Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 857 du fabricant Blackberry
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Inst allation a nd User ’ s Guide RIM 857 Wireless Handheld TM.
Installatio n and User’s Guide Last revise d 07/10/00 Part Number : MAT- 03077- 001 Rev. 0 01 At the time of printi ng, documentation complies w i th versions: Operatin g Syste m 2 .0, Applications 2. 0, and Desktop 2.0. © 1999 -2000 Rese arch I n Motio n Limi ted.
FCC compliance statement (USA) FCC Class B P art 15 This device c omplies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation is subject t o the follow ing two co nditions: • This devi ce may not cause harm ful interfe rence, and • This device must accept any int erferen ce received, including interference that may cause undesired opera ti on.
• Consult the de aler or an experien ced radio/TV technician for help . Industry Canada Certification This device c omplies with In dustry Canada RSS 119, under certi fication number 2503 195 677A.
Contents FCC co mpliance statement (U SA) ........... ....... ........... ........... .. 3 Industr y Canada Certification .......... ....... ........... ........... ......... 4 IMPORTA NT SAFETY INFO R MA TI ON........... ........... ........... .. 9 IMPORTAN T UL SAFETY INS TRUCTIONS .
Installa tion and setup ....... ........ ........... .......... ........... ........... ...55 Loadi ng ha ndh eld applica tio ns ..... .... ....... ... .... .... ........... ......56 Backing u p files from handhel d to the PC ............ ........... .
Adding add ress es ......... .... ....... .... ... .... ........... ....... .... ... .... ..... 11 0 Viewin g addresses .... ........... ........... ........... ....... ........... ......... 11 4 Editi ng ad dres ses .......... .... ... .... ....... .
Index ....... ........... ....... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ....... ........179.
IMPORT ANT SAFETY INFORMA TION Please r ead these safet y instruc tions and the operation in structions provided in this ma nual b efore operating the RIM 857 Wirel ess Handhe ld or its chargi ng cradle.
questions. A dditionally, wh ile most modern equipm ent is adequatel y shielded from ra dio signals suc h that your handh eld will not interfere with t he operation of such equipment, cert ain electronic equipment, includi ng automotive systems, may not be shielded against the radi o signals from you r handheld.
instruc tions start ing on page 21 for more in formation on the batter y and pow er supply. Do not overloa d wall o utlets, exten sion cords, or integra l co nveni ence recept ac les as th is may resu lt in a r isk of fir e or electric shock.
Unplu g this appara tus duri ng lig htning storms or wh en used f or long periods of time. Refer all servicing t o qualified ser vice personn el. Servi cing is required w hen the a ppar atus has been .
W elco me to your wirel ess solut ion The RIM 857 Wirel e ss Hand held is a powerful co mput er w ith a fu ll- featured A ddress Book, A ppointment Calendar, MemoPad, and Task List. Un like other PIM products, the RIM 857 Wirel ess Handheld in cludes an integ rated wireless modem.
Installation and User’s Guide Welcome to your wireless solution — New for version 2.0 14 • Calcu lator : P erform b asic mathem atical op erations and conversion s.
Welcome to your wireless solution — Contents of your package Installation and User ’ s Guide 15 perform a backup to store t he contents of your handh eld (such as Address Bo ok entries, me ssages, and ca lendar ite ms) on your PC. See Chapt er 3 or th e Backup an d Restore on line he lp for inst ru ction s on performin g a backup.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Welcome to your wireless solution — About thi s guide 16 About thi s guide This guide pr ovides informa tion for operat ing the handhe ld and for install ing the Des ktop Softwar e. A summa ry, incl uding a lis t of relev ant tips, is included a t the e nd of each ch apter.
Welcome to your wireless solution — Customer support Installation and User ’ s Guide 17 Customer sup port For cust omer sup port, conta ct your s ervice provid er.
1 Get to know your handheld This chap ter will he lp you get acqua inted wit h your handh eld before you start se nding and rec eiving e mail. Handheld com ponent s Figure 1: Fron t view of handh eld .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Handheld components 20 perf orming b asic ma themat ical calc ulations . The Home screen displays the cur rent signal strengt h and ba ttery level of the hand held. In low ligh t conditions, you ca n increase the re adability of the LCD by usin g the backli ghting feat ure.
Get to kno w your handheld — Handheld components Installation and User ’ s Guide 21 you pull t he handhe ld out of t he holster a nd quickly replace it, noti fication stops bu t the messa ge will remain marked un read. See “ Sett ing me ssage no tifica tion ” on page 37 for information on notification options.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — T urning on your handheld 22 icon will chan ge to a charging icon . Once the handheld is ful ly charged, t he battery icon will repla ce the char ging icon. Se e page 33 for a lis t of handh eld stat us icons.
