Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ZWF 145 W du fabricant Zanussi
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THE CONTENTS SEC TION 1 :BEFOR E US ING • Sa fety war ning s • Recomm endations SEC TION 2 :INSTA LLAT ION • Removal of trans portat ion s crews • Adjustm ent of feet • Electr ical connect i.
SECTION 1:BEFORE USING SAFETY WARNINGS • • • • Do not use a m ultiple soc ket or ex tensio n cord. • Do not ins ert a plu g with dam aged or brok en cor d into the s ock et. • If the cor d is dam aged it shoul d be r eplaced by the m anufac turer or appoint ed service age nt in order to avoid a hazar d.
• • • • If you wil l not use your m achin e for a long tim e, unp lug your m achine, close the water s uppl y and leave the door open i n orde r to k eep the inside of the m achine dr y and f or prev ention from unpleasant odour.
• • • • You can a djust the balanc e of your m achine fr om its feet. • • • • First, lo osen the p lastic adjus tm ent nut. • • • • Adjust b y rotating t he feet up wards or d ownwards . • • • • After the balance has been reached, tig hten the plastic adjustm ent nut again b y rotat ing it up wards.
Cold water in let (W hite filter valv e) WATER DRAIN CONNECTIO N • Be sure that water inlet hos es are no t fold ed, twis ted, c rushed or elongat ed by stretchin g. • W ater drain hos e should be m ounted at a heig ht of m inim um 60 cm , maxim um 100 cm fr om the groun d.
SECTION 3:TECHNICA L SPECIFIC ATIONS ZWF145W Maximum dry laundry capacity (kg) 5 Recommended loading (kg) 4,5 Height (c m) 85 Width (cm) 59,6 Depth (cm) 51 Maximum spin c y cle ( rpm ) 400 (*) Maxim u.
SECTION 4:CONTROL P ANEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-Detergent drawer 5-Program knob 2-Start/ pause l ight 6-Start/ pause bu tton 3-Function indicator lights 7-Function buttons 4-P rogram ready light 8-Program .
START/PAUSE BUTTON Us ed to st art a selected program or paus e dur ing run ning. WA RNING! It is requ ired for the pro gram knob to b e brought to O(of f) pos iti on befor e selec ting the program or changing a conti nuing pro gram .
WA RNING! Funct ions var y depen ding on the m odel you have c hosen.If you f orgot to use add itional f unctio n and your m achine s tarts to wash pus h the addit ional func ti on butto n if the indicat or lig ht is on . A dditio nal func tion wil l be acti vated.
1-Cotton 90 °C 2- Cotton 6 0°C wit h prewas h 3- Cotton 60°C 4- Cotton 40°C 5- Eco wash 6- Quic k wash 7- Cotton cold 8- S ynthetic 60°C 9- S ynthetic 40°C 10- S ynthetic c old 11- Delic ate 3 0°C 12- W ool 30°C 13-Rinsing 14-Spin 15-Drainin g 0- OFF SECTION 5: W A SHIN G YOUR L AUNDRY • Plug th e mac hine.
• Pull the t extil es lik e trouser s,knitted fabr ic,t-shir t and s weat sh irt insi de out . • W ash your sm all c lothes lik e soc ks and handk erchief s in a washing bag.
• You can us e fluid deter gent s in all program s without pr e-washi ng. For this, m ount th e fluid d ete rgent le vel p late in th e sec ond compartm ent of the d eterg ent drawer and arra nge the am ount of fluid deter gent accor ding to the le vels on t his p late.
• The door will be unlock ed i n approx imatel y two m inutes af ter the program ends. You can ope n the do or by pu llin g the handl e of the door towards yourself and t ak e out your clot hes. • After you unlo ad your c lothes leave the door op en to d r y the interi or of your machine.
MAX D RY LOAD CAPACITY (kg) PROGRAM DETERGENT COMPART. ADDITIONAL FUNCTION BUTTON ZWF14 5W TYPE OF LAUNDRY EXPLANATIONS 13-RINSING W hen you nee d an addi tion al rinsin g to be do ne to your clo thes a fter the washi ng pro cess, you can use this prog ram f or all k ind s of clo thes.
