Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M7TDE du fabricant Biostar
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Contents i Introduction .... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............... ............ ... 1-1 1. Motherboar d Description ........ ... ............ ... ............ ... ............ ... 1-2 1.1 Feat ures ....... ......... .....
Contents ii 1.6 Connec tors , Header s & Jumpers .... ......... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......1-17 1.6. 1 F ron t Pa nel C on nect or : JPA NE L1 ....... .... .... ...... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ....... .... .... 1- 18 1.
Contents iii 2.1 Mai n Menu .... ......... ......... .......... ......... ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 2-3 2.2 St andard CMOS Features ..... ........... ......... ......... .......... ........... ......... ........ 2-6 2.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-1 Introduc tion System Over v ie w Cong ratul atio ns on t he pur chas e o f yo ur ne w sy ste m! This m othe rboa rd is desi gne d to ta ke adv anta ge of the late st industry te chnol og y t o pro v ide yo u w ith th e ultimat e solut io n in da ta proc e ssing.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-2 1. Moth erboard Description 1.1 Features 1.1. 1 Har dw are CPU − Single Socket-47 8 for an Intel Pentium ® 4 proce ssor. − Supp orts the Intel Pent ium ® 4 proce ssor subse t of the Enhance d Mode Sc alea ble B us P rot ocol .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-3 DRAM Memo ry − Support s 200MHz or 266MHz DDR SD RAM dev i ce s. − Suppor ts 128MB, 256MB, 512 MB/ 1GB te chnolog ies for x8 and 16 devices. − Support s one DD R-SD RAM c hanne l , 64 wide (72b wi th ECC) .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-4 Bu ilt in ID E Fac ilit ie s − Support s fou r IDE ha rd dis k driv es. − Suppor ts PIO Mo de 4, Maste r Mo de, an d high perf ormance hard disk drive s. − Support s dis k tra ns fe r ra te s up to 100 MB/s e c o nd.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-5 Super I/O Bu ilt- in onboard − Support o ne m u lti- m o de Pa ra l le l Port . (1) Standard & B idire c tion Paral lel Po rt ( SPP). (2) Enha nced Paral lel Po rt ( EPP). (3) Exte nded Ca pa bilitie s Port ( ECP).
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-6 1.1. 2 BIOS − AWAR D leg al BIOS. − Support s APM1. 2. − Sup ports USB Function . − Support s ACPI . 1.1. 3 So ftw are Operating Sys tem − Offers the hi g hest perfor mance for MS-DOS, Windo ws NT, Wi ndows 2000, Windows 95/98, Window s ME, W indows X P, LINUX, SCO UNIX etc.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-7 1.2 Motherboard Installat ion 1.2. 1 System Blo ck Dia gram DA T A CTR L AD DR Te rm VRM ICH2 Keyboard Mouse Floppy Parallel Seria l 1 SIO Cloc k PCI CONN 1 PCI .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-8 1.2.2 Lay out of M otherboard Model No .M7TDE JA TXPWR2 JKBMS1 JPRNT1 JGAM E 1 Socket 478 BA T1 Intel 82801BA K/B & Mou se JRJ45USB 1 USB & LAN COM1 CO M.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-9 1.2 . 3 Qu i ck R ef e r en ce A . Bac k Panel I/O C onnectors M. Secondary IDE Conn ector ( IDE2) B. Front A udio Header (JA UDIO1) N. A TX Pow er Co nnector (JA TXPWR1) C. CD-R OM A udio Header (JCD IN1) O. A uxiliary Pow er Connecto r D.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-10 1.3 CPU Installatio n 1.3. 1 0CP U In stall atio n Pr ocedu re: So cket 478 1. Pull t he lever si deways away from th e socket th en raise th e lever up to 90-deg ree a ng le . 2. Locate Pin A i n th e s ocket and l ook for th e wh ite d ot or cu t edge i n th e CPU .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-11 CPU In s ta l l ati o n La yo ut 1.3. 2 CP U Fan Header : JCF A N1 Pin No. Assignment 1 Ground 2 +12V 3 Sense 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-12 1.4 RA M Module Installation 1.4. 1 DIM M DRAM Ac cess Time : 2.5V Unbuff ere d/ Reg istered D DR SDRAM PC 200/266 Type re quire d.