Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Clavinova CVP-69 du fabricant Yamaha
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IMPORTANT Check Your Power Supply Make sure that your local AC mains voltage matches the voltage speci- fied on the name plate on the bottom panel. In some areas a voltage se- lector may be provided on the bottom panel of the main keyboard unit near the power cord.
Battery Notice: This product MA Y contain a small non- rechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in place. The average life span of this type of battery is ap- proximately five years. When replacement becomes neces- sary , contact a qualified service representative to perform the replacement.
Introduction Thank you for c hoosing a Y amaha Clavinova. Y our Clavinova is a fine musical instrument that employs advanced Y amaha music technology .
1 Contents Taking Care of Your Clavinova ............... 2 Preparation 3 The Music Stand .................................... 3 The Key Cover (CVP-79A/69/69A) ........ 3 The Power Switch .................................. 3 Headphones ................
2 T aking Care of Y our Clavinova Y our Clavino va will giv e you years of pla ying pleasure if you observe the simple rules given belo w: 1. Avoid Humidity & Heat A void placing the Clavino va in areas that are subject to e xcessive humidity or heat.
3 The Music Stand If you will be using sheet music with your Cla vinova, r aise the mu- sic stand built into it’ s top panel by lifting the rear edge of the music stand. Flip do wn the br aces on either side of the rear of the music stand so that they catch inside the protrusions on the top panel.
4 The Panel Controls A UT O BASS CHORD Section 9 [ INT RO A/ FIL L T O A] B utt on ................ page 30, 32 0 [ INT RO B/ FIL L T O B] B utt on ................ page 30, 32 ! [MAIN A] Button .................................... page 30, 31 @ [MAIN B] Button .
5 The Panel Controls y [DISPLA Y HOLD] Button ............................... page 9 u Display ........................................................... page 8 i LCD Buttons .................................................. page 8 o Data dial .....
6 The V olume Controls The Cla vinova has tw o volume controls on the control panel in addition to se veral prog rammable v olume lev els that giv e you e xtra v ersatility in creating the required sound. ABC/Song V olume This control adjusts the v olume of the Clavinov a’ s auto-accompani- ment and song playback sound.
7 Other V olume Controls The [MIXER] button pro vides access to individual v olume param- eters for the rhythm, bass, chord, pad, and phrase parts of the auto ac- companiment sound, a keyboar d volume parameter , and a volume param- eter for the Clavino va’ s harmony function — see page 41 for details.
8 General Operation: The Display & Related Controls In addition to a range of direct-operation b uttons, the CVP-79A/69/ 69A/59S f eatures a large LCD (Liquid Cr ystal Display) panel and se veral related controls that comprise a consistent interf ace that, once understood, can make oper ation and programming easier than e ver .
9 In many cases where ▲ and ▼ or < and > LCD buttons appear , both buttons can be pressed simultaneously to r ecall the default setting for that parameter . The panel [+] and [–] b uttons can be used in the same way . This applies to most parameters that hav e a range of possible settings.
10 General Operation: The Display & Related Controls The P A GE [ < ] and [ > ] Buttons Many functions ha ve se veral display “pages” that can be selected by using the PAG E [ < ] and [ > ] buttons.
11 General Operation: The Display & Related Controls The [CONTRAST] Button The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S display panel is a liquid-crystal type which can be adjusted for optimum legibility . Pr ess the [CONTRAST] button and use the DARK and LIGHT LCD b uttons (or data dial or [+] / [–] buttons) to set the display contrast for optimum le gibility .
12 General Operation: The Display & Related Controls Use the PA G E [ < ] and [ > ] buttons, the [+] and [–] buttons, or the data dial to “flip” through the a vailable pages.
13 The Clavino va f eatures 25 demonstration tunes that eff ectively demonstrate its sound and accompaniment capabilities. Here’ s how y ou can select and play the demo tunes . Demonstration Playback V Select a Demo T une ...........................
14 Demonstration Playback Press an LCD button or selector to start playback of the correspond- ing tune. Y ou can also start playback from the f ir st LCD tune by pressing the [ST ART/ST OP] b utton w hen the ALL or SINGLE play mode is selected.
15 The CVP-69/69A/59S has a total of 172 diff erent voices and the CVP- 79A has 192 that can be selected and pla yed via the ke yboard. There’ s also a “K eyboard P ercussion” mode that let’ s you pla y a range of drums and percussion instr uments on the k eyboard.
16 V oice Selection The Ke yboard & P ol yphony The CVP-69/69A/59S can play up to 32 notes at once while the CVP-79A can play up to 64. This number includes all notes being played at the same time in any single or combination use of dual, split, accompani- ment, and disk functions.
