Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DCP DCP-375CW du fabricant Brother
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USER’S GUIDE DCP-375 CW Ver s i on 0 USA/CAN.
If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase com plete the fo llowing inform ation f or fu ture re fe r en ce : Model Numbe r: DCP - 375C W Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e of P ur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P u r ch as e : 1 The seria l numb er is on the back of the unit.
i Brother numbers IMPORT ANT For technic al help, you must call the count ry where you bought the machine . Calls must be made from within that country . Re giste r your pr odu ct By register ing your product with Brot her Internationa l Corporat ion, you will be recorde d as the origina l owner o f the product.
ii Orde ring ac ces sorie s an d supp lies For b est quality results us e only g enuine B rother acc essories, which are avail able at most Br other retail ers. If you c annot find the accessory y ou need and you have a Visa, Mast erCard, Dis cover, or American Express credit car d, y ou can orde r acces sories directly f rom Brot her.
iv Br ot her ® On e-Y ear Lim ite d War ra nty and Repla cem ent Servi ce (USA On ly) Who is covered: This limited wa r ran t y (“warran ty”) is given only t o the origina l end-user/r etail .
v Brot her ® One-Y ear Limite d W arran ty a nd Rep lace ment S er vice (USA Only ) Ma ch ine a nd/o r ac c ompa ny ing C onsum a ble and Ac cess ory Ite ms an d use r efur bi sh ed par ts pr ovid ed s uch r epl ac ement prod uc ts con for m to th e m anuf act urer ’s spe ci fic ation s fo r new prod uc t/par ts .
vi BROTHER MULTIFUNCT ION CENTER / FAX MACHINE LIMITED WARR ANTY (Cana da only ) Pursuan t to the l i mite d w ar ran ty of 1 year f ro m th e dat e of purch ase f or lab our and par ts, Brot h er Inter nati on al Corpo rati on ( Canad a) Lt d .
vii Table of Conte nts Section I General 1 Gene ral Info rmat ion 2 Usi ng th e do cum en tat io n ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. . 2 Sym b ols a nd c on ve nti ons u se d in the doc um ent a tio n .
viii Section II Copy 4 Making cop ies 24 Ho w t o co py ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. 2 4 Mak in g a si ngl e co p y .... ... .. .. ...
ix Section V Appendix es A S afe ty a nd L ega l 46 Ch oosi ng a lo ca tio n .... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... . 46 To us e th e m ac hine sa fel y . .. .. ..
x D Specif icat ions 91 Gen er al . .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. 9 1 Pri nt m ed ia . .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .
Section I General I General Informati on 2 Loa ding pa per and d ocum ents 9 General Setup 20.
2 1 Using the documentati on 1 Thank y ou for buying a Brother m achine! Reading the d ocumenta t ion will help you make the most of your machine. Sy mbol s an d co nven tion s use d in the documen tati on 1 The fol lowing symbols and convent ions are use d througho ut the do cumentation.
General Info rmation 3 1 Ac ces sing the Software User’s Gu ide and Netw ork User’s Guid e 1 This User’s Guid e does not contain all the informa tion ab out t he machi ne such as how to use the advanced features of the Printer , Scanner and Net work.
Chapter 1 4 How to f i nd S cann i ng ins t ru ct ion s 1 There ar e s eve r al ways you can scan doc um ents. You can find the inst r uction s as fol low s: Sof tware User’s Guide Scanning (Win.
General Info rmation 5 1 H ow to f ind S ca nn ing i ns tru ct ions 1 There are sever al ways you can scan documents. You can find t he inst ructions as fol lows : S of t w a r e U ser ’ s G uid e Scannin g (M ac O S X 1 0.3 .9 or g re ater) ControlC enter2 (M ac O S X 1 0.
Chapter 1 6 To acc ess the Brother CreativeCent er (http: //www.brot r eati v ece nt er/ ) for FREE photo pr ojects and printabl e downloads , cli c k B rot her CreativeCe nter . To retu rn to t he Top Menu , click Back or if you are fini s hed, click Exi t .