• Remove the water inlet hose. • Remove the f ilter s found on the water inl et va lves b y using a pincer and wash th oroughl y with a brush. • Clean t he filt ers of the wat er inlet hoses l ocated on the tap side b y rem oving m anually tog ethe r with the s eal.
WARNING! Danger of being scalded! Since the water inside the pum p ma ybe hot, wait f or it to cool. DETERGENT DR AWER Detergents ma y form a s edim ent in your detergent draw er or in ho usin g of the detergent drawer in tim e. To clea n the sed im ent, pull out the de terge nt drawer from time to tim e.
SIPHON PLUG Pull out t he detrge nt dra wer. Rem ove the siphon plug and c lean the resid ues of the sof tener th oroughl y. Fit th e cleane d siphon plug in its loc ation.
SECTION 7:PRAC TICAL INFORM A TION Alcoholic beverages: The s tain point, s hould f irst be washed with co ld water, t han s hould be wiped with g lycerin e and water an d be r insed with water m ixed with vi negar. Sho e Polish: The s tain should be slightl y scratche d withou t r uining t he cloth, r ubbed with det erge nt and ri nsed.
M ould : Mould stai ns shoul d be clea ned as s oon as possib le. The s tain sho uld be washed with det ergent, a nd if it doe s not d isappear , it sho uld be wipe d with ox ygenated water (in pr oporti on of 3%). Ink: Hold the s tained ar ea u nder co ld water a nd w ait unt il the ink y water c om pletely runs off .
FAILURE PRO B ABLE C AUSE METHODS OF ELIMIN A T ION It is unpl ugged. Insert the pl ug into th e socket. Your fus e is def ected. Change your fuse. The elec tric p ower is off. Check the electric power. Start/paus e button has not been pr essed. Press the s tart/paus e button.
FAILURE PRO B ABLE C AUSE METHODS OF ELIMIN A T ION Ther e is a sm all amount of clothes in the device. It does not prevent operatio n of the machine. Excess ive am ount of clothes are fil led in the machine or the c lothes are not pl aced in a well-balance d m anner.
FAILURE PRO B ABLE C AUSE METHODS OF ELIMIN A T ION Clothes ex ceedin g the m aximum c apacit y has been f illed in your machine. Put the cl othes in your machine in a m anner not to exc eed its m aximum c apacit y. Your water m a y be hard. Use the am ount of detergent ac cordin g to the declarat ion of the detergent produc er.
FAILURE PRO B ABLE C AUSE METHODS OF ELIMIN A T ION The s pining proc ess is not done or starts with delay . No failur e. The unbala nced load contro l may works in that way. The unba lanced l oad control s ystem will tr y to distribut e your clothes in a homogenous m anner.
FA ILUR E CODE FA ILUR E INDICATOR PROB ABLE FA ILUR E THE PRO CESS TO BE DONE Err 02 The progr am ready light blink s. The wat er lev el in your m achine is belo w heater . The pres sure of yo ur w at e r suppl y may be low or lock ing. Turn on the tap to the end.
FA ILUR E CODE FA ILUR E INDICATOR PROB ABLE FA ILUR E THE PRO CESS TO BE DONE Err 05 The start/pau se light and program end light bl ink. The heater of y our machine or t he heat sensor has failed. Shut down y our machine an d unplug. Turn of f your tap and a pply to the near est authorized s ervice.
SECTION 10: INTERNA T IONAL WASHING SIGNS W ashing tempar ature. Do not wash (hand wash) Lukewarm iron. Medium hot iro n. Hot iron. Do not iron. Do not tum ble dry. Hang to dry. Drip dr y. Dry flat. Do not bleac h. Handy to b leach. All of thes e are dr y cleaning s ymbols.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Zanussi ZWF 145 W c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Zanussi ZWF 145 W - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Zanussi ZWF 145 W, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Zanussi ZWF 145 W va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Zanussi ZWF 145 W, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Zanussi ZWF 145 W.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Zanussi ZWF 145 W. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Zanussi ZWF 145 W ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.