17 The DU AL mode makes it possib le to play two v oices simultane- ously across the entire range of the k eyboard. This makes it easy to create e xceptionally r ich, thick tonal te xtures .
18 Dual Mode The DUAL mode pop-up display can be recalled at any time in order to change the 2nd voice or other settings (see below) by pressing a VOICE selector (either the current voice or another voice to select the 2nd voice) while holding the [DUAL] button.
19 Split Mode The split mode lets you pla y diff erent voices with the left and right hands — bass with the left and piano with the right, for e xample. Y ou can assign any of the Cla vinova’ s voices to the left and right- hand sections of the ke yboard.
20 Split Mode The V OICE selector indicator of the group containing the left-hand voice lights while the SPLIT mode pop-up display is showing, and the left-hand voice gr oup can be selected via the V OICE selectors.
21 Changing the Split Point The split point can be set at any key by pressing the desired key while holding the [SPLIT] button. The split point key name will appear in the SPLIT POINT section of the display .
22 The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S provides a n umber of digital rev erb types that y ou can use for e xtra “ambiance” and expressiv e power . Digital Reverb FUNCTION MIXER BEAT CONTRAST DISPLAY HOLD PAGE .
23 T otal Depth Contr ol The overall depth of the selected reverb type can be increased or de- creased by using the TOTAL DEPTH LCD b uttons, or the data dial or [+] / [–] b uttons w hen the TOTAL DEPTH parameter is highlighted. The total depth range is from “0” (no re verb) through “100” (maximum rev erb).
24 V oice Effects Each CVP-79A/69/69A/59S v oice has individual effect type and depth settings that can be programmed as required. A range of 20 (17 in the case of the CVP-69/69A/59S) eff ects provides e xtensive musical v ersatility .
25 V oice Effects One-touch Pr eset Recall Press the PRESET LCD button to instantly recall the preset ef fect type and DEPTH1(R) settings for the current v oice. The DEPTH2(L) setting is not af fected. • Each voice has its own individual default effect on/off, type, and depth settings.
26 The Pedals The CVP-79A/69/69A has three pedals and the CVP-59S has two pedals which off er a range of adv anced expressive capabilities . Right P edal (Damper P edal) The damper pedal functions in the same way as a damper pedal on an acoustic piano.
27 Left P edal (Multi-function) The left pedal has a number of functions which can be selected via the LEFT PED AL function described on page 93. • The damper and sostenuto pedal functions do not affect DRUMS/PERC.
28 Accompaniment The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S has 100 musical “styles” that can be used as a basis f or rhythm accompaniment, or fully orchestr ated rhythm, bass, and chord accompaniment (see “A uto Bass Chord” on page 34). • Accompaniment playback data is not usually transmitted via the MIDI OUT connector.
29 Accompaniment DISPLA Y HOLD P AGE Styles within the current group can still be selected via the STYLE ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons, or the data dial or [+] / [–] buttons once the STYLE section of the display has been highlighted, from the main play mode display .
30 Accompaniment Starting the Accompaniment There are several ways to start the accompaniment: ■ Straight Start ......................................................................................................... Press the [ST AR T/STOP] button.
31 Accompaniment ■ Synchronized Start ......................................................................................... Any of the start types described abo ve can be synchronized to the first note or chord played on the ke yboard by first pressing the [SYNCHR O] button so that its indicator lights.
32 Accompaniment The accompaniment can be stopped at any time by pressing the [ST AR T/STOP] button. Pr ess the [ENDING] button if you want to go to the ending pattern and then stop. Press [ENDING] a second time dur - ing ending playback to produce a ritardando (gradually slo wing) ending .
33 Accompaniment • During playback the indicator of the currently-playing variation will be lit while that of the next variation to play flashes. (The only exception is: during playback of the ending, the flashing [MAIN A] or [MAIN B] button indicator indicates which ending variation is currently playing.
34 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S includes a sophisticated auto-accompa- niment system (A uto Bass Chord — ABC) that can provide auto- mated rh ythm, bass and chord backing in a number of wa ys.
35 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) C T urn ABC On .......................................................................................................... Press the [ABC ON] button so that its indicator lights and the ABC MODE pop-up screen appears. — The ABC mode is alterna tely turned on and of f each time the [ABC ON] button is pressed.
36 Single-f inger minor, se venth, and minor -sev enth chords can be played as follo ws: • For a minor chord, press the root key and a black key to its left. • For a seventh chord, press the root key and a white key to its left. • For a minor-seventh chord, press the root key and both a white and black key to its left.