General Info rmation 7 1 Control pane l ove rvie w 1 1 Copy keys: Lets you tempor arily c hange the copy s ett ings when in copy mode. Copy Op tion s Yo u can quic kly and ea sily select tempor ary setti ngs for copying. Enlarge/Reduce Lets you enl arge or reduc e copies dependi ng o n the rati o you sele ct.
Chapter 1 8 8 Photo C a pture Lets you a ccess the Photo Captu re Center ® mode. 9 LCD (liquid crystal d ispla y) Displ ays message s on the screen to help y ou set up and use y our mac hine. 10 Warning LE D Blin ks in orange w hen the LCD displays an error or an impor tant status mes sage.
9 2 2 L oading pape r and other print m edia 2 a Pull the p aper tray (1) out of the machine. b Lift the output paper tray c over (1). c With b oth hands , gently pr ess and slide the pape r side g uides (1) and the n the pap er length guide (2) to fit the paper s ize.
Chapter 2 10 d Fan the stack of paper well t o avoid paper jams and m isfeeds. IMPORT ANT Always make sur e t hat the paper is not curled. e Gently pu t the paper into the pap er tray print s ide d own and top edge in fir st. Check that the paper is fla t in the tray.
Loading pa per and doc ume nts 11 2 i While holdi ng the paper tray in place , pull o ut th e paper s upport (1) un til it clicks and u nfold the paper support flap (2).
Chapter 2 12 Loa ding envel o pes a nd postcards 2 a Before loa ding, press the corners and sides of envel opes or postcards to m ake them as flat as possib le. Note If envelope s or postcards are ‘double- feeding ’, put one e nvelope or postca rd in the paper tray at a ti m e.
Loading pa per and doc ume nts 13 2 Pr in ta ble ar ea 2 The print able area depends on t he settings in the applic ation you are us ing. Th e figures below show the unprin table areas on cut sheet paper and envelope s.
Chapter 2 14 Accep table paper and other print medi a 2 The print qualit y can be affect ed by the type of paper you use in the machine. To get t he best print qu ality f or the settings you have chos en, alway s set t he Paper T ype to match the type of paper you load.
Loading pa per and doc ume nts 15 2 Ha ndling and us ing prin t me d ia 2 Stor e paper i n its o rigina l packaging, and keep it seal ed. Keep the pa per flat and away fro m moistu re, direct sunlight and heat. Avoid to uching the shiny (coat ed) side of photo paper.
Chapter 2 16 Choosing t he right print m edia 2 Paper t yp e an d siz e f or ea ch ope r ati on 2 Pa per T ype Paper Size Usage Copy Phot o Ca ptur e Printer Cut S heet Letter 8 1/2 × 11 i n. (216 × 27 9 mm) Yes Y es Yes A4 8.3 × 11.7 in. (210 × 29 7 mm) Yes Yes Yes Legal 8 1/2 × 14 i n.
Loading pa per and doc ume nts 17 2 P ap er weig ht, th ic kn es s a nd cap ac i ty 2 1 Up t o 10 0 s heet s of plai n p ap er 20 l b (8 0 g/m 2 ). 2 BP 71 69 lb ( 260 g/m 2 ) p aper is es peci all y de si gned f or B rot he r in kjet mac hi nes. Pape r Type Weigh t T hickn ess No.
Chapter 2 18 Loadin g documents 2 You can make copies and scan from the scann er glas s . Using t he sc an ne r glass 2 You can use the sc anner glass to copy or scan page s of a book or one page at a time. Do cume nt Size s S upp orted 2 How to lo ad d oc um ents 2 a Lift the document c ove r.
