Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FAX2920 du fabricant Brother
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USER’S GUI DE F AX- 2820 F AX- 2920 MFC- 7220 MFC- 7225 N Version A.
I f you n eed t o cal l Cu st omer S erv ice Please complete the following inform ation for future re fe re nc e : Mod el Numb er : FAX -2 820 , F AX -29 20 , MF C- 72 20 a n d MFC - 722 5N (Circle y .
i Brother nu mbers Reg i ste r your produc t By re gisteri ng your produ ct with Brot her Inter national Corpor ation , you will be r ecorded as the ori ginal own er of the produc t.
ii Brot her f ax back syst em (USA only) Brot h er has installed a n easy-to -use fax back system, so you ca n get inst a nt a nswers to common technic al quest ions and produc t inform ation fo r all Brot her produc ts. This syst em is availab le 24 hours a day , 7 days a week.
iv Brother ® O ne Y ear Li mit e d War ran ty and Rep l acem en t Serv ic e (USA only) Who is covered : • This limited war rant y ("warrant y") is giv en only to the ori ginal end-use/ re.
v Brother ® O ne Year Limi ted W arran ty a nd R eplac em ent S ervic e (USA only) Brot her re serves the r igh t to suppl y a ref urbishe d or r emanuf actu red repla ce ment Machin e and /or accomp.
vi BROTHER MULTIFUNCTION CENTER/FACSIMILE MACHINE LIMITED WARRAN TY ( Canad a on ly) Purs uant to this limit ed warrant y of 1 year fro m the date of purchas e for lab our and part s, Broth er Inter nationa l Cor poration ( Cana da) Ltd .
vii Safety prec autions We use t he fol lowing icons throughout this User’s Guide. To us e t h e mac hi ne sa fe ly Ple ase keep these ins truct ions for lat er referenc e and read t hem before attem pting any main tenanc e.
viii After you use th e machine, some internal parts are extrem ely HOT! To pre vent injur es, be c areful not to put your f i ngers i n the a r ea shown i n the illu st ration. The fuser unit is mar k ed with a caution labe l . Please do not remo ve or damage the label.
ix Qu ick Referenc e Guide Sending Faxes Automati c Transmi ssion 1 If it is not illum inated in gr een, press ( Fax ). 2 Load your doc ument. 3 Enter t he fax numbe r using One-T ouch, Speed-Dia l, Searc h or the dial pad. 4 Pres s Start . Storing numbers St or in g On e- Tou ch Di al nu m be rs 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 2 , 3 , 1 .
x Using S ear ch 1 If i t is n ot ill uminat ed i n g reen, press ( Fax ). 2 Load your doc ument. 3 Pre ss Se arch/Spee d Dial , and then enter the first le tter o f the name you’r e looking for . 4 Pre ss or to search the memory. 5 Pre ss St a r t .
xi Table o f C onten ts 1 In tr od uc ti on Usi ng thi s Gu ide .. .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 1-1 Ch oosin g a locat ion .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ...
xii Sec urit y .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. 2-9 TX Loc k (FAX -2820 and MFC-72 20 o nly) .... ... ..... ..... .... ... ....... .... ... ..... ...... ..
xiii 4 Setup Receive Basic re ceiving oper ations .. ... ....... .... ... ..... ...... ... ..... ..... .... ... ...... ..... ... ..... ...... ... ..... 4-1 Choosi ng the Receive Mode ..... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... ...... ... ..... ...
xiv 8 Mak ing copi es Usi ng th e mach i ne as a co pier ....... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .....8- 1 Ent er C opy mode... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..
xv If y ou a re havin g di ffic ulty w it h y our m ac h in e ...... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. 11- 11 Im prov i ng th e pri nt qu ali ty .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .....11 -16 Cl e an ing the drum uni t .
xvi B Appendix B On-scr een program ming .. ... ....... .... ... ....... .... ... ..... ...... ... ... ....... .... ... ...... ..... ... ..... .. B-1 Men u t ab le .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..
1 - 1 1 Using this Guide Throughou t th is Guide you will see s pecial sym bols alert ing you t o impor tant warnin gs, not es and acti ons. S pecia l f onts id enti fy key s you should pr ess, messa ges t hat ap pear on t he LCD, an d import ant point s or relat ed topics.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 2 1 Choosi ng a location Place your machin e on a f lat, stable surf ace that is free of vibration and s hocks, such as a desk. Put the m achine near a telephone wall jack and a s tandar d, ground ed AC power outlet. Choose a loc ation whe re the temper ature r emains b etwee n 5 0°F a nd 9 0.
Chap t er 1 1 - 3 How to access th e complete User’s G uide ( M F C-7220 an d MF C-7225N only) This User’ s Guide does not cont ain all t he infor mation about the machine s uch as how to use t he advanc ed features of the Fax, Print er, Scanne r, P C Fax an d Networ k.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 4 1 To vi ew Docu ment atio n ( For Ma ci nt os h ® ) 1 Turn on your Macin tosh ® . In se rt th e Brothe r CD-ROM labeled Macin tosh ® into your CD-ROM drive. The fol lowing window wi ll appear . 2 Double- click the Docu mentati on ic on.
Chap t er 1 1 - 5 Control panel overview FAX-2820 and F AX-292 0 ha ve the sa me key s. MFC-722 0 a nd MF C-7225N have the same k eys. 01/01 00:00 Fax 01/01 00:00 Fax.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 6 1 1 O ne-Touch Keys The se 10 keys give you instant acces s to 10 (MFC-7220 and M FC-7225 N ) or 20 (FAX - 2820 and FAX - 2920) previous l y stored dia l numbers. 2 Fax an d t ele ph one k ey s: Redial / Pause Redials th e last number you calle d.