37 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) ● Full-keyboard ABC When this advanced auto-accompaniment mode is eng aged the Cla vinova will automatically create appropriate accompaniment while you play just about an ything , an ywher e on the k eyboard: chords, a bass line, arpeggiated chords, a melody line.
38 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) Individual P art V olume Contr ol The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S has f ive accompaniment parts — RHYTHM, B ASS, CHORD, P AD, and PHRASE. — that function as follows: RHYTHM This is the main rhythm part. The RHYTHM part usually plays one of the drum kits.
39 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) Small ABC A simple form of “orchestration” control is provided by the [SMALL ABC] button. When this button is pressed so tha t its indica tor lights some of the accompaniment parts are turned off to create a simpler , “smaller” accompaniment sound.
40 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) Chord Assist The Chord Assist function is essentially an electronic “chord book” that will show you appropriate f inger ings for chords you enter via the display . The f ingerings are indicated via the keyboard guide lamps, and correspond to those recognized in the ABC Fingered mode.
41 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) B Enter the Chord .................................................................................................. The fingering for the chord selected via the LCD b uttons will appear on the keyboard guide lamps.
42 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) X Select a Harmony T ype ............................................................................... While the HARMONY pop-up display is sho wing, use the data dial or [+] / [–] b uttons to select the desired harmony type.
43 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) N Stop the Accompaniment ........................................................................ Press [ST ART/ST OP] or [ENDING] button to stop the accompani- ment. M T urn Harmony Off .......................................
44 Auto Bass Chord (ABC) One T ouch Setting The CVP-79A internal styles each ha ve 4 dif ferent preset “panel setups” that can be recalled via the [ONE T OUCH SETTING] button to create diff er ent musical textures. The CVP-69/69A styles hav e 3, and the CVP-59S styles hav e 1.
45 Custom Style The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S Custom Style f eature allows you to create original accompaniment styles that can be later recalled and pla yed at any time , just like the presets . Up to 8 custom styles can be maintained in inter nal memory at the same time, and any n umber can be sav ed to disk f or later reloading and use.
46 C Select the Section Y ou W ant to Recor d ................................... In the CUSTOM STYLE page 1 display , press the f irst LCD button as many times as necessary to select the section you w ant to program first: MAIN A, MAIN B, INTRO, FILL IN, or ENDING.
47 Custom Style Use the MEAS. LCD button to select a dif ferent number of measures for the selected section, or the data dial or [+] / [–] buttons once the MEAS.
48 Custom Style At this point you can also select the voice y ou want to record with (the preset voice for that part will initially be selected). Only [DRUMS/ PERC.] voices can be used for the R1 part and only Drum Kit v oices can be used for the R2 part, while any other v oices can be selected for the remaining parts.
49 Custom Style • During Custom Style recording, no MIXER display is available. Once the required quantize size has been selected press the START LCD button to actually quantize the cur rent part.
50 Custom Style ? Store the Custom Style .............................................................................. Press the STORE LCD button in CUST OM STYLE page 3 to store the current custom style in the internal memory . The “ Store XXXXXXXX? ” confirmation prompt and MEMORY No.
51 Custom Style ■ Style Clear ................................................................................................................ Press the STYLE CLEAR LCD button in CUST OM STYLE page 3 to entirely clear the current custom style. The “ Are you sure? ” conf ir- mation prompt will appear .
52 Custom Style ■ Sa ve to Disk ............................................................................................................ A complete set of 8 custom styles or indi vidual custom styles can be sav ed to disk via CUSTOM STYLE page 5.
53 Custom Style Custom Style Alert & Error Displays The following alert and error displays may appear in the corresponding situations. ■ Insufficient Memory T o Store .............................................................. This alert message will appear if there is not enough memory to per- form a store operation.
54 Custom Style ■ Exit Before Store ........................................................................................................ If you press [EXIT] b utton to exit from the Custom Style function before storing the style the follo wing display will appear .
55 Style File Load Style files from optional Y amaha “Style File” disks, or disks containing custom style files y ou’ve created y ourself, can be loaded into the CVP-79A/69/69A/59S and pla yed as required. • Loaded disk styles will be retained in memory only until the power is turned off.
56 Style File Load A set of 8 f iles saved by using the Custom Style sa ve “ ALL” function (page 45) can be loaded by pressing the ALL LOAD LCD button rather than the LOAD SINGLE b utton. The rest of the ALL LOAD procedure is essentially the same as the LO AD SINGLE procedure, as follows.
57 Style File Load V Eject the Disk When Done ...................................................................... When you’ ve f inished with the Style File disk, press the disk driv e EJECT button to r emove it and return to the normal play mode display .
