Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1200, 1750 du fabricant Xantrex Technology
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XPower Inverter 1200 PLUS 1750 PLUS Owner’s Guide t: 1-800-670-0707 (toll-free) f: 1-800-994-7828 (toll-free) e: www .xantrex.
Abou t X ant rex Xantrex T echn ology Inc. is a wor ld-leading supplier of advanced p ower electronics and contro ls with products from 50 watt mobile units to 1 MW utility-scale system s for wind, solar, batteries, fuel cells, microturb ines, and backup power a pplicati ons in both grid-conn ected and s tandalone s ystems.
iii About This Guide Conventions Used The foll owing co nventions are us ed in this guide. References to XPowe r Plus In this guide, both th e XPower 12 00 Plus a nd the XPo wer 1750 Plus are refer re d t o as XPower Plus when the i nformati on applies to both mod el s.
v Important Safety Information Gene ral P rec auti ons 1. Before in stalling and us ing the invert er , read all appr opriate sect ions of this guide as we ll as all inst ruction s and ca utionary markings on the inve rter and the ba tteri es.
Important Safe ty Info rmation vi 6. T o reduce the r isk of ove rheatin g or fi re, do not o bstru ct the ventil ation open ings, a nd do not in stall the inve rter in a zero- clear anc e co mpar tm ent. Explosive Gas Precaution s 1. B atte rie s gen era te ex plo siv e gas es du rin g norm al op era tio n.
Important Safet y Information vii 5. Remove metal items li ke rings, b racelet s, and watch es when working wi th lead-a cid ba tteries . Lead- acid batt eries pr oduce a short- cir cu it curr ent hig h enou gh to weld a ri ng or the l ike to meta l, and thus cause a severe bu rn.
ix Important Safety Information Gene ral Pr eca ution s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v Expl osive Ga s P rec aut io ns - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Contents x Insta llin g the X Po w er Pl us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3–1 4 Safet y In st ruc tio ns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents xi Deep -C yc le Ba tter ies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B–2 Batte ry S i ze - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
1 Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the XPower Plus! The XPower Plus inverter has been designed to give you quality power , ease of use, and reliabil ity . Please take a f ew moments t o read this cha pter to familiarize yourself with the main performance features and protection fe atures of the XPower Plus.
Introduction 1–2 Qual ity P ower The XPower Pl us is a qua lity inverter designed for recr eational vehicle (R V), m arine, and truck appl ic at ion s. • The XPower 120 0 Plus prov ides up to 1000 watt s of cont inuous power . It is desig ned to handl e loads s uch as 6 00 watt micr owaves, TVs, VCRs, an d midsized power tools .
Comprehens iv e Protection 1–3 Comprehensive Prot ection The XPower Pl us is equi pped with nu merous prot ection f eatures t o guarant ee safe an d trou ble-fre e operati on: Low battery alarm Alerts you if the battery has become di schar ged t o 10.
2 XPower Plus Features Chapte r 2 describes the main features of the XPower Plus. Xantrex recomme nds that you familiarize yourself with them before installing and operating the inverter .
XP ower Plus F eatures 2–2 Materials List Y our XPower Plus package in cludes : • One XPower Pl us invert er • T wo 5/16 inch loc k washer s (on the DC input cabl e termina ls) • T wo 5/16 inc.
Optional Accessory: Re mote On/Off S witch 2–3 Instru ctions for inst alling and using t he Remote On/Of f Switch are include d in the r emote switc h packa ge. Note : If you are goi ng to use the Remot e On/Of f switch, plug it into the remote swi tch jack on the bott om of the i nvert er before install ing th e invert er .
XP ower Plus F eatures 2–4 AC Pan el Figur e 2-1 AC P anel ( XPowe r 1750 Plus sh own) ④ ④ ④ ④ ⑤ ⑤ ⑤ ⑤ ⑦ ⑦ ⑦ ⑦ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑨ ⑨ ⑨ ⑨ ① ① ① ① ③ ③ ③ ③ ② ② ② ② Fe a t u r e D e s c ri p t i o n ➀ ➀ ➀ ➀ On/Off Switch turns the inverter ’ s control circuit on a nd of f.
DC Pane l 2–5 DC Panel Figure 2-2 DC Panel (XPower 1750 Plus shown) ④ ④ ④ ④ ③ ③ ③ ③ ② ② ② ② ① ① ① ① ⑤ ⑤ ⑤ ⑤ Fe a t u r e D e s c r i pt i o n ➀ ➀ ➀ ➀ Chassis Ground Screw connects to vehicle chassis, DC grounding bus or t o engine’ s negative bu s.
3 Installation Chapte r 3 provides information on cables and fuses to help you plan for your installation and provide procedures for installing the XPower Plus. Xantrex highly recommends that you read the entire chapter befor e beginning the installation procedures so that you can plan an installation that is suited to your power needs.