Chap t er 1 1 - 7 Load doc ument You can sen d a f ax, make c opi es, and s can fr om the A DF ( autom atic do cument feeder ). Note The Sc an featu re is not avai lable f or FAX-2820 and F AX-292 0.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 8 1 About paper Rec ommended paper To get the bes t pr int quali ty, w e suggest using the fo llowi ng paper. ■ Use pap er that is made for plai n-paper cop ying. ■ Use pap er that is 20 to 24 lb (75 to 90 g /m 2 ). ■ Use neu tral pape r.
Chap t er 1 1 - 9 Paper capacity of the paper trays CAUTION Do n ot u se the fol lowin g t ypes o f paper or en ve lopes; t hey may caus e a pa per j am and damage your ma chine.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 10 1 How to load p aper To load paper or other media in t he paper tray 1 Pull the pap er tray com pletely out of the machine. 2 While pr essin g t he pa per gui de rel ease lever, slide t he adjust ers to f it the paper size. Check that the gui des are fir mly in the slots .
Chap t er 1 1 - 11 Note When you put paper in the pap er tray , please remember the fo llowi ng: ■ Check t hat th e paper i s flat i n the tr ay an d below t he max imum paper mark , and t hat the pa per guid es are t ouching the si des of the paper stack.
Intr oduc ti on 1 - 12 1 About fax m achines Cus tom f eat ures Do you have Voice Mail on the phone line ? If you have Vo ice Mail on t he phone line wher e you wil l i nstal l you r new mac hine, there is a st rong possibili ty that Voice Mail and t he mac hin e may c onflict wit h ea ch other while r eceiving inc oming calls .
Chap t er 1 1 - 13 Fax t ones and ha ndsha ke When s omeon e i s sendi ng a f ax, the f ax machine sends fax calli ng tone s (CNG tones) . These are qui et, inte rmitt ent beeps every 4- seconds . Y ou’ll hear them aft er y ou dial an d pr ess Start and they wil l cont inue f or about 60 sec onds after dialin g.
2 - 1 2 2 Initial se tup Set ting th e Da te an d Time When th e machine is not in use it will displa y the dat e and time . If you set up th e Station ID the d ate and tim e di splayed by you r machi ne will be p ri nted on ever y f ax you s end. I f th ere is a p ower f ailu re, yo u may hav e to r eset th e date and t ime.
Chap t er 2 2 - 2 Set tin g th e Stat io n I D You should sto re your name or company name an d fax number s o they print on all fax pages you send. 1 Pre ss Me n u/ Se t , 0 , 3 . 2 Enter your f ax n umb er (up t o 20 di gits). Pre ss Me n u/ Se t . 3 Enter your telephone number (up to 20 digits) .
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 3 2 Ge nera l Set up Sett ing th e Mode Timer (FA X- 28 20 an d FAX - 292 0 only ) The ma chine has two temporar y mode keys on t he control pa nel: Fax an d Co py. Y ou can chan ge the number of seconds or minutes the m achine takes af ter the last Copy oper ation before it retur ns to Fax mode.
Chap t er 2 2 - 4 Sett ing the Pape r Typ e To get the bes t pr int quali ty, set the m achin e for the type of paper you are us ing. 1 Pre ss Me n u/ Se t , 1 , 2 . 2 Pre ss ▲ or ▼ to sel ect Plain , Thin , Thick , Thicker , Transprncy (Transpar ency) or Recycled (Rec ycled Pape r).
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 5 2 Se tti ng t he R in g Vo lu me You can turn t he ring Off or y ou can select the ring v olume level. 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 1 , 4 , 1 . 2 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to select Low , Med , High or Off . Pres s Menu/Set . 3 Pres s Stop/Exit .
Chap t er 2 2 - 6 Sett ing t he Hand set Volu me 1 Pre ss Me n u/ Se t , 1 , 4 , 4 . 2 Pre ss ▲ or ▼ to sel ect High or Low . Pre ss Me n u/ Se t . 3 Pre ss St o p/ E xi t . — OR — You can a djust the handset volume any t ime you are tal king on the telephon e.
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 7 2 Se tti ng V olu me Am plify Ple ase car efully r ead Choosin g t he Handset Volume (For Volu me Amplif y) on page 2- 6 befor e you do the follow ing steps; 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 1 , 4 , 5 .
Chap t er 2 2 - 8 Sleep T ime Settin g the Sleep Ti me reduces power consum ption by t urning of f t he fuser ins ide the machi ne while it is idl e. You can choose how long the mach ine is idle (from 00 to 99 minut es) be fore it goe s int o sl eep mode .
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 9 2 Security You can set up your machine with mult iple lev els of secur ity using TX Lock ( FAX- 2820 and M FC-7 220 only), Mem ory Sec urit y (F AX-2920 an d M FC-7 225N only) a nd Setti ng Lock . TX L ock ( FA X- 28 20 and MF C-72 20 o nly) TX Lock let s you prevent unauthor ized access to the machin e.
Chap t er 2 2 - 10 Turning TX Loc k on 1 Pre ss Me n u/ Se t , 1 , 8 , 1 . 2 Pre ss ▲ or ▼ to sel ect Set TX Lock . Pre ss Me n u/ Se t . 3 Enter the r egist ered fou r-digit password. Pre ss Me n u/ Se t . The machine goes off line and the LCD sh o ws TX Lock Mode .
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 11 2 Setting up the passwo rd Note ■ If you have alr e ady set t he passwor d, y ou will not need to set it, agai n. ■ If you forget the Memory Se curity pas sword, please c all Broth er Customer Servic e. ( See Br other numbers o n pa ge i.
Chap t er 2 2 - 12 Sett ing Lo ck Settin g Lo ck lets you prevent u naut horized access to the machine settings. While Sett ing Lock is On , the followin g opera tions are NOT a vailabl e wi thou t pa.
Getti ng sta rt ed 2 - 13 2 Changing the Setting Lock password 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 1 , 8 , 2 . 2 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to select Set Password . Pres s Menu/Set . 3 Enter th e r egi stered fo ur-digit password . Pres s Menu/Set . 4 Enter a fou r-digit number for the new passwor d.