59 Registration Memory X Select a Registration Bank (if necessar y) ............................. Any of the 5 or 3 Re gistration Memory banks can be selected by pressing the [B ANK] button and selecting the desired bank via the pop- up display LCD buttons ( A thr ough E in the CVP-79A/69/69A, and A through C in the CVP-59S).
60 Recall the Register ed Panel Settings Simply select the appropriate bank as described abov e, then press the desired [REGISTRA TION] button at an y time to recall the memorized settings. The cor r esponding Re gistration Memory number will appear next to the “ R ” symbol in the displa y .
61 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S can play back songs you’ve recorded yourself using the song recorder function described in the next section, and songs on optional Y amaha Disk Orchestra Collection disks (one is supplied with the Clavino va).
62 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback X Select a Song Number ................................................................................ The current song number and name will be shown on the display along with the currently selected tempo.
63 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback ● Turning Individual Orchestra Parts On or Off Normally the ORCH (or OTHERS ) LCD button turns all the orchestra parts (tracks 3 through 10 and the rhythm tracks), or all parts other than parts 1 and 2 on or off at once .
64 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback Z Select the TRA CK PLA Y P age .............................................................. Use the PAG E b uttons to select page 5 — the SONG PLA Y [TRA CK PLA Y] display . The numbers of tracks which contain data are sho wn abov e the TRACK LCD buttons.
65 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback The default settings are: P AR T 1 = T rack 1, P AR T 2 = T rack – – (off). T racks 1 through 16 can be selected for both parts 1 and 2, and part 2 can additionally be turned of f. The same track cannot be assigned to both parts.
66 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback Individual P art V olume Contr ol & V oice Selection Press the [MIXER] button w hile in the Song Play mode to access the song playbac k v olume param- eters, and the voice selection parameter for the left- and right-hand v oice when a Disk Orchestra Collection disk is being played.
67 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback ■ Original Song Disk Playbac k ............................................................... During original song disk playback the MIXER display has 5 pages. The first four pa ges include independent volume parameters for each of the 16 song tracks.
68 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback The GUIDE display appears automatically when the [GUIDE] button is pressed to turn the guide function on. If the guide function is already on, the PAG E buttons can be used to select the SONG PLA Y [GUIDE] display (SONG PLA Y page 3).
69 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback Repeat Functions The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S has a range of repeat functions that can be useful aids for learning to play diff i- cult passages. T he repeat modes are all accessible via the SONG PLA Y [REPEA T] display (SONG PLA Y page 2).
70 ■ A-B Repeat ............................................................................................................... This function allows y ou to specify any section of a song for continu- ous repeat playback. When the A-B REPEA T mode is selected, A— > and B point entry but- tons will appear on the display .
71 Disk Orchestra Collection & Song Playback ● While playback is stopped or paused the [ r REW] and [ f FF] buttons can be used to step bac kward or forward through the song a measure at a time. Either b utton can also be held for contin uous step- ping in the specified direction.
72 Song Recording The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S features a built-in “sequencer” which can be used to independently record up to 16 separate par ts of a single musical composition. Each par t is recorded on a separate song “track”. The music data that y ou record is stored on a 3.
73 Song Recording If you select a song that already contains data, the track(s) which con- tains data can be set to PLA Y . This lets you record a ne w tr ack while listening to pre viousl y-recorded material. If y ou don’t want to hear a previously-recorded track while recording, simply use the corresponding LCD button to turn it OFF .
74 Song Recording B Select a V oice ........................................................................................................ Use the V OICE selectors and displays to select the voice you w ant to record with. If you will be recording the ABC&RHY trac ks you can also select a style.
75 Song Recording Multi-track Recording & Playback Z Insert a Formatted Disk, Engage the Record Mode & Select a Song ..........................
76 Song Recording In the normal single-voice play mode only one track needs to be record-enabled at a time in order to recor d the keyboard part. If you in- tend to record using the DU AL or SPLIT mode, ho w e ver , two tracks must be record-enabled — only one or two tracks can be record-enabled at a time to record the ke yboard part.
77 Song Recording Parameters recorded for Each Track • Notes • Voice • Volume (initially maximum) • Expression (CVP-79A only) • Pan • Damper pedal • Soft pedal • Sostenuto pedal • Re.
78 Song Recording Punch-in/out Recording “Punch-in/out recording” allows you to start recording from any “punch-in” point within a previously- recorded track and stop recording at an y “punch -out” point, leaving all recorded material up to the punch- in point and follo wing the punch-out point intact.
79 Song Recording N Start Playback & Recording .................................................................. Press the [ST ART/ST OP] or [ o P A USE] button to start playback from the current pause location, then, if the 1ST KEY mode is selected, begin playing at the point you want to record from.