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-13 Total Me mory Size (MB) 1 DIMM 2 DMMs 576 M 64 M 512 M 640 M 128 M 512 M 768 M 256 M 512 M 1024 M 512 M 512 M 1.512 G 1 G 512 M 1.064 G 64 M 1 G 1.128 G 128 M 1 G 1.256 G 256 M 1 G 1.512 G 512 M 1 G 2 G 1 G 1 G * The l ist sh own above for DRAM con figurati on is on ly for reference.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-14 1.4. 2 Ho w t o ins tall a DIM M M odul e 1. The DIMM soc ket ha s a “ Plasti c Safe ty Tab”, and the DIMM memory module has an “A symmetrical notch”, s o the DIM M memory mod ule can on ly fit into th e slot in one direction .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-15 1.5 Slots The slot s i n th is mot h erbo ar d are desi gn ed t o hold exp an sion card s and con n ect th em to the sys tem b us. E xpan sion sl ots are a means of ad di ng or enhan cing t he m otherbo ard's featur e s a nd capabi lities.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-16 1.5.1 A GP (A ccele rated Graphics Port) Slot Unli ke th e m ou s e ports , k e yb oard p orts and p rin ter ports, thi s m otherb oard does not have buil t in vide o facili ties and th ere fore re quires a vide o card for one of the expa nsion slo ts.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-17 1.6 Connectors, Headers & Jumper s The con nectors, head ers and j umpers i ntroduced b elow pr ovide you lot s of capab ilitie s such as pow er s upply, front pa nel s ignal re vela tion, I DE hard dis k conne ction, floppy disk conne ction, Wa ke On LAN func tion and Fr ont USB conne ction.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-18 1.6 .1 Fr ont Pane l Co nnec tor: JPA NEL1 Pin A ssignment Fun cti o n Pin A ssignment Function No. No. 1 Speaker 2 Sleep Co ntrol Sl eep 3 NC 4 Ground Button 5.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-19 Reset Button This conn ect or can be atta ch ed to a mo me nt ary S PS T swi tch . This swit ch is u su all y open, and when it is closed, it will caus e th e motherb oard to reset and ru n the POST (Power On Self Test).
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-20 1.6.2 A TX 20-pin Pow er Connector: JA TXPWR1 This c onne ctor support s the power button o n-boa rd. Using the ATX po wer suppl y, funct ion such as Soft Power Off is sup ported on this moth erboard.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-21 1.6.5 Hard Disk Connectors: IDE1/IDE 2 The m other board has a 32-bit En hance d PCI IDE Co ntrolle r that pr ovide s PIO Mode 0~ 4, Bus Master, and Ult ra DMA / 33, Ultra DMA / 66, Ultra DMA / 100 functio nality .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-22 1.6. 8 Cle ar CM OS Ju mper: JCM OS 1 JCM OS1 Assi gnment 1 3 1-2 Clo sed Normal Operation ( default) 1 3 2-3 Clo sed Clea r CMO S Dat a 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-23 1.7 Peripheral Por t 1.7.1 PS/2 Mo use / Key board Connector: JKBMS1 The mo therbo ard prov ide s a standard PS/2 m ouse / Keybo ard mi ni DIN co nnecto r for atta ching a PS/2 m ous e. You ca n plu g a PS/ 2 mouse / Keyboard directl y into this c onne ctor .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-24 1.7. 2 USB & LAN Co nnect or: JR J45US B1 The m otherbo ard pr ovide s an OH CI (Open H os t Co ntroller Interfa ce) Universal Seria l Bus Roots for attach ing US B devic es such a s: keyb oard, m ouse an d other USB dev i c es .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-25 1.7.3 Serial and Parallel Interface Ports This system is equipp e d w ith two s e rial ports an d one p arallel p ort.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-26 Con nectivity The ser ia l po r ts c an be use d i n ma ny wa ys , a nd i t ma y be nec es sa ry to be com e famil iar wit h the pinout diag ram. The follow ing chart g ives you the func tion of each pin on the 9-pi n conne ctor and so me of the 25- pin co nnect or.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-27 Parallel Interface Port: JPRNT1 Unlike the seria l ports, paralle l interfa ce port has be en standa rdize d, and it shou ld not pre s e nt any diffi culty inte rfacing periphe rals of your sys tem.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-28 1.7. 4 Game (J o ysti ck / M IDI ) Por t C on n ector : JGAM E 1 This connect or allows you to c onnect a j oystick or game p ad for pla ying co mput er ga m e s. Als o , yo u m a y pla y o r e dit pro fe ssional m usic by co nne c ti ng MI DI dev ic e s.