3 - 1 3 How to enter Fa x mode Befor e sending f axes or chang ing fa x send or recei vin g settings, ma ke sure ( Fax ) is illum inated in gr een. I f it i s not , pr ess ( Fax ) t o e nte r Fa x mode. T he def ault set ting is Fax mode. How to dial You can dial in any of th e following way s.
Set up S e nd 3 - 2 3 Sp ee d-Dial in g Press Search/Speed Dial , # , an d t hen the three digi t Speed- Dia l number. (See St oring Spee d-Dial number s on p age 5-2.) Note If the LCD shows Not Registered when you enter the One-Touch or Speed-Dial numb er, a nu mber has not bee n st ored at th is loc ation.
Chap t er 3 3 - 3 Fax R edi al If you are s en ding a fax m anuall y and the line is bus y, pres s R edi al/Paus e , and then pr ess Start to try again . If you want to make a second call t o t he last num ber di aled, you can save t ime by p res si ng Re dial/ Pause an d Start .
Set up S e nd 3 - 4 3 Se nd in g a fax at th e e nd of a co nvers atio n At the end of a conversati on you can send a fax to th e other part y before you both hang up. 1 Ask th e ot he r p a rty t o w a it fo r fa x to nes (beeps) and then to press t he Start or Send key befor e hanging up.
Chap t er 3 3 - 5 Co nt rast If your document is ver y light or ver y dark, y ou may wa nt to c hang e the cont rast. Use Light to send a li ght document . Use Dark to send a dar k docum ent. 1 If i t is n ot ill uminat ed i n g reen, press ( Fax ). 2 Load your doc ument.
Set up S e nd 3 - 6 3 Dual Acc ess You can dial a number, and begin scan ning the fa x into memory—ev en when the machin e i s s ending f rom memor y, r eceiving faxes or print ing PC data. The LCD shows the new j ob n umb er. Note ■ The num ber of pages you can scan int o the m emory will vary depending on the data t hat is print ed on them.
Chap t er 3 3 - 7 Broa dcast ing Broadc asting is whe n the sa me fax mes sage is automa tical ly sent to more than one f ax number. You can inc lud e Gr oups, One- Touch, Speed- Dial numbers and up to 50 m anual ly di aled number s i n the s ame broad cast.
Set up S e nd 3 - 8 3 Ch ec ki ng job sta tu s Chec k which jobs are stil l waiting in the memor y to be sen t. (I f there a re no jo bs, the LCD s hows No Jobs Waiting .) 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 2 , 6 . 2 If you ha ve m ore than one j ob wa iti ng, press ▲ or ▼ to scrol l t hrough the lis t.
Chap t er 3 3 - 9 Adva nced sen ding operations Comp osin g the el ectr onic Cover Page The Cover Page is sent to the receiv ing party ’s machin e. Your Cover Page includ es the nam e s tor ed in the One-Touch or Speed -Dial memory. If you are dialin g manual ly, the name is left blank.
Set up S e nd 3 - 10 3 5 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to sele ct one of the standar d or your own comment s. Pres s Menu/Set . 6 Enter two di git s t o sho w t he number o f pages you ar e s end ing. Pres s Menu/Set . (For exam ple, press 0 , 2 for 2 pages or enter 0 0 to le ave t he num ber o f pages blank.
Chap t er 3 3 - 11 Del ayed Fa x Durin g the day you can stor e up t o 50 fax es in the memory to be sent within 24 hours. These fa xes w ill be sent a t the tim e of day you enter in Step 4. 1 If i t is n ot ill uminat ed i n g reen, press ( Fax ). 2 Load your doc ument.
Set up S e nd 3 - 12 3 Sett i ng up Polled T ransmit Pol led Transmi t is when you set up your machin e to wait with a docum ent so another fax machin e can call and retrie ve it. Everyon e who is involved i n Po lling needs to se t up their machin es f or P olling.
4 - 1 4 Basi c receiving ope rations Ch oo si ng t he Rec eiv e M o de Ther e a re four different Receiv e Modes for your mac hine. You can choose the mode that best suits your need s. Setup Re ce ive LCD How it works Whe n to us e it Fax Only (a utom atic re ceiv e) The ma chin e aut omatica lly answ ers ev ery cal l as a f ax.
Se t up Rece i ve 4 - 2 4 To select or c ha nge your Receive Mode 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 0 , 1 . 2 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to sele ct Fax Onl y , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Chap t er 4 4 - 3 Sett ing the F/ T Ring Ti me (F ax/Te l m ode only) If you set the Receive Mode to Fax/Tel , you’l l need to decid e how long the machine will s i gnal you with it s s peci al pseud o/double- ring whe n you have a vo ice call . (If it ’s a fax call, the m achi ne receiv es the fax.
Se t up Rece i ve 4 - 4 4 Print ing a reduced inco ming fax ( Aut o Reduc tion ) If you choos e On , th e m ac hine au tom at ic al ly red uces an inc oming f ax t o fit on o ne page o f Lett er, Legal or A4 size paper.
Chap t er 4 4 - 5 Adva nced rece iving operations Pr intin g a fax fr om the memor y If you have s electe d Fax S torag e ( Men u/Set , 2 , 5 , 1 ), you can still print a fax from the memor y when you are at your mach ine. (See Settin g F ax St orage on page 6- 2.
Se t up Rece i ve 4 - 6 4 Setting up Sequential Polling Receive Your ma chine can ask for faxes from several fax unit s in a single operatio n (Sequenti al Pol ling Receive) . Afterwa rd s, a Sequential Pol ling Report will be print ed. 1 If it is not illum inated in gr een, press ( Fax ).
5 - 1 5 Storing numb ers for easy d ialin g You can set up your machine to do following types o f eas y dial ing: O ne-To uch, Speed -Di al and G roups for Broad ca sting faxes . When you dial a quick- dial num ber, the LCD s ho ws the nam e, if you stored it, or the number.