80 Song Recording The CHORD SEQUENCE function provides a convenient way to enter chord sequences and style changes one at a time. The Chord Sequence Function C Enter and Set the Chords and/or Style Changes .
81 Song Recording appropriate selections in the normal way . Once the chord and/or style change has been entered, press the SET LCD button to actually input the chord and/or style change at the current cursor location.
82 Song Recording ● Delete Press the DELETE LCD button to delete the data at the current cursor location. The “ Are you sure? ” confirmation prompt will appear . Press YES to delete or CANCEL to abort. ● End Mark Press the END MARK LCD button to enter an “end mark” at the cur- rent cursor location.
83 Song Recording Other Song Recording Functions T rack Mix The TRA CK MIX function combines the data from two specif ied tracks and places the result in a third specified track. The TRA CK MIX function is accessed via the RECORD [TRA CK MIX] display (RECORD display page 4).
84 T r ack Delete Song Recording The TRA CK DELETE function accessed via the RECORD [TRA CK DELETE] display (RECORD display page 5) can be used to delete all data from any specified track. Z Specify the T rack to be Deleted ...........................
85 Song Recording X Specify the “Quantize Size” .................................................................. Use the LCD button below the note symbol to select “quantize size” — i.
86 X Edit the Parameters ....................................................................................... Three INITIAL EDIT display pages are av ailable. Use the P A GE [ < ] and [ > ] buttons to select the v arious pages and edit the parameters each contains.
87 Song Recording C Write the Changes ........................................................................................... When all the initial data changes have been made as required, go back to INITIAL EDIT page 1 and press the WRITE LCD button.
88 X Enter a Name ......................................................................................................... The current song file name appears in the upper right corner of the display . Use the > LCD button to position the underline cursor at the character you want to change (song names can be up to 12 characters in length).
89 Recording W ithout a Disk The Clavino va has enough internal RAM memory (about 25KB) to allo w recording for a while ev en if a disk is not loaded (up to appr oxi- mately 2,500 notes if no other data is recorded). Song Recording • Chord sequence data is not recorded to internal RAM memory.
90 The Utility Functions The “utility functions” descr ibed in this chapter include ke yboard, disk, MIDI, and general functions that significantly enhance the v ersatility and flexibility of the CVP-79A/69/69A/59S .
91 The Utility Functions K eyboard ■ T ranspose ......................................................................................................... The T ranspose function makes it possible to shift the pitch of the entire keyboard up or down in semitone intervals up to a maximum of two octav es (from –24 through 0 to +24).
92 Sound The Utility Functions ■ T une ......................................................................................................................... The T une function makes it possible to tune the Cla vinov a ov er about a ± 26-Hertz ( ± 100-cent) range in 0.
93 The Utility Functions ■ Left Pedal Function ........................................................................................ The left pedal has a number of functions which can be selected via the LEFT PEDAL function. Use the LEFT PEDAL ▲ and ▼ LCD but- tons to select the desired function.
94 The Utility Functions ■ Damper Mode (CVP-79A only) ............................................................ Sets the damper pedal for on/of f or continuous operation (refer to page 26). Press the DAMPER MODE LCD button to alternately select the continuous and switch modes.
95 The Utility Functions ■ Local Control ON/OFF ................................................................................. “Local Control” refers to the fact that, normally , the Cla vinova k ey- board controls its internal tone generator , allo wing the internal voices to be played directly from the ke yboard.
96 ■ Program ...................................................................................................................... Normally the Clavinova will respond to MIDI program change num- be.
97 The Utility Functions MIDI 3 The MIDI 3 function page contains the TRANSPOSE and SEND parameters which determine whether MIDI note data will be af f ected by the Transpose setting (page 91), and w hether the ABC, rhythm, and harmony data will be transmitted via the MIDI OUT terminal.
98 The FORMA T page provides access to the Disk F ormat function which allows ne w disks or disks formatted on other equipment to be “formatted” for use with the Clavinova. The Clavino va uses only 3.5" 2DD or 2HD flopp y disks. W e recommend that you use Y amaha disks.
99 The Utility Functions Registration The REGISTRA TION function page provides access to the Cla vinov a’ s Registration and All Setup file disk operations — save, load, delete, and rename.
100 The Utility Functions An “empty” name appears in the upper right corner of the display . Use the > LCD button to position the underline cursor where you want to enter a character (file names can be up to 12 characters in length).
101 The Utility Functions ■ DELETE ....................................................................................................................... The av ailable formats are compatible with the follo wing Disklavier and Clavinova models: CVP PERFORMANCE CVP-50/70/55/65/75/83S/85A/87A/89, CLP-705, DOM-30, DOU-10 PIANO FORMAT 1 MX80 series.