Loading pa per and doc ume nts 19 2 Scan nable ar ea 2 The scannabl e area depends on the setti ngs in the applicat ion you are using. The figures below show unscannabl e a reas. Usage Doc umen t Size Top (1 ) Bo ttom ( 2) Le ft (3 ) Right (4) Copy Letter 0.
20 3 LCD display 3 Chan ging L CD lan gua ge 3 You can change th e LCD language. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 0.Initial Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose 0.Local Language . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose y our lan guage.
Gene ral Setup 21 3 Printing Reports 3 The followi ng r epor t s are availab le: Help List A help list showing how to progr am y our machin e. User Settings Lists your settin gs. Network Config Lists your Net work set t ings . Ho w to print a re po rt 3 a Press Me nu .
Chapter 3 22.
Section II Cop y II Making copies 24.
24 4 How to copy 4 You can use you r machine as a copier , makin g up t o 99 copi es at a time. Making a single c opy 4 a Load your docum ent . (See Loading doc uments on pag e 18.) b Pres s Black Star t or Col or Start . Ma king m ulti ple cop ies 4 You can ma k e up to 99 copies in one print run.
Making c opies 25 4 Ch ang ing copy qua lity 4 You can select f rom a range of qualit y settings. The default set ting i s Normal . To t em p or ar i l y change the qual ity setting, follow the in s truc tions b elow: a Load y our docum ent. b Press Copy Quality repeat edly to choose Fast , Normal or Best .
Chapter 4 26 To enla rge or reduce th e next copy follo w the ins tructions below: a Load your docum ent . b Pres s Enl arg e/Re duc e . c Do one of the following: Press a or b to choose the enlar gement or reduction r at io you want. Press OK . Press a or b to choose Custom(25-400%) .
Making c opies 27 4 d Press a or b to c hoose 2i n1( P ) , 2i n1( L ) , 4i n1( P ) , 4i n1( L ) , Poster(3 x 3) or Off(1 in 1) . Press OK . e Press Black Start t o scan t he document . You c an also press Color S tart if you are using th e Poster layou t.
Chapter 4 28 Adjusting Brightness a nd Co nt ras t 4 Brig htne ss 4 To t emporarily chan ge the bright ness set ting, foll ow the instruc t ions below: a Load your docum ent . b Enter the nu m ber of copies you want . c Pres s Co py O pt ion s and a or b to choose Brightness .
Making c opies 29 4 Pape r op tions 4 Pap er Ty pe 4 If you are copying on special paper , be sure to select the type of paper you are using so you will get the best print quality. a Load y our docum ent. b Enter the number of copies yo u want. c Press Copy Options and a or b to choose Paper Type .
Chapter 4 30.
Section III Dire ct Pr int ing III Pho toCap ture Center ® : Prin ti ng ph otos fr om a memory card 32.
32 5 PhotoCapture Center ® Operations 5 Pr inti n g fr o m a memor y card without a PC 5 Even i f your machi ne is not conne cted to your comput er, you can print photos direc tly from digit al camera media. (See How t o p rin t fro m a memory card on page 34.
PhotoC apture Cen ter ® : Printing ph otos fro m a mem ory c ard 33 5 M emo ry ca rds an d fo lder stru ctur es 5 Your mac hine is design ed to be c ompatibl e with moder n dig ital camer a image files and memory cards; however , please read the points below to avoid er rors: The i mage fil e extension must be .
Chapter 5 34 How to print from a memory card 5 Befor e printing a photo you must fir s t print a thumbnai l index to choose the number of th e photo you want to print . F ollow th e ins tructions below t o start print ing directly from your memory card: a Make sure you have put th e memory card in the p roper slot.
PhotoC apture Cen ter ® : Printing ph otos fro m a mem ory c ard 35 5 d Press a or b to choose the t y pe of pap er you are using, Plain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 or Other Glossy . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose the paper size you are using, Letter or A4 .
Chapter 5 36 The print ing positions when us ing Letter paper are shown bel ow. D POF pri nti ng 5 DPOF stand s for Digital Pri nt O rder Format . Maj or digit al camera manufactu r ers (Canon Inc.