Quick- Dial numbe rs and dialing opt ion s 5 - 2 5 St or in g S pe ed- Dia l num b er s You can stor e Speed-Dia l number s, so that when y ou di al you wi ll only have t o press a few keys ( Search/Speed Dia l , # , the thr ee-di git num ber, a nd Start ).
Chap t er 5 5 - 3 Sett ing up Group s for Broa dcast ing Gro ups, whic h can be stored on a O ne-To uch key o r a S peed-Dia l l ocati on, all ow you t o send the same fa x message to many fax numbers by press ing on ly a One-Touc h key and Start or Search/ Speed Di al , # , the thr ee-digi t location and Start .
Quick- Dial numbe rs and dialing opt ion s 5 - 4 5 Dialing optio ns Ac ce ss cod es a nd cr ed it c ar d num bers Somet imes you may want to choose from sever al lo ng d is tance carr iers w hen you make a cal l. Rates may var y depending on the ti me and destinat ion .
6 - 1 6 Setting Rem ote Fax Options Note ■ You can on ly use one remote fax opt ion at a ti me : Fax F orwarding— OR—Pagi ng—OR— Fax Stor age—OR—PC FAX Receive* —OR— Of f.
Remote Fax Opt io ns 6 - 2 6 Progra mming your page r num ber When P aging is select ed, your machine dial s the pager number yo u’ve progr ammed, and then dia ls your Per sonal Ide ntificat ion Numb e r (PI N). This act ivates your pager so you wi ll know th at you have a f ax message in t he m emo ry .
Chap t er 6 6 - 3 PC F ax R ecei ve (MFC -72 20 and M FC- 72 25N on ly) If you turn on th e PC Fax Receive feature your mach ine will sto re your receiv ed fax in memor y and send t hem t o you r PC autom atically . You can the n use your PC to view and sto re these faxes.
Remote Fax Opt io ns 6 - 4 6 Tur ning off Remo te Fax Op tion s 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 2 , 5 , 1 . 2 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to sele ct Off . Pres s Menu/Set . 3 Pres s Stop/Exit . Note If you set the remote fax opt ions to Off and receiv e d faxes are left in your machin e’s memory , follow th e LCD messages that appear after Step 3.
Chap t er 6 6 - 5 Sett ing y our Remo te Acc ess Code The rem ote access code let s you access the Remote R etrie va l feat ures wh en you are away from your machine . Bef ore y ou use the remot e acces s a nd retriev al feat ures, you have to s et u p y our own code.
Remote Fax Opt io ns 6 - 6 6 Remo te comma nds Follo w the comma nds below t o access fe ature s when you are away fr om the machine. When you cal l the machine and ent er your Remot e Access Code (3 digi ts followed by ), the system will gi ve two short beeps and you must enter a remo te command.
Chap t er 6 6 - 7 Ret rie ving fax me ssa ges You can call your machine f rom any touch tone ph one an d have y our f ax mes sages sent to a fax mach ine. 1 Dial your fax number . 2 When your machi ne answers , immediat ely ente r your Remot e Access Code ( 3 di gits follow ed b y ).
7 - 1 7 7 Fax setti ngs and activity You need to set up the Transmiss ion Verif icat ion Report and Journal Period in the menu table. Press Me nu/Set , 2 , 4 , 1 . — OR — Press Me nu/Set , 2 , 4 , 2 . Cust omiz ing t he Tr an smiss io n Ve rific at ion Report You can use the Trans miss ion Report as proo f that you sent a f ax.
Chap t er 7 7 - 2 Sett ing t he Journa l Per iod You can set the machine to print a journal at specif ic int ervals (every 50 fax es, 6, 1 2 o r 24 hours, 2 or 7 d ays). If you set t he inte rval to Off , you c an p rint the r epo rt by followi ng the steps on Print ing repor ts.
8 - 1 8 8 ‘ Using the machi ne as a copi er You can use you r machine as a copier , making up t o 9 9 copi es at a tim e. Enter Co py mode Before m aking copies, make sure t h at ( Copy ) is illum in ated in green. If it is not, press ( Copy ) to e n ter Copy mode .
Chap t er 8 8 - 2 Mak ing mu ltip le co p ies 1 Pre ss ( Co py ) to il luminat e it in green. 2 Load your doc ument. 3 Use the d ial pad t o enter the num ber of copies you want ( up to 99). 4 Pre ss St a r t . Note To sort the copies , pr ess Opt i ons and ▲ or ▼ to select Stack/Sort .
Making cop ies 8 - 3 8 Us in g the O pti ons ke y Use the Opt ions key to quickly set t he following copy settings temporari ly for the next copy. Note The fact ory s etti ngs ar e s hown in Bold. After you choose you r settin gs by pressing Men u / S et , the L CD shows Set temporarily .
Chap t er 8 8 - 4 Enlarging or reducing the image copied You can selec t the foll owing enla rgement or reduct ion rat ios. Auto s e ts the machine t o calculat e the reduct ion rat io that fits the size of your paper . Custom(50-200%) allows you t o enter a rat io from 50% to 200%.
Making cop ies 8 - 5 8 Qua lity You can selec t the copy quality. The def ault setti ng is Auto . 1 Pres s ( C opy ) to illuminat e it in green. 2 Load your doc ument. 3 Use the dial pad to enter the number of copies you want ( up to 99). 4 Pres s Op t io ns and ▲ or ▼ to sele ct Quality .
Chap t er 8 8 - 6 Ma kin g N in 1 cop ies ( Pag e Lay o ut) You can re duce the amount of copies by using the N in 1 copy featu re. T his a llows you to cop y two or four pa ges on to one page , allowing y ou to s ave paper. Note ■ Plea se make sure paper size is set to Letter , Legal or A4 .
Making cop ies 8 - 7 8 Changing the default copy set tings You can sav e the co py setting s you use most oft en by set tin g them as defaul t. These setti ngs will r emain unt il you change them again. Qua lit y 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 3 , 1 . 2 Pres s ▲ or ▼ to sele ct Auto , Text or Photo .