Get to know your handheld — T urning off the handheld Installation and User ’ s Guide 23 3. To select a func tion, scroll t o the appropriate icon a nd click the trackwh eel to open that function ’ s scre en.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 24 TRACKWHEEL Scrolling and selecting • Roll the trackwhee l with your th umb to scroll up and down thr ough screen lines, fields, an d menu it ems.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 25 Horizontal s croll and ch anging optio ns • Hold the ALT key w hile you ro ll the trackw heel to move the cursor h o rizo ntally across scr een lines (except in the Home screen where AL T + ROLL wil l move t he curso r vertically).
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 26 NUM lock • Press ALT + NUM ( LEF T SHIFT ) to activate num lock mod e. Any key tha t you press in the upper row will be t yped i n its nu me r ic form . Press SHIFT aga in to ret urn to regular m ode.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 27 Delete characters ahead of cursor, delete message s • Press t he DEL k e y to erase c haracters to the righ t of th e curs or pos ition. • Press th e DEL k ey whil e comp osin g a messag e to delete the selec ted charact er only.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 28 Symbols sc reen As desc ribed in the chart a bove, you c an press ALT + SPACE to ope n the Se lect S ymbol s creen.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 29 sections prov ide details on t he handh eld ’ s screens, m enus, an d icons. Backlighting • When the hand held is on, press t he silver key to a ctivate backli ghting .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 30 The following chart shows each function icon and describes the correspondin g function: Icon Description M essages Receive, read, reply to, compose, forward, save, file , and del ete mess ages.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 31 T asks Add, edit , and delete tasks and m ark tasks a s complete. Alar m Set th e alarm on the handhel d to sound da ily. MemoP ad Compose, edit , and delete important not es and memos.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 32 Function menus Menus provide a list of options for the current function. You can open a function screen ’ s m enu by cl icking th e trackwhee l; the me nu appears on top and covers a pproximately h alf of the scre en ’ s widt h.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 33 Icons and graphical tools Home screen c ompone nt s The Home scr ee n ap p ear s w hen yo u t urn on the ha nd he ld . It is you r start ing point fo r usi ng the hand held ’ s fun ctions.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 34 Message st a tus icons These icons appear on the handheld ’ s LCD scre en to indi cate the status of pending, s ent, and rec eived messa ges.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User ’ s Guide 35 Scrolling through options The hand held provides alter nate methods of performin g the same function (e.g. using hot keys ins tead of the trackw heel). In particular , there are four ways to change the configura ble options on your handheld.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 36 • Use ALT + roll. Hol d the ALT key while r olling th e trackwhee l to scroll through the op tions. Rele ase the AL T key onc e you reac h your de sired sett ing.
Get to know your handheld — Setting the date and time Installation and User ’ s Guide 37 Setting the d ate and time 1. In t he Home screen, scroll t o the O PTIONS icon and clic k. 2. In th e Device Opt ions screen , scrol l to Date /Time and clic k.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Using password protection 38 2. In th e Device Options screen, scro ll to Notify and click. The Notify screen appea rs. Scroll to the fi eld you wou ld like to set, then press th e SP ACE key to scroll th rough your opt ions.
Get to know your handheld — Using password protection Installation and User ’ s Guide 39 If you do not wan t the passw ord secu rity sc reen to a ppear, yo u must dis able your passw ord in t he Security screen.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Using password protection 40 2. In th e Device Options screen, sc roll to Security an d click. The Security screen appears. While in the Password field, press t he SPACE key to ena ble the password.
Get to know your handheld — Using password protection Installation and User ’ s Guide 41 Manager . With th e handheld in the cradle, you must type your passw ord be fore you can gain access to th e Deskto p Manag er tool s.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Using password protection 42 2. In th e Device Op tions screen, sc roll to Sec urity and clic k. A dialog box a ppears, asking y ou to type your password. Once you do s o, press ENTER to op en the Security screen .
Get to know your handheld — Using password protection Installation and User ’ s Guide 43 2. In th e Device Op tions screen, sc roll to Secu rity and click. A dialog box a ppears, asking y ou to type your password. Once you do s o, press ENTER to op en the Security screen .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Get to know your handheld — Summary and t i ps 44 Summary and ti p s In th is chapter, you lear ned abou t the vari ous comp onents a nd features of the hand held. Yo u ’ ve also perform ed a basic setup including setting the da te and time, sett ing messag e notification , and enabling password protecti on.
2 S t art sending ema il Now that you ’ r e more familiar wit h the handheld, you can start sending a nd receiving em ail! The following steps will help you ge t started: 1. Tu rn on the ra dio. 2. Register with th e wireless n etwork (if necessar y).
Installation and User ’ s Guide S tart sending email — Registering with the network 46 You will notice th at the TURN WIRELESS ON icon was a n ante nn a, but whe n you se l ect th e ic o n, th e func tio n name ch an ges to TURN WIRELESS OFF and th e icon ch anges to an airpl ane.
S t art sending em ai l — Registering with the network Installation and User ’ s Guide 47 in the to p ri ght c orn er o f th e Ho me screen. ) Register your ha ndheld using this procedur e. 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the O PTIONS ic on and clic k.