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-29 1.7. 6 Audio Sub sy stem Socket 478 82801BA DIMM1 DIMM2 8284 5 ROM1 LPC I/O LAN CHIP JCDIN1 JT AD1 JAUDIO1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-30 CD-ROM Audio-In Header: JCDI N1 Pin No. A ssignment 1 Left Channel Input 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 Right Chan nel Input 1.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-1 2. BIOS Se tup Introdu ction This ma nual disc ussed Awa rd™ Setup prog ram built into the ROM BIO S. The Setup pr ogram allow s users to modify the ba sic system confi gura tion.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-2 PCI Bus Support This AW ARD BI OS al so support s Ver sion 2. 1 of the Inte l PCI (Pe riphe ral Com ponent I nt e rc o nne ct ) lo c a l bus sp e c if i cat io n. DRAM Support DDR SDR AM (Double Data Rat e Synchron ous DRAM) are sup ported.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-3 2.1 Main Menu Once yo u enter A war d BIO S™ CMOS Se tup Util it y, the M ain Menu wi ll appe a r on the sc reen. The Main Menu all ows you to sele ct f rom seve ral setup func tions . Use the arr ow keys to sele ct amo ng the item s and press < Enter> to acce pt and ente r the sub-m e nu.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-4 Standard CMOS Features This subm e nu contains indus try s ta nda rd co nf ig ur a ble opti o ns. Advanced BIOS Fea tures This subm e nu all ows yo u to c onfi g ure e nha nce d fe a ture s of the BI OS. Advanced Chipset F eatures This submenu allows you to conf ig ure special ch ipset features.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-5 Set Supervisor Passw ord Sett ing t he supe rvisor pas swo rd will prohi bit e ver yone exce pt the s uper visor from maki ng change s using t he CMOS Setup Uti lity.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-6 2.2 Standard CM OS Features The i tems in Stand ard CMOS Setup Menu ar e divi ded int o 10 cat egori e s. Each category includ es no, one or more th an one s etup items . Use t he arrow keys t o highli ght th e item and th en us e th e<P gUp> or <PgDn > k eys to sel ect th e valu e you want in each it e m .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-7 Mai n M enu Selecti o ns This table shows t he sele ctions t hat you can make on the Main Menu. Item Options Descri ption Date mm : dd : y y Set the syst em date. Note that the ‘ Day’ automati cally changes when y ou set the date.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-8 Item Opti o ns D e scription Halt On Al l Errors No Erro rs All , but Key board All , bu t Di skette All , but Di sk/ Key Select the si tuati on in w hich you want the BIOS to st op the POST pr ocess and notify you. Base Memory N/A Di splay s the amount of convention al memory detected dur ing boo t up.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-9 2.3 A dv anced BIOS Featur es Figure 3. Advanc e d BIOS S etup Virus Warning This opti on all ows you to c hoose the VI RUS War ning fe ature tha t is used to prote ct the ID E Ha rd Disk boot sect or.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-10 CPU L1 & L2 Cach e This option allows you to enable o r disabl e the C PU L1 & L2 C ache wh ich i m prov e perf orm anc e.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-11 Ty pe m ati c Ra t e Sett ing Whe n a key is he ld dow n, the key stro ke will repea t at a rate de termine d by the keyboar d cont roller.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-12 OS Select For DRAM > 64M B A choi ce other than Non- OS2 is onl y used fo r OS2 sys tems with me mory exc ee ding 64M B. The Cho ices: Non-OS2 (default), OS2. Repor t No FD D Fo r WIN 95w Whe the r repo rt no FDD fo r Win 95 or no t.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-13 2.4 A dv anced Chipset Features This submenu al lows you to configur e the specific f eatures of the chip set install ed on your sy stem. Th is chip set mana ge bus speeds an d access t o system memory r esources, such as DRAM an d ext ernal cach e.