9 - 1 9 The User ’s Guid e on the CD- ROM include s the Softwar e an d Network User ’s Gu ides* for features avail able when connecte d to a co mputer (for ex ampl e, Printin g and Scanning ).
10 - 1 10 10 St an da rd t ele pho ne an d FCC Notice s Thes e no tice s ar e in eff ect on mo dels so ld and us ed in th e Uni ted S tat es on ly. This equipm ent is hearing-aid compat ible.
Chap t er 1 0 10 - 2 Fede ral C ommun i ca tions Commiss ion (FCC) De cla ra ti on of C o nf orm it y (U SA only ) Respo nsible Pa rty: Brot her International Corporation 100 So m erse t Corporate B o.
Important info r mation 10 - 3 10 Di sco n nect de vic e This product must be installed near an AC pow er outlet t ha t is ea sil y access ible. In case of emerg encies, yo u must disco nnect the po wer cord from the AC p ower outlet to s hut off po wer compl etely.
Chap t er 1 0 10 - 4 Imp orta n t s afety in st ruct ion s 1 Re ad all of these instruc t ions . 2 Save t hem for lat e r re fere nce . 3 F ol low all w ar ning s and instruct i ons m ar ked on t he product . 4 Un pl ug this product from the wall outlet be f ore cleaning i nside of the machine.
Important info r mation 10 - 5 10 D Unplug this product f rom the AC pow er outlet and refer all servici ng t o Brother Aut hori zed Service P ersonnel under the follow i ng condi t ions : • When the powe r cord is damage d or frayed . • If liquid has been sp i lled into the produ ct.
11 - 1 11 Troublesh ooting Er ror mes sag es As wit h any sophi stic ated offic e p roduct, e rrors may oc cur. I f t his hap pens, your machin e ide nti fies the pr oblem and d isplays an error message . The most common erro r message s ar e shown b elow.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 2 11 Data Remaining Pri nt da ta is l eft in the ma chin e ’s memor y. Re -star t pri ntin g from y our co mput er. (M FC- 7 22 0 and MF C-72 25 N onl y) Pri nt da ta is l eft in the ma chin e ’s mem o ry.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 3 Machine too Hot The in side of the machi ne is t oo ho t . Make su re yo u can he ar the fa n in th e machin e spinn ing and th e exha ust ou tle t isn ’t bloc ked by som ething .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 4 11 Out of Memory The mach ine’ s memo ry is f ull. (F ax sen ding or copy op era tio n in pro gres s) Press Sta rt to se nd or cop y the sc anne d pages. — OR — Press Sto p/E xit an d w ait unt i l t he ot her op e rati on s in pr ogr ess hav e finis hed an d the n try ag ain.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 5 Unable to Init. (In iti al iz e) Unable to Print Unable to Scan Th e ma chin e ha s a me ch an ic al pro bl em. (Fo r FAX-2 820 an d MFC- 7220 ) W hen you tur n o ff the m ac hin e's pow er sw itch i ts me mo r y w il l b e cl ea re d.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 6 11 Chec kin g if t he ma chin e has fax es in i ts me mo r y 1 Pres s Menu/Set , 9 , 0 , 1 . 2 If the LCD shows No Data , there are no faxes left in the machine’s memory. — OR — If the LCD shows Enter Fax No.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 7 Doc ument jams If the docu ment is jammed, fol low the steps below. Document was not inserted or fed properly, or was t oo long 1 Open the control pan el cover. 2 Carefully p ull the j ammed document toward t he front of the machin e.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 8 11 3 Ope n th e fr on t co ve r. 4 Pull out the dr um unit and toner cartrid ge ass embly. Th e jammed p aper may be pulled out with the toner cartrid ge and dru m unit assembl y, or this m ay rel eas e the pap er s o you can pull it out of t he paper t ray open ing.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 9 Paper is jamme d at the back of t he machi ne 1 Open the front c over. 2 Pull out the dr um unit and toner cartridge ass embly. 3 Open the back cover . 4 Pull the tab towa rd you to open the rear ch u te co ver. 5 Pull the jammed paper out of the fus er unit.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 10 11 Pap e r is jamme d insid e the drum u nit and t oner cartridge assembly 1 Ope n th e fr on t co ve r. 2 Pull out the dr um unit and toner cart rid ge asse mbly. 3 Hold down t he lock lev er o n t he lef t and pull the ton er cartri dge out of the drum unit.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 11 If yo u ar e ha vin g dif fi culty wit h yo ur m ac hi ne If you thi nk there is a probl em with the way your faxes look, make a copy first . If the copy look s good, th e p roblem i s probab ly no t your m achin e. Chec k t he chart bel ow a nd foll ow the tr oublesho oting t ips.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 12 11 Tr ansmi ssion V er ifica tion Repor t says ‘ RESUL T :NG ’ or ‘RESULT:ERROR’. Ther e is proba bly t empor ary n oise or st atic o n the lin e.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 13 Printer Diffic ulties Th e m ach in e do es n ot pri nt. Pl ea se m ake s ure : • The m ach in e i s pl ug ge d in an d t he p ow er s witc h tu rne d On . (See th e Q ui ck Se tup Gu ide. ) — OR — • The t oner cartr idg e and dr um un it are ins tal led pr ope rly .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 14 11 Sc an nin g D i ff ic ulti es ( MF C-7 22 0 and M FC -7 22 5N on l y) TWAIN errors appe ar while sc anning . Mak e sure t he Brot her TW AIN d river is sel ecte d as th e prima ry so urce. I n Pape rPor t ® , cl ick S can in th e Fil e menu and select th e Brot her TWAIN driv er.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 15 Prin t Qua lity Dif ficu ltie s Prin te d pa ge s are c url ed . Low q ua li ty th in or th ic k pa pe r c an cau se th is p rob le m . M ak e s ur e you s ele c t th e Pap er Type that suit s the m edia typ e you u se. (See Ab out pa per on pa ge 1 -8.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 16 11 I mpr ov in g t he p ri nt qu al ity Example s of poor pr in t quality Re com mendation Faint Ch ec k t h e ma c hin e’ s en vir o nmen t. Con di tio ns suc h as h um idit y, hi gh temp erat ures, and so on may ca use t his pri nt f ault.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 17 White Spo ts on black t ext and graphics at 3.1 in. (78.5 mm ) inte rvals Blac k Spot s at 3.1 i n. (78.5 mm ) inte rvals Cl eaning the drum un it Du st , p ap er po w de r, gl u.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 18 11 Black toner marks a cross th e page T he dr um unit m ay be d am a ged. P ut in a n e w dru m un it (S e e Re pl ac ing t he drum unit (DR -3 50) on page 1 1- 27) . Mak e sure t hat you use pa per th at mee ts our speci fica tio ns.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 19 Wrinkles or cre ases Mak e su re th at pa pe r i s loa de d pr o pe rly . Ch ec k th e p ap er ty pe a nd qu alit y. ( See A bo ut pa pe r on page 1-8. ) Tur n ov e r th e sta ck o f pa per in th e tra y or r otate th e pa pe r 18 0° in t he inpu t t ray .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 20 11 Com pati bil ity If you are having diffi culty s endin g or recei ving a f ax d ue t o possible in terf erence on the phone li ne, we recom mend that you adjus t the Equaliz ation f or compatibil ity to red uce t he modem s peed for fax o per ations .