Installation and User ’ s Guide S tart sending email — Inst alling the Desktop Software 48 Inst alling the Desk top Software You must insta ll the Desktop Softwa re in order to synchr onize your Personal I nformation Mana gement dat a, and use the other Deskt op Software tools.
S tart sending email — Connect the handheld to yo ur PC Installation and User ’ s Guide 49 3. Secure t he handheld in the cradle b y inserting the connect or port on th e bottom edge o f the handhe ld into the co nnector prongs of t he cradle and press firm ly in place.
Installation and User ’ s Guide S tart sending email — Sending a message 50 Sending a message You can se nd a messa ge to an exis ting co ntact or a dd a new conta ct while composing your message. 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the C OMPOSE icon and click.
S t art sending em ai l — Sending a message Installation and User ’ s Guide 51 5. Type a subject line and press ENTER to begi n typing your message. When you are finished composing your message, click the trackwh eel to view the menu; select Send Message by clicki ng ag ain .
Installation and User ’ s Guide S tart sending email — Reading a message 52 one of the followin g icons to the left of the message header to indica te the messa ge ’ s status. See Chapt er 4 for more inf ormation on composing and sendin g messages.
St art sending email — Reading a message Installation and User ’ s Guide 53 4. Press ESC t o return to the Mes sages screen or click the trackwheel t o view the menu , then scroll to select your next option. See Ch apter 5 for mor e information on receiving an d read ing messages .
Installation and User ’ s Guide S tart sending email — Summary 54 Summary You ’ ve jus t sent and recei ved a wireles s email messag e. In this chapt er, you learn ed the st eps that are require d for emai l redirec tion to occur.
3 Using the Desk top Softwar e The Desk top Software c an synchr onize your messages, c ontacts, appointme nts, memos, an d tasks betwe en your PC and hand held.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Loading handheld applications 56 Loading h andheld appli cations If nec essary, u se the A pplication Loader tool to update th e so ftw are on the handh eld and add any new applica tions that might be avail able.
Using the Desktop Software — Backing up files from handheld to the P C Installation and User ’ s Guide 57 delete the informa tion on your handheld (including y our messag es and addr ess book en tries). I f you s elect this check box, ensure t hat any importa nt information is backed up first.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Backing up files from handheld to t he PC 58 AutoText files: create new entri es, edit existing ent ries, and delete the entries on your PC. T o backup files from handheld to PC 1. Pla ce your ha ndheld in th e crad le and conne ct it to your PC.
Using the Desktop Software — Synchronizing P I M Installation and User ’ s Guide 59 2. To restore everything that w as saved previousl y from your handheld, cli ck the Rest ore button. The Select file for Full Restore window appears . Select th e file name tha t contains t he informati on you w ant to rest ore and c lick Open.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Summa ry 60 2. In t he Intellisync window , click Configure PIM... to c ustomize your PIM sy nchronizat ion settin gs. The Handheld Configuration wi ndow appe ars. Se lect a P IM appli catio n (Address Book, Calendar , MemoPad, or Tasks) a nd click Choose.
4 Composing and sending messages In the previous c hapters of this gu ide, you learned a bout your hand held ’ s main components, the general procedures r equired for sending a nd readin g messag es, and the Des ktop Softw are ’ s tools.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Setti ng level of importance 62 3. The Mess age List Optio ns screen appears. Scroll to the field you w ould like to set, the n press the SP ACE key t o scroll through yo ur o ptio ns.
Composing and sending messages — Choosing a send method Installation and User ’ s Guide 63 3. The Curren t Message Op tions s creen appears. In the Importance field, press the SP ACE key to change the impor tanc e level of the message you are composing from Normal to High.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Sending one-time messages 64 T o choose a send method 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the C OMPOSE icon and click. 2. The To: screen appears. Scroll to a cont act ’ s name and c lick.
Composing and sending messages — Sending messages to many contacts Installation and User ’ s Guide 65 4. Type a subjec t and press ENTER to be gin com posing your message. Whe n you are ready to send t he message, click the trackwh eel to view the menu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Att aching Address Book entries 66 name.) Click the t rackwheel to view the menu, then s croll to Continue a nd click. 4. Yo u return to the To: screen where th e additional r ecipient appears in t he list.
Composing and s endi ng messages — Using AutoT ext Installation and User ’ s Guide 67 2. While yo u are c omp osi ng y o ur m essa ge, cli ck th e tr ac kw heel to view the m enu. Sc roll to Att ach Addres s and clic k. 3. The Attach: screen appea rs, listing a ll of your con tacts ’ na mes.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 68 • Automat ically repl ace abbrev iations an d acronyms with complete words. • Autom atica lly ente r com monly-u sed str ings of words in to a message by t yping only one keyword.
Composing and s endi ng messages — Using AutoT ext Installation and User ’ s Guide 69 T o add a new AutoT ext entry You may want to customize your AutoT ext databas e by adding spec ific A u toTe xt entr ies. 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the O PTIONS ic on and clic k.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 70 You can te st your new entr y by typing th e keyword wh ile you compose your message. T o add a new AutoT ext entry using a macro You can use AutoText macros to quickly enter standard items such as dates, time s , and own er infor m at ion.