PhotoC apture Cen ter ® : Printing ph otos fro m a mem ory c ard 37 5 PhotoCapture Ce nter ® pri nt settings 5 These setting s will remain unti l you chang e them again. Print quality 5 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Press OK .
Chapter 5 38 C olor En hanc ement (Tr ue 2L ife ® ) 5 You can turn on th e color enhanc ement feat ure to print more vivid images. Brig htne ss 5 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose 5.True2Life .
PhotoC apture Cen ter ® : Printing ph otos fro m a mem ory c ard 39 5 Shar pnes s 5 You can enhance the focus of an image by adjusting th e sharpn ess. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose 5.True2Life .
Chapter 5 40 Cropp ing 5 If your photo is too long or wide to fit th e ava ilable space on your cho s en l ayout, part of the image will be automat ically cropped . The def ault setting is On . If yo u want to pri nt the whol e imag e, turn this se tting to Off .
PhotoC apture Cen ter ® : Printing ph otos fro m a mem ory c ard 41 5 Scan to a mem or y card 5 You can scan b lack & white and col or documents int o a memory card. Black and white docum ents will be stored in P DF ( *.PD F) o r T IF F (* .T IF) fil e f or m ats.
Chapter 5 42 Chan ging the black & w hite file format 5 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose 0.Scan to Media . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose 2.B/W File Type . Pres s OK . e Pres s a or b to choose TIFF or PDF .
Section IV Software IV Software an d Network featu res 44.
44 6 The CD-ROM inc ludes the Softwar e User’ s Guide and Network User’s G uide fo r features ava ilable when connected t o a compu t er (f or exa m ple, printing and sc anning). T he guide has easy to use links that , when clicked, will take you direct ly to a pa rticular se ction.
Section V Appendixes V Safety and Leg al 46 Trou blesh ooting a nd Ro utine Maintena nce 56 M enu a nd Feat ures 78 Specifi cations 91.
46 A Choosing a lo catio n A Put yo ur machin e on a flat, stab le surface that is free of vibr at ion and s hocks, such as a desk. Put the mach ine near a standard AC power out let. Choose a loca tion where the temper ature remains bet w een 50 ° F and 9 5 ° F (1 0 ° C and 35 ° C).
Sa fety and Le gal 47 A T o use the m ach ine s afel y A Please kee p these instru c tion s f or later refe r ence an d read them be fore attempt ing any maintenanc e. WARNIN G There are high volt age electrodes inside th e machin e. Before you clean the inside of th e machine, make sure you hav e unplugged the power cord from the AC power outl et.
48 Unplug th is product from the wal l outlet bef ore cl eaning the inside of the machine. If the machi ne become s hot, relea s es smok e, or generat es any stron g smell s , immediat ely unplug the m achine f rom the A C pow er outlet . Cal l Brother Customer Service.
Sa fety and Le gal 49 A CAUTIO N DO NOT put yo ur hands on the e dge of the machin e under the s c anner c over. D oing th is may c a us e i nj u r y. DO NOT put your hands on the edge of the paper tray cover under the paper t r ay cover. Doin g this may cause inj ury.
50 When mov ing t h e machine you must lift it from the base, by placi ng a hand at each side of the unit as s hown in the illust ration. DO NOT carry the machi ne by holding the scan ner cover or t he Jam Clear Cov er.
Sa fety and Le gal 51 A 10 DO NOT place anything in front of the machine t hat will bloc k printin g. DO NOT pl ace anything in the path of pri nt ing. 11 Never push objects of any kind in to th is produc t throu gh cab inet slots , since they may touch danger ous voltage points or short out parts resulting in the risk of f ire or electric s hock.
52 Feder al Com mu nica tions Co mmi ssion ( FCC ) Dec lar ation of Conform ity (US A only) A dec lares, that the produc t s Produ ct Name: DCP-375CW compl y with Par t 15 of the FCC Rul es.