Ins tal la ti on 3–2 Designing Your In stal lation Before do ing any thing else, yo u need to de termin e how you a re going to use your XPowe r Plus , a nd the n d esign a p ower sy st em that wi ll give you maximum perf ormance. The mor e thorough your plann ing, th e better your power needs will be met.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–3 Figure 3-2 Configurat ion for Heavy Loads FROM A L TERNAT OR OR CHARGER TO VEHI CLE VEHICLE ST ARTING BA TTERY DEEP-C YCLE BA TTERY DEEP- CYCLE BATTER Y DEE P- C.
Ins tal la ti on 3–4 Installation Codes Governing insta llatio n codes vary depend ing on t he locati on and type of instal lati on. Elec trical insta llatio ns must mee t loc al and n ational wiring codes and should be perf ormed by a qualif ied elect rici an.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–5 Choosing a n Appropriate Location The X P ow e r Plu s mu st on ly b e inst alle d in a loca tio n th at is : : WARN IN G: Expl osion or Fire H a zard The XPower Pl us contain s components that tend to pr oduce arcs or sparks.
Ins tal la ti on 3–6 Calculating Cable Sizes for XPower 1200 Plus T o operate safely an d ef fectivel y , the XPower 1200 Plu s needs proper cables and fuses.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–7 Calculating Size of DC Input Ca bles for XPower 1200 Plus Refe r to T able 3- 1 to plan t he DC inpu t cabl ing for yo ur par ticular applica tion: • Keep al l cables as sho rt as pos sible, and ensure that each ca ble between t he invert er and the batt ery is no l onger than 5 fee t (1.
Ins tal la ti on 3–8 Calculating Size of Chassis Ground Cable for XPower 1200 Plus Refer t o T able 3-2 to pl an the siz e of the c hassis gr ound cab le that runs from the gr ounding point to the ch assis ground scr ew on the inverte r ’ s DC panel.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–9 Calculating Cable Sizes for XPower 1750 Plus T o operate safely an d ef fectivel y , the XPower 1750 Plus ne eds proper cables and fuses.
Ins tal la ti on 3–10 Calculating Size of DC Input Ca bles for XPower 1750 Plus Refe r to T able 3- 3 to plan t he DC cablin g: • Keep al l cables as sho rt as pos sible, and ensure that each ca ble between t he invert er and the batt ery is no l onger tha n 6 fee t (1.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–11 Calculating Size of Chassis Ground Cable for XPower 1750 Plus Refe r to T able 3- 4 to plan t he siz e of the c hassis gr ound cable that runs from the gr ounding point to t he chassis grou nd screw on the inverte r ’ s DC panel.
Ins tal la ti on 3–12 Calculating Fuse/Circuit Breaker Size Because yo ur bat teries can p rovide thousands of amps, you need fus es or circui t bre akers th at ca n safely withs tand the short -circui t curren t tha t the batter ies ca n produce. T o select the corr ect fus e type and size: 1.
Design ing Y our Inst al latio n 3–13 3. Once you hav e determin ed the type of fu se (ANL or Cla ss T), sel ect the cur rent r ating as follo ws: • XPower 1200 Pl us: 150 Adc • XPower 1750 Pl us: 250 Adc Fuses can be bough t at any mar ine elec tric al product s store.
Ins tal la ti on 3–14 Installing the XP ower Plus Do not proc eed wit h the ins tallati on of your XPower Plus un til y ou have read th e sect ion, “Des igning Y our I nstal lation” o n page 3–2 . The more thorough your plann ing, the be tter your power needs will be met to achieve maximum perfor mance from yo ur XPower Plus .
Instal lin g the XPower Plu s 3–15 Material s The foll owing ch ecklist is a ge neral li st of re quired mate rial s. Optional components are indi cated by an *.
Ins tal la ti on 3–16 Overview of Installation Steps These ar e the thr ee ste ps (and one option al step) for inst alling y our XPower Plus . Do not proce ed with in stallatio n until yo u have read “Designing Y o ur Instal lation ” star ting o n page 3–2 .
Instal lin g the XPower Plu s 3–17 Connecting the Chassis Ground The X Pow er P lus ha s a s crew te rmi n al la bel led CHAS SIS GND on the rear panel as shown in Figure 3- 3 . Follow the guideli nes in “Grou nding Location s” to conne ct th e inverte r ’ s chassis to the gr ound.
Ins tal la ti on 3–18 ➢ Marine: Connect the CHASSIS GND screw to t he boat’ s DC grounding bus or t he engine’ s negativ e bus using the re commended coppe r wire that i s bare or h as ins ulation r ated at 9 0º C. Chassis Ground Screw Xantrex r ecommends tha t you a ttach the cable to the ch assis gro und screw with a r ing te rminal.