Composing and s endi ng messages — Using AutoT ext Installation and User ’ s Guide 71 4. Once the appropri ate macro is in the Replace it wi th field, click the trackw heel to view the menu. Scroll to Save Item and click. The new AutoTex t entry will appe ar in the AutoText en tries list in alphab etical order .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 72 4. Click the trackw heel to view the menu. S croll to Save Item and click.
Composing and sending messages — Au tomatic fo rmatting Installation and User ’ s Guide 73 2. The Device Options screen appears. Scroll to A utoText and click. In the AutoText screen, ty pe the first letter or first few letters of the entry you would like to find.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Autom a ti c fo rmatti n g 74 Auto punctuation You can insert a period aut omaticall y at the end of a sentence or word by pr essing the SPACE key twice. The next letter you type w ill be capita lized.
Composing and s endi ng messages — Inserting symbols Installation and User ’ s Guide 75 Inserting symbols You can enhance you r messages by insertin g symbols from the hand held ’ s symbols librar y. 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the C OMPOSE icon and click.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Composing and sending messages — Summary and tips 76 5. You retur n to your message in the To: screen and the symbol has been inser ted. Summary and ti p s In thi s chapter, yo u learned more about composing an d sendin g email.
Composing and sending messages — Summary an d tips Installation and User ’ s Guide 77 Aut oT ex t • While composing a m essage, press br + SPACE to enter an open angle bracket. • While composin g a message, press ld + SPACE to enter the current date.
5 Receiving and read ing messages In this chapt er, you will learn about you r options for received messag es, how to re ceive mo re of a long mes sage, an d how to open file and Address Boo k attachme nts.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Received message options 80 Forward Messag e — For ward s (send s) th e open messa ge to an other conta ct. If an attac hment is inc luded with th e messag e, it will b e forw ar ded with th e messag e .
Receiving and reading messages — Receiving long messages Installation and User ’ s Guide 81 Receiving long messa ges Occasiona lly, th e messag e you r eceive ma y be long er than what the netw ork can transm it. In th is case , the ma ximum amount of dat a allowed is sent to your handheld a nd the rema inder is st ored in your email Inbox.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Sending file att achments 82 existing part of the message. Press G to resume reading th e message where you last left off. Sending file att achment s If you have receiv ed a message on your handh eld that has a file attached, you can forward the message to someone else.
Receiving and reading messages — Managing A ddress Book attachments Installation and User ’ s Guide 83 3. Cli ck the trackw heel to v iew t he menu. Scrol l to Forwar d Messag e and click . Selec t a recipie n t and a sen d me thod. 4. You can type a message before you click to view the menu and select Send Message .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Managing Address Book attachments 84 2. Ope n a received mess age and read i t . (If there are attach ments to the me ssage, the number of a ttachment s is displayed at t he top of the message.
Receiving an d reading messages — A dding contact s to A ddress Book Installation and User ’ s Guide 85 Adding con t act s to Address Book When you receive a new messa ge from someone who is not current ly in your handhe ld ’ s Address Book, you can add the address from the open messa ge.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Sum mary and tips 86 4. Click to v iew the menu and select S ave Address by c licking again . The cont act is ad ded to your A ddress Book and you re turn t o the open message. Summary and ti p s In th is chapte r, you learn ed about rea ding and receiving m essages.
Receiving and reading m essages — Sum mary and tips Installation and User ’ s Guide 87 • Press T to go to the top of a list or open message. • Press B to go to the bottom of a li st or open message. • Press ALT and roll the trackwheel to sc roll horizontally in any f i eld where you can enter or view text.
6 Man a gi ng m es sages Chapt ers 4 and 5 disc uss th e featur es and functi ons th at the handhel d provides for sending and receiv ing messages. Now, find out how you can organize, customize, a nd search your list of messages more efficiently. Saving messages Save import ant messages by copying them to a separ ate list.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Saving m essages 90 the screen and th e message is copied to the Saved Mes sages screen but also r emains i n the Messages screen. 4. Retur n to the Messag es screen by clicking to view the menu, scrollin g to and cli cking Close.
Managing messages — Sav ing messages Installation and User ’ s Guide 91 Now that t he message has been s aved, you can delete t he message from the Messages screen.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Saving m essages 92 3. The Messag es screen a ppears. An i con beside the message indica tes that th e message is saved but ha s not been sent. The message you save while composing is saved in the Messages screen, not in the Saved Messa ges screen.
Managing mess ages — Searching m essages Installation and User ’ s Guide 93 Searching message s Use the handheld ’ s sea rch functio n to locate s pecific messa ges. You can specif y and save the terms of several searches an d use them at any time.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 94 . 4. Sel ect the type s of message s that you w ant the resu lts of the search to show. In the Show field , press the SPACE key to se lect the ty pe of messag es to show. The default is to show all sent and rec eived messa ges.