Sa fety and Le gal 53 A Brother can n ot accept any finan cial or other respon si bili t ies that may be the result of your use of this informati o n, incl u ding direct , speci al or consequ en tial damages. There are no warranti es extended or granted by this document .
54 Legal lim itations for co pying A Color reproduc tions o f certai n docume nts are i llegal a nd may result in either criminal or civil liabi lity. Thi s memorandum is intend ed to be a guide rathe r than a complete list ing of every pos s ible pr ohibition.
Sa fety and Le gal 55 A Tr ade mar ks A The Brother logo is a register ed trademark of Brothe r Indust r ies, Lt d. Brother is a r egistered trademar k of Brot her Indust ries, Lt d. Multi- F unction Link is a regi stered trademark of Brot her Inter national Co rporati on.
56 B Troubleshooting B IMPORT ANT For technic al help, you must call the count ry where you bought t he machine. Calls must be made from with in that countr y . If you think there is a problem with your m achi ne, check the char t below and follow the troubl eshooting ti ps.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 57 B P oor pr int q ua lit y Ch eck the pri nt qual ity . ( See Ch eck in g the pri nt qual it y on page 73.) Make s u re that the Pr inter Driver or Paper Type setting in the m enu matc hes the t ype of pap er you ar e usin g.
58 The pr into uts a re w rin kled . In t he pr inte r dri ver Advance d ta b, clic k Color Settings , and unch eck Bi-Directio n al Pri n ting for W indo w s ® or Bi-Directional Pri nting for Mac int osh. Mak e s ure you are u si ng Ge nui ne B rot her Inno bel la™ Ink .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 59 B OCR do es n ot w ork. T ry incr easi ng t he s can ner res olu ti on. Fit to Pa ge does no t wor k prop erl y. Mak e su re the doc ume nt is not ske wed on the sca nn er g la ss. R ep osit ion t he doc ume nt an d try aga in.
60 Netwo r k Dif fic ul tie s Dif ficulty Sugg est ions Ca nnot pri nt ove r th e net work. Mak e s ure that your mac hine is p ow ere d on and is on li ne a nd i n Re ady mode . Pr int a Network Config uratio n list (see Pri nti ng Re por ts on page 2 1.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 61 B Error and Routine Ma intenance mes sag es B As with any sophis t icated office prod uct, err ors may occur . If this happens, your machine identifies the problem and shows a message. The most common error and maint enance m essag es are shown below.
62 Cannot Detect Y ou instal led a new ink too fas t and mac hine did not d etec t it. Tak e out the new ink car tridge and rei nstall it slow ly until it cli cks. If you are using ge neric in k the machine c annot detec t th e ink cartridge. Us e a new G enuine Br other Innobella™ Ink Cartridge.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 63 B Clean Unable 46 T he ink absorber box or fl ushing box is full. These co mponen ts are periodic mainte nanc e items that may requi re replac ement a fter a period of ti me to ensure o ptimum perform ance fro m your Br other machine.
64 Init Unable 46 (Se e Clean Unable 46 in this tabl e.) (See Clean Un able 46 i n this table.) (See Cle an Unable 46 i n this tabl e.) Ink Low Black Ink Low Yellow Ink Low Cyan Ink Low Magenta One o r more of th e ink car tridges are near the e nd of their l ife.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 65 B Paper Jam Paper i s jammed i n the ma chine. Open the J a m Clear Cover (at the back of the mac hine) a nd pull out the jam med paper b y followi ng the steps in Printer jam or pape r jam on page 66 . Make sure the paper le ngth guide is adjusted to the cor rect pap er size .
66 Printer jam or pa per ja m B Take out t he jammed pap er de pending on wher e it is jammed i n the machine. a Pull the pa per tray ( 1) out of the machine. b Pull out the jammed paper (1) a nd press Stop /Exit . c Reset the mac hine by lif ting the scanner cover f rom the f ront of the machi ne and t he n cl os e it .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 67 B f Lift the scan ner cover (1) from t he front of the m achine until it locks s ecur ely in the o pen pos ition.