102 The Utility Functions X Select the Song Number to be Converted ............................. Use the SONG LCD button — or data dial or [+] / [–] buttons — to select the song number to be converted. C Star t the Con ver sion .................
103 The Utility Functions V Start Copying ........................................................................................................ Press the COPY LCD button to begin the actual copy operation. If you are copying to the same disk the “ Are you sure? ” confir ma tion prompt will appear .
104 The Utility Functions Song Delete Y ou can delete an y song from a loaded disk as follows: (Make sure that the song record mode is not engaged before proceeding.) Micr o T uning The Micro T uning Feature makes it possible to individually tune each k ey on the Clavino va k eyboard in order to match diff erent tuning standards.
105 The Utility Functions Z Select the Micro T uning Function ................................................... X Select a Key ............................................................................................................ Select the key you w ant to tune by pressing the key on the k eyboard.
106 The Utility Functions ■ SA VE ............................................................................................................................... If you select SAVE the name entry display will appear and you will have to enter a name for the file to be saved.
107 The Utility Functions ■ LOAD .............................................................................................................................. Backup This function allows backup of v arious parameter settings to be turned on or of f as required.
108 The Utility Functions • The default settings for the BACKUP function are ABC MODE, REGISTRA- TION, and POPUP & ALERT ON, the other parameter groups OFF. • The LCD contrast, help language and this backup on/off setting itself are always backed up.
109 The Utility Functions Popup T ime Sets the amount of time the pop-up displays remain on the display screen before disappearing. The pop- up time of the voice/style displays can be set independently from all other pop-up displays.
110 Messages When a disk related function button is pressed (ex. [PLAY]) and there is no disk in the disk drive this prompt will appear. Put the proper disk in the drive and redo the proce- dure.
111 Messages A file with the same name exists. Press OK if it is OK to overwrite the original file with new data or press CANCEL to abort the operation. Informs you of the number of times the disks must be exchanged when copying a song to a different disk before the song copy operation starts.
112 Messages When the [EXIT] button is pressed in the CUSTOM STYLE mode prior to storing the current style data this confirmation prompt will appear. If the CUSTOM STYLE mode’s RECALL SECTION operation cannot be carried out, because the time signature has been changed, this alert will appear.
113 The Connectors ■ A UX IN L/L+R and R Jacks ........................................................................................ • The input signal from the AUX IN jacks is delivered to the AUX OUT jacks, but is not affected by the Clavinova ’ s volume control or reverb effect.
114 T roubleshooting If you encounter what appears to be a malfunction, please chec k the f ollowing points bef ore assuming that your Cla vinova is f aulty .
115 Index A A-B repeat ............................................. 70 ABC freeze ............................................ 60 Accompaniment ..................................... 28 Alert & error displays, custom style ....... 53 Alert sound .
116 V oice List / Stimmenverzeichnis / Liste des voix / Bank Element Group Program CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Pan Usable MSB LSB Number CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Range Piano 0 112 1 Grand Piano1 Gran.
117 Lista de voces Bank Element Group Program CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Pan Usable MSB LSB Number CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Range Clavi. tone/ 0 112 89 Clavinova T.
118 Bank Element Group Program CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Pan Usable MSB LSB Number CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Range Brass 0 115 62 BigBnd Brass — — c 2 — — C1~C6 0 112 62 Brass Sect.1 Brass Sect.1 Brass Sect.1 k 1 1 1 C1~C6 0 0 62 Brass Sect.
119 Bank Element Group Program CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Pan Usable MSB LSB Number CVP-79A CVP-69/69A CVP-59S Range Bass 0 112 33 Acous.Bass 1 Acous.Bass 1 Acous.Bass 1 k 1 1 1 C0~F # 3 0 0 33 Acous.Bass 2 Acous.Bass 2 Acous.Bass 2 c 1 1 1 E0~G2 0 115 33 Acous.
120 Style List / Rhythmusverzeichnis / Liste des styles / Lista de estilos Group Style Name BEAT POP Pop Ballad 1 4/4 Pop Ballad 2 4/4 Light Pop 4/4 Piano Ballad 4/4 Organ Ballad 4/4 8Beat 4/4 Folk 4/.
121 Keyboard MIDI Key Alternate Note Note# Note off assign Standard Kit Room Kit Rock Kit Electro Kit Analog Kit Jazz Kit Brush Kit Classic Kit C # 11 3 C # -1 3 Surdo Mute <—— <—— <�.