Managing mess ages — Searching m essages Installation and User ’ s Guide 95 The resu lts of your se arch are displa yed in the Sear ch screen. T o edit a searc h 1. In t he Home screen, scroll to t he S EARCH MESSAGES icon and click. 2. The Se arch Messag es screen appears.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 96 3. Yo ur saved sear ches are lis ted. Selec t the search th at you want to edit then c lick to view th e menu. Scroll to Edit Search and click. 4. The Sa ve Searc h screen appears.
Managing mess ages — Searching m essages Installation and User ’ s Guide 97 T o edit a s earch once 1. In t he Home screen, scroll to t he S EARCH MESSAGES icon and click. 2. The Se arch Messag es screen appears. Click the trackwheel to view the m enu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 98 T o delete a search 1. In t he Home screen, scroll to t he S EARCH MESSAGES icon and click. 2. The Se arch Messag es screen appears. Click the trackwheel to view the m enu. Sc roll to Recall Search a nd click.
Managing messages — Deleting m essages Installation and User ’ s Guide 99 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the M ESSAGES ico n and clic k. 2. Select a recei ved messag e from the contact for which you want to search then click to vi ew the menu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Deleting m essages 100 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the M ESSAGES ico n and clic k. 2. In t he Mes sages scree n, scroll to the message that you want to delete a nd click to view the menu.
Managing messages — Deleting m essages Installation and User ’ s Guide 101 2 . O p e n t h e m e s s a g e y o u w a n t t o d e l e t e b y c l i c k i n g t o v i e w t h e menu, sc rolling t o Open Messag e and clicking . 3. Click the tra ckwheel to v iew the menu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Editing mess ages 102 3. A dialog bo x appears, aski ng if you are sure you wa nt to delete all mess ages sent or received prior t o and includi ng that d ate. Click Yes. You return t o the M essages screen and you can see that t he messages a re no longe r listed.
Managing messages — Resending a message Installation and User ’ s Guide 103 click. In the open m essage, click to view the me nu. Scroll to Edi t Message a nd click. 3. The text of t he message will appear where you ca n make your changes. Once you hav e fin ish ed making chan ges, click to view the me nu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Marking a message as unread 104 3 . T h e t e x t o f t h e m e s s a g e w i l l a p p e a r . C l i c k t o v i e w t h e m e n u . Scroll to Resend Mes sage and clic k. You retu rn to the Messages screen and y our messag e will be sent again .
Managing mess ages — Marking all m essages read Installation and User ’ s Guide 105 The messag e will be mark ed unread. Marking all messages read If you h ave many messages on you r handhe ld which you have not read but you h ave read them on your desktop, you may wis h to mark all mess ag e s read.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing messages — Summary and tips 106 3. Click to view th e menu. Scroll to M ark Pri or Read an d click. All messages in th e list will be marked as read . Summary and ti p s In this chapt er, you learned how to mana ge your messages mo re eff ectivel y.
Managing mess ages — Summary and t i ps Installation and User ’ s Guide 107 • Press V t o go to the Saved Messages screen while in t he Home screen or Messages screen.
7 Using the Address Book The handhel d contains an Address Book for storing various contact informati on. The Address Book all ows you to keep a customiz ed record of em ail addresses, m ailing addresse s, titles, an d pager, fax, business, an d home phone numbers .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Address Book — Adding addr esses 11 0 • Allow Duplicate Names: S elect whet her or not you want to al low more th an one en try for t he same n ame. By defaul t, this is set to Yes. 4. Scro ll to the fi eld you would like to se t, then pres s the SPACE key to scro ll throug h your optio ns.
Using the Address Book — Adding addresses Installation and User ’ s Guide 111 2. In t he Address Book screen, click to v iew the menu. Scroll to New Addr ess and clic k. 3. Type your contact ’ s information and pres s ENTER aft er each field. You can also type yo ur contact ’ s full name in the First or Last field and press ENTER .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Address Book — Adding addr esses 11 2 Your new contact ’ s na me will appear i n alphabetic al order in y our Address Book . Address Book fields The New Address sc reen has the following fields: Firs t: Type your contact ’ s first na me.
Using the Address Book — Adding addresses Installation and User ’ s Guide 11 3 PIN: Type your contact ’ s LLI, or PIN number. This number, unique to each h andheld, i s assigned by the wir elss data network serv ice. Title: T y p e y o u r c o n t a c t ’ s job title/position.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Address Book — Viewing addresses 11 4 Address 2: Type any further informa tion for the address. (A second address field is provided for l ong addr esses.) This field support s alpha- n umeric and sy mb ol characte rs.
Using the Address Book — Ed it ing addresses Installation and User ’ s Guide 11 5 3. A vir tual busine ss card appea rs listin g all th e informati on you ’ v e entered fo r this cont act. Editing address es You can edit the in form a tio n in a ny of th e fiel ds of a n a ddre ss en try.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the Address Book — Deleting addr esses 11 6 Deleting addresses You can delete old addresses from your Address Book to save memory space. 1. In t he Home screen, scroll to the A DDRESS BO OK ico n and click. 2.