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 21 0 Pack the drum unit a nd t oner car trid ge assembl y, AC cord and print ed material s in the original ca rton as shown below: Note If you ar e r etur ning your machine to Broth er as part of t he Excha nge Service, pack only the machi ne.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 22 11 2 Wipe the out side of the machin e with a sof t clot h to rem ove du st. 3 Remove any thing t hat is st uck insi de the paper tra y. 4 Wipe the inside of the paper t ray with a soft cloth t o remov e the du st.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 23 2 Open the front c over and pull out the drum unit an d toner cart ridge a ssembl y. 3 G ent ly clean the laser scanner window by wiping it with a clean so ft, dry cloth. Do not use i s opropyl alcohol . 4 Put the drum unit and toner cartridg e assembl y back into the machine.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 24 11 Cl ean ing th e c oro na wi re We r ecomm end plac in g the dr um un it and toner cartrid ge assembly on a cl oth or large di sposable pape r t o a void spi llin g an d scat teri ng tone r. 1 Open the fron t cover and pull out t he drum uni t a nd toner cart ridge as sembly .
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 25 Ho w t o re pl ace th e to ner cart ridge 1 Open the front c over and pull out the drum unit a nd toner cartridge as sembly . 2 Hold down the lock lever on the lef t and pull the toner c artrid ge out of the drum unit. 3 Unpack t he new toner cart ridge.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 26 11 4 Gently ro ck the t o ner cartridge from side to side fiv e or six times to dist ribut e the toner ev en ly in side the cartri dge. 5 Remove the prot ective cov er. 6 Insert t he new to ner cartr idge in the drum uni t until i t clic ks int o p lace.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 27 7 Clean the p rima ry corona wire ins i de the drum unit by gentl y sliding the blu e tab fr om righ t to lef t seve ral tim es. Retu rn the blu e t ab to t he Home po sitio n ( ▼ ) befor e rei nstall ing the dr um unit a nd toner cart ridge asse mbly.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 11 - 28 11 1 Open the fron t cover and pull out t he drum unit and tone r cartrid ge assembly. 2 Hold down t he lock lev er o n t he lef t and pull the ton er cartri dge out of the drum unit. Note Discard the used dr um unit ac cordin g t o lo cal regu lations , keepi ng it separat e from domest ic waste.
Chap t er 1 1 11 - 29 Machin e Inf ormation Ch ec king th e Se ri al N umb er s You can vi ew the machi ne’s ser ial number on the LCD. 1 For FAX-2820 ,FAX- 2920 and MFC-7220 , p re ss Men u /Se t , 4 , 1 . — OR — For MFC-7225N, press Menu/S et , 6 , 1 .
A - 1 A Setting up te lephone servi ces Your mac hine support s the Disti nctive Ring and Caller ID subscr iber tel ephone serv ices that some te lephon e com panies off er.
A - 2 Before you c hoose the ring pattern to registe r You can only reg ister one Dist incti ve Ring patt ern with the ma chine. Some ring patterns canno t be r egi stered. The r in g patte rns belo w are suppor ted by your Bro ther mac hine. Regis ter the on e y our telephon e c ompany gives y ou.
Ap pendix A A - 3 Note If you tu rn of f Dist inct ive Ri ng, the machi ne will s tay in Manual receive mode. You wil l need t o set t he Re ceive M ode again.
A - 4 Cal l Wait ing The C all Waiting f eatur e l ets you u se t he Call Waiti ng subscrib er servic e offered by many local telep hone c ompanies. This feature enables you to take a second cal l on your machine, without di sconnec ting t he fi rst caller.
Ap pendix A A - 5 Usi ng a co rdl ess ext ernal hands et If your cordless telephon e is conne cted to the EXT. jac k on t he machi ne and you t ypically carry the c ordless hands et el s ewhere, it is easi er t o answer c alls du ring the Ring De lay .
A - 6 The T AD mus t ans wer within f our r ings (t he recom mended setting is two r ings). The machine canno t hear CNG ton es until the TAD has answered th e call, and wit h four ring s there are only 8 to 10 seconds of CNG tones le ft for the fax “ h andshake”.
Ap pendix A A - 7 6 Set t he Re ceiv e Mode to External TAD . (See Choosing th e Re ceive M ode on page 4-1 .) Recording outgoing messa ge (OGM) on an external TAD Timing is importan t in recor ding this mess age. 1 Record 5 second s of silence at th e beginning of your messag e.