122 Backed Up Parameters / Dauerhaft gespeicherte Parameter / Paramètres sauvegardés / Parámetros respaldados Backup Recall Default VOICE SETTING Backup Off Keyboard Voice OO Grand Piano 1 Keyboard Volume OO 100 Split Point OO F # 2 Dual Mode — O Off Split Mode — O Off Dual Voice OO Strings Slow Split Voice OO Acous.
123 Fingering Chart / Akkordkiste / T ablature / Gráfica de digitado C C 6 CM 7 ( b 5) CM 7 ( ) ( ) ( # 11) CM 7 Cadd 9 (9) CM 7 ( ) ( ) ( ) (9) C 6 C ( b 5) Caug ( # 5) CM 7 7 C ( # 5) ( ) Cm 6 Cm C.
124 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des 1.2.10 Harmonic Content Cntrl# Parameter Data Range 71 Harmonic Content 0...127 (0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63) Applies adjustment to the resonance value set by the voice. This parameter specifies relative change, with value 64 producing zero adjustment.
125 donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI 1.2.17 Effect4 Depth ( Variation Effect Send Level ) Cntrl# Parameter Data Range 94 Effect4 Depth 0...127 when Variation Connection = 1 (System) Adjusts the variation effect send level. Not effective if “Variation Connection” is set to 0 (Insertion).
126 All Notes Off Switches off all of the channel’s “on” notes. Any notes being held by HOLD1 or SOSTENUTO continue to sound until HOLD1/SOSTENUTO goes off. Omni Off Same processing as for All Notes Off. Omni On Same processing as for All Notes Off.
127 2.1.5 Other Parameter Changes Master Tuning 11110000 F0 Exclusive status 01000011 43 YAMAHA ID 0001nnnn 1n When n is received n=0~F, whichever is received.
128 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI <Table 1-1> Parameter Base Address Model ID = 4C Parameter Change Address (H) (M) (L) Description CVP MI.
129 44 2 00-7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 MSB Refer to Effect Parameter List Depends on Variation type 00-7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 LSB Refer to Effect Parameter List Depends on Variation type 46 2 00-7F VA.
130 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI REVERB TYPE TYPE MSB TYPE LSB DEC HEX 00 01 02 03~07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d~ 000 0 No Effect <—— <—— .
131 BASIC EFFECT TYPE No. Parameter Data Range MIDI V alue CVP-79A CVP-69/69A/59S CHORUS, CELESTE 1 LFO Frequency 0.00~39.7Hz 0-127 0-127 2 LFO PM Depth 0~127 0-63 0-127 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 1-127 1-127 4 Delay Offset 0~127 0-127 0-127 5— — — — 6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz~2.
132 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI No. Parameter Data Range MIDI Value CVP-79A CVP-69/69A/59S GUIT AR AMP SIMULA TOR 1 Drive 0~127 0-127 0-127 2 AMP T ype Off,Stack,Combo,T ube 0-3 0-3 3 LPF Cutoff 1.
133 No. Parameter Data Range MIDI V alue CVP-79A CVP-69/69A/59S CROSS DELA Y 1 L->R Delay 0.1~355.0ms 1-3550 1-3550 2 R->L Delay 0.1~355.0ms 1-3550 1-3550 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 1-127 1-127 4 Input Select L,R,L&R 0-2 0-2 5 High Damp 0.1~1.
134 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des donées MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI OPTION EFFECT TYPE No. Parameter Data Range MIDI V alue CVP-79A CVP-69/69A/59S PITCH CHANGE (CVP-79A only) 1 P.
135 Specifications / T echnische Datan / Spécifications / Especificationes CVP-79A CVP-69 CVP-69A CVP-59S KEYBOARD 88 KEYS (A-1 — C7) TONE GENERATOR AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) VOICE Voice Groups: PIANO, E.
136 CVP-79A: Assembly • We do not recommend attempting to assemble the Clavinova alone. The job can be easily accomplished, however, with only two people. • Use only the screws provided or replacements of exactly the speci- fied size. Using screws of the wrong size can result in damage to the instrument.
137 Three screws on each side Drei Schrauben pro Bein Trois vis de chaque côté Tres tornillos en cada lado 2 3 CVP-79A: Montage • Nous ne vous conseillons pas d ’ essayer d ’ assembler le Clavinova seul. Toutefois, ce travail peut ê tre facilement ex é cut é par deux personnes.
138 V Attach the speaker box. Remove the speaker box cover (attached with “V elcro”) from the speaker box. Gently rest the speaker box onto the corresponding brackets on the front legs. (Be careful not to touch the speakers when handling the speaker box.