Instal lin g the XPower Plu s 3–19 Connecting the DC Cables Consult Figure 3 -1 on page 3 –2 , “Confi guratio n for Norm al Loads” o r Figure 3- 2 on page 3– 3 , “Configur ation for Heavy Lo ads” fo r additi onal detail s that are spec ific to your in stall ation.
Ins tal la ti on 3–20 9. Instal l the loc k washer and nut th at are su pplie d with the i nverter . T ight en the nut to a to rqu e of 6.3–6.6 f oot p ounds ( 8.5 –9.0 Nm ). Make the conne ction snu g enough so the ri ng terminal does n ot move aroun d on the DC termin al, but d o not over tighten.
Instal lin g the XPower Plu s 3–21 . 1 1. Con nect th e cable f rom the nega tive post of th e batt ery to th e negativ e DC terminal of the i nverter . 12. Instal l the loc k washer and nut that are su pplied. T ighten the nut to a torque of 6.3–6.
4 Operation Chapte r 4 explains how to operate the XPower Plus ef ficiently and ef fectively . Specific ally , this chapte r: • Gives procedures for operating the inverter from the front panel • D.
Operation 4–2 Turning the In verter On and Off The O n/Off sw itch on the inve rte r ’ s front pa nel turn s the contr ol ci rcu it in the XPow er Plus on a nd of f. T o turn the inver ter on and of f fr om its f ront panel: • Move the On/Of f swit ch to the On posit ion to tur n the i nverter on.
Operating Limits 4–3 Input Voltage Display The INPUT VOL T AGE DIS P LA Y indicates t he DC voltage at the input term ina ls of th e XPo we r P lus .
Operation 4–4 Input Voltage The allo wable XPowe r Plus inp ut voltag e range s are shown i n the followi ng table: Inverter Lo ads The XPower Pl us will ope rate most AC loa ds within its po wer ratin g: 1000 watt s for the XPower 1200 Plu s and 150 0 watts fo r the XPower 1750 Plus.
Connecting Ap pliances to the XP ower Plus 4–5 be why the motor won’ t start. Ma ke sure th at the bat tery connecti ons are good and that the batt ery is fully cha r ged. If the connec tions are good and the bat tery i s char ged, but the volt age sti ll drops belo w 1 1 volts, you may need to u se a la rger batter y .
Operation 4–6 Routine Maintenan ce Minimal mai ntenance i s requir ed to keep your XPower Pl us operati ng properl y . Periodical ly you shou ld: • Clean the exter ior of t he unit wit h a damp clo th to prev ent th e accumulat ion of dus t and dir t.
5 Troublesh ooting Chapte r 5 will help you identify the source of most problems that can occur with the XPower Plus. If you have a problem with the inverter , please review this chapter before contacting Xantrex Customer Service.
T roubles hooting 5–2 Common Problems Buzz in A udi o Equ i p me nt Some in expensive s tereo sy stems may emit a buzzi ng noise f rom the ir loudspea kers when op erated fr om the XPower P lus. This oc curs beca use the power supply in the aud io system do es not adequatel y filte r the modified sine wave p roduce d by the inver ter .
T roublesh ooti ng Ref erence 5–3 Troubleshoo tin g Refe ren ce WARNING: Electrical Sho ck and Burn Hazard Do not disas semb le the XPower Plu s. It does not c ontain any user- service able par ts. Attemp ting to s ervice t he unit yourself could result i n an elec trical s hock or burn.
T roubles hooting 5–4 No output vo ltage and the INPUT VOL T AGE DISPLA Y indicates above 15 V . Fault LED is on. High i nput volt age Make sure t he XPower Plus is connected to a 1 2 V battery . Check the voltag e regulation of the charg ing system.
A Specifications Appendix A contains electrical performance and physical specifications for the XPower Plus..
Specifications A–2 Electrical Performance Physical Specificatio ns Specifi cati ons are sub ject to c hange wi thout not ice. Electrical perfor mance XP ower 1200 Plus XP ower 1750 Plus Output power.
B Battery Types and Sizes The batteries that you use strongly affect the performance of the XPower Plus. It is important to connect t he invert er to t he corr ect siz e and type of battery . The inform ation in Appe ndix B will help you select, connect, and maintain batteries that are most appropriate for your application.
Battery T yp es and Sizes B–2 Battery Types Auto motive Sta rting B atter ies The lead- acid bat tery you ar e most fami liar wit h is proba bly the starti ng batter y in your ve hicle . An auto motive sta rting bat tery is designed t o deliver a lar ge amount of current for a short period of ti me (so it can start your engi ne).
Battery Size B–3 Battery Size Battery size or c apaci ty is as i mportant a s the b attery type for ef ficient operati on of y our loads. Xantre x recommends t hat you pur chase as muc h batter y capac ity as pos sible. A number of dif ferent standar ds are use d to ra te batte ry ener gy storage capacit y .