68 Routine m aintenanc e B R eplac ing t he i nk cart ridg es B Your mac hine is equipped with an ink dot cou nter. The ink dot counter automat ically moni tors the level of ink in each of the 4 cart ridges. When the machi ne detects an ink cart ridge is running out of ink, the machine will tell you w it h a messa ge on the LCD.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 69 B d Turn the green k nob on the protec t ive yell ow cap clockwis e until it cli ck s to relea s e the vacu um seal, then remove the cap ( 1). e Each color has its own correct position. Inser t the ink cartridg e in t he directi on of the a rrow on the label.
70 IMPORT ANT • DO NOT take out ink cart r idges if you do not need to replace th em . If you do so, it may redu ce the ink qu antity and the machine wil l not know the quantit y of ink left in the cart ridge. • DO NOT touch the cartridge ins ertion slots.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 71 B Clea ni ng t he sc anne r gl ass B a Lift the document cover (1). Clean the scanner glas s ( 2) and white plast ic ( 3) with a soft li nt-free cloth moistened wit h a non-flam mable glass cleaner.
72 C lea ning the pa per pi ck-u p roll ers B a Pull the pape r tray c ompletely o ut of the machine. b Unplug the machine fro m the AC power outlet and open the J am Clear Co ver (1) at the back of the machine. c Clean t he Paper Pick-up Rol lers (1) wit h isopropyl alcoh ol on a cotton swab.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 73 B Ch ec king the prin t quality B If faded or streaked c olors and text appe ar o n your output, som e of the nozzle s may be clogged. You can check t his by pr inting t he Print Qualit y Check She et and look ing at the nozzle chec k pattern .
74 C hecki ng t he p rint ali gnmen t B You may ne ed to adjus t the print a lignment aft er transpor ting the machin e, or if your pri nted text becomes blurr ed or images bec om e f aded. a Pres s In k . b Pres s a or b to choose Test Print . Pres s OK .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 75 B Mac hine I nformatio n B Ch ec ki ng the se ri al num b er B You can see the mac hine’s serial number on the LCD. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 5.Machine Info. Press OK . c Press a or b to choose 1.
76 Packing a nd sh ipping the machi ne B When you trans port the machine, use t he pac k ing material s that c ame wit h your machi ne. If you do not pack the machine pro perly, any damage that may occur in trans it will not b e covered by y our warranty.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 77 B f Lift the scanner c over (1) to release the lock. Gently pus h the s canner cover support down (2) and c lose t he scanner cover (3). g Wrap the machi ne in t he bag. h Pack t he machi ne and the printed materi als in the origi nal carton with the origi nal packing materi al as shown below.
78 C On-scr een programming C Your mac hine is designed to be easy to oper ate with LCD on-screen pr ogramming usi ng the menu keys. User-friend ly pro gramming hel ps y ou ta ke full advant age of all the menu select ions your machin e has to of fe r .
Menu and F eatur es 79 C To access the menu mode: a Press Me nu . b Choose an opt ion. You can scroll more quickly through each menu level by pressi ng a or b for the d irection y ou wan t. 1.Co py 2.Ph otoC apture 3.Ne twor k 4.Pr int Rep orts 5.Ma chin e Info.
80 Menu Table C The menu tabl e will help you underst and the menu selections and opt ions that are found in the machi ne's progr ams. T he factor y settin gs are s hown in Bold wit h an ast erisk. Choos e & OK Choose & OK to accept to exit Mai n Me nu Su bmen u Menu Sele ctio ns Opti ons D escri pti ons Pa ge 1.