139 Five screws on each side Fünf Schrauben pro Bein Cinq vis de chaque côté Cinco tornillos en cada lado 6 5 V Posez la boîte des haut-parleurs. Retirez le couvercle (fixé au moyen de velcro) de la boîte des haut-parleurs. Poser la boîte des haut- parleurs sur les ferrures correspondantes des pieds avant.
140 7 M Den Spannungswähler einstellen. Bevor Sie nun das Netzkabel anschließen, müssen Sie den Spannungswähler (falls vorhanden) auf die örtliche Netzspannung einstellen. Zum V erstellen drehen Sie den Spannungswähler mit einem Schlitzschraubendreher , bis der richtige Spannungswert (1 10, 127, 220 oder 240) an der Pfeilmarkierung steht.
141 M Sélecteur de tension A vant de connecter le cordon d’alimentation, vérifiez le réglage du sélecteur de tension qui est prévu pour certaines régions.
142 1 CVP-69/69A: Assembly • We do not recommend attempting to assemble the Clavinova alone. The job can be easily accomplished, however, with only two people. • Use only the screws provided or replacements of exactly the speci- fied size. Using screws of the wrong size can result in damage to the instrument.
143 2 3 C D CVP-69/69A: Montage • Nous ne vous conseillons pas d ’ essayer d ’ assembler le Clavinova seul. Toutefois, ce travail peut ê tre facilement ex é cut é par deux personnes. • N ’ utilisez que les vis fournies ou des vis ayant exactement les m ê mes dimensions.
144 V Attach the pedal box (E) to the speaker box (B). Secure the pedal box (E) to the speaker box (B) using one 6 x 20 mm (large flat-head) screw 2 for each bottom bracket and two 4 x 20 mm (small round-head) screws 3 for each rear bracket.
145 5 A B A C V Fixez le pédalier (E) à la boîte des haut- parleurs (B). Fixez le pédalier (E) à la boîte des haut-parleurs (B) en utilisant une grosse vis 2 de 6 x 20 mm (à tête plate) pour chaque ferrure inférieure et deux petites vis 3 de 4 x 20 mm (à tête ronde) pour chaque ferrure arrière.
146 6 N Attach the main keyboard unit. (Part 2) W ith the protruding screw heads on the bottom panel of the main unit positioned behind the side-panel rear brackets, slide the main keyboard unit forward until the screw heads stop against the end of the slot in the rear brackets.
147 7 N Posez le clavier (A) (2ère étape) Les têtes de vis sortant du panneau inférieur du clavier étant positionnées derrière les ferrures arrières des pan- neaux latéraux, faites glisser le clavier vers l’avant jusqu’à ce que les têtes de vis soient en butée contre le fond de la fente des ferrures arrière.
148 8 < Voltage Selector Before connecting the AC power cord, check the set- ting of the voltage selector which is provided in some areas. T o set the selector for 1 10V , 127V , 220V or 240V main .
149 < Sélecteur de tension A vant de connecter le cordon d’alimentation, vérifiez le réglage du sélecteur de tension qui est prévu pour certaines régions.
150 1 CVP-59S: Assembly • We do not recommend attempting to assemble the Clavinova alone. The job can be easily accomplished, however, with only two people. • Use only the screws provided or replacements of exactly the speci- fied size. Using screws of the wrong size can result in damage to the instrument.
151 2 3 D C D C B CVP-59S: Montage • Nous ne vous conseillons pas d ’ essayer d ’ assembler le Clavinova seul. Toutefois, ce travail peut ê tre facilement ex é cut é par deux personnes. • N ’ utilisez que les vis fournies ou des vis ayant exactement les m ê mes dimensions.
152 4 V Install the main unit (A). Gently place the main unit (A) on the side panels (D) with the screws on its bottom panel (toward the rear of the main unit) just in front of the grooves in the brack- ets located at the top of the side panels. Then slide the main unit to the rear until it stops.
153 5 Cord holder Kabelhalter Support de cordon Soporte de cable A A D C V Posez le clavier (A) Placez le clavier (A) sur les panneaux latéraux (D), avec les vis de son panneau inférieur (situées v.
154 6 N Voltage Selector Before connecting the AC power cord, check the set- ting of the voltage selector which is provided in some areas. T o set the selector for 1 10V , 127V , 220V or 240V main vol.
155 N Sélecteur de tension A vant de connecter le cordon d’alimentation, vérifiez le réglage du sélecteur de tension qui est prévu pour certaines régions.
157 FCC INFORM A TION (U.S.A. ) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.
W ARNING- When using any electrical or electronic prod- uct, basic precautions should always be followed. These pre- cautions include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.
M.D.G., EMI Division © 1995 Y amaha Corporation VT47770 507POCP4.3-02B0 Printed in Japan.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.