Using the Address Book — Summary an d tips Installation and User ’ s Guide 11 7 3. To return to your complete l ist of conta cts, click to view the menu. Scroll to View Al l and click. Summary and ti p s In this c hapter, yo u learned h ow you can sto re address in formation for each person or co mpany th at you might wan t to con tact.
8 Man a gi ng T asks an d Appoin tment s The handh eld includes a Tas ks function a nd a Calendar function to help you mana ge and schedule appointments an d tasks.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he T asks function 120 3. The Task s Opti ons sc reen appears, displaying the followin g two options: • Sort By: S e l e c t h o w y o u w a n t t o s o r t t h e t a s k s i n y o u r Tasks screen.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the T ask s function Installation and User ’ s Guide 121 T o add t a sks 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the T ASKS icon and click. 2. In t he Tasks scre en, click the tra ckwheel to vi ew the menu. Scroll to New Task and cl ick.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he T asks function 122 T ask fields The Tasks screen contai ns the foll owing fields : Task: Type the subject of the task. Status: Choose the status of the t ask. Your options are Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Waiting, and Deferred .
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the T ask s function Installation and User ’ s Guide 123 4. O nce you ha ve fini shed v iewing o r edit ing the t ask, click to view t he menu. Sc roll to Sav e Task an d click. You return t o the Tasks screen.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 124 The task ’ s sta t us is chan ged. Using the Calen dar function The ha ndheld ’ s Calen dar function displays appoi ntments in eith er Month, Week, Day , or Agenda view.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 125 5. Cli ck the tr ackwhe el to vi ew the me nu. Scr oll to Sav e Option s and click. You return t o the Calenda r screen. T o switch views In the Cale nd ar screen, click t o view the me nu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 126 W eek v iew This view displays all a ppointments for the curre nt week; yo u can scroll ve rtically th rough them. All appoint ments are mark ed with an out lined box spanning the leng th of th e appoi ntment.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 127 Month view Wh en you f irs t s wit ch to Mo nth vi ew , yo ur cur s or w il l b e on to da y ’ s date a nd you can scroll ho rizontally t hrough the days of t he month.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 128 T o add appointments 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the CAL ENDAR ic on and clic k. 2. In t he Calendar screen, click to view the menu. Scroll to New Appointmen t and c lick.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 129 4. In the Reminder field, sel ect how early you want to be notified of the appointment. If you do not wi sh to be remi nded of the appointment , set this field to None.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 130 End Time: Select the e nd time for the appointment. The default i s an hour after the s tart time. (You can change th e hour and min utes setting s by pressi ng the SP ACE key.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 131 4. In the Recur field, press the SPACE key until the de sired option appears on s creen. Your opt ions are: Day, Wee k, Month, an d Year. (Fo r this example, sel ect Day to set an appointmen t recurrin g on a da ily basis .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 132 6. In the End field, set the specific date on which the recurring appointment should end. (By setting this field to Never, you will have a con st an t rec urri ng appointmen t.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 133 In Month v iew, you can view the appoi ntments for the select ed day by follow ing this procedure: 1. In th e Home sc reen, sc roll to the CAL ENDAR icon and click.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 134 T o view today ’ s appointment s 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the CAL ENDAR ic on and clic k. 2. In th e Calendar screen, click the trackwheel to view the menu.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function Installation and User ’ s Guide 135 The ap pointmen ts for th at date appear, in your chos en Cale ndar view. T o edit app ointments 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the CAL ENDAR ic on and clic k.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using t he Calendar function 136 Click to view the menu, th en scroll to Save Recurrence and click. 5. Cli ck the trackw heel to v iew t he menu, then sel ect Sav e Appoin tmen t by cl icking a gain.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Summary an d tips Installation and User ’ s Guide 137 Summary and ti p s In th is chap ter, yo u lear ned ho w you can o rganize your time an d projec t s u si ng the Ta sks and Ca lendar f unc t i ons . You ca n add , v ie w , edit , delet e, an d set opti ons f or bot h tas ks and appointm ents.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Summary an d tips 138 • Press EN TER t o create an appointment at a selected time or view an appointment if one is highlight ed. • Press SHIFT and roll the trackwheel in Day or W eek view to highlight the hours during which an appo i ntment will take place.
9 Using the MemoPad and Calculator The handh eld contains a Mem oPad for recor ding lists, n otes, or other import ant inform ation that you type as ide from email messages. A Calcula tor function is also inclu ded, which helps yo u to perform simple math e mat ic al o pera ti ons and conver sions.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using the M emoPad function 140 3. Type a title fo r your memo and press ENTER . Then typ e the bod y of the memo . 4. Once you have finished composing the memo, click to view the menu.
Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using the M emoPad function Installation and User ’ s Guide 141 The full memo appe ars on the screen. T o edit memos 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the MEMOP AD ico n an d clic k. 2. In t he MemoPad s c r e e n , s el e c t th e m em o y o u w an t t o e d i t an d click to view th e menu.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using the Calcu l ator function 142 You retu rn to the M emoPad scre en and you can see that th e memo is no longer listed. Using the C alcula tor fu ncti on Use the hand held ’ s calculator function to perform simple math em at ic al op era t ions an d conversion s.
Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using t he Calculator function Installation and User ’ s Guide 143 T o use the tape You can use the Calculator ’ s Tape feature to r ecord and displa y your ser ies of calculat ions. You can re view, edit , delete, or in sert entr ies on the tape.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using the Calcu l ator function 144 5. The results of y our change are shown on the main calculator display. To return to the c alculat or, click to view the menu . Scroll to Return t o Calculat or and c lick.
Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using t he Calculator function Installation and User ’ s Guide 145 3. Scroll t o Me nu a nd click. Sc roll t o F rom Metric or T o Met ri c an d click, depending on wh ich way you want to conver t the numb e r. (For this ex ercise , selec t From M e tric.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Summary and tips 146 Summary and ti p s In this chapter, you lea rned how to use the MemoPad function and the Calcu lator function.
Using the MemoP ad and Calculator — Summar y and tips Installation and User ’ s Guide 147 • Press S to divide. • Press Z or ( SPACE key) to c hange the sign. • Press V to find the square root of a number . • Press J to recall the memory . • Press K to clear the memory.
10 Customizing y our handheld ’ s options In the “ Ge t to kn ow y our h and hel d ” ch apt er, you l ear ned ab out th e procedure for setting message notification options. Now, refer to this c hapter to learn how to custo mize the ha ndheld ’ s many other options to su it your spe cific needs.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Setting the alarm 150 3. Once you have set the Alarm to your prefere nce, click to view the menu. Scroll to Save O ptions and clic k . Alarm fields The Daily Alarm scre en cont ai ns the f ollow ing fie l ds: Time: Set the time at which yo u want the ala rm to soun d.
Customizing your handheld ’ s options — Cus t omizing handheld options Installation and User ’ s Guide 151 Customizi ng handheld options You can c ustomize any of th e handheld ’ s options b y following th is general procedure: 1. In t he Hom e s creen, scroll t o the O PTIONS ic on and clic k.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Handheld options 152 Handheld op tions The followin g pages list t he handheld ’ s options and provide pa ge referenc es for further in formation. About The About scre en contain s handheld c opyright in formati on.
Customizing your handheld ’ s options — Han dhel d options Installation and User ’ s Guide 153 Date/T ime Set th e date and ti me so that your messag es contain t he corre ct time stamp. Time Zone: Sele c t y ou r t im e zo n e. T h e ha nd h eld w i ll a u tom ati ca ll y adjust the time depending on th e time zon e .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Handheld options 154 Message Services Message S ervices: Thi s setting is re served for futu re devel op m ent. Network Settings Roaming: Choose the country you are in - either Cana da or the United States.
Customizing your handheld ’ s options — Han dhel d options Installation and User ’ s Guide 155 Vibrat e , Vibr ate+Tone, or None. The d e faul t notificat ion setting is Vibrate+Tone. Out of Holster: Customize t he way tha t the handheld notifies you of a new messa ge when it is out of the hols ter.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Handheld options 156 • LED Only - the LED wi ll flash for 15 minu tes • Off - yo u will not be r eminded. Level 1 Noti fy Only: S el ec t w h et h e r o r no t y o u wa nt t o be n o t i f ie d of all mes sages or only those with a level 1 pr iority.
Customizing your handheld ’ s options — Han dhel d options Installation and User ’ s Guide 157 Screen Contrast: Adju st th e scre en ’ s contra st if you ’ re having trouble seein g the interface. If you are usi ng the han dheld in low light, tr y the ba cklig hting feature ins tea d.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Handheld options 158 Security Timeout: Se t the du ration o f time (in minutes) that t he handhel d is idle before the passwo rd security sc reen appears . The default s etting is 2 minutes.
Customizing your handheld ’ s options — Han dhel d options Installation and User ’ s Guide 159 Address Book: Shows the current version of t he Address Book function. AutoText: Shows th e curre nt versio n of th e Auto Text f eature. Calculator: Shows the current version of the Calculator function.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Customizing your handheld ’ s opti ons — Summary 160 2. In t he Device Options screen, scroll to Storage Mode a nd click. The following message appears: “ Storage mode pow ers off device to save b attery life . Continu e? ” Scroll to Yes and click.
11 Freque ntly a sked que stions This chapter i ncludes answers to s ome common questions about the hand held. Alarm Why is my alarm n ot sounding w hen I ’ ve set the time ? • Ensure that you ha ve enabl ed the alarm by setting t he Alarm On/Off fiel d to ‘ On.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Frequently asked questions — S torage 162 • If the han dheld will no t turn on afte r charging th e battery, res et the ha ndheld.
Frequently asked questions — Home screen Installation and User ’ s Guide 163 longe r have the cor rect date an d time or encr yption key. To reset th e date an d time, follo w the instru ctions in.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Frequently asked questions — Messages 164 The back lighting on my display sc reen keep s disappearing. • The LCD backl ighting w ill turn off a fter 20 s econds if you h ave not press ed a key or the trackw heel.