Menu and F eatur es 81 C 2. Pho toCaptur e 1. Print Qu ality — Normal Photo * Sel ects th e pri nt qu ali ty. 37 2.Paper Ty pe — Plain Pa per Inkjet P aper Brother BP71 Other Gl ossy * Sel ects th e pa per typ e. 3 7 3.Paper Si ze — Letter A4 4"x 6" * 5"x 7" Se lect s the paper si ze .
82 2. Phot oCapture (C on tinu ed ) 5.True2Li fe Tr ue2Li fe:On True2Li fe:Of f * 1.Brightness - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Adju sts the brig htn ess . 38 2.Contrast - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Adjust s the con trast.
Menu and F eatur es 83 C 2. Pho toCaptur e (Co nti nu ed ) 6.Cropping — On * Off Crop s t he i mag e aro und the margin to fit t he paper s ize or pr int size . Tur n thi s fe atur e off i f you w a nt to pr in t w h ole i mag es o r pr ev ent un w an ted c rop pi ng.
84 N etwor k me nu Leve l1 Level 2 Leve l3 L evel 4 Opti ons Desc rip tion s 3.Network 1.Wire d LAN 1.T CP/IP 1. BOOT Method Aut o * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses t he BOOT method that be st suit s your ne eds. 2.IP A ddres s [000-255] . [000-255] .
Menu and F eatur es 85 C 3.Network (Co nti nu ed ) 1.Wired LAN (Con ti nued ) 2.Etherne t — Auto * 100B-FD 100B-HD 10B-FD 10B-HD Ch oo se s the Ethe rn et li nk mo de . 3. MAC Address — — Yo u ca n see you r machine' s MAC add r es s fr om the cont r ol pa nel .
86 3.Network (C on tinu ed ) 2.WLAN (C o nti nu ed) 1.TCP/IP (Co nti nued ) 8.DNS Serve r (Pr imary) 000. 000.000.000 (Seconda ry) 000. 000.000.000 Spec ifi es the IP addr e ss of t he pri mary o r secon da ry serv er. 9.APIP A On * Off Automati cally allo cate s the IP addr e ss fr om the link -lo cal addr es s ra nge.
Menu and F eatur es 87 C 3.Network (Co nti nu ed ) 0. Ne twork Reset — — — Restores a ll wi red an d wi rel es s net wor k setting s to th e fa ctor y def aul t. Ma in Me nu Subm enu Menu Se lect ions Opti ons Descri ptio ns Page 4.Print Reports 1.
88 Co py Qu a li t y ( ) Enlar ge/Reduce ( ) Co py Op t io ns ( ) Leve l1 Level 2 Leve l3 Op tion s De scri pti ons Pag e — —— Fast Normal * Best Choose the Cop y resolu tion for y our type of docu m ent . 25 Th e f acto ry set tin gs are sh own in Bold wit h an ast e risk .
Menu and F eatur es 89 C Sc an ( ) Brightness —— - nnnno + - nnnon + - nnonn + * - nonnn + - onnnn + Adju sts t he br ight n es s of co pi es. 28 Page Layout —— Off(1 in 1) * 2i n1( P ) 2i n1 ( L ) 4i n1 ( P ) 4i n1 ( L ) Poster(3 x 3) You ca n ma ke N in 1 o r Post er co pies .
90 Photo Captu re ( ) Ink ( ) Leve l1 Level 2 Leve l3 Op tion s De scri pti ons Pag e Print Ind ex 6 Imag es /Line 5 Images /Line Pa per Typ e Plain Paper * Inkjet Pap er Brother BP 71 Other Glossy Yo u can pri nt a t humb nai l page . 34 Pa per Siz e A4 Letter * Print Ima ges — — — Y ou can pri nt on ind ivis ua l im ag e.
91 D D Genera l D 1 Thi s de pe nd s on pr int ing co nd iti on s. Specifications D Printer Type Inkj e t Print Meth od Bla ck: Color : Pie z o wit h 94 × 1 nozzl e Pie z o wit h 94 × 3 nozzl es Mem.