A - 8 Co nv er ti ng te le ph one w al l ou tlets Ther e are thr ee ways t o con vert to an RJ11 jack. The firs t t wo ways m ay req uire assis tance f rom the tel ephone company . Y ou can change t he wall outlet s from one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 jacks.
Ap pendix A A - 9 Mu lti- lin e co nnec tio ns (PBX) Most off ices use a central t e le phone system. Wh ile it i s of te n r el a ti ve ly si mp le t o c on n ec t the mac hine to a key syst em or a .
B - 1 B On-scr een programmin g Your machi ne is designed to be easy to use with LCD on-s creen pro gr amming us ing t he navig ation keys. User-f riendly pr ogramm ing helps you t ake f ull adv an tage of a ll the m enu sele ct ions your ma chine h as to offer.
Ap pendix B B - 2 Navig ation keys You can acce ss the menu m ode by pres sing Menu/S e t . When y ou e nter th e menu, the LCD scrolls. Press 1 f or G eneral Set up menu — OR — Press 2 for Fax me.
B - 3 Main M enu Sub menu M en u S elect ion s Options Descri ptio ns Pa ge 1 . General Setup 1 . Mode Timer (F AX-2 820 an d FAX - 2920 o nl y) — 5 Mins 2 Mins 1 Min 30 Secs 0 Sec Off Sets the t im e to retu rn to Fax mode .
Ap pendix B B - 4 1 . General Setup (Co nti nu ed ) 4 . Volume (C ontinu ed) 4 . Handset High Low Adj usts th e ha ndse t volu me. 2- 6 5 . Volume Amplify On (Permanent/ Temporary) Off For the h earin g-i mpair ed, you ca n set the vo lume to the Vol Amplify:On set ting on a pe rmanen t or temp orar y basi s.
B - 5 2 . Fax 1 . Setup Receive (I n Fax mode only ) 1 . Ring Delay 04 03 02 01 00 Set s th e numbe r of ri ngs bef ore t he ma chin e answ ers in F ax Onl y or Fax/ Tel m od e. 4-2 2 . F/T Ring Time 70 Sec 40 Sec 30 Sec 20 Sec Sets the pseu d o/d ou bl e-r ing t ime in Fax/ Tel m od e.
Ap pendix B B - 6 2 . Fax (Co nti nu ed ) 2 . Setup Send (In F ax mod e only ) 1 . Contrast Auto Light Dark Ch an ge s the l igh tn es s or dar kness of faxe s you send . 3-5 2 . Fax Resolution Standard Fine S.Fine Photo Set s the defa ult reso lutio n for o utg o ing fa xes .
B - 7 2 . Fax (C onti nued) 3 . Set Quick-Dial 1 . One-Touch Dial St ore s One- Touc h Dial numb ers , so you can dial by pr essi ng on e key (an d Start). 5-1 2 . Speed-Dial — Stor es Spee d-Di al numb ers , so you can dial by pressi ng on ly a fe w key s (and Star t).
Ap pendix B B - 8 2 . Fax (Co nti nu ed ) 6 . Remaining Jobs — — Che cks w hich j obs are in the me mory a nd le ts y ou canc el s elec ted job s. 3-8 0 . Mis cellaneous 1 . Compatibilit y ( For FA X -28 20 and MF C-722 0) Normal Basic Adj usts th e eq uali zatio n for tran smissi on pro blem s.
B - 9 5 . LAN (MFC-722 5N only ) 1 . Setup TCP/IP 1 . BOOT Method Auto Static RARP BOOTP DHCP You can ch oose the BOOT m e thod th at be st su it s yo ur ne ed s. See Network User’s Guide on th e CD-ROM 2 . IP Address [0 00 -25 5]. [0 00- 255] . [0 00- 255] .
Ap pendix B B - 1 0 4 . Machine Info. (FAX-28 20, FAX - 2920 a nd MFC -7220 ) 1 . Serial No. — — Lets yo u check the se rial numb er of your mac hine . 11 -29 2 . Page Counter — Total Copy Print List/Fax Let s you ch eck th e numb er of total pages the mach ine ha s pri nted duri ng it s l ife.
B - 1 1 Ente ring T e xt When y ou ar e setting c ertain me nu select ions, such as the Station ID, you may need to type te xt into the mach ine. Most of the num ber keys have three or four lette rs prin ted on them. The keys for 0 , # and do not have p ri nted l etter s be caus e they are used for specia l c haract ers.
G - 1 G Glossar y ADF (automatic docum e nt feeder) The docum ent can be placed in t he ADF and s cann ed o ne p age at a ti me aut o mat ica lly . Auto Re duction Reduc es the size of incom ing faxe s. Aut o mat ic f a x tran s mis si on Sen ding a fax without pickin g up the hands et of t he machine or a n e xter nal phone.
G - 2 Dual Access Your m achine can sc an outgoi ng f axes or schedul ed jobs into mem ory at the s ame time it is sen ding a fax from memory or receivin g o r print ing an inc oming f ax. Easy Re ceiv e Enabl es your machine to res pond to CNG tones if you int err upt a fax call by answe ring it.
Glo ss ary G - 3 OCR (optical character recognition) MFC-7 220 and MFC-7225N onl y: The bundl ed ScanSof t ® OmniPage ® soft ware appli ca tion c onverts an im age of text t o tex t y ou c an edit. One-Touch Keys on the m achine’ s control panel wher e you can store number s for easy dialin g.
G - 4 Standard resolution 203 x 97 dp i. It is used for regular size text and qu ic kest transm ission. Station ID The stored inf orm ation t hat appear s o n the top of f axed pages. I t in cludes the sende r’s name and fax number . Super Fine re solution 203 x 392 dpi.