Frequently asked questions — Messages Installation and User ’ s Guide 165 Are there any pre-defined respons es that can be used when replying to messag es from the ha ndheld? You can compose a m essage that cont ains a list of respon ses from which a nother h andheld us er can choose when replying to you r message.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Frequently asked questions — Punctuation 166 Punctuation Where can I find the perio d (.) and other p unctuation ma rks on my keybo ard? • T h e q u i c k e s t w a y t o t yp e a p e r i o d ( . ) i s t o p r e s s t h e SPACE key twice at t he end of a sentence.
Frequently asked questions — Resetting the handheld Installation and User ’ s Guide 167 There is al so a reset hole on t he back of the ha ndheld, located i n the informati on label .
12 Specificat ions Mechanic al Propertie s Display and control features Weig h t: Appr o x. 5oz Size (LXWXH): 4.6 ” X3.1 ” X0.70 ” Memory: 5 MB Flash memory 0.
Handheld — Installation & User ’ s Guide Specifications 170 Powe r T emperature Radio specifications Frequency Regulatory compliance Batter y: Internal lithium cell Operating: 0 ° C to +50 °.
1.0 Definitions 1.1 "SOF TWARE" means th e RIM Software Product(s) provided und er this license to You in conjunc tion with the RIM Wireless Ha ndheld Product (t he "Product "), regardl ess of whethe r the SOFTWARE is the RIM Desktop Softwar e or software residing on the Product.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Research In Motion Limited Software License Agreement 172 Product. Any such Third Party Softwar e shall be governed by an End User Soft ware Li cense accomp anying and relating spec ifica lly t o Thir d Par ty Softwar e.
Research In Moti on Limited Software License Agreement Installation and User ’ s Guide 173 Softwar e in any coun try other than the United Stat es and Canada, and you agr ee to indemni fy and hold RIM harmless fr om any dam age c a u s e d b y y o u r f a i l u r e t o comp ly with this pa ragraph 3.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Research In Motion Limited Software License Agreement 174 limitations or excl usions may not apply to You. 4.5 IN N O EVENT SHALL RIM BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTH ER DAMAGES.
Limited W arranty Research In Motion Limited ("RIM"), the manufacturer of the RIM 857 W ireless H andhel d (which togeth er with the Hols ter and RIM 857 Wireless H andheld Cradle comprise t.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Limited Warranty 176 lease or other means of acquiring the RIM 857 Wireless Handheld Hardwa re, or any damage caused by the leakag e or any othe r malfunction of an external ba ttery or any ot her accessory or peripheral equipment .
Index A about Research in Motion, 16 this guid e, 16 AC adapte r connec ti ng to crad le, 48 activat ing your handheld , 22 adding addresses , 110 appointmen ts, 128 attachme nts from messages, 83 att.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Index 180 autom a ti c on/of f, d esc rip t ion of, 152 autotex t adding ent ries , 69 adding entries usin g a macro, 70 deleting ent rie s, 72 descript ion of, 68 ed.
Index Installation and User ’ s Guide 181 charger, de s cription of, 21 chart o f hot k eys, 2 3 choosing send metho d, 63 components hand held, 19 LCD screen, 28 composing descri ption of , 13, 30 .
Installation and User ’ s Guide Index 182 tasks , 13, 31 trackwh eel, 20 turn r adio on/o ff, 14, 32 desktop sof tware application loader, 56 backu p an d restore, 57 FAQ s, 166 install ing, 48, 55 .
Index Installation and User ’ s Guide 183 H hand held changing pa s sword , 41 charger , 21 components, 19 connec ti ng to PC, 48 cradle, 2 1 customizing options, 1 4 9 getti ng start ed, 19 hols te.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Index 184 function menus, 3 2 function screens, 29 graph ics, 36 LED no tifica tion, 156 level of im portance, set ting, 62 license agreemen t, 171 limi ted warr anty.
Index Installation and User ’ s Guide 185 remov ing fr om save d messag es list, 91 resending , 103 saving , 89 saving sent or rec eived, 89 saving while composing, 91 sear ching, 93 search ing by s.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Index 186 finding, 49, 158 power on/o ff, descri ption of, 14, 32 punctuation auto mati c, 74 FAQ s, 166 R radio turning off, 45 turnin g on, 45 read messages, mark i.
Index Installation and User ’ s Guide 187 performing one-time, 93 recalli ng, 95 saving , 93 search by sender , 98 specifyin g terms, 93 tips, 106 sear ching addresses , 116 autot ext en tries, 72 m.
Installation and User ’ s Guide Index 188 descri ption of , 13, 31 editing, 122 fields, 122 managi ng, 119 setting options, 119 status ico ns, 121 summary, 1 37 tips, 137 using, 119 viewin g, 122 te.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Blackberry 857 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Blackberry 857 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Blackberry 857, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Blackberry 857 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Blackberry 857, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Blackberry 857.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Blackberry 857. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Blackberry 857 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.