92 Print media D 1 For glos sy p ho to paper o r tran sp aren ci es, w e r e com men d rem oving pri nt ed pa ge s fro m th e o utpu t pap er t ray im me diat el y after the y ex it th e ma ch in e to av oi d sm ud ging . 2 Use on ly tr ansp ar enci es reco m men de d for i nkjet pri nti ng .
Sp ecifications 93 D Copy D Color/ Black Yes/Yes Documen t S ize Scanner G lass W idth: Max. 8. 5 in. ( 215.9 mm) Scanner Glass Length: Max. 11.7 in. (297 mm) Mul tip le Cop ie s Stacks up to 99 pages.
94 PhotoCapture Center ® D 1 Me mor y card s an d ad ap ters ar e no t includ ed . 2 Pr ogr ess ive JP E G fo rmat is not su ppor ted . 3 See Paper type a nd siz e for ea ch ope r atio n o n pa ge 16 .
Sp ecifications 95 D Scanne r D 1 For t h e la test driv er updates, vi sit http ://solutio .com . 2 Wind ow s ® XP in this User ’s Guide inc ludes Window s ® XP Home Ed ition, Win dows ® X P Pr ofe ssi onal , and W ind ow s ® XP P rofe ssi on al x64 Ed ition .
96 Printer D 1 For the latest d river u pdates, vis it http: //solutio .c om . 2 When the feature is set to On. 3 See Paper type a nd siz e for ea ch ope r atio n o n pa ge 16 .
Sp ecifications 97 D I nterface s D 1 Yo ur ma chin e has a USB 2. 0 Fu ll-s pee d in ter face . Th is in te rfac e is co mpat ib le w ith U SB 2. 0 Hi -Speed ; h oweve r, the max imu m dat a tr ans fer ra te wi ll be 1 2 Mbit s/s . The ma chi ne can al so be co nnec ted t o a compu te r t hat has a USB 1.
98 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPE RAT ING SYSTE M S AND SOFTWARE FUN CTIONS Comput er P latfor m & Operati ng System Versi on Supported PC Soft war e Functi o ns PC Int erfac e Processo r .
Sp ecifications 99 D Consuma ble i tems D Ink The machine uses indi vidual Black , Yell ow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separ ate from the print head assembly.
100 Network (LAN ) D 1 Se e the Co m put er R equi reme nts char t on pa ge 9 8. 2 If you req ui re mo re adv ance d pri nter mana ge ment , us e t he la te st B rot her B RAdmi n Pr ofe ssi onal u til ity ver si on th at is ava ila ble as a downl oad f rom htt p:// sol uti ons.
Sp ecifications 101 D Wir ele ss one- pus h co nfi gurat ion D If your wi reless ac cess poi nt supports e ither Sec ureEasySetup™, Wi-Fi Prot ected Setup (PBC 1 ) or AOSS™, y ou can configure t he machin e easily witho ut a computer.
Index 102 E A Acces sories and supplie s ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. i i Appl e Macintosh See Softwar e User's Guide on the CD-R OM. B Brot her access ories and suppli es . ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. i i Brot her number s ... .. .. .
103 E L LCD (l iquid cry stal di splay) .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... . 78 Contrast ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . 20 Help List ....... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .... 21 Language ..... ..... .
104 R Reduc ing copi es . .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. 25 Repor ts Help Lis t .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. 21 how t o pr int . ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .
EQUIPM ENT AT TACHM ENT LIMI TATION S (C anada o nly) NOTICE This product meets the appl icable Industry Canada t echnical specif ications..
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3 H6 V isit us on the W orld Wide We b http ://ww w.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother DCP DCP-375CW c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother DCP DCP-375CW - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother DCP DCP-375CW, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother DCP DCP-375CW va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother DCP DCP-375CW, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother DCP DCP-375CW.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother DCP DCP-375CW. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother DCP DCP-375CW ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.