.
Preparing to Pri nt 28 2 K K K K Do ub le- c lic k t he [ Printer Descrip - tions ] folder in the [ Mac OS 8 and 9 ] folder. L L L L Do ub le- c lic k [ Disk 1 ] in the folder of the language you use. M M M M Drag the PPD file into [ Pr inte r De- scriptions ] in [ Extensions ] in [ System Folder ] .
Install ing the Softwar e 29 2 D D D D Do ub le- c lic k t he [ Mac O S 8 and 9 ] folder. E E E E Do ub le- c lic k t he [ ATM ] folder. F F F F Do ub le- c lic k t he [ ATM 4.6. 2 inst all- er ] icon. G G G G Follow the instructions on screen. H H H H Restart the Macintosh.
Preparing to Pri nt 30 2 Setting up the PPD file A A A A Run [ Pr int Ce nter ] . B B B B Click [ Add Pr inter ] . Note ❒ Sele ct [ Appl eTalk ] in the first pop-u p m en u. ❒ If the zone has been set, selec t the zone in the seco nd pop-u p menu.
Install ing the Softwar e 31 2 D D D D Insert the CD-ROM provided into the CD-ROM drive. Note ❒ When Auto Run s tarts, clic k [ Ex- it ] . ❒ If you want to d isable Auto Run, press { { { { Shi ft } } } } whe n ins ert- ing the CD-R OM int o t he dr ive and keep it pressed until th e computer completes transmis- sion to the d rive.
Preparing to Pri nt 32 2 A A A A Install the printer drive r by refer- ring to the instruc tions for insta l- lation. Note ❒ Each prin ter driv er is stored i n the following folders on the CD- ROM:.
Install ing the Softwar e 33 2 ❒ SCSI print must be enabled using the control pa nel. See "Interf ace Settings/IEE E 1394", Ne twork Guide . ❒ SCSI prin t using th e opti onal IEE E 1394 in terface board is not sup- ported by Window s 95/98/Me, or Win dows NT 4.
Preparing to Pri nt 34 2 G G G G Sel ec t th e pr in t er dr iv er y ou w an t to install. Eac h printer driver is stored in the following folders : • PCL 6 : DRIVERSPCL6 WIN2K_X P(Language) DISK1 .
Install ing the Softwar e 35 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ If you do not want to install the printer when [ Found New Hardware Wizard ] starts when u sing an operat ing sys- tem that supports SCSI print, disable the device with the following proce- dure: • Windows 2000 A In the [ Found New Hardware Wizard ] d i a l o g b o x , c l i c k [ Next ] .
Preparing to Pri nt 36 2 Instal ling Smar tDevic eMonit or for Clie nt/Admin Limitatio n ❒ If your o perating system is Win- dows 2 000/XP, Windows S erver 2003, or Windo ws NT 4. 0, ins tall- ing software using Auto Run re- qui res Ad min ist rato r pe rm issi on.
Install ing the Softwar e 37 2 D D D D Click [ Font Manager 2000 ] . E E E E Follow the instructions on the screen . Using Adobe PageMa ker Versi on 6.0, 6.5, or 7.0 If you use the machine under Win- dows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000/X P, Windows Se rver 2003, or Window s NT 4.
Preparing to Pri nt 38 2 Software and Utilit ies Include d on the CD- ROM There ar e two CD-R OMs tha t come with the printer opt ion of this ma- chine.
Softwar e and Utilities Included on the CD-ROM 39 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PCL printer dri vers Two kin ds of PCL print er drive rs: PCL 6 and PCL 5e, are included on the CD -ROM th at com es wi th this machine . These dr ivers allow the computer to communicat e with the machin e via a printer lan- guage.
Preparing to Pri nt 40 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ USB Pri nting Sup port This ut ility is for th e USB 2.0 inter- face. Install this to use U SB on comput ers ru nning Win dows 98 SE/Me. For in formation about in- stalla tion, see p.30 “ Installing the Printer Driver Using USB ” .
41 INDEX 1394 Ut ility , 39 A Acrobat R eader , 40 ATM Macintosh, installing , 28 B Bidire ctional transm ission , 26 Bypass tray , 7 C CD-ROM , 38 Connection Eth ernet boar d co nnect ion , 5 IEEE 13.
42 S Screen fonts Macintosh, installing , 29 SCSI p rint , 32 Sma rtDevi ceMonit or for Admin , 36 , 39 Sma rtDevi ceMo nitor f or Cl ient , 36 , 39 Softwar e Quick Install , 14 T Thick Pa per printi .
43 MEMO KirC2- EN-Pref1-F k Page 43 Th ursday, S eptember 25, 2003 3:15 PM.
44 EN USA B622-86 73 MEMO KirC2- EN-Pref1-F k Page 44 Th ursday, S eptember 25, 2003 3:15 PM.
Not e to users in t he U nite d Sta tes of Am er ica Notice: This equi pm ent h as bee n tes ted and fo und t o c om p ly wi t h the li mit s fo r a Cl ass B di git al devic e, pur sua nt to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru les.
673 8 - 622 B A US N E Prin a in h C ter/ in S d c e t an in n Pr e e 1 r c r Referen Un te in Pr s n ctio ru t it Type s g In Operatin 2018.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Adobe 2018 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Adobe 2018 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Adobe 2018, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Adobe 2018 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Adobe 2018, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Adobe 2018.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Adobe 2018. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Adobe 2018 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.