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-14 DRAM Ti ming Select a bl e The de fa ult is B y SPD . C AS Late nc y Time When syn chronou s DRAM is installed , the n um b e r of clock c ycles of CAS la te nc y de pe nds on the DRAM ti m ing . The Choic e s : 1.5 (de fa ult ), 2, 2.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-15 Syste m BIOS Cach eable Selectin g Enabl e d all ows you cachin g of th e system B IOS ROM at F0000h ~FFFF Fh, r esult ing a bette r system perfo rmance . Ho wever, if any program writes to this memory are a, a system e rror may result.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-16 2.5 Integrated Peripherals Figure 5. Integrated Peripherals Onboard LA N Boot ROM This item allows you to enable or d isable On board LAN Boot ROM. The Choi ces: Enabled (de f a ult ), D isa bl e d. Onboard PCI L AN This item allows you to enable or di sable Onb oard PCI LAN .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-17 On-Chip IDE Contro l The ch ipset contain s a PCI IDE in terface with sup port for two IDE chann e ls. Select “ Enabled” t o activat e the first an d / or second IDE int erface. If you install a primary and / or s econ dary ad d-i n IDE i n terfac e, s el ect “ Disab led ” to d eacti vat e an inte rface .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-18 USB Con troller Select E nab led if you r syst em con tain s a Univ ersal Serial Bus (USB ) contr oll er an d you hav e USB pe ripherals . The Choi ces: Enabled (de f a ult ), D isa bl e d. USB Keyboard Support The default valu e is Disabled.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-19 RxD , T xD Acti ve The item allows you to determine which Infrared (IR) fun ction of onb oard I/O chip. The Choi ces: Hi/ Lo ( def aul t), Hi / Hi, Lo/ Hi , Lo / Lo. IR Tran smission Delay This item allows you to enabl e / disa ble I R transmiss ion delay.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-20 EPP Mo de Select Sele ct EPP port type 1. 7 o r 1.9. The Choices: EPP 1.7 (de fa ult ), EPP1. 9. ECP Mode Use DMA Sele ct a DMA Cha nne l fo r the po rt . The Choi ces: 3 (default), 1. Game Por t Address Gam e Port I/ O Addre ss.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-21 2.6 Pow er Management Setu p The Po wer Ma nageme nt S etup Me nu allow s you to confi gure your sy stem t o utilize ene r g y conse rvatio n a nd powe r up/powe r dow n fe ature s.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-22 ACPI Suspend Type The item allows you to select the suspend typ e und er the A CPI operating system . The Cho ices: S1 (POS ) (default) Power on S uspend S3 (STR) S u s p e n.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-23 Video Off M et h od This option dete rmines the manner in which th e m onitor is g oe s blank. V/H SY NC +Blank This se lection will c ause the sy stem to tur n off the ver tica l and hori zontal s ynchro nizati o n por ts and w rite blank s to the v ide o buff er.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-24 Soft -Off by PW R-BT TN Pressing th e power button for more than 4 seconds forces t he system to enter the Soft-O ff state whe n the system has “h ung.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-25 Pow er On by Ring An i nput signal on th e serial Rin g Indi cator (RI) li ne (in other wo rds, an i ncomin g call on the modem) awakens the sys te m from a soft off state. The Choi ces: Disabl ed (default), E nabled. WakeUp On LAN To use this func tion, y ou nee d a LAN add-on c ard whic h support po wer on func tion.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-26 2.7 PnP/PCI Configuration s This s ecti on des cribe s conf iguri ng the PCI bus sys tem. PCI, or Persona l C ompute r Intercon nect , is a syst em whi ch a llow s I/O d evic es t o op erat e at sp eeds n earing t he speed of th e CPU it self us e s wh en communi cating w ith its own sp ecial co mponents.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-27 Reset Co nfiguration D ata The sy stem BIO S supports th e PnP feat ure which re quires the sy stem to record which re sources are assig ned and pro tect s resour ces f rom confli ct. Eve ry peri phera l device has a node, which i s cal led ESCD.