S - 1 S Product desc ription Ge nera l Speci f ica ti o ns Memor y Cap aci ty 8 M B (FAX- 2820) 16 MB (MFC- 7220 and FAX-2920) 32 M B (MFC- 7225N) Automa tic Docum ent Feed er (A DF) F AX-2820 a nd MF.
S - 2 Dime nsions Weight Wit hout Drum / Toner Unit: 16.2 lb (7.35 kg) Noise Operating: 53 d B A or less Standby: 30 d B A or less Tempe rature Operating: 50°F - 90.5°F (10 - 32.5°C) Storage: 32°F - 104°F (0 - 40°C) Humidity Operating: 20 to 80% (w it hout condensati on) Storage : 1 0 to 90% (withou t cond ensation) 14.
Specific at ion s S - 3 Print me dia Copy Paper Input Paper Tray ■ Pa per type: Plain paper , Rec ycled paper or Transparenc i es 2 ■ Pa per size: A4 , Letter, Legal 1 , Executive, A5, A6, B5 and B6 Fo r m ore de tai ls, se e Abo ut paper on page 1-8.
S - 4 Fax Co mp at ibil ity ITU-T Group 3 Coding Syst em MH/MR / MMR/ JBIG* (*no t avai lable for F AX-2820 a nd MF C -722 0) Modem Speed Automa t ic Fallback: 14400 bps (FAX - 2820 and MF C-7220) 33600bp s (FAX-2920 and M FC-7225N) Document Si ze A DF Width: 5.
Specific at ion s S - 5 Scann er (MFC -7220 an d MFC-722 5N only) Printer Color/Monochr ome Monoc hro me TWAIN Compl iant Ye s (Win dows ® 9 8/98SE/Me/ 2000 Pr ofessional/X P/ Wi ndows NT ® Wor kstation Ver sion 4. 0) Mac OS ® 9 . 1 - 9.2/Mac OS ® X 10.
S - 6 Interfa ces Note Your machi ne has a USB 2.0 Full-sp eed inter face. This int erfa ce is compati ble with USB 2.0 Hi-Spee d; however, th e maximum dat a transf er rate wil l be 12 Mbits/ s. The machi ne can als o be conne cted to a compute r that has a USB 1.
Specific at ion s S - 7 Comput er requiremen ts Min i mu m Sys tem Re qu irem en t s Computer Platform & Operating Syste m Ve rsio n Proce ssor Min imu m Spee d Mini mum RAM Recom mended RAM Avail.
S - 8 Consumab le items Note Toner lif e expe ctanc y w ill vary dep ending upon t he type of a ve rage p rint job . Note Ther e are many fact ors that de termine t he a ctual drum lif e, s uch a s t emper ature, humidit y, type of paper , toner you use and number of pages per print job.
Specific at ion s S - 9 Network (LAN) (MFC- 7225N only) Note BRAdm in Profess ional is not support ed in Mac OS ® . LAN Yo u can connec t your MF C to a network f or Net work Printing, Net work Sc anning and PC Fax Send. Also include d is the Brother BRAdm in Prof essional N etwork Mana gement s oftware.
S - 10 Optiona l External Wireles s Print/Scan Server (NC-220 0w) ( MFC-722 0 and MF C-722 5N only) Note You can a ssi gn the S can k ey to only one networ ked computer .
Specific at ion s S - 11 Op tional Externa l Print Ser ver (NC-21 00p) (MFC-7 220 and MFC-7225 N only) NC-2 100p External Print/Se rver (Optional) Co nnecting the optional Exte r nal Print Serve r ( NC-2100p ) t o the Pa r allel port of your MFC w i ll allow you to print ove r a wired Ethernet net wo r k .
I - 1 I Note The sof t ware i tems r efer ring t o the User ’s G uide on t he C D-ROM ar e for the MFC- 7220 and MFC-722 5N o nly. A Acces s codes, stor ing and dial ing .. ..... .... 5-4 Acces sories and suppl ies . ..... .... ..... ..... .... ....
Inde x I - 2 Dialing a pause .... ... ...... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... . 5-4 access codes and c redit card nu mber s .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... 5-4 au tomat ic f ax r edi a l ...... ... .... ..... ..... ..
I - 3 J Jacks convert to RJ11 jack tri plex adapter .... ... ... ....... .... ... ....... .... A -7 EXT exter nal telephone . ... ...... ... ..... .... ..... .. A- 5 TA D (an swe ring mach ine ) .... ..... ..... ...A-5 Jams do cume nt .. .... ..... ..
Inde x I - 4 One-Touc h dial cha ngin g ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. 5-2 sett ing up .. .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. 5- 1 usi ng .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... 3-1 Sea rch ... ..
I - 5 W War rant ies .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... iii Canada ..... ...... ... ..... ..... .... ... ....... .... ... ..... .. vi No tic e-Disc lai mer . ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . iii US A . ..... ..... .
R - 1 R If you pla n t o receiv e fax m essages whil e away fr om your machine, car rying the Remote Retrieva l Acces s Card pr inted below will s erve as a c onvenien t reminder of the retrieval pr ocedures . Simply cut out t he card and fold it to fit your wallet or orga nizer.
R - 2 Press Menu/Set , 2 , 5 , 2 . fax number where you want your fax messages forwarded followed by . Program Fax Forwarding Number, press 4 . Enter the new Turn Fax Storage On , press 6 . R ETRIEVE A F AX Press 9 6 then to Retrieve all faxes , press 2 , then enter the number of remote fax machine followed by .
EQUIPMENT A TT A CHMENT LIMIT A TIONS (Canada only) NOTICE This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications. NOTICE The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface.
These machines are made f or use in the USA and Canada only . W e cannot recommend using them ov erseas because it may violate the T elecommunications Regulations of that countr y and the power requirements of y our multi-function center ma y not be compatible with the power a vailab le in foreign countries.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother FAX2920 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother FAX2920 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother FAX2920, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother FAX2920 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother FAX2920, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother FAX2920.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother FAX2920. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother FAX2920 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.