Battery T yp es and Sizes B–4 Estimating Battery Requiremen ts T o determine how much bat tery capacit y you need: 1. Determine how man y watts are con sumed by each a ppl ia nce tha t you will ope rate fr om the XPower Pl us. Y ou can nor mally fi nd the watt rating labelle d on the product.
Estimating Battery Requirements B–5 This exampl e illus trates h ow quick ly your bat tery need s can e scalate. T o reduce t he req uired bat tery siz e, you can co nserve ener gy by el iminatin g or reduc ing th e use of so me loads or by r e-char ging more frequ ently .
Battery T yp es and Sizes B–6 Using Multi ple Batteries As your power requiremen ts increa se, you may need t o use more th an one batter y to obtai n suf ficient capacit y .
Bat tery Tips B–7 Battery Ti ps Exp losi ve/C orros ive G as es Lead-aci d batter ies may emit hydrog en gases, ox ygen, and sulfuri c acid fume s when recha r ging. T o reduce t he risk of explosio n: • V en t th e b att ery comp artm en t to pr eve nt t he ac c um ula ti on o f ga ses.
Battery T yp es and Sizes B–8 Battery Co nnections Connecti ons to bat tery pos ts must be made with permanent connec tors that provide a reli able, low-resi stance con necti on. Do not use alli gator cli ps. Cle an the connectio ns regu larly and preven t corrosi on by us ing a prot ective s pray co ating or V aseli ne.
C Alternators and Charging Systems A good charging syst em is important for the health of your batteries. Poor recharging methods can quickly damage batteries. Appendix C provides guidelines for rechargi ng batteries from an alternator , from AC power , and from alternate energy sources.
Alternators and Ch arging Systems C–2 Charging System Requirements Y our char ging system shou ld be ca pable of d eliveri ng a char ging current equal t o 25% of the a mp-hour capa city of yo ur batte ry . For example, if you have a 200 Ah batte ry , the char ging s ystem shoul d be able t o deliver 50 amps.
Charging From AC Power C–3 Using an Altern ator Cont roller If your regula r alter nator is inadeq uate, you ca n instal l an al ternat or control ler that bypas ses the vol tage regulato r and boo sts the a lter nator ’ s output v oltage during cha r ging.
D Product and System Information Appendix D contains the warranty for your XPower Plus as well as instructions for retur ning the product for servicing. Appendix D also has a form where you c an record information, “Information About Y our System” on page D–5 , in case you need to contact Cust omer Ser vice.
Product an d System Information D–2 Warranty What does this warran ty cover? Xantrex manufactur es its pr oduct s from part s and compone nts that are new or e quivalen t to new , in accorda nce wit h industr y-standar d prac tices. Thi s warrant y covers a ny defect s in workmansh ip or ma terials .
Return M aterial Authorization P o lic y D–3 How do you get s ervice? T o qualif y for the warran ty , dated proo f of purchase must be pro vided a nd the prod uct must not be disas sembled or modified wit hout pri or autho ri zat io n by Xan trex.
Product an d System Information D–4 3. Ship the un it frei ght pre paid to the addr ess pr ovided i n step 1. Coll ect shipme nts will be refuse d. How do other l aws apply? This warranty g ives yo u specifi c lega l rights , and you may al so have other right s which vary f rom jurisd icti on to jurisd icti on.
Informatio n About Y our Sy ste m D–5 Inform ation Abou t Your Sys tem As soon as you open y our XPower Pl us package, record the foll owing informat ion an d be sure t o keep yo ur proof o f purc hase. If you ne ed to cont act Customer Service, please re cord t he following detail s befo re cal ling.
A ABYC (American Boat and Y acht Council) 3–7 , 3–8 , 3–10 , 3–11 , 3–12 AC panel illustrated 2– 4 Ah See amp-hour capacity alarm, low battery 1– 3 , 4–4 , 5–4 alternator high -ou tp.
Ind ex IX –2 buzz in audio equipment 5– 2 C cable sizes calculating for XPower 1 200 Plus 3–6 calculating for XPower 1 750 Plus 3–9 cabling configuration for heavy loads illustrated 3– 3 con.
IX –3 Inde x inverter back panel featur es described 2–5 dat e of pu rc hase D–3 electrical specifications A–2 front p anel features des cribed 2–4 front panel illustrated 2–4 input voltag.
Ind ex IX –4 remote switch jack 2–4 reserve capacity B–3 resi de nti al 3– 4 Return Material Authorization number D–3 returni ng produ cts how to package D– 3 policy D–3 procedure D– 3.
XPower Inverter 1200 PLUS 1750 PLUS Owner’s Guide t: 1-800-670-0707 (toll-free) f: 1-800-994-7828 (toll-free) e: www .xantrex.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantrex Technology 1200, 1750 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.