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-28 PCI / VGA Palette Sn oop Choos e Disabl e d or E nabled. Some gra phic con trollers w hich ar e not VGA compati ble take the ou tput from a VGA contr oller and m ap it to th e ir disp lay as a way to provid e boot inf orm ation an d VGA compatibili ty.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-29 2.8 PC Health Status Figure 8. PC Health St atus CPU Warn ing Temp eratu re The item will prevent CPU from overheating. The Cho ices: Disab led (d efault), 50 O C/ 122 O F, 53 O C/127 O F, 56 O C/1 33 O F, 60 O C/140 O F, 63 O C/145 O F, 66 O C/151 O F, 70 O C/158 O F.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-30 Current CPUFAN Speed This field dis plays the current CPUF AN spee d. CPU Vcore /A G P Voltage/+3.3V/+-5V/+-12V/VBAT (V)/5VSB( V) Detect the system’s voltage status au tomatically. Shutdow n Temp erature This item all ows you to set up t he CPU sh utdown Temperatur e.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-31 2.9 Frequency Control Figure 9. Frequency Control CPU Clock R atio This item allows you to se lect the CPU Ratio. Auto De tect DIMM/PCI Clk This item allows you to enable / di sable auto D e tect DIMM/PC I Clock. The Ch oices: En abled (d e fault ), Disab led.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-32 Clock by Slight Adjust This item allows you to adjus t CPU frequ e ncy when “ Slight Adj ust” enab le. The Ch oices: Disab led ( default), E nabled.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-1 3. Trouble Shootin g PROBLEM No pow er to th e system at all. Power light do e s not illuminat e , f an insid e pow er supply do e s not turn on. I ndi ca to r lig ht on k e y bo a rd do e s no t tur n o n. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N Power cable is unplugged.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-2 PROBLEM Syste m doe s no t boot fro m ha rd disk driv e, can be bo ote d from C D-RO M driv e. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N Connector be tween hard drive a nd syst em board unplugged. W hen attempti ng to r un the FDI SK util it y y ou get a message, IN VALID DRIVE SP ECIFICATION.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-3 PROBLEM Error mess age reading “SECTO R NOT FOUND ” or o the r error me ssag es no t allo wi ng c er tain da t a to be r etr ie v ed. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N A number of causes could be behin d thi s. Use a fi le by f ile backup inste ad of an i mage backup to backup the hard disk.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-4 PROBLEM No scr een. PROBABLE CA USE DI AG NOSIS SOLUTION Memory problem . R eboot computer. Rein s tall me mo r y, ma ke sure that al l m em ory modul es are install ed in correct socket s. Computer virus. Use anti -virus programs to detect and clean v iruses.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-5 PROBLEM No color on screen. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N Faulty Monito r. If possible, connect moni tor to another syst em. If no color replace moni tor. CMOS i ncorrectl y set up. Call techni cal support. PROBLEM C: driv e failur e .
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-6 PROBLEM Miss ing o pe rat ing sy s t e m o n har d driv e . PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N CMOS setup has b een changed. R un setup and select correct drive type. PROBLEM Cer tain k e ys do no t funct ion. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTIO N Keys j ammed or defective.
01/10/2002 MADE IN TAIWAN R.O.C..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Biostar M7TDE c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Biostar M7TDE - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Biostar M7TDE, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Biostar M7TDE va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Biostar M7TDE, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Biostar M7TDE.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Biostar M7TDE. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Biostar M7TDE ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.